The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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In Third
ate wmMm
t ind vou sodeDt: Last sririncr when most of those interested
" haw-hawed at hearing about
serves going to the Coast league, a lew; mignty lew, oiners saw
naught but the same success
In the PCL for Donald as he
. enjoyed in our WIL. This week
the final Coast pitching ave-
raaes came out and right on
top was one "Osborn, Los An-
geles T ". won 10. lost 1 .-
average .909." ; s
Sinker-ball slinging Donald
wasn't called 'Tory" for noth-
lng4peopJe... Our, own Charlie
Petersen once summed, up sat-
lsiactoruy usooms cusb.
futilely; flailing at Donald's pet
pitch, the ' downer,1 for a third
strike; Pete staggered back - to
the bench cursing, "I'll swear
that last blankety-blank blank
bt-H hn ms as it went bv."
Foxy has an' enviable habit of making his clutch pitch do
almost anything but sing "Beat Me, Daddy," and it's now ap
parent it worked in the PCL just as it did in the WIL. They tell
us Donald was even frisked for bottle caps, slippery elm, hack
saws,: razor blade3 and any other such sundry used in making
a Wilson do "dipsy-doodles, but the non-believers found him
clean. Maybe it's that unusually long third finger on his right
hand which does the trick after all. I ; : .
But Donald still goes down In our book as the only
; pitcher who throws a ball which, when heading for the dish.
makes 792 drones chasing the queen sound like a confab ;
during a deaf-mute picnic
-Fred -Walker, Independence: No, Mort Cooper has played
with jho other major league club outside the Cardinals. He broke
in with Des Moines of the Western league in 1933 andpalso
pitched for Muskogee and Springfield of that circuit the same
year. In 1943. he .went to Elmira in the New York-Pennsylvania
circuit and thence to Coium-
bus of the American associa
tion through ' 1937. Houston of
the Texas league in 1938 and
finally the Cards in 1939, where
he's been ever since.
Loquacious Larry,
Unseated for Keeps :
- Gatherings during now de- -parted
Brooklyn Dodger ball
camp: Branch Rickey's gen
' eral ' managership with the
Bums Isn't one of those "dura
Con'' affairs Mr. Chain
Baseball has had his name
engraved on the door that
. once proudly bore ' Tarry
, MacPhcdl" for keeps, 'tis
-' said. Seems t h e Brooklyn
board of directors was all set
to caU loquacious Larry to
the carpet under which was
a trapdoor, when Mr. MacP
' smeUed the blue smoke and .
powdered to the army. -'-.
MacPhail's methods w ere
looked upon as strictly unas
. tute by the gents with the big
bank accounts. His idea 'was
to spare nothing, mostly
; money, in buying pennants,
i Fine idea if you've got a lot of
dough , to toss away and wish
- to " repeat the process every
t three or four years, which-the
purse-holders didn't care to do.
Rickey's method of opera-.
Con on the other hand, as
r evidenced by the recent'
. school here, is to spot 'em
when they're still In diapers.
' t cultivate em slowly In an
expansive but not too expen
sive chain system and final
ly bring 'em to the mother
club to become a unit for
10 . or 12 years" usefulness.
: ' Furthermore, Rickey now has
the facilities behind him1 to
warrant his buying a sea-
' - soned xvet ; bow." a nd then
: w h xx needed. something ;
i that was looked upon- as a
. foolish" wasted getus when
Rickey was first lieutenant to
r Sam Breadon at St. Louis.
' : And don't be surprised if the
Brooks -come .up with a farm
' club in every, minor league one
! day. We re" told thats Rickey s
,i ultimate goaL -, . .
; Short Stuff : ;
Personal pickups:, :V -mail
: from Pfc. Mike Miller says the
. cnertime -bottle r dispenser -for
Curly's is now in England and
- helping keep P-38s in one piece.
Mike admits he likes the" place.
