A lb West i !' and Prdfite, ' -I 03? lb... i J VBam-Hod1' C3 Thm CHTGOII STATET.M RIU Sclera. ' Oregon. Thundaj I-Ionuxuj, Splxa2c 2X Classified Advertising Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertkioa per Une23c Six Insertions per line 40c On month per tins , . , l2i Minimum charge- Uc; s tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c Mo refunds," 7". - Copy tor . thle page accepted un til 8 30 the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time will be rua under ttoe heading "Tee Late to Classify" The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear la advertisements pub lished in Its columns and to eases where this paper ts st fault will reprint that part of an sdvertise ment in which the typographical mistake' occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right fee place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman Dox number tor en ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divtuge Infer mation as to the Identity -of ea advertiser using a . Blind" ed, Livestock and Poultry WEANER pigs 83.73. BL X B1 38 ONE year old N. Hampshire red hens. 81.50 each if taken before Sept. 28. Also some-choice spring cockerels . for mating.' Phone 2U5T... Route t. box 30. : r - - -. W1U remove dead as worUUoss -stock In a moment's notice I SALEM TiZLJZE St BY PRODUCTS Ph 8000 Collect iNe other Pnone.1 - Help Wanted ers Needed Today PART TIME . FULL TIME . WORKERS Training Supervision For Beginners ' NEED MEN St WOMEN TO GET LAUNDRY WORK OUT. ESSENTIAL TO KEEP DEFENSE WORKERS ON THE JOB. THEY ARE ENTITLED TO LAUNDRY SERVICE WHILE WORK ING IN DEFENSE INDUSTRIES. APPLY U. S. Employment Office 715 Ferry Street Salem, Oregon ' - WE ARE badly In need of two good waitresses: -three efficient helpers In 1 kitchen. 1 part time. Wages are- the J best. Mickey's Sandwich Shop. 479 Court. WANTED. Experienced men or women clothes presaers for Amy work. Men guaranteed $125 per hour Piece work. -Our boys have made as high as 3123 per week Be our girls have maas as bign as flue per asy Ph. 8888, Help Wanted Male Workers now employed m war pro duction should not apply end win not beconaidered for employment by em ployers advertising, u uua section. ' JANITOR. Light inside, steady Job. Apply Hotel Salem. SOMEONE handy with brush to paint g room. 1 -story bouse coet. also someone So plow St disc I lot. 1785 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1519. Call after f P.M. . BOYS Age 13 to 13. earn moraine S300 a vear. Carry SL00 each Statesman routes near your borne.- AO Pfriicants must be aceomoenied by have written statement parents or front "Per1 ents. Also supervised pietooa especially for Statesman Will start about Sept .: IS. Carry work wftbt labor platoon 4 ! dax. -" Kara "good money. Statesman office at once. route and Apply at Help Wgoited Femalo WATTRZSS: 3 hrs. noon; no Sundays or holidays. Cheerio inn. WOMAN or Girl to stay nitea with T yr. old girl. ICS , N. Liberty or ra. sozj arter a s'a. Woman cook Sacred Heart Academy air vs T.arirre h.f.lll MM IS Mr B5. Married or single. FuU or part F. W. Weorwortb Co, omce. WATTRKSS Wanted. No Sun. or sight -work. Court St. Dairy Lunch. 341 Court. WANTED: Manager-cook for the Lee . lie Junior High School cafeteria. Must plan the menu, do the buying, keep accounts, and with student help cook and serve June for ,go. Call at , me acriool or Jjr WOMAN or girt for, light housework for lady. Pb. 4M1. STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK. Prefer mature woman, able to meet public. Social work rec ord experience of value. Oregon State Training . scnooi wood Dura. - FOUNTAIN GIRL. Experienced pre ferred. Best pay. Black & White cof fee Shop. - ' ,. - . . WOMAN OR elder Ctrl help 1 or t hours evenings end stay nigbts -with 2 echool age ; children. Free daytimes 1928 McCoy St. Call between t and S. WANTED .WAITRESS. - Experience not necemary. Union wages. Malt Shop Cafe. .331 a. commercial, v -.