TL CZZCCri CTATmiAII, Sslssa. Crscpa, Tussiay I IoxIst. OCaber 13, K13 Ete. Cosiveni'ence azid PrHfcg E ... ClMoQled Advertlslax ' Statesman J Classified Ads ;" Callm 9101 ; ; . Three Inserts wis per Un4UJt3c Stx IzutrtiaDs per tins " 49c On month per Un Minimum chars 29c; X tL min imum SSe; t tL mia. 45c. Mo rtTundj. . f '" Copy for this par seeepted'a). tll M the evening before pubuca ttoa tor caassifieatiea Copy re ceived after this tiro wtll be ran ndtr tbt aasdia T"e ;Lete ta Classify " The Statesman aaaumas a finan cial responsibUity for errors which mar appear In edverttseraeats pub Iisbed la Its columns aad la ease, wbera this paper Is at fault wUJ reprint that pwi of aa aitiM meat ta which the typographical mistake occurs. , aa Statesman isservea the right to reject questionable advertising It ' further reserves the right to place ail adverttsm; under the proper elassUtcaUoa. . A "Blind" Ad an ad eoatamm a Statesman aox number lor aa ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered toy setter. Tae Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge- Infor mation as te the Identity at aa t advertiser amine, a -Blind- ad. v Livestock And Poultry asa RXTD Ham oshire pullets Ji aid. $1.2$ ea. Go out Liberty Rd. about 3 ml. past Liberty Store to Bunker ltd. Uvea go about X mi. to the right. 1st hse. an right hand side aver Bun ker HiO. Clea carter. 40 CHOICE puDets ready to lay. Blast sett at law -waiter zc mrmn TS&ri'im Christie N.H. nul- t-ta am 3U, ma. old. Heavy .ocoduc- -m a. Be levins? within 4 i arks. Also fMinamr bom. 11 vk Mi 'uD. i VetT reasonable. Ph. 23425. Rt. X. Bex 738. . a mi. iron Liberty oa Skyline Rd. N.Z. WHITE raobtta, young does aad bred does, S3 to 3X50. 1966 Broadway. CHRISTIE HJL f, wka." aid. Ph. 22459 VOX SALE: Lincoln ram a com tog yrs. old. SIS each. Boy Sac. Kt. 1. Box 29, X mi. South of nopeweu. ATTENTION 111 Will remove dead A awwtess -stock In a moment's notice I SALEM rER TILIZEa BY-PRODUCTS Ph MOO Collect tMo other Phone. : , t EWYJS. 1 buck. Lincoln Shropshire sheep. $11 aa, Sea Miss Buren. States- Auctions AUCTION SALS Every Wed, N. Salem. Cows, sev eral springer heifers, some yearlings: feeder pigs and weaners; chickens; rabbits: 1 full size complete 1 bed coil spring, dressers, chest of drawers. 1 drop head Singer sewing machine, 1 boa head machine: lots of tools. 1 two oectioa spring tooth barrow. X seetlea drag. 1 five-foot disc, 1 gang plow. I hayrack and wagon. A J. aaKTTR. Salem. AUCTIONEER Help Wanted WANTED: Men and women ta work as attendants. Experience In institu tional work not necessary. Board, room and laundry famished in addition to salary. Call la person or write Oregon Fairriew Home. Salem. , , FILBERT PICKERS. W. S. Shaw. Rt. a. Box US. Aunaeville cutoff. WSARSbaW"'tB need of 'twaood waitresses. Wages are the best. Mick ey's Sandwich Shop. 47 Court. Help WsuitedSlale Workers aow employed ta duttlaa artould not apply and will not beeoasldered for empioymeat by a ployers advertising this sectioa. JOURNEYMAN heat 'cutter. Good pay. Imraed. assign. Steady wrk. under best eond. Apply Safeway Dist. Office. SOS McCikmrist Bldg. Men Needed BY DEFENSE INDUSTRY: Carloaders - $1.00 per hour. Green chain men - 94c per hour. Planer line-up man - Full scale. ALL JOBS CARRT PLENTY OT OVERTIME. FEDERAL UOvSufO TA CHJTIX3 AVAILABLE. Apply COASTAL LUMBER COMPANY Oread Xtoade. Oregon BJtoexdway "x5aLPortland AUTO MECHANIC wanted. Tap WANTED: Men tor train and yard service, with ar without experience. Age limit experienced IS to CO. without experience IS to 45. Will pay while oreaxmc SB. u auaiuy. finarar- Partlaad and Seattle Ry. 11th and Hoyt Streets Partlaad. Oregon. - Help Wanted- Femalo SECRETARY In Registrar's Office. Willamette University. Fb. stss. TURKEY PICKERS report Wed. at AM. Northwest Poultry Dairy products Co- lsoa N. rront. . EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. G O O d wages. Apply Marion HoteL WOMAN or Girl for hs. wk, go home nights or rm. es board. Good wages. 