Tha CHLGOn CTATir:.lAn, Sdm. Orszzu Ccriurdsy i:ori Cep!crcr 4b A w , . - s ' "fe Cwd Advertising Classified 3 Ada . Cell 9101 Three J&sertksas per Una ISe Six losertioos per Una 40e One month per Una ,. ., tM3 Minimum charge 25c; S tL mla tmum Hex t tL mia. 45c. No Copy foe - that page accepted Ok tU 8 0 the evening before public' tion for classification. Cepy ra cetved after this time -wUl be run under the fcwdltn r-Toe- Late to Classify" - . " - .? The Statesmen amaMi at finan cial lespunslbility tor error which may appear tar advertisements pub lished In Its columns and in cases where this paper ts at fault will reprint that part el an advertise ment tn which i the .typographical miatako- occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject -questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place ail advertising; smder- the PrXPBlind" Ad -an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ed-drcss-is for the proteettoa af the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at- liberty to divulge . Infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a 'Kind, ad. Liyestock and Poultry - ATTENTION lit V Will remove dead Jk worthless stock . i' tn a moment's notice I S ALU TEH i TtUZEK, at BT PRODUCTS Ph 9009 . Collect tKe ether Pbone.l IS WEAKER PIGS. Reuben A. Nickel. Kt. a. Box 725. 3 miles S. W. or Liberty. r FOR ' 8 ALKGram'fed" steerhet fer. J. M. Bipler. Rt. 6. Box 111. Salem. "4 mi. east or pen corners. FOR SALE Goo ' mUk' cows : At sor infers. S65.00 St up. four seven month old heiress.- from high produc ing cows, 833.80 each.. Phone 3831 dur ing the day and 9479 of evenings. ; Help Wanted ' Sundry ; Workers Needed Today PART TIME FULL TIME WORKERS Training Supervision For .1 Beginners ' NEED MEN St WOMEN TO GET LAUNDRY WORK OUT. ESSENTIAL TO KEEP DEFENSE WORKERS ON THE JOB.' THEY ARE ENTITLED TO LAUNDRY SERVICE .WHILE WORK- - JNG IN DEFENSE XNpUSTRIES. ' : APPLY U. S; .Employment Office 715 Ferry Street Salem, Oregon - WE ARE badly In need of two good waitresses; three efficient helpers In kitchens 1 part time. Wages are the best. Mickey's Sandwich Chop. 479 Court. .' . STOCK YARD helper. Steady work. Valley Packing Co- ,-..; . . WANTED; - Experienced women clothes pressers tor Army work. Men guaranteed 31.23 per Hour Piece work. Our boys have made as high as $129 per week & our girls have made as high as S 12.69 per- day Ph. teas. , . - --'.-; Help Wanted Male Workers - now emoknretf In war pro. ductioa should not apply and will not beconsidered roe employment oy em ployers advertiatog. tn this section. WAREHOUSX man wanted. North west Poultry. - "EXPERIENCED MECHANIC. James H. Maden Co, 44 Sllverton Bd. . BOYS Age UtoU, earn tlM each morning. 1300 a year. Carry Statesman routes - near-your borne. All applicants must be accompanied by parents - or have a written statement from par ents.' Also supervised labor platoon especially for Statesman carriers . will start about Sept. 10. Carry route-and . work with labor platoon 4 hours each . day. Earn good money. Apply -at Statesman exuee at once. MARRIED MAN to work on dairy farm. - House available. Phone C7F19 J. M Nichols. Rte. , Box 141. Salem. Help Wanted Female Experienced Saleswomen READY-TO-WEAR ' -j COATS SUTTS DRESSES -4 PERMANENT' POSITIONS Call or write Mr. Berkley Newman BEDELL CO. fth and Alder , .Portland SALES LADIES between ages 13 A 9S. Married - or single. Full or part time. Experience unnecessary. Apply r. W. wooiwortn co. omce. WOMAN or girl for light housework for lady. Ph, es&l. . , HOTEL " MAID.- steady, full -time work. ' Good wages. 45 to 59 yrs. of age. Apply Motel Salem. WAMTEu-mjABLE party to care for two children, t jm. old. Board. RELIABLE PERSON 1 or housework. X children, pnone sua, - ; STZNOGRAPHES AND CENTRAL OrriCJE WORK. Prefer mature woman, able to meet public Social work rec ord experience of value. Oregon State Training fijcnool woooDurn. GIRL OR woman to care for -year- old girL Nights. 1823 N. Liberty. Ph. sozs after p. bu - t ;. ADVErnsiNd f " tZettera Adrertlginf , ." UepresenUtlTcs Ceorgs.D Close, toe. San rrancison Los, Angeles. Seattle Castera AdFertistn -ncprescntatires ' - : .T?ard-Crlfflth Comoanv. tno. I ? Chicago. t.w York. Detroit. :. Brmtn.' At.nta -. . f-!