The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    , Nola: Lee . Is .
Now -Mrs.
: Neill : : i ; :
. . Details have reached the capi
tal of the marriage of Miss Nola
, Lee, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Lee of Salem, and Pri
vate First Class Ralph C Neill,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill
:" of Hermiston. ; The ceremony
took place at the First Baptist'
church: at Bennettsville, South
Carolina on Saturday, Septem
ber 18.
- - The double ring ceremony was
read at 630 o'clock. Mrs. H. I
Bryson was the honor attend -.
ant and her son, Mr. James Bry
son, was best man.
For her 'wedding the bride
wore a brown tailored suit with
darker- brown accessories and a
white orchid corsage.
' A. wedding dinner for the bri
dal couple was held at the home
" of Mrs. Bryson in Hamlet, North
I v Carolina.
I . The.newlyweds will reside at
Hamlet where Pfc Neil is with
V1 the army paratroopers at Camp
MacKall, North Carolina.
The bride is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and has been
attending Northwest Christian
college and the University of
x Oregon. Her husband also at
tended the latter two schools
before he entered the service in
- February.
- MONDAY - - -
Nurses association, mettl Sa
lem General hospital 8 pjn.
Nary Mothers meet at YWCA,
Daughters of St. Elizabeth. St.
Paul's parish house, no-host
luncheon. 1 p-m.
Chad wick assembly. Order of
, Rainbow for Girls. installation,
. Masonic temple. sas pjn., busi
ness meeting. 730 pjn.
American war Mothers, all day
awing. USO hall, covered dish
, dinner at noon.
Past Regents. OAR. with Mrs.
Carey Martin, 697 South Liberty
street. 1 p.m. covered dish lunch
eon. Red Crocs unit Salem Central
WCTU. IS ajn.' with Mrs. L. G.
Prescott. 710 South Uth street
Auxiliary Meets
At Shipp Home
The Nebraska auxiliary met
Wednesday, September 22, at the
home of the hostess, Mrs. John
Shipp, 1595 Saginaw street.
A covered dish luncheon was
served at the noon hour. Busi
ness meeting and a pleasant so
cial hour followed.
, Members present were Mrs.
Leonard Gilkey, Mrs. Elmer,
- Ideen, Mrs. Hazel Lucas, Mrs.
Clara McDerby, Mrs. Ella Rolof- '
son, Mrs. B. M. Randall. Mrs.
Johanson, Mrs. Glen Thompson,
Mrs. Laura Tandy, Mrs. Margaret
Willis, Mrs. Hazel Runkle, Mrs.
Brink and Mrs. Henry Helm
hout. Guests were Mrs. Adams .and
Mrs. Foster. The October meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. Margaret Willis, 965 North
Fifth street, October 27.
" I
Mrs. M. V. McDenal f Saa
Francisco is visiting in the capi
tal at the homes of her brothers,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livesley.
Mrs. McDonald has been visiting
in Seattle and is en route home.
She will be here- for a week.
AMITY The Women's Society
of Christian Service met in the
church parlors Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. T. V. Newman and
Mrs. Luella Shipley led in the
opening praise, service. 1
During the business meeting
the president, Mrs. Glenn Ste
venson, appointed chairmen for
each committee for the various
departments for the annual ba
zaar, which is scheduled now to
be held early in December.
Chairmen are: fancy work,
Mrs. R. R. MasseyJ candy, Mrs.
T. V. Neuman; farm, Mrs. Joe
. McKee; fish pond, Mrs. Pearl
Elen wood; kitchen, Mrs. Anna
Patty; table, Mrs. W. S. Fuller;
watresses, Mrs. Beulah Patty.
After the business session, a
social hour was held.
AMITY Richard Vanalee. ea
sign, USNR, and Miss Elizabeth
Whitman were married in Flo
rida recently.
r Mia. ..Vannice Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Whitman
!of South Jacksonville, Fla., and
Ensign Vannice is a son of Mr.
" and Mrs. G. E. Vannice of Amity.
1 He attended LinCeld college,
and after his graduation from the
University of Oregon, he entered
the naval service. Ensign Van
nice received his flight training
- at Pensacola and Corpus Chris ti,
Texas, naval sir stations. .
Mrs. Vannice is a graduate of
. , Landon high school, South Jack
soaville, Fla. ;
cation of their new garage Sun
day served as the incentive for.
7 a dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C IL Glasson. The day
' - was also Mrs. Glasson' birth
day..' Dinner was served in the
7 new building to Dr. and Mrs.
