fl "W (W""e V -i-"-!""- - jL.eDcCssi-j.azioi-'.. Thm CZGC:i CTATEC21AM. Cclara. Orn. ZcZstdsj IZszzlzz. Acrt 21. IS 13 ; - - - . Classified Adrertbtag Statesmen Classified .Ads, . Call 9I0J three liiertlons per Una 13c Six Insertions per Una - 40c One month per Um $125 Minimum charge 25c; I tt nla lmunr 35c; t tL mia.-'tfe. No refunds, ; : . ' ; rv: " V ' Copy tor this pack accepted un til 83ft tbt evening before pubue Uon for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too - Let to Classify"-" ; - The- Steteemaft esirare -ao finan cial responsibility -tor errors which may appear to advertisements pub lished In Us columns and In case where. this paper la at fault win reprint that part of an advertise men tn which the typographical mistake occurs, : The Statesman reserves the right to reject questioaabl advertising. It further reserves the right to place all 'advertising . under . the proper classificatton. A "Blind- Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress cs for the protection of the advertiser and roost therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to-divulge toi for mation as- to too identity, of an advertiser using a 'Bund ad. Livestock amd Poultry TOR SALE: New Hampshire fryers. xiii center sc. fa. iwi. FOB SALX: New Bamp. fryers. H. H. Brenemaa, Hie 2. Bos lis. K mi. E. of Ketzer School. Every week. nornirt rwm vnvTfX- Nice Cuern- ser cow tor sale. Rt. 7. Box 207. Hi way East. ' GOOD IS mo. Hereford bull for sale. MS Garden Rd. Ph. MM. - RED FRYERS lor sale. In. 724 8. 12th. r, .-.'- ' - ATlENTlOftllt v -W1Q remove dead at worthless stock as a memenrs notice I SALEM FEB THJZER e BY-PBODOCTS . Pav I00t Collect (tfo other Pbooe.l Hop Picker HOP PICKERS . WANTED We will begin picking hops at our Lakebrook farm on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th. Our trucks wiH haul pickers to and from the farm. For those wishing to pick hops please meet our trucks at ft A.M. each morning at one of the following loca tions: - -21st and Mill Streets 21st and State Streets 19th and State Streets 17th and Center Streets 17th and Market Streets Capitol and Market Streets Fairground Road and Highland Ave nue. Leslie School. ' Commercial and Center Streets Commercial and Columbia Streets Keizer School. Tv A. LTVESLET & CO. Help Wanted ATTENTION HOP PICKERS PICKING STARTS MONDAY". AUG UST 23rd. EASY DRIVING DISTANCE FROM SALEM. 130 ACRES EARLY AND LATE HOPS. NO LAY OFF BE TWEEN EARLIES AND LATES. PREV VAILING PICKING PRICES. DRIVE NORTH ON RTVER ROAD TO KEIZER SCHOOL. TURN LEFT AND KEEP ON MAIN HIGHWAY UNTIL YOU SEE SIGN DIRECTING YOU TO YARD OF O. O. McCLELLAN. . KOLA McCLELLAN OPERATING FIR GROVE RANCH ' GOLDEN GATE OFFERS THE Best Hop Picking Job PATf: Highest prevailing -pay Wo need to shop around! CAMP: Best A camp conditions. Tents. Free Nursery. Dance Halls, Showers. Swimming, etc. WORK: Long season. 400 acres choice hops. Clean fields. BUS: Pickers and camp equipment will be hauled free. - PHONE: LEE MOODY, 7033: Long time Salem resident, will be glad to tell you other details of ranch. VISIT: Lee. 653 N. HIGH. See the pictures of the ranch. ARMY WIVES &: families will es pecially like the Golden Gate ranch. HOP PICKERS WANTED. 1200 Pickers and day men. 400 acres Early and Late hops. Picking com mences August 23rd in the Early hops and' continues without any lay off in the Late bops, thereby making Jong season Bumper crop. Invite inspec tion Clean, newly painted cabins fur nished free to pickers and day; help. Free wood, electric lights and good water. Grocery, butcher shop and res-' taurant in camp. Camp will mm on August 20th." Register immediately 'for reservations. c a Mclaughlin hop ranch S miles North of Indepemtenee. Ore gon. Man: Route I. -Phone: S7F3. Wit NOBLE. -Supsvtrttendent. PRESS Operator wanted. Steady work. Good wages. Standard Cleaners. HOP 'PUCKERS at Hartley eV Craig yards -eet-Minto ''island.. Ph. S02S ec 443. 