TLa CCZCCTI SI MAIL Cclexa, Oregon, Wednesday IIorrLis, JUst 13, IT 13 Pal auk w aw Shotgun, Rifle Shells to Be Made Available WASHINGTON. Aug. 24rfy The war production board (WPB) made additional rifle and shotgun ammunition available to farmers and ranchers today for use against "predatory a nlmali and game birds now threatening crops and herds in certain parts of the coun try." It advised sportsmen . hunters that they will be allowed to pur chase limited quantities of ammu nition after quotas for farmers and ranchers are filled. A WPB order released 82,250,000 shotgun shells, 12,000,000 rounds of center fire rifle ammunition and an undetermined quantity of J22 calibre cartridges. . Farmers and ranchers who ap ply to aeaiers oeiore uciooer i will be allowed 100 rounds of 32. caliber cartridges, 20 " rounds - of center lire rifle ammunition and 25 rounds of shotgun shells of any guage. This will be in addition to their regular quarterly quotas of 100 rounds of .22 caliber bullets, 40 rounds of center fire cartridges and 25 rounds of shotgun shells. The farmers 3 or . rancher must certify that he intends to use the ammunition to kill pests. . CnMMl V,.nM mill k. .1. lowed 50 rounds of ,22 cartridges, 20 rounds of center fire ammuni tion and 25 rounds- of shotgun shells, but they can get it only af ter farmers and ; ranchers' have been supplied.' Sportsmen can ob tain their ammunition from deal ers between October: 1 J and No vember 15.. 7: WPB did not disclose the pros pective distribution by geograph ical areas. It will be distributed through regular channels hard ware and sporting goods stores. Bivins Kayoes Marshall, 6th WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-JPy- Jimmy Bivins, Cleveland's hard socking .Negro heavyweight, knocked out Herbert Marshall, New York, in the sixth round of a rousing 10-heat bout before 10,108 spectators Tuesday night Bivins weighed 177, Marshall 170. Naval Aviation For Wakefield 'tr'-n vi-Uf'y i -- - DETROIT," - Aug. ' 24P)-Dick Wakefield passed his physical ex amination Tuesday and Wednes day morning he will be sworn in as a naval aviation cadet to await a call that may not! come before November. ? The new development in , the draft case of the hard-h i 1 1 i n g rookie outfielder made it appear quite likely that he would finish out the season with the Detroit Tigers. Previously he had been slated for army induction Thurs day and probably . would have been available for only three weeks of baseball thereafter. Steenko Stomps Out Mat Win (Continued from page 8) the Joint, bat when Referee Al so Kallia tried to raise Olson's band in victory Milt weald have one of ft. So Steenko stomped, choked and punched . the - peo ples' choice and finally pinned ' him for the third and deciding falL ; But what went on in the ring was nothing compared with what transpired after Olson came to and went after the dirty Russian. It took cops, spectators and fellow crunchers to ; get . the pair apart after each did a pretty fair job of remodeling the east side of the ar mory building. ' - ; ' ; Karliake easae close to having his match with Koss right la the middle of hostilities with Olson last lgbt at that. Alter Steenko had token the first fall with his dirty staff he started for the dressing room. Boos, a spectator, hopped : an : and verbally an dressed . Mr. Steenko. Then, be-' fore . yon could bat , an eye, Steenko and Rees were going at it la the aisle, so the law and Mr. and Mrs. Fan got their first of aaxaeroas workouts for the ' ' evening; " ; ' ' ';.' ' X ?P Ross has stated all along that he doesn't like Mr. K a Lot, so Mr. K may wish he lost his bus ticket to Salem come next Tuesday night. Bulldog Jackson got an arm or leg or. something mixed : up with the launching of a ship yesterday, so couldn't keep his date with Gor geous Grge Wagner. .1 Wagner kept things alive by having on of his better nights against Mel Peters, bat the thing, wound an in - draw as far as most fans were concerned. Wagner won the first fall and the second. But the way he won the second didnt appeal to Kallio, 'MO' he awarded it to Peters on a foul.. Peters, who. had lost the opener to Ernie Piluso in two straight .; falls, in another sizzler, incidentally, couldn't ansvrer for the final fall with Wagner, since the stomper hammerlocks Wagner had ' viciously floored