'FieaETieial. U j (11) iJik 1 10 ..... 'i' ' " - T - - - ' ' ; . The OlOir STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. 5spisa!?r 1, 1S13 r - : . ' ; - lf.ft.lafi &VU - . . , . ' " 1 "' .... . Vheat Prices tfp One Gent US Economic: Report Increase in Wheat for Livestock . Feeding Br GILES FINDLEY ' CHICAGO, Aug. 31-CP-A trong undertone developed . in wheat today after a hesitant start and prices advanced more than; a tent a bushel to the highest leveis since early in July. The gains were fairly,, well maintained, despite some pressure from liauidation. Traders with cash wheat were buying Septem ber futures and selling me ae f orred months. At the close, wheat had eased toff somewhat, but was still H cent above yesterday's close, Sep tember $1.45-, oats were un changed to y down, September 74-744. and rye was mixed, cent lower to one cent higher, September 31-03- Traders vere inclined to move cautiously from the start until '' they had seme idea of the amount of wheat, m the notices oi inten lion to deliver on September con ranm whi the trade had it fi-mit-Ml unofficially, that these .. V f notices would be in the neighbor hood of 2,000,000 bushels, then traH hwame more active and nrices began advancing. Actual ly, there were 2,013,000 ljushels of notices A teport from the bureau of estimated that 425,000,000 bushels of wheat will be fed to livestock this f all and Winter, an increase or SO.OUU,- . . I 000 bushels. 4ima Ksntemhpr vhMt UUC t.UAw, -"- ! sold at $1.47 a bushel, or five cents a bushel above ' the loan 1 level. Rye showed-considerable activ-1 : iyt. Cash houses bought Septem- i ber and sold December futures. Oats futures held within nar- -row limits. Tenders on contracts wer eonly 45,000 bushels, due to . ..... .- the fact mat large premiums are nrovailincr for the cash article in! h. t mnrkpt. No Weight Set v For Peach Boxes, Officials Say There is no established legal weight in Oregon for a bushel of peaches or any fruit or vegetable sold in an open container, state agricultural department officials declared Tuesday. - The statement was made, offi cials said, in clarification of com plaints that peaches were being sold in Portland in apple boxes. Officials said the standard peach box has a variable depth, and that the weight of these boxes when filled will vary. The apple box is a permissable container for peaches in Oregon but must be branded with . the name and address of the grower and packer and the net weight Three Herds of Elephants Coming With Circus Monday ft 3f "Age cannot wither nor custom stale her. infinite variety," some ancient bard thus eulogized a' lady, : of his acquaintance, but the phrase : might well be. applied to the great American institution, the Circus. In , all the years that it has raised and lowered its "big top" from Maine to California, and from Florida to Oregon, age has not withered nor custom staled its appeal to young sters of all ages. ; 1 Elephants look the same today as they did when P. T, Barnum swung arounl the country with the .famous Jumbo, but there is vast difference today in the way they are presented, for now each and every elephant must be an actor. Not only must they help build the . tented-city and "act pretty while on . Inspection in the . menagerie, . but they must also do their bit on . the big shows program. The elephants with the Cole . brothers Circus . are considered the best trained in all spangleland. - Eugene Scott, master trainer of the : three great herds, hasaccomplished wonders with, the huge fellows. 