, but It took cohsiimpnon of 3Vi
battels of . "the unchilled Eng
; lisajDeer. before he learned to
like . visiting ' the pubs. 'Friend
Mike would like his address
known also, doubtlessly, a few
letters ' from -home " the cbiect:
Kc IZchazl IHIler. 33321274.
314 Ppot Hepair Sq. DS; APO
ZZZ. co Postnsstar, Kewjfbrk
C7 :. And ,.MikVs.rrijSaing
ma'a. CpL Phil JSclstrom, has
t now. ' been shifted to . Fitzsim-,
'tsons ' General hospital, ' Den-1
Topped , by-
Playoff - Session
Foxy Don Osbom . and his jsoft
f ' X
ver, Colo., in the medical corps.
Says hell learn the difference
between a boil and a bunion
yet . . . George Constable, mod
est but much of a tackle for the
Bearcats, is now about ready
to step Into primary flying work
from the armys San Antonio,
Tex basic training center
Claude , blceets U conneii, a
solid : sender for. our Senators
last summer until he busted
his finger. Isn't in the army aft
er all. He's running a physical
fitness school In one of the Van
couver shipyards and both he
and Roy Helser are planning
on flooring a topnotch yard bas
ketball team this winter. Claude
mentored the Dallas high Drag
ons two years ago.
Round 1 Today
First-round matches in the an
nual Salem Golf club champion
ship tournament will wind up with
today's outing. Up to Saturday on
ly, two of the; 18 matches in the
three flights were played. In those,
Walt Cline, Jr,1 defeated Lawrence
"Monk. Alley and Bunny Mason
outshot George Scales, --Tr
The j tournament committee
wishes ft known that all first
round playing'must be 'completed
by tonight so that pairings will be
all set for "second-r o u n d firing
Monday : morning. , k v
Beldame Taken
By; Mark-KeU
NEW YORK, Sept 18.-(ff-Put-Ung
in a pbwerfu bid for 'the year's
championship of the """ladies"" of
the turf, Warrm rWrightVMark
Kell game; charging; along Aque
duct's' long stretch today to win
the Beldame handicap, 'richest
stake of the season for fillies and
mares. , . : , -
"A "relative!, of Whirlaway on
her father's side, Mar-Kell picked
up a neat $20,050 paycheck for the
job. i,. -
Yale Tripped
NEW. HAVEN, Conn, Sept 18
(5Husky George Sutch, a 200
pound marine trainee, scored alLof
Rochester's, points today during a
spectacular ; final . period rally as
the Yellow-Jackets .wiggled out a
14 ,to.l2 triumph over Yale Jbefore
14,000. - , -
: -l7p unta SutchTwho starred last
lall for Temple, .went on a spree.
the ball game lacked any real ex-
citementr i ;1 . " -? ,
TAcoma Softies Lose
f " '"T - ...... 1
DETROIT, Sept, 18-OV-ahcin-
nati defeated the Tacoma, Waslx,
men s entry -2 to 1 today in the
second round- of the a Softball
"world series' here. : -
I "
Golfers Finish
Seals, 3-i
Seats, Checks '
Six-Hitter ;
. . - - -. . ,
; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. llUtf3)
-The San' Francisco Seals, return
ing home after losing two straight
games to the Portland Beavers in
the first round of the Pacific Coast
league postseason' playoffs, scored
their first victory today 3 to 0.
" Tom Seats, Seals southpaw,
held the Beavers to six hits and
had the same well under control
" throughout ' - : : f '
Taking full advantage of an er
ror by First Baseman Larry Bar
ton, the Seals tallied three times
off Righthander Earl Cook in the
first inning on four singles. Charlie
Petersen and Hank Steinbacher
drove in the runs. , - - t
The series stands 2-to-l in favor
of Portland with two games on tap
tomorrow. - -l ; ,-,; . .
