Ross, Coke Bottles Conk Karlinko in Y7ild Brawl; Tony Retains IightheayyTitleBelti ; : Tough .Tony Boss' kid will still be playing with the Pacific Coast lightheavy rasslin titfe belt today just as papa Tony said he would before he put the thins! uo against Leo "-Steenko'! Kar- linko last night at the armory; For the North Winter street inusclernan kept his promi-. He gave the rough and ready Russian a working-over of the first water ih their title tussle, and in so do- . ' ' . :,v;,,'; .... .. '.. . I I in made a 'grappling hall! chock 4k! rfe ilLmCtnllJJ?: - Personal pickups:. Lefty Jack Richards, the WIL's swatting king just about a year goy has finished up naval preflight and basics work at Iowa City and Olathe, Kas ahd is now in advan ced work at either Corpus Christi or Pensacola. Same oV Jack - - he still doesn't know: where, he's gding next v . Cliff Olson,.: who rearedV the ."-Marvelous Marvs" M a r y i n Tommervik and Marvel Harsh man at Pacific Lutheran, then went over to Fort Lewis to become- civilian physical educa tional instructor and f i n a 1 ly wound up business bossing the Tacoma baseball Tigers, is now back at the beginningPacific Lutheran. He's h e a d i n g the phys. ed. program at PLC, but when grid time - rolls V around tie'U : spectate oniyi- Pacific Lu- theran has been duratibnized along with so many; others , Hub Kittle, flossy JBreballer of WIL days who was doing a nice job with Oakland this summer until his draft board got to the "K's," is flinging for .the Sixth Ferrying Command nine of Long Beach, the same club which has such ballgamers as Red Ruffing, Nanny, Fernandez, Harry Da lining and Max West . i- Joyce Mc Crea, a "Cody Kid" along with Nancy Merld, Brenda Helser and Sue Zimmerman before she got married, now paddles for- the San Francisco Chrystal Plunge; team, the same outfit which brought Ann Curtis into the national picture in gal's swimming . , . . And Ma jor. Paul Schissler, pre-Lon Stiner grid boss at Oregon SUte. (1924 31), is preparing for the coming campaign as headman of .the March Field, Calif., Flyers eleven. iW About , Pilch? Note to "Promoter" Pileher: You and your. Capital Fosters have- been-lookinir r for some thing: to promote laiely, so how about this: JThe major league . barnstormers have included aau October IS stop In Pendleton . during their . post-season west ward Jaunt. : Maybe if the right - person were contacted, Mr. Fr you : might : entlee the big lea guers to whip off. nine innings ; or so la Geo.'E. Waters park oa October 14 or IS or 44 or 17. on a Sunday.) Might writo one Judge K. M.- Landis, Baseban Commissioner, Chlesgo. HL, in re same, as the ballgamers das ' sn't blow, their noses the wrong way without an okeh from hinv But you'd get an answer at lesSt. For a JPhile, Anyway 4ivui . vua, if uiuauviwi ajoiv All-Coaster Teddy OgdaMU won't have long to show the Coast con lerence boys what he can do in a football suit after all. Same goes . for Pivoter Pat White. Both ' men, all-Northwest con ference selectees last fall, are sen iors at v the ,L marines , College of Pacific school and are included in the Octobe r graduating class. Which means they'll be members ef Amos Alonzo Stagg's Tijers Jor just three games. A like situation exfaU at Southern California, too, where " Coach Jeff Cravath.has been droollag over such' marine trainees as his own Mickey Me-. Cardie, Howard Callanaaw Norm Terry, Ralph Ileywood. Jack Trout, Joe Wolf, Dick Jamison and Jim Hardy, and Jack Les eoulie from UCLA and" LitUo . An-American J a e k I o . Follows from Fresno State.. An men tioned are tabbed ' for October . graduation, and when they go . maybe Cravsth will wish ' ho could go too. At least he'll stop . drooling.. Mr. 17, Mr. C Go Fuhin You wouldn't think a mess of fish could change the whole com plexion of the war, would : you? But according to a report ; from ; Quebec, where FDR and Winston Churchill pow-wowed most - re cently, Mr. R took Mr. C on a fish- in' trip. Mr. C had such luck (he caught 10 beauties) that he decid ed to stick around a little longer before making a broadcast speech to England and rejoining Mr. R in Washington. ' " Doesn't -necessarily, mean the CIIAN . . . LAT.2 j Dt.V T VrnxaMSk Of. O CluoJtJ) j CUTNESS ISerboilsta 241 North Liberty -fTnotatn Portland General Electric Co Oliic open Saturday only- -j 10 msn to 1 pjn : S to 7 pJJW Con tuitaUon. Blood pressure and urine testa r tro of cbaxgo. Practiced .ice LIT. : . DH3. f ' j ; j - -.:-Vr 1 , , FAT . WHITE complexion of the w a r w a s changed one iota, but when two seats of .their capacity can find time to wet a line, things must - be really looking up - an our side. Wonder if Adolph finds time to do any fishin' these, days? Seattle, 5-0 SEATTLE, "Aug. SIH-Al Ep perly . pitched a masterful three hit shutout tonight a San Fran ciscir blanked SeatUe 5 to 0 in the.; twUight opener of their Pa cific; Coast league basebaU series. Saa Fran. mlS2 04 lls-4 II 1 Seattle OOt - M I Epperly and Ogrodowskl; Fischer and 8ueme. Bevos vs. LA Starts Today The scheduled Portland- Angeles Pacific Coast league series opener for Portland's Vaughn street park yesterday was postponed runtU this after noon,. The teams will engage in a doableheader starting- at 1 pjn. BIG SIX In Baseball - By the Associated Batting (three leader breach league) r-Uyer aad e lot G AB B H Pet. Musial. Cardinals -Tl SOS a7 17t J52 Appling. White Sax 124 489 40 1SS .337 Herman, Dodgers ..124 474 CO M .334 Wakefield. Tigers .122 511 75 186 JSS Vaughan. Dodgers .120 400 100 194 .314 Witek. Giants .120 478 -4S ISO .314 Curtright. Whtox 107 -SSS :f 100 JSS Kens batted im: Natieaal Learate Asaertraa Leacae Nicholson. Cuba 102;York. Tigers -8S Herman. Dodgr S3-Etten. Yankees SO EUiott.' Pirates SI Johnson. Yanks SI Heeae rams: - Nauomal League Aaaelleaa Loagne Nicholson. Cuba SlIYork. Tigers SO Ott, Giants 17 Keller, Yankees 34 DlMagfio, . Pirta ,jStephns. Brwn IS . : 1 IHeath, .Indians IS Segura Racqueteer to Beat Naval Orders Force Schroeder To Withdraw From Net Finals ' 1 . " j . r i i ; ! - j NEW YORK, Aug. 3 lP-The navy turned good neighbor today and removed he principal barrier to Francisco Segura's victory in the rational 'tennis championships. : which beein to- Legion Series Enters Finals v MILES CITY, MopL, Aug. .SI JPy-1 Hard-hitUng Minneapolis Richfield blasted their way into the finals of the American Le- hgion : . world series tonight "by downing the ' New Orleans : Jax 9 to .The , southern club was elemina.ted. . " " : . ! jSpringfield, O, the Cinderella team of ' this year's classic, will dispute the title with Minnneapc lis tomorrow night The Ohio club is expected to rely : on its all around ace, lefty - Harry Amato. who has pitched two victories and saved another with a great ninth inning relief job. The final starts at 8 pan, MWT. , New Orleans .100 100 J01 11 2 M inneaoolis 000 304 02" O 10 2 Taylor, Brennan and FavaroU: Dan- telson, ueuorn ana couuts. - I full of screaming customers hap 'pier than if they'd all had refunds on their income tax. , ' - The- session was ; Irmly one of the. more super exhibitions, of riving- and taking the hard way: '; by the .grant and" groaners, and Mr. Steenko, in rare form, didn't go down finally beciaie he wasn't f I g h 1 1 s (oops. It's wrestling-.) He gave Tongh Tony, enough of a battering '' that the champ will probably take a cou ple', bottles of arnica to work with, him today at Paulas Bros; -cannery. ,; - " -; And . poor Karlinko No sooner had Roes' smashed f him for 'the victory and left him at the mercy of ; the . hooting customers, than zing-zing-ring came the pop bot tles. - Two or ' three were near misses, but - a fourth , one '.nailed the kinky-crowned Russ onx the back of the bead and he staggered to the dressing room with blood dripping from the wound. The exhibition by the ired cli ents ; win probably necessitate a little law-laying by the sponsor ing American Legion body.