260 W. superior, rn. -i5M. ADVcrnsiNa - Western Adrertisins RtprexentaHrea : George O CI sea. Iaa ' Frsnewwn Lea , Aagelea - Seat . astera Adrertlxini . Reprtsentatlres Wsrd-Ortfmh Cbenaanv. taa wow Tore. uecreeL Catered at the refrW at Ssrm. Oreooa as meesad daas Matter. Paa liahed every -atorajteg except Mswdoa Bastaess offtee. 21S Seat Cesme ctal afreet. , 1 SUBSCRIPTION ELATES rfa8 Stibacfiptloa Rates tn Advancer Wtehia Oreaoa: Oeily aad Sunday. Mo a cents: d Mas $300. t year. $4 60 Elsewhere 4)0 cents per me or $1X0 tor 1 year ta advance. Pet copy S eenta r City Carrier. IS eenta a month. 7 ) a year la advance tn Marlon a no llloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS fAI-l- , WRITS ar eeoaa H101 to Salem's oldest. , largest prrvacy Taa arul ae gtvea every MmH in the. venartnc ai leaa ,ar gran tine at extensions. I la U MUHTB9 IV aarai; Yoa-eaa aay ta Cull any Usee to reduce the cost - ' ONLY BORXOWD SKZMS . Ma ndnrasrs I rrsns autde aa tural ture ar note ROT H. SnOCONS. atCR. . - La fie li-Ul - GENERAL FINANCE N CORPORATION Lie Mt 8 111 - 134 Sou Coanmercial St. Paoaa tin First , door south at Lead 4k Bush ' f Aato Loans 7iRamctte Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING . f LICIMSX M as UP B1CST Mta- Loans, artvata At tnstaO- ment. Sea AJbra s at KUix. afasaale Bug. MONXTY to loan at 4 and S ae See RICH L. BJOMANN. BXALTOB r 147 S. High St, Paoaa S2S3 Loans Wanted mortgage bearing 4 Int. D. A. nsu. en wun. "n. " Help Wanted Female wnM AM- RniMMiwr. ' bra Excel, teaanta. The Plaza Ats- S9 uouix at. -n- t e. i WE want our family washing done In private home. Can was eves. FOUNTAIN girt, experienced pret Highest pay. Black Ac- White Coffee Shop. Pa, swe. -- ITU RILEY PICKING starts soon. Reg ister at anee at N. W. Poultry end Dairy. Products. IMS N. Froat. Pa. 7001 Situations Wanted STENO-Clerk. typ, bus. at med. exp. S day ' wk. position. Pa. SZ74. Write Box 2812 statesman. MAN XI yrs, draft exempt, wishes part time eve. work. Box 2809 States- PATNTTNG. Carpentering. RemodeV mx. Wiring. Etc Expert work. Ph. S85a. For Sale 51 iscellaneoa i BLtTK Daveno: Stectrohut sweeper: preaeure cooker. Labtsh Center Store. XZS73. . ' GOOD Cain watch: elec. toaster, Want to buy small safe. 1SCT N. Winter BEDS with springs. Die. tble c buf fet: Am. ' oriental rug: davenport. surma- const.: crib tk hi-chatr: a tbles etc. Afternoons uatU T. 1535 S. Ltberty . ONE pair men's figure skates sise : one pair boy's hacker skates sise : both pair nearly aew. also aae pair 14-inch handmade buffalo caulked loggers shoes sise 10. Call at 3X4 Can ter st, saiem. ar pnone xzm. TEAM, harness, wagoa: sail ar trade for cows ar chickens. Keen. Box 142. AumsriUe. AVON products. Xmaa greeting cards. Pauline Pratt. UTS S. Uth St. Ph. INVALID walker S46: folding wheel chair.' pneumatic Urea, very special. 146S Mission. CHILD Size crib and Kttress. bafh- inette. Phone S-2ML TOMATOES. You "pick. Imlah Fruit Farm. Wallace Koad. Ph. X-X3XS. CONCORDS Sc. U pick. Tomatoes 90c cnotce peppers sc, m. Ph. Z2S17. RABBITS BREED does and does with litters. 1331 Sixth St, West Salem. SEE HOGG BROS, SB state St fur aberai trade u on vour old furniture AVON Cosmetics. I IBS Rmadwav Ph. 21003. Card writing. COMPLETE bed room set and Mon- tag wood circulator. 42S Kearney, one Diocx soum or Himoa. PTPELESS furn. comp. with reg. 5884 PIANO $150. 1240 Lee. See Tuesday or r rioay rji. 2.b MO. male, nart fauIMM a, nt miocra pipy. ra. uu. PRESSURE Cooker. . Labish Center Store. 