Fred Bowersox , of Monmouth,
Dr. and Mrs. MV J. Butler, Mrs. ,
IL Mattisoo, Mrs. Fay lindley '
-- of Salem, Mrs. A. C Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Robbie, Mrs.
- Tlielma Tallent, Marvin David
son of Redmond, Mrs. Amax .
, ' Porterfleld, Mr. and Mrs. K. I ;
. Williams of Salem, and Mr. and ,
Mrs. Glasson. : '
Duttons Are
Hosts at
Mr. and Mrs. William James
Dutton were hosts at two affairs
on Friday at their North 13th
street home. The occasion was
the seventh birthday of their
son, Paul MacCausland Dutton.
eln the afternoon a group of
young friends and their mothers
v were bidden to a birthday party.
The sailor theme was carried
out ia the decorations with sail
boats as favors. The birthday
cake was the shape of an air
craft carrier.
Honoring Paul were Jane Bar
low and Mrs. Howard Barlow,
Sonja Anderson and Mrs. Artie
Anderson, Gail Dorr and Mrs.
Elmer H. K. Dorr, John Nielsen
and Mrs. David Nielsen, Charles
Stevenson, Ann Vasey and Da
vid Dutton.
Mr. and Mrs.' Dutton were
hosts at dinner in the evening
in honor of their son and a group
of friends. Guests were seated
at two long tables centered with
bouquets of autumn flowers.
Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Ratcliff, Dr.
and Mrs. Chester Luther, Bobby
and Norman, Rev. and Mrs. Da
vid Nielsen, Miss Ruth Nielsen,
Mrs. Lenard Kephart, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bretthauer of Carl
ton, 'Mrs. Clo Johnson, Mrs.
Ora McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
lie Anderson and Sonja, Dr. and
Mrs. Elmer H. K. Dorr and Gail,
Mr. and Mrs. Dutton and sons,
Paul and David.
Program Will
Be Classical
A concert of recorded music
will be given in the recreation
room of the YWCA on Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. This will be
. an all-Puccini program. -
Robert Rawson will offer his
usual instructive remarks about
each number. The public is in
vited. Prom Kinon Lescaut"
In quelle trine morbid. (In Silk
en Curtains)
Rosa Ponselle
From "La Boheme"
0 soave fanciulla, (Thou Sweets
est Maiden) ;
Prances Alda and
Giovanni MartineUl
Musetta's Waltz Sons
Margaret Romalne
Addio. (Farewell)
Florence East on
Ah. Mimi. tu piu. (Ah, Miml,
False One)
Enrico Caruso and
Antonio ScotU
From "Tosca"
Recondite armonia, (Strange Har
mony.) Enrico Caruso
Non occhio al mondo, (No Eyes
on Xarth)
Lotte Lehmann and
Jan Kiepura
Vissi d'arte. (Love and Music)
Maria Jeritza
E lucevan le stelle, (The Stars
Were Shining)
Benjamino GigU
From "Madame Butterfly"
Ancora un passo. (One Step More)
Alice Nielsen
Love Duet, Act I
Geraldine Farrar and
Enrico Caruso
Flower Duet
Geraldine Farrar and
Louise Homer
Un bel di vedremo (One Fine Day)
Alice Nielsen
From The Girl of the Golden West"
ch'ella mi creda, (That She May
Edward Johnson
1 to 4 Mothers of Company B.
4 to Pidelis class. Gervais Bap
tist church.
1 to li AAUW.
to 11 Rotana club.
It to 1 BPOK lodge.
1 to 4 Salem Teachers association.
4 to T Veterans of Foreign Wars.
T to 11 Reoekahs.
Lions club auxiliary.
Study club.
Ladies of Calem Golf club.
Mrs. William Campbell arrived
. here Wednesday after a wedding
'trip into Washington. They will
, be here for a week before Mr.
Campbell will return to duty
and , Mrs. Campbell will resume
her teaching at Milwaukle.
MT. ANGEL A surprise
shower honoring Miss Dolores
Hauth, bride-elect of Louis
Bernt, was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dardis on
Wednesday : night v with Miss
Aline ' Dardis and Miss Joyce
Rosno as hostesses. , i i;
' Guests included special friends
( of Miss Hauth.' , . .
The earlier part ot the even
ing was spent in playing cards,
prizes being awarded ; to Mrs.
Stephen Sprauer, Miss Mildred
Duda and Miss. Hilda Amann.
- Later refreshments were serv
ed and the shower gift present
ed to the. bride-elect.
The wedding of Miss Hauth
and Mr. Bernt will be an event
of early October and will take
place in St. Mary's church. The
bride's uncle. Rev. Luke Eberle,
wia officiate.