-. GIRZ. or w r-month.-F U Gates. for housework. SS4 Jefferson sex.. Mrs WANTXOt Bote! maid. Apply SUgb BoteL AD VOTISINO ' T7estera A.drextlsina . - ReprentntatJves . -:T? - ; Ceorge D Oose. Inv'; Can rrawcuw Lee Aneeiee Seattle j . eastern Advextisinji ? . ' . RepreeenUUveg "- " Wsrd -Griffith- Compesy.- toi 'Chicago. New York. Detroit ' v Boston. ; Atlanta wrs- Entered et thm Poatofrtce et-Seieiu. Oreooit as Second Class sietter.. ; Pmb timed every mevnlmt except Moedau. Business office 313 leafs ComnMf etal Street. SUCSCIUPTION RATC3 . HTsO Subscrtptlon Bates tn Advances Within Oregon: DaPy and Sunday. Mo 1 cents; Mos SiOO. 1 year. W 00 ' Use where so cents per mo . or - 3150 tor I vear tn advanee. Per copy 3 centa Pr' City Carrier. TS cents a month. fit ) a year tn advance In liar loo ami aujcvt couaUs - . : i Laundry Eloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WHITE or phone tl88i to Salem's -oldest, largest - home owned end borne : managed finance tnstitu uosu . sour; financial anatrs wui ne dim usasd and loans made In strictest privacy You will oa giveer every con sideration tn the repaying of rote loan or granting of extensions. : 1 to U MONTHS TO REPAY , Voa can : pay ta full any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers, t none saado oa furni ture ROY R. SIMMONS. KGB. ?- Lie. No 44-132. GENERAL I FINANCE CORPORATION Uc No s-isa 134 So. Conunercial St Phone 8168 First door- south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground Door toeetton LOANS AUTO. FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK Calkins Finance Co. 311 (3rd Fl.) . Ph. 4446 1st Nata Bank Bid.. Salem S-228 Lie. - 14-278. - ' . Anto Loans WiUaniette Credit Co. rra floor guardian building . LICENSE N M Uf Help Wanted- Female Restaurant Workers Female cooks, kitchen helpers, wait resses wanton, w snim.-rwiin i employment. Appty at Schtesdera Cof fee shop, m b. xuga s. EXPESIZNCKO WOMAN for office work. Good salary- Pt mien int. B. F. Goodrich suvertowa store, xse s. Commercial. Phone tl. . Situations Wanted POSITION AS housekeeper for two adults with priv. of keeping my 18 mo. old child with roe. WUl take full charge. Box 278S Statesman. HAVE STEADY Joe but desire- 4 hour. shift evenings. Experienced ste nographer, bookkeeper, mimeograph operator. Phone 377. j PAINTING.' Carpentering. Remodel ing. Wiring. Etc Expert work. Ph. 8658. For Sale Miscellaneous NEW PRE-WAR PREMIUM TIRES ' 7.00x16, 6.50x16, 6.00x16 Also 7.00x17 6-Ply Used Tire and Tube STATE MOTORS, Inc. , 344 N. HIGH 80S BUSHELS Ripe Canning Tomatoes ! 50c Bushel - U-PICK RIVER BEND GARDENS End of Mosquito Bar read. 3 miles north and turn right off Wallace Rd. PHONE 23062 FARMERS 1 TRUCKERS I Stock us in Wards Drum Lot Oil Sale, for peesent or future delivery, for a limited tune only. 100 Pure Pennsylvania reduced to 68c gaL (federal tax included). . . . 100 Pure Paraffin Base Oil reduced to See saL (federal tax included), uem Sale Prices on Crease. Montgosnery Ward.- 333 N. Liberty. Phone i4. 100 30-30 reloads. Loading equipment components. Ph. 4968. even. . FURNITURE, like anr. used short time. Box springs, inner Spring, mat tress, bed. mahogany-' chest drawers, BiltweU chair (platform), tiost table St bar. end table to match, breakfast table. 4 ; chairs, rug and. pad. 341 Union St. 2 Wheel Trailer. Good tires (600x16), heavy duty steel frame. 341 Union. UTENCO ironer $50.00. Datton add ing machine $25.00. Good condition. Ph. 22117. 6 RAYON curtain panels 20" long. 39; bronze desk lamp, florescent 38; 2 washable bed rm. rugs 27x34. 35. 34x34. 34; 1 egg beater, stainless steel 31; 1 white bedroom chair S3; lHealth ometer bathroom scale $8. Ph. ST94. TOMATOES 31 per bo, U pick 75c Arthur Hoideo, Rt. 2. Box US. 1st hse. W. ef Keizer SchooL KING Apples. V pick. $1 bu. 3373 Lee. t , PRTTCHARD camting tomatoes and S toll's Evergreen corn. Joe Diedrieh, Rt. 2. Box 146, one mile straight west Keizer School, FULL BLOODED police pups SSjOO. 