The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    -The) OHZGOTI .STATESMAN. ScJemOreeorL Certardcty MornlngOcto&er S3. 1S43
Van Winkle Rules;- Manufac
turers of sleeping bags, for -use of
the army, may use mixtures of
jjovernment-proc esied feathers
.and down without labeling the
bags as being made irom second
hand materials, Attorney General
I. H.'Van Winkle ruled Friday.
He said he was advised by the
state health department that the
sleeping bags w ould go to the
government and would not be sold
to civilians. The opiiiion was ask
ed by the Philadelphia quarter-
master depot , "
Tune in tonight hear the Gali
lean Hour, KSLM, 9:45 every Sat
urday evening.
Cyn' Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Nafl Bank Bid.:
. Commissioners . All ' Away All
three members of the state indus
trial accident " commission L. O.
Arens, T. Morris Dunne and Paul
E. Guerske are now, in. the east
attending -.national conferences.
Arens and Guerske are attending
the international convention of in-
'dustrial accident commissioners at
' Harrisburg, 'Pa, while Dunne; Is
. attending a conference of federal
' ' unemployment " conimission offii
cials at St Louis,-Mo.' "; , B ;'
', .-.: -,-: '':ii-il4 ;'
It costs no more. to. use the, best!
Re-roof now. with Pabco roofing.
v No down -payment -12- months to
: pay J. Phone. 8221. R. L. 1 Elfstrom
. Co, 375 Chemeketa t'
'. - '".. .
Stove Repairing; Ph. 5110.
r ' Police-"Steal" Carflcity" police,
- - who early Thursday night remov-
ed a car. from a parking place -too
near; the Oregon Electric railroad
tracks beside the papermill later
- found themselves branded with an
uncomplimentary name when Noel
A. Baker, route five, Salem, re
ported the vehicle stolen. Police
told Baker where the car had been
stored, gave him the parking tick-
t et and the "stolen car" report was
withdrawn. " ', "- '
Dance tonight, ' Salem ' armory."'
New patterns added for our wall
paper special. Elf strom's, I 375
Chemeketa. ' '
.." r. ... : r- . . '-"H
Three Industrial. Deaths There
"were three fatalities. 1285 indus
trial accidents and 19 -claims for
occupational disease, benefits re
ported to the state industrial acci
dent commission here during the
week ended October 21. The fa
talities nicluded Isaac, Hil Dal
las, fire-warden;" James' F. Cof
felf Springfield, "carpenter, and
William M. West, Corvallis, log--
'ger. ' ( -
' I ... "r'' ' .J '"'I
Wanted,- experienced shoe sales
man. Permanent position. Apply
Style Arch Shoe Co, 357 State
St Excellent salary. -
,- i ; ; .. 'f i " ". .
Dr. Hendrik de Lange, CJ5.B,
of New York City, member of the
Board -of -Lectureship - of v The
V Mother Church, The Tirst Church
of Christ,- Scientist,, in' Boston,
Massachusetts, will deliver a free
. lecture" entitled Christian iSci-
ence: The Science of. Divine Com-
Ipleteness, in the Leslie Jr. High
. auditorium, South Cottage - and
.'Howard Sts, on Monday, October
'25, at 8 p. m. .-
- .--:-
To Portland Mrs. N. C. Hubbs
and daughter, Virginia, are spend
. ing the weekend in Portland. . i
.r hX the. residence . 2180 Myrtle
: avenue, October 20, Anna Yung,
age 5(t y?ars, wife of .Matt Yung
ol Salem; mother of Joseph Young
of the United States army at Riv
erside, Calif.; sister of Mrs. Mar
r garet Probe of Salem, John We
; ber and Andrew Weber, both, of
I Los Angeles, Calif '. Mrs. Mary
r Yung of Canada, Nick . Weber,
Mrs. Eva Koch and Miss Teresa
. Weber, all of .Yugoslavia, Recita-
tion of Rosary Friday, October 22,
at 8 P,mv in ; the W. . T. Rigdon
company chapel.. .Requiem high
mass Saturday, October 23, at 10
J ajn, at St Vincent de Paul Cath
1 olic church. Entombment in Mt
i Crect Abbey mausoleum. .; - i 1
i Crewder ;
At the residence, 2445 Cherry
- avenue, Karen LeAnn ' Crowder,
f age --4 months, 12-days, infant
daughter of iSr. and Mrs. James
" T. CroWden The father ; is with
the US army. Announcement of
services will be made later by
1 the W. T. Rigdon company.
Kiel f
Jesse Chester Kiel of Freewater,
Ore, October 21, at a local hos
pital at the age of 17. Survived
i by. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiel
of Milton, Ore. Shipment has been
'. made to Walla ; Walla, Ore,, for
services and interment by Clough
. Barrick company. .
t Greer - ... . . - . .