3U, WE "WILL 'start "picking hops to- the D. T. -mfaaCarthy ftc .Son vara. 10 nmL from Salem on S. River Rd.. on 7Kaa day. Aug. zsrd. Fh. UTJ. HOP PICKERS WANTED- -Surly late hose, Free cabins, wood, -sb and electric lights. Good bops, long picking. Will operate truck-daily teem saiem to yard, orey Hop Reach. Rt HOP PICKERS WANTED " " U SSft Acres Choice River Bottom Hops 4 miles sw of- Salem, 1 weeks of line picking beginning about Septem ber 1 Good camp ground. Fine cabins. Or free transuortauoo to and from yard Register at our office 147 North Commercial Street,, or write John J. Roberts ec Co- Salem. Oregon. Ph. SC23 HOP PICKERS. SUrting Aug. 22. Our truck will be at Employment of- flee at ft 30. If you wish to be packed up along route can X27SC Orey Hop Ranch. : . . ".:'' - ADVERTISINO ' Western AdvertJsinc RepresenUtires Ceoree D Close . fno. Can Francisco '. Lee Angeles - leattW Eastern Advertisins Representatives Wartl-Orifnt OampMtr. tne. Chicago. New York. DetnxC Boston. Atlanta - Entered et the feetofflce T Ssfesa. Or ewe as Second Class Sfetter. Pub lished every mai nil excrpt sfosdan Busmess office fl Tout Co hiss sr ctoi stmt.. SUBSCRIPTION RATE3 Man Subscrtptkia Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo ft cents; ft Mas $3 00; 1 year. 800 Elsewhere 00 cents per no or $7 20 - for 1 rear in advance. Per copy 9 cents Py City Carrier. 7 cents a month. - 99.0ft a year tn advance tn Marlon and sfUsnanf eaunfles, rr.-, Help 7anted ! Hop Pickers, "Wanted : ISO W Mfllaa MWtJI ttmm Ti m A-W Ins.- stoves, wood and. water. Start rrickin Aixvuat V nl M and 11 mi. E. of Brooks. Can, write or pnwi onocr oeuiey ec (HO. PnOne 2226S. route 2, box 233. Salem. s woman, for day shift. Senator Hotel. BOP. PICKING starts Mlnto Yard Mon. Aug 23rd. . , . r v -v- HOP PIOOCRSt xigltf m- bthi and late hope. Brown bland Boo Co. 5 ml. S. of Salem on Willamette rtver. free cabins, wood, water, nghta, straw and showers' Ph. 795. WTHE REGISTERING hop pickers for early fte late heps now. 4 miles west of Salem. Good "crop. : Picking starts August 33. Top- wages paid. Ph. 21331. Williams fte Thacker. WANTED: Hop pickers for our Wil Hart yd IT miles No, of Salem on New berg highway. Excellent picking Price for picking ftfte lb. Cabins. Elec lights, stoves, wood, tables fte benches c clean straw Free. Store : 4c -meat market - on camp grounds. "' Register now. Picking will start Aug. 23. Phone 22881. Ward Lundy, WU-Hart Hop YcL. Gervais. Ore.--;,-'. A. M. JERMAN Hop Vard bow reg istering hop pickers. 250 acres -of early and late clusters. Picking, commences Aug. 25th. excellent picking. Clean modern cabins in cool camp ground, running water, elec. lights, used and stoves - furnished free. S mile north of Salem on River road. Phone 177. Rt X. Box 190. HOP PICKERS, I mi N. of Salem near Mission Bottoa echooi. 100 acres of early ec lates. Cabins, stoves ac wood furn. Picking starts Aug. SS. C Q Hiltibrand. RC X. Box tit. Ph. 22448. .. . Help Wanted Hale Workers now employed la war nre- duction should not apply easd wiH not beconsidered . for employment by em ployers advertising in this section, i LUBRICATION M!JAlBOexpert the service man. Good -wages; no Sunday work. Firestone Scores, Center at Liberty." WANTED: Peach pickers, men. L. Townsend Peach Orchard. M us. If. of Salem..- -- BOYS, age IS to IS. to carry States man' routes near your heme. Be ready to start Sept. 1. All applicants smut be accompanied by parents or 'have a written statement from parents. Earn $1.00 each morning S30S a year. Also supervised .labor platoon especially for Statesman carriers - will atart- about Sept. 1. Carry route and work with labor platoon ft hours each day. Earn good money. Apply at Statesman office at once. : MAN for clerking and. general Work in fish market. Fitts Market, lift N. Com'L DUMP TRUCK driver. Call 273ft. ' COMPETENT combination truck driver: and clerk, steady position af ter war: must write legible hand: arte work to start: 44 far. wk. -Seniority and pension rights, vacation. Bailsray Express Agency. Help W anted F emale RELIABLE, experienced lady for light housework a care of IS mo. baby for employed widow. 080 mo. Ph 4023. 