-jr:.-p;-, rurred et the" PtH'- at Satem Or as Scod .Cmus 1 Pb- ltiJ. every mcrmmg t I'ondav but as efftce. " X1S oima Cornier ciai a trees. ' o GUCSCRIPTION RATES . J ifl FubscripUon Rates tn Advancei TViiin Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Ua n cents; 4 Mas W00; t year. $6.00 1 .sewnere 69 cento per mo or $7-20 tr 1 y-r tn advance. Per copy cents, r C.y Carrier. T5 cenU a mooto, )i fft li advance la Marlon and Money to Loan QUICK CASH - LOANS CALU WRltt w obona-ttlSl) to Balem'a oldest, largest hirni owned and home managed finance tnstitsi Hon. Your financial affairs wtil be discussed and -loans made ha-strictest privacy, you wui oe given every sidcration tn the repayta 9 ef BtB ef rrtBOrif of ajrteasiene. 1 to IX MONTHS TO-OJCPAT You caa pay tn full any time to rcauce nr con. - ONLY. BORROWXJt 1GNS ' ffe endorsers. Loans saade en rural tore' 0- note. - . ROT R. SIMMONS. MGftV . Ue. No M-l&S. GENERAL- FINANCE CORPORATION -. - f tic Me S-139 " ' 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 first door soma of - Ladd at Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location LOANS- AUTO; FURNITURE, LIVES'! OCX Calkins' Finance Co. 31 (3rd FL ' Ph. 444t 1st NsfL Bank Bklg Salem s S-Z28 Lie. M-271. I Auto- Loans Willamette Credit Co. TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING 4 LICENSE N H Help Wanted- -Fenialo EXPERIENCED WOMAN for office work. Good salary. Permanent. B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Store.. 1M S. Commercial. Pnoner S19S.- - , f GIRL TO care for baby mo." old. No washing. Days onlyjn. I-1T7C. WOMAN TO care fori children fan mediately. IBM &.. 12th. ' GIRL FOR office -work. ROSTEIN- dr ADOLPH. Phone MM llQi N. Commercxal St. SEAMSTRESS OR alteration woman at Peacock Cleaners. Ph. 5991.' ' LADY for housework. Two adults in lamiiy. tx. sow. . GDTL or woman for housework; $90 per montn. raone Jexrerson mo. Mrs. K. L, Gates. . . , . . WANTED: Hotel maid. Apply Bligh UOtei. ; : ', 7' - - .; BOOKKEEPER. Cashier; experienc ed. Permanent position for efficient person. See Dr. Brown at - Brown's Jewelers. 184 n. Liberty. For Sale Miscellaneous NEW PRE-WAR PREMIUM TIRES 7.00x16, 6.50x16, 6.00x16 Also 7.00x17 6-Ply Used Tire and Tube MOTORS, inc. 340 N. HIGH Canning Corn i 89c per sack Canning-Tomatoes 98c bushel MARK GROCERY Ph. 82T1 UNFINISHED CHESTS OF DRAWERS l QUALITY BUILT ' SIZES NOW XN-STOCK FOLSOM MFG. CO. : 110g. BROADWAY PRICHARD VARIETY Canning Tomatoes ' Now Ready, 1 nL N. ft ,i mi. E. of W. Salem 'at Crocker Hop Yard" Ph. M14 . ' 1 1 GOOD heavy set of breeching harness S22.M; 1 low iron wheel -wagon with rack $12.50. 1 4-wheeled trailer with good 24" box. tires 30x3ft, also tongue for horses, yzxao; I well built flat rack $3 J0: 1 16" Oliver shell walking plow $8.0$ 1 S-section lever Iron harrqw, quite new, $12; 1 5-ft. mower in good running order $12J&0; 1 g-ft. McCormick binder In fair shape but at junk price: 1 corn critter, g" blades, hand power. In good - condi tion, $8.00; 1 hand' corn knife 50c; 3 good S gaL milk cans. $5.00 for both. Jim Mullen. Rt. 3. Box 891. Salem, near Roberts Station. LATE I DeLuxe - Mod. Elec. Refrige rator, In good condition. Ph. 21310. - GOLDEN BANTAM corn. S doz. $1.25. Bring sacks. - L. Pugh. Rt. 4. Box 445Bf Indep. St Dallas Junction. vBALEp'stearyXBeUo XJ3X ! Colt- "revolvers. ? 1 .32 auto matic: 1 double barrel Remington shot gun; shells for all suns. 649 S. 12th. H. H. i GOODS Private Sale. Wood circulator, tables chairs, dressers, bed. sewing machine, etc Guy Nash, 263 N. 13th St Ph. 3393. - t , f - FURNITURE gc household articles. Pn. 21461 on Sun. v . - TOMATOES $1.00 per bu. Jacob Weigum, Rt. z. Bx. 14U mlla West of Keizer School. PIANO UPRIGHT. - quarter sawed oak case. Private sale Phone 3383. ONE good used horizontal tabular boiler. 34 Inches la diameter and 18 feet long. State No. 770-41. 123 lbs. pressure, X. A. Lough. Lakeview, Ore. BIRD CAGES, curtam rods, shsttas. General Electric vacuum, hand vac uum St unfinished bookcase. tXS N. Capitol.. - - ,-v;.:: '-. STATE 'itOrT M3U UKEl? Mill, MAMA-V-r FROGS T Wl-v1 fFA SAVS t 1 -i i 7f . .