. George Greer of Marshfield at a
i local ' hospital ' October 22. Ship
. ment has. been ftaade to Marsh
: field by Clougb-Barrick company
' fojrvices and interment
First Methodist Church
. Sunday, 10:50 . ;
- "Modern Man in Search of a Soul"
-r A' sermon by the pastor '' -
The Sunday! School is the greatest solution in f
American Life of Juvenile Delinquency.
Come Sunday, 9:43, With Toar Children
- v
Sat. sunset 6:12
Sun. sunrise 7:41
(Weather on page 1)
Funeral Monday -Funeral ser
vices will be held Monday in Se
attle for Mrs, George B. Doust
who died Tuesday at Lake Forest
Park, home of one of her sons.
The late. Mr. Doust was in : the
creamery business in Salem from
1913 to 1931, later going to Seat
tle to become a lumber dealer.
Dance tonight Salem armory.
-Bid Requests Few Smallest
letting of contracts for a number
of I years will ,be made by the
state ' highway commission at its
next meeting in Portland- on No
vember 8, R. H. Baldock, - state
highway engineer,, announced Fri
day. The contracts will involve two
rock pile projects with an expen
diture not to exceed $50,000. , " ;
Hear- Lon -. R. 'Woodrum, , Poet
Evangelist o n i g h t . 9:45. The
Galilean Hour, KSLM. " .-;-
" Thrasher Appointed . George
W Thrasher, route 2, Grants Pass,
Friday was appointed to the "Jos
ephine , county selective service
board. He succeeds E. W. Hughes,
who resigned recently. Thrasher's
appointment a was announced by
State 'Selective Service Director
Elmer V. Wooton.
Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N, Lib.
- Bark Output LewElliott state
park produced 42,000 pounds of
cascara bark, in ' the' 1943 season,
which was far less than the orlg
inal estimate, state forestry offi
cials reported Friday. George W.
Olson, Reedsport, holds i the con
tract for peeling the bark which
is worth $8000 this year. .
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.. '
Wanted: Used car. Ph. 5110. ' ir
t . . - - - . . ,
Business Name. Filed Certifi
cate of - assumed business name
Grand i Central Market! ?I5
North High street was filed Fri
day in the county clerk's office by
Milton D. Parker following cer
tificate of relinquishment by Da
vid Caplan. ;
IPonlbflne IHid3B(ODdIs
. Opal Marie Eagan Prouty vs.
Cyrus Franklyn Prouty; complaint
for annulment of marriage alleges
parties were married less than six
months after plaintiff's divorce,
unknowingly violating Oregon di
vorce lawJ defendant's 'answer
admits all allegations and asks de
cree in accord with complaint
. Stella May Iiams vs. Irum Ed
gar Hams; divorce decree awards
custody of one child to plaintiff
with $25 a month for support,
confirms .property settlement ..
D. C. Minto vs. Oregon Pulp &
Paper Co.; order of voluntary non
suit on plaintiffs motion, with
prejudice. . . ' '
Agnes G. Hooker vs. Elmer M.
Hooker; divorce complaint alleges
cruelty, asks custody of one child
and support money; couple. mar
ried July 29, 1940, in Vancouver,
Wash; - - - -: . - .
i P. J. Russ et al vs. Ed Blessing
and . Jim Busch; application to
place on trial docket ;
State Industrial Accident com
mission vs. Mrs. Hong Hop Lee;
order, allowing four , specifications
and denying two others of defend
ant's .. motion to strike parts of
complaint - . t " "
; Amos Corhouse vs. 'Anna Cor-
house; petition for order appoint
ing some qualified person , to join
petitioner in execution of a deed
sets forth that' this procedure is !
advisable because petitioner is In
dividually part owner of the prop
erty and also guardian of the es
tate which owns an interest :; ;
'b Leona : A. . Warberg vs. Orville
J. Warberg; application to place
on trial docket; default order. . . .
i Eva Ballweber vs. D. V Ball
weber; . divorce complaint, asks
$2000 lump sum alimony, undi
vided half, interest in certain real
property, certain ; personal prop-;
erty and suit money; couple mar
ried July 18, 1914. .
State Unemployment Compen
sation' cornmission vs. Paul' N.
Reynolds doing business as loan
ha Power Co.; default judgment
for $74.90 and interest and costs;
Annie Blodgett Bernard estate;
order discharges Erma Garrett
administratrix, and exonerates
bond; receipt of distributees. .
f Mervin Dullum and Areleigh
Dullum estate; order-approves .fi
nal account as to Mervin Dullum,
who has attained majority, of E.
Ray Dullum, guardian, s --.
Charles Lester Bonney estate;
order appoints George W. Hubbs
administrator of estate of esti
mated value of $6000. i -: ;. :
. Elizabeth Nesner estate; order
appoints Earl M. Daue, Bessie
Smith and Ruth Busch appraisers.
i Robert E. Larson guardianship;
- Miss Stratum Named Uiss
Anna Stratton of -Portland was
appointed a member of the Ore
gon state board for the examina
tion of and registration of . gra
duate nurses, by Gov. Earl Snelt
Miss Stratton, director of nursing
education ia the Portland sanita
rium and hospital,' succeeds Miss
Ruth Wheelock who has resigned.
