The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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    PCG Coaches Soon to Know ;
If It's 'Fowl or ; Feathers' :: : . ;Sf;
v Was Lon Stiner happy to see Letterman Quarterback Bob
Stevens pop up the other day? Just so much he knighted Stevens
acting captain of the Beavers for the upcoming campaign, that's
alL And since most coaches nowadays are in for hardships com
v. i ...
fine 'work of registering hop pickers at his North High street home.
It's a red "V which was cut out of a very sunken rising sun on
a Jap airplane shot down during Pearl Harbor. S r
Football and stuff doesn't have that rosy hue at Oregon
State these days, so the Beaver sports department is going in
for, of all things, softbalL Messrs. Stiner, Slats Gill and" Ralph Cole
man are looked upon as "Murderer's How" in the Corvallis "Country
Jakes", lineup. Don't know what that "Jakes pertains to, but if It's
related to the identical expression used by ballplayers it's all same
Alibi Ikes. ; 1
Help Wanted: Apply U of Oregon
' 'Last winter the St. Ideals Cards had paid ads la sheets all aver
the country for help, bat they'll have nothing en U of Oregon
this fall If something Isn't done bat soon. Register-Guarder Dick
, 8 trite reports dire need for one or two assistant football' coaches
. capable of developing- 17 -year-old high school boys into grldmea
of Pacific coast conference calibre. Seems "Honest John Warren,
" who's had better days at Astoria high, hasn't got a right-hand
man in the place now that Mannie Vesie isn't coming back and
Trainer P. O. Siegerseth, batting for absent Bob Officer, has cone -"
Into armed service. ':- i
. ? "Job may yet fall on Anse Cornell, Howard Hobson or even Col.
Bill Hayward IF there are enough 17-year-olds, 4-Fs, etc., around
to require more than Warren's efforts. A rumor which had Tuffy
Leemans, New York Giants backfielder, returning to herd the Web
foot mail carriers has already been deflated. -
Beavers Blew Another And How!
Portland Beavers don't know how unlucky or stupid (take one
free) they really are. Losing 38 games by one run is tough enough,
all right, but along about the . time one Charles Frederick Petersen
was tapping a gruesome- J222V for San Francisco same time the
Klepper Kids had a gent name .of i"A-l Wright sulking around
Seal boss Lefty O'Doul tried to David? Harum the Beavers by swap
ping Pete for Wright, dud for dud and no questions asked or answered.
fOh, yeah? Oh, no!" from Portland."
jt "Oh nuts," from San Francisco. ,
V - At present Charles Frederick, our same old "Baldy" or "Grumpy,"
is smiting a mean J 13 for San Francisco, good enough for 12th place
In PCL standings. It started seven series back, and ironically enough,
against Portland. Pete hit .353 ihat week, .433 the next, .318 the next,
.425 the next, .333 the next, .417 the next and .357 last!
"Oh nuts!" now from Portland.
"Oh ho and a hee!" now from San Francisco.
And oh my, wouldn't Pete look good in center field for Port
landespecially with that .313 batting- average?
Vets9 August 26 Show Apparently Off
' No further word on the announced Vet punching party for the
armory August 26, so apparently and without warning the thing's
been called off. Couldn't have been because the Vets couldn't get the
armory for that night, as the armory board announced the Vets could
use it on the 26th for anything from: a fight card to a dog show.
Have an Idea : the Joe Kahut-Sonny Jim Walker and Joey
Dolan-Nat Coram doubleheader in Portland on the $7th has
- plenty to do with dropping the 26th card here. Jimmy Garrison
: and Rodolfo Ramlres were tabbed for the 27th In Portland, bat
since Kantirez got stack deep in the heart of Mexico and couldn't
make the date, Joe Waterman had to substitute the twin MIL And
in having to do same, shortage of fighters for other than Portland
rings became more acute. Result no Salem fights the 26th.
We doubt that the slight financial loss suffered by the Waterman-Capri-Friend
concern on their first venture here has anything to do
with cancelling the second effort. 1 ?
Southern Football Conference.
Joins Pack--Siispends Rules
; RICHMOND, Va., August; 21-fl-The southern conference,
seeking to boost tottering football over the war hurdle, voted
Saturday to suspend all of its eligibility rules so that the 16
member schools can use-any avaUable athletes, including service
men, ;ln- intercollegiate atruetics.