4 wks. H. Kampstra, 1344 -Uayt St. Pb, 782L ....... - ONE Crosley console model radio. cheep, 633 Norway. Ph. 24063. . GOLDEN CROSS canning corn, g dos. for L Rt. 7. Box 04J. on Claxter road, east side of electric track, Call CHENILLE BEDSPREADS. 33.93 and up. --"- - ; ' - - v.-- GXVURTZ rURNITURX CO. 27S N. Liberty Phone 4812 ONE good used horiaontal . tubular boiler. 34 inches in diametor and IS feci long. State No. T70-4L 123 lbs, pressure. K. A. Lough. Lakeview, Ore. SEE HOCO BROS, gag State St tot uberat trade tn on sour-old furniture LINED RAYON drapes, pair. 3343. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 27 N. Liberty . ; . Phone 4613 WILL BUY, SELL or TRADE GUNS fc AMMUNITION. Don-Madison. 390 No, High. . . W ATKINS rmOOUCTS. S44T Fatr- grounda.'Rd. Ph. 2130T. SPECIAL ON canning tomatoes, ting bushel. PesaberUm's, . 12th. O0X ' , WScruSSiT)' : .' --lJJ -1i!PHillJi IsomebooV pocErtjpJIi- wmqdo"! I yjiT cm. boy ruj l TORETURM--- W NAM rlS."'WE,kSSO VOUR SHOES BY ir " (tOUSUPPOSE; . .'JT S04MCRV l" THESE SUOGSU . . jySK&7S. TMIS S TOOWDS? TM1S MISTAKE AeJC r- WOULD CO ' . I I COULP EAT MADAM i rT, XTXSMMX. SOMEBOCVS ORKJS LEFTYOU r- ' A7VHMS JfSUXttXMBll ) Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY ; AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re due payments Money for new ea used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possesion of tho vehicle 1 to U MONTHS TO PAY. ; ROY H. SIMMONS 138 south Commercial Street Phono Sin, . : . Lie. No. 14-132 AUTO LOANS Fast Servicer ' ' $2S to $500 loaned oa your auto. Just bring ear and proof of ownership with you.. It isat necessary, that your car be fully paid tor. Office hours: to 3. After 3 by appointment. Saturdays: to 1. PERSONAL F-NANCE CO. Rm. 123 New BUgb Bldg, 318 State 81 (Opposite County Court House) N. Anderson, Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-183 Loans $25 to $300 f Loans made on salary, furniture, auto. Sneeial service for women. Office hours: to 5. After 3 by appointment vnrKAT. rnjANCE CO. Rm. 123 New BUgh Bldg, 518 State St. toppeane couniy umn hoviki K. Anorson. Mgr. , Lie S-122, M-183 Loans Wanted $10,000 wanted es first mortgage. ex cellent river bottom farm offered aa eecurity. 3 years, pay o per cent semi-annually. - ' See us for first mortgage real estate leans. City or Farm property. STATE FINANCE CO. 212 Guardian BIdg. Salem. Ore. For Sale Miscellaneous LARGE SIZE clothes hampers. 38JS GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone- 4613 EXTRA GOOD canning tomatoes. 81.23 per bushel. A. M. Zahare, rt. I. Sas. none zais. FANNING MILL for cleaning gram or gooseberries. Also writing desk. 206Z State St. PART WOOL blankets. S6.9S. : . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone- 4813 BATHINETTE, pre-war quality, 83-30. Phone 6925. . STENOTYPE MACHINE With end metronome 375. Uniflash camera with flash unit, fie. Phone Zi7lK. WOOD RANGE, 2630 Brooks. --TOP SOIL and dirt for fills. Salem Supply Co. Phone 8561. PAGE MATS, good for protection of yogng fruit and nut trees, si. w Hun dred. Statesman ruDusiung wo. DUST MOPS. $1.00. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ' 273 N. Liberty Phone 4613 ' PRUNES FOR canning St Jam. All you want. $1 bx. Bring boxes. 1B97 So. Xtai. PRUNES for canning. Phone 5128 be tween 5 and 6 pjn. GOLDEN Cross sweet corn. $1.25 8 doz. Tomatoes. $1 bu. ft mi. E. of Auburn school. Rt. 6. Box 575. POTATOES, field run. $1.50 100 lbs. Bring sacks. Joe May. Silverton. Ore, Rte. 2. 3 miles East of Brooks. Chicken fertiliser, about 125 yds. L. E. Brown, Rt, 6. Bx. 294. east on Censer, N. H. Fryers 33c lb. Ph. 21379. 