4 GIRLS for general office work, cre dit girl, cashier, and girls to work on floor. Apply Salem office for Port land position. Dr. Semler. i GIRLS: Trumpet, trombone,, saxa phone. base fiddle players for all girl orchestra, between ages 13-18. Call S410 between 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Sat. or see Roger Fogelquist or Philip Schwartz. Saturday afternoon. Elsi nore Theatre. ; GIRL to care for 2 school age chil dren. Call before noon. Parents ship yard workers. 1130', Nebraska St. WOMAN TO CARE for children days. Stay or go home nltes, as desired. Ph. 8825. SALES GIRLS WANTED ' Experience not necessary. Permanent lull time work. Ph. 74SL j SODA FOUNTAIN girL The -Spa. GIRL wanted who wishes to learn a good paying trade. Clerk fte general helper in shoe repair shop. Living wage to start with increase as you learn. Apply after ft PM. at 273 N. Com'L WOMAN to -are for 11 mo. baby by month Ph. 3421. : WOMAN, 35-55. housekeeping. Board and room in nice home plus good wages. 3 children 260 West Superior street. Salem. - NURSES AIDES fte kitchen helpers. Good wages. Oregon State Tubercu losis Hosp. ; LADY COOK. Apply at Quelle, ! Situations Wanted m ' "HONORABLE "DISCHARGE FROM US ARMY: Young man age Tl Bases employment prefeasbty tn antes week. Interested in any position where there's opportunity for -ailvawaiiicut. iXtos ed sea tion db ksnkgnniiid needed 'for. sales work.. SUtesramn Box 273L ! CARE FOR CHILDREN ;in my Ph. S700. ; For SaleCiayliUigisjua' Regrilsr Fttctory VUde - -4 TTlieel Drive Road Gnier-: m A-t coiTDrnm. NASH USED CAR LOT 24ft Censer St. - ' Ph. 2734 ROOFING 35 per ron .. .. , .,;,,.. , ft per roll IliU $2ao SS-23 0 Slate Surfaced. Red ureen. per rou seen rou covers Me square reel and contains Cement and Naibv - Western Auto in Salem ' 1 ANTIQUE dons, .buttons. figurines. Call at 122 N. 8th. Ph. 21443. fecit WILTON Rug. ExeeBent coadl- Brass MM cage - with metal stand, very good condition. Ph. 225ST. CLracXftjHmDCaS BAfrN - 'Ml CPWCX T , . - - ' . . t WSSTAJL, JK IU.RJTA W ALL RkSMTf ' 1 . : , - 3lTTENsM XBAWCAGE ON . ' ' ' ' V BUTtTWlNK J - r' ARG4T X . . . . ITSStt-LV- . r "-l!T - , - - . . . tS-, Honey io Loan. . . QUICK CASH ! LOANS ' CALL. WRITE or phono tSJSSI to Salem's oldest, largest boose owned and horns, managed - finance tnstrtu tion Your financial affairs will be discussed and . loans made ut sUtc lesI Drivacv You will oe given -every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of esteeeiona 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You i ean pay la full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers Loans made on -furni ture or note- ' ROY R. SIMMONS, MGR. t . Li. No' M-152. . V . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Uc- No. S-US ' 134 So. Cotumercial St. Phone SlftS First door south of Lsdd at Bush bank. Convenient ground door location. LOANS l AUTOS up to fSM ' ... on 1 : FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK and . ; SIGNATURE Up to $300 Calkins Finance Co. Sit (3rd Fl) , Pn. 1st Natl. Bank Bldg, Saleni . s-22s - Lie. u-rm i For Sale- Miseellanepna OUR Famous RI-land Slsppy Can ning peaches will be ready about Thurs day. 19th. Place your order now. Im proved Elbertae and Bales later. . PURITAN CIDER WKS. Phone 42ft ? West Salem USED FRUIT JABS. New . lot, pints at quarts, 40 c ftfte doe. -Acme Auto Jr. Truck Wreckers. 430 S. CoasX CANNING CORN SI Xmlah Fruit Farm. Ph. V pick. nod fruit and empty Jars. Vrs. C. H. GOOD SHOT GUN. nso N. Church. WEDGEWOOD ' '- Gas combination range, good condition. $20, 109 N. 23rd. NEW . TAFETTA - formal skirt. Ph. 5314. - LOTS of bo ysen berries , left at fte. Bring containers. lis mi. X. of Che mawa ft Corner at ft mi. N.-on Van Cleave Rd. Alvin J. Van Cleave, Rt 1. Box 25L Salem. OREGON GIANT canning beans fte lb. Victor Olson. Rt. i. Box 410. west of Brush College School. : TABLE or canning cross Golden Bantam sweet corn. Ph. 336ft. USED FRUIT JARS. New lot. pints ac quarts, 40 ec 45c dux.-' Acme Auto Ac Truck wreckers, 400 o. u l RIPE Gravenstem Apple ftl.00 box and up. Puritan Cider Wks. W. Salem. FERTILIZER. SftO N. Com'L Ph. 3522. CIRCULATING Heaters Beds & Springs Stoves Sewing Machines Radios Dinette Sets fte hundreds of good used items. "Always a Huffe Stock." Woodry Auction Market. 