3Z973. COPPER COILS wltht fittings. S3. WARDROBE trunk $23. New 12 gauge shot gua $45. Has. boat. Port land, xzoo. pa. sots. GRAPES Sc lb. while thev last. 1U mi- E. of Chemawa 4 corners 4s ml S. A. M. Zahare. Rt, T. Box 253. ra. xwis. DAVENPORT. $48. Ph. 303L 1SS3 N. Capitol. S iCompartmeat rabbit hutch $14. Ph. 4055 ar write Mrs. C JC. Grubbs. rl t, box zis saiem. N. H. AND LEGHORN pullets. Pick ling cucumbers and dill. Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. TOP SOIL aad dirt tor fins. Large noutoers ror rocx waus. saiem supply vjo. raone aw. PAGE MATS, good for protection of young rruu ana nut rrsie. $1 J09 nun area, statesman Pubtaxuag Co. WRINGER ROLLS for ad makes ot wasbers Ed Ellis Nelsoa Bros. Furnl ture. 315 N. Liberty. Ph CS3L FuBer ties Pa. S3tl POULTRY TERTlLlZTR. ft per yard. Also uTted. soc per sacs, Bring sacks Ph. X2S6L Lee s uatchery. Wsuxtrxi F gtrniture CASH FOR taiafisua 4s aold . goads a Ph 1440 WOOD RANGE, apartm. hse. size. Ph. 4484. WOOD RGE. Charter Oak. 211 S. Summer. Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY . AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money tar aew ar used ears. No delay, or red tape. . Tea will retain ma or tn veracie. 1 ta IS atONTBS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS V Soata Caaunerctal Street . Lie He M-U2 AUTO. " FURNrrURE, LIVESTOCK Calkins Finance Co. SIS (SrdTFL) - Ph. 444S First MaTL S-22S BVJe, M-1H. Loans 4,25 to $300 ' LOANS MADS aa salary, furniture. auto. Special atnice tor woman. Office hours: to S. After S by appointment. PERSONAL PINAMCK COL' Eat. 129 New Bhgh Bldg, SIS State St (Opposite county Court House) (L Anderson. Mgr. : Uc S-122. M-1SS MONEY TO LOAN ' Wanted, real estate mortgagee, loans. city- ar farm properties: loans made as small as $300 e -us about refinan cing, your present contract or -mort gage.. . . j.,, ' rr . LEO N rwrr Ja tkCL - 244 State St. : Wanted F urnlture TOP CASH paid - for furniture. Trade? TJiseellfmeous TRADE 2Hign Standard pistol for pump or automatic shot gun. 12TT S. ComX Phone 1564 after 0J0 PJL Wanted Slis4lLaneous : WANTED: 2 boxes 30- caliber rim ess ammunition. 1090 Mm St. Ph. SOOT. WANTED: XHectric heater tn condition. Ph. 5440. SERVICE Wife wants bungalow piano ta store for use or wfD rent. Ph. 6059 or write Mrs. C E. Grubbs. RL T. Box 210. AUTOMATIC electric or gas water heater in good condition. Ph. 2248. FIREPLACE & irons, till. TRAILER with KOod tires. : 360 B. Washington St, Salem. Drop a card. 30-30 RIFLE, shells no object. ' Mr. Welling. State Motors. Ine, 241 N: High. Ph. 4430, - i ., ? POOL TABLE. Court Street U3-0. Ph. 3662. i Wanted: Good gas rang. Pa, SS62. CASH FOR your old Hoover regardless of condition. See the Hoover man at Hogg Bros.. FILBERT and Walnut dryinx. 3-2S4L Lea's Hatchery.' - 100 TRUNKS at SUITCASES wanted Ph. 268$ ar 2-40SL CASH PAID far anrtght, sptaet or grand pianos Phone S70T. WANT TO Bay. Deed cameras A Photo snap 3 state USED FURNITURE pn 6IS0 CASH for used plane at ataer aro steal Instruments. CaO 441 days ar 05X7 evenings ar sand descrlptiaa to jaquiiB atusic ca, isx a. ruga. Miseellaneoas WANT applicants for schooling far telephone and telegraph train order operators. Will pay salary while being srhaoled if you qualify and eater ser vice. Inquire room -200, 1101 N.W. Hoyt Street. Portland. Oregon. Spokane. Portland and Seattle Railway Com pany. ... Dental Plate ! Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES - Brtns or Mill Your Plates ror Stepati DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adotpa Bldg State Coml Pb 2311 WANT to rent or buy wheelchair for 13 yr. old boy. Ph. 22556. . STOVE Repeiring "our specialty. Nearly all types wood Tanges and heaters. Woodry's Market. 