Modern, well made painted' or un
painted i furniture, - shop R. - D.
Woodrow's, 345 Center street ;
r Register Two Da js Registra
tion for ration book No. 4 at An
keny schoolhouse wjll-take place
next Monday., and Tuesday from
3 to-5 pjru each day, it was an
nounced Friday. - . ,
Prepare now for a post-war posi
tion by attending day or evening
classes in the Merritt . Davis School
of Commerce, 420 State St Phone
2-1415. '
Club Meets Monday . Town
send club No." 2 will meet at Les
lie Methodist church, Myers and
South Commercial street Monday
night with. a social period start
ing at 8 o'clock. -;. . . '
Turkey jpickers and packers ,re
port' Tues. morn. Call .or y phone
Sat or Mon. morn.;, Marion creamV
ery and Poultry Co. . 'II
Wanted:Used Furniture. Ph. 5110.
!.VV-.-..---iT-,-;J.v.t.;;;; . j," -. . - C
' ; Narse Retnras Helga Brosten
returned Friday to- her -duties .as
a nurse at the state tuberculosis
hospital, following "a two-weeks'
vacation - in V Aberdeen, .t Wash,
Portlarid and Silverton. ,i .r
Dance tonight Salem "armory.
Cntler en Jeb-City Police Sgt
Jack Cutler returned to the sta
tion desk late this .week -with
what he called a "poor fishing rec
ord but a pleasant vacation" be
hind him. ' ' , ; .
Becker to Talk ;
To Sunday School
At Aliddle Grove. : v -
be a preaching 'service at the
schoolhouse Sunday, October 24,
beginning at 7:30 pjn. Rev. Peter
Becker, "union Sunday 'school mis
sionary;' ; : will t be ; the ; speaker.
There will- also be ' special music.
Additional Local News
On Page 9
order . approves final ; account of
Anna L. ' Farren, guardian, ward
having attained majority. '
William H. Niccolson estate; or
der, approves final account of
Charles W.. Niccolson. and B. W.
Jewell, executors, and directs dis
tribution of estate. ': v 'f ' 1 j
- Dorothy Lais estate; order au
thorizes R. J. Lais, administrator,
to sell real property. ; w
- Alfred. Peter Jesperson guard
ianship; - order approves annual
account of First National Bank of
Portland, guardian, which shows
receipts of $1503.14, disbursements
of $1230 including $1050 invest
ed in United States series E bonds,
cash balance of $2722. .
Ada M. Hanes estate; order ap
points George K. ; Sundlie admin
istrator of portion of estate In
Marion county. " y
Waiter F. Downing estate; order
authorizes Benjamin B Goodman,
administrator do bonis non, to sell
real estate; waivers of heirs.
George William "Smith; operat
ing motor vehicle while under In
fluence of intoxicating liquor; 30
days, suspended, - $150 1 fine and
costs; committed to jail on fail
ure to pay.
David Merle Kropf ; truck
speeding, $10 and costs; no clear
ance lights, $1 'and costs. '
T. A. Cantrell; verdict of guilty
returned by ' jury on charge of
operating motor vehicle while un
der influence of intoxicating
liquor; sentence to be Imposed.'
Daniel M. ; Wheelock, Albany;
drunk and disorderly; $10 bail.
Ray M. Stiffler, Falls City;
drunken -driving; $250 bait.
John Allen, Turner; drunk and
breaking glass; $25 balL
Lawrence ' Schmitz, Chemawa ;
violation of basic rule; $5 fine. .
Oliver to Tallc
On Joseph Books
; 4--. u;- rti
' The Thomas Mann f Joseph"
books 'have inspired Dr. E. S.
Oliver, professor of" English at
Willamette university,! who will
start a series of lectures on the
subject Sunday ; morning at . the
First - Cnogregational church at
Marion and Cottage streets.
The lectures will be given In
the adult section . of the church
school at 9:43 a in. This promises
to be not only study of the Old
. v.. .
, -
Rev. Hellman
To Speak -At
Having secured one of the out
standing leaders of his church in
Portland in the person of Rev." W.
H. Hellman as its guest speaker,
Christ Lutheran church will ob
serve its annual mission festival
Sunday October 24, with ser
vices at 11 a.m. nad 2:30 pjn. Mr.