him with feft his arm to limp to rafete-evem for a swing to the kisser. How They oeo COAST UEAGUB - -i. - w u pet. w r. Pet. Los Aug. 93 33 .73i:HolIywd SO 71 .456 San Fran. SO 49 .620 Oakland SS 14 .413 Seattle .10 69 .VCS San Diego 55 75 .427 Portland S4 65 .4361Sacram to 38 SO J7 lueaaaj reauru: At Los Angeles S. Hollywood 11. At Oakland 0. San Francisco 1. At Sacramento 2. San Diego 3 (called end 10th, darkness). At Portland-Seattle starts today wiut 3:30 doublefaeader. NATIONAL LKAGVB 1 W L. Pet. . W l Pet. St Louis 7S 30 .SSllChicago 56 01 .479 Cinctn'U ; SS M .556 PhUadeL M OS .450 Pittsb'eli 65 54 .546! Boston .u5I 03 .447 Brooklyn 59 50 .SOO,New York 43 75 JS5 Tuesday resuiis: At Brooklyn 0. Pittsburgh (called end sixth.' darkness). At Boston 0. St. Louis 1 i9 innings). At New York S-l. Ctucag 7-e. At PhUadelphia 2. ClnclnnaU 4 (night game). AM CKIC AN LKAGUK W L Pet. - W L Pet. New York 72 45 .615 Chicago 62 57 .521 Wash'ton 65 56 .537 Boston . 57 62 AT Detroit 61 54 .530 St. Louis 52 63 .452 uevcuna as as .azzl'nuaaei. n .ass " Tuesday results: At Detroit 1-3. New York 2-1. At Cleveland SH, Boston 2-7 (twi- ngnt and nignt). At Chicago 6-1. Philadelphia 5-S. At St. Louis 4, Washington 10 (night game). .... - Chase Whips jMcDaniels SEATTLE, Aug. 24HWc Chase, California middleweight champion, won a decision over Jimmy McDaniels of Los Angeles here Tuesday night in a slam-bang 10-round fight. Chase packed too much speed and too much weight for the game challenger. ; He took a clear edge In the final rounds after leading by "a narrow margin through the early exchanges. Chase weighed 154: to McDaniels 145. 10,000 Watch Louis Perform FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md., Aug. 24-P)-Ten thousand soldiers and guests the .. largest crowd ever to turn out for a spe cial event at this post watched Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis work three exhibition rounds Tuesday night preparatory to t)is extended boxing tour which will carry him to combat troops overseas.) I Sergt. Louis went two rounds with Sergt. -George Nicholson, of Mitchell Field, NY, former spar ring partner-oX the,-Brown Bomb er and a member of the present boxing troupe. Kurowski Papa Again; READING, Pa-, Aa. 24-JP) A danghter woo bora Tnesday to Mrs. George "Whitey" Kor ewski, wife ef the St. Loois Cardinals' third saeker. The Kurowskls also- have a year-old sob. Christopher Gets Call i SEATTLE, August 24-JP)-The Seattle baseball management re ported Tuesday that Outfielder Lloyd Christopher had been called to Oakland by his selective service board for a re-check on his phy sical status. i BIG SIX in Baseball -f. By the Associated Press BATTING (3 leaders In Player and Clnb O Muxial. Cardinals IIS Herman, Dodgers 119 Appling. White Sox 119 Wakefield. Tigers -116 Vaughan. Dodgers 11 Wttrk. Giants 110 Curtright, White Sox 102 each AB B 477 82 454 50 448 44 480 70 407 03 461 4S 340 54 league) H Pet. 108 J3S2 151 J33 147 JTJ 161 JS39 147 315 145 J15 100 304 BUNS BATTED IN National League American Leagme Nicholson. Cubs 071 York. Tigers Bl Elliott. Pirates TTIKtten. Yanks 87 DiMaggio Pirates 7 Johnson. Yanks 70 Honrs BUNS ! . National Leagae Asserlcaa Leagao Nicholson. Cubs 20; York. Tigers 20 Ott. Giants 17:Kelr, Yanks 1.-21 DiMaggio Pirates 15jStephens. Br'ns 15 National League ' . (Taesday Seores) Cincinnati 003 00 01-4 rhlladella I02IMMM It r l - f Tander Meer, S h o a n Moeller; Barrett and Mi Chicago 600 00t JJ1-7 U S New York - 200 20 012-4 12 i S ji Blthern, Erickson (4), War aeke (), Fasseaa (S),. All en (9) and MeCsdloagh; Chase, Feldntan ), Hnhbell (t), and LombardL Chicago .12 9Z9 ltfl- It 1 New York oOaltflgat-l 4; t ? Banysewski and Livingston: Melton, Wlttig (f) and Maa- easo. y. ''ihji '.yr-y American League (Taesday Seores) , i I ' Night ; game: X '. JrtS! Wash,: - .500 000 220-10 It 1 St. Louis. -401 000 00- 4 4 2 rt Haeffner and Early; Sandra, Fnchs, nollingswerth and Fer- rtlL - " . Boston 009 009 682-2 I 1 Cleveland .000 020 430-5 11 2 O'Neill and Partee; Keynolds and B attar. . Boston -.000 002 281-1 12 1 Cleveland 053 ttl f 0-0 2 1 -: CL Newseme a-a d reaeock; Harder, Center. Deaa and Des- Allied Terms For Open City Given, Claim By LEWIS HAWKINS LONDON, August 24WV A Swiss dispatch said Tuesday that Britain and the United States had notified Pope Pius XII