- ... - i , .. . i. r I Money to Loan : PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS ' CONTRACTS RETINANCED te re duce paymenu Money for new or used cars No delay or red tape Yea will retain posession ef the vehicle . 1 to IS MONTHS TO PAY. ROY H. SIMMONS T3t South Commerclsl Street' . tie - ue. no. muz AUTO LOANS - r : ??Xi;i"Fast Service4::. -r;;.t:J $33 to $3M loaned es your auto. Just being car and- proof, ef ownership with you. It Isn't nacssssry that your car be fully paid- for. Office- hours: to S. After g by - appointment. Satavdayn: to 1. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Rm. 123 New Bligh Bldg. gift State St (Opposite County Court House) -N. Anderson. Mgr. ' Ue. S-I22, M-165 For Sale SIiseIlaneous r BICYCLaT' AT private sale, new ex tra tire Phone XB3. PART BULLDOG puppies. Ph. S851. - APPLES 35C St up. Wl Games. 8333. 1 OAK DXNTNO table St 9 chairs. studio couch. Ph. Z133g between t St 10 a- m. ' , - . NEW 34g WINCHESTER to trade for a 30 or 39 Remington pump. Ph. 3194a, DELTA 11 IN. wood turning lath With tools, stand. Ac belt. $45.00. 180 Silverton Rd. J - SEE HOGG BROS. aSO State St. tut liberal trade tn on your old furniture ROOS CEDAR chest with lera. Wal nut finish. Size 48x30". Excellent condition. 933. Ph. 350. TRAILER. SS BU. cap, exlg ' tires. Private sale Pbone 3383. r f GOOD PIANO. Ph. 4939. WILL BUY, SELL or TRADE GUNS St AMMUNITION. Don Madison. 990 NO. High. 1 ; PEARS. U -sack. Ph. 4939. W ATKINS PRODUCTS. 2447 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 21807. SWEET CORN.. Golden Bantam, sack 9 doz. ears SIM James Buckong; Is ml. N. of Hopmere, Brooks, or eg.. PRUNES, Mrs. Wright, Tel. ' 1-3277. WRINGER ROLLS for all. makes of washers. Ed EniA-Nelson Bros, rurnl- ture. 319 N. Liberty. Ph. 983L MINTO Island Tomatoes new selling at Frigaard Fruit Stand. 2939 N. Front St. Bring boxes. . Fuller-Brushes. 1743 Grant. Ph. 9391 9 MO. OLD male Cocker Spaniel. 1869 N. 22nd. ITALIAN Prunes for canning. Bring your boxes. 60 cents a box U pick. 75 cents I pick. Jensen, zoo saiem Hts. Ave. pnone hh . - t CONGOLEUM RUG. book case. kit- Chen chairs, other articles. SM -Breys LA venue. PRUNES FOR canning at Jam. All you want, fl bx. Bring boxes. 1887 So. 12th. 1 MONTAG WOOD ranee & 1 Mon- tag circulator. 447 Shipping, call alter 6:30 pv m. ,.;.-... . EXCELLENT CANNING corn. $1.00 sack. Rt. 2. Box 209. Telephone 22788. C. C Russell. , PEACHES. PERFECTION, now ready at Pettey's orchard. Wallace Rd. Ph. ZZ137. ,, -r ..-r T" BLUE VELOUR davenport at chair. cabinet Pbilco radio, complete walnut bed with springs Be mattress, cau after 9 p. m. 333 Leslie. : PIANO. PH. 9S29 after T p. m. ELEC MASSAGE roUer. new leather brief case, camera. Ph. 7233. : CANNING TOMATOES: now ready. Imlah Fruit Farm, ml. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2338. TOMATOES. . field run $1XW bu. Prunes tlJUS. Corn 9L29 . sack Rt. 9. Bx. 979. k ml. E. Auburn School. GOOD ' used davenport St chairs with springs. Good wood ranges, t all enamel wood and electric com bination range. Also 1 combination wood and gas-range. Many other ar ticles.- 70S South 12th SC TOMATOES for canning. Pear- mine's. , mi. West Junction Cherry Ave. St N. River Bd. Ph. 2-1103. ; GOLDEN GIANT Sweet Corn 23c dz. delw also Italian Prunes. Ph. 2-2922. IMPROVED Bantam Sweet Corn 1.75 per sack. 9 doz. or more per sack. De livered. Phone 3013.' ' GOLDEN CROSS bantam canning corn Priced right. Aumsville, Ore. Rt 1, Box 18. Phone 354. . POULTRY FERTILIZER. 