Hellman, pastor of Peace Luther
an church, Portland, was "for
merly professor at Pacific Luth
eran college, Tacoma, Wash and
president -of Hebron college, He
bron, Neb. , He i has- recently re
turned to .Portland after a year's
absence serving as service pastor
fat San Antonio, .Tex.".- "
At the morning service he will
speak on the subject VGlorif ying
the Clay," dealing with the prob
lem of mission as faced' by ' the
church today. Added interest - for
the .occasion this, year is the fact
that much , of the fighting in New
Guinea -at present .is .in.: that sec
tidh where ;.the,"; American Luth
eran church had maintained ex
tensive ; missions; with ; headquar-
ters at Finschhafen . and .Madang
ian4whexe:.' lfto)L-''miwinaris
became prisoners of "jhe J3P& at
the time of occupation.? ;f ;ff
. An '.informal service; wiil be
held in the afternoon at 2:30 .when
Mr.T Hellman: wai - speak; on- his
experiences .as service jfastbr and
director of the Lutheran "service
center in Sn Antonio, Tex. His
subject - wiir be,, 'Pages From a
Service Pastor's Diary." The beh
ter at San Antonio was one of the
earliest "service centers established
in the country and is considered
one of the finest of its kind, hav
ing . won the praise and popular
ity of the officers and men sta
tioned in that vicinity. r
To Feature
Baptist Event
. Emphasis .on the -accomplish
ments o fBaptists in the mission
field . wilt . be ; made - through ex
hibits when the First church in
Salem observes, world parish day
here November 10 with a minia
ture ; Baptist convention.! ,
Mrs. Floyd White and Mrs.
Walter Lottis are in charge of ex
hibits which will be on display
in the prayer meeting room, main
floor of the church, all that day.
Special sessions will start at 2
pjn. and continue to ; 10 pjn. "in
observance of the event
Among ' the - exhibits will be
those depicting the Baptist work
in the world; Xtit Baptist partici
pation in public school, religious
education; the church's : work in
the . state, among .migrants, chil
dren at the Farm Home near Cor
vallis and Miss Edwina Vine's in
struction at. ; Vanport; missionary
work , among the Indians,, at the
Mather School : for; Negroes", and
the mission school atr. Kodiak,
Alaska, - and missionary . displays
from ten points in the field. - ;
. , The exhibits will include actual
work of -those being trained, pic
tures, posters, literature, : relics
and . souvenirs. Expected to . high
light the display will bethe Nica
raguan curios, to be 1 o a n e d by
Mrs.' Ida Warnock, returned mis
sionary from that field.
Mrs. Spaidding
To Be Soloist
Musical presentations will fea-r
ture Sunday services at .the First
Evanjtelical . church ." with ; Mrs.
Josephine Albert Spaulding guest
soloist, the minister. Rev. J." Ken
neth Wishart" has announced."
Mrs. Snauldine will sing for the
morning worship"' service God
Shall Wipe Away All Tears by
Harker and Enough to Know" by
Ogden. William Fawk, the church
organist will present for the of
fertory the organ arrangement of
"The Lost Chord.? The pastor Will
preach from the "Love Chapter"
of the Bible, First Corinthians,
13th chapter. The night message
will be the development of the
theme "Escape From Fear." , . r
Jason Lee, Methodists
To Hear Dr. Purdy
Dr. J, Edgar Purdy, district su
perintendenV? wiir speak Sunday
morning at the Jason Lee Meth
odist I church. Mr. Purdy will
preach on the theme, "Go There
fore. The choir, directed by Rob
ert RlempeL will sing.
Testament stories of, Joseph . but
also of the author's insights Into
human history and civilzation. -
SiindciyL v:
11 A. M. and 7J P. it. t y.
(Poet Evangelist)
R. J. LUSH : -
v (Solobt and Choir Dir.)
lKxzoiQXi Church
" " Center Street at 131h 'Y
Services Nirhtly at
Welcome : 1 ' .
To Start Series -
Gene Robinson, pastor of tbe Tor
. er Cbnrch Christ, , will becin
-;. a aeries ef special services at the
Ceort Street Christian - chorch
Sunday nlffht. This week of spe
1 clal services , will bring to - a
; climax the activities of October;
which has beenrally month for
the ; church, according te .an
' nonneement. byW.' JL' Lyman,
: minister. Sunday. Mr. Robinson
.wui spess sd we toeme a oian
God Could - jDse." Throurhout
the week .he will 'discuss soth
themes - as "IIow Far 'Shall' We
Go" and nVords of XireT As a
special featnre-f this Sunday's
services, William - R. Baird,' Jr
of Earene. will direct the music.
Mr Baird, an -expert violinist,
will play at both services San
day.; - -
Baptists Slate ;
Special Music :
For Sunday
Calvary Baptists are" still- 'Jpon
tinuing , their- rustling October
campaign with this Sunday, desig
nated as homecoming- day The of
ficers and workefs of the Sunday
school conducted. a successful vis
itation campaign last Sunday af
ternoon j and ; it is ' believed - that
through this effort as well as ad
vertising, they will reach their
goal of 300 for Sunday school.
