The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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Has' Visitors ' '
Teacher la Guest
Of Fishers
othy Albright, a teacher in the
McMinnville" schools, spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Fisher.
Mrs. Sena Christiansen of San
Diego is visiting this week at the
home of her sister, Mrs. R. W
White. .
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sharp were
' dinner guests , Sunday at 'the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nix-
: on at Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Glassen
and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Bowersox
'of Monmouth left . Wednesday
morniruf for" a two weeks hunting
trip to 'the ML Vernon section
of eastern Oregoru , i
Mrs. Kate Walker is visiting in
Portland at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. C. L. Stidd. Mi 4
. Mrs. Paul Robinson attended
Institute In Oregon City Monday
for ; the teachers of Marion and
Clackamas counties. She was ac
companied by a group of Salem
, teachers. " .'.'-;'.
Guest this week at the home of
Mrs. Joe . Hubbard is Mrs. B. D.
Johnson of San Francisco, Calif.
Mrs. Johnson Is Mrs. Hubbard's
sister. . ' .". .; '-
Sector Sgt. Seibert of the Port
land filter center was here Satur
day at the time the observation
post was closed. . Harrison : Brant
was the last observer on duty.
s A family gatheirng honored the
birthday, of Mrs. Felix Watten-
berger Tuesday night. Present
.' were Mr. and Mrs. Wattenber
ger, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wer
line, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wat
tenberger and Jerry.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Arlen of
Corvallis were dinner guests
Thursday night at the home of
Mrs. Joe Hubbard.
Harold W. Robinson of Port
land visited Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson.
Mrs. Hattie Black of Salem and
Mrs. Kenneth Black of San Di
ego,' Calif., visited Wednesday
with Mrs. M. W. Mix.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gente
mann and son of Corvallis visited
Monday night with Mr. and Mrs.
M. H.- Gentemann. .
Earlys Visit "
Former Friends
At Bethel
BETHEL. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
. Early of Mabton, Wash., visited
4 among the , families descended
.from the pioneers of this district
recently. Ed Early is the son of
Dan Early, who built the sawmill
. . that made lumber of the virgin
: timber growing Where farms are
today. The sawmill stood on the
site of the Bethel school and the
; Dunkard church stood in the same
yard, and was later used as the
first school building. .
f Mr. Early lived here as a young
man on the Perry Taylor farm at
the turn of the century. He and
. Mrs. Early visited at the homes
of W. R. and W. A. Baker, Mrs.
'A. I- Schulz, Mrs. J. G. Lauder-
back and at the old home place.
- They were enroute home from
-Medford and were going to visit
his aunt, . Mrs. Emma Trice, at
; Sheridan, who formerly lived on
'the place that is now the J. M.
.Nichols dairy farm. ' f
Mrs. Harmon Fills
Out Office Term
FRUITLAND ' Mrs. Albert
Harmon was elected to fill the
term of Mrs. Arthur Schulz, who
resigned at a missionary society
meeting held recently. She was
"treasurer for the society and plans
; to go to California soon to visit
.her daughter and baby grandson.
Owing to gasoline rationing,
: church services will . not be held
regularly on Sunday nights. So
-far the Sunday night meetings
have been well attended,
; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harmon are
t on vacation from employment in
a Portland war plant. Mr. Harmon
- has spent part , of this time in
hunting China pheasants. t
' Dallas Sunday School
I Plans for Hallowe'en
DALLAS The officers 1 and
"teachers of the Presbyterian Sun
. day school met at the church par
,lors for hte regular monthly meet
ing and covered dish dinner Wed
nesday night at 6:30 pm. Members
"of the senior choir and their fam
'. lies were guests. ; ; :. j
The meeting was jjiven over to
the final preparations for the Hal
lowe'en party to be held October
29 In the basement of the church
for " members and friends of the
Sunday schooL
DeArmond HI
mond Is seriously ill at the Salem
General -hospital. -
375 Chemeketa Phone S221
lVii Udilt- . W-
Reports From
Union Hill
Unit Meets
Miss Clinton - ,
I Demonstrates
Dry Cleaning - .:
; UNION HILL On Tuesday
the first home extension unit was
held at the Union Hill grange hall
with Miss Frances Clinton leading
the group. The subject was "Dry
Cleaning at Home." . ;
1 A no-host luncheon was served
at noon to Mrs. - W. J. Krenz,
chairman. Mrs. F. Doerfler, sec
retary and treasurer, Mrs. W. M.