- From now on the customers will proba bly do their "coke drinking from paper-cups. Bat back to Tony and Steen ko.' Ross outpunehed the : Rus sian for the first fall and final ly flattened him a f t e r ; both k I e k e d, slammed and whaled away at a terrific dip. It was a right cross to the -kisser which set up Mr.- K. for the falL Tony got tangled up in a neat Boston , crab hold in the second canto after more i high-powered clouting and finally got himself pinned. ;. ' ;'j .. Then after a series of double drop-kicks to the chest. Tough Tony started beating a tattoo en the Russian's puffed face, setting him up for same with tugging handsfuU of that kinky hair. A crushing dive oa the- Russian after he was k a eked"' silly brought Ross the victory, ' the faas tot their feet and the pop ' bottles from the bleachers. - - And even Milt Olson, the de- serving cuss ; who's been trying to get at Ross, took another step Up ward by defeating! . a character named Toughy Porter in thesemi windup. j - Toughy was tough,, all right, but since Olson ; has been drawing I the meanies every week lately he's apparently gotten used to 'em. Anyway, he took two of the three falls over the bald-head ed Porter in a well-accepted match. 4 Ernie ; Piluso and Glen Stone, the Washington cop tangled in an honest-to-goodness ' clean curtain raiser with Piluso taking the final fall after both had scored earlier. The largest wrestling crowd - of . the : season, excepting the night The Ang-el appeared here, was on hand for the entertain ment, and the gladiators didn't send 'em home sorry' they came. It was truly one of the best cards of the season so far.. National Lcagiio I (Tuesday Seores) St. Lasus OM IM 0024 Ptttsbargh ...01 0M 010 t It S LaaJer, Mwnger and W. Ceeper; KJLiatger .and Lopes. - -.. j - Braaklyu ..202 000 S s 1 rhttadelplua -Higaa) aad Bragan: Kransaisa- ban, Barrett and Moore. Chicago ... 010 001 000 I 0 0 CtawlioaU 041 010 00 v 1 S S - Derrtager and Ltrtngsteat; Wal ters and Mneller. ; 1 . New York :..000 000 000 0 4 1 Boston .... .oio mo 00 a s 1 -. Mngo. Feldaaan S). WHUg ) and Loaabardi; Andrews and Po und. championships, ! which begin to morrow at Forest Hills. Ensign Ted Schoeder. ' the de fending champion, received navy orders mat willpr take him out? : of the district1 J and be withdrew1 f from the tourna-? ment i because he: could: see only a remote p06sibili- ty of. being able-" to play I throughr to the finals: I Segura, 3hct two flit e 1 1 SCHROEDER player to beat among the 32 men's singles entries - although he was seeded second to Frankie Parker, runner-up to.Schroeder last year. Tancho" was I beaten by Parker in the 1942 semi-finals, but he has beeni playing regularly this sum mer and won every tournament he entered, Parker, who joined the army in January, has been absent from tournament play all season. Armctrong Willing to Return . to Figlztirig; Thite Counters With f Won't Box Blind Manl LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31-P) Now that Denry Armstrong has reenasldered -his decision to re tire from the boxing game and decided te ge through with his scheduled 10-ronnd match hero" September It with Luther "Slugger" mite of Baltimore, White's manager, Sam Lampe, says the deal Js off. T positively wiU not let mite fight a blind man, and that M Just what Armstroag is," G'BYE OL 19th' HOLE Seattle's famed, Saa Point Country ' fire recently,. damage running . waa rushed to the scene, but the teurnaments. (Better stop playing wtih matches? Master Bunny layoat .might look like this.) Bobo Moves ' Again Browns Peddle Buck Wewsop To Senators ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31-C-Louis "Bucky'.Newsom, who made his 1943 r debut with the Browns in midAJuly on a promise of pitching them to a . pennant, instead will leave a scene of bitter and hu miliating defeats to Join the Wash ington Senators. , ; He was sold today for as) an- ; disclosed cash sum. Vice Presi-1 dent WUliam O. DeWltt aa nounced. '' However, the trans action was believed to bo at the v waiver price of $1$99. It I wttl be much-traded Bobo's third term with the Senators. He wiU Moin , the club : immediately, apparently in a late season gam ble to hold the team in second place. - . . Newsoms third and shortest tenure with the Browns was a : bitter disappointment. Temper amental, bnl k y B u e k was knocked out of the box - nine times while winning- one game , and losing- six. He appeared as a relief pitcher ta a tenth eon test and was pounded hard. Local Golfers Enter Touriiey Four citizens of Salem golfing circles Walt Cline, Jr Harvey Wahlgren, "Bunny Mason and Bob Sederstrom have - qualified for entry in the annual Portland city 'open championship and have been assigned first-round matches next Sunday. ' . . Cline, who "has held numer ous eity titles here, to scheduled to tee off Sanday ou the East-, moreland eouroo at lOtO ajn. Sederstrom, former Salem high llnssmaa. Is fat the. same opea ins round foursome with Cline. Wahlgren. at present Salem eity open tttlist. Is scheduled to tee off at llS and Mason at IVM Sunday. Cline, Sederstrom and Wahlgren are la the -ace and fliarht whUo Mason Is listed with' the third nirhters. , , How They COAST LKAOTJB i W L Pet. W Tu Pet- Los Ang 707 2 .737 San Dieg 62 70 .440 San Fran 04 Z JlSHoUywd S3 77 .440 Seattle 74 03 .MOOakJand 90 77 .434 Portland -: 07 OS .4S3,Sacramt 20 SS .283 Tuesday Tesults: At Seattle 9, San Francisco S. : : . . At Bollywood S. Sacramento 2. tlos Angeles at Portland and Oak land at San Olego . postponed until today.) -NATIONAL LKAGTJK W-L Pet. W t Pet St. Louis 00 43 jSSO'ChlcagoSO 04 .480 Cincinnt 00 SS S6 Boston "A4 OS .454 Brooklyn 09 SO 42Phlladel 04 70 .433 Pittsburg 7 61 iUNew Yrk 44 70 - J61 - Tuesday results: ' At Boston 0. New York t. ' At Pittsburgh 2, SU Louis 4 (night came), -i- - At CineinnaU a, Chicago 2 (nlgnt At PhlladelphU 2. Brooklyn (night game). : - ; . - AMEBIC AN LE AG rC W L Pet. W L Pet New Yrk 77 40 .62 Chicago ,MMJI6 Waahinst 40 90 :43 Boston 90 C7 A& Cleveand 03 97 JSJSt. Tmls 90 60 .49 Detroit J 98 J21 Philadel 41 S3 23 games scheduled Tuesday 4 - -. ' Lampe -declared today. "Fur thermere, I don't believe a box inx eommlssion . ta . the country would pass Ceary as fit far the ring. - - "Armstrong - was gnaranteed 40 per cent of .the gate for the September It fight and White took 29 per cent U get the match. - BJght now, ' Armstrong-, Isat worth It per cent. Ho wouUnt draw t2t,C8t." : Lamps said he had wired Dob club, on the outskirts of jthe Puget in excess of MM . Fire flahtmg -flames eonsunaed the pteturesauo Won't Be a Hoosier After, All EDDIE KcGOYERN, the naUon's outstanding scorer at Kose Poly last season, who tab year has been attending IaIana U. announced this week he Is leavmr the Heeaiers for Illinois where he can study an enxmeerthsT course Indiana unlucky Hoosiers. M cGovern went through summer grid practice with Coach Bo McMillan's turnout. - , -- ' , City Keglers Meet Tonight ' Members and sponsors who hope to be part of the Perfection bowling-alleys Major league the Com ing season will gather at the skid ways tonight to discuss, plans and draw up a. schedule. Manager Hi. Haman : reminded last night.! La dies 4oague members and enthu siasts will convene at the: alleys tomorrow -night. . , - : I .