Portland 00,00 0000 . C
San Fran. -30f tOO 0-3 11
,k Cook, Wilson (8) and Adams;
Seats and OrrodowskJ.
Sizzling Siclis
Take 3rd TAt
Suds Need One More
To Eliminate Angels
The pennant-winning Los Angeles
Angels came closer to elimination
from the Pacific - Coast baseball
league playoffs today when Seat
tle won an 8 to 2 victory, making
it three in a row with only one to
go. f . :
Joe Demoran allowed only five
hits, while the Rainiers pounded
Red Lynn, Jodie Phipps, Oren
Baker and Pete Mallory for 16.
Ford Mullen started the scor
ing In the first when he singled
and was knocked in by Carnett's
two-bagger. After Christopher
added another tally in the sec
ond, the Rainiers came back In
the third to score three more on
a five-hit spree.
The Angels produced their sole
scoring by Andy Pafko's two-run
homer in the ninth. ;
Seattle V .,.113 100 1 11-1 IS 0
Los Angeles 000 000 002-2 : 5 Z
Demoran and Sueme; Lynn,
Phipps (3), Baker (7); Mallory
(9) and Ilolm, -
Marquette 33,
Wisconsin 7
MADISON, Wis, Sept lt-UP
Marquette employed a fait and
powerful running game today to
whip a, green Wisconsin football
team 33 to 7 in the season's open
er for both schools. A crowd of
22,000 fans . watched the Hill top
pers score at least once in every
period. .-
Rassle Champion LaBelle Added to Karlinko-
Achieu Card Tuesday Night; Wagner Signed
Sf -
Bearcat 'Reds'
. Football broke out alone the
village frontwith s snrptislng .
bang yesterday as both Willam
. ette nnlversityj and Salem high
school elevens christened first
-regular game' scrimmages of
the season.
A conspicuously hefty as .well'.
: as ragged looking Bearcat first
: string the -Keds 4ook a 13-t
- victory over the second-string
TeIlows" in a. regulation 0
; minute . tussle with ne holds
barred on Sweetland field..
. Naturally : since It was the
first ' such scrimmage for . the
'Cats neither side.! presented a '
polished offense or a stonewall
defense. Ttaalnr .was Justifiably',
off somewhat, but neither team
lacked physical "condition, spirit
and drive. Those three Items
were In' evidence throughout the
four quarters."
The Reds took advantage of ;
a Yellow ;fumble deep in the .
Iattera territory midway through :
wv-i.w. :jmmu
So says Coach Tommy Drynan as he looks ever nine Salem high Vlkin g lettermen, the fgreen peas' of last fail, during current football prae
. tlce. The green peas have all grown up now; (there are some 190-po under In this: group), and are looking forward to successful cam-
. paign. Left to right. Including positions and weights, they are: Don B
Jerry Langan, end, 200; Dave Getsendaner, back, 155; Bruce Hamilt
- Coach Drynan and Glen Widdows, center, 190. Another letterman g
Friday, September 24. (SUtesnkvS sports photo). '
For Golfing Tide
Nelson Leads
TOLEDO, O., Sept. 18-P)-Fir-
ing rounds of 71 and 69, Byron
Nelson, Inverness professional, as
sumed a commanding seven-up
lead i over Craig Wood, duration
national ! open champion from
Mamaroneck, NY, today at the
halfway mark' in their .72-hole
challenge match to determine un
official 1943 golf king.
Wood issued the challenge af
ter contestants in the Golden
Valley Invitation .tournament In
Minneapolis " voted ' Nelttn
-America's No. 1 roUer."
Wood, who was ; two down at
the end of the first 18, had scores
of 73 and 74 on the 71-par Inver-1
ness layout.