The measure was attacked la
brisk debate before tt' was ap-
prove by an .1 to - margin -:
a ad Immediately afterwards
Coach D. 8 MeAllster of the
Citadel sheated that the action,
"in effect, abolishes the seuth-
ein conference.
Athletic Director R. A. Fetzer,
' University of North Carolina, ar
gued that other major conferen
ces already had taken similar
The action gives the green light
to the four , conference : members
with Navy V-I2 trainees Duke,
North Carolina, South Carolina
and Richmond. Ten other -loop
members have army affiliations
but are kept from using A-12 men
by war; department regulations; .
Si TrV aW ot'
I - . VII
Cataase rosaealet
Aataxlai - SUCCESS lor BOSS
year tar CHINA. No tnattct wK
what tHaMBt too aro ArrlJCT
eo iMT4ers, ritfW. - heart,
lost, uver, ' Moneys, stomach,
eat, eoajtlpatton, ale en,
fcetia, f vtr. , skin, femalo
plaints -
Chines rjerb Co.
Offlco Boors Oaly
Tue. and : ,-; Sat , t
baa. - a4 W4. f "V
a.- m.-.. ,to . ll-J a a., auf . ; f
122 N. ComX- EL, Saiem, Ore.
parable to a Jap trying to sing
"Flat Foot Floogie With a Floy
Floy," having 4-F or military
discharged gents like Stevens
turn up is almost as remarkable
as finding a beer in a beer joint.
V Speaking of Oregon Staters,
Glen Moody, who left-tackled
for the Orange in the mid-thir-r"
ties and before that for the -Salem
preps who dropped that 12
6 game to Washington high of
Portland ? for the state title in
'33, is now a Wchinest's mate,
2c, stationed Jfn - Midway is
land. And quitea- war souvenir
Glen forwarded to in v a I i d
brother Lee, who's doing that
Dempsey Sees
Bond Battles
i OGDEN, Utah, August 21 (JP)
UeuL Com. Jack Dempsey of the
US coast guard, former world hea
vyweight boxing champion, said
Saturday he plans to propose to
US treasury officials a series of
boxing matches, featuring leading
performers, under treasury spon
sorship -to sell war bonds.
; Admission would be by war
bond purchases only.
; Dempsey said he hoped to see a
match between Heavyweight
Champion Joe Louis and Billy
Conn included in the series he
proposes ' -
Louis9 Tour '
Is Postponed
WASHINGTON, August 21 -iff)
Sergeant Jos Louis' boxing exhi-4
bition. and physical fitness eastern
tour originally scheduled to, start
last Wednesday but - postponed,
will begin August 30 at Fort Dev
ens, Mass the war department
announced Saturday.
Additional Sports
On Page 6 .
Welcome Mats
Out for 4-Fs,;
Opening Practices .
Called September 9 .1-
The ditty "It All Depends On
You" was never meant more ser
iously as it is sung to most-any
bemuscled 17-year-old , or . ' 4-F
these hectic pre-Northern Divis
ion Pacific Coast conference foot
ball season - days by i that weel
knownvcoaches, trio,- Lon Stiner,
John Warren and Bobe Holling
bery. ' '. . ?
Washington's Ralph -Pest
Welch , and ' Idaho's ' Francis
Schmidt would probably make
It a qointet were it not, for the
fact that : the navy . and marines
have seen fit to send football
eligible trainees to their respec
tive schools for training. - ?
- The, rest of the northern divis
ion gang, sans naval and marine
trainees, but well stocked with
"ineligible" army students, must
be content with their rendition of
the ditty until September 9 and
thereafter. On that day members
of , the ; Coast conference are al
lowed to . toot . whistles for first
football practice. 1 i .
'Ami on that day Messrs.
Stiner; Warren i and If Ht--,
bery wU have a good Idea
whether ' itll be a chicken or
feathers for dear old alma mater
fat '43. '
Although the situation at pres
ent is anything .but : overflowing
with promise, it could be worse.
AU three have indicated that
numerous 17-year-olds have writ
ten them telling how much they
look forward to playing for Ore
gon State, Oregon and Washing
ton State as the case may be. So
now all Messrs. Stiner, Warren
and Hollingsbery have to do is sit
around twiddling thumbs until
September 9 hoping the kids
show up, and in droves, and big.