--"u ' -Meetings of Commercial and In dustrial leaguers will be called at a later date. How to Keep Busy During a Ball Game TOLEDp. Aug. 11-(P-A cleaa steal that didnt appear in the seorebook was reported today by Coast Guardsmen; and Wald pert baseball players. . - A man butcbeded a cow aloag sido the ball field at Tachata durmg the game, they said,; leaving only the hide for the owner who appeared before the game ended. , .,:- ;, Veinstcck to Cdach! Spokane Air Eleven; SPOKANE, Wash, Aug. 31 -(Jpy- Irsy.Welastock, who full- 5 backed the University of Pitts burg when Pitt's Panthers were the . wonder boys of ; football, iv will coach the Sokane ah ser-' .. vice "Conunandos," successor team to the undefeated second . sir force Combers of 12.?. the Spokane . air serrlee are ieonsi mand announced today. , Second lieutenant Welnstock Is at headquarters and turnouts wCl begin next week, said the announcement from the po tane air dcpsL- '" lloatfomery, r e e o g a Ised In . some ' Quarters as the. Ilii-t-weifht champion, offering- him a guarantee of - ILMet to take ever'- the White : match.; ' -. , Joe , Lynch, promoter el the , Armstrong-White fight, threat ened court action against Arm strong when the : Las Angeles negro aeUbouneed his retirement last mroek after Kay Botlnoon beat ' h!m decisively 1 la New Ysrk, ':' j Sound metropolis, was rased by equipment from Seattlo proper- rolf clubl seene of many famous Biason, else our South JUver road 1 i : 5 w! J V... dot oat; carry. Kesult-4ucfcy OlIaLJ 405 Sivimmers Out Last Day - A total j of 405 bathers turned out yesterday ! for final flings- at the Leslie and Olinger playground pools. Olinger counted 243 during its test day and Leslie had 163. The pools and playgrounds are now closed for the year. Director Bob. Keuscher, of . the Leslie pool announced an actual total of 21,387 bathers have been counted at the southern resort for the season. Actual figures were not available at Olinger. Oregon Delays Grid Opening , EUGENE, Aug. 31 . -()- The University of Oregon announced today football practice, scheduled to begin -September tt, would not get under way unto. September 15. AthleUc director Ansa Cornell1 said Oregon State,; Idaho ; and Washington State probably; Would postpone drills also,; principally because players cannot leave war industry; jobs until school regis tration begins Six games with five college teams have been arranged and . the Commandos are arranging two snore tilts. The tentative schedule calls for; an opening- ' battle with Idaho here October Z and games with Oregon State at CorvsIIlj u October t. Whit man college la-Walla Walla Oc . teber 17. and here November , it; Washtagton.' October 39 in Seattle, and Wasldngton State November la Spokane. Teams contacted to? round out' -tie schedsle Indse Uiah, V.U lametio, Crrzoa, Perlland U, " 9Ctz2o Still Coackhc 'Practice 'o-Be. The football team without a coach our Willamette univer sity Bearcats are still without an official head boss today after another meeting between the members of the athletic commit tee of the board of control and Acting Director of Physical Edu cation Lea Sparks yesterday in Portland. But the naval-flavored 'Cats have themselves a football director one who will conduct Bears ;Sign Up 96 Allison 