The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 19, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    Mid --.-Willamette .alley Mev
. Reports From The Statesman Community Correspondents
Granges Plan
August Meets v;
' N. Howell Farmers
Learn Combines,
Balers Due too Late
UNION mix The August
meeting of t the Union Bill
grange wilPbe held Friday
'- night ai the grange halL; Re
freshments will be served after
the business meeting. -; .
MACLEAY Plans were made
at the August grange meeting to
hold the annual grange picnic at
the hall on Sunday, : August 22.
During the business session re
ports were made by Mrs. M. M.
Magee on . legislation by 'Albert
Mader on agriculture and : Mrs.
H. E. Martin on home economic
The program during the lec
turer's hour included group sing
ing, a reading by Sharon Wells,
piano solo by Mrs. Lloyd Keene,
reading by Ida Teckenburg," vocal
solo by Alta Wells and a talk by
Raymond Streyker.
NORTH HOWELL Discussions
led by L A. Esson at the regular
meeting of the North Howell
grange Monday night included an
explanation of the victory tax as
It affects the farmer, farm aid
problems with special reference
to the expense of the, platoon sys
tem, and bean growing experiences...-
I ,
Announcement was made that
carloads of combines and hay
balers would be received by
dealers j about the middle of
September, this being several
weeks too late to help the pres
ent situation.
W. H. Stevens, presiding, brief
ly announced that in nine more
years the Stevens farm would
have been in the family for 100
years and in all that time no
mortgage had ever been placed
on it. This refers to the original
donation land claim where - Mr,
Stevens now lives.
Following the business session,
a fried chicken supper was served
by Mrs: John Olthoff and Mrs.
Thomas Bump.
Fire Sweeps
Boone Barn
AUMSVILLE Fire destroyed a
large barn and chicken house on
the C. D. Boone lace just north
of Aumsville Monday afternoon.
Only 50 of the 350 hens in the
building escaped. There was loose
hay in the barn which caused it
to break into flames very rapidly.
The alarm was turned in to the
fire department by Mrs. Forrest
Murray. A volunteer fire crew
with equipment arrived in record
time and though unable to save
the building, prevented the spread
of the flames into surrounding
dry grass and buildings. The fire
was started by a three-year-old
boy playing with matches.
The place is occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Dodd and' family, who
have it rented. Mr. and Mrs. Dodd
were away at work when the
building burned.
Miss Viola Bradley, -postmistress
working next door to the city
hall, expedited the firemen by
throwing open the hall doors and
getting out the fire truck by the
time the volunteers arrived.
Valley Births
Mrs. Bill Davidson are the par
ents of a boy born Sunday, Au
gust 15, at the Silverton hospital.
This Is their third son. Mr. Da
vidson, employed at a Toledo mill,
Is ; at home for -. the present to
convalesce from an injured foot.
Caught in
XIrs. .Leah Smith, IS, Omaha,
cigarette while watching firemen
fareo hours botweea too shaft
r;wwr-i,in mil nil i i .ywoyw-
, - ' IT,
, . -J. - r. O
' ' - J-
' :
,. A
Salem, Orsxjoru Thursday Morning,
Mrs. Dornhecker, Ex-Resident
Pioneer. Certified to Teach
PIONEERWord has been received from Mrs. Clarence Dorn
hecker in Falls City that she has received her teaching certificate
and will teach in the Talis City schools this year. Mrs. Dornhecker
Celebrated .
At Party
McCarter, "Mrs. J. C. Burton and
Mrs. i E. G. Lantis, all of whose
Wrthriuvs occur in Aueust. were
complimented with a lawn party j
j - -. - -
Mrs. Charles McCarter at Brush
College. ;
A beautifully decorated birth
day cake centered the table when
the picnic dinner was served to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarter,
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lantis, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Burton, Mr. and
Mrs Gus Cole, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce McCormick, J. C. Cannoy,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cannoy, Mr.
and ! Mrs. Leland Cannoy and
Ronnie, Rocky and Gary, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Cannoy, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Dillon and Barbara
and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Burton and Roy and Sedonia,
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian K. Burton,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burton and
Jimmy, Mr. , and Mrs. Charles H.
Widener of Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. R. V. Lady of Long Beach,
Miss Barbara ' Williams, who
has been a euest at the home of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
O. S. Bartlett, for the past five
weeks, lef tWednesday for her
home at Fresno, Calif. Other
house guests at the Bartlett home
are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bartlett
of Seattle, who are planning on
settling here if they find a suit
able location. O. S. and C. W.