Tate, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs.' J.
O. Darby, Miss Millie Krenz,' Mrs.
Carrie Townsend, Mrs. Byron Mc
Elhaney, Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs.
J essie Carter, Martin Doerfler,
Mrs. John Steinberger and Miss
i The November meeting will be
a night meeting on "Women and
the Law."
! UNION HILL The Union
! Hill home economies meeting
will be held In connection with
clean-op day at the grange hall
on Wednesday, October 27. All
! grange members are urged to
! be present for the all-day meet
j Ing. A covered dish dinner will
j be held at the noon hour.
. ' -- '
Wilson Funeral
Held at Dallas
' DALLAS Funeral services
were held at the Methodist church
Thursday for Lydia May Wilson,
67, who passed away at her home
Tuesday morning following a heart
attack. - 1
She was born near Buell Feb
ruary 1, 1876, and has spent her
entire life in this community. She
was united in marriage to L R.
Wilson September 27, 1895. Six
children were born to this union,
two sons having passed away in
early life.
Surviving are the widower, L.
R. Wilson, two daughters, Mrs.
Forrest Martin of Dallas and Mrs.
Ray Harmon of Independence, and
two sons, Lore'rt Wilson of Van
couver, Wash., and Raymond Wil
son of Cave Junction.
Spring Valley
First Graders
Are Girls
al fact in regard to the enrollment
in the first grade at Spring Valley
school this year is that there are
five little girls attending for their
first term, namely Phyllis McKin
ney, Ruth Carlson, Ruth Ann Sus
milch, Charlene Mathews and Ele
nore Waldron.
All of the grades except the
fifth are being taught The eighth
graders- are Patricia Evans and
Buster Susmilch. Miss Bertha
Magness of Wheatland is the
teacher. , ,
The school children are buying
war stamps with hopes of having
their books filled by the next bond
Valley Births
DALLAS A daughter, Dorothy
Ann, was born to Lt and Mrs.
Ralph Howe at the Dallas hos
pital Tuesday. She is their second
child. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Smith an
nounce the birth of a daughter
at the Dallas hospital Monday.
She is their first child and has
been named , Marijo Katherine.
A daughter, Sandra Sue, was
born Monday at the Dallas hos
pital to Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Toews. Toews is in the navy and
his whereabouts is unknown.
received by friends this week of
the birth of an eight pound son
to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson at
the Methodist hospital at St Jo
seph, Mo. The baby has been
named Clyde Leroy. CpL: Ander
son is stationed at Nashville,
11 Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Wright are
the parents of a son born Octo
ber 18 at the Salem General hos
pital. Sgt. Wright is stationed at
Camp Adair.
Robert Peterson are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a
nine And a half pound boy at the
Deaconess hospital October 21.
He has been named Robert Wal
ter. ...
Cpensored by Capital Peat
ii 11 11 Si WW 03 11
Sdam. Oracon, Saturday
F LA C B A G Melrta Sawe
- flag from the "flag bag"
Valley Communities List Dates j
Time for Getting Ration Book 4
"DALLAS The distribution dates for war ration, book foilr
in Dallas will be Thursday and Friday, October 28 and 29. The
distribution will take place at the high school building only and
the hours will be from 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. on both days. The work
will be done by the , high school
teachers, assisted by several stu
dents. The high , school will not
be in session on those two days
but the elementary ; and junior
high schools will hold, school as
usual.' ; -i-:.'
While applicants may come at
any hour during the two registra
tion days, it will be appreciated
if they will adhere to the follow
ing time schedule as far as con
venient: Those f whose surnames
begin with the letters A to G,
Thursday from; 9 to 12:30; H to
M, Thursday from 12:30 to 4;.N
to S, Friday from 9 to 12:30; T to
Z, Friday from 12:30 to 4. This
will leave the late afternoon and
night hours for those who cannot
conveniently come earlier in the
day. : . i .. .i
- One member of a family may
secure the ration books for ' all
members of the. family. However,
it will be necessary to submit a
ration book 3 for each person for.
whom , a book 4 j is requested.
