3 vr Money to Loan' Money to Loan For Sale Heal Estate Foir Sale Real Cststa . Acrer-3 Clxssined Advertising v j Statesman - Classified Ads -. . Call 9101 ; Thre tnsertlnos per UxMu-JtSe, Six Insertions per line ' , ,40c On montia per line , 11-23 Minimum charge 25c; 1 u. min tmgm s$cj U. milk 45c. No refunds. - , - n fw Mtia nan aeeeotad ttt 0 nine before publica tion for classification Coey re ceived after this time will be run under -the heading "Too Late to Classify" ' . The Statesmaa assumes no finan cial responsibility for error which may appear la advertisements pas' ttshed 4a Its eohunna and In caaee where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adrertjse ment in which the typographical mwtake occurs. - The Statesman reserves tte rtgnt to reject questionable advertising It further reserve too right to place all advertising under, the proper classification, a - A "Bund" Ad eat ad containing a Statesman eox oumber for an ad dresa for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore e answered by letter. The- Sjatnan Is not at liberty te divulge infor nation; as to the Identity of en advertiser name a 'Band ad - : Livestock and Poultry - WlU remove dead, at worthless stock TTLIZEB BY-PRODUCTS Pa 3900 Collect i No otter Phono, t wm BiT.c- Trlni Mmr Hamnshiro r! hen. Fox terrier-dog. half grown. One- FOR SALE: New Hampshire Fryers. Mrs. W. K. Johnson. Ri. V Bx. 5L Salem. "; i 3 HEAD - heavy young horses. f02 N. Church. , wuiiam oeuamj . - uiw t Kiir uneom Shrooshire sheep. $11 ea. See atlas Buren. States- ' rnnn rn te lt out to erood home. Ph. U448 arcer eao .p. m. WKS. OLD weanerpigs. 34 ea. Ed Hoimquisx; Aunwrui. Help Wanted uim aum wrre to suoervise boys cottage. Position requires active super visor ot boys IZ-is. t-erra. ptm. s-. plus rnu board, and laundry. Oregon gtata Training scnooi. r wuuui . BOYS 14 or over, girls 1 or over. Good wages. 339 N. uign. good picking. Tranaportation furnished. Fa. vois or cau Help Wanted- Male ii ASVnlaaaMf lt fSFaUV Ott- duction should not apply and will not beconsiderea , ror empioynwo ? -ployers advertising j this fc0 MAN FOR carrier supervision in eircuUtion dept. Car not necessary but preferred. See Mr: dark at Statesman Men Needed 1 BYDEFENSE - INDUSTRY ; Carloader - ereen cliain men planer line-up men. men - ' ..j . FULL UNION SCALE . - - . . ' . At. JOBS CARRY PLENTY- OF . OVERTIMB. . i ': FEDERAL HjsmOlTAOaJTTXS AVAILABLE . Apply COASTAL LUMBER J COMPANY ' ' Grand Ronde. Oregon. r, - or-, 'phone i BRoadway 353U Portland ' MEAT COTTER, best Job- in town. leisure time activities. 80 per mo. plus rm board and laundry. Perm. pmon. 1 h.. h.h,lM 4taol. Wood AUTO mechanic. top wages, your own boss.' ear aMgewaier. j t T-kTnwwmaM nitlw. Good nev. Immod. assign. Steady wrk. under pest cond. Apply Safeway Dist. Office. 30 Mcouearisa b1 AUTO MECHANIC wanted. Top .STATS MOTORS. INC- 34 N. High ' WANTED: Men -tor train and yard service, with er without experience. Age limit experienced It to 6a. without experience w wm w""" breaking . bv-If euallfy. , -. - ! Spokane. Portland and SeatUe Ey. : 11th r and Hoyt Streets j Portland. Oregon. Help Wamted-T-Female I Women Lead Solicitors NO SELLING PLEASANT WORK. SALARY 41 PER H8. : utuk oMua SSill nf Part TinM , ph. Miss C. Griffey. Hotel Senator . PART-TIME dental assistantr trained er will train. Box 3823. Statesman. COOK for student house. Willamette University. Call at Lausanne Hall or ' pit. 443. . . ; t; ;;;;';i;'r;-i TURKEY PICKERS report at -t ajn. Wednesday. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co. : -- K - SALESLADY for dress shop. One experienced to coats and suits. Apply In person. Weld's Dress Shop. 4J State ADVxirnsiNO v- .. i7estern Advertising - KepresenU tivet . . t Georgo D Close. Ine. Saa Frawetaoo Lea Angeles Seattle : Eastern .Advertlslnf t Representatives - " Ward-Ortrtlth Company, tne. ... . Chicago. New York. Detroit. -Boston. Atlanta tittered et the Peetefflee at SaTem Oreoon as Second Claas Matter. Pub lished every memlite eacept Monday buatntsa effice. tlS Sontk Cownef' curt street. - .. f EXnSSCIUPTION RATE3 I tall Subscription Batee In Advance. Wttnui Oreeon: Defy end Sunday. " fl cents. Mos 1 year. MA I laewnero dt cents per mo. or $730 ir 1 rt It advance. Per copy 3 eens r v c..y Carrier, t cents a moaua. I J a year tn advance la uanoa 1. QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRTTI w : pbOM (ftW to Salem's oldest, targes borne owned and homo managed finance tnstitu tkm. ! Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will oe given every siderauoa in the repaying of rout loan or granting of extension. X to 13 MONTHS TO REPAY Tov can . pay la full any time te reduce the coat. -ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on rural ture or . note. . SEE : ; . ' vROY R. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie No M-132. GENERAL FINANCE ! CORPORATION Lie. No 8438 1 " 134 So. Commercial St Phone un First door - south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB ' FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING ..- LICEN5C N at 19V DrJp tanled- Female ' WOMAN to work la priv. home 4 to g hra. a wk. Good wages. Ask for Kath arine et 211 N. Com! I ua. to 1 pjn. or 3-1913 evens -- . WOMAN TO do housework and. care for children. Good i wages. Ph. 3291 from to 3. - . -I rULL TIME housekeeper. - Light work Good wages. : Apply 14CT Court or Phone 347. - . , Situations Wanted . EXP. Janitreaa or hr. hr. Ph. C348. . .H . , T5c an For Sale -Miscellaneous 1 Range cook stovet 1 wood heating stove: 1 coal heating stove; x trasn burner ' - t ' X Three-quarter eiza Iron bed and - springs - - ' 1 Full size bed. springs At mattress 1 Breakfast set. table and 4 chairs I Davenport: left ft. -of garden hose 1 Chest of drawers; 1 oak office chalr r Falling axe -v ; ; (;-: , - ; . 2 Pitch forks ! .. - 1 Splitting maul ' V 1 Good bucking saw ' " : 1 White Rotary Electric sewing mach. 1 Buzz saw (mounted on rubber tires) - f 1680 N. COMMERCIAL LADIES' - bicycle, balloon Urea, ex cellent cond, 335. Ph. 73F3. - BOY'S wool suit, wool slacks and dr. coat. Size 3-4 yrs. 840 Gaines SL. Ph. 3041. ; . - IVORY DRESSER Sc bedstead. Largo overstuffed chair. Fh. Z2F4. LATE MODEL Kerrick auto, steam Cleaner. Complete, perfect condition. Inquire at mi Broadway. Salem. LARGE FRANQUETTE WALNUTS. 12c lb. U pick up. Brine sacks. Turn left at - Keizer schl.. follow psvement 3 mi. St. 3. Box 170C. W. .I. 'Woelk. ELECTRIC Stove, ice box. car radio. BJL suite. DJI. suite, rugs. desk, din ettei set. Ph. 8701. ; i 3 HOTS overcoats, sizes 43-44. one lightweight. 1 tuxedo size 43. Call Sun. or evenings. 5533. -. w PRACTICALLY ' new black - winter coat, fur collar, large sisev Box 3831 Statesman. 1S41 Zenith S tube eon solo- rmdlo. fiso. 1M3 Elm st, west Salem. NEW baby crib, stroller, bathinette. card table, -other items too numerous to mention. Yr. old pup fond of child. Ph. Monmouth 533 or 701 E. Main St. WEDGEWOOD gas range and side arm water heater: sm. saa plate: lie saw or band saw, ea. with mtr. . 