The OrXGOII STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 13, 1243 Originality : In Old ' ; Dishes , ;. ' ' To snake next substitutes. and . low-point main dishes take i on new clamour, serve, them in a different form that is. the usual way. Tor Instance, hauibuigq : cakes served with vegetables in "a casserole dish will seem like a ' -new recipe.",;; .' : 'Ct-r--'-y o Macaroni and cheese need not be the same familiar casserole dish either. Try stepping It Tip In a' new way nTacaronl patties, lor example. CkHed ellaowtnac- aitmi, " chopped cooked green , pepper and onion, chicken, bouil lon cubes, shredded American Cheddar cheese, eggs, spicy sea sonings these are the basis of. macaroni patties. Both the eggs and the chicken bouillon add their protem values to that of the cheese to make tlie dish en tirely adequate from a nutrition standpoint, and a new flavor-delight to the appetite. Here's the way they're made.. . MACAXOXI PATTIES 1 cup 'elbow macaroni 1 tablespoons chopped green pepper . 2 tablespoons chopped onion .2 tablespoons butter, mar- ; garine or drippings - -S tablespoons flour . 4 cup undiluted evaporated ' milk . , - 2 chicken bouHlan cubes vv t cup boiling water . : -T, - 2 eggs IM cups shredded American V-'-----' cbeesa-iv;i,-i4;,-'?C . teaspoon salt - : ) JDash of pepper , 1 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Today's Menu ' Bordering on the meatless, be cause a little hamburger will 0 a long way in the main dish, is this menu for today. " y Melon ball ' salad - Stuffed cabbage rolls ' ! Sauteed carrots . . . Baked apples with raisin,.. . Spice cake ! STUFFED CABBAGE BOLLS 1 small head cabbage Vt lb. hamburger - f ; 2 teaspoons chopped onion , ' ; . 1 cup cooked rice teaspoon celery seed 1 egg, beaten " -" 1 3i cupmak ' 21 tablespoons meat drippings ' Vt cup water ' Core cabbage; wash thorough ; ly. Cover cabbage with boiling water; let stand five minutes. Separate leaves; reserve six ' large. Combine meat, onion, rice, celery seed, egg, tnflk and salt. Place spoonful meat, mixture on each large leaf; fold over, fasten ing wim toothpicks. Brown In meat drippings; add water. Cov er with remaining cabbage. Cov er; simmer one hour. Serves 6. juATION CALENDAR -- 7 WWW l Cinwl Goodi Blue stamp V. V ,1 nd W'fMi throueta October 20.i X, V. X valid until Kov. 30. Meat, cheese, tanned fish and B- U tats Brown stnMW C D and. El Prisoners Aid " Outstanding Relief Agency - Behind the barbed wire of war prison camps, thousands of cap tive soldiers, sailors and marines are seeking desperately to fill long empty hours of tedium. ' Naturally active, " imprisoned fighting men find the inactivity and confinement of &e prison compounds shatteringry depressive and grasp eagerly at any possible activity. Sports and athletic events particularly, offer physical f and mental release from the misery of imprisonment, thank to the work of the War Prisoners Aid commit tee' of YMCA's, n international organization having the , confi dence of all warring nations. Re quested by both axis and allied nations to provide recreational, educational, cultural and religious activities for prisoners of war, this committee Jomishes equipment and aid in these fields. Bequests made by prisoners of war to the neutral workers visiting the camps for the com mfttees are far all types of aflv Letic equipment including base ball, basketball, soccer, volleyball and football sear. In some of the camps, regular teams have been formed and series play Is carried so. Teams represent different bar racks or different branches of mil itary service. Non-players are avid spectators and the merits of jdif ferent players are ' argued with S same good-natured beat' that marks the conversation of sports fans eveiy avbeie.'