' What fhay can do
. What fhsrj'r doing about it
Scheduled for a full-time war
job as a member of the WAVES,
is Miss Martha Spruce,; Dallas,
who has enlisted in this women's
service of the US navy, it was
announced here yesterday by
Chief Robert B. Fallon, in charge
of the navy recruiting substation
at Salem, which handles applica
tions for WAVES in this area. ,
Miss Spruce was formally
sworn into the WAVES at the
Portland branch, office of naval
officer procurement, which has
charge of the enlistment of
WAVES in Oregon, southwestern
Washington and Idaho.
In 1929, Miss Spruce graduat
ed from the high school at Per
kasie, Pa., where she was assist-
ant editor of the school news
paper and a member of the
mathematics club. She attended
Florida state teachers college in
1932, majoring in education.
"For the past two months, she
has been visiting friends at Dal
las, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager.
Previously she was employed by
Mrs. Doris Duke Cromwell, Som
erville, NJ. She is a member of
the First Latvian Baptist church,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Miss Spruce is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Spruce,
route three, Quakertown, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, 300
Culver lane, have received word
that their daughter, Elizabeth
Taylor, has completed her boot
training at Camp LeJeune, NC
Private First Class Taylor en
listed in the women's marine
corps reserve on June 2 and was
assigned to active duty on Au
gust 13. Pfc. Taylor has been
transferred to NCO school at
Camp LeJeune. The number 13
is staying with Miss Taylor as
she was assigned to a 13th bat
talion and 13 friends saw her
off at the station when she left
Wanda Green, WAC stationed
at Ft Jackson, SC, is in the mili
tary personnel office. She en
listed in November, 1942, and
took basic training at Daytona
Beach, Fla., before being as
signed to Ft. Jackson. She has
been home on furlough visiting
her sisters, Mrs. Mazine Grie
pentrog and Mrs. John K. Rich
ards, and brother-in-law, Lt.
Richards. CpL Green will b
here for another week. She has
two brothers in the navy, both
New Class for
Nurses' Aides
A new Red Cross nurses' aide
class will begin on Monday, Oc
tober 11, with Mrs. Louise Arne
son the instructor. This will be
a day class and housewives, who
will be able to work during the
daytime, are asked to register for
the class.
There is an urgent need for
nurses' aides as the regular
nurses at the hospitals are being
called Into the service monthly.
Those wishing to join the class
are asked to register at the Red
Cross before October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Ritchie
are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a daughter, Patricia
Sue, born at the Salem General
hospital on Thursday, Septem
ber 23. The little girl has an
older sister, Linda Rae, and her
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
W. C Pickens and Mrs. J. W.
TURNER" Mrs. Ksby Mertle
entertained members of the Sun
shine club at her home on Wed
nesday , afternoon, with piawg
made for a quilting bee to be
held at the next all day meet
ing of the club with Mrs. W. R.
Hogsed hostess. Following an in
formal afternoon, Mrs. Mertle
served refreshments to the fol- '
lowing members: Mrs. 1 Pauline
Regier, Mrs. Stella :Mfller, Mrs.
Lawrence Brown of Salem, Mrs.
Edith Mellis. Mrs. Anna Win.
dom, and Mrs. Alice Van OsdoL
Revival Series y
To Start Sunday
At Foursquare Gospel
A series of revival services win
start at 7:43 pjn. Sunday night at
the . Foursquare Gospel v church,
19th and Breyman streets, ac
cording to Rev. T. W. Hender
son, the pastor. Services; will be
conducted every night . except
Monday and Saturday. K 7-'..
Evangelist Reppond will be
preaching at all the services ex
cept Sunday rnoming. No closing
date has been set as yet There
wiU be special musical numbers
offered climaxed by messages
from the speaker. .
, Rev. Henderson extends an in
vitation to everyone to attend. :
Visitor Feted
At Party -Friday
; - -
. Mrs. Roscoe C Wilson pre
sided at a smartly arranged
dessert luncheon on Friday af
ternoon at her South Church
street home for the pleasure of
- Mrs. "Rudy Kappel of Portland,,
who is a house guest at .the W2-.
son home this week.
." Bouquets of autumn flowers
decorated the .guest rooms and
during the afternoon contract
bridge was in play.
Covers. were placed for the
; honor guest, Mrs. Rudy Kappel,
, Mrs. E r v i n L. Peterson, Mrs.
i Thomas H. Dunham, Mrs. W3
: lard (Thompson, : Mrs. George
- Williamson;-Mrs. Clarence Ham
ilton, Mrs. Donald Burke, Mrs.
Stuart LanceCeld and Mrs. Ros
coe Wilson.