30 Aorams Ave, capttoia. :. . , man's bicycle, lamp. 653 Center, T. ' FT. G. E.-v refrir. r Dnncan-Phvfe D. R. set; single bed; twin beds with springs ana mattresses. Fh, 3420. PAGE MATS, good for protection of young fruit and nut trees. 31.00 hun dred Statesman Publishing Co. TOP SOIL and dirt for fills. Laree boulders for rock walls. Salem Supply Co. Phone 3561. ' Ph. 31003. Show card writing. WINCHESTER 30-40 & 63 rounda. Eng. rid. boots, size 8. 903 Madison St. BEAUTIFUL SABLE-BL E NDED muskrat fur coat. Worn only a few times.- Sacrifice at $299. No tax to pay. Call 3375. ! SPANISH CTJTT AB. aad eonif Reas onably priced. Ph. 8504 before 8 p. nu BED. SPRINGS -and matrj-M: " Mim fuca, Ph. 3437 ;. TRAILER HSE.. txIS ft, I win, rood tires. buiMns, stove, bedstead. 1158. 3233 N. Fifth. - EUREKA VACUUM m. elee hand cleaner. 2 mahg, dressers, lib. tbie mirror. 3 sets andirons. oaa rocker, br. bd. and springa. twin size bed spring and mattress, twin sine mattress, too Cascade Dr. Ph. 3102L POULTRY FERTILIZER. 81 oar vard Also dried. 30c per sack. Brine sacks Ph. 33B8L Lee's Hatchery. . - ELK RTFLE. 22 automatic rifle. 33 revolver. 3 binoculars. Will trade auaa. 322 N. High, i Fuller 1T43 Orant. Plv 8391 Wanted Fumilure CASH FOR used farntture at nold cooda R Forger Ph 1448 TOP CASH ortece said for furniture. Phone , 36SS or 2-408L Wanted- 5Iiscellaneous WANTED 3 - CUP - aluminum drlo coffee pot. good condition. Ph. 3830. evenings. ,j -.a WANTED. 100 USED heaters, trash burners and wood ranges. Brooks Used Furniture. Ph. ; 7508. I HAVE OPA order for grade No. 1 7.50x18 tire. Who has It? Phone 5965. RJnTboard" with other - elderly ladles. Box 3823 Statesman, t . . . ; WANTED. Bousebokl fudniture. Ph. 9863. ftC!'i"! "-- m 111 1 1 Siai 1 njru Jl mi ml VW I" -!. i ijm. 1 j PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED ' Money for new or - used cars. No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle, 1 te 1 MONTHS TO PAY. ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 . . . Lie. No 1118 AUTO. rURNTTURE. LIVESTOCK Calkins Finance Co. 318 (3rd PI.) ' Ph. 444 First Natl. Bank Bid.. Salem . .8-22 Lie M-278. Loans $25 to $300 LOANS MADE on salary, 'furniture, auto. Special service for women. Office hours: 9 to S. After 3 by appointment. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Em. 125 New Bligh Bldg, S18 SUte St (Opposite County Court House) N. Anderson. Mgr. ' Lie. S-122. M-1S5 city' or farm properties; loans made eing your present contract or morV 344 State. St. , Phone 821 BEST MTO. loans. Drivata 3k install ment. We boy real estate contracts Sc mortgage. See Abrama ek Ellis. May some Bidg. - TTanted Sliscellaneous HIGHEST prices Dd. tor your old furniture, and appliances. Hogg Bros, zoo staie bi. . HIGHEST pricee poid lor hand furniture et : appliances. Hogg tsroe,- zao siaie. ; - - ;.. . . FILBERT and Walnut drying. Phone Z-ZS61. iee s tiatchery. . , , . 100 TRUNKS A- SUITCASES wanted Fh. 3698 or 8-4081. . CASH PAID for - upright, spinet or grand pianos Phone 3707. WANT TO Buy. Used careeses a tenses HcEwan Photo Shop 439 State us'ed" VusiiTuasi fl" CASH for used piano & other mu sical instruments.: Call ' 4641 days or 3537 evenings or send descriptioa to jaquitn music co, m s. High. , . ' Rliscellaneous WANT applicants for schooling for leiepnone ana telegrapn tram order operators, win pay salary while being schooled, if you Qualify and enter ser vice. Inquire room 208, 1101 N.W. Hoyt street. Portland. Oregon. Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Com pany. , -; -' - . . . .- Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repau DH HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST - Adolph Blda SUte Coml Ph 831 STOVE Repairing "our specialty ." Nearly all types - wood ranges and heaters. Woodrys Market. 1609 N. summer st Fh. alio. TO" BUY or sell good used furniture ee suss Bright, ess court. Fh Tau For Rent Rooms " HEATED sleeping room.. Ph. 3-4133. SM. sleeping rm. 368 Center, wiaae4afca.eaeeMw 1TN.KPG. raw adults. Ph. 3713, TORN. Hskg mJkdults. Ph. 8263. ; PRIV. HOME, emp. cent. Ph. 3-1449. Room and Board 1 LG. front rm. H.-'and cold water, Outside , entrance. 3 meals ' dally, 3 Sun. 1563 Court. . . - . For Rent Apartments FURNISHED 3 rm. ant. 494 Univer sity St .; . ;- t :. ;.-. - For Rent -Houses 8 RMS. Near HJS- 340. Ph. 3223. 330 Extra nice home. UnfttTmshed. Well located, extra nice- for couple. Avail. Nov. sth. .Kef erences. c H. 2iand ers, 331 N. High. 5833. ;i : 4 R34 FURnI haeTAdulU?Wi Franklin after (JO p. nv.. CLEAN 4 rm. hse. Sc. bath. AutO- matte water beater. Pa. 21964. . 3 RM. hse. water, lights, garage. chicken hse. 8 mi. So. old Pacific Hwy. 1 mi. W-L. ' Sherwood. St. 4. Box, 135. : : : '. ' : 8 RM. MODERN hse, outbid. 4 acres south. 323 mo. Inquire 1013 S, 15th and Waller.- Salem. . , ' ' For Rent CAFE: Partly equip. 391 N. Coma. . FLOOR SANDER far reoV v Moot gomery Ward TRUCKS for rent. Too drive Me Cune- 3r Loved, pbbae 8408. - Wanted to Rent WANT mod. I or 8 rm. house bv Nov. 15th, References. Ph. 3-1794. . a or S KM. Umm WiMnf i)M.m Permanent. Refereneea. Ant. 1. 44a tin. ion. . , ; COUPLE desires 3 bedrm. modern house for duration. Furnished, oc ua- rurmsnedr Refereacea. Ph. 3744.. . . - For Sale Real Estate 10 A. WITH S RM. house, small barn t chicken house. Hi A. garden space. oaianee timoer and pasture, good creek. 1 rm. S 32200, 3300 dwn. - 20 A. walnuts, prune Ac filberts, all bearing. No bldgs. 33850. terms or will take town house' la trade and pay dif ference. - . : v ART MADSEN ? . i 1328 SUte St. , : Phone 8380 ONLV 1 yrs old Lovely modern S B.R. home, living rm, fireplace, DJt, Kit, Nook, bath, all hwd. firs. Base ment, gar. Located 1333 Jefferson St. Shown by appointment Only. 37350. LARS EN HOME ec LOAN CO. Exclusive listings - Personal Service 184 S. Com! St . - - Ph. 4&U 363507 Room modern house on SUte Street, with a full basement, fur nace, garage, and shrubbery. - 33800 A 3 bedroom home with a basement, sawdust burner, garage, fruit. nuts. snruDBery. 34500 ft room modern homo, with basement, furnace, garage, shrubbery. - 348003 bedroom home with, a floor furnace, a utility room in garage. - P. H. BELL. REALTOR 213 Guardian Bldg. Phone 1163 - INCOME '- :: ' 8. FURNISHED APTS. and 11 other rooms, 4 lots, apts, bring in SITS per mo. Can all be made into apts- N. Salem. 312.000, good terms or will take house in trade.-. - . ... - - 8 rms. and apt, upstairs, rented for 330- per mo. Both furnished on 14th St, just off SUte. 3425031000 dwa. oai. uxe rent,- - Nice old home on 13th SU 4 rmt down. 3 rav apt. upstairs with private entrance, rented for 323 per mo. Double plumbing, nice yard, and garden. 33900, terms. - - - .,u- - .r.-;.. - "ART MAD2EN 1328 SUte St. Phone 8380 - TTS VACANT: This neat 3 house with, oak floors; fireplace; loto ox buut-ins: xuu cement basement; double garage; nicely landscaped yard. fenced in; close to school and bus. If s a good buy at S53O0. Call Leiece M. Ellis with LEO N. CHTLDS. Inc, REAL- TORS.