The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tomatoes Slow
At Lebanon
z Home Gardeners,
Canneries Hit
By Late Ripening '
LEBANON Tomatoes are
ripening slowly in this vicinity.
Not enough are being brought to
the cannery to keep a full cannery
crew busy. And they are ripening
so slowly that many of the small
patches have not ' hired pickers,
the growers being able to keep
up with the slowly maturing fruit.'
m m LI 1
1001, ioggy monmigs are woiucu
lor this delay. The same thing
" is true of the home , gardeners'
plantings. Many who are inten-
ding ta depend upon their own
gardens for canning are now try
ing : to buy tomatoes for canning
from commercial growers.
More than 300 acres are being
grown in this vicinity under con
tract JTen tons to the acre is con
sidered a good crop and it Is
generally said that most growers
will get that this year. Some who
are using land not so good for
mis crop or who get their plants
out late are not going to get that
-good a yeild. Last year , growers
got $17.50 a ton, this season they
will get $25. ''
vesting at the 200 acre fruit and
"nut farm of Clyde M. LaFollette
f is " nearing the finish with 1 late
Crawfords and Muirs being ga
thered. -j Peaches picked off the ground
I which fell because of lack of pick
Ters to gather them from .the trees
i'are selling for $1 per box if
I purchasers pick them.
ing of Blue Lake beans is drawing
to ; a close here and sweet corn
picking is at the' season's peak.
Beet pulling for the cannery
started Wednesday morning at the
13 acre field of Dale Fowler with
both local laborers and Mexicans
FAIRVTEW Blue Lake bean
' harvest in the 20 acre field at the
Charles Stephens farm,-which
furnished employment to more
LI illl i uMm UiLJkCI J J K UV CI
weeks, was completed Tuesday.
many ciuiurea eamcu uiiuc
- than $5 per day, one girl, Imogene
Tavlor. 18. of McMinnville mak-
- trtt V a Vi i n Vi o-f msn amnnT Inn..
4 Jor laborers , by earning $10 per
. Harvesting of-11 acres "of Ital-
fan nnmM fa in rrrr at the
Howard Stephens 'farm. " .
r . T77
iTiomana woman
At Labish Center
ah Hall was a visitor at the Harvey
Aker home on Monday and .Tues
, day, from Montana. She' is Mr.
Aker's aunt.
Mrs. Ruby Reeves has been ill
an dconfined to her home-for the
past several days. ?
Mr. and Mrst. J. C. Leedy are
expecting . their son, LL Ralph
' ' Leedy, Mrs. Leedy, and small son,
. David, on Saturday from Wash
. ington, DC, for a short visit over
the weekend. LL t Leedy's leave
.' will nrl th first nf 4h weeV
Misses Doris and Donna Lovre
- were weeicena guesis ai me nome
. m .1 ; a . J 1 1 r . J
. . . ' a. ' . ... . .
Many " of the onion growers
r-ave obtained Mexican workers
. in the havest and they are repor-
, ted to be very good help. They are
working in groups of ten and with
each group there are one or two
who speak' English. '
Liskas, Cohen Visit
At Countiss Home ;
: UNIONVAUE Mr. and Mrs.
Ad - Llska and . daughter, Joyce,
and Syb Cohen of Portland were
Tuesday afternoon , and night
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Coun
tiss. The men are Portland ball
pitchers who came here to pur
; chase farm produce. Mr. arid Mrs.
". 'Arnold Browii- and aon, Donald,
' .or Portland were' Sunday axter-
noon guests at- the same home, f
, Has Tonsils .Out : !
"! tTAflVIIIUI T " . - .
underwent a xonsiiectomy Tecent-
, Harry Risser is receiving treat
tment at - the General hospital at
r McMinnvflle.
VaUoy Births
WOODBURN A five pound
four ounce baby daughter,' Susan
Lee, was born at 12:15 Wednesday
: snorning, September 15, to Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Cole of Woodburn.
This is the seventh child, there
. . . - a '- xi
. daughters. : Mrs. Cole and little
daughter are resting at the' SH
verton hospital. The little miss ar
rived a day early for her father's
birthday present
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Barnhart
announce the birth of a daughter
on - Tuesday, September 14, and
JTr. end Mrs. Fred PrantL a son,
at the Silverton hospital on Tues
day, September 14.