3X Repeating Rifle with 200 car tridges. Some 30-oS cartridges. Chris Barber Shop. 2549 Portland Rd. MAHOGANY Babv Grand Diano. Ex cellent condition. Cash. 835 Imperial Dr. Ph. 8320. Wood range. Ph S405 1105 S. 23rd. COOKTK JARS, new shipment, $3 JO GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty ' Phone 4615 PRUNES. Mrs. Wright. Tel. 2-3277 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washers Ed Ellis Nelson Bros, rural ture. 313 N. Liberty. .JSSbJ- 1CXNTO Island Tomatoes now selling at Frigaard.Fruft Stand, 2330 N. Front St. Bring boxes. . . . WOVEN MARKET baskets, $1.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4613 Fuller Brushes. 1743 Grant Ph. 8391 GOLDEN BANTAM corn. 8 tdoz. $1.25. Bring sacks. L. Pugh. Rt. 4. Box 445Bi Indep. St Dallas Junction. CAS TOP luggage carrier, welded frame & Vacuums. Box 47"x5r"xl0" deep. 812. CaU 7668. ' ' SMOKING STANDS. SSSS. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4613 CHRISTIE NH pullets, t wks' to 3 mo. old.' Blood tested, high producers. Also New Zealand white buck with pa pers. Ph. 22423. Rt. X box 730. Salem. mile from Liberty on Skyline road. PIANO ACCORDION, used very little. Price reason able. Phone 4638.' DAVENPORT St chair: two stoves. two bedroom suites, dining room table 8s chairs and other articles too num erous to mention. 820 ; Kingwood Street, West Salem. ' ' . WALNUT dining- table St 8 leather seated chairs: davenport 4k - Chair m 140 pars Ave.; DEER. RIFLES: Will trade for auto matic or repeating J22 rifles, 822 N. .High. Mr. Boyle. After 3:00 P.M. MAI ISKTYCLX? rood conmtksa. C. McAllister. Rt. 1. Bex 183. Wallace Rd. 4 YEAR old milk cow: 2 wheel trailer; 12x14 tent; sewing machine. Rt. 1. Box, 401C. .After 8 PJd. Wal lace Rd. . SPEAR Melons, vine rtpened. Fresh picked daily. 3 blocks S of paper mill. TOMATOES: U pick. Imlah Fruit rarm. bu. on wauaee so, w BOUSX Piano 873. Crapbaphone 823. Mrs. A. Kantelburg. 1123 Genet St WELDER'S Helmet 810.281 Phone 4491 after 1 P Jl : IMPROVED Bantam Sweet Corn 81 JO per sack. 8 doz. or more per sack. De livered. Phone 3613. - . POULTRY FERTXLEEEB. 81 per yardf Also dried. 30c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22361. Lee's Hatchery ; ; . ; PIANO. PH. after 1 p. aa. TOMATOES : for - canning.' mine's. H mi. West Junction Cherry Ave, 8t N.:R2vervRd. Ph. X-1103. - For Sale Miscellaneous 2-WH. TRAILER. $18. 88 Park Ave. Miscellaneous " Dental Plate Repair ? TWO-BOUB SERVICE CN MOST 1 - CASES Brtnf or Mall Your PJatea tor epaU - DO. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoipb Eldg. SUU 4 ComT Pb 231 i TO BUY or sell good used furniture see Buss. Bright. 453 Court Pb, 731X Trade--Miscellaneous ' CLETRAC Mod. F tractor, for heav ier tractor, either wheela or track layer. SO. X. Turner Rd. Ph. 21348. ; Wauled Furniture TOP CASH prices paid for furniture. Phone 3698 or 3 488L CASH FOR used tui-nrture & nokt goads : a r or fey Ph 1448 Wanted Miscellaneous Prunes Prunes for canning, SILVERTON CANNING CO. Main 288 Silverton. WILL PAY CASH for good chairs. desks, oil circulator or. other equip ment for Real Estate office. D. A. ITSIT - 477 Court - Pb, 6524 BOARD AND ROOM. Prefer Holly wood dist. For tniiet. respectable -man permanently employed. CaU Mr. Ra ner at 4123 after I p. m COLLIE OR sbepard pup. Ph. 8234. GOOD electric range. Ph. 4888. WANTED. SMALL ml circulator. Ph. 5862. r EGGS. 818 S. 12th. Ph. 8080. 100 TRUNKS or SUrTCASES wanted. Ph. 3698. or 2-408L WANTEDS Gravenstein and King apples, any quantity. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. - CASH for used pens St ether mu sical . instruments. Call 4641 days or 8537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music. Caw 191 S. High. USED TORN rTUKE Ph 8180 CASH PAID, for -upright, spinet or grand pianos Phone 5707. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras St inm McEwan Photo Shoo 439 State For Rent Rooms SLEEPING ROOM, close in. Ph. 3723. SLEEPING room, close in. Gentle-, men, pref. Ph.. 7054 after 3 Pt. RM for men. 253 Center St Room and Board BOARD AND RM. Gentlemen pref. $35 per mo. 450 S. Capitol. Cards ta thto directory ran en a monthly basis only. Bate; 81.25 per line per tnokth. :. i -i. " : -.lA-- Airplane Models KITS snd SUPPLIES, Cherry- City Model Aircraft 21st 3c Market Anto Brakes Mike Panek 273 South Commercial Auto Service Essential : uwner cars and trucks receive priority end are invited to make use ; of our prompt efficient, and thoroughly trsuvsd Service Per sonnel and fsi imiia. - Loder Bros, 445 Center St Auto Steam Cleaning oughly steam cleaned at Loder . Bros 443 Center St. Auto and Track Service EARL'S GA&AGC 2489 North fifth Bicycles BICYCLES New end reconditioned. Harry W Scott . 147 S. iom'el. P 45.6 Bod j & Fender Repairs Have yoer wrecked or or truclr repaired at Center St ."Lowest with auahty work" consistent CTfiimney Sweep Sweep Ph 4450 Combine Harresting J. LESLE DAVTS. Florists Bietthauprs 447 Court Phone 8183 Funeral Directors Terwtlllger- Funs r at ' He General Auctioneer MAC DONALD, with over 23' years selling experience Office at 233 Union. P..O, box. 282.-. .... , . ' Gifts 87 8L High. Hosiery Real SOk Hosiery Mffla, Pit Mrs. SL Moseiey. GenDal, Pb, 6768 Lawn Blower Sluwpening Machuss gntun&i'Ub M. Capitol St For Cent Apartments FOB RENT Turn, apt 4 nns, 2 closets and bath. Heat and water turn. 2 adults only. 830, 8 blocks off 1800 block oa N. Commercial. 105 River St evenings onry,, -- . -.--v - BEAT THE housing situation. Free apt rent . and some wages to elderly couple in return for light Janitor work. so atanoav. ntone seea. FUSjr. 2 rma. 851 N. 21st For- Rent Douses 4- 8 RM. MOD. hee gas ht," ven. bL. BO Child. 843. PH. 419L - ' : BUT THE furniture and rent 0-room box 2788. . - t- MODERN furnished home, choice lo cation, reasonable rent to adults, ref erences. Box 2782 Statesman. For Rentarms ' 330-ACRE RANCH. 123 in cultivation. New 7-room bouse. Two barns and other outbuildings. C J. Buckmaster, route 3, Lebanon, v -. For Rent yd. shovel, three 4 yd. dump truexs. j . Knoaes. stoMjis. . FLOOR SANDER fee. rent, gomery Ward. tar rent. Yes drtvev Me- Cone Level' phone SoOO. Wanted to Rent ' APARTMENT or for two adults only. Cell . et Hal Construction Co. 4041. 3-BEDflM. HOUSE, furnished. 2 adults and yeas old child. Write box 27ST. Statesman. . . i . RtJ.TABI.BE YOUNG couple - and youngster moving to Salem to make permanent residence, desire 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Phone 3371. , WANTED TO - RENT; A furnished bouse, Two adults. Tel. 8848. 3 OR 3 BEDROOM house. Referen ces, ism good care ox ward. Pb .2g46. 2 or 4 RM. furn hse. Adults. Perma nent. Ph. 4188. Mr. ZoseL WE HAVE two ladies who want to rent some rooms, furnished or un furnished. Please communicate with.' P. EL BELL 212 Guardian BWg Phone 8188 - DEPARTMENT Store manager wishes to lease 2 bed room furnished home. Permanent See Mr. Notick. Metro politan store. 138 N. Commercial. For Sale Real Estate GOOD 3-BRm. home. North. Full bsmt Auto, gas heat Good condition. see Mr. Goodwin. , with HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS LARGE home, close tn. Excellent cond. Close to grade St high school. Inq. 969 N Cottase. Lubrication PennxoU products handled by ex perts. All makes of ears. Prompt lub rication au icc Loder Bros, 443 Center St Painting & Pa per banging PAINTING St Decorating, Pb 7353 Experienced' Ph. 4323 Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman -Prut ting De partment 21 8 Cotnmerclal. Tde phone 8181. Paints and Lacqu NEW LOCATION Complete line Nason paints. LtberaJ terms. R. D. Woodrow. 348 Center Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Radio Service PIERCE Radio Sere. 842. N. CooVL 7981 Sand and Gravel Sand, gravel, crushed rock, dirt for fills. Salem Supply Co. Phone 8S6L Septic Tanks Cleaned INSPECTION FREE. Kenneth HameL 1142 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 4450. SEPTIC TANKS and Satisfaction guaranteed. S t e t e-wtde service, uene rrte. sts EOgeweter Bt West Salem Ph. 0M9. . J WE CLEAN sepUe tanks and cesspools. free w. . w. Tunnan. ess? Transportation TRUCKING. 