- 344 SUtePfaone3281. MODERN 3 rm. : house. Good condi tion. Zmm. possess. Ph. Owner 458L MODERN 2 bedrm. house at 1019 N. 21st. Large earner lot. Auto, gas fur nace; 2 fireplaces, one in base meat. see Mr. Hume with ' , W. H. GRABENHORST eV CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 POSSESSION NOW This R.. basement, furnace, laundry tray. 3 bed R. up ot one la bi nice -loc. North. Gas range. waL ec filberts. 34350. Arrange terms. -Jackson, or Dumbeck. 341 SUU St. 843 N. FRONT ST. 3 BR. LR. DR. Kit, bath, basement furnace. Large lot, fruit trees. 33150, Terms, LARSEN HOME at LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service - 154 So. Commercial . St. Fh. 4S43 shower.- Garage. Chicken hse. Lot 50x120. Price 31300. - ..- 8 R. house built for apartments. Now bringing in .373 per mo. Bsrat. Sc fur nace, 34300. 31000. da, 33Q per mo, i F.- Weir - 463 Center REALTOR- . Ph. 9411 8 R. house. Living, dining. K. 3c 3 bed R-. . plas, paving, bus. Large -lot, fruit. 328O0. 81000 cash. Jackson or Dumbeck 341 SUte St. PORTLAND homes and esUte to be sold quick at big sacrifice. - 1 good 3-rm. modern hse, lull base ment. 91350. 3700 cash. ' 1 good 3-rm. modern hse. Full base ment. 32000. 31000 cash. - 1 nice 2-flat. Full basement. 2 dou ble garages. 34000. 32000 cash. Close in. only - about 8 blks. from , Broadway Bridge. Also other good buys. . ESTKP REAL ESTATE CO. - 850 E St. Ph. 8708 - MODERN 8 room house, double plumbing, electric range, full base ment. wood - furnace. laundry trays. double garage 844 Mill St. 8750.00 down, balance terms. lisSSOUTH 'luberto.aBiL DA. Kit, bath, wired for range. -Ex tra large valuable lot. 33150.00. LABSXN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive listings. - Personal Service 184. So. Commercial St. - Ph. 4642. 35800. 8 RMS. St FLOORED aUiC. oil burner furnace, hardwood ... floors throughout, double garage. 808 gaL ell tank. . MELVTN JOHNSON. HTALTOR 723 Court St.. " .. . . Phone 3723 Business Cards fa . this directory raa n a monthly b a s 1 a- only. Rater Sues aea 1 1 a per ith. Airplane Models KITS - and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft, sist at Market. Auto Brakes Mike Paaek 279 South CommercUl Auto Service Essential owner" ' cars and trucks receive priority end. are- invited to make use ox -ur prompt, efficient, and thoroughly ' trauvid Service- Per sonnel and facuraea Loder Bros, 443 Center St Auto Steam Cleaning Motors, cam trucks, and parts thor oughly steam cleaned at Loder Bros 443 Center St.... Auto and Truck Service EARL'S GARAGE. - 2483. North Fifth Bicyelea- BICYCLES New and reconditioned Harry W Scott, 147 S (iomtt. P 433 Chimney Sweep . Pb. 4498 Circulator Service BELL OIL heating service. 'Ph. 7113. DVORAK SERVICE. Ph, 8091 or 8943 FlorlsU BTelthaapFa, 447Courl Phone 8193 F uneral Directors TerwUliger Fiinersi Home, Pa. 8923 CifU THE ' APRON Shop 878 M. High. Hosiery, bi ein, Dwtu. uin, an. Mrs. BL Moseley... Gen. Del, Lubrication P,., ..ffl . mu4 in. ' ft. . k ' tt '. v nerta. All tnm-mm af Pramnt hib- ricatioa service. - Loder Bros, 44S. center bt. m3ZSJ3 FOR SAUf ' 8 RMS, 3 LOTS. (3 rm. apt. rents ror sj3 modern except basement 84500. . . 8 rms. modern except basement good location 35000. . , 8 rms. modern basement oil heat excellent location 35000. S rms. etear Hollywood modern nasemem rumace fireplace H. W. floors a real home 35250. - S rms A yrs. old 4 acre abaoluUly ; modern H W. floors beautiful sub urban home 33750. - 9. rms. 1 blk. from Hwy. 9SE. 3 ml. N, ' modern basement furnace fire- i Jjiace beautiful setting 35300. 