81 Per yard. Also dried, 30c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 2286L Lee's Hatchery, i . ; t . Wanted Furniture TOP CASH prices paid ' for i used furniture. Phone 3899 or 2-408L Good used furniture of all kinds. We buy sell 6c trade at 709 South 12th Street. Phone 714L ; ; ; f i CASH FOR used furniture & notd goods B Forger. Pb 7449. AUscellaneous I Dental I Plate Repair v TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN afOSl - CASES- -. Bring or Mall Your Plates tor ftepatt DR. HARRT SEMLE& OENT1ST t Adolpb Bids State 4i Com! Ph 3311 TO BUY or sell good used furaitur see Buss Bright 453 Court Ph. T51t Wanted IVIiscellaneous f GOOD Electric water heater. Ph. 21319 WANTED. SMALL .oil circulator. Ph. 9882. - .WANT TO bur bor'a Junior bicycle fat good condition. Ph. 9464. - EGGS. 913 S. 12th. Ph. 9090. ilWdawsaaS 100 TRUNKS- St SUITCASES wanted, Ph. 36M or 3-S081. ' -: ANYONE HAVING deer guns to seB or rent please write. Raymond Phil lips. Rt i Box S88K, , . v. ; i l CANT GET ALOaS WITU-WE POESNT UKE ME AKR IPONTUKE W!M wives ; 7 m m ' W'lLII'jTI l- f - IsiDCAMPERS Wanted f.Iiscellxmeous ( For Sale Real Estate WANTED.! LARGE pressure cooker . ' SPECIAL tn good condition. Phone-3802, Mrs. We have one acre with a nice 4- Evans. i - room house and bath. Double garage --- ''' m and two chicken houses. Four miles " CASH fort used piano St other mu- out on bus line. It's a good buy for sicst instruments. Call 461 days or - . " . 9537 . evenings ot send . desert ptioa to 9roomplastered house. Full base- Jaaurth Music. Co- 191 S. High. ment with sawdust burner. Lot 75x145. Z--mm Double garage. Close in. Suitable for ' rUnkrTVnm ' " 5 fSranrgrrmWnd CASH PAID for upright ncalorciln'Lr nUno. :Pbon m'. :" ' . . Good bam. Abour S miles Northeast -aW'n'rft " n... - ni mJh. '"a, Salem. Price- 94000. -,' -JZLJLJFlt ROSTEIN ADOLPH. INC. ui T?.r? , y. ui North Commercial. StT J WE WANT Barley. 948 to 450. Oats, . .-. ?. J glenV0r0 943 to 945 ton. Ball Bros? Turner. P. 24. "T,T' ?r FOR SALE- r, - . 8-room home close tn on N. Winter . r Or Kent- ilOOmS : street, rental 945 per month. This place " " am worth the money f Price 95000. LG. WELL furn. rm. 149 Marion. W.H.GRABENHORST CO, Realtors For Rent ApirrtmenU v ; - j two for one - r - 2 good rental house, furnished, for vrrra a wk - aaaa -- - 94750. Income 980 per month. Engle- . Trr1' Apartment. Ph. 4899. wood district. Calf, Mrs. EUis with - - " n 7TCTZ .- LEO N. CHILDS. INC. , REALTORS. SM. APT. Man. 1380 Centner. 344 State Stffiu FURNISHED. -ALSO unfurnished n"J""nLl" --on,y,. wir,-u , j i.. mod. apts ! and sleeping rma. ; 938 B3S, , hdwd. xTrs, basem, fur- N. Summer. Ph. 3023. - - c0 tn. rViced to sell. w.. 94500. Bssem. St furnace. Hollywood HOUSEKEEPING RM. 891 If. 21st. O?!.. . - - - 94790 Buys neat 8 rms., basem. A .p - in . rs furnace, large - lot with fruit at r or Rent Housea shrubs. North. - R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR , .1 RMS. toilet, tmturn. Call for W,',,Cpt1 " - key 173 S. 13th. Sun. 920. . ' FOR SALE MODERN furnished home, choice lo- - Large 10-room home- located at 1271 cation, reasonable rent to adults, ret- Chemeketa lertreet Lot 79 by 165 feet erencea. Box, 2783 Statesman. basement furnace. Price 96300. . - :..:.7!rr. W.H.GRABENH0RST CO, Realtors 3 BEDROOM. STRICTLY modern un- . 134 S. Uberty St. furn. home In good residential district. "''''-,rj-r' Adults. Good references. Ph. 21499. 1 rill S335? ? - - - i ' ; S rooms and bath all on one floor. . Also small cabin rented for 912 per - r t Or Iient I4 amis month. Pnce only 82850. See- Mr. ' Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC FARM FOR BENT: 174 Acre .Dairy REALTORS. 344 State Street. Ph. 928L Ranch, modem -barn at house. 1 mile WWT. MODERN and practically new tf.JS room house. Large rooms with hard- , ; HAWKINS t ROBERTS, INC. wood floors. Fireplace, basement and . i " i furnace. Good location. Price 98500.00. Fne RAnl G. E. VQSBURGH - - - - OT tUCHI Phone 3999 ?: . 1943 Cascade Drive ' FOR RENT", to- responsible: party: ' NICE HOME Baldwin upright piano. Phene-9919. BEAUTIFUL CREEK LOT -..-mww.wvwwi T rooms, hardwood, extra large. LR. Vk yd. shovel, three 4 yd. dump with fireplace, double plumbing, oil trucks. J. Rv Rhodes, MolsJla. heat. 2-car garage, close tn. Price -.-w.