Bartlett are brothers.
School Gets
janitor of the West Salem schools
is busy preparing for the opening
of school. He has already applied
floor-ceil to the floors of the base
ment play rooms and the main
floor of the gym.' A contract has
been let for the reroofing of the
primary building at a figure of
$495.50. The interior of all the
buildings will probably be treated
with a calcimine decoration.
Mrs. Willard Wells, 256 Gerth
street, received word of the death
of Mrs. Elizabeth Nesmar, wire of
the late Joseph Nesmar of Seattle,
Wash., and niece of Mrs. Wells.
She formerly lived on the Wallace
road. Graveside services will be
held at the City View cemetery
Thursday at 1 p. m.
. Mrs. Michael Swartz and daugh
ter, Alice, of Bremerton, Wash.,
are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Willard Wells.
Rev. Ridel Kelsey of the Meth
odist church, with his wife and lit
tle son, Wayne, are spending the
week on the beach at Bay City.
Cattlemen Hear
County Agent
Forty Marion county Jersey Cat
tle club members met Sunday for
a pot-luck dinner and business
session last Sunday at the Judson
home. County Agent Gerald Nib
ler spoke' on the dairy feed situ
ation and T. R. Warren, Portland,
western field man for the Ameri
can Jersey Cattle club, showed
pictures of Jersey activity. 1
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Stanley Riches in
Turner on September 28. -
Neb elevator operator, smokes a
trying to free her leg caught for
and tl e car of a hotel elevator.
August 19. , 193
was a xormer jrwuecr rewuaih
Evelyn and George Theiss called
on Lois and Orland Wood Mon
day. ' -'-'-J. i.:
Mrs. Sally Newman of Califor
nia is visitiiuz her . brothers and
families, Roy and William Kinion.
Margaret Wells was an over
night guest of Yvonne ; Dell on
Mrs. Tom Keller and Richard
and Mrs. Harry Wells and Mar
garet and : Junior called on Mrs.
Howard Coy and Carol and Jimmy
Mr and Mrs. Roy Black v and
Elmo, Mrs. Robert Kent and son,
Robert, attended the Old Timers
picnic at Falls City Sunday.
Sallv and Don Kinion were din
ner guests at the Harry Wells home
Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Baley and Mary Louise also called
at the Wells home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stienhock
and children of Tillamook, Mr.
and Mrs." Kenneth Smith and
daughter of ; Dallas, Mrs. Harry
Wells and Mrs. Howard Coy called
at the Phillip Theiss home Sun
day, i . :;' ': , J-!" ',
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, jr..
and daughters, Shirley and Phyl
lis, visited at the Ray Cozel home
at Brooks Sunday. Dorothy re
turned home with her parents af
ter visiting her grandparents.
Mrs. Stevens of Oak Grove and
Mrs. Watson of Dallas were din
ner guests at the Tom Keller home
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kel
ler of Dallas called at the Tom
Keller home in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, jr.,
and daughters, Dorothy, Shirley
and Phyllis, called at the John
Keller home Sunday.
Mrs. John Keller, jr, and daugh
ters called at the John Keller
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wells and
Lester of Siletz were overnight
guests at the Harry Wells home
Friday. '
Yvonne and Betty Dell visited
their cousin, Mrs. Kenneth Lau-
dahl, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeWitt and
children, Loren and Narlene and
Mrs. Lois Jean Abitz and daugh
ter, Madalene, of Redmond called
at the Frank Dornhecker home
Thursday night.
Ag Teacher
Visits Turner
.TURNER, Rovfle One--Mr. and
Mrs. William McKinney visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bear
last week. McKinney is the Smith
Hughes agriculture teacher at
Pendleton and with other such
teachers was called to Salem for
a three-day conference. Mrs.
Bear and daughter, Charlene, re
turned with them as far as Moro
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Miller. She and Mrs. Mc
Kinney are sisters. ;
Richard Holt of Spokane spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Holt. I
Henry Benner has returned to
his war work in , Portland after
putting In his hay. 'r
C A. Bear began threshing Sat
urday with a home crew. :
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo . Riches ar
rived Monday for; a vacation at
the S. A. Riches home. Mr. Riches
is the Smith-Hughes instructor at
Carnation, Wash. ;
Mrs. Agnes Bear and son, Billy,
will return Wednesday from vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Gillett at Walla Walla.