1605 N Summer St. Ph. 511ft. Black Cocker Spaniels, $5. Ph. 8299. CANNING PEACHES now reedy. Im- lah Fruit Farm. Phone ZZ3ZS. 00 TON good bated clover hay $32 ton. Rt. ft. Bx. 389. Sllverton Rd. CRAWFORD Peaches, -bring-own boxes. 1840 N. Capitol or call 390ft. - HIGHLAND grown Cfaarlette and Rochester peaches. George Mauer. Ph. 2-091. LADY'S cannery boots. Electric iron, dishes, boy's - clothing, age 1ft, misc. articles. 335 Division after 5 PJI. USED Bed-daveno. Ph. 3552. COCKER Spaniel pup 3 mo. old 2J0. One Setter and Spaniel, needs train ing, about a year old. not a big dog. sure likes to hunt. $7.50. 500 White Leghorn pullets, Hansen strain, should start laying soon. $1.50 ea. In small lots. Will make a better price if all taken New fte used lum ber, 2x4s. 2xGs. 1x4 flooring, sheeting. 1x8s. 1x13s. $28-00 per M. Walter John ston, Rt. U Box 229. Call Sunday. PHTLCO house -adio, table modeL PracticsUy new. 1S9 N. 4th. CANNING peaches. Picking Craw fords fte Rochesters now. Muirs, Hales fte Elbertss fat lft - days. Townsend Peach Orchard, lft mi. N. of Salem. Mission Bottom. Piano. Owner leaving state. Ph. 7500. HOP GROWERS ATTENTION Have '-some old Ranges end Camp Stoves 'for -sale. Write or esU at Sack's Stova Wksi. 1512 S. W. Tixst. PorV land. -Oreg. - tOH, CIRCULATOR, Buper-flex. 871 N..S0th. : ' - : : SANTTAB3r couch: -round oak table, chains -to .match; fsriishon. chairs: rug 12: -fruit -iers: sure seat eovess: fur nace embK wood lift: olock: X clacks. 981 Gaines Bt. Ph. COOK .5TOVE with, coils, m S. JBth. . i , ' i -' - ir. : cCOM& Trash gen range in-iaasL 98 W. saiem, Js Off BLACK -BuMeczeett Slightly used, lft. Ph. 7943. LOVELY Dtning 1309 3. PAIR ToUer tsehed. ' Proeunally Etu.-a42s,,;'M i CANNING 'CORK a sack: Ttrst Grocery. S27L one.-fsrsti DRYER -FURNACE 30"x30x8. Also 9 took power trayer. Ray 'Hsckaxt. St. 4. Bon azSwni. Wast ef Sunnyacde. i OT. FRUIT JARS, ftfte h)4 play ri; 1 cord wood; basinette, etc, C Mohler. CT65 C SL W : ('r-yu:-. THOUNDS' by Lewis Doner. Wigrich. Fuller Brushes.- 1749 Grant. Ph. S3S1 SEE HOGG BROSJtBO State St for liberal trade tn on your old furniture WantedV FJiscellaneons USED rURNrrURE : Ph 8198 DIAL TELEPHONE. Ph. 7219. See "niondie" in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section lonejlto Losa PERSONAL LOANS $29 to $300 No- long rigsmarole : Outsiders .net In volved. $10.05 pitr mo. repays $100 tn 12 months Special service for employed Come in or onone. - Personal Finance Co. : Rm. 129 New BUgh Bldg.. Bit Stete St. (Opposite County Court House) N. Anderson. Mgr. Lie. S-133. M-lftft PRIVATE I MONEY AUTO ANO TRUCK LOANS - CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payvaeots Money for new as used cars No delay or red tape You will retain posession -of the vehicle 1 to 19 MONTHS TO PAY. , ( . ROY -H. SIMMONS 13ft Soyth Cocnroercial Street -' Phone SlftS Lie No. M-153 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUU-DINO LICENSE N M 15ft TA7antecr Jliscellaneons WANTED: To locate someone to re pair B. Skontnger New Hares Ct Organ. Phone 22SS3 or write Curtis, Rt 2. Box 22. Turner, Ore. - : TXlXrriUC water heater. R. C Shepard: Bt 1 Ph. 2321ft. CASH PAXD tor upright. S707. WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION - Under a new Government ruling -we are bow permitted to buy wool direct from growers la any quantity, any dstawf from our mill Bring or ship year fleeces ee lambs wool direct to us and. receive . the highest . market THOS RAY WOOLEN MUX CO. SALEM. OREGON WANT TO But. Deed stcEwaat pnoto snop tu state - MORS CASH for Used Furniture--Stove Radioe AppUarees--TraIl-ers or what have U. Ph. illft. Woodry Aucuon HtU 100S N- 7emted-nraltiire WZ BUY, -sen or trade used furni ture, bicycles, electric or gas motors, wood ranges, wood heaters fte sewing machines. We repair stoves, install new linings in - wood circulators or wood ranges. Brooks Used Furniture. 1094 N. Coral. Ph. T99S. Tlx PAY top price for any kind or amount of good furniture and appli ances. DuFrain- Furniture. 2300 Fair grounds Rd. Phone 9782. WILL PAY top cash for furniture, stoves, electric appliances, bicycles. Phone 0882. JacobsenX Sftft Edgewater. 