'Wid -Willamette Valley News
Reports From
West Salem
Drive Booms
Bond Sales
WEST SALEM The'war bond
drive in West Salem is getting
well under way. Most of the local
service ' clubs are organizing to
assist in the canvass. The Women's
club was the first to respond with
Mrs. Drew Michaels, president,
and a corps of co-workers to can
vass the district from Edgewater
to eighth street, between " Rose
mont and "Xingwood avenues.
. The grange under the leader
ship of chairman of the HEC, Mrsj
Fred Kuhn, wih a committee of
her own choosing will coyer the
section of the town extending from
Edgewater to Eighth and lying
between Gerth and Franklin
streets. ) "
City recorder, R.' E. Pattison" and
Chief of police , F. E. Neeley are
selling bonds at the city hall. Mrs.
Waldo Mercer, Mrs. : Mary Kerber
and Mrs. Verne Axelson have al
most completed the work of the
business section. A report of the
sales to date are not yet available.
WEST SALEM Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Peterson, : Cascade Drive,
motored t o Portland Sunday,
where Mr. Peterson was sent as a
delegate from the Western Paper
Converting company to attend a
joint union conference of the Pa
cific coast pulp and paper manu
facturers, which was held in that
city. '
WEST SALEM -- Mr. and Mrs.
William Moss of 23rd street; Salem
and former residents . of Elm
street, ' West Salem, . called on
grange friends in West Salem yes
terday. . - - V ,
Woodburn Fills
Teaching List;
Faculty Meet Set
WOODBURN The teaching
staff at Woodbnrn high seheel
has been completed by the elec
tion of Rev. Newell Morgan of
the Christian church 'to teach
science and mathematics. - The
high school faculty now num
bers ten; Milton EJ Gralapp,
superintendent; Helen Goiss,
Marjorie Church, Genera Dow
ell, Delight Heath, - Gertrude
WestphaL J. A. Burnett, Elbert
Derry, Carl Magnnson and New-;
eU Morgan, 4 -At
i Washington junior' high,"
Harold Seely is principal; his
associate teachers are Alberta,
Bowder and Anna Morgan.'
At Lincoln-grade school Mrs.'
Moir Is principal, and the mem-"
bers of her teaching-staff are
Bertha Dillon. Mildred Odgers,
i Mary ScoUard,: Gertrude Warn
pole, Evelyn Birtchett .Wilkins,
and Rosina Barnes, . ;,: ' . '
The entire school personnel
t will 1 meet . Saturday, afternoon,
' September. 18, at 2 o'clock for'
the first faculty gathering: with
Supt. Gralapp, after which each'
: group will go to the designated
school for conference with the
principal. "- . - -
Burroughs Dies" ,
At I Crowfoot Home
. LEBANON . Merton D. Bur
roughs, born . in - Illinois 69 years
ago, died at his home in the Crow
foot neighborhood Monday night
of a cardiac attack and was buried
in the Dodge cemetery Thursday
after services in the Howe Funer
al Home chapel at 2 o'clock. Elder
George Simons officiated. - -''
Mr. Burroughs, who" had lived
in this vicinity foe 60 years,' is sur
vived : by one . sister, Mrs). Emma
Warren of Shedd. Another, sister,
tan, n uson, aiea reeenuy.
Portlanders Oted
For Traffic Violations
WEST SALEM John William.
Couller, Portland,', and." John ' J
Hopp, Portland, .- each, 'posted bail
for violation of the basic rule.
Gerald El wood' Valentine of . Sa
lem was feited .ta appear in police
court: to answer to the same char
geS.-:i.'t;' 1 1
Raymond Guner, Salem, paid a
fine; of $5 'for driving car with
out an operator's license...'- ... .
J Ml 'n
; .-LJli!JW- :: ;;
' Select jours today and save your red - ration points.
Don't put off retting your salmon until it's too late
the run jnay not last lonr. , ' ' - '
: 216 iN. Commercial . ! Phone 4424
The Statesman's
Salem, Orocjon Friday Morning, September 17, 1343
Hopevell Folk
Serve Air Post
Spring Valley
HOPEWELL Many residents
of Hopewell' and Wheatland are
among those who are supporting
the Spring Valley aircraft warn
ing observation ' service, attending
meetings every . two weeks, in
cluding that held last Sunday. ; L.
I. Mickey was among those who
received training' at a school con
ducted in Portland by army of
ficials.! He spoke at the meeting.
Sgt. D. B. Seibert of . the, sigal
corp? Portland was present at
the meeting also and praised the
personnel of the post, including
the chief 'observer,' V. A. Strat
ton. Arm bands were given; for
100 hours of service .and stars for
200 hours.