Club Discusses
That another $20,000,000 would
be appropriated by congress for
"prenatal care, delivery of the
serviceman's child and subse
quent' nursing care for the moth
er" but that none of this would
. be available to army wives in
Oregon was brought out by the
reading of clippings from Oregon
an out-of-state newspapers at
the regular meeting of the Taga
longs at the YWCA Wednesday
; night. A deadlock between three
plans in Oregon seems to be
holding back federal allotments,
it was reported: namely, that of
the . children's bureau of the
United States department of la
bor, which has been accepted by
42 states, that of the Oregon
State Medical society, and that of
the Oregon state board of health.
Information regarding other
sources of maternity aid will be
presented to the club, at the next
meeting in answers to letters
sent out by Mrs. H. R. Anthony,
USO adviser.
Mrs. William Cohen, secretary,
presided. An "enthusiastic report
was given of the USO trip to
the Eyerly ranch Sunday and
those who were unable to attend
were urged to go at the next
opportunity, which will be Sun
day, Oct. 3. Mrs. A. J. Rahn was
the visiting guest, entertaining
the members during the social
hour following the business ses
sion. A new member was Mrs. John
McAteer of Boston, Mass. Host
esses were Mrs. Velma Franks,
jr., and Mrs. Verne Wallin.
Shower Honors
Joan Nye
Mrs. Leo Brockway and her
mother, Mrs. Joseph Teel, were
hostesses for a bridal shower
Tuesday night at the former's
home on State street in honor of
Miss Joan Nye, fall bride-elect.
Bouquets of gladioluses were
arranged about the rooms and a
late supper was served by the
Honoring Miss Nye were Mrs.
Edith Nye, Mrs. Blanche Jones,
Mrs. Russell Hoff, Miss Lil
lian Oliver, Mrs. Chester Good
man, Mrs. B. A. Schlumpf, Miss
Marian Macy, Miss Rosemary
Hinkle, Miss Adah Mae Teel,
Mrs. -Leo Brockway and Mrs.
Joseph Teel.
Mr. and Mrs. Max rwmi
(Janet Byrd) are in Tucson,
Arizona, visiting with his par
ents for several weeks. Mr. Mc
Millan will enter the armed ser
vices this fall.
Canned Goods Blus stamps U. V
and W good through October SO.
Meat, cheese, canned flab, and edi
ble fats Red stamps X. Y and Z now
good, void October S. Brown stamp
A and B now valid, food unttl Oc
tober 8.
Sugar Coupon No. 14 expires Oc
tober SI. good for S pounds. Nos. IS
and IS valid tor 9 pounds each can
ning sugar. Apply to ration board foe
additional ration if needed.
Stamp Mo. IS. book one, valid
through October 31.
Book A coupons No. S now food.
Period 1 coupons In new fuel oil
rations valid through January S. One
unit, period S coupons vaUd through
September SO for 10 gallons. Ten unit,
period S coupons, valid through Sep
tember 30 for 100 gallons. Coupons
with gallonage printed on the face
vand for amount Indicated until ex
' pu-ation data shown on coupon sheet.
Cars with C ration books must have
tires Inspected every 3 months; B
books every 4 months: A books every
months. September 30 next Inspec
tion deadline for A book holders.
; Commercial motor vehicles tire to-
ipccooDi every roonuis or to7j
UM nlUa hth...p m.i ill trt- f
Church of Air
Starts Quiz
Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor of
the Foursquare church and con
ductor of the Foursquare church
of the air which broadcasts every
Sunday between 3 30 and 430
pjn. over KSLM, has added a new
feature to his program, v
, Every Sunday, during the pro
gram, he will ask one question on
religious subjects over the radio,
and the one who sends in the Cor
rect answer first will receive a
gift in the man as. a token of good
will from the Foursquare Church
of the Air; The correct answer
must be in writing. The winner
will be announced on the follow
ing week over the radio.
Oregon, Saturday Morning. September 25, 1343
' Visiters la the capital are
Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert Bur
rell ; of Altus, Oklahoma. Mrs.
Burrell is the former Alice Un
ruh, and. they are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bur
rell and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Un
ruh. They arrived Tuesday and
will be here for ten days. Lt.
Burrell is' a flying instructor at
the Altus advanced flying school.
' Mrs. Howard Flsminn and her
mother, : Mrs. Pearl .Ames, have
returned, from a week's say at
Today's -Menu
Just to go a bit Mexican, well
have enchiladas for Monday's
meal, to utilize lamb left from
Sunday's roast This recipe is a
North American, adaptation of
the recipe. . .