Teachers are not permitted to is
sue a book 4 for any person un
less a book 3 for that person Is
presented at the time of making
application. ..
LINCOLN Mrs. Roy W: Ham
mer and Mrs. Lois Crawford will
register. applicants for ration book
4 in this district at the local
school Tuesday. Wednesday and
Thursday, October 26 to 29, next
week from 3:30 to 9. The war
chest drive booth will be. at the
school. Mrs. L. I. Mickey, appoint
ed as chairman of the drive com
mittee will be assisted by Mrs.
Nels Yenckel.
tion for ration book 4 will be Oc
tober 26-29 rat SDrin Valler
school house. The hours are from
3 to 5 pjn. and 7 to 9 Dm. Miss
Bertha . Magness, . school instruc
tor, and Mrs. Ted : Daum
prise the ration board.
FRUITLAND iThe rationing
dates for this community will be
on October 26 and 27 from 2:30
to 9 &m each day. ;
book 4 will be made at the Mis
sion Bottom school Tuesday and
Wednesday from 1:30 to 430 p.m
Tuesday and Wednesday and
Wednesday night from 750 to 9
pjn. . r
AUBURN RaUon book 4 will
be available at the Auburn school
October 26, 27 and 28 from 3:30
to 6 pjn. and on October 28 un
til 9 p.m. Ration book 3 must be
presented. ' ; ' '
MIDDLE GROVE Ration book
4 will be issued here Tuesday
to those whose names begin with
the letters A to I inclusive and
Wednesday from J to R inclusive,
from 350 to 6 pjn. on both days.
On Thursday, rationing for those
from S to Z will be held from
3:30 to 9 pjn. The teachers, Sadie
Roth and Grayce Dunagan, will
be assisted ; by Mrs. , Covil Case,
Ernest- Barker, Emory Goode,
John Van Iannen, Paul Bassett
and William ScharfJ Those who
cannot come on the designated
day. may, come on another,,:
ffe, f, American Legion
103 -, V &l 11 11 03
Community Correspondents
Morning, October 23, 1943
of Batte, Montana, hoUto a signal
of a destroyer escort ship. . . -
Maurer Rite
Held Friday
Dallas Funeral services
were held Friday at 9:30 at St.
Mary's Catholic church at Mt. An
gel for Vincent Maurer, 60, who
was found dead in his pickup
truck on the Pope-Talbot logging
road Monday night. Maurer had
apparently suffered a heart attack.-;.-
Vincent Maurer was born Janu
ary 6, 1884 at Vutenburg, Ger
many. He came to the United
States 47 ' years ago, settling in
Oregon a year later where he has
lived for the past 33 years.
"Surviving are his five brothers,
Valentine Maurer of Dallas; Anton
Maurer of Vancouver,-Wash.; Jo
seph - Maurer of Spokane, . Wash.;
Charles Maurer and Matthew
Maurer living in California; and
two sisters, Mrs, Bertha Morrell of
Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. Mary
Rauch of ML AngeL
Miss Hough : Visits -
With Parents
At Aum8ville
AUMSVILLE Miss Cecelia
Hough of Portland was at the
home of her " parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Hough,' part of this
week. She is employed at . the
Vancouver shipyard as a 1 e a d
lady. She was given a three days
leave this week. ; ;
V. Mr. I and -Mrs. Edgar Pierce of
Salem were dinner " guests here
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bland ' Spear,: They, were
residents of - Aumaville for a long
period of years. . V f , ,
Mr. and Mr. Phil Brinkman
of Portland were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Speer also.
" : Harold u Mullen. '' and . George
Claxton returned Thursday from
a deer hunt above Mill City but
got no deer.-
Cash on Hand and Due from Banks
United Stales Government Bonds
Municipal and Other Bonds.
Loans and Discounts.
Stock in Federal
Bank Premises
Other Real Estate-
Customers Liability on Acceptances-
Interest turned
Other Resources
Capital -'
Surplus :
Undivided Profits
Reserves '
: Reserves for Interest, Taxes,'eic.
