The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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The CrJIGOII STATESMAN. Cdnu Oregon, Saturday Ilomlfl-. Ccplcitr 13. IZ'.l
Where They Are What They Are Doing ; - -
Verden E.
Hockett. former
y assoeia-
td with tbt
Steeves - Hock
ett . ellnle :' and
medical director
for the Oregon
Selective Service,
has been pro
moted ' from
lieutenant com
mander to a "foil
commander, US
navy. He is err
ing on cruiser
In the Sooth Pac
ific. Commander
Hockett la a vet
eran of : World
War I.
Carl Francis, ex-mayor of Day
ion and state representative from
Yamhill county who volunteered
tor service with the marines; at
the close of the legislative term
last March, has been honorably
discharged from the. marines at
Quantico, Va, and has returned
to Dayton to resume his law prac
tice. .
Seabee applicants turned out in
troves during the visit of Lt. Nel
Storgaard Thursday, rating of-
, tBcer for the navy's construction
corps. Salem men who received
j ratings ' from him and .were en-
t listed by Chief Quartermaster
Robert B Fallon and Chief Spec
ialist Qtto R. Anderson that day
Included:! William Robert Massey,
wuie two, ; mechanic; I William
Conrad DeRoss, powderman; Paul
atunn " Griebenow, . storekeeper;
Charles Alfred Dailey, rigger;
Lawrence : Abraham Rich, route
three, accounting; Garland Lyle
Black, route six, baker; Leo Nich
olas Kilian, electrician; Harry El
wood Corey, rigger; Harold Ben
nett Hindman, ship's cook; John
Edwar Hill, oiler crane; Robert
Victor Wagner, route seven, ail
er engine; John Henry Davis, rig
ger. Out-of-town enlistments who
helped to make this the navy's
biggest day since September, 1942,
included Alvin T. Pettit, Indepen
dence, carpenter; Paul Arnold
Hag-en, Silverton, wire splicer;
Curtis iSanford Nesheim, Silver
ton, instrument man; and Jamie
Walter Ediger, route one, Dallas,
here have received word of the
death of Lt. Oscar Newton in
North Africa, July 14. Lt. New
ton's father, Alfred Newton, re
sided here many years ago.
Mehrin Amsberry, son ef Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Amsberry, was in
ducted into the navy at Portland
Monday. He enlisted for the serv
ice Saturday and was Inducted
following his physical.
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. Laird
V. Woods have received word
from their son, Robert Woods,
that he has been selected to be
commissioned in the ' marines on
completion of his course of ad
vanced training at Corpus Christi,
. Word has been received by Mr.
and Mrs. HT A. Flux that their
son, Leon - D. Flux, stationed.' at
Camp White, has been promoted
to corporal. "
C ,L. Hoffman, first class sea
man in the navy, is in Dallas for
visit with his wife and children.
Hoffman has had assignments in
both the Atlantic and Pacific war
acnes. ' ' :
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton
have received word that their son,
Robert Dalton, stationed in Alas
ka with the coast artillery for the
past two years, has been promoted
to sergeant
SILVERTON rSilverton friends
have recieved word from Father
Carberry's sister, Mrs. Rozella
Soreghan, that she had received
two cards from him since he was
interned in the Philippine mili
tary prison camp 2. He wrote that
he was in excellent health 'and
wanted his friends, to write. Fath
er Carberry has been a prisoner
since the fall of Bataan and at
' t that timehe was captain with the
.'45th Philippine Scouts. He was
astor of St Paul's Catholic par
ish at Silverton when he was call
ed into the service. -
Lt Chester Varnes spent Men
day, Tuesday and Wednesday at
the home of his Mother, Mrs. Anna
Varnes, 1158 North Commercial
street He has been stationed In
Rjuigman, Ariz, for the past six
months where he is an aerial gun
nery instructor. He graduated from
Mather field. ' '. ;;. v- , ,
- Lt Varnes, a graduate of Salem
high school who attended Willam
ette university,' was' employed at
the Standard stations, and the Ore
gon Pulp and Paper company be
fore enlisting.
Ffe. Lee E. Larsen, whose home
address is route 4, box 83, Salem,
has been graduated as a qualified
radio operator by the communica
nt I o n department ct the armored
school at Fort Knox,; Ky. Follow
ing an arduous 14 weeks course in
1 j '
i in
V. E. Hockett
turned to his unit in an armored
division or separate tank battalion.