' Potato salad
Celery sticks
- Cube steams
v Buttered shell beans
Lemon and lime pie '
'(;.- , ' -. r;
--vPeach cottage cheese salad
Lamb steaks with
French fried potatoes
Harvard beets -Apple
cobbler -
Fresh green salad
Enchiladas with
Mexican sauce -
Fruit bowl
The tortillas, the Middle Am
erican women make them, would
be much too . difficult lor us to
duplicate.' They; an made from
corn meal, stone ground to exact
ly the right texture, the dough
-then being -deftly patted and
flipped to a thin cake by hand
and cooked expertly on soap-
stone griddles without even a
smidgin of grease.
; From the northern part of
Mexico comes a recipe using
flour instead of stone ground
corn meaL making it possible for
us to serve quite a creditable
version of the enchilada. The
traditional fillings and sauce are
used to give the dish its authen
tic Middle American touch.
1 cup chopped left-over lamb
2 cups Mexican sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix lamb thoroughly with
cup of the sauce. Season well
with -additional salt and pepper.
Spread on tortillas and roll up,
fastening with toothpicks if nec
essary. Arrange side by side in
shallow baking dish and pour
over the remaining sauce. Re
heat in a quick oven, 450 degrees
until bubbling hot, about 25 min
utes. Sprinkle with a little grat
ed cheese before heating, if liked.
Garnish witH chopped parsley.
Serves six.
2 onions, minced
3 tablespoons shortening .
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 green pepper, minced
Vt teaspoon salt
1 chicken bouillon cube
1 cup water
Melt shortening, add onion and
cook gently until soft Add rest
of ingredients and simmer cov
ered for 45 minutes.
1 cup flour i
Yi teaspoon sal t
2 eggs
1 cup milk 7
Mix eggs with flour and salt
Add milk gradually and beat
vigorously with rotary egg beat
er. The batter should be very
thin and smooth. Have a small
frying pan hot and greased light
ly. Pour in sufficient batter to
just cover the bottom of the pan
and cook over medium heat lift
ing the edges of the pancake with
a spatula, allowing any liquid
batter to run underneath, and
shaking the pan to prevent stick
ing. .
When the underside is lightly
browned and the top set &iP
over the pancake and brown the
other side. Repeat process until
the batter is used up, stacking
the finished .pancakes in a nap
kin to keep warm and soft.
Makes six seven-inch pancakes.
Second and Garfield streets. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock.
Rev. V. M. Abbott, pastor. Sunday
School S ajn. Morning service 11
'dock. Evening service, f 'dock.
- rtrst and Hayes streets. Mrs. Lore
Sorensen. pastor. Sunday school 0S
a.m. Morning service 11 O'clock. Chil
dren's church lOl pjn. Evening serv
ice 75 'clock. Tuesday service 1041
ajn. Wednesday prayer service T4S
?jn. Xriday, young people's meeting,
HS pjn.
rMMAMtrax. xxjraoLKtt
Sunday school lts ajn. Morning
ciTica 9:30 o'clock.
Sunday school 10:43 ajn. Mr. Louis
Koenig. Supt. Morning service at 10.
Sunday school lt ajn. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor T
p.m. ' Evening service at S 'clock at
Christian church. Prayer meeting
Thursday at S pjn,-?.. y -urf:;,-
CHKrsTiAN cHmacn i- :' r ;
Newell Morgan, pastor. Sunday
chool IS m Morning service at 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Art Thou the
Man?" Young people's meeting T p.m.
Evening service o'clock. D. Lester
Fields, speaking. - ,
D. Lester FieTds, pastor. Sunday
school IS ajn. Morning service - 11
o'clock. Seiinon subject. "The Great
est Question Ever Asked.' Evening
set t ice at a 'dock at Christian church.
ST. unrjrs catholic
" Rev. V. L. Morlenbeter. pastor. Sun
day masses at S. SJ0 and 10 JO ajn.
Week aay masses at T30
rormsQCAKE gospel
East Lincoln street. Rev.
Explains Bible
i .7. i II
Rey L. Brawn, outstanding Bible
teacher, will start a series f lee
tares Sunday at 7:SS pjn. at the
First Baptist; church, eentuolng
for a week doriax the Evaagelis
tie Bible conference. He wBl il
lustrate Ids aaessages with large
' charts.
Church Troupe
Coming OcU 9
On 'Saturday night, October 9,
at J AS o'clock. Rev. Percy Craw
ford and his party of the Young
Peoples Church of the Air will
conduct a gospel service in the au
ditorium of the Leslie junior high
school. In addition to Mr. Craw
ford the party consists of Mrs.