Acceptances ; ' '
Dividends Declared
. Deposits
Other Liabilities
- , . ; $412,641,598.79 7
nMi Ode Portland, Oregea '
Member Federmt Deposit lasuraoct Corpormttoa ... . '
V - I '
Churches Plan
- . f ' I
'World' Day
Armistice Selected
For Joint Meeting
At Jefferson
JEFFERSON -Members of the
Methodist, Evangelical, Christian
and Catholic -churches met Mon
day afternoon at the 'home of
Mrs. J. G. Fontaine to plan for
the world community day. It -was
decided to have the program at
the ' Christian church November
11,; Armistice day. Present at the
committee meeting were Mrs. J.
G. Fontaine, Mrs. C. J. Thurston,
Mrs. Claude Stephens, Mrs. Mar
tha Hutchings, Mrs. J. T. Jones,
Miss Anna ; Klampe and Miss
Mary Donohue. "
I Frank Reeves of Portland was
In . Jefferson Thursday ; visiting
relatives and old time friends.
Reeves was formerly in 1 business
' . Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Miller of
Sac " City, Iowa, have purchased
the . George . Vandeventer farm
near ' " Millers burg, and . plan to
move there the first, of the year,
Mrs. R," C. Thomas of Albany
attended the'" WSCS 'Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. R.
O. Kissling. ' .
A number of people who are
leaving this week on a deer hunt
.in the eastern Oregon country are
Clarence Pagei Claude ' and Mer
vin McGill, William Brown, W. C
Chilton, Robert .Terhune and son,
Bobby, and Clair Haight.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dickinson
left for Portland Wednesday after
spending several days visiting at
the home of Mr., and Mrs. Her
bert Looney. Mrs. Looney accom
panied them home. - - .
. Member s of the Christian
church Endeavor society are mak
ing plans for a Hallowe'en party
to be held in the church parlors
October 29. . ...
Miss Holder
To Tell of India
Holder, returned missionary from
India, will speak at the school
house at 7:30 pjn. on Sunday un
der the auspices of the instruction
committee of Christian Endeavor,
Lorene Lowery, chairman. Miss
Holder will bring native costumes
of India with her. Everyone is
welcome ; to attend. .
On Sunday the relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Rominger held a fam
ily reunion honoring Mr, and
Mrs. Ralph Badger, who are here
from Alaska. Mrs. - Badger is the
former Velma Rominger.,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roosa,
who formerly lived here, were up
from Portland' on business Tues
day. Mr. Roosa has taken employ
in e n t in one of the shipyards.
They have recently . heard from
their son, Ted, who is in the ar
my and is now stationed in Italy.
He saw much action In North Af
rica. Oak Point Farms
Change Ownership.
OAK POINT Roy Bigelow
has sold his 105-acre farm in this
community to a Mr. Gobat lot
Dallas, - formerly of ' the canton
ment area.. Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow
have no - plans , yet as, to where
they will move r" " . ;
Peter Schrag has purchased 48
acres of land adjoining, his place
from Mrs. Emma Webster of Cot
4age Grove. ; -
- Condensed Report of the
or Portland, Orccon
AS OF OCTOBER 18, 1943
, " s v ...... .
Reserve Bansu.
(Including Branches).
, " .
" -: U44r657.09
New Phone line
Adair Signal
Corps Strings
Poles for Company '
ROBERTS The Riverside Co
operative Telephone company is
having new wire, strung , on the
poles erected about a year ago on
the-new right of way. The work
is being done by a construction
platoon of a signal corps ' from
Camp Adair. The men are receiv
ing ." practical -training and the
same time giving Roberts and the
surrounding territory a needed im
provement in telephone service. .
The telephone company has had
the wire and-other equipment on
hand for some time, but owing to
shortage of help could not get the
work done. Carl Heyden, presi
dent of the company, was Instru
mental -in ". making ; the .; arrange
ments between the army officials
and .the company. It is expected
the lines will be ready for use
in about a week.
Lt : D. G. ' Blankenship Is in
charge of - the group which in
cludes Staff Sgt. Dan A. Fog arty.
Tech. Sgt. Verna C. ; Reynolds,
Staff Sgt. Powell, Sgt. Jack Hen
ry, CpL Merriman Woodhull, Cpl.