4.78 A,. 7 ' rm. house 4 mL' E. in Auburn dist. Plenty of fruit 33250. -Homes Acreare Farms Insurance - ABRAMS AND ELLIS - - 411 Masonic Bldg. - - . - Phono 8133 'BY OWNER.' Good K. 23rd. Ph. 3033.. ; s-rm. house, '273 j ' 2-BEDRM. COTTAGE ; with garaee. Close in. Immediate ptustnlou. Ph. Howard, 4458.. ... . . . . .. 1 24 3c 38 ACRES. 20 ACRES tn cuttl- vauon. berries. - 200 chickens, horse. macu, eiec. avaiiaou. water. 84800. Rt. LJBojsai. l 1 M. of Oak Grove ScbX BT owner, hse. St lot, 231 N. Cottage. NEW HOME to Lone Oak village. lau zzna st, s rms,- unfurn. up stairs, automatic flue. furn. utility rm. oouv wrai rua twa, ss per mo. S ROOM house close fa and good location. Price 33500.00. ' Good corner lot. both streets paved, business-- zone. ' 8 rooms- strictly modern, almost new, Bortheast. This . la realzy a alee nome.-- - CHAS.t HVDKTNS or WALTER SOCOLOFSKY 279 State St. - - Phone 9494 LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS - OF BUYERS St LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD. HAWKINS 4c ROBERTS INC, REALTORS PH. 4108, 2 BDRM. home. Automatic heat, full base., dble. gar. 160 W Myers St. Can be seen any evening. . 8 ROOM - Home 13200 00. Rcnhr 1R0S rt. summer sx. uaymne onry. . w.. ... jM M J CI, - - - ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO, 830 B St BV"ll .til, .awl 11.4V .. . vjtju. u-rave yara way Fainter. - For Sale Farms 30 ACRES NORTH of Salem! well located. Fair buildings, electric water system. ; family orchard. - H acres young perries fenced and cross fenced. Price 85250.00. D. A. FISH. 477 Court St, Ph. 8524 Acreage REAL BARGAINS IN ACREAGE 33150 Choice 3 acres east of Salem. Good 4 R. house, attie. concrete foun dation, garage. Barn, elec water sys tem. Only 31150 cash, baL at 320 per mo. - --- "i--- ANOTHER BARGAIN 33130 Hit A- good I . 1 bedrms elee. water system, bath. Barn, poul- j try nouse. u nearing walnut trees and some rrult trees. f 1800 House 3c 4 lots. T rooms, elec. lights, double garage, lot of bearing mm trees, utcatea norm, see Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Neeaham. 341 State, j Room . . v TEN ACRES ' - - NEW THREE bedroom home, ultra modern kitchen, lovely bath and sep arate shower, an on one floor, rust tour -ana nan mile east, ssoo. W. B. SULLIVAN. REALTOR Brick house mile north of on- derpass. Phone 8158. Directory Painting & Paperhanguig PAINTING St Decorating. Ph: 7552 Experienced " ble Ph Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphieta programs dooxs or any sand or prim inc. call The SUtesmaa Prinang De partment sis a commercial Taw phone 8101. Blattresses CAPITOL BEDDING COT Phone 4SC4 Radio Service PIZRCE Radio Serr, 942 N. Coral. 7681 Sand and Gravel Sand," gravel, crushed reck, dirt for fills. , Salem Supply . Co. Phone 8381 Septic Tanks Cleaned INSPECTION - FREE. Kenneth Hamef 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 4450 SEPTIC TANKS aad cesspooaTr cleaned Satisfaction guaranteed. 8 ta t e-wtde service ueae rite. S4g Edgewater St. west saiem Fn B74S ',-.:''. WE CLEAN septle tanks and cesspools Inspection free W W Tunaaa. 863 Transfer. O -DRIVE - TRUCKS 0 , RENT Blankets runs 137 S- Liberty Pb, 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfat storage, burner oil. briquets trucks to Portland daily Agent Fierce Auto rretgnt. including call, points uarmer Transfer Co Fh 3UL . Used Furniture DuFRADTS USED furniture. Ph. 9782 Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR sere. ' An maker Vince'S Electric 157 S. Lib TeL 8293 FREE mspectdoo " in ; your noma. An thorized Hoover service We service all makes . cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 9143 Window Washing U L. FREEMAN. Ph. 3-1453. WeU DriUins 9L A West S Sons. St. 8. B " ' SPffTAT. 