1609 N. Summer St Ph. 911$. t TO BUY or sell rood used furniture see Russ Bright. 453 Court Ph. 1511 EMP. lady wishes woman ' between 23-39 yrs, for companionship at shar ing expenses m mod. noma. Ph. 610T or caU at 2119 Ferry St after 6 PAL For Rent Rooms Nlco sleep, rm. close ta. 294 S. 16. Sleeping rm. la priv. home around Nov. . 1st. Adult workiner days, aa drinking. Writ Box 2X13 Statesman. For Rent -Apartments 2 SMS. furn. $19. Pb, 2 RMS. furn. 1T7S Froat, L. 4k W. far. $10 per aae. No drinkers. Pb, SOSL For Rent -Houses DESTRABLS house aa Court St. Call ax 1372 state for . mformerlan. 2 RM. has, water, hxhts, e-araee. chicken has. 6 ml. So. aid Pactfia Hwy. I nu. W-L. Sherwood. RL 4, BOX US. " For Rtmt CAFE: Partly equip. 681 N. Coml. FLOOR SANDER for ; rent Moot gomery Ward ; f TRUCKS for rent. - You drtva He Cunt 6t Loved, phone 6600. ' Wanted to Rent UNFURN. HOUSE or apt. by pie Phone 65X1 after 0:30 p. m. For Sale Real Estate 6 KM. HSE, corner lot. aala r Gar, Unmcd. posMiion. Pn. 5X23. S RM. HSE. Englewood Sen. Dist. Maw. zjoors, rum. Ph. 9ISL - 5 IP W For Sale Heal Estate WE HAVE a real -buy la view prop erty located eo, Cascade Drive. This house is less than e.year aad a half aid. Automatic beat S large rooms, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace. Terms can be arranged. 0 rooms, full basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors. $4000.00. See RICH L. REDAANN JH S. Hlga St. Phoae 2203 FOR ship yard buyers md" ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO, $90 X St. O.S.C. Grava yard way Painter. CREEK LOT 3 bdrauu rnv; dia. rav, and kitchen. Hrdwd. flrs4 auto, beat $5850. R. A. FORKNER 1S53 N. Capitol BY OWNER: Beautiful 4 yr. eld home, spacious at ultra mod. ta every detail. Air cond le. beautifully land scaped lot. 1013 N. ,21st. HOME AND INCOME ' Just off State St 4 rms. downstairs. 2 rm. apt. up, wtth private entrance, rented for $29 mo. Nice back yard at garden space. $3100. $1400 down. Large mod. $ rm. noma S. on 14 St, basement, sawdust burner. Cor. tot. room for another house. 24500. $11006 rm. horn with basement, large lot. At Donald. This ts a bargain. - ART MADSEN , 1226 State St. , Pb, 8600 $45009 rms- hdwdV firs, basem. A furnace. North. R. A. FORKNER 1S53 N. Capitol MonntH Rau ass ST. Canitol St. Vurnxw Wtr nlac. Hardwood floors. Possession - at once. Can be seea at any tune. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 141 N. Conunercial . PH. 4T26 64000. A name aa S. Cottage with a floor furnace, garage. S blocks- from schooL - J $5500 2 tied room Home with a ga rage, utility room In garage. $5000. A home oa s. Liberty max quite different from the others. $45009 room home with basement gas furnace, shrubbery, garage, - $3800. A home oa 14th with 3 bad rooms, sawdust burner, garage. P. H. BELL, KEALTUK 212 Guardian Bldg. ' - Phon USS GOOD 2 - BRm. home. HW floors. full bemt. Larce tot with nice 'shrubs. $4250.00. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC, Realtors "FOR SALE " BY OWNER Modern, new 9 rat home with, un finished upstairs. t acre. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace. Venetian blinds. Oil .floor furnace. Elec. not water neater, tea rage, plast, with cement floor. New lawn A sbrubs. About 1$ cherry trees. 2 Bike, from city limits.' East. Price $5500. For further particulars caU at 123 Ediaa Lena Evenings. - 4-BRm. Home, close in. $7500.00. 3-BRm. Home. NJC, large tot $6150.60 J-EBm. Home. Hollywood Dist. $6000. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS AR OBERTS. INC, Realtors LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS A LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD. HAWKINS Ac ROBERTS. INC- REALTORS PH. 4106. . APT. Hae. 6 ants." sin. raw, Elec, ranges, sep. meters, recently redeco rated A painted, corner tot, U fruit a: waiaut trees, l BiL to raarxets. Winter's fuel included. Mrs. Ruth Smith. USS N. 4th. Ph. 4676. firs, la Irvine A dining rms. meat, furnace, fireplace, large gar age, tots of shrubbery, large lot. $2006. l-rm. as, class ta craat smoL Bath, caraxe. corner tot. par ked and walks in. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 729 Court St , Phone 3723 BY OWNER: 7 raa. cond. 279 M 23rd. ar Pb, S039. BY OWNER; Modern C raa. Immed- tet aaansHin. A bargain. Ph, 456L Business A that e3rcary M 6 $xtU bSlll Sail. Sates SL2S acr 1 1 per 6-aWfk. ' ,, - Airplane Models KITS aad SUPPLIES. Cherry ' City Model Aircraft. 21st A Market Anto Brakes 278 South Auto Service f l.t in .: mm rm mwtA frw Ira n in 4rt H an4 mrm iwiflfai SO make us of wur prompt, efficient and thoroughly triintd Service Per sonnel and facilities. Lader Bros, 449 Center St Auto Steam Cleaning Motors, cars, tracks. aad parts thor- oughty steam cleaned at 445 Center St,,. Auto and Truck Service EARL'S GARAGE, 2483 North Fifth Bicycles BICYCLES How aad iweaadltfoaad Harry W Scott 141 S tJem'cl P 496 Chimney Sweep Northnes - Chimney 43$ Cunlator Service DVORAK SERVICE. Ph. 26M ar Florists Brenhauprs 441 Court 6M6 Funeral Directors TerwlUlger Funeral Borne. PA1 682$ GiU THE APRON Shop $7f N. Bqtb Hosiery Real' Silk "Hoatary" MiOa. Pa, 6T66 ssrs. k. aaoaeiey, , uea vei, Lubrication Peaasafl products Handled by es perta. AIL makee of ears. Prompt lub rication service.''.. Loder Bros- 44S Center St. ( WUERS 7 PUSMEMT,t X. 7 i ' 1,1 11 9 m - I skirr a tr.i . aaaa - ; " a. av SI. a. .J-iF, IF1 a For Sale Real Estate WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE . SALEM'S FINEST . . a Lr Hicks-Jones Subdivision . (Known as Painter's Woods) One mile North of City TixnitsOn Cherry Ave. Timher Land ; Orchard Land ; Open 'Land Your Choice of the Best Tracts ii i ONE ACRE to FIVE OR MORE ACRES ALA STREETS 60 FEET WIDE - EASY ACCESS FROM ALL POINTS TO CITY CE.-4TER - TRACT3 SO PLANNED TO GIVE THE BEST IN " SUBURBAN HOMES - ANY AMOUNT OF ACREAGE CAN BE HAD : i ALL TN ON"d TRACT. : EASY TERAIS - Rich L Reiman-Agcnt 167 S. High St, Ph. 9203 Eve. Ph. 3264 or, 3535 SEEING IS BELIEVING And We Believe We Have Just What You Want! $5500, Vacant. roams, good condi tion, bw. - floors, fireplace, full base meat good furnace with water heater, double garage. Corner lot. Out of town owner wants the money. Shown by appointment anly. S. B. Gabriel. $191 or 419L y- TODAY'S BEST Is a well-built old house: c S rooms; nice yard: paved street; aa bus line. For quick sale $2750. See Mrs, Ellis with "LEO N. CHXlOS. DfC, REALTORS. 344 State St. Phon 82SL . :;' : EASY TERMS: 4 room cottage: elec tricity; bath; garage: paved street; close ta school and .oa bus line. Price $2600. See Mr. Voerbees with LEO N. CHTI.PS. INC. REALTORS. 344 State St. Pheaa 826L' , - ..' . .-:- NEW ' BUU.T 2 YEARS age. 8 rooms aad bath, oak floors, oil floor furnace. Wired for electric range, garage. Paved street Almost ft acre lead located just outside , eity bsnits. Price $5500. CaU Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC- REALTORS. 344 State St. Phone 026L . o,:. . 4; -- v .w - BY OWNER: 9 rm. mod. houae. fire place, baeeiaw awUt-hw: 7 blocks N. of Post office, perfect condition. 1mm. Price $3900, Ph. 6536. .-;: For Sale arms 66 A, farm. 86 A.' being farmed. baL pasture, a-rss, house with bath, water, lights. Bamt, wood furnace beet Goad bara and also prune dryer. Good loca tion. $7706. 44566 cash. baL at 2U. See Mr. Larsea. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. TNG, Realtors ATTENTION BUYERS V for a nice acre- aaad cresk. some fruit, close ta city, we have it. Price at right, - . 