PAGZ SIX Th ZlATZZ: IAH. Cslsa. Oregon, Tuesday Morning. October 19, 134$ ' - . i i 1 i i - if: Hostesses to Fete "Paulson Mr. Earl Cooler and Mrs. Charles Feike have arranged a bridal party for Wednesday night in compliment to Miss Hene Paulson, daughter of Mr. and; Mrs. Oscar L Paulson, Jr., - who will be married to Mr. John Folsom Hayes, -son of Mr. ' and Mrs. A. F. Hayes, on No vember 10. The wedding of the , couple will take : place at the First Congregational church. Guests have been Invited to a dessert supper at - the Feika home on Richmond avenue. Contract bridge will be ln play during the evening and a mis cellaneous shower will f eta the bride-to-be. Bouquets of chrysanthemum will provide the decorative note and 18 friends of the bride-elect have been invited to the party. Church Council Has Meeting Salem council of church wom en met at the" First Methodist church on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Ha worth presiding. Mrs. R. S. Randall was elected president Mrs. Randall, former ly a missionary to China, has moved here with her family. Her father, a Rev. Crawford, was a ; pioneer Oregon minister. - Plans for World Community i day were discussed. The meet--ing on that day, November 11, will be held at the Presbyterian church, with Mrs. Irving Fox as chairman of the committee. Win ter work of the council and mi grant work were discussed. Vocal solos by Mrs. Agnes Drummond and Mrs. Viola Er mel, accompanied by Mrs. D. B. Kleihege were given. Mrs. T.j S.' : MacKenzie, Miss Anna Hamm, superintendent of a migrant camp near Independence, Mrs. W. Weins, Mrs. G. R-Ross and Miss Leora Strong were speak- ' ers for the afternoon. The' latter were in charge of migrant cen ters at Darley's plantation at West Stayton. i American War Mathers will meet for all day sewing at the USO. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. Easy to Wear This smart, flattering shirt walster is well suited to your present hie Of pep and patriot Ism. Pattern 4537 can be whlsk- - ed on and off twixt crowdinc ac clivities and KJ. duty at home, llade up in pliant rayon it goes anywhera with. ease. It's a style that tuba easily, too. Clear in traction sheet with pattern. Pattern 4337 comes la women's sizes 34, 33, 33, 43 42, 44, 43, 43. Size 38 takes 3Ti yards 33 inch. Send SIXTXT N CENTS tn coins f-r this pattnn. Write plainly HAhTR, ADDRSSS. STYLX KUhtBt. JUST OUTI New rslt and Winter Pattern Cook. Send TiOJ CXNTS ex tra. rree siov , and . bag patters printed iQ book. Send your order to The Oregoa Statesman. Pattern Department, Sa lem, Oregon. j Mm f I i i A Wl 1 "I 11 ' e A 34-42 S : Sjy- SOCIEiT uusic fbeDEJE 7 : CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAT Ministers Wives, with Mrs. Ed- . ward Allen. 835 Cross street, a. as. breakfast. Etokta dub. with Mrs. J. Ray yemberton. 14SS Sou-tit Commer cial street. S pA. Oiadwick chapter. Order o Castera Star, Masonic temple, pjb. Westminster Guild. First Pres byterian church, a p.ra. Book-a-afonOt club, with Mrs. ltollia Beaver, Glenn Creek road, dessert luncheon, 1:19 pjn. WEONESDAT Royal Neighbors aewinf club, with Mrs. Leaora Hartley. 311 Richmond avenue, an day meet ing and no-host luncheon . South circle.- First Christian church, with Rev. and Mrs. Dud ley Strain. 1490 D street all day. na host luncheon. Salem Writers club. 7 JO pjn. - with Dr. Mary Rowland. 407 Court street. ' Mayflower guild. Congregation al church, with Mrs. Ray Yocom. Mrs. Eric Butler assisting. 3:30 pjn. Pythian Sisters. Fraternal tem ple, pjn. Sweet Briar club. Mrs. Clifford Chaffee, Wallace road, Spra, - THVaSDAT -Salem IJons auxiliary. Mrs. Floyd Bowers. 599 North 15th street. p.m. Faculty Women's club. Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, University House 3:3 pjn. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War. with Mrs. Lorene Stow, 259 East Wilson street, pjn. Prlngle - Pleasant Point Social club, Mrs. George Grabenhorst, 1655 Fir street. Rotary Board ;At Yocom's Mrs. Ray A. Yocom presided at a dessert luncheon Monday : afternoon at her North Summer street home for members of the executive board of Women of Rotary. The luncheon table was cen tered with a turquoise bowl filled with yellow roses and bouquets of salvia, marigolds, red zinnias and roses were used about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. Nels Ton ning, Mrs. Erie Butler, Mrs. Co ra punaven and Mrs. Yocom. . The WSCS af the First Meth odist church will hold an all day meeting on Wednesday, be ginning with a 10:30 business meeting with Mrs. Herbert Rah presiding. A sandwich luncheon at 1250 will precede a 1:30 o'clock devotional period and a program in charge of Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy. The latter pro gram will celebrate the anni versary of charter day, honoring charter members. Miss Laura Hale will give a resume of the activities of the past three years. Candles : will be lighted at a ceremony. Miss Mary Elisabeth Sissen and three of her Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters. Miss Betty Bat chler of Seattle, Miss Roberta Hoffman of Wena tehee and Miss Mary Barnes of Ellensburg, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown X. Sisson. The young coeds are students at the University of Washington. . Book d ab of the AAUW will " meet Wednesday with Mrs. Frederick Klaus, 1045 North 19th street, 7:45 o'clock. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Norman Frees and Mrs. J. A. Jelderka. The program la in charge of Miss Agnes Shields, state chil dren's librarian. A review of Tittle Prince" and MMany Moons'' will be given. CEftTMAL HOWELL Mrs. George Plana entertained mem bers of the Nemo club Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. McKIbben, president of the dub, presided. They decided to devote their meetings to Red Cross work. Present were: Mrs. Walter Ha versonL Mrs. M. O. Hatteberg, Mrs. C. L. Simmons, Mrs. Ditch en Mrs. Ed Hynes, Mrs. McKIb ben and Mrs, Plane. Mrs. William C Dyen Jr., Is In' Forest Grove this week vis iting with her mother, Mrs. Har ry Burnside. ' tnioUL j SptdsSzti Keccsa carr..rr.TTIS ESTfUL SUZF! It yon have a tongh'tlme getting to sleep tonight hrcause transient con CyfaTnf,:iscp your nose and you have ta breathe throush your mouth few drop of V1CKS VA-TRO-NOU ep each nostril should help yon In a hurry I You can fes! it brir.3 rdicfl WSJ WM, Christening- bvent or : , Tonight: Eileen Patricia Hadley, four month old daughter of Ensign . and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, will be christened tonight at8 o'clock in I the fireplace room of the First Presbyterian church. Rev. W. Ir vin Williams will officiate before ' members of 'the two families and friends. 5 t' V- ... The little girl's father arrived in the capital Monday from New ; Orleans where he received his navy wings last week. EHeen's grandparents, who will be pres ent for the occasion, are Captain . and Mrs. .Douglas McKay and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henley of -Longview. Her great grandmoth- ers are Mrs. George Pemberton of Albany and Mrs. Kate HOI of ." Portland. A reception at - the M c K a y home on Jerris avenue will fol low the chxisteriing. Mrs. William L. Phillips and Mrs. E. M. Page will preside at the coffee urns and Miss Mary Lon McKay and Miss Marilyn Hadley of Long view will serve.'