Soldier Gives Blood for Girl Mid-WilSamaetie' Valiev ll&vm Farmers Busy UitliMarvesi ' , r.Lmy Crops Ncetl Attention Now : At T.Ihsion Coltorn i. Reports From PAGE EEC Bean Pickers Drawn to Hops Growers Report Shortage as Higlier , Wage Lures Workers MT. ANGEL Hop pldrinf Is jjoing into its second week around ML. AngeL Onljr tu&gles have been picked this far and the yield in yards picked, is heavier .than last year. One yard at Henry Hum pert's has been completed and the crew moved Monday to pick the fuggles in the College yards. The Humpert yard was the first to finish. . .The Frank Axnan pickers expect to . move to the John Vandecoeuv erin place lor early clusters about 'Wednesday. North and east of town picking is in progress in the Charles Ertelt and Otto Wellman acreages. Three and a half cents is the accepted wage paid hereabouts and some pickers find it easy . to make as high as $12 per day. Pick ing pleasant with no vermin nor mildew on the hops. The bean trewers fare less well than the hop ma. The ex- - - tremely high wages te be earned ,; in hop picking has drawn away - many .bean pickers, net even the premised benas heldta them. One grower with normal-erew- ef 9 pickers found only ten re porting for work after work In the hop yards started. : The picking of late hops is scheduled to begin in about eight or ten days, most growers coop erating with neighbors in an in terchange of pickers that sends the crew from one to the other for early hops and then back again to pick the late ones. Natal Events Honor Several, Middle Grove MIDDLE GROVE Daniel Scharf was surprised en the an niversary of his birthday" with a dinner given by his wile to which , had been invited his mother. Mrs. Kate Scharf, and his brothers and sisters and their families and Mrs Mary Herndon. Joan- Fabrey celebrated her ninth birthday on Tuesday after noon with a party te which were Invited 13 of her friends. Recent guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Herndon and the W, H. Scharf s were Mrs. Horace A. Randall of Olympia. Wash and Eva Wilson, Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. William O'Donnell of Portland. Mrs. Cannady, Nellie Howe and Mrs. J. F. Goode received, word last week of 6the death of -their on and brother, Herbert Howe, at Clatskanie. r.mory Goode is constructing a , modern poultry house for . his , flock of leghorn pullets which will soon be ready to lay. - Harold Houska and John -Wan da, nephew and friends, respec tively, of William Smetana,. who have been helping with the farm work at the Smetana farm, will ' leave Friday on the streamliner for their homes in Chicago. West Salem Board Elects 2 Teachers) . WEST SALEM At a spe cial meeting ef the scfeeel Ward Monday night two teachers were employed to fUl vacancies en ' the staff.' Evelyne Baatsea. Sa lem, will he assired work in the upper grades; aad Evelyne HUdon, Salem, win f Ul a posi tion In the prtatary departateat. ' It Is entlctpeled that there wUl be a sabstanUal fctcreaoe fat the enrollment this year ever last Members of Amerieaa forces which captured Manga air field front the Japanese after a bitter straggle examine wrecked Ja fighters an bosaben Cornnd o. the field by the vtoiortow Tanks. (Associated -rcss phoU from Ug marine corps) u. rn The Statesman's Solera. Orecm. 7dnsday Morning. August 25 1S13 Silverton Legion Learns Juniors Carry Off -: Honors at State Convention SILVERTON Reports featured the meeting of Delbert Reeves unit seven, American Legion auxiliary, Monday , night at the fireplace rooms of the armory with Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg, president, in charge. Department convention proceedings at Moves Seen AtSilverton; Property Sold SILVERTON "Considerable moving about is expected to oc cur at Silverton within the next month's time. Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Hadley have purchased the Charles Hartford home on West Main! street Mr. and Mrs. Hart ford .and family plan to move to Portland. : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore, who recently sold their farm, have rented the Archie Wright home in Geiser ' addition. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Williams hay purchased the Elmo LIndholm place at 225 Phelps land Mr. and Mrs. R- A. McClanathan have purchaser the Coolidge street house in which the Williamses have been living. The James Cloughs, who have been living in the Lindholm house, are moving to a residence on East HilL Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Duncan have purchased the former Otto Aim home on Apple avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leonard have purchased the Duncan home on East HilL Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson re cently moved from East Hill to the Henry Waldner home on Cool idge; street and Mr. and Mrs. James Neal have bought the home vacated by the Andersons. Powell Named District 2 Legion Head S ILVERTON In the conven tion ; reports of the department meeting during the past week at Baker, it was officially announced to Delbert Reeves post " seven, American Legion, Monday night that F. M Powell was elected as commander of district two.--Roy Davenport, past district wto com mander, was host to a few per- sonar friends in a pre-meeting cocktail party honoring Powell. Clifton Dickerson, commander elect of the post, and Powell were convention delegates and reeport ed to the post of the proceedings. Fred Lucht of Mt. Angel was an honored visitor. The, post voted to invite the Marlon county council to Silver ton the second Friday in October, Officers will be installed locally the night of Tuesday, Septem ber 7. Jackson Is Newcomer WEST SALEM M. E. Jack son ef Keasy has saeved late the hesae of Lysle Thomas, . t2t Klagweod avenae. Mr. Jackson operates gravel track ea read eonstracUea werk. f Larson Sprains Back SUNNYSIDE Clyde Larson sprained his back while working at the Puritan , Oar ' factory in Portland last Saturday and will not be able to return to work for a while. Valley Births SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher of Molalla are an nouncing the birth of a son at the Silverton hospital Sunday. Demolished Jap Planes On Community Correspondents Auxiliary Baser J.nursaay, inui wui urday of last week were re-told by the delegates. Mrs. F. M. Pow ell, local president elect as chair man, and Mrs. William Bloch and Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom. 'i- - snverUn wen the Melatarff gavel bell fer the third eensee tfre year for the entstawdtng work of the juniors daring the past year under the advisorship of Mrs. Jim Black and the pre sidency of Miss Neva Price, both receiving gifts Monday night in appreciation of ; their -success. Citations from, the de partment were presented at , the, convention for the general work ' of the unit and te the Juniors for having three unit members ready for werk the earning .year. :' , , ; J . ' Installation of local officers will be Tuesday evening, September 7, with the newly elected district two president Mrs. Thelma An dresen of Salem, the guest instal ling officer to be assisted by the local team. Silverton juniors will be installed at the regular Sep tember 20 meeting of the unit with the unit team in charge. Mrs. Fay Bragg, secretary, read a letter of gratitude from Van couver Barnes hospital acknow ledging the year's subscription to the Saturday Evening Post and Colliers for, the' convalescents there. The funds making possible the hospital gifts were from do nations by individual members, with Clifton Dickerson, comman der elect supplementing an addi tional dollar to make both mag agines possible for the boys at Barnes. Mrs. Bragg also told of the night at the Salem USO cen ter, Mrs. Lewis Hall reported on the blood- bank program and the Installation visit to Mt AngeL Mrs. Mabel Lerfald, recently hospitalized, now of Portland, and Mrs. Grace Boullester, now of Pendleton, both formerly active in the local units, are to be remem bered by gifts from the unit Mrs, Gottenberg named Mrs. C. J. Towe, Mrs. Mina Cooper and Mrs." C J. 