'Strictly Private" mtwmr ill DEAP AAOMi- - ... XL m0 WOOU TWOU6HT A YEAR fiO WT I ; VJOULD BE. A WOttlDtt M EfcL WTH tut U.S GOJt FDR TTVlHEy GOT A 16 PNER SfcMOl TW0U6M LOUDCM. I sou FISHING "BOaE. Salem Market "rv.- mriM hlrar suDDlied by a lo-J cat grocer arc indicative ox uw uu market Drice paid to growers by Sa- tembuyeri but iti not guaranteea rittuT. doz. : , ., Cauliflower, crate;; r Ti .dST crVte" , .300 - crook neck squasn. crai ; itaUan squash. 30 lbs. -. .a Cucumbers, dor. i -SO Rnm oninni. do. bun. -. ..- ."O ' so .02 "a Swiss chard, half doz. bunches SO Tomatoes. 16 lb 1UC Endive, doz. bun. 10 ' .90 4.00 .60 1.10 Mm .06 .07 .OSl'a .09 ,.07 .0T Radishes, doz. bun. uzCTbTn. celery, doz. bun. g-fir; New rutabagas, lb. Watermelons, lb. PeDDers green, lb. Grcen bean,, iD. Green wax beans. lb.. BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY AaitrM.nl Rnviiir Price (Sab)ect to chance without notice) BUTTERFAT Premium -. ., - - No. 1 No. S : . -so i BUTTER PRINTS A .4Si .45 V .47 .48 .44 .44 33 33 30 .29 25Va 31 - B Quarters EGGS Extra large Medium Standards Pullets Cracks POULTRY Colored frys up to 1 lbs. Colored frys over 2U lb. Colored hens White Leghorn frys White Leehorn hens 30 Marion creamery's Baying rrices (Subject to change without notice) EGGS Large A .48 Medium A ' .44 Pullets - 3 POULTRY AU hens .. , 35J AU springs 39 Roosters or stags 30 Above prices for prime stock, under grades according o value. LIVESTOCK Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based pn conditions and slaes reported. Shorn lambs . 7.00 to 8.00 4 and no other circus on earth offers a display rivaling the Cole Bro thers thrilling Ballet Of Elephants, in i which each of the powerful beasts are - ridden by a beautiful girl, gorgeously costumed. The display is thrilling and it Is beau tiful, a triumph in- elephant, train ing. The big show, one of the largest in ! the world, with more than 1 ,000 people, which, of . course. includes the 350 men and women stars and performers. Is coming. to Salem on Monday for permorm- ances afternoon and night at Les lie school grounds. The performances opening with a gorgeous super-spectacle enti tled The Conquest of , Coronado, will begin at 3 and 1p.m. Gates will be open at 2 and 7 p. m. ?By Quinn Hall TX CASUS? LOUDON ; f sow 9-1 Quotations Spring lambs 11.00 Ewes iM to 5.00 Hogs, top. 160-225 lbs. ------- Sows .. ........ , , .io.no to 11.00 Too veal to H.50 Dairy type cows ."f ; Beef type cows MO to J 50 Bulls ii i . '-w Heifers to' 10.50 Dressed veal Quotations at Portland Produce , PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. 31 ( API Butter AA grade print 46c; cartons 47',,.