Crawford, pianist, the Young Peo
ple's Church oLthe Air male quar
tet and Al Zahlout and his "sing
ing violin." The First Baptist and
Calvary Baptist churches are
sponsoring the service. ,
The group, has been making a
tour of the west in the interests
of their nationwide broadcast of
the, gospel. They may be heard
every Sunday at 1J0 pjn. over
the Mutual network. In the east.
Mr. Crawford's program is one of
the most popular among the
young and old alike. In addition
to his radio ministry he is the
president of King's college in
Delaware, is director of a large
victory center for service men in
Atlantic City, conducts the Pine
brodk Bible , conference in Penn
sylvania, in addition to a Chris
tian book store in Philadelphia.
Since going on a coast to coast
network, Mr. Crawford and the
YPCA have grown in popularity.
It is hoped that this citywide
meeting with the Crawford party
may be well attended by Salem
people, for a real treat is in store
for those who enjoy good Chris
tian music and the old gospel as
Mr. Crawford presents it.
Williams Tells
Preaching at both Sunday ser
vices, Rev. W. levin Williams has
selected "God's Greatest Handi
cap1 for his morning theme and
Tools Rush In . . '." for the 7:30
o'clock hour at the First Presby-
.terian church.
Miss Alta Davis, the new direc
tor of Christian education, will
bring a five-minute report on im
mediate plans for the Sunday
school to be put in operation in
the month of October. ,
The senior choir, under the di
rection of Clifford Elliott, will
sine two anthems. "Send Out Thy
Light" by Gounod and "As Tor
rents in Summer." Elgar. At the
night service, a trio composed of
Agnes Drummond, vman Garri
son and Clifford Elliott, will sing
"God Be in My Head" by Grant
Schaefer. ,
The church calendar will carry
a series of references, for daily Bi
ble ' readings upon which ' the
Thursday night services will be
based. During the month of Octo
ber the books of Genesis and
Matthew will be studied.
Leslie Methodists
To Give Concert
The choir of the Leslie Metho
dist church, under direction of
Melvin L. Gilson, will present a
sacred concert Sunday at S pan.
in the church. South Commercial
and Meyers streets. 1
Anthems, solos and duets - will
comprise the' program. Soloists
are to be Marr Margaret Iivesay,
contralto; Michael Carolan. tenor;
Corydon Blodgett, baritone; and
Harlalee Wilson, violinist
The public is invited
-t--" eaawaveaBurMowaBBnawraMBaavasranaa)
Aumsville Church
Of Christ Reopens
AUMSVILLE With Chris Ko-
witz, Jr Tif Salem in the pulpit.
the Church of Christ here, closed
during the summer because of
lack of ;ministerial services, 7 will
reopen Sunday raaorning. - . '
. Mrs. Claude Boone is superin
tendent of the Sunday school,
which meets at 9:45 ajn. Church
services -Are at . 117 ajn. Musical
talent will be brought out from
Salem. '
Max T. Gulick. pastors. Sunday school
tS sum. Morning sesvlc 11 o'clock.
Crusaders. S3Q pjn. Evening sanies
stion Unknown.'!. :- -CHURCH
IL s. Pulton, pastor. Sunday school
ia aw. 4ia-mtit i mU m - 11 aVInclr
Crusaders 7dS pjn. Evening service S
woes, as iks weuneeuay an
Church - Services in Salem
19th and Eerry streets. WiSard
Hall, nas tor. Siuiday school le
kMorninE service , 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "The Mina oi rnruu
Capitol and Marion streets. E. A.
Kielsmeier. - pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, - xny tfuruen upon
the LorL -'..:v y. -y..
15th and Mill streets. Lowel Gflger,
pastor.; Sunday school 10 a-m. Morning
service 11 o'cjock.-wxk eau pjn. a,v
enlng service T0 o'clock. Midweek
prayer meeting Wednesday. I pjn.
ChemekeU and liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 ajn. Services - II ajn.
and S nan. Sermon subject. "Reality
Wednesday meeting at S pjn, includes
testimonies. : 7:. . '
statn ana lstn streets, r. a. Tbeuer.
BD.- pastor. Sunday . school : ajn.
Morning service 11 clock.
subject. -Taught ec the Lord.
141S Madison street. Ray M. Bllx-
seth. pastor. Sunday " school IS ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening
servie S 'clock; . Prayer meeting
Thursday, t pjxu. ,.
Basel and Academy streets. Warren
C Hale, pastor. Sunday school IS ajn.
Morning service u o'clock. Young peo
ple's meeting at T JO pjn. Evening serv
ice S o'clock) . Prayer meeting . Wed
nesday at S pjn.