'Happy' ,;f (He Should Be) ,l BERKELEY. Calif lAug. 31-A) California's 1943 football . roster was signed . by 99 candidates to day and Coach Leonard ."Stub" Allison said he was pleased. The first-day turnout included, several of the Bears' 1942 lettermen. About a fourth of the eandl- J ... - t ... ... V . dates are freshmen, aad some - of these are navy and narine earns students participating- la service courses at the universi ty. ' Service men also- made up part of of the remainder of the list. Including' three members of Stanford university's last year Matty.-''; ;V'''-" ; j V Whether the service freshmen can : participate in football train ing ; depends . upon approval - of their commanding officers,, the fulfillment of certain physical re quirements and the approval' of Robert G. SprouL president-of the university. -I " " H The list " did not bear the names of soldiers taking courses : at the university, the secretary ' of, war having forbidden their lMtrtlcipation j la taterceeglate sports. This army rule may have some effect upon the participa tion of BUI Kelnhard. Jim Jar kevkh aad Jack ' Herrero, all last year first . stringers, who now are enrolled in upper dl vision KOXC. These' three were among those to -sign today. Their status will be decided Uter, when exteat of army Jarisdie tioa over the KOTC Is deter mined. - V i. ' Cubs to Take Angel Players LOS ANGELES, Aug. ' 31 -iF) The Chicago Cubs will take over six or seven members of the Los Angeles j chib, far out in. front m the Pacific Coast league,: for. pos sible ' 1944 duty. , ; Clarence Rowland,' president, of the ; Angels,: said these .players probably would' go to the parent club: Shortstop Bill ' Schuster, Second ! Baseman Roy Hughes; Outfielders Andy Pafko, Johnny Ostrowskl and Rip Russell, Catch er i Billy Holm, and Pitchers Red Lynn and Jodie Phfpps. i ; ; Iuis to Stdi; On i West Coast SPOKANE Aug. I-(4)- Sgt Joe Louis, world heavyweight boxing 1 champion; will appear' at Geiger field here. Fort ?wis -on the west coast and Gowen Field in Boise during his nationwide ex hibition tour, the public relations office at Geiger. said today.! r No dates were released. . ."i Ball Series Threatened ti:-:-. i--x-4 :- v-: HAVANA,: Aug. 31.-(ffTThe sixth spnual. world series of ama teur baseball, scheduled in Ha vana at the end of September, was threatened today by an offi cial announcement that airlines would not have priorities to transport players from the Ameri can nations - .v.-.; v Toicjuto-Toitin Scarce; DiMag By JUDSON BAILEY NEW YORK. Aug. SMAVMore than 700 home runs have been hit In the major leagues this season; but the 'once : familiar feat . of a lugger getting at least one in ev y park ts gone. ; :: j?--;V, -; Last year, for the first time In many seasons, no player in either league landed .in the all-around homer circle. Seven players. In cluding the three DiMaggio broth ers, Joe, Vines and Dominic, each missed in one park.' -;' ' This year the only player In UCLA, Saa Jose SUte and Saa Francisco university, the depot report, said. . The service men who play wCi; practice during , the hours oet aside for physical training asl the games wIU be "en their own time ea Can days and , at night. - Weinstock completed Lis col lege career at Pittsburg la 1S25 and played professional football the fo'Jowlsg fsU with the Phil adelphia' Caries. Ce slipped foetbs3 la 1J: bat returned to GridderS Y7ould Play'Cats rr reeled istants : . practices, etc, until an official an nouncement is made by University President Dr. G. Herbert Smith on his return ; from a naval confer ence in New York on September 20, . ; -f , ' Sparks, who Is handling tho ' physical, education reins. la th i absence of 