. ".JI An idea of bow much such ac tivity means to them can perhaps be gotten from a letter written by ie prisoner. He wrote: It Is essential to realize hew easily our - perceptions may be- i come sterile in the monotony of; our small, unreal existence. We' have to combat an attitude of mor bid resignation to an evil fate. The task Is to' preserve mind and body ia a fit state to be a power in the world whenever the moment of release may come The War Prisoners Aid com mittee provides not only athletic equipment to military captives, but also musical Instruments, ta ble games .such as checkers and chess, Bibles and religious ma terial, textbooks and other read ing matter and handicraft equip ment Operating from headquar ters in .Geneva, Switzerland, the committee's neutral : representa tives visit .camps In belligerent nations to provide the supplies and let .advise and counsel prisoners on recreational, cultural and moral programs. This work is carried en ia accordance with terms of the Geneva Convention of 1929. : - Farm, Plans Trip ; r SCIO .-. Eoy Bowman of Al bany., who recently purchased iiiie B. E. Goodwin farm of SO acres two miles south of Scio, will not occupy the place lor the present, he stated in this city this week. DJr. and lira. Goodwin plan a trip sooth and west, returning to some section cf Oregon next Tear for permanent residence, -, Sirs. C. I. FenneH returned this week from the Canby community, where she was with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Siegner, farmers and dairy operators. j Mrs. X IL HiMreth gave a party this week -at the Scio Christian church for her primary Sunday school class. Watermelon and coo kies were served. . Charley Deleral this week killed a grey fox ia the timber near bis home ten miles southeast of Scio. J Sweet Heme Family VLZ;z X7ii Honiara 'XJ At Ennnyside ".rr ' .SCICJYSIDE - Mr. and Mrs.: Slater from Sweet Home spent the weekend -with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mentor." -U .-.;' - ' Mrs. Leonard Monroe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Larson has been visiting them for the past week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hanson vis ited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Larson. . Mrs. Hanson is Mrs. Larson's sister. y- Mrs. Dora Coon spent the week end, with, her daughter and lam Sjt Mr. and Mrs. IlarryjPcarson. Mr. and Mrs. w. croucn re ceived 250 baby chicks. '.t ' Mrs. Wiley Wiggins from Port land called at the Sherwood home Friday afternoon." The grey fox, a native of Oregon, was common a number of years jk-JLJ A Va Aa-aC4 O Start Fxdl YZcrli : AIErrr . Fanners Li tIJj community are busy with dlscir j for fall seeding tor hay, also some plowing , is being done. nanUr.g onions for seed and general farm work is being carried on during the good weather. Mrs. George Henderson ' and daughter, Ida Jo, have returned from a three weeks trip vkitic relatives in Iowa. She tells of see ing large herds of cattle and hogs, also immense fields of soybeans, through Nebraska, and Iowa, this being a new crop there, to be rais ed on such a large scale. Mrs. May Visits MISSION BOTTOM Mrs. Cora May and daughter, Coleen, have been spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist. I Sucar CeaiBon No. 14. IS and 16 1 oxpir October 31. rood for S pounds.) SUms Ns. It. book one. sood In- defiaitetr. i Alrolan itatnpt valid Nov. 1. - . 