, 1 MRS. Tillman Kreft the former Alma Yantis, who was married at the St John's Lutheran church 'on Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. J. C. Yantis, and Pvt. Kreft is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Kreft Pvt Kreft is stationed now at Camp Cook with the medical detachment and his bride will, remain in Salem until he is permanently stationed. (Jesten-Miller). Outdoor Entertaining Spotlighted ... Informal parties jtake the spotlight these days and outdoor living rooms and terraces continue as the most popular spots for friends to gather for supper or an evening party. Several such affairs have been given the past " few days, and others are being planned for the future. Birthday Is Honored r The 21st birthday of Miss Marjorle .Wooton; daughter of CoL and Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton; will be celebrated tonight at the family home, when a group of Miss Wooton's friends gather for a buffet supper on the terrace. The honor guest is home this weekend from Portland, where "she is a member of the staff .of KGW. . ; Attending the party will be Miss Patricia Byrd, Miss Peggy Byrd, Miss Jeannette Mack of Portland, Miss Norma Wooton and Miss Marjorle Wooton, Mr. Bob Albert, Mr. Mark Hatfield, Mr. Eugene Olson and Mr. George Luthy Supper Served Outdoors - Mr. and Mrs.1 P. D. Ouisenberry and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks invited a group, of close friends for supper around the outdoor fireplace on Friday night ' " ' They bid goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Bailey, who" will leave Monday to live in Roseburg. At the supper were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Edwards, Mr. and , Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Ouisenberry and Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks. ' Evening of Swimming A group of girls entertained 15 midshipmen from Will amette university at the James W. Mott home at Zena on Saturday, night After dinner the group swam In the pool and later danced on the porch. , Hostesses were Dorothy ! Hott, Marjorie Hill, Roberta Jean Yocom, Edith Moxley, Helen Zielinski, Janice Nelson, Margaret Bellinger, Patricia Lamb, Doris Duffy, Mary Eliza 'befh Sisson and Barbara Harr of Eugene, a house guest of Edith Moxley. ' Society Clubs . Music". ..' ;.; : I (' - . j Z - v., t - -.,-V:..-:...; - t ' - - t- .. . . - i. -'i' '--.- ' 'i ...'. ... , . . v i , - . ' i " " M - i - 5.. 5 4 ' " ' , . s i - - i -'? - j ? v - - t.r. - i - - I V:)f f f J -f : V - - . 5- MR. AND Mrs. Craig Caldwell Coyner, who were married at the First Congregational church on August 14. The bride, the former Betty Louise Cooper, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Batty E. Cooper, jand the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Craig Coyner of Bend. The groom, In the army reserve air corps, has received orders to report to Kansas to take training os. a secondary flight instructor. The bride will remain; in Salem until a later date. (Jesten-Miller). ". . ' 1 Lt and Mrs. Harold C. Lentz were married on August IS at Jason Lee Methodist church. The bride is the former Marian Field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Field, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lentz. (Kennell-FJlis). jbaftrt JlaoJz Aocu but .... vacationing isn't what It used to be, what with worrying about every drop of gasoline that trickles into the carburetor. But you can Justify a trip to the coast by coming home with a bucketful of huckle berries and a $4 tuna to can. Anonymous ... they prefer to remain, but here is the schedule of a typically pa triotic family, which used to enjoy leisure but finds little time now for play. The mother rises early, sees her younger daughter off at 6:30 with a platoon to the bean fields. The mother leaves at 7:45 three days of the week for her job of packing celery far the Labish growers. The white collar workers in the family, the father and elder daughter, leave for his office and her job at the bank later. The mother spends two more days of the week at the ration board and tries to catch up on her home work the sixth ana seventh days in the week. Bestricted enthusiasm ... We heard of a teacher-platoon leader who blows her whis tle just as truck gets into the city limits and orders her charges to cease singing while in town. It seems to us that if youngsters can still sing after hours in the. "bean fields, the citizens of Salem are entitled to hear about it It Isn't easy to give up a whole vacation to supervised work. The children deserve all the fun they can get out of It Needle in a haystack . . . had nothing on the 40-acre field we flipped a sack needle into. Sewing grain sacks onja combine one day during our vacation, we lost the needle , overboard, dove into -the tall stubble and retrieved it just as If we made a hobby of picking needles out pf grain fields. Try it sometime, it's something to boast about Hole In one . . . Every now and then we meet some interesting personality. Our latest acxjucdntance is a pig that objects to being fed anything but doughnuts and milk. Mgxlne Burea. Going East to Wed . . . ! Miss Marian Herrick, whose engagement to Mr. Ralph Walker of North CarolinO; was announced informally in July, left with her family