Tfrip Yellows '134); Vi1dng3 Hold Initial Scrimmage
the second quarter to set up
their first score. A series of re
verses and' line smashes brought
the Reds down, to the two-yard
stripe from where "Mac Barr,
hard-driving. - fullback f r om
Washington State college, but,
who played ne football at WSC,
went ever standing up. -
i Bill Blade, another rNPFS"
(no previous football experience)-
; from : . Oregon - " State,
grabbed a: Tellow pass on his
own U in the third quarter and
galloped the (5-ysrds to pay
dirt ofr thesecond Red - touch
down.' Jim Porter, quarterback
from Oreron, where he .played
freshman footbaU last f aU, kick
ed the extra point.' 7-
, Coaches , Les Sparks, . Duke
Trotter, Lew Carroll and Bob
McGuIre were ."satisfied', twth
the workout, -but said that much
work had to done on both the
squad's; offense r and - defense.
Gairdinals Win- Pair,; Clinch Peririanit; : ;
Yanks "Need Only Five More "Victories'
Schmidt Names
Fer Berths on Vandal Eleven 1
MOSCOW,Idahd, SeptI 18
to discuss football today, Coach
the promising prospects for key
football team found among several boys from the home state.
Getting consideration f or the
left half spot, Schmidt said, is Jim
Higgins of Wallace, Idaho, who
has - proven effective : at kicking,
passing and ban-carrying.
A Boise man, Rod : McDonald,
seems the most likely prospect for
quarterback, Schmidt added, and
another man from the state cap
ital,' Wilfred Overguard ,an end,
has shown1 unexpected talent at
kicking off and place-kicking.
A Washington ' man, Bob Haw
orth. of -Spokane, is working out
I at fullback, ..while : Schmidt - said
" Village rassle fans whe have
' been wandering when and If the .
. Taesday night gents- In tights
are ever going: te give 'em a ;
- match sans eemmandoistlees can
fret ne more. Oh, they'll get the"
reorh staff aU righW-that'a a
certainly since "Lee "Steenko
Karlinke ernnches, with Walter
"Sneesie" Achieu in the npeom
ing Taesday main event. ,
. Bel preceding the ,S teenk'o- .
Sneesie slameroo, the enstomers '
can expect: the cleanest exhibl
Uen ef the seasen. Pierre Tren- r
'chy iJEe, reeornlxed aleng
cauliflawer canyon" as Pacific';
coast lightheavy champ slaee lie '
upset Tongh Teny Ross In Eu-,
rene a week ' age, has . been
I g n e d " by Matchmaker ,- Dea
Owen to apear .ta a non-titular
affair ' with. Jack Riser In the
'semiwindup department Tnes- -day.
. ', ' "" . .:' . - . ' - - '
This pair wowed the clients
with their corking match, which
went te a draw, darinr ne of
. the "first grappling cards of the
present season here. They used '
practically every hold in the
rasslers brechnre, and not a one
f 'em dirty.
, And to give the fans a chance
te appreciate snch a cleanie ses-
slon, Owen has matched killer
I ' diners George "Crybaby Wag
l tier and Billy McEnin In the 8:3o
4 p. m, curtain-raiser.
I : e the fans should see a little
4 at everything-Mtwe mean tec
. against each other, two eleanies
against each ether and 1 super
i meanie against a very popular
; cleanie. It should stak up as one
X ef the better cards of the year, 't
I ! Tickets can be purchased at
; either Maple's er the Pioneer
Club. -;V' " - . ' '
needing the cry for a decent
referee here, Owen ha romi
. ' bed that MSt Olson win third
Tuesday's matches.
Faulty blocking ' got in for a
share of the criticism also.
The coaches were Impressed
by the play of Bob Sheridan.
