The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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-Tri-Y; Girls
'Attend "
"Session . . !
V A group of Tr-Y members and
leaders just returned from .Eea
beck, Washington where they at
tended, a three day annual "con-
' ference of officers of Tri-Y. Dele-
: gates came from-Washington and
'.Oregon, the number totaling 84
' girls and leaders.
. From Salem went: Geraldine
Nelson Tri Y president,' Addyse
LanW, vice president, June Young,
program' chairman, Pat Brown,
' service ' chairman, Betty l Zo Al
len, camp and conference chair-
: man, and Trude Meier, social
chairman. Mrs. Elaine Fisher was
advisier to the group. :
The conference was taken up
with morning discussions of lead
ership technique and was con
ducted by Girl Reserve leaders.
During i the assemblies, ; Dr.
Dwight Smith of the United
churches of Olympia, and Dr.
, Lawrence Bee of the psychology
department of the University of
Oregon, led in discussions, the
latter dealing with the psycho
logical jproblems of the present
i Afternoons Were taken up
with swimming and boating and
ether recreation.
Conference on
-Health Held
1 Marion ' county health is in- ;
creasingly dependent upon the
volunteer worker, it was pointed
out at the conference held in the
chamber of commerce on Wed-
' nesday under the sponsorship
of the public health association.
The volunteer workers were or
ganized at the conference, and
will soon be equipped to take up
added duties as assistants to the
public health nurses in the var
ious communities throughout the
county. ;
Sixty , women arid one man
present "represented Benton and
Polk counties as well as Mar
ion county. -
Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, ex
ecutive secretary of the State
Tuberculosis association pointed
out the necessity for cooperation
of all civic women's clubs in this
work, assuring the listeners that
Individual clubs will have to
give up any idea of glory to in
dividual groups and work as a
whole toward the one end that .
of carrying out the public health
Miss Ethel. Mealey, consultant
on health education from the
state department of health, was
the afternopn speaker and led
the discussion on work which
can be done by the volunteer
workers." She listed and dis
cussed such possible work as as
sisting at health clinics receiv
ing patients, transporting them
, to and' from the clinics,; greeting
mothers and keeping data. She
listed stenographic and clerical
work, distribution of pamphlets,
establishment of loan closets and
work on surveys,, which will re-;
lieveffie public healthfiurse and
vfhlcn can be done by community-;
workers. - - j -- ;- I
Dr. Willard . J; Stone, V health
officer for Marion county,' gave
brief talk, pointing out the ne
cessity for volunteer workers to
assist the present staff of nur-
es, which is cut over 50 percent
; In the local of f ice. ' Mrs. Ruby
Bergsvik; executive secretary of
the Marion county health asso-?
ciation was in charge of the
meeting and i n t r o d u c e d the
speakers. '. :.' : . '
Mrs. C. .W. S t a c e y, county
chairman of volunteer workers.
, instructed the club representa-
tives to return to their own com
' . munities," . to appoint health
f chairmen,' who in turn' will re
port back to her and the Marion
county association for assign-
ment to work when needed.
The Yvomaa's Selief Corps will
meet at the YWCA at 2 o'clock
- on Friday. J , . T
Perfection . .
In Salem's most beautifully appointed
Beauty Salon perfection la achieved
through- ; '." ' r -
"' Use , of the finest preparations
known to the profession
Expert operators trained in serv
ing the most particular clien-
Under expert supervision--
At popular prices. ' . i
6 Operators to serve you, ; . v
' , Telephone 5859 for appointment .
: v -Miss Larson in chargeV ,! -
Dakota -club, covered dish iup
: per 9-30 WCTU hil.
i VSCS ' executive-r board. FiTst '
f Methodist church,! ' 2 p.m. .
;Read at '
Miss Alicia Butler, daughter
of Mrs. Winifred Butler became
the bride of Tch. Cpl. Russell
W. Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Newman of McMinnville ,
at a -ceremony j read at ; 6:30
o'clock, on Monday night by Rev.
W. Irvirt Williams. The rites
were read in the fireplace room ;
of the First Presbyterian church.
The room was decorated with
pink gladioluses and greenery.
The bride was dressed in a
navy blue two piece frock? with
white trim, navy blue accesso
ries and a corsage of gardenias.
She was- attended by Mrs.
Marvin E.' Larkin. .
The bridal party and the fam
ilies were guests of the groom's
uncle, Mr. Lewis Newman, at a
dinner following the wedding.
The newly married couple went
to the beaches on their honey
moon. Mrs. Newman is a graduate of
Salem high school and attended
Walla Walla college. She has
been employed at the unemploy
ment compensation commission
for , the past two years.
Mr. Newman has just re
turned from almost two years
over seas, having served in, New
Guinea. He has been assigned
to train as a pilot at Sheperd
Field, Texas, with the army air
corps. He also attended Walla
' Walla college.
Company's mothers elnb will'
meet tonight at the YWCA.
ELD RIEE G E Mr. ami Mrs.