- A grade prints 4'c; cartons 47c; B grade prints 46c; cartons 4614c lbButterfat First quality, maximum of 0 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland 52-52xC lb.; premium quality maximum of 33 of 1 per cent acid ity 53-53'ic lb.: vaUey route and country points 2c less than first or S0-50l3c second quality at Portland 2c under first or 50-50'ic lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb.; loaf Zic ub.; triplets to wholesalers 27c IK lnf 7..e FOB. Ees Prices to retailers, in cases: A. graae, wrB rr-, A small 46c dox. - . Eggs Price to producers: a large 50c; B large 48c; A medium c ora. Live poultry jnuym yi h;. nil, Ij?harn broilers us to 2'i lbs. 50c: colored fryers under ZV4 o lbs. 29c: colored roasiers over lbs. 29c; Leghorn hens under zv ins. 25,ic; over 3ii lbs. zo',ic; coiorea mra 4 to 5 lbs 25',4c; over 5 lbs. 25ic; rnnstrra 21',c: Stag 21iC lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retauers c io.; live price to praducers 24c lb. Onions Green 33 -40c doz. bunches; Yakima 235 50-lb. bag. Potatoes New Yakima Gems No. oo-.i no- local 2 M cental, r Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: trounrry xiiiea ..nogs, ri butchers. 120-140 lbs. lc; yealers. AA 411 '.p.- A 21,c: IS IVVaC; -i culls 15',ic; canner-cutter cow 144C lb.; bulls, canner-cutters 14ic: lambs. AA 26c; A Z4aC; B zzac; ewes. a 13" ic: medium 12c; R lOic: beef. AA 21ic; A SBAK'B.XVkt C,lic. Wool Government control, u Cascara bark Dry 20c lb. v Mohair 1942. 12-month. 5c . lb. Hops Nominal. Seed stock 1942 crop 1.40 lb.: seedless 130-1.60 lb.; 'con tract seedless 70c; seed 65c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal Alfalfa No. 2 or better 33.00: No. J Montana timothy 33.00; No. 1 grass hay 32.00: oat-vetch 25.00-30.00 ton. vaUey points: - ttmotny tvaiieyi zs.uu ton; clover 23.00-28 00. - Portland Grain PORTLAND. OreV Aug. SI AP) Wheat futures not quoted.- Cash grain: No. 1 flax 2.95.1 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 137: soft white excluding Rex 1.42; white club 1.42; western red 1.42. Hard red winter: Ordinary 133: 10 ner cent 134.. Hard whit Bart: 10 per cent 11 per cent 1.43; 12 per cent 1.44. Today's car receipt: Wheat 42. Dai Icy 24, flour 1, oatsS. mlUfeed 4. East Side Market PORTLAND. Or Aug. 21 -(AP Pearr and peaches took th' lead in bidding interest on Portland's vast Side market today. Pears sold at a wide price range from S2 to (4.50 a Jumbi pack box. with the bulk ot supplies going at around S2.50 and very few at th extreme top. large smootn sxinnea BartleU brought th top pric Peaches showed a slight los in price over yesterday's bidding with the rang holding between S3 and $235 a packed box. some sale were nigner, with ' one lot of Improved FJbertas from Th Dalle ' going at 8430 bushel. Th celery market was firm at S3 a crat with hearts i S33S a dozen bunches. General ; Drice ruled. Apple Graven te in 2.00-2.25: red Cravenateins 2.50 box. Cabbage Round type 135-1.73 crate. Bean Green S7e lb.: yellow 7c lb.: Oregon Giants 6c lb.; horse 60c hi: llmaa 2.00 lug Cantalounea - DiUard ' 430: The Dalle standards 335-4.00 crate; Spears J.50-2.75: Yakimas 335. Cauliflowers . (broccoli): No. I 2.40-230; ordinary 235: No. 2. 130 crate. ' Corn Northwest 1.75-2.00 crat. Root 1 vegetable' Turnip 130: beets SS-SOc loz. bunches; carrots 50- 45c doc bunches. Lettuce No. 1, 330-3.73; other 235-230. Pea Local 230: coast 335 box No. 2. 235 box. Poaches xnberta - Hale 3.00-235 box, 4.00-4.50 bushel; Slappy 235 box. bushel 430. Penner No. 1. 