My My' Turn your back for a happen! Cliff Parker peddles his Maple (it's cut and dried and all lie Petersen goes base-hit jcrazy and four columned all over tne Frisco sports sheets, Spec Keene , two 'and a half ; striper ' in the navy, Les Sparks becomes gen eralissimo in Bearcat holler, Ron Smith finds the groove," finally and makes the beloved Bevos 'just" so many cousins of Jhis by beating them five straight times, " Tony Painter shows up at the Salem golf layout still shiwer ing after quitting a 440 per month job in a frozen corner of Alaska (he says you can ac cent that ."frozen", too), "The Angel" comes to the village and succeeds in both packing the armory and half scaring to death the packed. Monk Alley knocks off Gene ; Kitzmiller in the battle of the string beans for the city handicap tournament links championship, Branch Rickey closes a deal with Mrs. Geo. E. Waters for use of the ball park for a Brooklyn Dodger baseball school next month. Bud Brewer, as cocky as ever, comes oacK to pucn once again x. nwv saw him win a dozen of his 21 games In 1940, the WW at last gets up steam enough to start their long-proposed panning parties, once-great Heavy Champ Jack Johnson comes to give the fistic faithful an exhibi tion of refereeing and how to look like 45 when you're really 65 and an almost unbelievably improved Joe Kahut steps into the upper crust of the cauliflower clique by soundly thrashing one Bobby Berger in front of the local clients. j , - - - 11 Did someone say there wasn't much doing in athletics in the .village these days? - v - -, ; u : " - , Cat's Gone-Mice Now Playing . And darned if Portland high schools don't sneak back Into asso- - elation with the rest of the state's prep Institutions after taming . blue-bloods for six years. Quite adaptable to the rhyme: When he. ' cat's away themice will play," la this' ease Eldon Jenne assumes the role of absent feline. It's no secret that Jenne, now a lieutenant 4 ' in the navy, has always had thumbs down on Just about every-; ' thing the Oregon State High Schools Athletic association legis- ' lated, and Is said to be alone responsible as chief of the Portland schools for their severing relations with the rest six years ago,. But now Jenne and his thumbs are gone, so the state high school setup is back to normal again. 1 ! - Speaking of Johnson and the VFW outdoor card. tlA1 Arthur,", who still likes to be called "Champ," saw something during the show that rates a spot in his memoirs as the "gangdest thing he's seen in 50 years of association with the fight game." ( , ; ' ' It was of course the first round Incident In the Joe Bonn-Bud 'Gresley prelim which saw the latter dropped through the: ropes :., and onto the ring apron, from which he rolled off and onto the ground. ' : , ' j . - J: Johnson Says He's Seen Everything Now Referee Carl Destefano did nothing but look surprised until some 35 seconds later Gresley was pushed back into the ring, brushed off and allowed to continue with Bonn. f : i' , : The "Champ" Jotted that one down for his scrap book with a "Now ah've seen It alL The man's knocked out of the ring! Why dont they count him out? He can't get back in there? Hey, what's -t gohv on?" , - - : : , ! : - - . ' The "Champ,' as full of memories and tales as an edition of the world almanac, compared the incident with the now-famous Dempsel-Firpo first round event in their 1923 scrap during which Firpo pounded Dempsey into typewriter row. J : , ."If the ringside boys hadn't helped Jack get back into the ring he'd have lost his title right there. Only in that case the referee was count ing." f . - . Incidentally, Johnson gave off with his million dollar grin only when we asked him what went with his 1915 fight with Jess Wil lard in Havana, Cuga, That's the one which saw Johnson lose bis title while lying flat on his back apparently shielding his eyes from the hotuban sun In the 26th round. The same one which involved - some $209,000 and a supposed dive. 1 - - "That Willard was a good man." grinned XJ1 Arthur. - Ross Really After Jackson's Hide , Tough Tony Ross, the local grappler who puts his light heavy title belt up against Bulldog Jackson tonight, is dead serious in his predic tion that Mr. Jackson will at last get what the fans have been waiting a long time to see someone beat hell out of the Bulldog. There never was any love lost between the two musclers, and the uncalld for kick "to the groin delivered to Ross by Jackson two weeks ago didn't start cementing a friendship by a long ways. ' . ; ; Tony tells us. "Yon never know what to expect from that guy, but he can sure expect plenty from me this time.' And Tony the toughle wasn't In a Jovial mood when he quoted same. ;'LSv't-,);u:f-',Wi! :.