The' course included the Interna
tional Morse code, radio procedure.
a study of radio sets, and finally
field : operation in which - radio
sets are operated from scout cars
under simulated battle conditions.
Capt William M. McAllister.
specialist ' reserve, was scheduled
. . m mm m t a
to leave xvieaiora, mi nonw aij.
Friday night to ' report for. active
duty at Fort Custer, Mich., in the
military government branch of the
provost marshal department,. Mc
Allister was speaker of the Oregon
house of representatives ' at , the
1943 session and recently served
one day as acting governor. He is
a 1928 graduate of the Willamette
university law school.
Mr. and , Mrs. R. A. Brown,
Middle Grove district, recently re
ceived word that their son, Pvt.
Alvie R. f Brown, ? was " seriously
wounded in ' action in the South
Pacific theater.
Arnold IX JEanler?. .serving .in
Greenland,' has been promoted to
staff sergeant. His Salem address
is 1060 Hood street
MaJ. Ira F. Wintermnte Is new
attending the general staffs school
at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. He had
formerly been stationed at Colum
bus, Ohio. His wife, the former
Betty Hamilton, is with him in
Kansas. - -
Bill Close, seaman 2nd class, US
navy, is home on a 15 day leave
and is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L Close, 1745 State street
Close has completed boot camp at
Farragut,; Idaho, and will be sent
to a quartermaster school on his
return to Farragut ;
We Robert Hamilton ef the ma
rines has notified his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul J. Hamilton of Sa
lem, by V-mail letter that he has
been transferred to a tank battal
ion where he is a radio operator
and machine gunner. He is some
where in the South Pacific
8ft X. W. Espey and his wife
are spending his brief furlough
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Espey, 1697 North Capitol
street I
Logan A. Ferster, serving with
the navy in the South Pacific, has
advanced! in rating from hospital
apprentice first class to pharma
cist's, mate third class. He is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Forster. '
GERVAIS Pvt Richard F. Ho-
iohbek writes his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Holonbek, that he has
been transferred from a camp at
Nashville, Tenn., to one in south
western Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. St John re
ceived word Wednesday from their
son, Jack, that he now is at Far
ragut, Idaho. He was inducted, into
the navy last Friday at Portland.
I George Berinfer ef Gervals was
one of a group which left Wood
burn Monday for Fort Lewis.
Vernon ' Clifford Hart wig and
Jake Meldon Cutsforth went to
Portland j Thursday for physical
examinations prior to entering the
army. !
PORTLAND, Ore, Sept 17-0"P)
Earl L. B e n z , John Berkey, Jr,
Virgil R. Burnett, Leland C. Ep
ley and Alfred L. McElroy, all of
Salem, were enrolled in the navy
here today. - ;
D. Lester FieMs. pastor. Sunday
school 10 ajn. Moraine service 11
o'clock.' Sermon subject, "Ditches."
Youth fellowship at 7 p.m. Evening
service o'clock. ,Hev. Cromley.
speaking. !-:.-,-;
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Ladies' Aid Thursday
at t pjn. .
Sunday school 10 a.m. Junior church
11 ajn. Topic. "A Surprise.' Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"Art Thou tit eMail?" Young people 7
p.m. at 583 Firth street Evening serv
ice S o'clock with Rev. George Crom
ley, speaking.- . .
H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school
10 man. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Crusader VP at 7:15 pjn. Evening
service 9 o'clock. Service Wedneadav.
7:45 pjn. j
Sunday j school 10 a.m. Mornlns!
service 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor
7 P.m. Evenina service a lwk at
Methodist! church. Prayer service
Thursday at pjn. .' . s
Woodburn :
Ends Series
I !
Major A. G. i Slous, territorial
evangelist for , the , Salvation
Army from Oakland, Calif., will
'end a two weeks, series ef re
vival meetings Sunday night at
the citadel. The meetings are
held nightly, at 8 o'clock. Spe
cial music is being presented by
the corps hand nnder leader
ship ef Adj. Chris Thomas, and
assisting the Major is the new
head ef the Salem corps, MaJ.
F. P. Stevens.
rmmn or CHRIST ?