; To date all three schools
Oregon State, Oregon and
Washington State have prom
ised "football perhaps not 'as
usual' bat football" this faU.
After September t checkups
northwest gridiron - faas win
know whether the schools caa
keep that promise
Askmenow 1st
CHICAGO, Aug. 21 --Askmenow,
trim 3-year-old filly
owned by Hal Price Headley of
Lexington, Ky., Saturday clinched
the western championship among
the fillies and mares by winning
the $10,000 added Beverly Handi
cap at Washington Pork.
. Previously she had won the
Matron Stakes, corresponding
event of the Arlington Park
Superbly ridden : by Jockey
Georgie Woolf , Askmenow came
from next to last place to finish
half a length ahead of the 3 to 5
favorite, the Calumet Farm's
Mark-Kell, with Burgoo Maid
finishing . third, a length and a
quarter farther back.
Grand American
Trapshoot Set
VANDALIA, 0 August 21 '-(ff)
This quiet Miami valley village of
300 dressed up Saturday to greet
of vrtors Wediv'd'iT,
Thursday and Friday as the ama
teur Trapshooting association pre
sents its 44th annual grand Amer
ican classic a war-abbreviated
Olson vs. Karlinko for Shot at
Jacklson-Wagner Return M
All the crunch . cronies
happy now (some slaphappy,
too) all excepting Mitghy Mite
Milt Olson, the drop-kicking
specialist who's captured ; the
village : rasslo faas faacy with
his colorful and clean exhibi
tions. Two weeks ago Olson whipped
George Wagner and was to have
"been given a title match with
Tony Ross as a reward. Koss
was ' attacked by bolls and
thrown for a spell, so Olson
had to bide his - time. He did
last week by beating Ivan Jones
la a fUl-m preliminary.
Then Tltleholder Eoss p and
announces he wants to meet Leo
"Steenke" Karlinko, of all peo
ple, for the title since Leo had
capped some of Tony's thunder
by becoming a mean and ornery
stinker comparable ' to both
Wagner and Bulldog' Jackson.
All such caused Matchmaker
.Don Owen to reach for the as
' ptrin. Four headaches and two
botUes later Owen heard a click '
upstairs and hatched a' match
between Olson and Karlinko, '
with the winner to get a crack
at Ross. -
" Kesults? Owea happy about
finding a way ant, Karlinko ov
er joyed "at getting at least one
CkyYPlay grounds Host 86326
Despite the annual and un-;
founded rumors of "catching
everything from the' seven-year '
Itch t: tie'
dreaded - polio
from fellow
t r m l I e kers.
Salem kids and ;
g r o w n a p a
alike have thus
far turned oat
SSZS ; strong,
almost triple,
11 ia ;'
PAT LIABT wo r vr;
alation, to take advantage of fa
cilities at both the Leslie and
Olinger playgrounds. - 1 'if
Although last year's - attend
ance figure to date : was not
available. Playground Director -Gurnee
Flesher stated that ho .
didn't ' think the present nomi
ber was aito as largo as last
season's. Shortage of manpower
for crop harvesting and the fact -that
there have been only three
- I
All-Star Ace May See Nq Action
.....nujm.j.iit.imw xwumm. m mil iiil.ui m I w'J.!a!.."M. A )
t '
: , ; v - - c
k- ' X - '
;".wU - I
. "V' " - f V
- ; ft ! ; - -. -
PITCHIN PAUL GOVERN ALL former Colombia university All
Amerieaa halfback, and counted upon to be a main cog ba the
college all-stars' lineup Wednesday night against the Washington
Redskins, may see no action. Governali suffered an Injured knee
daring a recent scrimmage.
Suds Take Two
From Senators
Coming from behind in both games
the Seattle Rainier! pinned a dou
ble defeat on the hapless Sacra
mento Solocis ; here Saturday.
Scores were 4-t and 5-3.
Seattle eOi m 4 13
Sacra, ..tOa 181 f Of 1 II 1
Tlncap and -Saome; Pin tar, '
Pllletto (9) and Peterson.
Soattlo tS9 It S
Sacra. . .. .. 2 tt 1 t tl
: '
-. . 1
.f :'. ". .
' ..
"' ' " . '" -
, " . -.
i- - -' ' w ' ' , ''....