--. $7800. Terms arranged. FLOOR" SANDER tor rent. Mont- LARS EN HOME St LOAN CO. gomary Ward... Exclusive--Listings - Personal Service -w-....M..ww. 184 S. Com'L St Ph. 4942 TRUCKS for .renv You drive. Me- Cune St LovelL phone 9600. FOR SALS " S-room home located at 1134 N. Front - tS7..eJ T.ns street, 90 ft. ; lot. Price $1909; 9800 Wanted tO Kent - down, balance $25 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 2 OS 3 BEDROOM house. Refer en- o ; 13t s IJberty ces. Take good care of property. Re- ' n rrwr'ar-nV""'' - -ir- ""' rlCjZnjZ!! TcMT tooim and bath. Large living - LADY" TEACHER wishes furnished fireplace and oak floors, apt, near Lcalio echooL Ph. 3599. tT&O l?ging t&: 3 bed rm. unfurn. Use. Phone 22449. REALToRS' stat srJni-axBX-Mrs. Homer L. Goulet. ' - -jyr jv st er '-"u.'u,,7'."' I , - . . g-room home, good location, 3 bed- For Sale Real Estate rooms, garage. Price $2950. w tuir wwu tJBWtc w. H. GRABENHORST St CO Realtors . . . . ' : : 134 S. Liberty; st. NEARLY NEW 2 bedroom house. . 92800. Sk cash. 1062 Third. West Salem. 8 RM. mod, wired for range. Imme Ina. at 1230 Elm. Idiate possession. Owner. 480 N. 13th St. Business Directory . c. . ... ,,, , ry Cards la .this directorF rtm Lribrieation am g tDonthly basis only. - -- - - aUtCS fL25 per line per : PennzoU products handled by ex- noath. perts. All makes of cars. Prompt lub- . " ;;- . rication service. -. . w --------- , Ier . Bros, 449 Center St. vv Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry City Painting & perhailgill8 Model Aircraft 21st St Market. PATNTINO St rjeeoratlng. Ph. T352 AtltO Brake Experienced Reasonable. Ph, 9329 Mike Panek 979 Bowth Commerc Printillg 7 AntO Service FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. - programs books or any kind of print Essential owners cars and trucks ing. call The Statesman Printing De receive priority and are Invited to partrnent 219 a Commercial. Tele make use of our prompt efficient. Phone 910L and thoroughly " trained Service Per- " sonnel and facilities. . ' Loder Bros, 449 Center St. Paints and LaCffU CTS : Anto Steam Qeaning -i new location - ' Complete line Nason paints. Liberal Motors, c trucks, and part, thor- phcoe 8659D' WooaTOW oughly steam cleaned at Loder Bros. w -, .,, ; :- -...r 449 Center St.. ' r-r: ;-v Bfattresaea Anto and Truck Sernce ; , , CAPITOL BEDDTNO CO Phone 1 4069 EARL'S - GARAGE, 2493 North Fifth. ' Bieyelea B.Seri" BICYCLES. Mew W reconditioned. 942 N. CcsnT" T881 Harry W Scott 147 S. Uora'cl. P 438 , ' - - Septic Tanks Cleaned Body & Fender Repairs INSPECTION FREE. Kenneth Hamel. Have your wrecked or damaged 'car 1143 Eighth SL. West Salem. Ph. 4459 JSsVJiiM extent SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned euSarvSr Satisfaction guaranteed. State-wide wltn quality worx -" - - service. Gene Fit. 842 Edgewater St ; - W Satem Ph. 9749. w ; . U.-, - " Cjlimney Sweep WE CLEAN septic tanks and cesspools. . - . .... Inspection free.; W. W. Turman. 6663 Northness Chimney Sweep Ph. 4458 - - . Combine Harresting Transportation . f t w t nagw tmnn. mtos. Vu wNQ. 990 W. Comt Ph. 3323 Florists r?- " " Transfer I , r : Bretthauprs I 447 Court Phone 9199 O-DRTVE TRUCKS V FORj RENT j - ' Blankets furn. 197 S-. Liberty ; Ph 9062 :: Funeral HJrectoii roa local or orsTANT tranter. r 1 1 storage, burner oil. briquets trucks to : TerwUBger Funeral Home. Ph- 99SS Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto . Freight, tacludln Calif, polnta Larmer . , s a- . Transfer Co Ph 9UL "General. Auctioneer . MAC DONALD, with over 29 years - Used Furniture selling experience. Office at 239 Union. i ! P. O. box 29X. . USED Fum bought. St sold. Ph. 8783 ' " ' : Gl1 Vacniim Qeancr Scnrice THE; APRON Shop. 979 N. High. eBRTOMAIl:.AB.Bnta. , . ...... - - , Vlnce's i3ectrie. 157 S- Lib. Tel S2S2. . ' Hosierr - 1 " - - . - FREE tnspectton tn your notne. .Au- - -,. - thorized Hoover service We service all : MrxcieleycS n cieaner. HotS Bros Pb, ?14 ; Lawn tlower Sharpening Well Drilling Itactuae rround 49 S Capitol St a A West Son, fa 9. a 443. 3-22S0 r i i i I. i 1 !TKY JO 6ET ALONG I WW 1CU TO KFKOJKS r. ii I ... 