A . special program ; has been
planned for the Sunday school
session including the newly' or
ganized Sunday school orchestra
and the junior choir. Both of these
organizations, are . making their
first appearance at ' this service
and the: junior choir, will .. appear
in their new robes furnished by
several - women of the church.' In
spirational, talks will be given; by
various teachers and leaders of
the Sunday school and this ses
sion ; will be concluded with the
dedication service of teachers and
members . by Rev. .Edward Allen,
pastor.,- ,yr . V :. ; -: '
. At the njght service at 7 the
musical; organizations 'under : the
leadership of the Re vlC,' Howard
Smith, minister of music," will in
stitute their weekly song sermon.
The theme for Sunday's musical
sermon will be ."Heaven.' r
Among the features In Calvary's
musical program are a newly Or
ganized ladies trio; a mixed quar
tet, and an ensemble composed .of
piano, organ, violin and vibraharp.
St. Paul's
To Dedicate ,
Service Plaque
: One hundred twenty-four men
and women in the service, whose
names have been ' inscribed 'on a
bronze and walnut plaque,will be
honored ' and. prayed for by 'wor
shipers at St "Paul's 'Episcopal
hchurch Sunday Inorning " at 1 1
o'clock 'When "the "plaque is uih
Veiled and dedicated. Rev. George
H.' Swift,' rector,: will lead the
service while dedicatory addresses
will be : given by 'representatives
from the- army and havyTHaj.
Worth Wicker, ' inspector ' general
from 'Camp Adair, an Episcopal
clergyman, and Lt. George C
Bliss, commanding officer at Will
amette university. . ,
f A temporary altar with cruci
fix and altar cloth, candle holders
and two lighted candles commem
orating .the' two -church members
who have died in the service: is
being " arranged by St Helens
Guild members. -The two, CapL
Howard H.' Barlow and John Rob
ert Conner, have gold stars after
their names on the plaque.
: In charge of the plaque fund
was Robert R. Bardman, chair
man of the committee, C B. Mc
Cullough, Lynn " T. CronemiUer,
Mrs. Russell Catlin, Miss Gladys
Conner , and Richard Barton.' ;
Church 'i Sorvicas in Salom
Marion and Liberty streets. Irvine A.
Fox, DO. pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a an. Morning service U o'clock. Ser
Lmon subject, "Peter's Sermon at Pen
tecost. Young people ana aauu utoie
study, S;3 p.m. Evening service 1:30
o clock. - Sermon subject. . tl s e a
Preaches Cod's Love." Prayer meeting
1:30 p.m.
Hayesvilie school. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Dewey Davis. Supt. . :
Brush Colicge school. Rev. Karl L.
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 1:4) a.m.
Mark Buell. Supt. Morninj service
10:43 o'clock. Young people's meeUns
pan. - - -
East' State and Eima streets. Sunday
school 9:46 a.m. Leon Lambert. Supt.
BYPU V pjn."- Evening service IAS
o'clock. Be v. Earl Baker, speaker.
Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:43 pjn.
443 Ferry street. G J. Eads. pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service
11 o'clock. Evening service 130 o'clock.
7 130 p.m. Wednesday, prayer service.
730 pjn. Saturday, .mission service. .
and Winter streets, W. Ir
vin Williams, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 10 dS o'clock:
Sermon subject. "The Holy : Spirit
speaking in Scripture." Evening serv
ice 730 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The
Tragedy of Ingratitude.", Monday.: 7 30
p.m.. ' Boy Scouts. Thursday,-J 30 p.m..
service. .-'v - r:-.
i.ltth and Breyman streets, Kev T.
W. Hendenon, ThB, pastor. Sunday
school t;4S . ajn. Morning service - II
o'clock.' , Sermon subject. . ""Solomon's
Choice." Evening, service 7:43 o'clocle.
Sermon subject,.. The Cross and tbe
Individual.- 430 pjn., street meeti&r at
Court r and Com.nercial streets. 030
rjn-. young people's service. Tuesday.
:4S. pjTi4 inspirational service. Thurs
day, 7:45 p.m-, young people.. v - ,
South Commercial and Myers streets.
Joseph;-Knotty pastor. Sunday school
:45 a jn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon' subject, ' VJn the 4 Whole
World." Youth groups at 30, p.m. Ev
ening service 730 o'clock. . Sermon
subject,- "Responsibilitj : According., to
Opportunity." Prayer, meeting. Thurs
day at 7 30 pjn.-,- . - "
TBUTH -CENTEsVTJ -. ' : :vr.
. 26S North High street. Olive Stevens.
MsD, pastor. Morning service 10:43
o'clock. - Sermon subject. "The Leper
Healed." Evening . service S o'clock.
Sermon subject. . "Inner Harmony."
Guest speaker. Or James X. Dodda of
Portland. . : - . v. -. -
Center and 13th streets. Rev. Weav
er W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school t:43
a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. - Ser
mon by - svangeiist Lon K. - wooarum.