Saturday for Washington," DC, to be married. The wedding will be ; upon her arrival in Washington, late in August or early September. "f- In the party going east are Rev, and Mrs.' John S. Herrick, the bride-elect and her sisters. Miss Margaret and Miss Rose Herrick. They will accompany Miss Herrick as far as Chicago en route to Bolivia where they will resume their missionary work among the Aymara Indians. . The family will visit the son. Bill, a former Willamette university student who is an army air cadet at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Miss Herrick, a graduate of Willamette university, took graduate work at Oregon State college. She taught at Joseph, Oregon, last year. Mr. Walker, in defense work in Maryland, plans to The couple will live in Washington, DC. ; Wedding Day Is Set Miss Bette Darleen Wienert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. - Wienert has chosen Saturday, August 28, as the day of her wedding to Lt William Stanley Ouderkirk, of 'New York City, Lt Ouderkirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B Ouderkirk of New York, will arrive in Salem on Wednes day from Maryland, where he has been attending school. ,He will crgain be stationed at Camp Adair. - The wedding will be performed by Father T, J. Ber - nards, at St Joseph's Catholic church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. " . .: . . Miss Peggy Wienert will be mcdd of honor 'for her sister and Miss Maxine Williams, a cousin of the bride, will be bridesmaid. ! Business Club Picnics The Salem Business and Professional Women's club will hold a picnic meeting at the home of Miss Mabel Sav age, cai the Garden Road, Tuesday' night, in lieu of their - usual monthly dinner rneetlng. ' ; . Committees in charge d the - affair, are: health and recreation. Misses' Ida Mae Smith and EfSe Srnitlv Joint cliairmen; hospflality,' Mrs. Paul Heath, chairman; and i music. Miss Josephine Evansf chairman; -i r ' The picnic is scheduled far 6:30 and an executive board - meeting is called for 6 o'clock. Also, Mrs. William J. LinfooV membership chainnan, has called a meeting of the mn- bership committee for 6 o'clock. ; enter the ministry. Couple Feted During Week . . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Irwin, who returned from a trip to the Oregon beaches, were entertained at several parties this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Irwin were married In Vancouver, Wash., at the Baptist chapel by Rev. J. N. Bennett on July 24. The ' bride, the former Mrs. Hda Bingenheimer, was attended by her sister," Mrs. J.Houseolder of Portland, and her nephew. Mr. P. Hickey of Portland, attended Mr, Irwin. MRS. Frank Page, the former Betty Krebs, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Eugene Krebs, who was married at a ceremony in the Presbyterian church at Los Angeles on August 14. Pvt Page is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Page of Salem. ' Attending the couple were Miss Betty Schaefer of Salem, ; and the groom's brother, Raymond Page, now in officer train ing school in Los Angeles. The bride was attired in a blege3 suit, with which she ware Kelly green accessories. , Both Pvt and Mrs, Page are farmer Willamette university : students.. Mrs. Page has been employed at the state depart ment of agriculture. Pvt Page is stationed at Terminal Island. : Jesten-Miller). ... M RS. Gerald H. Swatzberg, the former Bertha Eoriein, whose marriage is being announced by her parents. ; Mr. and Mrs. -Morris Klorfein. Lt Swatzberg,; son of Mr. and , ': Mrs. H. O. Swatzberg of Santa Barbara.7 is. serving, overseas . - with the army. Mrs. 'Swatzberg is a graduate in pharmacy at the University of Washington. She was affiliated with Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, serving as president Lieutenant Swatzberg attended Santa Barbara college be fore entering the army three years ago- - Mr. cmd Mrs. Wcrfein have lust returned from a trip to Santa Barbara, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Swatzberg. (Zubick photo). . ....... , J - ' 3" - if i , Mrs. Irwin has been membership secretary of the Salem chamber of commerce. Mr. Irwin, for many years a butcher in Salem, retains business interest here. The couple is living at' 607 North Commercial street " , ".t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fitts on Tuesday night Mrs. Fitts and Mrs W. T. Miltonberger were hostesses at a i . i- dinner given for the newly married couple. Summer flowers and blue tapers decorated the dinner table. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cochrane, Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Hay, Mr. and Mrs. ........ i Oscar Price, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miltonberger and Mr. and Mrs'. Ira Fitts. ' - " y ' . -i , Members of the JKP club were hostesses at a miscellane . ous shower on August 13 at the country home of Mrs. H. S. Gile in honor of Mrs Irwin. Luncheon was served in the garden and the afternoon spent informally Present were Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mra. Brown Sisson, Mrs. J. F. Btileter, Mrs.!- Earl Barham, Mrs. William Foster, Mrs. Thomas Roen. Mrs. William Pickens, Mrs..J. F. Van Wyngarden, Mrs. Kinley K. Adams, Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Gile.