1.9 M5Wm2sw ,r L-4,j' . For, Sale Heal Cstata a. ItDOO OLD HOMZ with T small apts. 2 corner lota with fruit. Income sioo per mo. Close in 93000 Ota 7 rm. home. 4 A. wal nuts St, fruit. On N. River Rd. 93200 Nice 9 rm. home surrounded by flowers and . trees. Hwd. floors tn Uving St dining rm. Cor. lot walking distance.' ; :, ooo0 Cltra mod. home in Holly wood. S bdrms4 dbL pluenblag. fire place, automatic oil - heat, electric dishwasher at car base unit. $17003 bdxm. home between Salem at Portland. ' ART MADSEN 1328 State St. Phone 9580 vrm.aii ( Modern home in NJE. Salem, four neorooma, ou neat, double garage, fire place. A Good-Buy at 97900 1' W. H. GRABENHOaST- i -CO, Realtors - - . uoerry su - . ; - 8 ROOMS, BASEMENT, furnace. fu-epiace, - nardwood floors through out. This house, has been lived In for only 2 months. Owner transferred and must sell at once. See us for full de tails. 3 bedroom house located northeast 94509J0. 9500.00 down will handle. 4 room house. 2 bedrooms. Fully modern. 92800.00; - RICH L. RXDAANN. .167 S. High Street Phone 9203 - After (P.M. Call 3533 , Immediate Possession : . 9 rm. home, strictly modern, with base., furnace, fplace. hwd. firs., lie. St. din. rma.. -wired for range. Located Market St 19th. Only 94000 cash. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5839 FOR SALE ' 8-room home- located at 1499 Ferry street. - corner lot. immediate W. H. GRABENHORST St CO., Realtors 134 3. Liberty st. .Vv ment. furnace with oil burner as gas. . air conditioned. Condi - tions very good. - 96300. 9 room modern-house with base i ment, furnace, garage. P. H. BELL, REALTOR Guardian Bldg. . Phone 9199 9 R. MOD. 'HOUSE on A. of land. 2500-cash. r, , 3 bedrm. mod. house. Bsmt no fur- 'l.-'"-"j'' F. H. Weir 488 Center Realtor Phone 9411 . FOB SALE -9-room home located at 1144 Marlon 134 S. Liberty st. STRICTLY Modern, automatic heat, ull basement with play rm. Yard sndscaped. Shown by appointment SCHOOL SPECIAL ' MODERN HOME 1 blk. from grade ABRAMS & ELLIS nlc Bldg. - Phone 6153 FURNISHED HOME ENGLEWOOD DIST, 4 rms. St nook. 9 ROOMS CLOSE in. hardwood floors. r.isT vmnt property - today re, HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS St - MOD. 9 rm. house. Ph. Owner 4581. For Sale Farms FILBERTS: 43 acres, 20 acres older rees and 20 acres S or 4 years old. Jul SIM ESaS " wvaa j wwfw GRADE B DAIRY FARM. Electricity, Codern Home near Corvallis. 9431 this IW.fclUU.Ulie' y PAUL P. BATES, REAL ESTATE Corvallis. Oregon . YOU who know the soils, see mis ne 80 acres of Chehalls end Willam tte soil on the bank of the Pudding Iver with ' improvements above the verage and priced at $1300 00. . A. FISH 477. Cwrt Ph. 9524 80 A. about 8 ml. east, fair bldga enced. mostly all In culUvation. all r. stream, good son. 9130 per A. 161 A. 19 mi. from Salem on paved BX. 7 rm. iih. a ommm. w - 90 A. of FINE LAND, one 9 rm. hse ne smaller. hse4 good barn St other Idgs 3 wells for irrigation; fenced, mall tract of timber. REAL value at 1664 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 13 Court St '. Phone 9723 29 A. Chicken Ranch, all tn cultt ation. Good buildings. Capacity 1300 ens 98300. Terms. . . 171 A. Stock. Grain St Dairy Farm. M A. in cultivation, partly stocked St quipped, good Improvement, electric -nee. creek. Dandy water system. mmediste . Poss. 815,0C. ' LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. delusive Listings - Personal Service M S Com! St. : ' ''; tu Ur 109 ACRES, all river bottom land, leal for truck gardening. Creek on ie place. 70 acres in cultivation. room - house, modern. . : Good barn, arages. lis miles from good town. IXJbOS cash. Posaesaiott November 1. F. H. Weir S3 Center REALTOR - Phone 9411 : - " XI ACSX FARM :."v'-" Located 11 miles -N. 9 room house. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. SHEEP RANCH ; 60S ACRES. LINN county. Bldgs, 2. Box 299. Salem, Phone 2-2282, MODERN FARM 179 Al 123 TILLABLE. BALANCE pasture St timber. 9 rm. house with automatic water system, basement, furnace, large barn with silo, chicken bouses. 9 ml. from Salem. k mL from school. 92100 3500 will handle. ; AST 1. 