The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 03, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    ;Th OREGON i STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Friday Meaning. September 3. 1213
ELcuxpsall RI DBn'Oeffs
. f Civil Service Job Open Ap
plications for clerks and junior
clerks In the government service
including the OPA for the north-
western states are open now, Mrs,
Cecile Bowden, civil service sec
retary In Salem announced this
week. Salaries range from $1752
to $1560 per year, including over-
, time. No written t e s t s are re
quired and there are no maximum
. age limits. Six months experience
Is required . or the equivalent in
, training. Full details and forms
; for application may be . obtained
from Mrs. Bowden in the social
- security office,", second , floor,
postoff ice building.
fA Maximum temperature Wed
nesday, 71; minimum 48; Thurs
day rirer, zJ. Weather data restricted-
by army request. -
i Waitress wanted; also
girl wanted. The Spa. .
; New Wae In Charge LL Kath
arine Satenal, whose home Is at
Milwaukie, Ore., has been assign
ed to take charge of the Salem
" WAC recruiting office replacing
LA. Minnie Wosk, who has been
called back to Portland. IA, Sare
nal enlisted in the WAC last Oc
tober, received her training at Des
: Moines, Iowa, and has been sta
tioned in the Portland office since
July 1. Before enlisting, she was
one of i the food editors In Jhe
Home- Institute department of
the Oregonian in Portland, being a
graduate of Oregon State college.
It costs " no more to ! use the best!
Re-roof now with Pabco roofing.
No down payments 12 months to
pay.; Phone -9221. R- L. Elfstrom
Co, 375 Chemeketa SL
- -- - .. ..." : .-
Dance Tonite Salem Armory. :
Lost 10 ply-8.25 by 20-Seiber-ling
air cooled truck tire, tube and
wheel. Between Salem and Port
land Aug. 31-43. Phone 3631. Ed
Hawkins. Reward. ,
Factory Site Let A six
months lease to S. A. Hoefer
with option to buy has been' ap
proved by Marion county court
for a two-story, 50x80 foot con
crete building in Woodburn. The
option is to purchase at the end
of the lease period for $2500.
- Hoef ers handle and stirrup fac
tory at Woodburn was destroyed
by fire recently and he is expect
' ed to continue its operation at the
new site.
Rummage sale. 273 N. High. Sat.
Small Boy Injured When Rol
lin, four-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gale Herbst, 20 Hansen ave
nue, fell out of bed early Thurs
day morning, he cut an inch-long
gash across an artery in his fore
head. City first aid men put on an
emergency dressing and the lad's
parents took him to a physician.
j Collision Thursday Automo
biles driven by Homer Lee Work
man, 1909 North Fourth street.
and- Rex Gilbert Cooper; route
four, collided at the intersection
of Chemeketa and North High
streets at . approximately one o'
clock Thursday afternoon." Work
man, whose car was most serious
ly damaged, had planned to leave
today to drive to California. Coo
per later paid a $5 fine in munici
pal court on a charge of operating
a motor vehicle without a driver's
license.' ,
Luti floristTh. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
I - ' '
Cash & Carry .Cleaners now at old
location, 352 Chemeketa. Mrs.
Leach, 'owner.
For,' home loans see 'Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty. f f
. Board to Continue The order
eliminating hop production quotas
and the marketing agreement with
respect to the 1943 crop will result
in no change in the hop control
board office personnel here, offi
cials indicated Thursday. Field of
fices -'however probably will be
closed down November 1, since
their principal function is certifi
cation of hops under the market
ing agreement.
Home can be lovelier, gayer, with
Imperial wallpaper and Sherwin
Williams .enamels : harmonized
throughout. Color styling and In
dividual supervision for the ama
teur , painter at Elfstrom's, 375
Dance Tonite Salem Armory.;
Boasts . Three Stripes The
sleeves of Alyce Cline, WAC re
cruiter In the -Salem office, were
adorned with another stripe and
a T Wednesday when the Port
land office notified her that she
had been made a : fourth grade
technician. , Sgt Cline returned to
Salem from Portland Thursday
to resume her recruiting activities
here after being in Portland for
some time while ill.
"You will always find a better car
and make a better deal,, at Lo-
der; Bros., 445 Center St. "Our
15th year in Salem, Oregon."
"Home of Good Used Cars." "Olds
mobile Sales and Service. .
i Board to Meet The realty
board will resume its meeting to
day at noon with a luncheon ses
sion at the Marion hotel '
Steiwer Acting
As Governor
William H. Steiwer, - president
of the state senate, arrived here
Thursday afternoon to serve as
acting governor during .. the ab
sence of Governor Earl SneH, who
is en route to Chicago' and Mack'
inac .Island, Mich. ;
: Steiwer's first official5 act i was
that of . signing a notarial com
mission. He later held a confer
ence with other state officials.