1 ACRE With l.nvim 4 kAnu Inside plumbing, electric water system, double garage. 3 chicken houses. One block from btia 1in kia.-. g...... school. A good buy tor 33003 with f icoo uvwu. ROSTETN Sc ADOLPH, INC. H0, North Commercial St. Salem. Oregon - FMALL ACRXAGI: NEW 2 RSnitTsr nuMfc acres, some bottom land. Dandy place for chickens or rrdea. 3 miles north of city. 34500 8Lu0 cash. iau at ti9 utate l FOR SALE; 14 A, 3913 SUte St. Mod. 4-bedrm, home, on bus line; Dou- Die garafe. Large chicken hse. LoU of fruit and' nut trees. Sm Mr Hum at w. n. GRABENHORST At CO, Realtors i js. Mperty at . . Fh. 4131 Sab urban SUBURBAN" HOME: About U acre; dandy 9 room house; large living room with fireplace; cheerful dining room; kitchen with built-lns; 2 nice bedrooms and bath; dressing table: automatic a-aa floor furnace; oak floors, fruit trees; garage: paved street oa bus line. Better nurry. price SSOO0. See K. N .Voorhees with LEO N. CHTLDS. INC, REAL- a late, pnoae ssex, Wanted Real Estate W r. vrm ltctw. . area, farms.'' nhan wraA atul nit Mn tor listing. We have money to loan at -. umi umi loans or repay -uxe ROSTETN Si ADOLPH. INC" HOli North Commercial St. mum, uregoa. . WANTETJ TO WtTV. 9 klnM. K,... basement, south, near school. Call Sta cey rarm. Phone 3-3897. WE HAVE eeveral Mlta fM some ready . te tut an mt. Un calls are for -8 or 8 room but any size will sen. - Also suburban . home are in good demand. D. A. FISH " 477 Court Ph. 8324 - mar - urnMrir hh nr. I have lots of buyers -for homes, small acreages, or farms. We can n. your loan at 8. KOSTEIN St ADOLPH. TNC - -110,fc North Commercial St, ', : , baiem. Oregon WILL' BIT eaah for lav wrli residence nrautilt. , R-nl, inns w Summer St. or" Ph. 8110. :. . HAVE-A NUMBER of cash buvera for Salem property - A uatine artth w at this time means a reedy sale. IUU1 C iUdMAnn 167 South High Street Phone 8203 WANT LISTINGS an rmaTt frmya mt 1 acre and up. with buildings. HAVE ouiuia. see nr. Larsen. with annams nutwxia, IMU. Healtors Business Opportunities ; FIRST Class restaurant eoulnment. stove, fountain, counter, stools, booths, very reasonable. 874 N. Church evenings , For Sale Wood FRESH CUT sawdust for. Jala. Im mediate delivery. Ph. 8683.. 18 IN. SLAB WOOD. Fh, 8883. r '. . 4 FT. SLAB. 18" 1CTLL WOOD. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. P. 8862 or T72L MILL WOOD. "38 JO per load. Holly- wood Fuel Co. Ph. 3731 between 9 a. m. k S p m. . ' ; i Wood Sawing 1379 Ytw st ph. tml; WOOD sawing. 3503 Brooks. Ph. 8803. Charles W Simon 1311 N Mberty Ph 6683 For Sale Used Cars AUSTIN; 3160. Just overhauled. 3 food urea. iyz suge St. after o. '40 STUDEBAKER Champ, Good mo tor and rubber. Priced for quick sale. Bill Jones. Aumsville. Oregon, co F. A. uarnei .n -; -: - :i - 1940 DeLUXE CHEV. coune. Good tires and lots of extras. 837 S. Commer cial. . . . : . 39- FORD Deluxe Cabriolet. : Good tires. Good condL Howard Ensor, Tur ner. Oregon. -.... 1938 CHEVROLET sedan. Extra clean St lots of extras. 723 Edina nings. : '41 FORD DUMP truck. - Will take ute model car in trade. 723 Edina Ijme, evenings. ; - f.. "28 FORD SDN. good tires, mot. 3t UpnOJ. S73. HI If.- 24 tn. FD, HW. CLEANEST "38 Chev. In town. Rad. Heater. Extras,. 