'Titus as refreshment committee for the installation pro gram." Mrs. Maude Price and Mrs. Ernest Starr served Monday night at the supper hour. V Mrs. Saidie Dunbar to Speak Rickreall Peopl Organizing Bond Selling Drive RICKREALL There will be hall Saturday, August 28, at 8 drive for the rural communities Dunbar, of Portland will be the speaker. : i The Quilting club whkh has been held every Thursday at the - Grange hall will net held meet ings smtU further notice.: Many ef the women in the communi ties are busy canning, i Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Port land were visitors at the borne of his. cousin, Mrs. Sadie : Burch, Monday. Mrs. William Clark and Miss Laura Engen i of t Portland were Mrs. Burch's guests Sunday. George Fuller's sister, . Mrs. Alemeda Holt from Bend, arrived Saturday to spend several days here. . J i . .. . Sunday dinner guests of - the Larkin family were Mr. and Mrs. John Riney of Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Loren . Wilson of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. John Winn and Betty, and Betty Auer. - Mrs. Garnet Smith and Mrs. William Marck of West Salem were callers on Mrs. Warren Burch, Thursday. ; Mrs. Ester Burch and daughter. Pauline, and Samuel Burch and Llunda Planners Talk VariedTppics PostATar Plans, Rat Extermination; . Building Code Heard ' SILVERTON' -R a t extermina tion, post-war plans and building codes were discussed at the Mon day night meeting of the Silverton planning commission, presided over by Lowell E. Brown, presi dent . . ' ' : Jilu - : Robert E. Rowe of the United States fish and wildlife service-was present and discussed various forms of rat - extermination.- His suggestion was mat someone lo cally be trained in this, and that the service would assist in the training and later serve in alvis ory capacity. The use of thallium sulphate as a poison was suggested but Mr. Rowe added that it should be used by someone trained to use it properly. : . .'. t Dr. P. A: Loar reported briefly on a talk given at Rotary by C B. McCullough, chief engineer of the state : highway : commission,"- on post-war planning,-and suggested that the commission consider post war plans. Following discussion, more definite plans and -recommendations were continued, to fu ture meetings. " - Building: codes were taken un der advisement and a motion was adopted to recommend to the city council that the uniform building code be adopted as the standard building code for the city of Sil verton. , ... ' Present at the Monday night meeting were Mr. Brown, Mrs. R. A. McClanathan, Dr. P. - A. Loar, - Lillie Madsen and Rev. M.J.K Fuhr as commission mem bers. Mayor Reber Allen and City Manager E. K. Burton. Mr. Burton' serves as secretary to' the ' com mission. - BoncTcii airmen CaUs Meeting SELVES TON Jack Spencer, Silverton chairman for the third war bond drive, has called a meeting of ; his assistants for Wednesday night when definite plans : for the drive will, be mapped oat Air . raid wardens and block leaders of the civilian defense program are being asked fer assistance. a meeting at the Rickreall grange p. m. to organize a bond selling of Polk county. Mrs. Saidie Orr family of Albany visited the S. T. Burch family Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. George Van San- ten called on his mother, Mrs. E. Van San ten, on the Wallace road Sunday. ' -'-i. r ' Mrs. Ada Belknap is staying in Salem with her' daughter,. Mary, who is employed with the credit bureau there. Mrs. Edna Grant ef Salem has been elected to teach the pri mary grades again this coming sehaol term. ' Dr. W. W. Frazee and Mrs. Fra- zee of Portland were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ramsey. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ashby were dinner guests at the Art Beaver home Sunday night . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beyers and infant son of Valaetz visited Sun day afternoon ; with Mr. Beyer's sister, Mrs. Emma RoweH. Harry Dempsey is running the school bus between Dallas and the MrT.ghTn hop yard. wanna ana aiary - Homrn are staying at the home of Mrs. Katie m ox urown in saiem while em ployed in the Twelfth street can nery. " ; : . . i . Mrs. W. C Hul and Mrs. J. O. Price are staying at the Price cot tage at Pacific: City for two weeks. Mrs. John Oliver, daughter-in- law of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Oliver, was tneir guest this week. wic Aiason. ana lamiiy were fishing at Tillamook. Sunday. He icpta ts mat fishing was excellent Mrs. John Van : Santen . and daughters, Betty and Peggy,- of West Salem were- callers at the George Van Santen home Mon day. - - niLionnnoiDs (fl'cs) I mi Tin-ilatu taaaa j ha kvnlUl mtmm Mm MltmaML Urn loaa mt Waaa ha araak. Cail : taSS a'aaartpaiTa Sooklat. Opm Cvaniagi, M.,Wii, M, 7 fo S.3S Dr.c,j,czn:icLi;::c IV. K. Car. X- Sma mmd C4 A M i.aV rmttkum, Oinn Saturday MISSKKI DOTTOM Fred VI esko treated bis berry pickers Sat urday when they finished picking berries. : , '1 y r ':-. . I, Picking of fuggle hops commen ced In the Mission Bottom Hop company yard last week with BUI Stutsman in charge. There were more pickers appearing the first day "than there were baskets. Bushman commenced in the Fred Viesko, Goose lake acreage . Fri day. Picking is good and there are plenty of pickers for the early hops. . . The Crawford and Rochester peaches are ripe and Laf e Town send is advertising for men to pick them. Vt:;- r:v:f r--! Bean picking is good and there are school busses hauling pickers to the Joe Ryan and Creighton B. Jones'fields. ( ' Glenn Hiltibrand will commence picking hops Wednesday and Is still advertising for pickers. Although the "showers slowed the combining a little, it made the grain thrash better. Paul Town send has thrashed the most of bis grain with the stationary thrasher. Topping of j onion seed w&l be the next crop to commence here. Pierce Collard Is harvesting his beets on Lake Lablsh for the can nery, fv-'v..:'!-' . Mrs. Blenz Buried At McMinnville , PLEAS AKTD ALE Funeral services were held, Monday 'at S p. m. at Macys In. McMinnvule for Mrs. Elizabeth Anna Bienz, 50, who died In a Portland hos pital. : Burial, was at Evergreen Memorial park, McMinnvUle. ' She is survived by her widower, E. A Bienz (and two sons of the Fleasantdalei district Missourian Called By Mother's Illness WEST SALEM Mrs. Nellie Jackman. . from Liberal,' Mo., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips. Her visit was occasioned by the serious illness of her mother, who now is resting at home and enjoying the company of her daughter, whom she : has not seen for several years. - 9n Om (hiAnUwte Booutifut florals, oil under gloss In dust-proof ;- . frames. $J29 12x1 6-bv Lorgor sfres ond oiher subjects correspondingly LOW. 24x45-lach dlECllLLE RUG Rovorslblo and guoronteed fost ma color, rnnged erai and matt eostal col ors. Ideal for bod- room. Washable. Sit OlVL U&XlltiVJXKtb SDLtp&dmcnt 4-pc. rAxlzz Cw! Zzt I cnaa-crota HiV TIMu SVi, tnet. J12&-3-4-5- ' 1", S rtUm , ; i i 10 jtC5" Ferrer f.:t Ibm Jwd wiTpM - ar t prmtmcjr hvmlmm " , C. fron!na Cccrd Pcd ; end Cover r bk ahsMf tQ&r. Crv wsiuj7 p lr: ' HcSlcn Code Cover HoMt four retfcwr book ond - (wm Artort omot. S37. pun. b 1 -SI "' -t, - AS "Merc! See tot a tteotf. We tiWee 4 too aooditcotieos an Pvt Valentine G. Godkln, aviation cadet of North Rose, NY, gtves 5 cable centimeters ef blood at St Lake's hospital In Chicago fer Miss Marie Barker, 20, who b seriously HI with staphylococcus type septicemia, a blood disease. Pvt. Godkln recovered from the disease In 1S3S. Left Is Narse Lois Hun ter and at rlht a doctor (aaidentUled). ScKool Ready i For Opening . Staff - Completed, -' Remodeling Started At Fox Valley FOX VALXjEY September 13 is the date set lor school to begin In the Fox Valley district Mrs. Fred Skniing and Mis Zeta Pri chard ; were both reelected as teachers. Glerm Julius is the new clerk for the district school