Jaf fe) Transferred
Portland Church;
Bennett Named
UNIONVALE Attendance was
light Sunday at . the Union vale
church because many were at
tending camp meetings at Jen
nings Lodge. Rev. Gerald K. Jaffe
was appointed to the Peninsular
avenue church at Portland, and
Rev. Bob Bennett of Jefferson,
pastor for the Suver district, was
sent to Unionvale.
Thirty members of the Union-
vale Christian Endeavor attended
a surprise party honoring Leonard
WilL sailor who was home on a
few days leave, Thursday ' night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Magee. Refreshments were served
at the close. Will has been train
ing in various camps and has re
ported to Bremerton for continua
tion of specialty training.
Dr.Y.TXam.N.D. ' ' Dr.G.CfcaJ4 J
CHINESE Herbalists
- . 241 North Liberty
Upstair Portland General Dcdrte
Ctt. - Oiflc open Saturday only
10 am to 1 jb.: to 1 oiai.Coa
nutation. Blood pmaure and urine
tests are tree of charge. Practiced
iiisw sari i.
aj. g n . . .. . .
B. Williams on
Polk Staff
Named Assistant - -County
Agent, Leth v
I ; Learns From OSC
D ALL A S Bryant Williams,
representative of the US ' employ
ment 'service in Dallas has been
appointed . assistant Polk-, county
agent, according to word received
this week by W. C. Leth, county
agent,1 from the Oregon State cole
lege extension service. The ap
pointment will become effective
September 15. Meanwhile, Wil
liams will continue as farm labor
assistant, maintaining his head
quarters in the city hall.
" ; Williams will take over super
vision of 4H club .work, Leth
stated. This phase has ; received
very little attention in the past in
Polk county, Leth continued.
The new assistant received his
education ' at Oregon State college
and has been employed by the
state ' department of agriculture,
As a bay he was a member of
4H clubs.' Since May he has been
assisting in farm labor placement.
Temporarily the Williams family
will remain in 'Salem until they
can find a home in Dallas.
. With the addition of .Williams
to the Polk county staff, an en
larged program will be put into
operation with emphasis on in
creased production of . seed and
pasture crops. -The new position
was created through petitions of
Polk T county farmers. Visits to
farms and demonstrations are ex
pected to be resumed now.
Miss Walling
LINCOLN .Mr. and Mrs. Tra
cy Walling received a telegram
from their daughter. Miss Doro
thy Walling Monday saying that
she had arrived in Hattisburg,
Miss., after having a pleasant trip.
Miss i Walling plans to remain at
Hattisburg until early in Septem
ber, when she will motor back
home with her brother-in-law and
sister, Tech Sgt, and Mrs. J. D.
Camillo, who will visit here while
he is on furlough before being
sent to another station. - H
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dye (Viv
ian Ash ford) came back from Sac
ramento, Calif., last week,' He is
now : awaiting orders for active
duty; Mr. Dye has been in the en
listed reserve t for the j last nine
months. He was manager of the
Stadium Fred Meyer store in Port
land prior to leaving for Cali
fornia. ' i -
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Palmer of
Portland and his mother, Mrs. C.
L. Palmer of Mitchell, SD, were
recent guests of the H. W. Ash-
fords. Mrs. C. L. Palmer is oper
ator at the bus terminal at Mitch
ell- .; .. i :,.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mrs. Lois Crawford were her ne-
i phew, Pvt. Robert Gerald Smith,
who was here on furlough from
Hobbs Field, Hobbs, NM, a son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Robert H. Crawford, and daugh
ters, Peggy and Jean of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dike of
San Diego, Calif. -
Mrs. Alvin Walling accompanied
by her grandson, Wayne Walling,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wal
ling,1 and a friend, Walter 1 Mc
Donald, jr., motored to Woodburn
Monday night Wayne spent a five
weeks' vacation here with his
grandparents. Mrs. Lester Walling
and small daughter Sally have
joined Mr. Walling at his station
in California and plan to send for
Wayne soon.
Crops Are Tops
in prime condition and ideal wea
ther, farmers in this district are
rushing through harvesting, Mrs
Morton Tompkins is taking orders
for fruit while others members of
her ' family are working in the
Burchett Visits - r
FA1RVIEW - Russell Burchett
spent from Saturday until Mon
day night in Portland with rela
tives. Charles Hagan is directing the
reshingling , of the Charles An
drews farm home here. - -
I ' -1 -nt"' needs .