46- acres, gead sou. paved read, close to Salens, very good tmnrtlngs saeat A furnace. roed tot0" CHAS. HUDKTNS or WALTER SOCOLOFSICr 27$ stata St, Directory Painting . A " Paptaianging .PAXNTTNO A DecoratlnE. Ph. TS32 Printing pertrnent 219 A Commercial. Tele- aiBL Ilattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 40CJ Radio Service PIERCE Radi Serv, 842 N. Coal 1621 Sand and Gravel Sand,' fveL ' erushed rock, dirt for fills. Salem Supply Co. Phone 6541 Septic Tanks Cleaned INSPECTIOM FREE, ttenneth Hamrf U42 Eighth St, Wast Saiem. Ph. 4456 t!'m tf va am fataaaettoa guaraateed. Stat e-wtde service Gea Ftte. 642 Edgewater St West Saiem Pa, S74A WE CLEAN scptle tanks aad Transfer O-OKIVS"' TRUCKS FOR RENT 1ST S Liberty Pb, sots FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT traatet staraga, burner aO. artqaets tTaeka to PortUnd daily . Agent Pierce Auto Freight axluding Calif aotnto Larmer Transfer Ca Pa SUL Used Fnxmitiire DuTRADTS USED furniture. Ph. I7Q2 Vacuum Cleaner Servii CERTTFTED CUAR. AH Vtace's Etoctrtc. 131 & Lib Tel 6282 FREE at your noma. Aa- ai tice We service all Hogg Broa Pb aiS Window Washing L u mDUN. Ph. 2-1453, , WeU Drilling. B A Wast A Sons. Rt A B For Sale Real Estata :u -.For Sale Farms 86 A. on the Benwrlsm River. 46 A. under cult, bal pasture' ar timber. Irrigatiea system and some farm snach. Good S-rn modern, house, bara A other bldgs, ar all good. Selling aa account of illness, sicboo. Some terms. See Mr. Larsea. with HAWKINS at ROBERTS. TNC, Realtors 'jjmTjC'9 nxoI"'TomSatonV "k.'sV it. in cultivation. Large 10 rm. eld bouse, built of cedar, beautiful setting. Larse bara at 2 wells. $7X00. $3700 down. $250 per year. . - - i a. 7 nu. a. Mostly xn cuitivauon. 4 A. prunes. 4 rm. hmise A cnlekea aouee, spring water year around, szspo. ART MADSEN 1326 Stat St. ? Ph. S380 80 ACRES 6 mi. East: 65 A. in euM. Seme Timber as pasture; a fin spring, $7500.-.-.- . R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol FOR SALE: 116 A- farm. 102 Calt, baL . pastura ,3c timber. Good 6-rm, nouee with aetn. ngbta. water. Fair bara and eus-bklgs. House for 300 chirkens. silo, and only 3 ml. from Monmouth. A good buy at $10,900. Half cash, baL for IS years at 8. See Mr. Larsen. with -HAWKINS ac ROBERTS, INC, Realtors 28 A 10 mi. S of Salem. Splendid view at valley A Mta. fairly good hse. Bara A other bldg. Spring water piped la hse. Elec Phone. Mail ac Milk Rt 12 A. ot Prunes. $2000 Dryer. 30 tons Prunes this yr. 27 tc 35 previous yrs. For price At particulars write PXX Box 141, Salem, ar Ivan Hadley. Albany UP ACRES, large modern house, 2$ acres la orchard. ton prune dryer. This at probably an at the best farms in this locality. 118 acres 12 miles from Salem. Mad era 9 ream house, fair out buildings, near achooL Owner win seQ for $6500. . See RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High St Phone $202 Acreage I ACRES, wed equipped for chick ens. Madera bouse, located 1 miles tram City limits. 8410040. See RICH L. RETMANN 167 A High St. Phon $202 ml A. Good 7 rm. hs, tots of built- Barn. cbJcxen ac brooder has. Berries. Fruit. City water, alee,' gas. Very reasonable. W. R. Mercer. Real Estata. 1231 Edgewater. 12 ACRE SNAP Seven roam house, bath, elec, water system. Hen houae. Barn. Garage. 1 mi. t school. Some timber. Should be seen to be appreciated. Must be sold by the 28th Possession very soon. Price $4200. See this lovely tract to day. Louis Becntel ar Mrs. Need ham. 341 State. Room 4. . .-. 