-'-- IPun ititeir-M on iiteir um& ' ' On the Salem Golfers Scales Downs Pekar 3-2 for First Title; Field Now that the annual handicap tournament has been relegated to the moth -balls for -another year, the gals and guys of the Salem -golf club are looking forward jf f 10. tne annual Field Day " fro lics, 'docketed for. next Sun day, August 8. .The handi cap meet came to an official i close Sunday j , when George f - i Scales downed "-r- Millard Pekar. GEO" SCALES . X and 2, for the title in the first flight. Scales copped the first , three holes and helped maintain that lead over the 36-hole match ' by. firing successive birdies on numbers 7, t and t holes. Scales win now step ? forward next "f Sunday along with tournament Champion "Monk" Alley and runnerup Gene KltxmiUcr when ' the trophies are passed ent dur ing the Field Day events. - 'The committee has listed the program for Sunday.; It includes: KMarid, Flash KTT7 XCZS, August l .-(JP) JZlzlzr.1, beaten la 10 'Straight races tL.J year, finally foond one' h- fr 'Jrtrti by taking -the ; I - -":2p Lira-. -t rffTrasairsa-- trri's Cay. ": c: f : t ZiTTirZ't t:x-ye-.r- r:;:J: ei-J 'yV.Crry. Vnv .1 ti tj ; i couple weeks and what doesn't sporting goods palace to Howard paid for now says Maple), Char- ana gen iu " JACK JOHNSON Day Sunday ,1:30 p. two-ball foursome between men and ' women with a hope that the ladies will showr up in droves for a change. -; . Immediately following . the two-ball play a picnic lunch will bo held during which tho tro phies will be presented Alley; Kitxmiller and Scales. 7 ; Following the plcnle field events will be held. The con testants will be segregated Into classes and will compete In put ting, approaching and driving, f The committee urges the women to ; be present whether they plan on playing golf or not. Facilities for a bridge game will be avail able to all who care to usethem. The ladles are also urged to bring along enough lunch to' sup ply not only themselves but part ners as well. 'All partners In the two-ball foursome will share what lunch respective women supply. r ' The eonunitteo Is pledged . to make , tho entire day a success and emphasizes the necessity that all available members be presentespecially the women ' If It Is to succeed, v ! v. ; . y 4 : Along, Daily Double Post Track a farlong In 149 45. The Lazy P Ranch's three-year-old. Royal' Nap, the' favorite; was third. Ted Atkinson ' completed a double on Mloland. lie also won with Seal Rock far the flrtt. 1H 'olaad was worth f7J$ for" f2. . Seal Rock and Light of Mor-' slag combined for - S2S3 ' daOy Ired-JGhatrip There should be a dose of rasslin' fans delight for fair to- night In the - Ferry street - gar- -den Bulldog Jackson Is doe for ' a real shellacking. At least that's Pacific ' Coast Champion Tony Ross sizes up hit title get together with Jackson in the . headline feature of Promoter Don Owen's weekly card. , ."That so-and-so has a -beating 1 coming If anyone ever; did," says Salem's own Tough' Tony. "And - brother; he's gonna , get one from me! ; r.l: " ' Legion Await :Touniey At Wdodburn - Albany, Woodburn, I Albina, Wscos to ; Battle for Title i WOODBURN American Le gion junior baseball fans here abouts are anxiously awaiting the annual tournament - for the; state title which' is to be played off in Legion park next Saturday and Sunday, August 7-8. . , ' I .All four teams entered Woodbnrn, Albany, Albina ; Ilellships of Portland and Wade ' Williams', Wlscos, also of Port landboast p o w er f n 1 clubs, with the . Albany and Albina ' nines rated most likely to sue : eeed at thls tlme. Y:.- Albany, defending state titlists, again has a fine team coached by M.- O. Wilkinson.' Albina, another strong ' one, ' Is ; topnptched- by Pitcher Don Johnson," the youth who has set; junior circles afire this season by hurling five no- run no-Bii games, a no ncusaips are coached by Lindsay Campbell. . Coach Pete DeG aire's Wood burn Juniors swept over "Gresh sn to gain entry and are also capable of upsetting he fleldL Williams- gang has oao of tho most evenly balanced lineups In the tournament and has been givenr the role of "dark horse." The Hellships and . Woodburn open ; proceedings Saturday at 1:30 p. m and the Wisco-Albany game ' follows Immediately. The two Saturday losers will play for the consolation Sunday at 1:30 with? the title game billed mediately, after. ; Im- Twinks Trip Warriors 8-6 TACOMA, August 2.