.' -i :; vx ' Other out-of-town guests at affair will be Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Gebert of Longview. ; Ensign and Mrs. Hadley are leaving Wednesday , morning for Hutchinson, Kansas where the former will be stationed. - Marine League At Meeting The Marine Corps league and auxiliary met together on Thurs-, day night with Mr. and. Mrs.' Ellis 'Jones. The following offi cers were installed by Mr. Frank Millett: Mrs. Fannie McCall, pre sident; Mrs. Esther Rudie, senior vice president; Mrs. MaHap Do ney, junior vice president; Mrs. Margaret Millett, judge advo cate; Mrs. Maria Baker, histor ian; Mrs. Helen Boyes, rhapiyin,; Mrs. Ruby Ringland, captain of the guard; Mrs. Ora Furlough, treasurer; Miss Sana Millett, col or guard; Miss Goldie Wheeler, secretary. J The obligation of membership . in the auxiliary was given, to ' Mrs. Georgia Savage, Mrs. Es ther Decker and Mrs. Alma Jones. Mrs. Pickens Is Honored Mr. and Mrs. Brewer Mills" were hosts for a Victory Garden dinner Monday night at their home on B street in, compliment to Mrs. Mills mother, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, on her birthday. The table centerpiece was of fall fruit and vegetables flanked by orange tapers. Pinochle was in play during the evening and prizes were fresh vegetables from the Mills garden. - ? Covers were placed . for Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barham, Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur, Jones, Mrs. Ethel Parr, Kay Mills and Mr. nd Mrs. Brewer Mills. . ----- 1 5, r-'. 'S,'; CANTEEN CALENDAR , . TUESDAY, OCTOBCX IS -Girls' service organization. WEDNUDAT, OCTOBEM Hunters and Anglera oxlliarr. THUKSDAT, OCTOBXK J Leslie Methodist church WSCS. FWDAT, OCTOBEB M Beta Sigma Phi. Major and Mrs. Charles Earl Warren (Marcelle Herbster) are leaving today for San Francisco where they have taken an apart- ' ment. Major Warren, who has : been on active duty with the ' United States Marine Corps, has been home on leave for two weeks visiting his wife and par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Warren. . Weekend visiters la the capital were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Barrett of Portland, formerly of V Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos ' Jahn (Margaret Barrett) of Long Beach, Calif. The Jahns are vis iting in Portland this week at the home of her parents. The Liberty Wesnaa'a slab wQ meet on Thursday at 1 pan. for a dessert luncheon at the. hall. At 2. pan. Miss Frances Clinton will bold a demonstration : on "dry cleaning at. home." The hostess committee includes Mrs. J. D. Mc Convffle, Mrs. M. E. Harling, Mrs. M. Fuller and Mrs. L. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. David Wright are visiting for two weeks in Tucson, Arizona, aa the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Captain and-Mrs. Willis Danforth, and their children. L u I - . LJII Reaulta ate usually so good because Ya-tro-nol relieves congestion, cor rects abnormal dryness, makes breath ing easierand so helps promote good, refreshing sleepl EX13Y Tag CCSSFOBT YA-TKO HOC KaSN6S--tOnighC if yOQ need it, Use as ejected, , ; AT MILITARY RITES Lt cind Mrs. Theodora A. Bau meister, 'Jr. (Lt Margaret Elizabeth Cooney) pictured in front of Chapel 4, Camp Adair where they were married on October 7. The bride is formerly of Salem and her hus band Is the son of Colonel Baumeister, post director of supply. Camp Adair. (Courtesy Camp Adair Sentry). PostChapel Scene . of .Wedding -; Of interest to the couple's Sa lem friends la announcement of the marriage of Lieutenant Mar garet Elizabeth Cooney, former ly of Salem; and Lieutenant Theodora A. Baumeister, jr, son of Colonel Baumeister, post di-' rector of supply, Camp Adair. The wedding was quietly aol . emnized at Chapel 4, Camp Adair on Thursday, - October 7. Before the altar banked with au tumn flowers, the service was read by Chaplain Stephen Grin - valsky. AH" members of the wedding party were in uniform with Lt Irene Pawelek of the station hos pital, as maid of honor, and Ma jor Julius H. Brandt as best man. At the informal reception fol 16wing the ceremony the bride cut the cake with a saber in tra ditional army manner. After a . short wedding trip LL and Mrs. Baumeister will return, to ' their respective stations. The bride is the daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Cooney of -. Hermiston and attended Oregon , schools. She is with the army nurse corps st Barnes General hospital, - Vancouver barracks. Before entering the service