1 ?: Fll Always Pay : More cash- for Furniture. Stoves. Ap pliances 4c Household Goods. Ph. ftllft. Woodry Auction fte Furo. MkL. 1009 N. Summer St. CASH FOR limit fmrniture nold goods R Forgey Ph. 244ft. Miscellaneous TO BUY or sell good used furniture see Buss Bright. 453 Court. Ph. 7511. Business Cards in this directory ran mm s snontbly basts smly. Rate: SL2S per list per ttMnth. . - ' Airplane Models KITS end SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft. 21st ec Market. Auto Brakes Mike Panek 275 South Commercial Anto and Track Service EARL'S GARAGE, 2495 North Fifth. TP YOUR CAR or truck Is essential to the war effort, we .Invite you to make use of our service facilities. Our efficiently trained and exper ienced mechanics combined with com plete shop equipment, will help "Keep Your Car or JECruck Rolling for the duration. LODEB BROS. 449 Center St. Phone S133 Oregon - . lotteries NEW LOCATION WXLLARD Batteries,, all types. R. J2. Wuotliow. 989 Center. Phone 9559, THcych Barer vW Jkestt,. 3Ct S .ttenWel. P 4sU "CliTiimeT iSweejy Ph. Comlairfe larvesliig azavVts. w rxjzcraj . RACDONsXIL. erlttl near 39 seUtog expert en oe, Offlae-t TtSi "Union. . O Gifts THE APRON Shop 879 M. Sigh. Hosiery Reel Silk MllU. Ph, 6789 Mrs. K. Gen Del, Salem Lawn RIower Sharpening Machine ground 949 . Cspftol St - Kllseellaneocs' Contract Hay Chopping 1; t Done . ; - A BRAND NEW OUTFIT. R. ANDERSON. Rt. 9. Bx. 23 Dental Plate Repair . TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - CASES Brtrnr or Msft 'Your Pietne for Repott DR.. BAfcaY SEMI J.R. -DENTUT Adospb Bldg atate . ConVI Ph 231 1 STOVE Repairing. Woodry. Ph. S110 For Rent-rtoomt NICE rooms. S4ft TJnko.' Ph. 9490. LARGS front room upstairs. Well furn. Close tni Pit; S9SL.. .--. ROOM in private mod. home tor lady.; Furnace seat. Ph. 840ft. : For Rent -Apartments FULLY furnished spt, 2 rms. fte kitchenette, refrigerator, nest, light fte water. 2 blks. Court House. 927M. Ivan Q.. Martin. Phone 4419. 1 ROOM with private bath. Single employed, lady. 53 N. High. Tor Rent FLOOR SANDER for esnecy Ward. . at Mont- TKUCKS for rent. You drive. Me Cune ftr LeveO. phono 9008. Wanted to Rent 9 or 2 Bdrm. House. Ph. 4077. 4 or 9 BM. FTJRN. house, t hdrrns, tor adult couple. -No bad habits. Nice locality.' Ph. 9710.- ,: f-v $ BEDROOM hsevr- Ph. J . BEDROOM elsan. unfurn. house by Sept. 1st. Ph. 21C3S. . ftBEDRM. UTifurn. hse near high school. Ph. 2344. Mrs. Homer L. Goulet. .MOD. - FURM tceuse ee apt. sponsible couple. . Ph. 4047. For Sale Real Estate ft RM. house lfc mL North. Needs some work. Immed. possess. $2000 cash. 9 rnu. all modern. North. $3600. 7 rm. near Deaconess Hosp. 2 good apts. besides ft rms. for Jlvuig quar ters. $4500. - ft rm. hse 4 apts. and haum . all compietely furn. $4500. Must sea at once, - a ".' i F. H. Weir -409 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 7 RM. Colonial. ExeeBent location and construction. $12,000.00. 7 Rm. Dutch Colonial with, 1 A. A real bargain. $8000.00.- 7 Rm. close to all schools. IJL, fire place, DR. kit double - plumbing, all tiled, hwd. firs, up and down, full basement, oil heat, 9 ear gar, excel lent .construction. $7500.00. E M. LARSEN. REALTOR 159 So. High St. Ph. 7490 FOR SALE: 7 Rm. Hs. S complete baths, oil beat. mod. Ph. $590 or, 4407. Immediate possession. Directory Painting 4$ Paperhanging i PAiNTTNO ec Decorating. Ph. 7559. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs books-or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 a Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Paints and Lacquers NEW LOCATION Complete line Nason paints. Liberal terms. R. D. Wood row, . 949 Center. Phone 5559. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4069 Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serv, 942 N. Com'L 7681. Saw Filing -LAWN shears, chisels.' etc. 1909 N. Bummer. Ph. 2874. Septic Tanks Cleaned inarxuous tkes. etaiimim iiiaiiii i.i 1143 aUgkthSt West Saiem. Ph. SEPTiC TANKB as teed. St-aKJte.wtds GanePtte. 42 JbSsawessr St.. .West Salem f. KW. -;j . WE CLEAN aeuUC hmks end tree:- W. -W. Turmen, TranspYsrtslios -SRIJCSaNG. M CotnTLiPh. 