1 35 box. Spinach Local 1.75-2.00 orang box. Egrjs Uanfcd Top Prices Paid I Prompt Remittance Shin r Cring Tour Eggs to EGG DEPOT . S31 8. E. AJJer CU Portland. Ore, ' r Oi A. Peace Stocks i. ..... i- f . V Lead Recovery War .. News Boosts Axis Blowup Hopes In iNear Future. ;-. By BERNARD S. O'HARA ' " NEW-YORK, Aug. Sl-W- Stqck3 with good peace prospects led' the market on a general re covery push today thai enabled favorites to emerge from the slow est month of the year so far with gains up to a point. Rising tencendies were evident at the opening on expanding vol ume. Quotations were under the tops ' in most cases at the ;close although plus marks were widely oistriDuteo. xn-ana-outers - were quick to', take modest profits. The ticker tape slowed appreciably as boardrooaas turned their atten tion to the Churchill broadcast. The consistently good war news tended ; to strengthen the thought the Axis blowup might come soon er than expected and bidding for selected issues was based partly on this psychology.'. Even so, the annaroent groups held their own fairly well. Selling recently, had dried tip the neglible proportions. which! was interpreted by assorted optimists as a possible signal for the resumption of the buM swing Interrupted in mid-July.' ; Caution remained the -. watch word lowing to doubts about : the forthcoming tax program and Con jectures as to the effect the im minent big government bond drive would, have on securities prices. The Associated Press 60-stock average rose AjA a point to 49.6, Radishes No. 1 spring, red 50c doz. bunches. Rhubarb Field 1.00' box. Onions Green 40c .doz. bunches. : Strawberries RockhiU 335-330 crate Potatoes No. 1-2. 135 orange box. i Tomatoes Mid-Columbia 90C-1.00 box; local 60-90c box. 'ortland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.; Aug. 31 AP I (USDA Cattle: Salable and total 450. calves 33: around 15 loads cattle held over. - Scattered . sales about steady with Monday - decline, bulk of offer ings unsold. Few medium grass steer 11.00-1235; . some held bigherr others largely 9.25-11.00. Common - medium beef heifers 9.00-11 AO; cutters down to 7X0; canner and cutter cows 4.00- 630; medium beef cows 9.00-50. some held higher; odd good bulls 10.75; com mon-medium 730-9.50; common - me dium vealers 9.00-11.00; choice grades quotaDi to u.uu. Hogs: Salable 700. total 1200; market 25-40 lower; good -choice 180-230 lbs. mostly 15.00; 240-300 lbs. 1 4.00-50; light lights mostly 14.00; good sows' 12.00; lightweights to 12.25; good 600-850 lb. 11.75; choice around 80 lb. feeder nigs l.uu. , sneep; salable and total 600: mar ket active, steady: few good-choice I spring lambs 11.75-12.25: common-me- J drum : grade 9.00-11.00; shorn feeders 9.00; common - medium yearlings 8.00- lo.oo: ' good ewes 4.50: common-med ium 130-3.50. (North Portland market closed La bor day, September .) Stocks and Bonds 1 August 31 STOCK AVERAGES - 30 ' n : ' Indus 15 IS SO Rails ITtit Stka 24.6 35.1 ' 49.6 243 343 . 493 24.1 ' 34.6 f 49.1 24.1 34.6 493 17.0 23.8 36.7 27.4 36.8 533 183 273 41.7 Tuesday 693 Previous day 68.8 "y 1-gO 68.9 miU ago . 68.9 Yfar ago . 52.9 1943 high .74.8 1943 low 60 2 BOND AVERAGES 20 II 18 18 Rails Inrlm ITtit Wnmn Tuesday 76.4 103.8 105.1 613 rreviou day 76.1 106 ios.0 v CI 3 Week s ago l.75.7 105.8 105 O l.T Month ago 75.9 1053 104.9 813 Year ago 63.3 103.4 9fi3 50.0 1943 ' high ; ..78.7 105.7 105.1 3 7 1943 low . 