630 p.m.. young peopleSs hour., Even
ing service 730 o'clock. Sermon; by
Evangelist . Woodrum. Special revival
services each night during the week
at 730 pjn. - -v- . - -
CONGREGATIONAL . ' - - -19th
. and Ferry- streets. Willard "B.
Hall, pastor. Sunday school . 10 . a,m.
jaornmg service a ocioci. srmun
subject. -The Four Voices." On Sun
day afternoon the young- people are
journeying to Beavertoa to attend an
all-state CongrcgaUonal youth rally. -
Center and High streets. Rev. Dud
ley Strain, pastor. Sunday school t:43
a.m. Morning service 10:50 - o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Before " Trouble
Breaks." 11 ajn children's church un
der tha leadership of Mrs. C. E. Lee.
CJ5 pjn.. Christian Endeavor. Evening
service S o'clock. Senna nsubject. ."A
Modern Parable." Wednesday night Is
church night, . . . -
Cottage and Shipping streets, H. R.
ThornhlLL pastor. ' Sunday school'-'' 10
run. Morning aerviee 11 o'etoek. Ev
corns - service 7 30 .o cioex. bermon
subject. Uth chapter of Revelations.
North Cottage and D streets. Rev.
J. F. . Olthoff. DD, pastor. -' Sunday
scheel t:45 ajn. - Morning servic 11
o'clock,- Rev. Walter -Radke. - Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:45 pjn.
Perry and- 13th - streets," Erie 'M.
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school
ajn. Jdorning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. The High Cost of Dis
cipleshlp." 030 p.m, young people's
meeting. Miss. Bulie ' Oliver, leader.
Evening service 75 -o'clock. Wednes
day. 7:45 pan, service.
ALLIANCE .--v . - ' - - ':
I Tifth and Gaines streets, C. H. Stein-
mann. pastor, jbunoay scnooi. va m jn.
Morning ' - service - 11 ' o'clock. Sermon
subject,' A Heavenly Vtaion." Evening
service 730. o'clock. Sermon subject,
"The Presence of Jesue." Wednesday,
730 pjn, prayer and Bible study.
75 Market street. Rev. Sherman
Moore, pastor. Sunday scnooi S:45 ajn.
Morning - service 11 . o'clock. Sermon
subject." -Tempted as Jesus, was.- rv
enlng service J39 v. -' ;
SCIENTIST - - ''.y
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 ajn. Services 11 am.
and 8 pjn.'' Sermon - subject,' "Proba
tion After Death. Wednesday meeting
at S rpjn. Includes testimonies of
healing. Reading room 14S South High
street.' - --r ' W ' - i
State and ltth streets, TT. H. Theuer,
BO. v pastor. Sunday scnooi t:45 .m.
Monupg service 11 o'clocle Rev. W, H.
Hellman, Portland, preaching. Sermon
subject, "Glorifying the day." Serv
ices 330 o'clock. Pastor Hellman will
speak on his experiences as service
pastor. "Pages From a Pastor's Diary."
Confirmation class Saturday, 030 a.m.
Church workers' course Tuesday. 730.
South Liberty and Miller streets.
Rev. Edward L. Allen, paste. Sunday
school . 0:43 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon ' subject, "Jonah and
tbe Fish." Evening service 730 o'clock.
Sermon subject, -"The Glory of Christ."
730 pjn, service Wednesday. 730 pjn.
choir practice Thursday.:;;.
Hibbland avenue and Church street.
Herman H. Macy, pastor. Sunday school
10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. CE
groups ' at 030 pjn. Evening service
730 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday
night at 730 pjn.
j r' '
4 I
Edward L. Allen
. . Pastor
. -r -St titer
t. SpVciai" Ma'sical Themes" by .'Junior and Senior ; Choirs .Under
Direction' of Rev. Howard . Smith, Iinister of Music at All
--Services. 7 1 - r ..- - - - ; . :
- Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J.
Kenneth-; Wishart, pastor. Sunday
school f :45 a jn. Morning service 11
o'clock.- Sermon subject, "The One
Enduring Quality." Youth groups will
meet at :30 pjn. Evening service J? 30
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Escape
From Fear." Prayer hour Thursday at
730 pm.
State and Church streets. J. C. Har
rison, pastor - Sunday school t:45 a.m.
Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Modern Man in' Search of a
Soul." Evening service 743 o'clock.
Sermon subject "Give Me Make
Me." Youth and Intermediate fellow
ships meeting at 0:30 pjn. Miss Leora
Strong presenting the "Apocrypha."
343 North Church street M. A. Get-
cendaner, DD, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 ajn. Morn ins: service 11 o'clock.
Sermon - subject. "Following Jesus in
Loyalty." Luther- league 7 pjn. even'
ing service S o'clock. Sermon subject.
A Confession of Un worthiness. ,
Cottage and Hood streets. ; Rev.- H.