860 SL CeoVL Ph. 2322 Trtutsfc U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOB ' RENT Blankets turn. 131 S. Liberty Ph FOR LOCAL OK DISTANT storage, burner oil. brio nets rtrseks te Portland - daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight kachiding CaiiX points Larnser Transfer Co Ph 2U. Used Furniture - USED Furn bought 4k sold. Ph. 8782 Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR- SOTV. All Vince's FJectrie, 1ST S. Usx. TeL 8292. FREE inspectlosi fhorized Hoover . servtea We eervtae all Bogs Bros Ph. 8148 VTell Driliing a. A West ax ( E os. For SaleReal EsUta 2 BEDROOMS, large living rra. and dining rm, kitchen, basement furnace, newly decorated. Immediate. possession. Close to Bush school. 84500. Terms. 8-rm. bouse. Basement, furnace. 668 N. Liberty St. Valuable lot, 84750. Easy terms. Newly decorated.' Bring rm, dining rnu. bedroom, kitcnen. sleeping porch, bath, full basement Near schools. Ex cellent location. Price 83650. Terms. - Walnut Park only 8 years old. fin ished in gum wood. Living room, fire place, dinette, 3 bedrma- with bath, alee , basiiiMnt with - good gas fur nace. 2-car garage. Shown by appoint ment only. S&30 . t NICE HOME - BEAUTIFUL CREEK LOT. T rooms, hardwood, extra large living room with fireplace, double plumbing, oil heat. 2-car garage. Class in. Price $7800, Terns arranged. 8 rooms, partly furnished. Close in. Immediate possession. -83150.. LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service M4 S. Commercial - Phone 4042 CLOSE DC -8 rooms, 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor: 3 - bedrooms 2nd floor. .Large lot. Price only 83000. Call Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, XNC, REAL TORS, 344 'State St Phone 828L SPECIAL ' 2 acres, close in NX of Sakera. Has a nice modem 8-room house wired for electi Ic stove. Large chicken house. ramtiy orchard. Paved road. It s good- bur for 80000. - We have a nice 4-room house. Double garage' end 2 chicken houses with one acre; about 4 miles from Salem on bus Hue. A real buy for 83008. - - - A' new - a-room modem home with bam, chicken bouse, family orchard and berries. 4 acre of - good land. About 1 mile north of Salem. Price 85000. ' - 8-room plastered house. FuU base ment won sawdust-burner. Lot 73x165). Double garage. Close in. Suitable for roomora or apartments, Priced low for 84250. with 81000 down will handle. BOSTETN k. ADOLPH. INC. . UOis North Commercial St, - SoaJsMiis) Orcfon - - " DISTANT" OWNER ' Offers 8 rooms, basement garage, two lots, paved street, near school and bus line, focuuick sale at only 83150. Easy terms. Call Mrs. Ellia-wfth LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REALTORS. 844 State St Phone 836L 6 TZARS OLD. 84830. Good 2-BRra. home Extra large lot. HW. floors, lull bams. Can -have extra BRm. upstairs. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS St ROBERTS. XNC jREALTORS $15002 bed room house with 2 lots. SS500 3 bed room house with baas ment. gas furnace, garage sb the rear. $35003 bed room house with base ment, furnace, garage, electric water heater. , $7850-2 bed room house with ga rage, woodshed. 2 room cottage in rear. P. H. BELL. REALTOR - 212 Guardian Bidg. Phone 8168 ' 472 University. 82390. 1511 South Liberty Street 83150. 2176 S. Summer St, 82200. 1940 . West Knob Hill. 82700. . 1458 Center St, 842S0. 2505 State St, 84500. Terms in reason may be had. H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 "Court St 7-RM. home la the Oaks addition. Mod. in every way. Owner lea Ting Salem. Immediate possession. Price 88500.' - W. C. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Ph. 4728 ATTRACTIVE 8-rnu end nook, com pletely furnished."- 1 bdrm. down, 3 bdrmsj up. and a floored attic. Owner. 36500.. 