Mrs. Baumeister, known to her Sa lem friends as Beth, was on the nursing staff at the Salem Gen-. eral hospital. Her husband is; with the 11th division armored : forces at Camp Barkeley, Texas. ' He is a graduate of the Univer sity of Washington. Club Will Be Entertained 7: Mrs.;Delbert Schwabbauerj will be a club hostess this after- i noon at her home on East Su- i perlor street. A dessert lunch eon will be followed by several ; hoars of contract. Special guests . will be Mrs. Barney Van Onsenoord, Mrs. Richard Nelson -and Mrs. Ken-, neth Barker. Members are Mrs. Clinton Stand ish, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. A. A. Hager, Mrs. Warren Baker, Mrs. Dan Hay and Mrs. Schwabbauer. Mrs. Ira F. WbtterjnaU (Bet ty Hamilton) has come from Leavenworth, Kansas, to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Monroe Hamilton, . for a fortnight. Major Winter- mute is at Fort Leavenworth where he is attending general staffs schooL Mrs. Frftaea If. Brrd has re-' turned from her summer home at Neskowin and will spend the winter months in Salem at her Chemeketa street residence. Mrs. Byrds daughter, Mrs. Max Mc Millan, will reside with her mo ther while her husband is serv ing with the armed forces. club members met at the home of Mrs. Lee Crawford Monday night to make Bed Croas kit bags for the soldiers for Christ mas. : ; ;: v.W Late last week Phi Theta TJp- suon, . Junior women's service honorary tapped six new ' mem bers. Among them - was VeHta Estey, junior In architecture. Salem. The new members were tapped during dinner. Miss Es tey Is the daughter of Mr. and MrsL. Estey, Salem. Suffer frcni SIMPLE J : Ta Eab) laZS Ca Cad titl oa atria vtw muBtr from etnmi ao taucti dnnng - r r juu jevt urea. oak, dragged ouf-dua to low blood 14 MQOd ta KiTO BOf nMh ..7 Bnwi Vjl I UtfTZ? JSf furected-Plarhajn'a Tao ana ewejees atneno wr to e r, Coat remarir.KI. W...-,? ? r- 1 t Sorvicevvomen i Whezt faey can do What they're doing about ft -; Private j Mona J. Skaug, "daughter of Mrs. Dins C Skaug . of 2004 Market street, Salem, and a member of the Women's Army Corps detached platoon working with the army in a city in North Africa, bag, been ' as signed as ,; stenographer in -the secretariadepartment. t Private Skaug had been a sec retary t f of1 two and one-half years with i the West Coast Be 4 Skaug lMth the air force ia England. I Sergeant 1 Vemie 1. Skaug an 1 Private I .' First Oars Henry M. Skaug are "oth serriog In the States. ' - ; . V "I natuiaRy am very proud of my brothtirs and the work they are doing' in the service," says Private Skaug. "I feel that we WACs are doing our little part by assisting in the office work." WOODBURN Lt Julie Koschmeder, a graduate nurse from the Spokane hospital and now with the army nursing corps at Fort Lewis, was in Woodburn this week visiting friends and relatives. In the early days of the Woodburn hospital she was a member of the staff." Nile Women to Ceremonial A group of Salem Daughters of the Nile are planning to go to Portland Wednesday ; to attend the annual invitation ceremonial at Nydia temple. Daughters of " the Nile at the Masonic temple. A banquet will be held in the evening."' . Among those planning to at- f tend are Mrs. Marvin Lewis, president of the Salem club, Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs. Rex Turner, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Arthur Hunt Mrs. Law rence Lister, Mrs. David Cam eron, .. Mrs. Percy Kelly and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, sr. Congratulations ge ie AvlaUen Cadet and Mrs. Frank H. Hunt on the birth of a son, Frank Har ris, ns on Sunday at the Salem i. bert and the baby's grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Probert The little boy's father is stationed at San Angelo, Texas with the army air corps. Mrs. Ceee Cook and daaghter. Patsy, and Mrs. L. P. Atwood, are leaving today for Fort' Jack son, South Carolina to join Ma jor General Gilbert R. Cook, who, is in command of the 12th army corps. Word cornea from Manhfleld of the birth of a son, Michael, Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph" E. Morrissey, formerly of Salem. The little boy was born on Oc tober 13 and be has two older sisters. DMacamEmTiasiuni tint mi.r vr .. . . . For Your Christmas Convenience WILL BE Fred O b Frca 12 ia - Until, Christmas ..