. .-. a,.-.. , -. . ,
. -Z : f V
- "
... - : - ':' .
nil i huh i m irtr flfill- 'r'"" "' " " 1 ""' ' '
REFEREE PVT. AT3IO KALLXO attempts to both uproot a fistful of C
George Wagner's hair and break up ' aa Illegal "hold, during, last '
- week's Wagner-Bulldog Jackson scrap at the armory; That's Jack-:
son looking as If he's abont to take;a bite out of WagnerJ He wss ;
irked enough " to da Just that, since Wagner had' justeompleted
sliding Bulldog along that upper rope eyes first when the picture
was taken. The meany pair ,ineet again Tuesday right In the arra
... ory in one half of a double main event... fc
hot weather spells darlag the
summer are - Fleshers reasons
for' the "decline In attendance. '
'.; The Olinger pool has led the
way ta attendance taos far, ac
cording to figures compiled, by:
Director Tommy Drynan. A to- '
Ul of a,749 have populated the
: resort Zt,Qlir bathers and
16,673 assorted plealckers,
; .horseshoe players, play- -era,
etc. Largest day for attend- .
Imee was . Tuesday, July ; 29,;
when 1SS6 checked Into the pool
and another thousand took part
la other seorces of pUy. - -s
July 29 was also the biggest
day. at Leslie. A. total of 159f
- bathers were . eooated . and - an
other hnndred were seen la the
. psrk daring the day. The Leslie
playground has accommodated '
28,449 bathers to da to and be-
tweea S99 and 1999 la general
:play." - , : - v --.
.No , sertoos easaalllos have
American- League
: (Satarday Seoroa)
Washington Jt9 111 14 It
Chicago -l-l-lJttO 21 S 1 .
! p Lef ebvro, Carresqael' ()." and
Early. Giuliani (t); Ross and,
(12 innings)
Boston 94920t 017 16 2
Detroit -1 121 9994 If 2
Woods (It) and
Gorslea. OrroU (2).
(t) and Richards. ;
Ross' Title Billed With
Up to Date
marred records at either place.
Capable and comely life guards
Janet - Rogers. Katie Griffith,
Phyllis Gueffrey. Pat Leary,
Leah Smith and SaJe SmaU
have had to hit the , water for
rescues only eight tunes six at
Olinger. twice at Leslie. A re
markable achievement since the
large majority of the. attend
ance has' been helter-skeltering
kids. - .-. -;
. And during cold and wet days
the guardians of the premises
have painted bath , houses and
lockers and tidied this and that
until the ; ' playgrounds have
taken the appearance of Inviting
There are bat two snore weeks
la the playground
Both pools are scheduled
to lock up for the fall and win
ter after Satarday, Scptem-
Dasso Spanlis
Beavers, 5-0
r Sore Arm Fastballer ,
'Allows Only 4 Hits
SAN DIEGO, Calif; Aug. 21
(P)Frankie Dasso, sore arm and
au, tossed up a four-hitter at the
Portland Beavers in Saturday's
Coast league baseball game - to
chalk up a 5 to 0 victory his 10th
of the year.
Portland 999 999-9 4 1
San Diego ......29 SOI Mx-5 t 1
PierrettL Cook (4) and Ad-
Dasoo and Ballinger.
Only 4 Games.
For Multnomah
PORTLAND, 'August 21
The Multnomah stadium manage
ment said Saturday only four col
lege football games are scheduled
here this fall., 1 .
; The first, oa Oct. 16, pits
Washington against Ore
gon State. Following cease Ore
gon against Idaho, Oct, SO; Ore
gon against Washington, Nov. C; .
Oregon State against Washing
ton State, Nov 20 - j;
-.In? addition stadium managers
said they hoped to offer a game
for the state high school cham
pionship, v tentatively scheduled
for Dec. 4. ' ' ,
Yanks Snatch
llth Straight
Circuit blows by Bill Dickey and
Charley Keller led the way Sat
urday as the New York Yankees
whipped Cleveland, 8 to 3, to
capture their- eleventh straight
series. ,.