4 GASOLIKI Book A eoupoBS No. sow good, ftr tare cnons eiocn. ruEL on. ' Pcilod 1 cjoouu m new MH oD rmtioBa vaUd Otroaeli January X Cow-'j pons with callonaco printed on the sace vana zor wtum inaicaxeo n-' til expiratioa date adtote oa ' sheet. , .. j. - . , ' . TIKES Cars wtth C nbaa boats snast nave ttres inspected eei J S months: B fcaaka every tnoorhs: A books mm inonths. Commercial motor ' lildes - tiro Inspections every nanths.or every S008 xnOes. Air-Borne Medicine Shipment to Fight Yugoslav Epidemic Medicines in tablet form are be ing flown across the Atlantic in an effort to help check an epidemic of malaria in Yugoslavia. : The medicines and their ship- ment have been arranged for by the United Yugoslav Belief Fund, a member agency of the National War Fund, and responsibility for distribution through private hos pitals and clinics in Yugoslavia 1 has been assumed by the Interna- tional Red Cross. 1 cup fine cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon cold water Fat for frying ' Parsley Cook the macaroni in salted boiling water until tender. Drain ; and blanch. In the top of a dou ble boiler cook the green pepper and onion in the butter, margar ine or drippings, until tender. Blend in the flour, then add the mOk and bouillon Tubes dissolv ed in boiling water. Place over boiling water and cook, stirring frequently, until thick. Slowly add one beaten , egg, then the cheese, salt, pepper, Worcester " shire sauce, macaroni and cup of cracker crumbs. Bemove from the beat and spread -the mixture in a greased shallow pan (7x11 inches). Chill. Cut into eight rec- tangiar patties, xnp eacn in me . r t remaining cracker crumbs, then UOllieS BIC LiOV6ly in a mixture of one beaten egg and the cold water; and again in the crumbs. Brown slowly , on both sides in hot fat. Garnish with parsley. New Stamps to : Be Good Soon ' Beginning November 1, the housewife will use green stamps from the new war ration book four to buy rationed canned fruits and vegetables, the district OPA said. The final series of blue stamps in war ration book two, X, Y, and Z will be used, as well, through November 20. The A," "BT-tod XT series of stamps in book four will be valid to buy rationed processed ' foods -from November 1 through - December ; 20. These .green stamps will be used in exactly the same manner as the familiar blue stamps in war ration book ; two, which have been used to buy processed foods since the in ception of rationing last March 1. . - This means that between No- ember 1 and November 20 two separate sets of stamps may be - used to buy canned goods blue stamps and "Z from war ration book two, and green . stamps "A," rB and CT from" war ration book four. After No vember 20, only one ration book, book four will bo needed for buying canned fruits and vege tables. War ration book four will bo distributed in the OPA district - between October 26,29. . , The green stamps in book four will be used for processed foods, r- but only until the ration "token' system goes into effect, probably early next year. At that time, the red and blue stamps in book four will be put into use for buying rationed foods. - These red and blue stamps should be kept In tact until they become valid. i These doilies are s-point stars crocheted to glitter in all the 'gossamer loveliness of white or ; ivory string against the dark, I , polished she e n of your table. 1 j Thev're filet crochet done back j and forth--they have many tuses. Pattern 2s7t contains di 1 rections and charts for making I 'doilies; illustrations of stitches; ! ust oz material requirea. ! Send EXXVSJf CXNTS tm cotes for ttria Mttera tm tbo Ore on Statea- i man. Meedteeraft Dept. Salem. Ore. ) Writ plainly pattern nuiuiw, your NAM.and ADDRESS. iilllliiiit We are now in a position to insulate your home with insulat ing wool, S inches of this wool is equivalent to 11 feet of solid concrete. : ; ; - Saves I Fuq! - ' COBM cost. ia, phono In or write ia for additional details and its JOBS 0)NTRACTED--- Unin-ailo 7d!27 rid Go. " . 25$ North Commerclil Street - - Phone 117 j' : Salem, Oregon Ja "- a . A .