9938. TRUCKS ' eTCOr rREWT BiarutetBfurnx US7 .a Unertr 'Ph-!fta2 Ftm XDCAL OOR i BIST AWT tnhr. ilunw hui iiar e4L briquet Tiwaacs-to Portland . daily. nt -Ph ?,-Ga Ph.. aiar Used Fnrniture .USTEXT Furn ouughl fte sold. Ph. 9762 Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR. sere. AR makes Vioee's Kleetric. 157 S.. Lib. Tel. FREE tnrpecoon tn your borne Au thorissd Hoover service We service all snakes cleaners Hogg 'Bros Pn 9 149 f WeU Driiiin3 B. A West at Rt. 8- B 445 J, Pmgh. 9129 Myrtle. Ph. 9338. ervery Sunday. For EJe- Hcil Estxta HERE IT ZS-Nest weU built, 4 room bouse, good fouhdstion, lot 77x250.' Near Englewood school. ' For quick sale only $2650. Call Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REAL TORS. 344 State St. Ph. 926L " -- - .BM. , cottage garage, lfth Jc Center. $1254. Sk acre ec ft rm. cottage, electric pump, antail chicken house. i mi. from bus, near Fair Grounds. $1450.00. Also ft no. dwL near State fte 15th, 92500. Address PX). Box 94ft. Salem. '2 B." Room house, on one floor. Base mens.': New sawdust furnace. New paint. New roof. Lot 2x200. $ blks. from State House. $4500.00. - i -See L. L. THORNTON V " j. T. Iflridi Co, 202 Pesrce Bldg. 730 MILL; 9-BRms. $2300; 7 . -C'.,, i; : pso No. 17th. -BRms.S5500. r ' 305 No. 25th. 2-BRms. $2200. : 99S No. Capitol. 4-BRma. $T200. ' For - information on these homes pleate - Mr. Goodwin, with - '' ' ' - HAWKINS V ROBERTS. INC. J j - REALTORS .. . $45003 bed. room house, basement, furnace, not water heater, garage. vt 92800. A nice cottage with gas fur nace, basement, garage, view lot. ' $6500 ft room house with basement, gaa furnace, garage. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 9189 93009 buys a f r. house fte garage en Saginaw St. 14 cash fte the balance hke - rent. W. O. XSUECER. REALTOR 147 W. Commercial . . Pb, 4798 LATEBUTLT ft Rms. St hook. 1 lots. West Salem. $2500. Soros- terms. 172 S. Liberty. ? GOOD- 9 Steaa. plastered (est owe floor). NJE. Lg. lot. East front. $3150. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE . 171 8. Ubcrty- . AT 1571 MISSION. House sad three lots foe sale. Owner will be at place 9 -RM. HSX. 2 bdrms- Well located. Largs Improved lot with trees. Fur nished : or unfurnished, Unftirtushed priee $2550. Ph. 21489. , ft RM. lot. 9 bedrooms, electric stove fte hot water heater, garaee. close to hue fte school. Owner will show from 9 to 9 only. House rented. Furniture for sale k deetred. Price $wo. 2103 a, winter. SMATJ. LOT, 9 ' bdrm. cottage; can trai losu gsrage: no basera.: rea assess, paid. Appraised at $2979. Box 2728. Statesman. .. ':. 99 Acres, 17 A. prune orchard. Priced to sell. Vincent Meuret. Rt. 1. Dallas. 4 RM- USE. Basement, f-troace. laundry rm. A fruit mv Bus stop at door: or wui traoe tor larger nse 1999 Berry St . - L1S1 YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS fte LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC REALTORS PH ftlQS ONE OF Salem's best located hemea. New t-rm. hae, automatic heat, elec tric water heater, beeutiful lawn and surroundings. $6500. 1215 N. 19th. 6217. ---- 238 So. 18th St. 8 Rm. Immed. 92800.00. Terms arranged. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR 153 So. High St. Ph. 7490 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Five r. plastered house and garage, partly furnished, reasonably priced. 434 So. Cottage St Phone 3579. 2 A 10 houses. $4000 8100ft Phone 7277 evenngs. BY OWNER: New 2 B. R. home. Hwd. floors. Venetian blinds, large garage, near school. 479 Grove. .. ' For Sale Farms 107 ACRES good black loans solL ft rm. mod. has good barn fte other bides. See tnis farm Detore During elsewhere. Price $10,500 cash. To set tle an estate. F. H. Weir 489 Center REALTOR JrTu 9411 170 A. stock farm. 2 house. Owner retiring, Immed. Poss. $15,000.00. 100 A close in, stocked and equip ped. $220.00. 95 A. All new bldgs. All in culti vation. $17,000.00. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR ' 153 So. High St. - - Ph. 7498 44 A. 8 R. Hse, fine targe barn. Some fruit fte nuts. 96500. 92000 Do. Close irt. r - WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty i FOR few days only 65 acres in prunes and walnuts. $2700 cash: (Prune crop included). (Closein). Willamette Real Estate. 172 8. Liberty. FINE suburban place. Good income. 