A H. Sahli are announcing the
marriage of their, youngest
daughter, Dorothy, to Pfc. Dar
win Coombs. For a wedding trip
the couple went to Mitchell, SD,
to visit the- bridegroom's par-
, ents. After this week they will
be at home at Oceanside, Ore.,
near where Pfc. Coombs Is sta-
- tioned.. ' . - . '
TODAY'S MENU on Page 10
. Save Sugar and Fruit with
t This Quick, Easy Recipe
.' i 3 Caps Ground Pears
I f Aii Cops Sugar'
7 ' l Cap Lemon Jake
; 1 Package M.CLP. Peedsi
Wash, peel, and core 2j pounds fully
ripe pears; grind iruit Measure cxacdy
Y ' level cups of the ground pears
(add .water to fill last. cup. If neces-'
sary) into a large kettle'. Add the M.C
Pr Pectia and lemon Juice, stir well and
bring 'to i boil, stirring constandy.
NOW,' add the sugar (which las been
previously measured), 'continue stir
ring, and bring to a full rolling" boiL
move from fire, let the boil subside, stir
and skim by turns for 5 minutes. Pour;
tato sterilized Jars, allowing, 5-iaca
space lor scaling with tresn paraffin.
Eagles Hold
Initiation -
The Fraternal Order' of
Eagles auxiliary met Tuesday
night ' at the Eagles 'hall with
Mrs. P. W. Cooper presiding.
Mrs.fR. J.' Bettencourt of Eure
. ka, Califs was a visitor. I
Initiation was held for: ; Mrs.
Henry Camp, Mrs. Robert Cas
teel,Mrs. Ray Doyle, Mrs. Ivan
Peterson and Mrs. Charles
The committee' appointed to
serve Saturday night is Mrs;
Myrte Lane, Mrs. Clyde Ogle
and Mrs. Helen Curtit Mrs. Ray
Moore and Mrs. W. E. Gardner
were appointed to purchase cur
tain! rods for the hall. It was
voted to purchase a war bond on
September. 14. -,
After the meeting refresh
ments were served. . The presi
dent, Mrs. P. W. Cooper, is on a
two weeks vacation at the beach.
; Sweaters are musts to mix or match with skirts and slacks. And .
I here; are your pets 100 , all wool Carol Brent slip-on
l classics with push-up sleeves. (Cardigans, too, .29) 32 to 40.
- ': y; ; -::iV:- j -::: ::',::: ': . ' ;-V- " 'i. A J:.
i Wool anQ rayon blended gay plas, aU-rownd pleated or box
t pleated styles. Sizes 24 Jo 30. Solids, some all woo!, soma wool
5 and foyon blend. Box-pleated 'and gored. Size's 24 to 30.
Believe It or not,
price! Others of
Shower, for- - vS.fTvicowompn
iVTlOQ RrrfOrb I
ivnuu - J- k V-X V- V JL VJ
.Tonight .: '- v -
, MrsMUchardtCooley and Mrs.
f Robert .DeVTieg-.will be hostesses "
: tonight at a party given for Miss
Maxine! Rogers '.whose . marriage .
to -LL Robert D." Welden is set 1
i for, September 8. The affair will i
- be held at the Summer street -'
home of Mr. and Mrs.. Ralphs
"Cooley., :. .- - ; i
-Bridge will be in play during
the evening, and a .linen, shower
given the bride-elect.- Fall flow
ers will be used to decorate the
rooms. A 1 a t e supper will be
served by the hostesses. .
: Present' to honor Miss Rogers
' will be Mrs. Maude Rogers, her
mother, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs.
L. R. MacLachlan, Mrs. Connell
Dyer, Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs.
Richard Hughes, Mrs. William
Dyer, Mrs. Alden Adolph, Mrs. .
Glen: Stevenson, Mrs. "Wheeler
English, , Mrs. Carl Porter, Miss
Barbara" Porter, Mrs. Lawrence
Anderson, Mrs. James J. Hague
jr Mrs. William. Stacey, Miss
Kreta Janz, Miss Dorothy : Har
dy, Mrs." Lynn Heise, Mrs. Rich
ard Cooley and Mrs,. Robert De-
Vlieg; .
Mrs. W. W. Baam will leave
today lor Indiana with hen son ;
Ted, whom she will leave to go.
to school at Culver Military
academy. She will return in mid
September. Enroute east she will
visit at the home of her mother,
MrsFrederick King Conover in
Madison, Wisconsin.
. Yes, a jacket of course! Maybe two or three! (Such
! value!) Jolly plaids, aver so bright solids, tweeds. A few
i off wool, others are wool and rayon blend. Sizes 12 to
your favorite tailored slacks in all woo
winter-weight rayon with wool-like finhh. Navy;
Kiwmy V"7 wwln V iihii aiyiva, te jl 4.-
' - Ask about Words convenient1- -'11
' - : Time Payment Nan " - " ,
Oregon.: Thursday Morning. September 2, 1943
What they're doing about U
. . Yeoman Third 4 Class Dolores
JM. Annen left this week for du-
ty after spending a siafc day leave
j visiting ;her parents Mr. ' and
Mrs Henry Annen,' route one,
i Mt Angel.". She has! finished
t training in the WAVES at Hun-
i ter's college ; and C e d a rr Falls;
V ' . .J 1 Ill" ; i f J 1 A
iowa, ana .wiu msxi&iitm
. duty.-; .ij
J "
Mrs.Rieder Is
Honored r
- Mrs. Howard Maple was host
ess on Monday morning lor cof
fee,, given in, honor of Mrs. Rob
ert Rieder, formerly society ed
itor cfThe. Oregon Statesman,
who left on Tuesday to , live in
Corvallis. ? Mrs. Melvin Geist
shared hpstess honors with Mrs.