WSCs "NPFS basketball center
who's now out for end at WTJs
Porter, Barr, Lou Fortlno and
Garrell Truck, Belner, one of
Spee Keen's No. 1 linemen last
f alL
There were no serious inuries
despite the rugged type of play
throughout, probably due. to the
topnotch physical shape the V-
12 ers are In.7; ? 1
- - Here's how the learn lines up
. at the start;. Eeds--Sherldan and
Blade, enda; Delner and Schade,
tackles; Bob Donovan and -Bill
Hananska, ' guards; Scheibner,
center; J. C. Anderson and John
"Monk" Uaey, halves; - Porter,
- quarterback, .and. Barr, full
back. - - ' ''
Yellows Lloyd Griffiths
and John Copenha ver, both Wil
bbee, guard, 189; Bill Barlow, end,
on; back, 173; Eugene "Jeep" Lowe,
uard, Don Wilson, 182, is not shown.
. ... .
- (AP) - When took time out
Francis Schmidt was telling of
spots on his University of Idaho
Sumner Johnson, guard - on last
year's freshman squad, was a pos
sible choice for right halt .
xaeanwnue, w sennudt lost one
man he had counted on. Rich
Gardner of Fruitland, Idaho, who
had played end on last . year's
freshman team. Gardner - was
called to the nayy. .
Appling Cains
In Bat Chase
CHICAGO, Sept 18.-P)-It be
gins to look as. if "Luke Appling
won't be denied the : American
league -batting championship. To
day he helped himself to two more
hits, one of which, a single in the
tenth inning, with two mates
aboard, gave , the . Chicago White
Sox a 3 to 2 victory over the St.,
Louis Browns.'
St. Louis 10 000 lt 0-2 It 1
Chieage 11 Hot 13 9 9
Muncrfef, C aster (7), and
FerrelL SchulU ?); Dietrich,
and Tresh. -
National League
- (Saturday scores) ..
New York
i ooo 102 a 11 s
Wyatt and Owen; Fischer and Lom
bard!. . . . .. '
Philadelphia .000 00 00O-0 1 1
Boston 001 TOO OOx J S
Gertiauser. and. Seminick; Andrews
and MasL
000 000 0011 T 2
,-1000 101 OOx 1 s t
R. Barrett. Kimball (1 and Seinl-
nick; -C Barrett and Mast. -
American League
(Saturday scores) - " -
Detroit ;
.000 000 110 3 S S
. j001 021 OOx 4 0
Newhouaer. Overmire 7), and rbch-
ands. Unser (7); Kennedy. Hevinc 19)
and Rosar. . V--- - " -
Boston , ,. 100 OOP 1M 00 4 S2
Philadelphia . .000 020 200 01 a 12 2
ONeiu.-': Brown (I), and Doyle:
Black, Christopher (S), and Swift..
Dr.T.TXamJJ. Dr.G.CfcaaNJI
r CHINESE Derbalists
t - til North Liberty ' ..
rTrwfaliv ATtlsvwt flMwnt Wm 1 1 Wi
Co . Olfice open Saturday - only j !
10 a.m. to 1 pjn.; to T pjn. Con
suitation. Blood pressure and urine
testa. are-free of charge. Practiced
u sine siT - . -
lamette holdovers ends; Schu
man and Peters, tackles: Schmal
enberger a n d .' C Anderson,
guards; Ilillis, center; Moore
and Lydon, halves; v Fortlno,
quarterback, and Bunnell,' full
. " Out on : Olinger field the
. grown-up green pea Viks went
through their first hit-'em-hard
.chores ; In preparing for their
opener at SXUwaukle next Frt
day and after an hour of It
Coach Tommy. Dry nan muttered
We're gettin . there,; bet we've ,
stiu sot lou
. Running slsnals from Drynan'a:
. modification of . the , "QT for-,
matlon, neither the first or sec
ond teams found 'toe much;
'success in cracking- one another
In the shuffle. . , . -.'. Cj,.; v
Drynan lined up his starting
squad like' this: Ends -- Jerry .