board. Mrs. Douglas Gavette was elected as clerk at the : annual meeting. However she did not accept the office. - : Tbe Fox Valley district school -balldiag Is to be reshlagled this week if the weather wUl per mit. A carpenter from Salem has . been eagaged to do the Mr. and Mrs. Van Dugan are building on to their poultry house to accommodate a larger flock of bpondinglncrooslng Our Sarvlc to Youl Big things plonned ond big ooings NOW. . . New de portments being coded rapidly . . . QUALITY, os always, up to high standards . . . ond SAVI NGSfor oil! Shop ond be thrifty ot your nearest WESTERN STORE JrmJ priced - J Spark Plug Our fowiouf "Ini par tat" wit 20, OOO m!l uor- mt All brand raics NEW. oil anoi- 4. tm mm. S7554 Shock Absorbers -HodSurn" DoIum rabuHt, far on GS2S5 $2.1 5 to 9 Fan Baits OmpMo Bno off ftot end V typm bmitm far aU cam. 20c to $1.13 zccal lzcdz Ma-a asx roa tew ratea en otkts jixo tfeefc ei fttOKS "- onto Mrs. Frank Bass of Mill City visited in Fox Valley and Lyons Sunday afternoon. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parrish of West Springfield were Sunday visitors at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin. Mrs. Par rish and Mrs. Griffin are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier and family of Roseburg were Sat urday: night and Sunday visitors here and in Mill City. They re turned to Roseburg Sunday night Mr.' and Mrs. -Hugh Johnston and daughter were Sunday callers at the Errol Knltz home In Mill City. Fire Sweeps Combine In Nelson Acreage : RICKREALL Chris Nielson had the misfortune to have ' his combine burn in the field one day last week. Friday the fire truck was called to the George Wait place to ' a grass fire which was believed to be caused, by sparks from a short in a transformer The fire fighters soon had the blaze under control. 42 c PER GAL, In your can f: rUmrmt Tmm ImchUm .'r. EajmISo 25c pm Qt. 00s Wox-freo ood 100 dis tilled, LONG-RUN is re fined by modem methods from carefully selected crudes. Impurities which might cause undue wear or sludging novo oeen sci- ontrficoMy Jawaltxf Exhaust Entcnsion Flot, toevlly tALff rates . m . . M "SlfTl CtS fWMt Cattory Woshars -MUtTtil CWT 19cFr - 2n IJz&zxc cH ' rxCHAWCS ' Main. Na. t Com w 51 laa rat tC Cam. Fit moDto tmmmr orietts cora. Gonufay rWt Or tord Codar 231 n. co:.:::i:rxiAL st. PHONE 7177 atan mn Ihpo Auto CuSts CijiipIiU ca Churchill Escaped From Death Revealed QUEBEC, Aug. 24.-(P)-WIns-ton Churchill narrowly escaped being killed during the London blitz of November, 1940, It was disclosed here. " The British jrime minister was dining at No. 10 Downing street his official London residence, with Sir "Archibald Sinclair, British minister for air, and Brendan Bracken,1 minister of Information. A bomb - fell on the treasury building next door, demolishing it and killing 12 persons. The dining room chandelier at 10 Downing street plopped right into the center of the prime min ister's table, but no one was hurt a m r Onto fmm i tog fn, tout mtmuh n4 Wrtburm. 4actoca kmi't Hii nil tIUI MillilHi Ilka la Bail-aaa TaaMa. K lauttaa. Oati-aaa brtne I mmtm I la JU ax new katua t M tar i Siu Qua. Clothing, SXepwdmtni f.lon's Medium Tono Sox 3 Polr. (Ofyi . Poar...l5 Cornel, Rust, Tool ond Royol Blue. Lonfl-xeoring r3 slox, rayon wraps, and rayon wrap siex. For dross woor, onywheio. Some whites ovailobie. Sizes lOVi o 13. Truo Dias Nockffios ii Dozens of at tractive "Stylo Chafe" pottoms ... fully wool lined. Numer ous weaves to suit everyone's taste. V3S29-SO-11 Jxueiie& lovoASS" TcneiWctcr ! . . . Pleasantly 4oa. scsntod sotlot fs N wo tor m 9-In. NV bottle snopod J S like-,- tenrias rocquot, with soli colored hoivto. Creamy white s-oa. balm mokes se your skin sot in J J smooth. Pre- 0 vont chopping and rod- n . , Not sticky. Merit "Swoothoart9 SOAP 3-c.-2G 9m mH not ipntot ro iMri eWfirote tan, Lothors koranousiy. KegiOar . . 42M oil c:.Af.:?oo ' Real oucolyotus oil ttlmulotiit awt hao(thy, leaves hair aottly Ksh S-e. eoev tu.,l i 1