Maple. v I .";i:-!:-t t-.f ,
' Present at the affair were Miss
Rovena Eyre, M rs . Paul 'Bale,
'Miss Berths! Babcock, Mrs. ! Don
ald Wiley ' 1 Poole, Mrs. Roy
Keene, Mrs. Melvin Geist and
Mrs. Howard Maple. .
A list Of organizations aervin at
' the canteen ia the Cliemeketa street
usu: - -
Hollywood Lions club.
1st CongrefaQonal chureh. I -SATUROAY,
I to A Woman' Relief Corps.
4 to 7 Free lance; Mrs. j Vernon
Perry m charge. i f I
' 1 to ll-Bustnes and Proiessional
'club.- -' i
I to 11 Daughters of St. Elizabeth.
II to 1 Maccabees. I s
1 to 4 Ambolanco 'corps. -4
to 7 Postal Clerks and Mail Car
riers auxiliary. -
1 to 11 Junior Woman's club::
o grand
are even
4.9 Q
at this
2.W - MMM -
Eugene ' Wedding
Interests -' ; '
. . . , ' .
Dr.' . Victory Morris, former
Salem woman, became the .bride
ojf Mr." Paul Williamson, of Eu-'
, reka, Calif 4. at a ceremony" read '
at 8 o'clock at the Central Pres-
byterian church . in Eugene on
k Wednesday night.; ;' ; -.. "'
'C: Following the ceremony,' a re-?-ception
was held in the home of
Mr. and Mrs.rJack White in "Eu-
,Dr. Helen Pearce, MrsOra Fi
Mclntyre, Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Miss - Helen ; Barrett and. Miss
( Helen Yockey attended the. wed
ding from Salem.- ;- .r". A . . , -
- Mrs. Williamson was formerly
a Salem resident, ls:wellHpown
throughout ' the state in insur
ance' circles, was 'prominent in
the Zonta club and the Business
and Professional Women's clubs
and served on -the state board
of the latter jelub. .Mr. William
son is in the realty business. N
t i. roon
- - Canoed Goods ' Bl'uo stamps
R. S and 7 valid from August
1 to September 20.
Meat, cheese, canned flsb and edi
ble fats Red stamp T. U. V and W
valid Uirougb August 31.
. Sugar Coupon No. 14 expires Oc
tober 31. food for 3 pounds. Nos.
13 and It valid for ft pounds each
canning sugar Apply to ration board
for additional ration if needed. ;
j 1 i : .
Stamej No It. ' book . on, valid
ttxrougb October Si.
" ' ! ' t GASOLINE
: Book! A coupons. No. V good to
four gallons each, usable now. ,
roEi. on.
Period 5 couponSx expire Septem
ber 1.' f !
Montgomery ward fashions
d ....
Party Given ipr .
Mr. Risch : I
-An Informal party was given
at the h o m e of Mr, and, Mrs.
. O. K. DeWitt on Court street on
-Wednesday night for Mr. ' and
j Mrs. Ray Risch, who will leave
today ,-for Seattle Guests were
members'-of the USO staff, '-on.
which! Mr. Risch has been serv-.
flX COiriG
r. ." " . - -MY
Nee the look of Wards sport
shoes, the way they brighten my
fj - school outfits! I like the -rvd4f
J birown leather, it's soft, yet hardy
enqugh to take its share of abuse!
- And, my clothes allowance likes
i Wards thrifty price of g QQ '
SiMeth leather
tece-te-Tee Oxford
Brewn Leerher Seddle
Oxf erd, rubber sele
Going toSeattle with the Ris
ches will be her sifter, Uiss Sal
" ly Christopher and , their I son,
Jared. ' -
nd Mrs. Wesley ; Roeder
are parents of a daughter, borr
August 29 t WUcox ; Memorial
hospital in Portland. The baby,
named Marilyn, is their, second
child. The Roeders were former
ly of Salem. : " . - ; t - ' :
Antique Brewn
Leether Leefer
'"(,. v..!
Vm really hard on my shoes! That's -
why Mother will buy my new school ; ,
shoes at Wards ... she knows how
well . the wear! And do I like
Wards style j! They're 10 imart,
they look a lot more expensive '
men,- 3.49
Smeeth AnKajwe
LenW Mee Tee Oxford
Smeeth Brewn
leather Oettic Oxford
C 7
" J -
ontgomery Ward
.onteomerv Ward
135 IL liberty
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3194
155 N. Liberty Phone 3191