- - A cacao tro? eaa 'tycaKsar nzsscos Good fresh bread, and a tasty, nutritious tilling those are the foundation of many a good cold-weather lunch! Fill it out with anything that strikes your fancy, plas something hot to drink, and you have a mid-day meal that will carry you right through the afternoon. Safeway has the niakings! . Loaf Margarine, Dalewood (4 Pts.)Xb, 22c JIrarinef Saimy Bank (4).Lb. 18c Margarine, Parkay (4)1-Ib. pkg. 73c Sandwich Spread, Lnitch Bor JHnt 25c Salad Dressing, Duchess Pint jar 25c Mayonnaise, Nu Made. . Pint jar 27c Peanut Batter, Beverly l-lb. jar 31c Catsup.1 CHB (15 Pts.)JL4-6z. bot. 15c Tomato Paste, Madonna (9), 6-oz. can 7c Cocktau Sauce, CHB (10) 10-on bot. 19c Marmalade, Tibbeta .Brook, 2-lb. jar 33c Bluhill Cheese, plain or smok. 2) Pkg. 15c Beefsteak Sauce, Heinz., 8-ox. 23c Horseradish, Bine BelL 4-ox. jar 11c YeeUble CocktT, V-8 (2) 18-oz. can 14c . Brown Stamps : C-DE-F Good Now 7 Expire Oct. 30 '.i-' 'is - i Blue Stamps 0-V-T7 Exnbre Oct. 24 x-y-z Also Ood - Now Expire Nov. t Soap, Van Camp's VegeUble (8 iHaf) No, 300 can 12c Soap Stock, Mixed (No Pts.)2 lbs. 19c Whole Green Peas 24b. pkg. 23c Cranberry Beans (6 Pts.)3 lbs. 27c Ytz. Beef Bouillon, Double X2-oz. Sc Soda Crackexa. 2-lb. pkr- 23c Muffin Mix, Ginger Bread Mix, ' Dnff ' iLPkz. 22c Cake Floor, Fisher's. ,2-lb. sk. 14c Crown or Drifted Snow Floor, 241z-lb. . - $115 Kitchen Craft Floor -dSJb. sk. 1.99 Red Arrow Flour 49-lb, sk. $17 Graham, Whole Wheat .Floor, , . Fisher , ., - 2-lb. 14c Buckwheat Floor, Aont Jemima, .25c Pancake Floor, Snxsnna, 40-oz. pkg;. 15c Royal Satin Saortening (4), lb. pkr. 22c Stidds Tsmales (No Pts.) Pt. jar 22c Tenderoni, Van Camp's, i Ives, pkffs. : 2 for I5c Peas, Surar eBUe (18 Pts.)No. 2, 13e Beans, Santiam Fey. (8 Pts.), IN o. z, ldc Asparssus, Inland Valley (18 Pts.) M, Let tbo JifM fe: Children Cook W$T-yj t i 1 Np, 2, 2c Spinach, Pur Pak (19), No, 22 can 16c Prases, Red Tar rancy - (15 Pts.)..... No. 2lx glass 16c Peaches, Petite (27 Pts.): .No. 2,2 can zoc Peaches, Polar Brand (27 Pts.)- Jio. iVt can 22c Raisin. Snn-Maid Nectars (4 PJs.) 15-ox. 12c Cherub Milk (1 Pt.), tall cans. 4 for 35c Sarar, Beet -jj. .;.;, 5-ib. sk. 32c - : ' '' 5-lb. 33c Salted Almonds Hard Candy, v - Assorted Cohan. -Vx-Ib. pkf. 49c .I-lh. ceDo. 49c FOaATQSS "olb TJ. S. No. 2 Yakima Gems bar : U. S. No, 1 Quality, 5 lbs. 14 1C Ifi Good for S Lbs. Each 11-10-lU Expire Octoaer 31 OSBaaaoa---- - . ' oW I - - I Keep 6yn5 Vor ftonds and Stomp Week after Week! Vinerar, Old Mill . . . .....QU bottle 13e Baby Food, Clapp's (l)4-ox. can 7c Nabisco Shredded Wheats Pkr He Shredded IUlston Cereal 12-oz. lie Quaker Moffets 10-ox. pkr 10e Puffed SparUes-Wheat-Qnaker, pkg. 9c Wheat Hearts, Sperry, 14-oz. pkr. 13c Wheat Meal, Grapenuts, 16-oz. pkp. 12c Oats, Blorninr Golry, 48-oz. 21c ?nnncrr New cp Banana Jb. Valencias Jb. CElZHESOniES ffnnnnl!I7 Tender, Crisp U. S. No. 1 Quality Bandon rrown . lb. Local Jb. 16c 2c 2c Ucsn Oil For Cool-lay 4 points pint.) lial Salads . Ilazola Cil (4 pelats per pint.) Cora On. " rtwt rerular or quick. Bird Seed, French's10-oz. pkr. He Bluinr, Mrs. Stewart's.l0-oz. boU 13c Household Cleaner, Parsons, qt. boL 23c Porex Blearh QU bot. 12c QL boL 10c .2 bars 13c White Marie Blc Sweetheart Soap. Hand Lotion, True American, ' 12 os. ' ,, , , ,' .23c & 2c tax Waldorf Toilet Paper Scott Tissue Toilet Paper. Favorite Matrbx .4 rolls 19c 3 rolls 20c .Carton 19c North Star Dor FooAl 5-lb. pkr. 46c smvmv cmis-JL- roiais I Ter Ih. W S Sbtblder Pcib DCllSt ceater est Ik 31c (I , PciZi Sfcs!: ;- 2! s Pcitlircr - - 21: B Cxzdz Bed Ecail a mad. oJz , B fhzii Sbri 11 ICs . II. Y. Brcr:cd A Grcis Fcr1 ia.41c ; 11. Y. Drcrs. A Grids Fryers n.Zz . Fresh Qyslsra - " G5s cbesso ; . Shorteninr ! - s Always a Fresh Supply of K . - . , . ' Ufcefc Ecza CcIIcts - at your Safeway Choose from these Hao Educrds tkr 24 c Best quality none : . finer at any priceT IlcbOIl w : Rich, luxurious flavor. Lb. fliroay Mild and full-flavored. 