1U mi. from Salem. Bus. Everything .Reasonable payment, emu. use US SL Good location. 18 mo. from Salem. Sunning water. Terms. H. C. -SHIELDS, Oregon Building 37 Jk, near ete all in Nlee-3 BJL home, Elect. torn. 'Only 300ft.so. Terms.- -E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR - ns'So. Higb at - Ph. .near Toledo .en Blver. 15 A. tend, a bouaea, only lT?vri0fl M.XAJ1SEN.BXALTOR T33 So. High- fit, : . , ... .,- JPh. TV sr'HM S. wit uL A rm hawsav '4 Jxtrma. Bam. JChtekecr ihes,. eymd .b-. i mm -frurtr (All Jays leveL W mi. -to' achj. Price S900 casn, o Tens. s . F.H. Weir , -REALTOR ' Ph." 9411 ONE ACRE -,-'- Ttve room Bungalow, wired tor See, range, Elec. .water system. Large hen house. Trait, nuts. Bus stops at door. Can -be shown any time. See Louis Becbtel or Mrs. Needham, 941 State St. Boom ft. -swin rttrrn Hii.r AfTRE 91900. Best of dark soil, house 9 R. Etectrtcity. aouoie garage., ruse ger den, lots of fruit, north of Salem. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham, 941 State. "Boom 4. - nnnn rsrcas--ircrccr"i "ii sft A. 8 m. from. Salem, half farm land. Est. 900 Cd. wood, no bldgs, mile from school. $1500. half down. 9 A. W. Salem with cabins, lays fine to cut up. Only -$2000. Terms. . Mod- a R. Buns slow E. 94200. Terms. Good 7 R. home N, large tot. $2500. PERRINE or MOSES, 331 State St. Saburban WELL LOCATED 'SUBURBAN HOME, 1 - acres. h tnUe out on paved road. Best of soil, house of 9 rooms and unfinished upstairs. Plumb ing, drilled -well with water system. Old barn .and chirk en 'house. Price $4jfl0. Part terms. See LEt N.CTTTLDS, INC. iAl.xwSk, ,- neater',, twwt. Phone SziL ; rT . : ; '.. Wanted Real Estate WANTED, HOME Front Owner, for Cash. the best modern 2 or 9 B-R. house to be had. or if eld. one that can be well re paired. Siox 2723. Ste tesman. j HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Saiem property. A listing with us e this time-means e ready sale. RICH L HEIMANN 167 South High Street Phone 9283 ft OR 9-RM. house with basement from owner for about $1590. pa. 363. Wanted Real Estate 9 BDBM. home tn W. Salem, or acre age near Salem, Write. Wa. Loewen, BX. L Amity. Ore. - WANTED to lease, farm on share basis - Must' have some equipment fte livable ' house. Statesman Box 2728. IT YOU can sell your 9 bedroom home for $408 down fte 945 -.per mo. Ph. 4035. . - - - ... , . ' . WANTED to buy: 9 rm. home for $3000.00 cash. Ph. 9007 or 2406L ' WANTING a suburban acreaee home from owner only.- at right -price for cash. Box 3725. Statesman. .CASH for low priced residence, prop erty. Ph. 5110. Woodry Auction Mat lftDft N. StmunM. - ,-: "" Business Opportunities NINE STOOL Cafe doing good busi ness. Reason for selling "other lnter- ts." ChUl BowL 128ft . State SL Call after H PM. STTRN LKHril Ant ,1m. In. 10 ants. Privata IuUm HmMmmrm- tors. Excellent investment. $14,000U)0. - X. m, LARSEN. REALTOR ' 199 So. High St. Ph.' 7490 coorj cnormv d itm.h . 1,1 house district. Excellent location. Kaa- woomutw eenna, tocng into service. Cot tage fte Ferry Sts. Ph. 7707. APARTMENT House. Home Ac- in come. Close In. Statesman Box 1727. WANTED: Direct from owner, a good s investment, ranrtiur aooresl- mately from 10 to $19OOjOO Cash. Best 172ft Statesman. For Salt Wood 18 MILLWOOD and sawdust. 8889. Immediate delivery; . SAWDUST. 990 N. ComT. Ph. 9529. MILL WOOD. 1 toad ftftaft. Hollywood Fuel Co. 844ft Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. STS1. ft FT. SLAB, FRESH CUT SAW DUST. PH. 9863- Wood Sawixig 1911 tf- Liberty Ph. Sftftft. For Sale Used Cars 1941 DE SOTO 4-door sedan. Fluid Drive. In excellent condition. Terms If desired. "You wfll always find a better car and make a better deal" at LODER BROS. - 448 Center St, gal em. Oregon. "Our 15th year in Salem" : "Oldsmobite Sales and Semee" i "Home of Good Used Cars' 1941 Bulck Super Com. Cpc 1941 Pontiac Sedan ette. - i 1S40 Bulck Limited Conv. Sdn. -194ft Chev. ft Pass. Cpe. - : 1940 Chev. Sedan. . 193ft Ford Sdn. 1839 Willys Sdn. 1211 Broadway. 41 SUPER DeLUXE Ford 4 door sedan, radio, heater, five good tires, low mileage. One owner. 130 E. Owens. 