Flax Csizpnny;
Pats on Show
Combined Process
Interests Farmers
In Dayton Area
Cooperative Flax ' association put
on an exhibition of a combined
flax pulling and de-seeding op
eration in a field near Corvallis
last Thursday which attracted sev
eral Unionvale farmers. Attending
the demonstration were -Ersel
Gubser and U. S. Alderman of this
district; Dale Fowler of Grand
Island; George Bixler and Earl
Coburn of Dayton, and L. S. Lor
enzen of the Neck district. The
machine, which runs by a tractor
power takeoff, is proving a real
time and labor saver. This is the
second season in which it has been
in operation.
Unionvale people are finding the
rush of crop harvesting too great
to take much time out for celebra
tions. Mrs. Charles Clow marked"
her birthday anniversary on Fri
day by serving a bounteous din
ner, " but : members of her -family
ate it at different times, whenever
they, could get in from the fields.
Mrs. Louis Magee postponed her
birthday, celebration from Friday
until Sunday so that members of
her family who were busy picking
beans would have a little time to
relax and ' greet ' guests. Invited
for dinner Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs: W. J J. Herigstad and- son,
Ronald, and Mrs. C A. Herigstad
of ' Silverton, and Miss- Coralee
Conrad of Salem. .
Mrs. Floyd E. Fowler : and
daughter, Mrs. Dan B. Cason of
Clackamas, were dinner . guests
Monday of relatives ; here. . They
came to- purchase fruit and vege
tables 'for home canning.
Mrs. Ad LIska' and daughter,
Joyce, of Portland were - guests
last week of Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Countiss. While here they assisted
their hosts in canning . fruit and
vegetables, part of which they took
back to Portland for next winter's
food supply. Mrs. Liska is the wife
of the Portland baseball pitcher.
Bullas Move
To Walla Walla
SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. L. G
Bulla' and daughter, Bethine, who
have onerated a wocenr store and
gasoline station for nearly two
years at the corner of East Turner
road and Garden road, left on
Tuesday for a new home at Walla
Walla, Wash., where they plan on
living on an acreage. .
The Bullas came to Salem from
Nebraska, taking; over the store
which they closed several weeks
ago- because of .the difficulty they
had in keeping supplies stocked.
r fe.
- lf. It ! (
:::,p "
fT ' - - : YIZsIcII. 1 : . V
Houc3 Guests at
Wills Leaves to
JEFFEHSONHenry Wills was
called to WashougaL Wash- Tues-
day to the home of his brother-
in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Nydigger, to help them in
their dairy business. Their 14-
year-ld -son,-Ernest,. met with an
accident and was unable to work.
A hottle exploded, and glass flew
in his eyes. It had not been learn
ed here how badly his eyes were
injured , . - .
Mrs.' Georeia Bilyeu of - Long
Beach, Califs and Mr. and, Mrs.
Frank Reeves of Salem were call
ers in Jeferson one afternoon alst
Mrs. Bilyeu; a former Jefferson
resident, visited realtives In
Washington, before returning
home. '
Lulu Belle Riddles of Okla
homa Ctiy, Okla who spent sev
eral weeks visiting her father,
Leslie Riddles, and her grand
mother, Mrs. Fred Thompson, left
Tuesday for her home. Her father
accompanied her to Portland.-
Mr. and Mrs. Hart Barnes
and children. Michael and Wil
liam Darr, of , Vancouver, Wasb-,
were weekend : guests at the
home of Mrs. Barnes. parents,
Mr." and Mrs. Frank Rehfeld.
Other guests of the RehfeldV
last week ? were Mr. and Mrs.
Orvllle Rehfeld ' and daughter,
Kay Laree. of Seattle, Wash.
Rehfeld had a week's vacation
from his work at the Boeing
Aircraft plant. He worked on
- his house which is under con
struction - near the north city
Mrs. M. S. Stephenson returned
home Monday morning Irom Los
Angeles, Calif., where she spent
two weeks caring for , her daugh
ter-in-law, Mrs. Lester Stephen
son." who had been critically iU-
She also visited her " son. Ned
Steohenson. and -family and
daughter. Mrs. ' James Stewart,
and MrrStewart.
Mrs. J. R. McKee spent Tues
day in Portland' visiting at the
home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Benninghoff, ; and famuy. r Mr
Benninghof f, who is a state pa
trolman, has gone to Chicago, IU.
with the deputy sheriff of Clack
amas' county, after two Oregon
prisoners. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jamison and
daughter, Patricia Ann, and Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Norton of Bremer
ton, left for their homes Tuesday
after spending a week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bruce. The
two women are daughters of Mr
and Mrs. Bruce. -
. Mlsev JoMphlae. GeUbelV JeX-
ferson high school teacher, who
spent last week at the home of
Miss Addle Libby, returned to
her home in Eugene Monday.