South 12th and Xesue streets, evan
gelist Will M. Thompson, who is en
gaged in a series of gospel meetings,
win tv sneaker at both morning and
night services. Sunday school 10 a.m.
service S:45 o'clock. Freacning . iuw
pjn. ; ; '
1410 Madison street. Ray Blixseth.
nutor. Sunday -school 10 a.m. Morning
service li ocioca. tywung rKw
o'clock. - Prayer meeting Thursday,
pjn. ' , .; '
13th and Canter streets. Rev. Weav
er W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school t:45
ajn. Morning service li ocjock. ser
mon subject. "The Overflowing Cup "
6:30 p.m.. young people's services. Ev
ening service 7 J3& o'clock. Sermon sub-
.rt.msi . .vihict." iWeonesaav.
730 pjn- prayer meeting. r,
Tmirra center -
33 SUte street. Olive Stevens. MsD,
pastor. Morning service 105 -o'clock.
atnlMHI lUBJCCl! """KM wire .
North Winter and Jetferson streets.
S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school
45 ajn.-Morning service it ocioca.
Sermon subject. -''New - Eyes for. Dark
Days. Evening service 7 o clock. Youtn
and intermediate feUowships o'clock.
75 Market street. Rev. Sherman
Moore, nastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m
Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening
service 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday, S pjn. ; -AMERICAN
34S North Church street. M. A. Get
zendaner, DD. pastor. Sunday school
:45 ajn. Morning service n o ciock.
Sermon subject, "Approval or GOO."
Cottase and Hood streets. Rev. H. A
Schlatter, pastor. Sunday school S:45
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. The unchanging Mes
sage and the financing Meinoas.
Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Sermon
South Commercial and Myers streets
Joseph Knotts, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock
Sermon subject. "The House Desolate.
Young people's groups at 7 p.m. Ev
ening service S o'clock. Sermon sub
ject, "What win jesus uo witn xou7
Prayer meeting Thursday, H30 pjn.
1155 Mission street. Firman B. Ken-
oyer. pastor. Sunday scnooi 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. - Sermon
subject. The Christ of the Bible." one
of a series. UBCE 7 . o'clock. Evening
service S o'clock. Sermon subject. "Bi
ble studies on the Tabernacle.' Prayer
meeting S o clock Wednesday night.
17th and Court streets; W. H. Lyman.
nastor. 'Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. The Church, the Body of
Christ." Christian Endeavor 7 pjn. Ev
ening service 8 o'clock. - Sermon sub
jects "God s Eternal Requirements.
Service Thursday, 7:45. pjn.. -
Market and North : Winter streets.
J. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
bermon suDject. "The Old - Paths,
Young people's meeting 7 pjn. Evening
service I :a ociock. mrayer meeting
weanesaay, ?:4 pjn.
State and 18th streets. T. H. Theuer.
BD, pastor Sunday school 9:45 ajn.
Mornin K service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "Who Is My Neighbor?
Chemeketa and Winter streets. W.
Irvin Williams, pastor. Sunday school
:3 a.m. Morning service 10:55 o clock
Sermon subject. "What Are You Do
ing With Jesus? Evening service 7:90
clock. Sermon subiect. "The Psv-
cnoiogy ox urunaenness." Following
night service, young people will honor
Miss F. Alta Davis. , new director of
Christian Education for the local
cnurcn. Tnursoay, 7 30 pjiu. service.-
State and Church streets. J. C. h.
rison. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn.
Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "The Interior Castle.". Even
ing service 7.-45 o'clock. Sermon sub.
ject, -The Ultimate Faith.. Youth Xel-
wwsnip a pjn. . . . .
Hazel and Academv itrMti. Wimn
C. Hale, pastor. Sunday scholo 10 ajn.
asormng service ji o'clock. Young peo-
Fall Program
In spite of the inroads of the
war effort,: the fall program of the
First - Evangelical church, Marion
and Summer streets. Is getting
under -way. i Sunday , night, the
pastor. Rev. : J; Kenneth Wishart,
will begin a ' series or sermons
dealing -.with the J practical 1 appli
cation of Christianity to the indi
vidual's' life' problems. He has se
lected for 'his theme, r You,, Need
God." ? The; service will start at
70 : pjn. pll'VA v;.;
Last - years - musical program
will be continued with E r n e s
Friesen selected as choir director.
William Fawk will be organist.
The choir will start the fall pro
gram on Thursday, September 30.