-iJj&&-, light of the exhibition game be tween Hollywood and Fort; Lewis played ' here Monday evening at the post athletic field was the pre dominance of home runs: for Hol lywood by. Kenny Richardson and John Dickshot, and by Hal Lee and Herman Reich for the home fort. Hollywood won 8-6. ' Three runs were chalked up In three hits by ; Hollywood in ' the first inning, and the Stars were never headed after, that.' -Hollywood ,;, . ; ' it Fort Lewis - It t " MUler, Knutson ), Richard son 4S), and Younkers, HI3 (S); WUlltts, Sakas ' (4) and Kubl- eek." "1 '"'t . y t K L-..;.r ... Swim : Classes Nearirig Close The annual "Learn to Swim" campaign, in session the past three weeks at both O linger and Leslie playground " swimming pools un der the tutelage of Misses Phyllis Gueffroyand Katie Griffith, Is n earing a finish, Director Gurnee Flesher. announced, yesterday. J. few students are still attend ing daily classes at Leslie' While the program at Olinger was ac tually completed last week. A few beginners . who t have T not ; -yet learned how to swim at; Olinger may be given more tutoring this week," however. .' ' ' Yesterday's Inclement weather cut attendance at both pools to an 85 figure at Leslie and a 75 at Olinger. " , ' z Idaho ; Fishing MmiBeGood BOISE, Idaho, Aug. 2.-JPf Idaho sportsmen ; are continuing to buy 1943 fishing licenses in record numbers, Allen N. Miller, chief clerk of the state fish and game department, reported Mon day. r t. .-..! 3 1 :itli 'r.s-i'i j Sales from April 1 to Aug. 1 Ltoialed 60,569 compared to 52,639 last year and 57,203 two years ago, the previous all-time high. eame galloping from behind to win . ie Suffolk Downs feature while Set Off, with who ho was" coupled m thV betting and whe was expected to be the wirjaer, ' failed te pSaee.1r. -v.i-"!'t-.S "Flash Along 'did the nolle and a sixteenth In 1:44 35 ani the entry paid 23.23. 7. 7. Waters" ) RpEromises': Jacl& Tw weeks ago Jackson beat Ross in a non-title scrap here by using a kick to the groin to soften up the lecal Adonis for the third and dedding fall. Ross Is std madder than an un housed hornet over the .whole thing and, chazolonshlp ' snatch r not, has been premising the grizzled old Alaskan warrior his eome-uppanee ever since. The title match in Itself - win. be something new for Jackson. , In the past the boys with the bodies beautiful have always J . . : - RETURNS: TONIGHT: The one and only Bulldog Jackson, pictured above. In trouble,' as he seemingly always manages to be, gets his big chance tonight In the armory grapple hall when he takes on Salem's Tough Tony Ross - In a match for the Pacific Coast llghtheavy wrestling title. Jackson beat Ross In a non-title scrap two weeks age, and Ross, still mad at the way in which Jackson whipped him, both pats up his title belt and prlmlses Jackson a king-sized thumping tonight. j Take Up t Mickey Owen (left and Les Webber L1X the St, Louis Cards, engaged In a minor feud Sunday In tlonal League President Ford Frick. . - Bucs Nose Out Braves, 5 to 4 P I T T S B URGH, Aug. 2-ff) Frankie Gustine rapped out a sin gle with two men out in the ninth inning Monday night, scoring El bie Fletcher who had . doubled, and giving the Pirates a 5 to!4 victory l over the Boston Braves. The : victory boosted " the Bucs grip on second place to two full games over the Dodgers, who were idle. , ' Manager Frankie Frisch, Rip Sewell and Tommy O'Brien were ejected from the Pirate bench in the fourth inning following an ar gument on a batted ball the Pi rates claimed struck Bill Weitel mann. The game . was delayed eight minutes during the argu ment ?V; ' ' i : Boston 093 100 000-4 10 Pittsburgh... 000 020 201-5 11 1 Salvo, C. Barrett and Klutts; KUnger, Gornlckl and Baker, 1 - Old Albany Ginnery Burns ; Loss $40,000 ;; ALBANY, Aug. 2.-flVThe old Albany cannery, destroyed Sun day by fire, was valued today at more than $40,000 by Dr. Joseph D. Sternberg. Portland, adminis trator of the former owner's es tate. , - Flames, originating in 4 the can nery, spread to nearby brush and 20 acres of the Albany plywood mill's piles of hogged fuel. WoodburniNine Loses i PORTLAND, Aug. 2.