64.6 103.8 98.0 53J Legal Notice NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby eiven that HARLEIGH G. IING has been by order- of the Circuit Court . of the State of Oregon for Marion County appointed administrator of the Estate of FRANK KIRSCHER, aeceased. Any. persons ha vine claims against such - estate mav t present the same to said adminis- i A A ' .A ' it. ... . . f imior ai me omce or Knoten & Rhoten, 310 Pioneer Trust Build ing, Salem, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this no tice. ' Dated August 25, 1843. -. j HARLEIGH G. KING, AD- MINISTRATOR of the Es ' tate of Frank Kirscher, de I - ceased. - - . - RHOTEN & RHOTEN & SAM F. SPEERSTRA . Attorneys for the Estate , Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. A-25-S-1-8-15-22. IUAI3TED! ICnOElEIEIG cosnri AND : EGGS : j HIGHEST CASH ! PRICES Gnrly'o Dairy FsJrgroftns Hi. at Coed ' Fboct S7S3 Thursday's Radio KSLM THURSDAY 13M K. T.OO News.' - 75 Riae "n" Shin. r T News . 1 TMS Morsnng Uoods.. . S -00 News. j 8:10 Music l. ' a:30 Tango Time. - -. OO Pastor's Calls. . ' ? v 9:15 Music ' J 90 Marion County Farm Bom Program. 9:45 Music. 10-00 News. 105 A Sonf a rtd Dane. 10 JO Ration News, i 105 Music 11 AO News. - . 11 ."05 Swinf. ' , 11 10 Hits of yesteryear. Uiganauua. , . r KOIN CBS THURSDAY 5 . EC S -CO Northwest Farm Reporter. :15 Breakfast Bulletin. . . 20 Texas Rangers.- 5 Koin Kleck - , 1 :10 Aunt ' Jemima, .7:15 New - - 7 JO Dick Joy; News. - 7:45 Nelson Pringle. AO Consumer News. ; . ' ' . :15 Valiant Lady. Jo Stories' AmerU Loves. S:4S Aunt Jenny. 9 AO Kate Soritb ' Speaks. - widest ! bulge of this composite since Aug. 10. It I showed a net advance for the month of as much. The market broadened ' on the thrust, 809 individual issues be ing traded against 694 Monday. Transfers ' of 614,420 shares , com pared with 334,870' yesterday which were the smallest since Sept 21. 1942. THIMBLE THEATRE VOU KNOVyiZEGO. lTS NICE TO 8 ALL DRESSEO UP SWELL LIKE A QUEEN AN' RIDE ON A BEAUTIFUL PONY IN THE PARADE LITTLE AIIOTE ROOI.TTT the lcih: nAKGEn ' I POOR COL. ICE0ARIM6-D SSI TMOSf UtOJ THUGS ,,.'!!' If f ffl I X MMHMJ OKAY, LADS. 8g50PlAPPOlNTEOrHl ' CESTIAl M.Y OlONT UT -jf-t SlJi il FOaOW AX?Ea ... ) KNEW I HAD NO xrTfmONSi AAE CO WnVOUT A 5 j ( ft THI 19 C0t,6AME IJ - CC HOWtN$ HUW THI (""VrJ; WAOOW BETTER TAKE J I A S" " I U 17 "t, WU DOtfT V4T O SCORCHY SMITH. - - . - - - - ; . sy&zjk-vg - r v w i v - f yt--v n sv uu f. fc rsny 8. 7 r -V-" X. "IJI. i 11 , . 1. 11. I - ....m r- -,. say 1 , .vni fcr-wi-- iiii i,,: , , , , , i . , , I . BAJUHbX UWAjitXi . 1 ........ I Cyrie t mi k ini yno A 1. A u prri i VI 1 t ecu c a rr-n m t 11 rsm T yuciu jm I mm ran lei uttx mo Lir r.i-r dtckct I I n-f abi rr euorrne wuii i. ) tct r Tiarr nnuT i ? toNr l Nf ms?? Low. Pi rrWr xpitt tiitvw cm TmxzAun 1 " I MICKEY MOUSE ZSy j . : Su. , iMTEuUGEWCE rS v-g the V Pipe A Q10?; i&HifJ2?72 ABOUT CADUGT 1 1 " " 1 : , : 4 i i '- r r1EC BETTCbY HTOKTQ Is ca MC KEEPUM -A TOW VO). HE NCCH0N l WUJLW1CW THAT CAM GOx A v: i fM REAC31. Programs 9:15 Bl Sister. 30 Romance of Helen Trent. 9:45 Our Gal ..Sunday. : ! 