A. Schlatter. - pastor. Sunday r school
B:43 ajn. liorninf service -11 . o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Christ, the Head of
the Church." 7:15 pjiw unified serv
ices. S paw The' Lost Christ." Spe
cial services every night. 7 :43 pjn.
until Oct. SI. except Monday and Sat
urday. w .. . i -r . v.-
Hazel and Academy streets. Warren
Cc Hale.' pastor. Sunday school 10
a.m. Morning service .11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. . "Are - You . Ready for
the ' Lord's Return?" Young people's
meeting at 7 pjn. Evening service 730
o'ciocav Kevf- Larson, cnapiam oi tne
Deaconess hospital, will bring the mes
sage. -Prayer meeting on " Wednesday
at 730 pjn. . . , v .-. . -..
' : - V "" -- . . . . .
IN CHRIST - .- ; r .
1153 Mission street. Tirmsn B. Ken
oyer, pastor.- Sunday- school 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 O'clock. UBCZ 7
pjn. Evening service, g o'clock. ;.J.
-248 North Commercial street. Services
at 230 and 730 p.m. Afternoon-topic,
"What- We" BeUeve." Night topic.
"Spiritual Things." Speaker. Rev. .'Ev
elyn Bennett of Portland. No-host din
ner at S pjn. Circle at 0 p.m.
Market and North Winter streets, . J.
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
0:45 sum. Morning service- 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "The Quest for
Pleasure. Young people and juniors at
7 pjn. . Evening service 7 :43 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:45.
. Capitol and Marion . streets. E. A.
Kielsmeier, - pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "A Prayer of Thanksgiv
ing." " - - .- , , -
-church or jesus Christ or , .
!. 460 North Cottage street. Don Wall
bishoD. Sundsv school ' 10 a.m. Relief
-society-- and - prlesuiood - meeUng... and
primary at 1135 ajn. sacrament meet
ing 7 pjn.-' - y - -...". ' - .
. North Winter and Jefferson streets.
S. Raynor Smith, pastor. - Sunday
school 9:43 a.m. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Go Ye There
fore" by Dr. J. Edgar Purdy. Evening
service 7 o'clock. Youth fellowship. -
South Commercial and Washington
street. Mrs. John J. Traehsel.. pastor.
Sunday school 10 t.m. Mrs. Esther Gul
lev. sDeaker. - Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Cleansed As
They" Went."1 Evening service 730
o dock. CE 0:43. p.m. Max remoenon,
leader. Sermon subject, "The Second
Psalm. -- . x '
. - - . i- . . i . '-. - -.- ....
TABERNACLE - . I , , -
1410 Madison street. Ray Blixseth. pas
tor. Sunday echool 10 ajn. Morntng
service 11 -o'eleck.. Evening service S
o'clock.-- Thursday - prayer meeting at
S pjn. -s . -. . - ' .
- r V , . :-.r . H- .J
South Uth 'and Leslie streets. L. .L.
Freeman, minister. Sunday school 10
ajn: Morning service It o'clock. Song
service IJO o ciocx. rreacnmg , j w
p.m.' ' . " : 'r r. ' . , . , ' "
' ' . ,
st. John's Lutheran' V
lsth and A streets. H. W. ' Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school 0a.m. Morning serv
ice 10 o'clock. '
17th and Court streets, W. H. Lyman.-
pastor. Sunday school 0:45 ajn.
UonuBf servle el030 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "The . Unknown "Power . of
'flmduM." Christian .Endeavor hour.
-030 pjn. Everting service 730 o'clock.
Sermon subject oj guest socager, vrene
Robinson. ' Services 730 - o'clock each
night next week.
Marion and - Cottage streets, us via
Nielsen, pastor. Sunday school 05 a.m.
Morning aerviee 11 -o'clock. Sermon
subject, "Enduring Convictions- About
God.". 030 o'clock, .league of youth
meeting. . , ; '- vv:-'
Silvciion Churches
Jersey street. O. C.- Olson, pastor.
Sunday scnooi 10 ajn. Olga Johnson,
Supt.' Morning aerviee 11 o'clock.
Park and First streets, Russell My
ers, pastor. Sunday ' school :45 a.m.
Morning o'clock. Evening
service S o'clock. - . . . .. , , .
TRINITY - -" : ' '
Second and B streets. M. J. K. Fuhr,
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
m.mim 11 nVlnck. . Srmi subiact.
The Faith of .Our Fathers." Evening
service i:i ecton oy wuwr kmw.
Duane Block. - leader.- Sermon subject.
"The Light That Burns In the Storm."
irfk iir4 rtmt m. T' aimiie.
pastor. Sunday school It ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon . subject,
"Tno Greatest Tragedy." , Communion,
u.Ik mm Ffolra- streets, o Leonard
Jones, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m.
Morning -service 11 o'clock. Set mon
subject, "Tbe World la My Parish."