9 A. with 6-rm. house, oil heat fire place. Small barn and chicken house. This place leas than 3 years old. lo cated 1 at city limits, good location. For , quick sale, 64000.. Some terms. See Mr. Larsen.' with HAWKINS A- ROBERTS. INC, Realtors ,4 A. on Hollywood drive. S rm. un finished house in a nice grave of trees. $1150. n a. i nu. : xrom city, is A. oak timber, 23 A. prunes, 73 bearing wal nut trees, no bldgs. $2250 a cash, , MEL V IN JOHNSON. REALTOR ' 729 Court, SL , , Phona 3723 Wanted Real Estate ' -WE HAVE a number of calls, -for houses, acreage at farms which we ar unable to fin. W win appreciate your . listings. - - P. H. BELL, REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 616$ WILL pay cash far low priced city residence property. Reply 1609 N. Stammer St or Pb, $116. HAVE A NUMBER at cash buyers for Salem property A hating with us at eft is tuna means a ready RICH L, RETMANN 167 Sooth High Street WANT LISTINGS aa small tracts of 1 acre and up. with buildings. HAVE CASH BUYERS. See Mr. Larsea, wtth HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtors GOOD Modern 6rm. home, up ta $6000. Will pay cash. Box 2618 States- Business Opportunities HOME AND BUSINESS Community store doing good busi ness. All piopetty Including hMi, stock A equipment, $6506. R. A. FORKNER 1652 N. Capitol aseATf investment. Co-Op. 16 Res taarants. la Oregon and Wash. Worth your lnvestlratipn. Box 2811 SUtesBaan. For Sale Wood 16 la SLAB WOOD. Ph. 6683. DeL nCMED. Del. r dry slab. 2230 N-Coml 4 FT. SLAB. - 16" MILL WOOD. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. P. 662 or 7723. MILL WOOD. $6 JH per load. Holly wood ruel Co. Pa- 3731 between Ixa. fct&m. , . . W43od Sawlr-; PHONX SSSt, tS$ N. COMX. WOOD sawing. 2503 Breaks, 1 Charles r pa aeA 13U XI Liberty Lost and Found LOST: Black oillfold. ooataine xaai ey, church eev, social accm lly ear. Reward. W. R. Swinford, Ph. 21844. 2413 West Nob HilL- , LOST: If the party who took the bicycle from the eon at Liberty Ac Stata wi'l cleaaa ret, na ques. ak. Liberal Kew. Colaoa Mod. 3ia. 778 iZ. Retura to 636 S, LttA. . LOST: pair TTiih- Lost and Found X'.L ann larw-, 1lr kt4- bound. Large ears, some grey an chest Answers ee aaerincK, ,. xtewara. Pa. 5614 OT 6688. Xjrvrrr t jutt a. niKh beak book ia in it. Harriet St George m. zzaas, - - LOST: Black ' billfold. Francis. Box 141. Turner. Lloyd E. $SJX REWARD for the return 'Black," male black cat 'With white markings aa noes, threat A peas. Frt, Oct. 6th, near 11th Ac Ferry, Ph. six or aioL Peraonal NOT RESPONSIBLE for bills other than IDT awn. Anderaon. Rte. t. Box 11A . LOKESOMFf Write Captain Joy buss, una. -u ax. tx. xaootn. wa. For Sale Used Cars BACK IN BUSINESS Good, Clean Cars Wanted. Will pay highest Cash (."" Wee'-U''' X Hatiields Used Car Alkt. : . A1 . ..il5 LTBERTY y , 36 OLDSMOBTLE. excellent cond. new paint, new recap tires, radio aad heater. Going Into air corps. Will sell for $700, 353 Leslie St . " X4 DODGE sedan, enick ml. Tm mt $09 N. Winter St T 1834 FORD flatbed truck. 4 brand sw tires and in eoed mechanical cond. 13 Ladd A Busk Baak bldg. S787. - "28 MODEL A Ford. CaU after 6 a. ra. at 1818 Berrrst . 1931 MODEL A Ford coach, excellent rubber, good cond. CaU at 1810 Sa. Cettage after PJd. 19401 WRECKED PLYMOUTH. 212 Mill St, Dalle. - 40 SUICK Sedan. :. Radio, heater. good tares. 2126 Center. 1937 FORD tour door sedsn Radio. Heater., Good tires and in good con dition. Address 637. South Coml. Also U38- Chev. Loxxing Truck and trailer. good condition. 1936 TDOX'sim'tiK. Fifth. Ph. 21656. . . -: PRIVATELY OWNED 36 V-6. $6 tires. Also '46 Chev. Master 63. Pb, 21643. ' - . 36 FORD Sedan. Excel, tires A cond. i Prtced far quick sals, 754 8, ixtn. ... v MOaXreTcM." Good bod . motor, battery, two -new retreads. $90. owner m navy, carl Gordea. 