Slides were shown 'and wind
shield stickers and -buttons "dis
tributed to those who wish ithem.
An, observation course, is -starting
September 22 at the Spring Val
ley school from 8 to 10 pjn. to be
led by L, E. Mickey. -
The regular monthly . meeting
of the Hopewell United Brethren
church Missionary society will be
held Sunday night at 7 p.m, at the
church. ' " i . ? : 1
and Mrs.-Joe Beaty of As
attended church services
here Sunday night Mrs. Beaty
was solist. ; 3 r -
:-, A new barn replacing the one
recently burned . at the George
Polvi I farm is being constructed
and is nearly finished. ;
Mr, and Mrs. Gus Anderson
have ! moved to Sheridan to be
near the latter's school. Mrs. An
derson was a teacher in the adult
Bible school at the Hopewell Unit
ed Brethren church. Rev. C. .E.
Brickwedel of Philomath was in
charge of the business meeting at
the church Tuesday night. He for
merly was the local pastor. ;
Miss Tinker ton
Visits Wills
Tinkerton of Dallas was a guest
for several days recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. WilL
J. J. "Vert,, janitor for .several years
at the. Grand. Island, school, is
putting the 'school; into condition
for .the opening of the fall term
on Monday, September 20.
Mrs. Charles Ferguson and fam
ily and. Mrs. F. M. Roseman f
this district and Mrs. Royal Hibbs
and son, Ray,' of Unionvale left
Monday on a four vacation to the
coast ; .4T" f-:.:v-".-,-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Birham and
daughter, Barbara, recently from
North Dakota and who have, been
employed in " the - harvest here,
moved to Newberg a few days ago
and i plan - to purchase a home
"there ' " . . '
"Mr. and Mrs. Ole , Martin' and
two neighbors, of Newberg, ; Mr.
and Mrs. C M. Hall - and daugh
ter, Barbara, of Portland were
guests Sunday of Mr.1 and Mrs. J.
la. marun. , . i x
: Mr. and Mrs. James Clevenger
and j family of Wheatland have
moved to the Martin house recent
ly viacated by Mr. and -Mrs. Bir
hami ." ', . .
Barne tts Hosts
To Relatives
During; Visits ,
SUNNYSIDE Mrs. Robert C.
Barnett and daughter, Robie Carol,
are i staying at the Frank Barnett
home. Robert Barnett is a son of
Mr. j and Mrs. Frank. Barnett and
is in. the ariny.V; f---;- t-.. :
Mr. and Mrs. Glien' Barnett and
sons, .Jerry and Terry, from- Pitts
burgh, Pa., are visiting Mr. and
Mtsl Frank Barnett They- are al
os visiting the C. H. Taylors. Mn.
Glenn Barnett is a' daughter, to
Mr.j and ' Mrs. C Hi Taylor and
Glenn Barnett is a son to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barnett. ' .. ; - ; , . '
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas
have moved. into their, newbouse
in Sunny side. " 1 '
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff' Pearson and
son, Dale, have returned ' home
from , eastern Oregon where they
went " to help harvest - the crops
there. -"- r -, -,' Jj:'' 1 - : ,
.. The Surmyside school will open
September 27. "The teacher will
be Mrs. NelUe - Whitteker. Mrs.
C L. Pool will be the janitor. r
Community Correspondent
Legion Names ;
For Dances
MT. ANGEL The ML Angel
post of the American Legion held
its first meeting under the new
commander, D L. St. John, who
was installed last month, Tuesday
night. Due to the busy season, the
attendance was small. V
. Fred Lucht and Richard Harri
son gave reports on the state con
vention held at Baker. .
A committee . which is to have
charge of the Legion dances for
the coming . , year was appointed
by . the commander and consists
of Peter: Gores, chairman, Fred
Prosser and. Joe Hettwer. Hettwer
is a veteran of the present war,
having ; seen action in Australia
and holds a disability discharge.,
He is the. second world war II
veteran to become a member . of
hie local post. '
: It was -announced that the flag
pole at. the Legion hall had been
reset and the height increased by
six feet 'Arrangements have been
made to have the. boy scouts raise
the flag every day at soon, as the
grade school begins, September 20.
. '- .v -. . -- - . ,--
Serfling Rite
Held Thursday
ALBANY Funeral services for
Mrs. Frances Ann Serfling, 74,
who died at her home near Scio,
Saturday, September 11, follow
ing a lingering illness, were held
Thursday at 2 o'clock from the
Fisher Funeral home. in Albany.