1763 N Capitol St Ph. 8487. Open 3-30 P.MV Sat 1 PJa. LARGE plastered 5 B.R. home, full basement close to Capitol building. uniy sssau, caan. oai. a mo, s tot. -3 BJt, hv St dining, camp. roof. East front, plenty fruit shade. 2 lots, double gars re. All $2730. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 8838 84500. Good comer Jot. Hollywood Dist 2 bed rooms, basement furnace, fruit nuts. 847008 rm. house, bdwd. floors. furnace, Ige. sot. basement, fruit, shrubs. North. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1053 N. Capitol 33500.00. Income mroperty. two flats. or msy arrange 4 apts, some furni ture, large lot two car garage, close to schools and business district. See at 843 So. 12th St. then call W. E. SCANDLING - 8564 or 8604 LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY. WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS St LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS PH. 4108, . - Exchange Real Estate LARGE house good conditiou. dou ble plumbing, foe 8 bdrm. house. 1401 S. ConVL v For Sale -Farms 8 ACRE home, close in. 4 bedrooms. 2 .downstairs k 1 up. Fireplace, fur nace, some bum-ins, elecvie water heater, wired for elec range. Two wells, oroed for irrigation. City schools, no tuition. 416 mi. to bus Unas. Familr cow Ac cream separator if de sired. 35800.50. See owner. 33 Lan sing. AVOW " ! .-'.': ' ,.'.'-.;. HOUSE, two lots fas Woedbum. per. paint inside as out, Very dean. seeL . location. Consider trade for acreege. Inq. 488 Garfield St or Ph. Bed 2a, Woodburn. . . . - Of HOWELL PRAXRXE We offer a 28 acre tract with good buildings, electricity, water system, timbered posture with running water all year. Priced at ,88509. Can Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS. XNC, REALTORS. 244 State St Phone 828L ACREAGE WITH bldgs. Close in. CaU 21682 evenings or early mornings. Aeresss : X ACRE. S bd. rm. bouse, both. 82108. 8 acres. 4 rm. house, garage, barn,. trees, 83008. - . - , ; 10 acres, a Bd. room bouse, eiee- trscity. 8 mt from Salem. 83730. B. A. rOKaNKB, ""' tiim 1852 N, Capitol : . . IMMEDIATE POSSESSR3N1 PRICE REDUCED 1 4 acres MX Al soil. Close to gchoeL am. boa? and chicken house, plenty shade, fruit, extra good 3-room home. Basement, oil furnace. firs place. For quick, sale. 85300: S2000 down. $38 mo. C H. SANDERS. 231 N, High. 8838. Sshtrrbsa A beautiful view lot te Kingwood Heights or Cascade Terraces for your post-war home. All utilities. raw owner u Wanted Real Estate WE ARE PRACTICALLY SOLD OUT. WE NEED PROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS; HOUSES. ACREAGES St FARMS. YOUR LISTINGS APPRECI ATED. LINDGKEN 8s JOHNSON. REALTORS. 175 S. High. Phone 3630. FOUR or five room house, nartly furnished, at once. Can pay 2 or 4 mo. rent la advance, WUI consider anything end does not need to be close in. Write General Delivery. Sa lem. Mary A. Meuuire, HAVE A NUMBER ef cash buyers for Salem property. A listing with us at this time means a ready sale. , ' F 'Cli L. RFIliANN ISl South iA fcireet . Phone 8283 7anted Heal Estate WANT USTXNGS on small tracts ef 1 acre and up. with buildings, HAVE CASH BUTES3. See Mr. Lsraen. with HAWKINS 8j ROBERTS. XNC, Realtors For Sale 7ood DRT 4 ft, 2nd growth 'St slab. Be low ceiling. 2250 N. Com! - - . . SAWDUST TOR sale. Immediste de livery. Ph. 6682. 4 FT. SLAB, FRESH - CUT.' SAW DUST. PH. 8843 - - - Wood Sawicj 88 N. Com! Ph. 3322, Charles F. Sbnoa, UU M. Liberty Ph.: 8685. Lost and Found LOST: Camera in brown7 case, - at Pioneer Camp. Finder please leave at USO, 357 Court St, Salem. Reward. Personal LONESOME? Write Captain- Jay suiasj uup, ri sue a. Tacoma wn. NOW BUYING dried prunes, filberts and waJnuta. My office will again be at the Shryder Transfer. 283 So. Cos. tage. Phone 4988. it s. J For Sale Used Cats BACK IN BUSINESS Good, Clean Can Wanted. Will pay highest Cash Price Hatfield's Used Car Mkt. 281 N. LIBERTY 38 CHEV. Cpe, 80 rubber, nice shape. Ino, at the ; Standard Station, Kicxreeii. "84. CHEV. 4 dr. sdn. Reconditioned. Radio. Heater. CaU . 