Market and North Winter streets. J.
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school S:4S
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, -The Marvelous Attrac
tion of an Uplifted Christ.' Young
people's meeting 1 pjn. Evening serv
ice 7:49 o'clock o'clock. Praver meet
ing Wednesday. T:49 pjn. .
17th ana Court streets. W. H. Lyman.
pastor. Sunday school S:49 ajn. Morn
ing service 1030 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. The Master Is Here." Christian
Endeavor hour 7 pjn. Evening service
S 'clock. Dedication of US and Chris
tian flags- Chaplain H. E. Melon,
speaker. Servie. eand. choice "nractice
Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
State and Church streets. J. C. Har
rison, pastor. Sunday school S:49 ajn.
Morning service IS -JS9 o'clock. Seiinon
subject. The Value of the Individual'
by Dr. William Warren Sweet ox the
University of Chicago. Evening service
T:4S o'clock. Sermon subject. The Sea
So Great. My Boat So Small." Youth
fellowship will meet at S o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pal-
leske, 1337 Court street.
18th and Breyman streets. Rev. T.
W. Henderson, ThB, pastor. Sunday
school S:45 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Christ's
Last Token of Love." Evening service
7:49 o'clock. Evangelist Reppond will
preach. - Services every night except
Monday and Saturday at 7:43 n jn.
Sunday, 4:34 pjn street meeting at
court and commercial streets. M
pjn Crusaders service.
North Cottage and D streets. J. T. oi-
thoff,' DD. pastor. Sunday school S:49
ajn. Morning service 11 , o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "Seeing Him Who Is In
visible' Youth hour at 6 JO pjn. Ev
ening service 7:49 o'clock. Sermon
subject. The Way to Happiness."
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:49.
079 Market street. - Rev. Shrniun
Moore, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "God's Work." Evening serv
ice s o'clock. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday. S pjn.
Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J.
Kenneth Wlshart. pastor. Sunday
Groups Have
Dinner, Program
The Woman's Missionary ? soci
ety and the brotherhood of the
First Evangelical church met for
a pot-luck . dinner and program
featuring loyalty as a "Goal for
Growth and "Expanding Fellow
Appearing as " Christian "and
non-Christian characters la a
playlet were Robert Bennett,. Ag
nes Kleewan, John Pilve and Ma
ry Center. William Cooksley read
the devotions and the chorus, led
by Virginia Nance and Ernest
Friesen, with the male quartet,
ladies quartet and m i zed trio,
furnished music. 7 7 -i" '
The pastor. Rev.' 2. Kenneth
Wishart, outlined the year's pro
gram. ,
First Methodists
Slate Dr. Sweet
Gaest preacher Sunday morn
ing 7 at the First ; Methodist
church wDl ' be Dr. 7 William
Warresi Sweet of the University
ml Chicago, edaveater; aatkar
and Christlaii .leader af Metha
dlsm. 7. ' ' 'r: . '; '. ' '
In trd acing hlsa win be Dr.
George Uerbert Smith, presi
dent of Willamette vnlrersitr.
Dr. j. C narrlsea wm lead the
saerntng warship service with
Deaa Melvtn Gelst directing the
cbolr ad Fret. T.8. Keberts at
the' mrgmn.
FffiS? EMillODIS CE30E1CE3
; ' Corner Church and State!
Extends cordial inritatioii to
. its services Sunday morning at
10:50 to hear .
dr. mmAir
of the University of Chicago ";'
I's mo StaS!
Hear This New Broadcast
Every Da j (Except Sunday)
T7esley JoKnson, Director
school 9M a.m. Junior church at 11
mm Uornln, wrviea 11 o'clock. S(r-
moti subiact. "Women in Divine Or
der." Youth groups will meet at :-
pjn. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "Let's Be Practical By
Curing Seli-Centeredness." Prayer
hour Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
2 IS North Commercial street. Serv
ice 30 o'clock, i Sermon subject,
"Questions and Answers." ' Evening
service 7 JO o'clock, licv. Mary Gosser
Mann, speaker.
rifth snd Gaines streets. C. IT.
Steinmann. pastor. Sunday school 0:4i
a m. Morning aervice 11 o'clock. Ser-.
on subject. "Seated - witn uuist"
Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Are We Approaching the
End of the Age?" Wednesday, 7 JO p.m.,
prayer meeting. "
343 North Church street M. A. Get-
tendaner. DD. pastor. Sunday school
9 At ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "The Christian elome. -
Marion and Liberty streets. Irvlns
A. Pox. DD. pastor. Sunday school
:49 am. Morning aervice 11 o'clock;
Sermon subject. The Church's Answer
to an Inquiring World." Evening aerv
ice 7 JO o'clock. Roy L. Brown. Oregon
jsaptist Stat evangelist will speak.