Burial was - in the - Providence
. Born on December 9, 1868,' on
the donation land claim of her
parents Mrs. Serfling was the last
living descendant of - Almon ; and
Jerusha Moore, who were among
the earliest pioneers of Linn coun
ty. Mrs. Serfling owned part of
and lived -on the land at the time
of her death. She was a member
of the Baptist, church and of Riv
yeview Tanners' Union, , ,-a
On January 1, 1887,. she was
married to W. K. Serfling. He died
a .number of years ago, and one
son is S also deceased. . Surviving
children are Mrs. ' Frank Prokop,
Miss Bexnice Serfling and Mrs.
Jean Kelly, all of near Scio; Mrs.
C E. Higinbotham . of Silverton;
Mrs. Ray Shaw of Arlington,
Wash.; and Mrs.- Otto D' Andrea of
Concord, Calif. She is also sur
vived by grandchildren, and
three great grandchildren. , .
Si KVlIS & i S0II' ji t ''tji "'
rarzE ;
7 I - A Bcaatlfnl" ' .
I S1C3 : I
P OIZE : v :
. -A Longines V
f -;$75 )
1 . Watertisht 1
. A Gorceocs ; . V
t - -j ;. . j J
- String of " - - .
To Sponsor
Jiinior Curt
STAYTON -The regular meet
ing of , the Catholic Daughters of
America of Stay ton, was held
Tuesday night in the Foresters
hall with a large attendance. The
organization .voted to sponsor a
junior court which includes girls
from 12 to ' 17 years inclusive.
Their activities' are spiritual,
charitable and recreational. ; - A
senior member is the counsellor,
who meets with .them . in small
groups in their homes. These
groups are called "troops", and
their colors are green and white.
. The committee appointed ; to
meet with the Knights of Colum
bus ' for their : annual Columbus
Day dance . is Florence Peterson,
Edith Stuckart, Eunice Jordan,
Tillie SpanioL Celia Mertz, Rose
Bell, Helen. Walz and Julia Gries.
This benefit on October 8 is given
for the servicemen's bulletin fund.
Rose Bell as state regent gave a
talk on the national convention at
Cleveland, 'Ohio. ." .
A- number : of applications: for"
membership were reported. . Lor
raine Brown and Marporie Ker
ber "were appointed to act on the
bean festival committee. '
Entertainment committee for
the night was Tillie SpanioL Ag
nes SflbernageL Zelma - Lulay,
Anne Frichtl, Clara Frank,' Grace
Weider and Rose Meier. -
Flemings Move
To Scottr Place
Fleming family has moved to the
Scott place, which they recently
purchased from Mrs. Lulu Scott
Mrs. Scott for the present, is stay
ing' with a sister who lives near
Molalla. ' - ,j
Mrs.' Janet Christman is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Addie Smith.
', Mrs. Ruby Mulvihill of Portland
spent Tuseday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L B rougher, and
Mrs. Margaret Dicus and daughter
with her . parents, - Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Coulsoni "
Grangers News!
hill grange will meet en Friday
night for the September meet
ing. The Juvenile grange will
meet the same night also. There
will be lanch at the close of
the 'meeting.'"
Selling Uliy :
Because your reasons ' nay encourage others to buy
War Bonds, we are offering three valuable prizes for
50-word letters telling why yon buy them. . Your let
ter does not hare, to be a literary gem. Just a plain
50 fightins words statement beginning with the words,
"I buy, yVar Bonds because: . w Any letter has a
chance to win.' Write yours today. Hail it at once to
Court Street, Salem, Oregon. There is nothing for you,
to buy or sell and you are not obligated in any way.
Write your letter today. . . -
Judges of - the Contest
r. l m. ; doug:iton - - s
' Mayor of Salem - r .
cnAmx3 a. cmACTjr
Editor and Publisher of The Statesman
.Marion County War Finance Committee
339 Court St.
Coles Return :
To Hollywood
Scenario T7riter
Ends Summer Stay
At Turner Home
TURNER Mr. and Mrsl Lester
Cole and sons.' Michael and Jeff
ery, left Tuesday lor Hollywood,
Calif , following a summer, visit
at their country - place near Tur
ner, 'formerly owned by Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Williams. :ole is a pro
minent scenario . writer, of Holly
wood and completed "The Host
ages", recently,-: r;."