-.. .......'. ; ; Have That Portrait : ; . Made Today . ; 520 Slate St, , " ' Phcae No Appointment Ncccsszry ZontianS; at : Conference ; In Eugene V . Six members of the Salem club of Zonta International attended the fall conference of district "six held October 18 and 17 in Eugene with headquarters at the Osborn hotel. The president, Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick, .attended , as official delegaje.-Miss -Helen Vockey, vice chairman of the district, conducted a publicity Round Table. A symposium on post - war planning, was very ably conduc ted by Mrs." Helen Pearce, Sa lem, past president of Zonta In ternational. The "Growth of the United Nations' was studied as a concept, as an organization and as a responsibility The consid eration of post war planning la our local community as well as tateroationally was a very Important part of the conference Responsibility of Zontians in Community projects was stressed. ' ) Among the things considered lis special projects for Zonta lubs were financial support of Chinese children and help with . local organizations which build character and leadership of girls. The Wing; Scoutl was considered for - the reason ' that Zonta In ternational is already interested in aviation and has established the Amelia Earhart Scholarship under wjjich two young w00140 have be4j awarded scholarships aeronautics this year. ; , : At the banquet Saturday eve ning 82 2iDntians and guests were privilege to hear Dr. Victor P. - Monda Of T7nivrcirv nt tYrmrw Washing -ton and Oregon were register id. Others from Salem were M 5ss Dorothy Pearce, Miss Lillian .IcDonald and Miss Hel- en Barrett Miss .Marie Fitzgerald, district chairm?ia, who presided through out thd business sessions, - ap pointed ,a committee to select the plce aad time for the spring conference of distrist six. 1 .. . - ; - v The regular monthly meeting of the. Jason Lee Methodist Vi JSCS will be held on Wednes day at 1050 ajn. The morning will be occupied by- a business meeting, a luncheon will be served at 2150 and devotional session win begin at 2 o'clock. The day's topic is The Dollar Speaks" and Mrs. R. A. Forkner will be the devotional . leader and Mrs. C. M. Roberts will be in charge of the lesson. . . - ", Shower Given At Thompson's Mrs. Joseph Lewis was the incentive for a shower given at the home of Miss Marie Thomp son, with Mrs. Oscar J. B. Now- lin assisting Miss Thompson. The affair was given Saturday night games were played during-the evening and prizes awarded. A dessert supper was served late in the evening. invited to the shower were Mrs. Boyd Walker, Mrs. C B. Bentson, Mrs. Belle Blivens, Mrs. Jim Wiggelsworth, Mrs. Harry Hiday, - Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. Leslie Remington, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Nowlin and Miss Thompson. Birthday Tea At PlirViTif': - Mrs. Ralph E. Purvina has in vited a small group of friends to tea this afternoon at her Sagi naw, street home. The affair Is being arranged in honor of her son, Ralph Emerson Purvine, IL on. his first birthday and for Mrs. Robert Needham, whose birthday falls en the same day. Autumn flowers will decorate the guest rooms and the serving table, where there will be two birthday cakes. Mrs. CUftesi Madd wCI be ' hostess to members of her Drama, class today at her North Capitol -street home. Luncheon will be served at 1:15 o'clock. OPEN 0 Ddly G Sunday 5722 The Toes day meeting ef the Central WCTU will be postpon- "" ed one week so that members can attend the funeral of Mrs. Sykes at 2 o'clock. " r.lchna and Mrs. UtUf It- Baxter of Portland were visitors in Salem Monday.