Steiwer ' said he . probably' would
remain in Salem until late next
week. ; Mrs. Steiwer accompanied
her husband to Salem. f ,'
Daughter Visits - - 9
WOODBURN : i Mrs. j Harold
Schooler and little daughter -are
here from Vancouver, WasiL, for
a short stay at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrsi ; Frank
Proctor. "
Articles Filed Homer Gouley,
Romeo . Gouley , and Katherine
Gouley of Brooks filed article of
Incorporation "for the Willamette
Hop company ' in the '.Marion
county probate court Thursday.
Salem was listed as the principal
place of business for the corpora
tion. Dance Tonite Salem Armory. 9
Organizer Leaves Mrs. Leona
Eikolski,' AFL organizer, here ear
ly in the week in the interests of
the cannery workers union, left
following Wednesday's 'meeting of
the local union to ; return briefly
to her home in Eugene, expecting
to return to Salem later- '
Back to school with "Mark Twain"
sport shirts, $2.25 to $3.45. A. A.
Clothing Co., 121 N. High.
Valuable Carco Held Four
sealed boxes of camelback, mater
ial used in recapping tires, lost
from a truck in Salem on Wednes
day night, were held at the city
police station here Thursday for
identification by trucker or own-
Chief Tax Deputy
C A. "Cliff Lewis.4 deputy In the
Marlon county tax assessor's
office for the past eight years,
was Thursday, named v. chief
deputy to succeed Paul Grlebe
bow, who has resigned. Lewis,
Marlon county GOP ' central
committee chairman. Is to . take
over bis new duties' rfetober . 1,
County Assessor K. "Tad" Shel
teVsald la aunounelng the ap
pointment. ' -
Auction sale. 15 reg. ; Guernsey
cows ' & heifers, milking machine
& mgk cooler. Tues., Sept. 7, 1:30
p. ml 1 mi. E. Middle Grove
school. J. W. Hyett. . '
Tricycles Stolen Carl Newton,
2170 Trade street, has reported to
police the theft from his residence
premises late Wednesday1 of two
tricycles of identical make and ap
pearance. One was taken from the
garage and the other from the
lawn. .
Cone and Hear
The Gospel Sicry
?'-:7 .. -. j
t - - i
I '
Evangelist Will M.
Thompson at the w
f Uoose Hall
South 12th and Leslie Streets;
in a series of Gospel meet-, i
Logs beginning Sunday, Sep-!
tember 5th and continuing
through the 26th, each eve
ning at 7:45. v
; Sponsored by the
12th Street Church of Christ
: Welcome
n r ,i
4 1 r r-r 1 . . .
5 tiMimmm
. tmii ;
tm" . .... .
I m A mm
Ur -
4 Bars ;270
Jjg J 10c 25c
1 Lb.
S Lbs.
: 230.
Qcnlicr Gals.
Xarge pkg?
nun tzx
34b. T
carton.. W
H .Oila.CrccIicrsij;
Porls Cs Dsans 190
Ileal - Fish - Poulhy
If you haven't tried Curtis Market Bleats you've really
been missing something. See our tempting display to
day and buy early for the Labor Day weekend. We
carry the best selection available and have only gov
eminent inspected meats.' We also have a supply of
non-rationed Poultry and Fish.-
V , Open Dally- Tin 7:31 pjn. - -
H and D - V::':-z i':y ylir:'J:
Garden Sucsl Peas ISrTSS 140
aOQUIOCS 24 Points .J2ytm tin iL C?f
Apricots .27 Points.
H and D, in Syrup, ; m .
:zyx'B tin Cm-H
Del ; n J n 1-1-9 Points.
mm m w wwm r r m m r"is . -
llonte '
3038 f lass
CoWi n li: ; 11 Points, M
Cat Green
Tu tin.
Sasan Baker
O :'
Spla Pea Ss;p Ifc. S w 25g p
Uylor's IMco BiDrX,:Pkg. 3.00
Blitj n, 1 White or Whole Wheat, r 5
Nice LrCHU 1-Ib. -1011 A 0
1 CZZI CZZJ CZD ailcrli Cnlbl-'cl lirhclCJ ' CZ3 UZD CZZJ CZ3 U
PnoIbDQ-: IRicEaDn5Gls
.Virginia Kidd vs. Marion coun
ty: answer alleces the car ooer-
ator did not take reasonable care
In observing alleged defects 1 In
road before certain accident. r.
nnabell Clements vs. William
Clements: order declarinsr defen
dant in default. : -
John Dencer vt Rose E. Den-
cert defendant's : application to
place case on trial docket I :
Gustave A. Ostrin vs. FranMHt
Ostrin Johnson et al: comnlaint
alleges best ' Interest of parties
would be served by. sale of cer
tain property and asks appoint
ment of suitable person ' to sell
property. "v - - ,
rRCjBATK COURT 1 T. - ' .
Clemma M. Durbin 'Mtat nr.
der setting October 4 for hearing
on zmai account. "
Lena Ridders estate; order set
ting October 11 for hearing on fi
nal account ',..- ,
Cora Rains estate; order - ap
proving final account ? -
. C P. Bishop estate; order" di
recting transfer of certain stocks.