She has leased an apartment In
the Guy Roland home, where
-Jeffercon End;iyio:!c;
Assist Relatives
she will reside during the school
year.". , - , : .'
, Mr., and Mrs. Oliver. Stephen
son and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill art returned Sunday : night
from Newport where they en
Joyed a four-day -vacation. They
report fishing very good, bringing
home a fine catch. j:
Mrs. Blanche Jones and daugh
ter, Linda Mae, of Rainier spent
the; weekend visiting her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones.
Mrs. Virgil Wilson of Salem was
a recent, visitor at. the home of
Mr. , and Mrs. A. Wilson. - Virgil
Wilson, son of A." Wilson, Is in
the navy stationed ' ' at Pasco,
Wash., and Mrs. Wilson is staying
with her parents in' Salem for the
present. ; "".'.'V. " ". : '
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Henderson
of j Tacoma, Wash, are spending
the week visiting at the home of
Henderson's parents, r Mr. and
Mrs. John Henderson. He is em
ployed in the mill there, and is
having a week's vacation- Other
guests over the weekend of. the
Two Churches
DAYTON Merging of the
Evangelical and Methodist church
es of Dayton is virtually complet
ed on an equal rights basis. The
Evangelical conference Friday at
Jennings Lodge authorized pay
ment to -the Methodist church the
stipulated price' of $2500 for a half
interest in the Methodist church
and parsonage. , .
The name for the consolidated
church will be chosen at a joint
meeting with equal votes by the
two congregations. . . . . ,. ;
The Dayton : Methodist - church
was organized and the first buil
ding erected more than 80 years
ago. The Evangelical church was
built during the 1880's. The Evan
gelical property will be sold. Both
churches are of the Wesleyan faith
and similar in many rules gov
erning their organizations.
Have Visitors -
SCOTTS MILLS Mr. and . Mrs
Glen Rogers- and Mr. and Mrs.
John -Carter and son Charles of
Oswego 'spent the day at the J.
E. Saueressig-Butte -Creek ranch
home.' Mr. anfMrs. ' Saueressig
joined them that night for dinner.
: r The" Royal Neighbors picnic
was held in the city park Sunday.
Picking of early hops has begun
here. The hops and wages are
both good.
in Bairy ing
Hendersons were . Mrs. Maggie
Dixon' and ' Arnold Griffin of
Camas.-; Wash. Mrs. Dixon is a
cousin of Mrs." Henderson. i
Barbara, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Blackwell,' underwent
a tonsil operation in Albany the
first of the week. ,
Mrs. J. T. Jones and her daughe
ter, Mrs. Elmer Vad3w0rth ol
Harrisburg, returned Saturday
from Newport,; where they spent
two' weeks In the Jones cottage.
Mrs.' Elmer Mallory, daughter of
Mrs. Wadsworth, spent several
days with' them there. Elme
Wadsworth of Harrisburg went to
the coast and brought them home.
Salem Folk Buy;
Olthoff Farm
Mrs. John Olthoff sold their im
proved farm Monday to H. Rol
lins of Salem and will give pos
session as soon as a home neat
Salem can be found. This was the
former Fitzke place. ....
Mrs. Cecil Beals moved to Sa
lem Wednesday to care for her
grandmother. J 1
Portland visitors Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens, who
attended the annual VFW picnic
and reunion in Laurelhurst park,
and also visited Mr. and Mrs
Louis Stevens and Mr. and Mrs;
Robert McKeown. Mrs. McKeown
was" formerly; Marie Berryman,
daughter of Mrs. Stevens.
"Mr and Mrs. Thomas Bump
were in Portland recently attend
ing a farewell get-together with
the son-in-law, . James ' Howard,
wholleft. soon after for na val
training at Farragut, Idaho.
Three" Couples Get
Marriage Licenses
DALLAS Marriage licenses
issued during j the last week from
the county clerk's office included
one to John -Harvey Miller, log
ger, Rickreall, and Marie A. Gib-'
sonj domestic, -. Dallas ; - Clifford
Turpin, molder, Dallas, and Lela
Kuntz, - housewife, Dallas; and
Henry D. Peters, jr., logger, Dal
las,' and Audrey Gene McKnigbt,
domestic, Dallas.
Mrs. Casteel Returns
UNION HILL Mrs. Fred Cas
teel returned from Pendleton this
week where she has been assisting ,
m the care of her mother-in-law,
who is ill there. Her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Casteel, have been at the Cas
teel home here during her ab
-j ...
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