- New Guardian Takes Over The Itanyan. group of Camp Fire Girls met at the Richard Severin - home Saturday night Their guardian, Mrs. Severin, transferred the charter and lead ership for the coming year to . Mrs, Francis Hoereth, of West Salem. Mrs. Severin was pre sented with a gift from the group in appreciation for her work and much regret was expressed at her resignation. The girls made plans for the year and will meet every Thursday afternoon in a room at Leslie schooL A surprise of the evening was a decorated birthday cake in honor of Joanne Thomas. Mrs. Geerre Grabeaherst will be hostess to members of the Pringle Pleasant ' Point Social club Thursday at her home. 1655 Fir street. It will be an all day1 meeting and a : no-host luncheon will be served at noon. Recent Bride Is I Feted ; Miss . Lucille Pierstorff was 'hostess at a surprise bridal show er given for Mrs. William Trap nell (Emogene Russell) by sev eral of her college friends Mon- attend the shower, Kingwood Heights home of the H. A. Russells, were Miss Margaret Ewing, Miss Pa tricia Byrd, Miss Darlene Dick- son, Mrs. Anthony Fraiola, Mrs. Elbert E. Dickson, Mrs. H. A. Russell, Miss Emogene Russell, and Miss Lucille Pierstorff, Refreshments were served buf fet style from the dining room table, which was centered with a low, arrangement of gladiolus. Sausages Make Italian Dish : Pork sausages will; make a special dish for frosty fall eve nings. ITALIAN SAUSAGE SKILLET 1 pound pork sausage -. 2 tablespoons minced onion i 2 cups cooked spaghetti ' , 1 cup cooked tomatoes - ; 1 teaspoon Worcestershire ,, J sauce - . , " ' 2 tablespoons chili sauce Fry sausage and onion togeth er until browned. Drain.' Add spaghetti, tomatoes or tomato Juice, and seasonings. Blend welL ; Cover and cook very Slowly for 30 minutes. Do not raise cover. Serves 6. - - - - .. :..'-.x'. " l'mm'''mmmm ' Inspirinj to see, luscious to EAT are the big vitamin-packed apples from Washinston'f tamed Wenatchee Valley They'll be the wows of-International Apple Week, October 23 thru 30. Tons ot healthful fruit now are rolling to markets and military commissaries via GREAT NORTHERNa dependable transportation service on which tha Wenatchee apple reliec i--w;. " - ,nii inr- ' pantai' Green Tomatoes Make Pie . 'Green tomato mincemeat Is an old fashioned filling for pie, es pecially practical lor desserts these rationing days. Here is a version of the filling, sent in by a Statesman reader. GKESN TO'lATO 2XCZ2IZAT 4 quarts green tomatoes 1 quarts chopped apples . 2 pounds brown, sugar 1 pound seeded raisins 1 pound currents (or add another pound raisins) 14 pound citron -1 pound suet hk cup vinegar H cup molasses , 1 teaspoon each, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg : : Pinch of salt Chop tomatoes and drain, cov er with hot water and let come to aJboiL Let stand half an hour and drain. Add other ingredients and cook until thick. Seal hot This makes 0 quarts. To use, add a little water and vinegar and more sugar if desired and bake as for other minremeat. Meat Alternate Uses Rice - To replace a meat dish in the family meal, try this main dish that uses rice. BKA2XLIAN BSOWNED KIC2 ,, (Meat Alternate) 1 4 tablespoons salad oil (or other fat) ', lft cups rice tc3t a H cup chopped onions ' 1 teaspoon salt . . f cups boiling water ! 1 cup vegetable white sauce 5 hard-cooked eggs, sliced . M cup 1 chopped ripe or green " lives Heat fat in frying pan, add rice and onions. Simmer until a light brown in color about 10 minutes. Add salt and water. Boil gently 23 minutes. Drain and add rest . of ingredients. Reheat and serve. fF2 Yes, tell 'era in their owa language the language of bursting shells! Do it bv saving used cooking . fats for gunpowder. Even with rationing, you caa save a tablespoon a day. Rash each canful to your meat dealer immediately. industry long has E1 OlIU LJULiiJ P. S.'st.-ViU Azzti . ZZ0 Araericia llzli LIJj ' PortlanJ, 0rc-5a w