121$ SUte St. " Phone' K-3 Acreca SrtMT OF the best acreage-that can be found has not been put on the mar ket. Located Just a mile. and a-helf from the city limits on psved road. We have about SO acres of timber and the rest in open land and orchard. This bas 'been subdivided Into tracts, one to five acres and Is probably one of t.a best building sites to be found. See us for further details. IT! S. ttreet Fhone ' l Acrearra 1 EO aOOU house, excellent con dition. Is acre, new kitchen built-lns. Price reasonable, terms. Ph. 2-1610. See It Sunday. Box 122. Wallace Road. 9 ACRE TRACT miles east of Sa lem. House St barn. Fruit Possession at once. Cash price $1599. W. d KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Pnone. 4729 ACRES 9 ML N. E. of Salem with T room house, good family orchard. This to Willamette sou. D. A FISH - 477 Court - Phone 6221 I A. NORTH. Excellent soU, nice 2 B. R home, wired for range,- only 4 yrs. old. Owner moving-; on farrav 14300. t ? - - - KU. LARSEN, REALTOR " Exclusive Lartinr 184 S. Com'L St. ;. - . Phone 443 19 ACRES and house that" far wired for ' electrldrr. but otherwise untia tshed on the Inside. 63-foot drilled well. Considerable timber. Just. 6i miles south- of city center en Battle Creek road. l,s miles south of Pringle school. sxsue. uiscount for cash, will be place Saturday and Sunday afternoon. or inquire at I960 Broadway, Salem. Sob or ban SELECT' A beautiful- view tot to Kingwood Height or Cascade Terrsces for your poet-war home. All utilities, close in. .Easy srms.: Ph. owner 9413 evenings. . - ; . . Wanted Real Estate WX ARE PRACTICALLY SOLD OUT. WE NEED PROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS; HOUSES, ACREAGES at FARMS. YOUR LISTINGS APPRECI ATE D. LINDGREN St - JOHNSON. REALTORS, 179 S. High. Phone 3630. WANT LISTINGS on small tracts of 1 acre and up. with buildings. HAVE CASH BUYERS. See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS,' INC, Realtors HAVE A NUMBER ot.casb nuyess for Satem property. . A listing with us at this time means a ready sale . . . . RICH L. REIMANN . 197 South High Street - Phone 9203 Business Opportunities i FOR SALE Good r going business. Fine concrete building. equipment, residence. . good location. Step right in and start making money. Price 937.000. - grabemhorst at co. Realtors . 134 s. Liberty st. ' BUSINESS FOB SALE GROCERIES. -MEAT. feed, notions. hardware and socne drugs. Doing good ousiness in mui town, living quarters upstairs. : Stock and - fixtures - will amount "to 93000.00 or less. Worth In vestigating. Write P. O. Box 26, Scotts Mills, Ore.' ,'-....:; ;-"".-. For Sale Used Cars "31 CHEV. Coach. 75 rubber. Good running condition Ph. 9352. 929. - 183rTmrosCWJ TeriapUnX"etec". shift. ' radio, new tires. Perfect me chanical condition. 2499 N. 8th. FOR " Quick Sale: 1937 Plymouth TJeLx.- Sedan. . Good - mechanical cond. Ph. 5059 Sit, or 9789 Sun. ; - i 1934 FORD. 9123. - Inquire at 1999 North 4th St. after 830 PJf. , "iaCHRYSLKRX'dO cash. 1109 Lewis St. - 1938 4-DOOR DeLUXE Ford Sedan. A-l tires. 837 S.. Com'L MODEL A 3-axel fiat rack truck tn exc. cond. 1464 Marlon St . : 1929 DeSOTO SEDAN, good condi tion, good rubber, 9173. SOS center. Ph. 3000. 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR A-l condiUon. 937 S4 ComX . MODEL A FORD. 2-wheel trailer. Trailer U. Taylor's. Trailer Camp. 1994 SUte St. . MOD. A COUPE and pickup. Good rubber. 900 w. com i. . . 1939 TERRAPLANE sedan, excellent tires, srood shape. 9429 cash. Phone 9724. before 9 or. 5769 after 6. v Wauitcd Used Cars GAR HERE . Cash Immediately, . No Delay . BURGOYNE MOTOR H COMPANY . Phone 23.539 440 Center St i Salem. Oregon r''-::''1 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your , ear Is worth Cash on the Bajrrel-Head MCT SHR0CK SALEM'S eldest ndependent MX. Corner Church at ChemH Ph. 9922 MEDIUM Priced car for cash. 2499 N. 9th, . - ,- -; vni.Htnmvisn .mrkir awnlns 41 Chrysler wanted to trade- for sta tion, wagon please phone 2-1179. r , mttti oifmntila 1 tivdramatie i- imu ihni eonil Call after 30 or write Cliff Harold, 359 E. Bush street.', ( . i- .-';- i'-l Motorcycles ' vna cir.v TRATil?' 1039 Indian Chief 74. Excellent condition at, tires. Ph. 21335. -.