Kunkel, CpL Cuthbert, CpL Feth-
er Storbaugh arfd about 50 pri
vates. .
The grange has opened its hall
for the use of; the men at lunch
time. Women oT the community
are serving coffee.
Polk Sends
DALLAS The following se
lectees from Polk count y, local
board were accepted, for service
George Wesley. Boyd, Indepen
dence, marine corps; navy, Arnold
Leander Fast ,' Dallas; Kenneth
Arthur" Wright, . Dallas; George
Wesley-Kellis, Reedsport; Max
Eldon Lee, Independence.
; Army, Eldon Earl Bevens, Pal
las; Milo Mercus" Miller, Indepen
dence; Arvil Lerpy Oziah, Dallas;
Reignold Vern f Yule, Grand
Ronde; Andrew Gene Sedivy,
Monmouth; . Marvin Prey Ny
strom, Salem; John Thomas El
mo r e, Jr,' Portland; Timothy
Burke Stivers, Portland; Oliver
James Hyland, Dallas; Rosco Ora
Sexton, Salem; Arthur. Robert
Vann, Sheridan; Neil Leroy Metz
ger, Remote; O r e n . George Pi-
chette, Dallas. .
. Transfers: Vernon Nile" Robin
son, Dallas - from Santa Monica,
Califs navy; Delmer Ernest Fer
guson from. San ; Diego, CaliL,
army; Earl Ray Neal from Bur
bank, C a lit., army; Paul Leroy
Wiebe, Portland, from McClusky,
ND, army;. Robert Junior Cobine
from Burbank, Calif, army.
The next call will be Novem
ber 12.
Turner War Chest -Quota
Set at $1225 ? ;
TURNER The war chest
drive Is en in Turner and sur
rounding community with the
quota set at $ 1225. Mrs. Mary
Ball 1s chairman of the drive,
and assisting, her are Carl
Booth of the Cloverdale district;
Mrs. Basel Morris of the Dla
hee district and Mrs. Wanda
rVersteg of the Crawford district.
. 315,000.00
: -
$ ,15X20.959.11
' - C29XV88
- " 23,875.34 '-
' : 78,750.00
33885,376.!15 -
: , , 2ill
rirs, I.Iartia Uc:rr3
To Extension Grcap
JIACLEAY Xlit, Harry
Ilxrtia wn be hostess at her
home Saturday ta the eonnty
harna extension committee and
XXIss Frances Clinton,' heme ex
tension agent.
The committee, besides Mrs.
Martin, includes Mrs. C A.
Lynda, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs.
Floyd Fox, Mrs. James Keys,
Mrs. IL K. Woodburn and Mrs.'
Grace Cramer.
Punzel Child Improves
. CLEAR . LAKE Doris Jane
Punzel, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur ' J. . Punzel, re
turned home from a local hospital
Thursday after recently under
going an operation for appendi
citis. . ' - -
T 1 W .. Li
SrA Continuous
"yftfjlX ' Show
Matine 1 :00
tht stnsationat
Major Ve Seversky SfWfh'StK
ele4 thn Uriel Artistr :Z KSIfljXi ! l!fS&VE!
fTind Action
V-yT dm Hit
I w
(i . C"'i-,SIII
&Mit::, ' Kc3 cl.lla Cowtays
V-.V (..l m in. " ' ' ill! I I I in mi ' , .
' - i. . LAST DAY
At Sisler'a Iloine -
Hutchens, C3, died at the home ct
her i sister, Mrs. F. W. Newell, on
Hobart Road Thursday noon. Fu
neral services will be Saturday at
1030 ajn. from the WhiUitld
chapel in McMinnville. The Ek
man funeral home of Silverton Is
In charge of arrangements.
Survivors are a brother, Thom
as B. Hutchens of Silverton and
sisters, Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Mary
Gabriel, the latter of Kelso.
Airs. Rogers Injured
OAK POINT Mrs. Joe Rogers
Is recovering f rom injuries re
ceived in an accident while at
tending an auction sale Thursday.
Pat O'Brien
Jean Bennett
Franchot Tone
"She Knew
All the
with j
Slapsie.Maxie Rosenbloora
Gene Autry
"Sierra See'
Johnny Mack
Mi-r-n -y "