14. Com. Spec Heene, assumes, the duties of football "dreeterT unUI .JrK Smith- re- y turns. He will have as his as- ' slstants " Chief Petty Officers Harry "Duke .Trotter, former UCLA athletic great and twh '1 - Carroll once associated with eoachlnr at .Gresham high and George Washington . university. The navy 'Chiefs were' granted permission to assist Sparks by Willamette. Station . Commander IX George C. Bliss with the stip ulation .that any 'and all football assistance by the pair not inter- -fere in any way with naval luties. Both. Trotter and Carroll are tied up from 7:30 ' aJn.: to 4:30 p.m. daily,, but are available otherwise. The chiefs' volunteered their services to assist with the director ship of football .. until a coach la -named.; ' ' : ' ' , " Director Sparks last night an nounced official ; football prac tice will be called on September It la compliance with Northwest conference rules. It ts not known r yet whether there is such a thing' as a Northwest conference since IJafleld. Paclfie and College of Paget Souad have ; yet to state whether a football program will bo conducted st the ! respective schools. - i'-. :;-r.: ' y : In the meantime thf company teams of the V-12 program at Wil lamette wul continue with intra mural football workouts and con testa. The intramural football pro cram Is a part of the physical ed ucation setup at the school, and . when varsity practice is called the . . i. . i a..' A... trainees wui .oe penxuiievi u lum . out on. their own accord. Varsity football will not be a "must." Upon Dr. Smith's return, a list of candidates will again be shuffled la aa effort to uncover the : right ( man . for the bead eoachlng i Job " at ' the school. Sparks Intimated. So far the 'Cats have tentative ly scheduled games with Oregon at Eugene, Whitman and Astoria Naval Jase; The latter two in a home and home series. Decline Seen CHICAGO, Aug. 31-(iirVRalph Moore, secretary of. the national farm! committee, forecast today a . in in IS ner cent i decrease- In food 'available for consumption in 1944j "unless the farmer has a price for his products that will let him meet labor competition and unless price restriction and government directives are remov- eo. .'- . i . : : Moore , told a press conference that there j waa "at least' a 30, per cent similar decrease lrr:1943' under 19424 .-. I . V In Chicago to arrange, for the national food conference,"," Moore, ; a Granger (Tex) farmer, said he favors abolishing the farm ma- l chlnery restrictions of OPA and WPB and replacing - them ; with two laws "that worked during the first war" a non-hoarding law, and an excess profits law. Twixilcs 3, Sacs 2 tit C91- 9 IXoUywood 919 CM' 991-3.19 3 Key, PCletfe (9) and Malonej Smith, Thomas (9) ' aad Crea ael. ' - Homer Hitters Only One Jtt the National league who has even a chance at making the grade is Vince DiMaggio of the Pittsburgh Pirates and his prospects are scant He still needs to collect cir cuit clouts in Chicago and " St. Tvula iwtiwa the! Pirates have only a Lnor aay OOUDieneaaer left, and -even if he should get these his accomplishment would- a792qula7C VUUUUli; uvuic iw hit in the All -Star game at Phila delphia. He was not able to hit a homer in a. regular league game at Shibe park. : :''. ' the Eagles In 1337 for foui rs of compct'llan.. V Spokane lost Its prospects -of having tho ' Bombers ' operate from here for a second season when the second air force head quarters was moved to Colors "a Springs earlier tLIs year. As the second air force var sity, the lumbers rolled w de feated throujh a touzh scLc Z ."a of college an3 service 'teams, elLaaxiax . tl.e seasca ' wll a Sua Eawl vlclcry over Kzrilj Elstmocs last January L Supply