20c 2c LAST M0NTH in one of these columns, 1 talked about the way youngsters like to put up their own school lunches. And, to tell the truth. I was amazed at the number of readers both younf and old who wrote me afterward. Al most everyone was quick to point out that the younger generation not only likes to pack lunches, but also gets real satisfaction from various lands of prac tical cooking. n More than one reader added this very timely thought: nowadays, when so many mothers are busy with war work, it's a real family help when the children take aa active part in making the kitchen run smoothly. It gives them the feeling of "doing something" important, tOO. I've found through my own experience that youngsters make creditable cooks provided they're not hurried and pro vided they start out on things they reafly like. For example, boys can handle this one enthusiastically and kilfuUy, right oif the bat: ; WAFFLES AND PANCAKU 2 euaa oerichto Sour t tsa. salt N 2 tsos. asking Sagas- oowoer . ly, cu milk . 2 roses, aug-ar - 4 tbsoa. mtttci . '';" shortening Sift flour, measure? oift again with baking powder, sugar and salt. Beat eggs in large bowl with rotary beater; add milk and ahortening; beat until weQ mixed. Add flour mixture and beat with rotary beater until smooth. , For Woftlsst Bake in hot wafi3e iron about five minutes or until no more "steam" escapes and waffles are a golden brown. Do not "peek" while baking. Makes six 6-inch waCles. For Poncokosi Drop batter by table spoonfuls on hot. slightly greased griddles. Turn cakes when bubbles break. Bake until golien brown. Makes 10 to 12 medium-sized pancakes, (4 inches ia diameter). (NOTE: For the pancake recipe, egs may bo reduced to one and ahortening to two tablospoonfuli). And these are a "natural" for girls to start out on: 2 sups soricneal Sour . J.tao.aooa Itao. baking ratss.tatt 2 eus Quick oaU 1 eup SM1!M , ' raisins -1 sop ooarsoty eKop- pe otitmaat : 4 cop shortcnin 1 1 cwp Srewn tuftr legs . "". ' : y oup inilk ' A IMS tOOMS IM COPftt- n smcus ua coMEir vsra tou come, tur S0MCTHM6 SESMS S3 ge vssvm HOwcoMfT f a Oaaaaav V OEMtJUST SOUGHT IT fSBTXROXy, AMD I OVOA600O .CCA we IT A v . .. tTS IMS fUNNaEST TlMNO.JOAM TESTSKDay i mo a tor os money for a ouno o Offtt. but xhss cioknws majctim s&pzo o AND SAiO SOMTHn SEEWS S Sf aWSSatfiT! Anp e narr mas csam m suaut. tmc. secAusc he auovys wis ms com "STWUGHT TO OCT tut WU fUVOK Sift flour, measure and sift with dry ingredients; add oats, raisins and nut meats. Cream shortening with, sugar; add well-beaten eggs end milk: com bine with flour mixture. Drop by tea spoonfuls on greased cookie sheet. Bake in moderate oven (37S F.) 12 to IS min.. Makes 6 dozen. , Director SsjtuMj t Jomemmkert' Dm ream tu. err MAJtTlM tvotaa so fat Koue corns m wu SOU6MT IT IN IMS WMOU-OEAN ANO mo it cmsuno exAcny koxt ton VXSX COfttt M IK CCPOO- CNCC.TMATS THtlowlOCrr KEAt. RAVWt! Y THAT I SOUNDS I tatS AN ;l 1 . aa a - - I 17 " uicj rr. lau. cotfzt AOAIH-CVPt THOUCM ft cost PutHTt or matter ITS ttOKTH IT. VJf tats corns aa tXPGiSNtlMSIOiSCS O50 MAT M COFK2, It a f KCSHNESS THAT COUNTS SO-lSOUCrir VAtOLS-SCAM COfPU A0 IT SC0UND fWWtf I - - AntaT. twj tS cooo C0fffJ! J Joen Was ttlrhtl Whole-Seen . CctTes HAS SmtMn-l And your neighborhood Safeway , Stores is headquarters for Cae. .coHde, ground ri;ht on the spot to. give best resulu a your own core maker. Try a pound this week! Money back if you're not : entirely sailed. j j a"! t- ' 7 V ( - t M,Vf' , -3 d -J