Young people and adult Bible study
30 pjn. Prayer meeting Wedifesday,
7 JO pjn.
Bayesvllle school. Sunday school S:4S
ajn. Dewey Davis. Supt. -
Brush College school. Rev. Earl L.
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 3:49 ajn.
stark Bueu. supt. Morning aervice
10:45 o'clock. . Young people's meetinx
S JO pjn. -
East State and Elma streets. Sunday
hooi tS ajn. Leon Lambert. Sunt.
Evening service 7:49 o'clock. Rev. Earl
L. Baker, speaker. BYPU 7 pjn. Prayer
meeting Thursday, 7 .-45 pjn.
North 17th street and Nebraska av
enue.. Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pas
tor. Sunday school t:49 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subjeeC
"The Touch of His Hand." Chrtstta.
Endeavor 7 pjn. Evenlne servlca S
o'clock. Sermon subject, The BatUe of
Life." Prayer meeting Thursday. S p.m.
tiiti rwwrrm
336 State street Olive Stevens. MsD.
Morning service 1049 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Dwellers In the Kingdom."
South Liberty and East Miller streets,
Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school
f .-49 ajn. Senituu wbject. "Introduction
to Jonah." Evening servlca 7 JO. Ser
in subject, "Spiritual Recovery.
Wednesday. 7 JO pjn. service In chare
of Missionary committee. Mrs. G. E.
Ross, speaker. S JO pjn, choir rehears
al. -
South 13th and Leslie streets. Evan
gelist Will M. Thompson will be
speaker. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Basket lunch will be
served at noon. Albert Smith, minister
of the Church of Christ of Corvallis.
ell ideiiver the message at 2:30 pjn. -Evening
service 0:49 o'clock. Preach
ing 7:49 pjn.
Corner. Cottage and Hood streets.
Rev. H.'A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday
school S :49 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "First Step to
Cur... T ! Vnn ..niW
7:49 o'clock." Sermon subject. "The
Mora Excellent Way." , i
Center and High streets. Rev. Dud
ley Strain, pastor. Sunday school S:4S
ajn. Morning aervice -10 20 o'clock.
Sermon subject, ''On Learning How
to Learn." 11 "am, children's church.
:4S pjn. Christian Endeavor. Evening
service S 'dock. Sermon subject. "At-
' tempting the Impossible."
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swtft. pastor. Communion
7 JO ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Instructions : for confirmation 7 pjn.
Ferry and 13th streets, Eric M. John
son, pastor. Sunday school t:45 a.m.
Morning servie 11 o'clock. 6 JO pjn
young people's service. Evening serv
ie 7:49 o'clock. Rev. Wise of Hermosa
Beach. Calif., preaching. Wednesday,
7:0 pjn, service.
North Winter and Jefferson streets,
S. Jtaynor Smith, pastor. Sunday
school 9:43 am. Morning servie it
o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Gospel
According to You." Evening service f
o'clock. Youth Fellowship.
Center and Uth streets. Rev. Weaver
W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school t:49
ajn. Morning -service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "Not By Might, but By
My Spirit" S0 p.m, youth's hour.
Evening servie 7 JO o'clock. Sermon
subject. "The Devil Is Unfair."' Prayer
service Wednesday, 7 JO pjn. i
Marlon and Cottar a streets. David'
Nielsen, pastor. Sunday school t:4S
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser--mon
subject. "I Believe in the Church.
A service of recognition for all officers
of the church will be observed during
tn worship hour.
Winter and Chemek ta streets.
Rev. W. Irvln Williams, pastor. Sun
day school M ajn. Morning service
loss o'clock, sermon subject, -cod's
Greatest Handicap." Evening service .
7 JO O'clock. Sermon subject. "Foola
Rush In . . ." Service Thursday, 7J
pjn. . -:,v7.
Valloy Churches
Monitor. Morning servie 11 o'clock.
Ladles Aid meeting Wednesday at a
pjn. Hostesses are Mrs. Martin Boat
void. Mrs. Ted Rostvold and Mrs. liga
1129 Dm street. West Salem. Rev. A.
A. Loewen, pastor. Sunday school S:4S
ajn. Morning aervice 10:49 o'clock.
Visiting convalescent homes. S pra.
YPF 7:19 p.m. Evening service 7:4
o'clock. Wednesdsy. prayer meetmg.
Thursday, choir rehearsal. Priday. jun
ior choir rehearsal.