1893 N. 4th. - '41 DODGE duma truck.. S yd. -box. T Inch St. Paul hoist; Good rubber. Arnold Phillips, Box 28L Turner. - 37 DELUXE 3 dr. Sdn, Tust like new. Actual mil. 34JD50j 2215 Broadway LINCOLN Zephyre. 1339. excellent ! condition and a bargain.' See it at 1093 South ComiweiclaL ' Mr. Clara. 1929 MODEL A Ford coach, xood tires, good motor -1370 Water St Wanteti Used Cars . ' WE PAY TOPS L Get every dune your car Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest adepaadeat used cat -.---:'- dealer.-- -. ---r NX Corner Church At Chem. Ph. 7923 LATE MODEL dump truck. 1119 E. Rural. u - .-'. ..";-'. WANTED: BEST car 3900 cash wlfl buy. Chevrolet, Plymouth or Dodge preferred. Forenoons only. No dealers. 1723 N. 19th. - : 1937 CHEV. Newly painted, com pletely overhauled. Good 8-pry tires. 90 days guarantee. 3700. Harry Weid ner. Hitchmaa Logging Camp. Me- hama. Ore. Motorcycles FOR SALE. '41 OHV.Harley David son, excel, cond. 198 S. Church. Lost and Found LOST: B Gas ration book, Harold Culp. Dayton route L ' ; LOST: Glasses, between University and 829 Saginaw.. Ph. 435L Reward. LEATHXR COVERED price book. I Ph. 14L KewardV'.-, Lodges PiciZo Lod?s No. 83. AT & AM. Ofiicial visit MWCM, Kenneth Robb to District No, ' S 6, Wed, Oct. 27th. 8 p. m. Aul'icui visit. urM i.ir r-bb: Wed, Oct. 21- 8X1 . . I, i. Wtl...... M T . .. II.. DIVERS AT FLAYSammy Lee. fenaer aatlonal diving chsxtiplna. aad Corrtoe SmISa, holder of Faciae eeast diving titles, tutva Utile tmm together ta the water aft the Clympls awlmmlns ssaUsm la Las Anceles, CsIX loshin - Aomorl - fcaa . Settf JPan ' ' Aki.aOioka ' OKI., rriMito - - JAPAN Nagasaki Jt'Stf - i . . jiMayizaki i Pacific Ocean JAPANESE ISLANDS tiM Jspsaras Islaads aad kite af wnica are suaatod dlreeUy i"" 2 s"" 7 T wT" 71" U j mir' j H 1 JHil!! I " W " : Mr , . i 44 " : W "T" ' "1 1 I I I wr 1 i , COSXZONTAX. : LCsptors - . i T-Catkina . ,..'- 13. Narcotic 14. Feminine nam 15. Color IS. Lamprey' fishermen . . , 18. Behold 18. Upon 20.8inxl unit SLZron (Fr.l ZXBesJc . 24 Wh was known st ths Swedish Niibtiaglt"f 28. Climbing: plant. 27. Getting: up . , t 29. Short breaths 30. Golf mounds 3L Comfort 32. Dove homes 34. Checks 37. Land-measures . 35. Entrance 3.Toy 49. Largs covered vehlcla 4t.A famous United Ststes . . President wss knows ssf 'x ' 1 -Honest V , 42. Symbol for Iridium . 4 Pronoun 44. It&kes amends ' ' dT.Wlngr , 4$. Pestered --ir i ? CO. Poem ( v , . r ' -' 52. Wkst wss tie asm et a , member of aa ancient Jewish ' - , sseetie sect that lasted until ; the f sit ot Jerusalem f C3ndures . - L Luminous cirds 2. Starter 3. Cover - ' 4. Note in seals - 5. Consumed ; : C Femsis ru3 . ; T. Revise : C rc.Txi'.j h:rr , 0.c:tter vcc Cera ts s toporrapLkal map af fjres, SLincluikae. aad Kossia across the Sea af Js Puzzle lOxChetn, Arjrmbol - ; ; , 11. Great aptitude IX Breathes noisily fir, Ffasf late Senator, was called ' Jhe Kintbshrr 4 2L Most exquisite 23. Was stuns 24. Falsehoods 23. Those in power 28. Piece of vertu 25. Observes 29L Portion i 31. SUkworm "32. What large province lies la Luson, P. I,t 33. Declaims 34. Wbst Arabian Sea gulf lie south ot Arabia t 35. Labored 38. Herrinc-Uks fish 3S. Residence 41. Solar disk 44. Peer Cynfs mother . 45. S-shaped worm 4$ Toper 47. What tape lies at the tf. E. end ot tlassachusettst 49. Roman coin . -SLChenv symbol . Answer to yestertfay purxlj. LF3F IT 'n 7 i -i. . I ( i :i ' 7 , - - t i l ; ;.' - - Arertra tlate el satlaai JJ i Ubt t-y King features rysiictti.