New York 1 00S 200-8 IS 1
Cleveland 909 300 000-3 fl 2
Bobo Finally Wins One 4-1;
A's Drop 15th Straight Tilt
ST. LOUIS, August 21-(P)-Bulky Buck Newiom broke into
the winning column Saturday for the first time in eight starts
with St. Louis. He pitched the nightcap of Saturday's double
header with Philadelphia and won it, 4 to 1, after the Browns
took the opener, $ to 3, to sweep
the five game series. f ; 1
Old Bobo had to be yanked in
the ninth after the first two men
singled. V Relief Hurler George
itch away from a title shot.
Roughy Ross who openly ad
mits he can plaster either Olsoa
or Karlinko, simply beaming
and Olson, the most deserving
guy of the pack, faced with
licking big Steeake now before
he gets to cash in on what he
earned two weeks ago.
And more - happy guys 1 yet.
Wagner, who lost to Jackson
last week and beUered loud and
long afterward that he, an
American cltlxen,! "was stabbed
la the back" by both Jackson
and. Referee ' Almo Kallio, fol
lowed that' up with a demand
for a return go with Bulldog,
lie gets It Tuesday, so he's hap
py. - -
Since Jackson gets a big kick
out of merely bashing anybody
anytime, he's of course content
,teoVY7-'V- ':: ';'. h .;
s The curtala raiser for the ses
sions amongst the now one big ;
happy family a cork
er also. Ernie ; Pilnso, capable
crunehy who has yet to appear
here this season, takes oa rasa
lin referee Mel Peters .to' start
things : at r tZ9 p ml , v
: i The opener. wm be a S3-min-
'ste time limited best two. of
three falls clash while the two
main events will be best two of
tLree tills ever the lorrer route.
Flatflbnsla Cifeems
K.'e's New Dealers '
NEW YORK, August 21-rVWhen Branch Rickey started to
turn the Brooklyn Dodgers inside out about a month ago the
fanatic Flat bush fans were wounded to the quick. But their"
wounds have been quick to heal through the - spectacular play
At Half Mark
Jim Turncsa, Wood,
Nelson Next in Line"
ex-Yankee outfielder, "35-year-old
Sam Byrd, hit a home run in golf
Saturday a sharp sub - par 33
3467 which pushed him Into the
halfway lead of Chicago's victory
national championships with a 38
hole aggregate of 135, nine strokes
under standard figures.
The Philadelphia pro was the
only competitor among the six
first round front runners to bet
ter his score oa the second trip
of the 72-holo ' medal . tourna
ment which concludes Sunday
with a double round.
Staff Sergeant Jim .Turnesa of
SUten Island, NY, the 18-hold
leader' with, a 67 took." a "pair of
35's for a -137 'total and dropped
into second place. Craig Wood,
the duration US open champion
from Mamaroneck. NY, hooked
up a 70 with his 69 for" 139 and
third position, while Byron . Nel
son of Toledo was one over par
with 72 to card 140 for fourth. , V
A 33-3779 placed Ky Laf
feea -of Tulsa, Okhu. la fifth
with Grant, BJL, Jim Ferrier of
Chicago, the former Australian
champion who climbed to the
front with a 68: Jimmy Demar
et of Detroit and Harry Cooper
of Minneapolis, both of whom .
suffered putting Jitters and
ttok 74's after firing 69s In the
first round, r-'.-.1"'.
Bracketed at 144 were Johnny
RevolU of Evanston, I1L Willie
Goggin of White Plains, NY, and
Lloyd Mangrum of Los Angeles,
while Ed Dudley of Colorado
Springs, Colo the PGA ; presi
dent, placed at 145V: . 74 S
Prince Quillo
Wins Saratoga
NEW YORK, Aug. 21 -ip- A
colt off the bargain counter
brought his stretch-running zip to
the transplanted Saratoga-at-Bel-mont
race meeting Saturday and
all but chased the badly-faded
Shut Out right out of the park.
Prince Qaiilo Is the horse, and
after letting Mrs. Payne Whit
ney's once-mighty derby winner
lead for a mile of the mile and
a quarter, he won the 41st Sara
toga handicap by six lengths, as
Shut Out wobbled in but In a
field of three, before a crowd
of 29,709, largest of the meet
ing, who bet $2,07363.
Caster saved, the game, however,
by retiring . the next three men.
Newaom himself drove in what
proved to be the whining run
with a single in the fourth Inning.
: The losses 'were 14 and -IS
straight for Philadelphia.