11 A; M; Sermon 7:30 P.' M. Sermon
; JonaK and the Fish . ... Tne Glory 'f Christ '
. -.. ..." - ' ..-. '. lassie
......... x ..... . .
a .i. w,.. .,.vi.'.iJJU
Williams Topic
Biblical Trulh
Third in a series of historical
sermons dealing with Biblical
truth set forth by the Westminster
assembly in 1643, "The Holy Spirit
Speaking in Scripture, will be
presented at the morning worship
at the first PresbyteriatL church
by the pastort'jlev. W. Irvin Wil
liams, Sunday morning. The sen
ior choir will; present two an
thems. Miss F. Alta Davis will
bring a five-rnihute talk on the
enlarged' program of Christian ed
ucation for the church school and
church. - , -
.The 1:30 o'clock service will fea
ture Leonard Steinbock in the last
of a series of four dramatic pre
sentations, lie will "read from
Shakespeare's "King Lear.". Mr.
Williams will speak on the theme,
tThe Tragedy of. Ingratitude." The
special musical number will con
sist of a duet , by Agnes Drum
mond and Clifford Elliott
East Lincoln - street. Sunday school
m AK. m m Uftrvfln . ft ijm . 11 ArloclK.
Crusaders 030 pjn. Evening service
1:45 .OdOCK. , ' .. . ,. '
. Second and Garfield streets. Morning
Service 11 o'clock. . .
- V u Ahhnft- naster. Sundav
school . SH3 a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Evening service o'clock. -
H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday scnooi
10 am. Moraine service 11 o'clock.
rvumlfn 1-11 urn. Evening service S
o'clock. Service Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
rtr.t nH n,vm strecta. Mrs. Lora
Km-mnmAMt nutnr. Kuiulav school S 45
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Chil
dren s church 7:15 pjn. Evening serv
ice 7:45 o'clock. Tuesday service 10:45
a.m. Wednesday service 7:45 p.m. Fri- -day
young people's . service 7 :45 p.m.
Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier. pastor. Sun
day masses at 6, S30 and 10:30 a.m.
Week day masses at 7:;30 ajn.
stmv Rmh, rnml'V. nastor.' Sun
day school 10 a.m. Morning service
10:45. :
Rev. George Cromley, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 .
o'clock. MeeUng of Sabbath school of
ficers and teacners ai ,nniin
imrrk n m fhriHtlan Endeavor 7
p.m. Men's meeting 730 p.m. Evening
service S o'clock. Rev. Newell Mor
gan i peaking.
-Services at 030 a.m. Sunday school
in -as m Confirmation , class Satur
day. 10 a.m. October 31 is centennial.
Sunday. Ladies' Aid to serve xeuow
ship -dinner - after -services. -
- D. Lester yields,- pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. - Morning service lt
o'clock. Sermon subject, "What Have
We Left?" Union service o'clock "at
Presbyterian.- - Tuesday,-' November , 3,
Ladiea' Aid bazaar to church.
Sunday school 10 a Jn. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock.. Young people at 7:15
pjn. Mies Bean-Way mife, leader. Ev
ening service S o'clock. Service Wed
nesday. 7:45 pjn.
Sunday school 10 o.m. Junior church
11 ajn, "Talking With God." Morning
service 11. o'cloek. Sermon subject,
"Have You Met God's Condition." Ca
dets for Christ SrO p.m. Union service
0 o'clock. Prerbvterisn. -
Valley Churchci
1125 Elm street. West Salem. Rev. .
A. A. Loewen. pastor. Sunday school
t: ajn. Morning service - '10:45
li. Vmrn . Hoove. Dallati.
speaking. Visiting convalescent homes.
a pjn. nrw i:ia p.m. ivcnni pci
of Bethel Baptist. Salem, will speak.
TuMria nriv.r meetine. Dr. TumbulL
speaking. . Thursday, -choir rehearsal.
Friday. Junior cnoir renearsai. -
Gervais. James Aiken Smith, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. The Gideons of -Salem
under the leadership of the
amMMi I.. VanDellnder will have
charge of the service. Rev. Mr.- Smith
will be attending tne eastern urin
Christian Endeavor convention in La
Grande. Christian Endeavor at 730.
Liberty Road and Madron a avenue,
r. C. SUnnard, pastor. Sunday school
IS an Morning service 11 o'clock. .
Sermon subject, "The Mission of the
Church." -
Monitor. Sunday school 10:30 a.m..
Mrs. D. L. Bruneon. Supt. Morning
service 1130 o clock. Rev. Howard Hon
Lewis. Evening service 0 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, . Automo&ue Religion.
Monitor.. Sunday school 10 a m.
Moraine service 11 o'clock. Mrs. Helen
Jaeobson will entertain the Ladies Aid
at the parish hall November a at a
pjn. . , :
Old Fashioned
! Charles E. Fall-
Ier, Director.
Forceful Gospel
Preaching. KSLM
Sudsy 8 P. M.
Inicraauenal Gospel Broadcast