286 A ComX 182$ FORD Coach, rood rubber. Ph. 4942. Call between 9 and 1 PJL "39 Y $ Coav. $190. Good tirea. Call before 6 P JL 268 Hoyt St 39 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Sdn. Good cond., 2176 S. Summer. BUZCX Special Sdn. Good rubber A good conn. Ph. 4406 at Tt DE LUXE 3 dr. Sedan, Just like nr. i -Actual mOeax X4AS0. Good urea. xtoxc xsis stai 1846 BU1CK Convertible afl TrTtr. Evminxs. 72S Wanted Used Gars WE PAY TOPS! Get every dim year ear ta Cash on the Barrel-Head i 'CW SHR0CK SALfATS eldest ndependent ass 6 cat Oeaier. ' NJC. Corner Church 6c Chem Ph. 7923 Transportation WANTED RIDER to Commercial Iron Works day shift Ph. 1204. SWAN ISLAND ear for sale. 6300. Four riders. Call eve. Pa. '8465. Cross woid 4S.dalgnatai 4 A rtvexMslazMt 49.m$JtCUl!il tun CX. not ta Culdos xwal ST. sorrow . S3 imi6tcal pipes S4.tT6t - 1TORXZONTAI. : X mcngrel 4. fowl IX those ta tOcef IXLuaon - Hexrtta 13. rosxs aloft 14. low . 13.relatlax to - - thataath lT.adJtniU 19. quota 20 nnxsical : tiUtrsnteiit 2X predatory . Puzzl ScT" " iP "" " 55- 4" 45 44 . 4A rU7 so ; 3 'WOP'' "54""" I I vm 1 I 1 1 YM A I Answer to ysterdaya puzxJ. tn i TOM 3fvi:1 .t . ' T- it axray zxcotxunajida 27, experience - iresTet tmar " . toward 29. means S3.ptlnter - - ' ' 9. heavy - hammer 43.klaruoni dLdlzsclva . 2.rrr-r . At r ii 0m gr Avsrsxe the t salstlsa 1 29 lsX. t y Ear restora Cradicata, Za. w s , . . . ZbZi-Flmmty aad Guide Arivericaa arxenxli anil powdery factories hav manufactured mor thaa 2S3 mfTIinn rounds ot artlUery ammunition to use armiast tb Ger mans and tba Japs. Soma of thex ahellx Cred from trench mortars ar fired at Cw rat of S3 per mlaut and cost trpward from Jtl$ each. That means a lot of War Bead buy ing tor each and every on of us.' Fifnra it at YaarscX C7 TTar, Trench mortar and howitzer shells ar ia tha merlnan and xmall cate gory wiiich roeans that Unci Sam's bill for shells alon is approachinf sUf rerinr heights. U. S. Trmsmry Dtfmtmn lacgal Motice NOTICr, TO CntZDTTORS la tha Circuit Caart of the SUt of Oreroa for SXarioa coanty. In the Mxttcr of the ExUte f - " Elizabeth Rullman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been .appointed XKlminixtrator of the estate of Elizabeth Rullman,. deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon .lor Marion county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estata are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified As by law re rniired. to the undersigned at hia residence, Apartmerat 3, DeVe reaux Apartznents 1490 - State Street, Salem, Marion county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof," i Dated and first published, Tues day, October 12, 1941. Date of last publication, Tues day, November S, 1943. . Charles Rullman Administrator of the Es tate of Elizabeth Rull rnan. Deceased. O. 1Z-II-2C; N. 1-9. ' ITAJtaVANT CAIX School District No. 70, Turner, Oregon, Is calling warrants No. 527 to 542 IncL, all dated April 39, 1143. ....i MARGARET E. RICHES, Clerk: S. D. No. 79. fllrs. Ytxnker Better SCIO Condition of Mrs. Carl Yunker of near Scio was reported encouraging Friday in an Albany hospital. While using a ' pressure cooker at her home at the Mary Denney farm a few miles west of Scio a few days ago, her face was severely scalded. i Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. AF Sc AM. will confer Xhe M M. degree Wed, Oct. 20th, S.D0 PJf. VERTICAL. Ldespicabl person 2.CioshonexJi' - iAdiaa - A rank 4, raaper 6. luDrtcators 6. bona - 7, official watght inspector A stand ' t. obstruct 10. negative 1L distress caa 1A ta carry 1 tarouglt lAsbore . 21.wxnilers 2XRusxiaa. independent tmioa 24. go In 25. business ' place " ' 31. lower ia tmna 32. March date 23. mor homely , 34. stamina 23. took ease 23. lTchamrae laa princes XT.Lmitxtor 23. more obsccr 4X anlmxl'a fact 44. river (Cp.) AHstrew tiJ priest 4T father - irt -4 -4 ji i i ml J 4Kiaenj 3.. land. Ave, A downt i Mm X I.