Continuing with the ; programs
on the air,- the church will offer
The Back Home Hour," . broad
cast each 'Sunday night from 9:30
to 10 pjn, The( Spiritual Inter
lude" on Mondays from 9:15 to
9:30 pin. and beginning Saturday,
September, 25, a "Junior - Church
of the Air" will start from 5:45 to
6 pjn. All programs are broad-
cast over station KSU. '
ple's meeting at 7 JO pjn. Miss Doris
McReynolds will bring the lesson. Ev
ening service a o ciock. rrayer meet
ing on Wednesday at a pjn.
. Ferry, and 13th streets. Erie M
Johnson. - pastor. Sunday , school - 9.-45
ajn. Morning service 11 o clock. Ser
mon subject, "There Shall Be No
More - Curse." S 30 - p jo,- young . peo
ple's meeting. Evening service 7:45
o'clock.' Sermon subject. "Wanted
Three Men. No Experience Necessary
Fellowship meeting on Monday, Sep
tember. 20th, comprising a number of
churches of the Willamette valley.
Many visiting ministers. Services at
zao ana i ju pjn. - -
248 North Commercial street Service
2:30 o'clock. Rev. Maxine Roberts,
Portland, guest speaker. Evening serv
ice .70 o'clock. '.
15th and Mill streets. Lowell G tiger.
pastor. Sunday scnooi 10 ajn. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. WYPS t30 pjn.
Evening service 730 o'clock. Prayer
service Wednesday, a pjn.
- .Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 ajn. Services 11 a.m. and
8 p.m. Sermon subject. ''Mattes." Wed
nesday meeting at 8 pjn. includes tes
timonies of healing. . .
v '
Capitol and!: Marlon streets. E. A.
Klelsmeier, pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service ii o ciock. ser
mon subject. "Where Are the Nine?"
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. T.
W. Henderson. ThB; pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Chris
tian's Privileges and Responsibilities."
Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Sermon
Sunday : 4 :3S D.m street meeting at
Court and Commercial streets. - 830
?.m., young people's service. Tuesday,
:45 p.m., inspirational service. Thurs
day, 7:45 pjn, young people's service.
South Liberty and East ? Miller
streets. Edward L, Allen, pastor. Sun
day, school 9:45 a.m. Morning service
11 o clock. Sermo nsubject, Gideons in
charge of - service. 830 p.m.. youth
groups. Evening service. 730 o clock.
Sermon subject. The Deeper Life.
Wednesday. 730 pjn.. Victory Circle,
followed by choir rehearsal. -
:' Marion ' and Summer streets, J.
Kenenth Wishart. pastor. Sunday
school 9:45: ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "A Sermon
from First Corinthians: Stabilize Your
Life." Evening service - 7 30 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "You Need God."
North 17th street and -Nebraska av
enue. Rev. 'Chester O. Goodman, pas
tor, sunaay scnooi 9:45 ajn. Morning
service 11 . o'clock. ,-, Sermon subject.
Marion and Liberty streets.' Irvine
A. Fox. DD, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon. subject, "The Word - of . God.
Psalms." Evening service 730 o'clock.
Sermon subject. The Story of Bar-
abbas." Young people and adult Bible
study 830 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesaay. iau pjn.
Hayesville school. Sunday school 9:45
ajn. Dewey Davis, Supt
Brush College school. Rev. Earl L.
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Mark BueU. Supt. Mornin service
10:45 o'clock. Younar Beonle'a meetin
230 pjn. - . .
East State and Elma streets. Sunndav
school 9:45 a.m. Leon Lambert, Supt.
Evening service 7:45 o'clock. BYPU
PJ". Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:45.
ALLIANCE - ' - -
5th and Gaines streets. C. H.: Steln-
mann, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Alta Davis Named Director
Ojr Presbyterian Youth;
Rev.ElamiVh Sunday
Accepting the call of the First Presbyterian church of Salem,
Misy Alta P. Davis, graduate of Linfield college, arrived Wednes
day to take up her duties as director of Christian education here.
She has been taking additional work at Willamette university and
the University of Oregon and re-
ceiyed:' her master of. arts degree
in religious education from-the
University of Kttsburgh in I84C
Miss Davis; has t a u g h t in the
public-schools and held the posi
tion of director of Christian - edu
cation in the F 1 r s t Presbyterian
chyrch of Pomona and. the Third
Presbyterian church of Pittsburgh.
She "served the Pittsburgh church,
one of the strongest in the east, for
a period of 12 years, and is well-
known for her work among youth
in Pennsylvania. She taught in the
week day; religious education pro
gram in Pittsburgh and helped
write their 'lesson materials. , She
has conducted many . leadership
training ' courses, both in the
church' which she served and for-
mterdenomina tional groups.. - .