PhUadeL J601 tOt tOt-S t t
SL Louis 01t 010 10-I II 2
Harris and Swift; Sandra and
' Hayes. ' ;
' PhUadeL 010 000 000-1 t t
St. Louis 01t 100 ZS 4 10 0
Wolff. CtoU (S), and War
ner; Newsonv Castor (t
FerrelL "
Washington State 'Cautiously
Optimistic' on Grid Outlook
PULLMAN, Waslw Aug. 2MP)
Washington State college officials,
standing " somewhat apart - from
the gloom ' hitting many 'football
schools, expressed cautious opti
mism Saturday about the season's
football prospects. ... .
Coach Orin E. Holllngbery said
he had received word from more
than 3$ promising players they
would help to make WSC a com
petitor in the northern division.
Pacific Coast conference. Others
are indicating desire to play. ?
-Graduate Manager Earl Foster
commented: "We plan to go ahead
with football as long as we find
it-physically possible to continue
the sport. ..
- Hollingbery listed three men
found available during the- past
week. Wafly Kramer, letterman
end, Is on the' campus and ex
of the youngsters who were
brought in during the houseclean
ing. " " - . '
The customers who carried '
signs , ridiculing Rickey and
threatening to boycott Ebbels
field after, Bobo Newsem, Joe
Med wick. Dolph CamCU and t
other familiar stars had been1'
shuttled off the scene now are
turning oat la bigger numbers
than before.
The players who are responsible"
for this about-face are Luis Rod
riguez lmo, a Puerto Rican out
fielder brought up from the Dodg -
ers Montreal I arm ciuo; tugene
Hermanski, ! another outfielder
who came up from Durham in the
Piedmont league; and Howard
Schultz, a first baseman purchased';
from St. PauL
. The rookie fust sacker, who 1
is C feet ?!4 Inches tall, made
a doable and a single and handled-
15 fielding chances flaw
lessly whea he Joined tho club
last Moaday. , '
Word of the great new first
baseman the Dodgers had obtained
spread liwo wildfire through
Brooklyn that night and the next
day more than 12,000 paying cus
tomers Were In the stands. They
still are "talking about him. -Although
his hitting seems likely, to
be light, his fielding already has
quieted all the moaning about Ca
millL ; -- " -
Olrno, who was the first of tho
trio to be brought to Brooklyn,
is leading the national league in
batting during his short stay. His
average is .387.
Pltih? Rookie
Leads Victory
Over Cards
Ray Hamrick, the Phillies' $25,000
rookie Shortstop from Nashville, 1
came through with his -first and
second major league hits Satur-
aay to ieaa r reaaie iizsuxunona
team to a i 3-2 triumph over the
world champion St. Louis Cardi
nals. .-
Also performing brilliantly de
fensively as the Phillies copped
the rubber game of the Cards
five-game series, young Hamrick
singled in j the first inning and
romped home when Buster Adams
clouted a double.
St. Louis I ...O0O 002 0002 SO
PhUadelphla 200 000 01 3 9 1
Brecheen and W. Cooper:
Rowe and! Moore. . ,
DiMag Paces
Stars to Win
Paced by Joltin Joe DiMaggip,
who slashed four hits in as many
tries, two of them ponderous homo
runs, a group of former Major
League stars beat the combined
Los Angeles and Hollywood clubs
of the Pacific Coast League in an
exhibition game Saturday, 8 to
2, before a 22,000 crowd.
Red Ruffing, former team
mate of DIMagglo with the New
York Yankees, twirled tho first
fear Innings and allowed tho
Coast stars only one run. Hol
lywood and Los Angeles used
nine pitchers, one la each in
ning, bat they gava ap a total
of 15 hits while their teaaomateo
were gathering only six off three
hurlers. The proceeds of. tho
game will go toward purchasing
sports equipment for service
in south Pacific bases.
Gresham Site
Annual Fair
GRESHAM, August 21-(JP)The
37th annual - Multnomah county
fair, will open here Monday with,
livestock and garden displays. A
12-day racing program is , also
scheduled, i
pecting to attend classes this fall.
Another letterman available is
Guard Rod Glske. AI Kean, 180
pound end who was a three-year
starter at Bremerton high school,
is planning to enroll at WSC and
says he will play football before
getting a call as a navy aviation
cadet." " j
is a . n