1430 D St after 8 rot. 1832 FORD, new block. Completely overhauled. Sen or trade for lot near HI SchooL Call after T PJK. M. H. Edwards, owner. 1161 Union St "31 MODEL A 3-door. 3120 cash. CaU after 8 p. m. 804 Jefferson street MODEL A sport roadster, 32 model B motor. Radio, heater, fog lights, new top. 21031 or 301 Kingwood Drive. West MUST SELL immediately. 1837 Pry- mouth deluxe sedan. Good condition. 8490 cash. Phone 8054. , 38 Graham sedan, first grade pre war tires new. Newly overhauled, new rings, wrist pins. Call after 8 n, m. 804 Jefferson St 8383 cash. " 1840 OLDSMOBILE 2-door sedan. Jet black finish. 8 original .tires. 14.000 miles. See after 6 p. m." Oregon Motor Courtei. 1934 FORD.. 8123. Inquire at .1089 North 4th St after 330 PJC 1338 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. A-l. 8473. -1837 Terraplane. Elec. shift New tires. Radio. 3403 N. 5th. i 1929 DeSOTO SEDAN, good condi tion, good rubber, $173. .868 Center. Ph. 3000.; -.. .- , ' Automobiles LIM'S SIGNAL . Service THE PLACE WHERE YOU REALLY GET YOUR WINDSHIELD WASHED" Gas-4intricatioii i WE FIX FLATS ;. Used Cars Bought & Sold OPEN EACH EVE UNTIL 18 No. Liberty St Across from - , none woe Lodges ml Padfle Lodge No. SO. AT St AM. E. A. degree Friday, Sep tember 24th. 7:30 p. m. . Crossword Puzzle 12 3 IS 21 122 2 27; 2 3d 3 3d 99 44 43 Ma si 53 55 S4 noSZZONTAI X. mxrnoer "5 : 6. animal A . .weep 12. place ta a tin : lXAnslo-Sazon money ot -account 14. short for Abraham l&Bautd i2. snare -4i adored 43. flower . 47.1repeajl country 49. related : throurh the C2. fasten . 63.Y18W 54. short letters 16.naxTate : IS. experlmeois - 29. take eat 2L heavenly body -- . r$3. thin; (law) 23.dnt , 23. ugly old .womaa 27. mOc 'product 22. spheres of " - action SL implement for obliterating-S5. admission 37. first womaa 23. tea . -4L weight of , PUiiL LIE ITIH IL U G Mm A MB Arersrs Uass ef VA V, 1 rtlsL fey BOng raatureg.Syadlata, Ine. EL wena Freed by Nazis L Geroeaji esptloa est this picture, which rcsxbs the US by radio vis Stockholm, described It as Bealte r.?ssollnl in the cockpit sf ta girpUas) BhaUng hands with erne of hie UbersUrs" la the GnuB Sasse Bsesutaia sre f Italy. Wanted Used Cars SELL YOUR CAR HERE Cash Inunediately, No Delay- BURGOYNE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 21538 440 Center SL Salem. Oregon WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your ear la worth. Cash on the Barrel-Dead "C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest n dependent used car ' deeler. NJL Corner Church St Chera Ph 7922 WANTED: Good "38 to '40 Sedan. 2213 Broadway. Iegal Notice NOTICE OF 11EAKINQ OF , OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Administrator with the Will Annexed,, of the estate of Alice Kaiser Eckerlen. Deceased, has filed in the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon, his filial account in said estate; and that October 22, 1943, at ten o'clock a. sx. and the court-room of said court has been appointed by said court for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. EUGENE ECKERLEN, i as such Adxninistrator. PAUL R. HENDRICKS, Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Administrator. S 23e30 O 7-14-2L to IT 24 2a 31 32 33 54 37 4 to 4 SO an 5f 67 C3. repoee &S. pronoun 87. woody plants VERTICAL Ltmdermme hlgh priest 2. grape harvest 4. penetrate 3. cape ; , . Cstaya , ' 7.part of "tot be- 8. story, .devil j 10. fat 1L besiege 17. macaw 19. gives credit1 to JLlHiIstotomplo 22. sailor 24.gtr!ds 27. Interdict 4 2$. before - 33. post - 32. notched like a saw S3, feminine name 34. fabrte 38. text-book 23. glides " S9. f aUway to a Lhinto terej-! 40. happening 42. voice 44. hurl 43. canvas Shelter I to Saturday's puzxlav WIT A Oi-N 1 n t - rt Oit U LI A 0 4 3. tern salsileat S3 sslssUS. 3. fclf rr.our. (