She -will be in complete charge
of the educational program of the
local church,' taking over, the posi
tion formerly held by Miss Ger
trude Hynes. Sgt.' Don Douris will
return, to the church staff follow
ing the conclusion of the war as
boy's work director. ? ,
-- --- - -
"Along withthe newcemer, Rev.
William r. Eimann, field repre
sentative of - the San. Francisco
Theologic'Seminary; will be in
troduced to the congregation Sun
day. The local church contributes
approximately $500 per year to the
seminary -
Rev. Mr. Ehmann will assist the
pastor, Rev. W. Irvin Williams,
with the morning service and will
report on the seminary. The ser
mon topic will be "What Are You
Doing With Jesus?" . '
At night, Rev. Mr. Williams will
speak on The r Psychology of
Drunken hess. Special music will
feature both services. In the morn
ing the choir will sing the anthem
"Build Thee More Stately Man-.
sions" . by Andrews and Agnes
Drummons . will sing - Harker a
"How Beautiful Upon, the Moun
tains" as an offertory sola At
night there will be a, number by
the mixed quartet.
Yellowing the night service, the
ydng people of the church will
have a brief party and devotional
hour together in honor of Miss
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subiect. "Christ's Preeminence. Ev
ening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, sub-
1 -aft rt ra . nraver meetina.
"Where Are the People? S pjn fel
lowship dinner (covered dish). Evening
service S o'clock. Address by Bishop
Ira D. Barner. DO. Prayer meeting
Thursday, S pjn. , .
Cottage and Shipping streets, H. R
ThornhilL pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Center and High streets. Rev. Dudley
Strain, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m
Morning service 1050 o'clock. Sermon
11 run. children's church. Evening
service S o'clock. Sermon subject. "Two
Hard Facts About Life" Wednesday
a t 0:30 pjn, church night. MAS Chris
tian Endeavor. . ,
241 State street. Mai: F.. P. Stevens.
Sunday-school 10 ajn. Morning service
11 o'clock.-Sermon subiect. "uncondi
tional Surrender." Evening service 7:30
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Is There a
Ptarvsical Hell?. MaJ. A. G. Slous. Sal
vation army, territorial evangelist, will
be the speaker " both . morning - and
Marion and' Cottage streets. David
Nielsen. Pastor. Sunday school 0:45
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "A Winking Eye. Tues
day. 6:30 pjn., supper tor. all members
and friends. Annual meeting ox ine
18th and Ferry stn-ets. Willard B.
Hall, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Mornin gservice 11 o'clock. sermon
subject. . "Foundations , on . Which to
Build. -
North Cottage at D streets. J. F. OI
thoif, DD, pastor. Sunday school 0:45
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject.- "Life Pickers Wanted.1
Evening . service 7:30 o'clock. .Sennoa.
meeting . Wednesday at 7:45 pjn. .
Tabernacle Sets
Monday. Series
Of Services ,
A series of services has been
slated at the Evangelistic Taberi
nacle, Assembly of Gcd JcburcJv
with, three of them to be held
Monday. Outside'' churches ' and
pastors will cooperate. j?v ? 1
.-' On Sunday, the pastor; EHc. M
Jehnnon, will speak on 1 There
Shall Be No More Curse! at the
morning - service : and on , "Three
Men Wanted No ' Experience
Necefmry'tTat the night service,
outlining the three greatest needs
in the churches today.
The Monday L meetings will . be
at 2:30 and 6 o'clock with a young
people's fellowship session at 730.
Attends Fall Meet -..
Rev. James - Aiken Smith - at
tended the , fall - meeting of the
presbytery of Willamette held
last week at McMinnville. He Is
moderator this year.
Bond Party"-
:- ";;v-y
cr "'j ' l'h"i"
. ""!; .. " ,-. .-" -. -, -M
The end of September la in ti2lit
- And the end of September brings ns dote
to the end of the 3rd War Loan drive, .
U you haven't bout tlC9 worth of extra
War Bond extroi mind you 4l vp that
txKM7SuidbirfoarahRn . .
v Men who are f h tf nj for you . . . Meedma
for you ... ready to die for you ... are wait
ing for the news that you peopla at home are
backing them tip 100.