1934 CHEV. ft Dr. Ph. 21269. I 3S PLYMOUTH Sdn. Good cond. gooa tires, priced to sell. 471 King wood Ave, W. Salem. 1939 FORD V-9 Coupe. Owner in service. See If evenings et Rt. 1, Box 193ft HUDSON Terranlane 4 -door se dan. Excellent running condition. Good bres. 9490. Phone 5769 after ft p. m. "rRAnjoT houseT irrVSSurch. Automobiles L. M. ALSMAN'S USED CAR LOT fte SERVICE STATION Corner Liberty fte Chemeketa, PHONE 7406 Personal NOW BUYING dried prunes, filberts and walnuts. My office will egain be at the Shryder Transfer. 289 So. Cot tage. Phone 49GSVH. R. Jones. LONESOME? Write Captain Joy Bliss Club. P. O. Box 73, Tacoma. L Wash ington. ; Crossword Puzzle ii IZ """"" """"" Ip2 - W M J V777777VX7 """"" TT" 2i mmmm " 35 24 2S 2t mm'' "mm 3d 3 . 3" 51" mm 43 "T" . , 44 -4i iflf f f gfif; i 4 11 wr 1 irl I .::!? .,'.',. - , 8'S ' . nOSXZONTAI. ' X.vehlcl ' : 4. father ' 7. bristly ,: ; 12. malt drink 13. wine .vessel ' 14. declaim 15,Hke M6.aoaked In .f4ckl , : 18. ferniiuaa . - .' " ' name ' XI. receiving; 23;Jreat 'LakO . " 27. Lctzon - '-V Kesrito -. . 1 23. obUlnel -Z0. note ta" . "-';! Guido'g 5 scale - . 31; turcir.; " - ; 'point ' 51. snicker SS. barbarian . -37. pinch . - 39. Confederate general 40. handle 42. barkened - 48. intended . 4$. heavenly . body 49. act of - reversing - 53. exists 54. foreign ! 65. wind j . direction j : labor.) ; Sft. animal t physician ; Ss. rows . 69. to the right 60. silkworm - Answer to f)UjILf eJlom Al;p )ov? 95f illy. il- '3 5 gMigji'iN IP-,. T R 1 NTKIcf li o t '41 N A V Y ' R Hi SSTA " " 1 . . ft-d Arersge Usee et eelsUeat 1IH sslaates. Cut. by King Feature! gysdlcstt. Inc. PREMIUM Prices Paid Foe ; ,'i .. 2ft to 42 Cars. Ual defense workers need ' We Recondition fte Resell. EquiUes Bought Cash Imraediately . HlUlALL-OWENS CO. 239 S. Com'L Ph. 2l?9 More Gash For Your Car ' 4. wf 1 It it is a good automobile 3ft to 41 Models. WX WANT ONLY THE BEST ONES- BUR GO YNE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 92339 .449 Center St , Salens, Oregon WE PAY TOPS! Got every dime your ear is worth. Cash on the B&rrel-Hesd MC" SHROCK SALE9TS ecdeet n dependent used oar . -: ' dealer. NX Corner Church a Cbem. Ph. 73 : CASH RIGHT NOW t For late model automobiles. Ph. 9110. Woodry Auction Market ! WANTED: Used Chevrolet or Ford coupe. Model A or. 34-'3S. $39 N. Churcn. Mornings or evenlsigs. WILL PAY CASH for 193ft to '44 Sedan. 2219 Broadway. LATE MODEL Pick-up. Ph. 7511, - WANTED Ml Chev. 4-dr. sedan with low mileage. Will pay cash. Salem Taxi Service. 441 State. Motorcycles 1932-74 fte 1939-81 Barley Davidson. Ph. 91339. A. M. Cruse. Lost and Found LOST: Will soldier who found lady's purse with i coins fte keys please mail I to Mrs. La Telle. Benton Hotel, Port- ' land, Oreg. Reward. LOST; Billfold containing valuable nepers. Near Front St. C. W. Pursley, 770 S. Com! Ph. 8305. Reward. LOST: 9 dogs, cocker spaniel. 1 male. 1 female. Red. Ph. 706ft. Transportation WANTED: Ride to Camp Adair. 8 JO to 4 JO shift E. GuUtot 147 N. Com'L RIDE to Iron Fireman, West Side. Swing shift Ph. 9-2601. WOMAN office worker - wants ride to Camp Adair. 8-S shift- Ph. 7034 evenings. i -. WANT RIDERS to Willsmette Iron fte Steel Day shift Phone 21310. 9 RIDES, dsy shift to Swsn Islsnd. Ed Pearl. 60 Beach Ave. DECATUR. I1L -W- Dr, B. I Frrxell believes he can take his gardening: pants oft the clothes line soon now. FnrxelL head of the Mill ik in university i English department, hung the j trousers on the line about six weeks ago and a pair of wrens promptly nested in a Docket Now the young wrens have hatched, and the professor la awaiting the day they try theii wings. ' ... VERTICAL L calcium - (sym.) 2. winged - 3. holds back 4. obstruct Sviuiian violin-maker ft. braving . 7. r;aro ! ; ; 8. rub-out 9. make an '.edging '-10- consumed 11. guided t 17. bar of metai 18. male nickname J 9. river-Islands 22. useless : 24. retaininjr; 25.1sUnd(Kr.) , 29. auditory organ , 29. to slant 31. tea . ' 32. speed . 33. male name -35. golf mounds 33. languishing 4Lltoh&mm dan prince 43. rock ' 44.atlayer ; 45. physician , (abbr.) ; 47. eagles " 49. rodent 60. Hebrew high priest . 61. compete 62. born 67. note In the scale yesterday's puzzle. IoTcT