Langan and Bill Barlow, both
165; Howard Elwood, guard, 168;
back, 187; Jack Slater, tackle, 191,
The Viks open at MUwaukie next
On As Usual9
East, vs. West
.... ; : ... r ,' v . -,
Game Okehed
William t M. Coffman, managing
director of the annual East-West
charity football game, announced
today the post season al lstar col
legiate classic would be played
here as usual, next i New Year's
day; , " . ' ;
The contest will be the 19th in
the series. - x
Andy , Kerr,' Colgate, George
; Haaser, Minnesota, and Dud De
Greet of Boebester win araln
compose the Eastern , coaching
staff. . Orin E. Babe' HoUIng
. bery of Washington SUte col
lese win bead the western men
tors. A new ee-eoach wDI be
named te succeed Den Faurot
ef Missouri, bow in government
servcle. Percy "Locey, Oregon
SUte college athletle director
.will assist In the Western coach
ing. ' ' . .-. . -
Market Wise
'Gansett 1st
Lou ; Tuf ano's Market Wise cap
tured the $23,000 added. Narragan-
sett special today in a blistering
finish with John L. Sullivan's Air
Master and I. B. Mayer's "Thumbs
Up at Narragansett park. :
Vou Like It -
10 II. Liberty Ct
Uttermen: tackles Jack Slater
and Don Elsbee, both Intermen;
(nards Howard Owood and
Don Wilson, both lettsrmen;
center - Bob Boardnsan, (let
terman Glenn WiJJaws was
absent); quarterback - Art'
Gottfried with Travis Cross al
ternating; halves Dave Getz
endaner and Euss Casey, the for
mer - a letterman; : fullback
Eugene Low, a letterman. Reg
ular halfback Bruce Hamilton '
did not participate since he has
relnjured the knee he, had
wrenched In the Eugene game'
last season. i
'-t The second elevenf Ends "- .
Kod- Hendrickson and Andy.
Zahaba; tackles Tex Worley
and Mel nilflcker; guards
Bob Payne ; and Coy Ilouck;
center Laverne Easch; quar
ter Norm Dalke; halves
Don Smith and Eed Schreeder;
full Bill Eelnhardt.
Elbow Counters
uver ijiucfigo .
ST. LOUIS, Sept.; 1M)-Afier
clinching the National league pen
nant with a 2 to 1 , victory over
the-Chicago Cubs in' the opener
of " a double header today, the"
World Champion Sf Louis Cardi
nals swept the second game, 5 to 0.
Merely q Question of
'When,9 Not 'Wiir
By the Associated Presa
New that the St Louis Cardi
nals have won their second suc
cessive National league cham
pionship. Interest centers on"
when the New VorkTankees
will clinch the American lea
gue pennant.
: The Yankees, Idle yesterday,
need five more victories er five
Washington defeats to assure
their seventh title in eight years.'
They play the runnerup Wash-'
ington club in a twin bill today.
Hew they stand:
1 , "" W L GB Gtp.
Tanks .... ,. 88 5 1
Nats :g 2 11 14
' Bookie Alpha Braale. up from
Sacramento in the Pacific Coast
league, notched his seventh vic
tory aralnst one defeat fat the
second game as the Cardinals '
blanked the Cubs, 5 to . He
allowed only four singles.
-The Redbirds. with-their sec
ond victory, went 19 eames in
front of the idle Cincinnati Reds.
The Cardinals ran a winning
streak to nine straight -victories.-
Chieage .1100 900 00-1 7 g
St Lools ... . .. 000 10 001-2 g
Banysewskl and McCulleugh;
ana w. Cooper.
Chicago -.,..0 00 999-9 4 1
St LouU .... .. 000 220 01x-5 8 I :
- Signer, Alderson (S) and Liv
Ingsten; Braale and Odea.
23 Out t Forest Grove
Six lettermen were among, the 23
football candidates who reported
to Coach Arthur Brachmann of
the Forest Grove hieh achnni vir
ings this week.
S N .
45 SUte . - Safem
It Likes You
'. WssassBSBUBasssnBiBSBSSSSSattBsssBaUSSSsaB