They know wt juration cottg In tlood
pack TUE:nnACir...i7i7i xjcsZz::d3
Clioir Returns
The aduU :choir of . the ';, First
Christian cbjurch will make its
first appearance this fall on Sun
day morning, September 19, after
a summer vacation during. which
time guest soloists supplied the
special music for; the services..;
In the morning service the an
them will be The , Cross", by
Blount and in addition Mrs Mae
Lamb will sing the .offertory solo.
At night the anthem -will be "Jes-
us. Lover of My Soul , by Camp,
and the solo will be -'The Little
Road Through Nazareth" by Harm
sung by John-Schmidt, Jr., direc
tor of music at the church. ;
The sermon topicln the morn
ing will be On Making Life Vic
torious" and at night Two Hard
Facts About Life", according to
an announcement by the minister,
Rev. Dudley Strain.
Bishop Warner
To Be Honored
At Church Dinner
Guest ? at a fellowship' dinner
Sunday night will be Bishop Ira
D.; Warner, DD, of the' Pacific
area, now on 4 an itinerary -' on
which ' he is visiting all " the
churches of the denomination in
the - Oregon conference,: assisting
rthem in laying plans for an evan
gelistic crusade during the coming
winter. . . - . J
The sermon will be 'Where 'Are
the People?, according' to ReV.
Chestert O."- Goodman, pastor. It
will concern ' methods needed. : to-
day for 1 reaching: masses of peo
ple outside the church. - i
VolloY Ctiurchc!
112S Elm street. West Salem. Rev.
A. A. Loewen. pastor. - Sunday school
8:45 ajn. : Morning ' service -10:45
o'clock. Rev. Walter Radke. speaking.
Visit convalescent homes 1 p.m. TFr
7:15 pjn. Evening service 7:45 o'clock.
Beacon Bible school of Dallas In
charge: Frank NicheL principal, speak
ing, weanesaay prayer meeriBg; jnun
day. choir rehearsal;
Friday, junior
choir rehearsal.
Gervals. James Aiken Smith, pastor.
Sunday- school 10 a .m. Morning eervice
II - o'clock. -, Sermon. ' subject, . Th
Church and a Righteous Peace.
Gerth and 7th streets. West Salem.
F. O. 8a pp. pastor. Sunday ' school 1
pjn. Morning service 8 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. The Certainties of Je
sus." ..:.:. ''
Bay Invasion Bonds and Sloops!
smd Uvea. They know, too, xnhzt It cost la
equipment, munitions, auppllea, that must
reach the front In a never-ending stream.
And they're countlnl on you tot the money
that Coca to keep that stream Cowing.
- matter how much It pinches ... you cannot
let them down! ' " : r : '
They're caBla on you to hurry, hurry,
hurry 1 Get that I1C9 extra into War Bonds
before the drive it oven
To Pay Tribute 5 y
W. J. La&eche, . grand knight ef
the Salem council. Knights ef
Col ambus, will be host with the
council te parents of more than
259 Catholic men and women
from Salem la the service. The
tribute will be paid Sunday at
V holy communion at the S o'clock
mass in the St, Vincent de Paul
church. . Following eommanlon
: mass, a breakfast for the par-
enU wlU be given at St, Vin
cent's halL MaJ. Fred Brennan
. will give the principal address
. and ether speakers wCJ be Rev.
Robert Neugebauer, pastor at St,
Vincent de FanL .and the Very
Rev. T. J. Bernards, paster ef
: SU Joseph's parish. Special ma-sle-M-planned.
and efflcials ef the state coun
r cU of Knlghto ef Celambns will
- be present and Gordon Coffey
.' of Salem will be toastmaster. '
Silverton Churches
TRINITY - - . : ,
B- and. Second streets. M. J. X. Fuhr.
pastors Sunday - school 10 ajn. Morn-
ing service 11 o'clock.
CALVARY ' V" . '
Jersey . street." O. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Sermon -eubpect, "The
New Commandment. . ' 1
Main - and. Fisk streets. O. Leonard
Jones, pastor. Sunday-school S :4S a.m.
Morning - service 11 - o'clock. - Sermon
subject, "Teaching With Authority.
North Church street. S. L. Almlie.
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject.
Passing by on the Other Side. Even
ing service f JO o'clock. Luther league
fellowship. -
- - i-pfJ War
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. I - ifS "irwti ta-eTOMt rs irs
12:15 ITssa.
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