Laura Faulkner, guardianship;
order authorizing Lydia Grant to
sell certain real property. ' '
r W. R.' Kane Testate: order di
recting A. H. " Turner and Helen
Turner," executors, to convey cer
tain real property, '.-; A V
- Howard Ernest - Ostrin' guar
dianship; order authorizing Gus
tave A. Ostrin, guardian, to in
stitute certain suit In behalf of
guardianship. . - -" v: ;
. Oscar Dencer; .order approving
final account . of -Emma L. Den
cer, administratrix. ,' -MAR&IAGE
. Joseph Fruscione, 22, US army,
Camp Adair, and Sarah r Petra
male, 21,, Monmouth. ; J. :"-.'"-.
Francis P. .v Mofenbier, . 21, US
marine corps, Santa Barbara,
Calif, and Christine. M,, Eberle,
20, saleswoman, Mt AhgeL . . v
' Lambert Bert Hoffman; no op
erator's license; $1 and costs; fine
suspended and costs paid. .
Francis Joseph Buchheit; fail
ure to stop; $2.50 and costs. ;
Charles : W.J Henderson; no op
erator's license; $1 and costs.
Arthur J.' Punzel, . route two;
arunicen driving; $100 fine, 30
days In Jail, suspended - on pay
ment! of fine, operator's license
revoked for one year.
Claude E. Stiles, Bend; running
tramc light; $2.50 baU. vj
- Jack N. Brazie, 332 North 24th
street; reckless driving; $25 fine.
Millard M. Doughton, 1820
North 19th street; reckless driv
ing; $25 fine.. - ; . .
Donald ; W. : Wray, Portland;
running traffic light; $2.50 fincUf
i Rex Gilbert Cooper, -route four;
no operator's license; $5 fine. t
Mott to Qose
Salem Office.
The Salem office of Congress
man James W. Mott will close on
Saturday, Sept . and all future
correspondence should be ad
dressed to his Washington office,
Mott announced Thursday-. "
The congressman has con
pleted a f our weeks schedule of
visits! to all of the counties com
prising the - first congressional
district of Oregon and will return
to Washington next week for the
reconvening of the congress on
September. 14. ;g" ".A .
Candidates Named
For Tcsfc Point
Congressman . James W. Mott
yesterday announced the nomina
tion of the following four service
men to take the entrance exami
nation for the US military acad
emy at West Point:
- Principal Aviation Cadet' Wil-
HawLXL Merriott USN-FPS. Sa j
. -
First alternate CpL H. William
McElhinny, Salem. ,
Second alternate Pvt Lyle W.
Williams, Rainier. ' ;
Third . alternate Pvt George
P. Winslow, jr, Tillamook.
These candidates have been
ordered to Lafayette university,
Easton, Pa, where ' a special
course of instruction, which has
been prepared by the war de
partment will be conducted. The
successful candidate will enter the
academy on July 1," 1944.
Thumb Infected V
Finn! cum has been suffering
from an infected left thumb. The
infection started from a sliver.
1 1 ' - j I . - ' - f . .. . ; j . ..1;
Gives You Some Important Tips on
- i-
lK t
st Toss for
s r
- v ,- - . - -- . ,!
' Do you vcmt a "dress up" suit !
or.. y casual suit, for-every jday
ecffrV;The Man's : Shop -has
provideplentiiully for you in
both types and they're 100!
, wool and 100 quality Uirougrh
. . come unfinished worsted of a ,( .
rough, rucjged tweed that works j V
oui so weu in xxuxea ensemoies.
Sixes . from ' 84 to . 40." Price
n )
till L ,.',.V
' 1 1
'L; f--J
k7 :
i 1 ...
If you've looked forward to
buyinc ari' hoiiesHo-goodness
quality coat . in. Just the gtyle -and'
fabric you've dreamed
V X about, here's .your c h a ii c e. 4
- looia, cctonuj iweeas, tmuuui -.coverts,
sflky fleeces tand rough 1
cheviots. Every coat Is 100 ,1
'all wool with sizes from 34 to
. 44.
05)1 ,50 ,i
. ' t .
There's a common Baying, ''it's sure to rain.'" Prepare for
It at The Man s Shop with the one coat you'll want In light
or dark tan water repellent fabrics. : !
Price So95
and More
Say It this way: "A boy'i best
friend is his sweater.'' So It
must be good.. See this grand -'
showing of fine all wools with
camels hair and 'cashmere -mixes.
' ,
03.95 toi57.5
SF3DT snmss
Tailored by Manhattan and McGregor. -The kind
be proud. to wear to school C?i tZC Tr Cll
all year. Complete .- color VgH"wf'to
1 selections In cottons and washable rayons. J
1 jr '-.
Sport Coats, $1650 and ' more
'.'An-TTool -Sltckf,''. ' ilQ.95j ind more
'Campus Cords, $5.95. tnd 6.50
.;'.'(. ' " - . - . -
Interwoven Sox, 3 pair $1:25 to $1 a pair
Edgerton and Nnnn BnsH Shoef, $6.95 lo Oil
T7ater.Repellent Jackets, C6.95 to $9.93
The Store of Style, Quality -and Value
t :
caleti. err.