The Richard, Prior family, have
bought a home at Mill City and
are leaving Sunday to make their
home there-They have been care
takers for the past two years of
the Lester . Cole farm near. Tur
ner. .Mrs. Lester Cole is a sister
of 'Mr. Prior. Mr.- and Mrs. John
Fetsch and small daughter of Salem-
have - moved into the Prior
house and will be caretakers in
the future? and also Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Nelson are moving into the
Cole home in the next few weeks,
and Nelson will be manager of the
place. ,
Mr. and Mrs. . Elbert E,Munsey
of 'Albany were Sunday, guests in
Turner at the .home of . Mrs. N.
W. Hutchens, sister of Mrs. Mun-
aey-;" z - S-&-'f '"
Mrs. James E. Russell of San
Jose, CaliL, is the guest for a week
with ' her husband's parents, Mr'.
and Mrs.-. J, O. Russell, at their
Turner - home, enroute to Fargo,
ND, to Join her husband. He is at
tending air ' cxrps administration
school- at the state agricultural
college there. "
Mrs.' George . Brower. returned
Wednesday to her Turner home
following six weeks spent at Val
lejo, Calif , with . her son, Her
schel Brower, and f family. Mrs.
Brower, who has been in ill health
for-months, is much improved. .
, H. R.. Peetx is .spending some
time in McMinnville where he is
a patient at Dr. Byron White's
hospital there. He writes home
that he is feeling much better and
expects to return here the' last of
this week. . ,. . ; '- :l
Mr: and Mrs. Earl S. Prather
and daughter, Margaret Ann, re
turned Sunday from a week's va
cation at Newport Mrs. Prattler's
brother and sister, and their fam
ilies, ' Mr. and Mrs. . Mv A. Hutch
ens, Alfred and Lewis of Molalla
and Mr.' and Mrs. Dick Payne of
McMinnville were also there. Ov
er the weekend they were joined
by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weddle and
son, Leighton, . of ; J eff erson, - for-;
mer Turner residents. Fishing wag
good, and Prather and-bis daugh
ter caught 52 sea bass and perch
during the week. The' local drug
store was closed for the week dur
ing Frather's absence, as it is im
possible to get a registered phar-.
macist during war time to do sup
ply work.'
Salem, Ore.
S tepliens Visits
Pastor'c Family
During Trip c .
FAIRVIEWS Mr; and Mrsv
Howard Stephens f eturned home
Sunday from a ten day vacation
trip to Ocean Lake and TafL En
route, home they stopped - at Mc
Minnville for the "shodeo." While
at Taf t they visited Rev, and Mrs.
f v.
si on
'5 "t 1
i. ' , fornla pottery for parties or
every-d'ay use. The deep flowing colon are. .applied in
glue so they can't wash eff or woar away. Selected pet
tory that's erase- and oven-proof. ;
Three ' Piece
Kiddles will eat B their '
. cereal to see the famous
Bile cow. Oven- and
craze -proof American
semi-porcelain with blue line
jand handled mug. A treat
J &) set
wii imiw diniii iiiii 11 ii h ii in
484 State . Phone S193
Dny Uar Ezz&t
1 1 n 1 -v ;i r-'
fr sJ
' no longer than 30 words. .''-, "'
l .Any one contestant may nibmit as many let
ters as he or she wishes. '-"'.' ;
- . . - - , "
clearly written or typed on one sheet of paper
carrying the writer's name and address.
- iim TERS must be mailed before xnidnirht. Octo-
' r ber eth, to U eUgible. . '
5 Address your FIGHTING WORDS LETm to
Son, ZZ3 Court, Street, Salem, Oregon.
Clf more than one contestant submits the -sme
winning letter, the judges wUl -determine dl
- vision of prizes. , - . -
7 Judges' decision will be final in every
case. ' " '
: : r- . - ' - - . ' "
is open to every man, woman, boy or clrL with
the exception of relaUves and employes cf
Stevens &t Son, The Orejon ctatc .zn, cr
Judges cf the contest.
Harry Ryan, formerly of the Hope
well United Bretheren church, and
learned that Mrs. Ryan suffered
a nervous breakdown recently. .
" Mrs. , Toivo Bantsari and son,
Richard, were recent guests of her
uncle, William McKinney, and fa
mily at Salem. They visited for
two days.
v Mrs. May Moe, who was a guest
of relatives and friends at Port
land for ten days, returned to the
Howard Stephens home Sunday.
29-Pa. SET
Colorful sun drenched CC-
Durable pottery bowls
in five convenient
sizes. For storage, too.
trim. Set Includes plate, bowl
for children.