-.. ; ',;v . " , V ;. : . t : -.' Lost gmd Found rtcrrj w Sa1m reddish colored Shepherd dog. Has CarmeL California. ine lieenaa Ac rabies tag. Please Ph. S308. Reward. ... .: , Leal Notice NOTICE OF ITNAL ACCOUNT Noitce is hereby given that the Final Account of Lela Marie Sim mons and Jessie May Hall, Execu tors of the estate of Elizabeth t Holcomb, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that the 23th day. of October '1943 at the hour of 1053 o'cloac AJi at the Coun ty Court Jtoota at the Court House at Salem, Oregon, has been daly fixed by the Ctourt as tht tlrae and place for hearing of tions r to .said Final Account and the settlement : thereof. atiwLIch time any person Interested la said estatt may appear and file objec tion . thereto in writing and con test the. same. LXXA MARIE SIMMCX3 ! JESSES MAY HALL, : ; . ' .... : Executors. , 0 13-15-0 2-3-18 SELL YOUR Georgia Up eel by, 25-7 (Corrtifled from Pr-s 7) watched happily from the bench as a saceessiosi ef 17-ycar-: J frrshmaa hstks raa mnd passe J Pre$iytcria.a'8,Yetcrxn3 late fb tolgsloti. . , - ; Little Johnnr Cook, of Home. C,: hizh gcbool, a lC3-pounder, uncorKea ca;znng display or f or ward oasaeg which were a rea. sonable facsimile, at least, ot the Frankie Sinkwich days a year . After the rame, Eatli 9x11 Us bee were "In better shape than I expected.' He added: "I don't think they're got much future." He declined to comment oo next week's fame with' Louisiana State. Plays Clee Gees (Cohtlned from Page T) the Alameda Coast Guard eleven at Kezar stadium. The two squads are loaded far bear, each boas tine stare tmm last season.' Pacific,, through its navy training program, hag many piayers ot last year's st Mary 'a college team in its harkfUM beaded by thirgtar pass thrower, John Podesto. The Coast Guard likewise will parade some of last reasons St Maryg Gaels,- notably tackles Bill McPartland and Al Battn- rxn Bilotti, guard; Ernie ruiberti, end. ana uonzaivo Jdoraleg, left half. Quentin Gfeenough, center on Oregon SUte's 1941 Rose Bowl team, will play. Brewers Nail I AA Pennant 1 MILWAUKEE. Sent 17 Wm- Overcoming 7 toto deficit the Milwaukee Brewers went on o beat KansU City, 12 to 10 tonight and clinch their first ' American Association pennant since 1938. How They . girAMIIDe..e NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. St. Louis 92 44 78Chicsgo -61 73 .459 Brooklyn 73 62 .547 1 Boston S9 75 .440 Cincinna 74 2 44Phliadel 60 77 j43g PitUburg 74 69 .521; New Yrs; 81 834 J73- Friday results: At New York 9. Brooklyn 4. At Boston-PnUadelphia postponed. At St. Louis 2. Chicago 1 (night). At Pittsburgh 1, Cincinnati 9 (night). AME9UCAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. New Yrk 88 50 .638 'Chicago .68 69 .S97 Washingn 78 62 JW7 St. Louis 65 72 .474 Cleveland 73 64 .533 Bocton ... 2 78 .44 Detroit .72 66 J22iPbiladeI 44 91 .326 Friday results: At Washington t. New York 3 (night) At Cleveland 1. Detroit 2 (night). At Chicago 2. St. Louis t (night). Only garoe' scheduled.) Amorican Loaguo (Friday scorec.) - Detroit r -000 000 0022 8 9 -0O0 000 1001 3 1 Cleveland Trout. Gorslca Trucks (9 and Unser; Reynolds Roaar. St. Louis Chicago 000 001 0001 io 1 000 001 01 2 9 t Ferrell; Grove and Galehouse and Tresh. National Lcaguo (Friday scores.) Brooklyn . .040 000 0004 8 1 Ml 001 40 6 10 2 New York Hurbe. Webber t7). and Brsgan. Owen (8): . Chase. Wtttlg (8) and LombaixU. i Cincinnati Pittsburgh 000 000 0000 8 s 000 019 00 1 4 9 Mueller: Butcher and waiurs and Lopes. 14 Russian Girls Stop in Portland V PORTLAND, Ore., -ept. 17-) Fourteen Russian girls arrived here tonight on their way to en-" roll at Columbia university in New York. - , One was from Leningrad, the others from Moscow. From 21 to 27 years of age, they said In an Oregonian interview they were sent by the people's commissariat for; foreign trade to study lan guages, shorthand and American business . practices. Most of them spoke English, aome fluently. For, Sale Wood SAWDUST FOR sale. Immediate de livery. Ph.. 9683. a ST rttW rtlT SAW DUST. PH. 8862. V7ood Sawing tea N. ComT Ph. 8321 Pcrsctl . T r5-MT-?rltr Write rantaln Jo Biiss.' Club.-r Bx. 73. Tacoma. Wn. and wanits. llr ct.:ce wi.l he et the k-ZtrydT Trnnstrr. 2.5 i.a. Cot tage. Fnone .:s. H. R. Jones. Too Luis to d'lltf WANTED: Crsvenste?n ml J" f srcles. sny pun.n C. . Wwits, JVest eoi. . . . Staee Eleven -aL .T-