10 AO Life Can Be Beautiful 10:15 Ma Perkins. - ! 10:30 Vie and Sad. - 10M5 The Gotdberrs. . ! 11 AO Young Dr. M alone. 11 J5 Joyce Jordan - - - II JO Vim Love and Learn. ' 11 H5 New4 - - -' 12:15 Bob Andersen. New. I ' REX BN THURSDAY 1199 K. AO We're Up Too. I .:15 National farm Sg Horn, v S':45 Wetera Agrtcultur. , i " 1AO Mttjc. ' ).'. " 7:15 Mountain Melodies, f . 70 Mews -- " SAO Breakfast Club. ' j tAO My True Story.- JO Breakfast at Sardif. 10 AO News. -j 16:15 The Gosoel Singer. 1 10-30 Christian Selene PiOgram. 10:45 Woman's World.- i 11 AO Baukhag Talking, i ' 11:15 The Mystery Chef.1 11:45 Ladies Be Seated, i ' . - -12 AO Songs, by Morton Downey. - RGW NBC THURSDAY 42 Re 4 AO Daw PatroL . -T, i 55 Labor News. I i , . AO Everything .Goes. . ' ; JO News. ' j 4 - .- , 7:10 Labot 'News, i - 1"' . 75 News i! 3. 7-JO New Parad. ' . . 7:45 Sam Hayes. f . ' I AO Stars - of Today.; :15 James" Abb,, New, ' 30 Rose Room. :45 David Harum. f SAO Th Open Door - 9:15 Larry Smith. ?, 930 Musie ' h 10 AO Music ' rr 1015 News. . ; - ,- 1030 Gallant Heart ! 10-45 For You Todays - 11 AO Th Guiding Light. AM ITS NICE TO BE BRAVE LIKE A UON-TAMtR 15 OR TERRIBLE STRONG AN BE ACLC TO BENO IROM BARS LIKE U4E STRONG f MAN poes- ' WEA4EL VflLL CO TO W0CX FOR HfrCClNG, KEEP U P04TED. Can Ce Spraying : . --If . II. tTM 'y II ..v- i -. - - . I ii i i 1 1 i i i 1 MM Vf LAn I I,, , .. i : i fit rw- - -i m ' - n nimi LjjMiiiiikui 11:15 Lonely Women - . 11:3( L'grtU oi the World. ' 11.-45 Hymns of All , Cnurehec t 12A0-Story of Mary Marun. , RALK MBS THURSDAY IS5t X- :45 Llttl Show. ; 7 AO News. ; .-. v "' 7:15 Texas Ramsers.'' ''". "' 730 Memory Timekeeper. r 4 A Haven of Rest. ' S:30 News , S:45 Old Songs . ., . . 9 AO Boak Carter. 'i ' 9:15 Woman's Sid of the NeWfL J 30 Music ' ....' v 9:45 Marketing. -'" 10A0 News. ' . " ' . -1 19:15 Stars of Today. . ? ,. 1030 This and That - -. - V Jl AO Buyer's Parad. '. " 11:15 Bill Hay Reads th Bibl c 1130 Concert Gem, v ".' . 11 MS Kos Room.,- , i" 'f 12A0 New. 4 ROAC THURSDAY 5t Rc 19:00 News. . . 1 . " There ts n personaJ r business emergency widen we cannet help yon meet with s conveniently, speedily arranged loan! Drop into or offices for foil details ... : ,. . stats rnmncs co. . 212-222 Gnardlan BMg Comer Liberty nd SUle "-Telephone 8168 - " J ' 8-2' M-222 W are always taltk market t bay ler CASH Ral rotate Mortgages and Contracts, MerckandUe Discount Paper and Notes BUT ID RATHER BE A CLOWN" "CAUSE" THE CLOWNS MAKE EVERYONE LAPP AN PtTEL ' MAPPYAN" I LIKE TO HEAR k T FOLKS UAFPIN' -yr- . . It Cl Used Either for Garden cr for Fire Exticsuishcr 13 Lj Eiirr' HEY V01L WWEC6 PVA THJrfJC J VjHC yw'-fi WJi'? s.. . ,,. .rs (. 1 Zena Bible Scl-ocl Gels Under. 7ay " ' ZENA Bible school started at the Zena school August 23 with Peter J. Becker, Sunday school missionary. In charge. To those attending, the super- intendent gives this slogan "Training, Camp for Soldiers. "Come" as si Private and Become a ColoneL", "!0 -15 Th Bemanuuici'i Hour. 11 AO Musi of th Masters. H 120 New HONEST-EVERY TihE I HEAR A BiG CROWD OP POLKS ALL LAFFIW AT THE SAME TIME-IT SOUNDS LIKE A. HAPPY CYCLONE. AN MAKES ME VEEL GLAD ALLOVTR- HOPE TO GET A JCG WITH M2. a ? s w--j .t V - a CfFICErT, ! I! ; i.i-i ' ' 'Hill. f I I - i - A;