they would accept Rome as an open city un der certain conditions, principally a Vatican guarantee and a Swiss commission supervising demilitar ization. " - - The dispatch, written , by the Rome correspondent of the Basler Nachrichten, could : not be con firmed. It was indicated that any announcement must come from the allied leaders in Quebec : A broadcast by the Rome radio earlier in the day announced that Italy -had formally advised the British and American governments that Rome had been cleared ; of military installations and .sought treatment as ' an open city.: How ever, : conditions were ; reported u-ijd to insure that tne city re mained out of the war. . - Italian I government authorities were guoted as saying they knew nothing of the replies. Allied planes were again - re ported over Rome, dropping leaf lets and flares for photography, but not attacking.' The only alarm sounded was a caution warning. The broadcast declaration that Rome now was an open city quot ed Stefani news agency summary of the note which it said was sub mitted to London and Washington through the Vatican and ' Swiss government. ' : .. Defensive installations have al ready been taken out of action and will be moved, the note said. Anti aircraft batteries were ordered not to fire on " aircraft over . the city and axis fighter planes were or dered to stay away from Rome, The statement said Italian and German troops were leaving the city and only a garrison sufficient to maintain order; would be left The note said the rail system was barred to troop transport and mu nitions factories were to be moved from the city. Sacs, Padres Tie SAN DIEGO, Calif , August 24 (Jfy- Sacramento and - San Diego battled to a 2 to 2 tie Tuesday night in a twilight game which was called at the end of the tenth inning on account of darkness. Sacra. 200 000 000 02 10 2 S. D. 100 010 04)0 a 2 7 Byerly and - Petersen; Cecil and Salkeid. Seals 3, Oaks 0 OAKLAND, Calif, August 24 (flVThe j second . place ; Sah Frari cisco Seals, who lost last week's coast league baseball series' with the Sixth-place Oakland Acorns five games to two, came back to blank the Acorns 3-0 Tuesday. ' San F. ., 0OO 002 2 9 t. Oaklaatd OOO OOO 000 Harrell and Ogrodowski; Pip pen and KaiinondL ADOPTED A sqaadronof Jaw U. 8. Army -Air Foroo P Great Britain hao adspted Kos ra (above), an English orphan. Here she gives the British salute wears her air force wings. - n. X ,- GENERALISSIMO TMs pic tore of GenermXTtrTmo Chlaag Kai-Shek tn a cJiarMtettae-pooa iUyat( i f FILM FIND .Anita Colby (left) of Bollywood Is credited with "discovertog" Kathleen O'Mallen daaghter of Pat 0MaI '.-'"J"-.- ' L fe . ..'.-)v JannaMBOsV- lisWv4h.vij. S.-&---:,&ui MUSICAL REU N I ON Band laderXeo aXeisnsaai (left) greets Band Leader Eddy Dnchfat, aow a naval IlesUenaat. at the Waldorf -Astoria daring the Utters leave in New York. r x , IKE'S AID E-MsJ. Gen. Joseph M. Swine (above) served as sdvhw snd coordinator of aJraorno Iroopa- onder. General forces tavaded Us&r.' L ON THE SHORES OF S A UO A CuiUd States SZariaes, guuiLX Eoalh Sea LlxnZstor t . v . . iho AUleav can enjoy this beaa'JfBl Casaoan aeeso n'.'Jx &!a ZliltsT saoawTita la tha gistaaca, ASSOCI ATED- PRESS i-' '- -' - - ' 7- s J' - Jssl"mi I i tldlW.vfcil.v.---:v- C STEELMENCET LOVDOV N MaJ. Gesu L. n. CamnbeQ steel Bosdsaaetarera B. W. FaMostv EBgeno Grace and W. K DetwiBer safetnrera B. W. Fatrl 1 V " - !;: X. GOOD TURN FOR to Gen. U. H. Arnold i -c : i Graco.aad W. P. DetwiBer (L to r.) at I J I are tj m new xotk. J AIR FORCE S Washington. D. la distributing mJlliens of "Keep rtta to Ud. . TAKES LfOTI! ER'S PLAC E -rrowrle." . eitree-weeks-!J pop whoso mother accompanied a U. S. to r crew to North Africa, follows la her mother's footsteps tr letrnLnx i Cy with IX IL BL Briakley, Chsxlotie, U. C. SNAPSHOT The camera - faeo Atal eaaght a broad smile on the see of the aeribboaed Eari of Atkloojo. governor general of. 4 Canada, and an an usual expres-, sioa on the eoaateaaaee of Prime , - Minister Ch archill fx Uis nictnre at the Qaeaeo eoaf erence. 1 'A CU Bor SeooU volunteer their aid Flylngf air force posters.. RELEASE D-ix jg nenry( Ford 11 (above) has beea re-, leased from active duty la the' V. 8. Naval Reserve to enable; kfta to take bp important dnUes a the Ford Uotor CoBspoBy. ' 1 ' -- ' '""""" . f. - ... ., ,