--dPHPxU land's American Legion junior baseball all-stars downed Wood burn's American Legion team Sunday, 9-6. Victories . Dally Double, owned by Davis-Straus of Cincinnati, charged - vp from behind to win the $759 - Sysonby: purse at Washington Park,' finishing a" length and ' a . quarter la f rent of the Need-: mora staple's ir ; Jeffrey, The v Woolf ord Farm's favorite Con- traduction was third. 4The winner , ill the three cjusrfsr r-'s'.la .1:12-25 arj given the bad bey the go bye when It came to putting up the belt against him, Since tho crunch cronies claim they never ' know ' what - to except from Jackson when he's got his tights on for example, the. kick Cess got two weeks -back all have sidetracked Bulldog In title tussles. .' But Jackson fooled. 'em all as well as outwitted 'em this time. . He was supposed to be on hand last week to do preliminary work en the "Angel" show, but ..... Roles of 'Martins (right) of tho Brooklyn Dodgers, St. Louis. How They COAST LKAGUK W L. Pet W X. Pet. Los An 79 2S .731 HoUywd SI 5S 68 San Fran 64 41 .617 Portlnd - SS 54 .495 Sattl i S3 54 ASS San JJieg s w .aw Oakland .40 S3 .426 Sacrarat. 34 IS .318 No games Monday) Sunday result: At Portland S-X Hollywood 1-4.' ... At Seattle 3-2. Oakland 1-3. -. At SanTranciaco 5-14, Sacramento 3-10 At Loa Angeles 13-1. San Diego 2-8. NATIONAL USAGUB -..- ' ' ' '- , . W L Pet." W X. Pet St. toula S2 St .SeTChicaifO 43 49 .479 Pittsburg S3 42 J53 Philadel 44 54 .449 Brooklyn- 52 44 .531 Boston 39 51 .433 Clncinna 50 45 -528;New Yrk 35 60 36 Monday - result: 4". . - - , At Pittsburgh S. Boston 4 (night game). z-. ; ;r,--;;. (Only gam acheduled) ' '.f-: it :-;TK i Sunday - results: : " r ; v.v At St. Louia.7-3, Brooklyn -lr4, ' At Chicaro 1-3, PhiladelpkU 4-S. At Cincinnati 5-13. New -York 3-2. - At Pittsburgh," 3-7, Boston S-U :;L AMERICAN LEAGUEj , t W X. Pet. - I' W X. Pet. New Yrk 57 SS jB20CIeveand 45 47 .489 Chics go 49 45 21 Boston 44 4S .489 Washingn 51 47 .520 St. Louis 42 49 .462 Detroit 4 4S JOOiFhiladel 39 58 .402 Monday results:' v -" At Washington 4. St. LouU 3 (night came), -i--. . . - . At Phlledelphia S. Chicago 3 (night gameK -r - - ' ' (Only games scheduled) r'1" v Sunday results: -t i , ' . At Washington 5-20. St.' Louis 3-. . At Philadelphia 1-9, Chicago 5-19. At New York 5-2. Detroit 4-1. At Boston 4-1. Oeveland S-4. Hanimer Meets Jeemy . NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-P-Hen-ry Armstrong, making a deter mined bid -for the fistic laurels he lost " severar years ' ago, opposes Jimmy. Garrison , of Kansas City, in a 10-rouhd bout at Portland, Ore, Friday night It la the 25th fight in the former triple-title holer's come-backf campaign. .The batQe tops a meager " na tional program for-this week.'- Bill VojildirJiilie Firrns:UiTe :Y?tsVt; .WAETUiJGTOIT.- :Au&v' 2 Postwsr ;-employers of 1C3 or more workers would have to -take at least one , percent of ; their .i rT scr-r.fl from .the tp-1- cf disabled vzt -vc:-nsl ' -f ' "'-rT ty-iujl-i-ia-d- c j Friday Instead sent word that he would do no more wrestling here until he got a title match with Koss. Promoter Owen was all for suspending the most un popular ly popular gent In the grunt and groan circles for his deed, but reconsidered after Ross all but pleaded with him to put Jackson back In the same ring with Ross . Just once more. Ross got his . wish and If he treats the Bull dog like ho says he's going to, Sa?em j General ! or Deaconess had best prepare one more cot and Coys? : 1 i :. and Walker Cooper (center) of Monday all were fined by Na- Solons Notch 5th Straight WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 2.-()-Southpaw- Milt - Heafner set St. Louis down with six blows r as Washington edged - Out ' the Browns, 4 to 3, Monday night. It was the Washington Senators fifth straight win and their fourth in a row over the" Browns. - j , Haefner blanked St. ; L-ouis with two blows until the sev enth when the Browns ? tallied once on Chef Laabs' triple and a wild pitch. s St., Louis staged a. two-run rally In the ninth . on George MeQulnn's , single, an infield eat, Mark Christina's .double and Mike Kreerich's one-baser. . , x,-h;-C, The Senators nicked. Denny G alehouse for seven - blows. . I In the third, Tony . Giuliani's single, a , sacrifice, a : walk : to J George Case, Mickey : Vernon's ; single, a stolen base and Gene Moore's one base hit produced three runs. The Senators added a run in the fourth when Stan . Soence singled and scored on Haefner's . triple. St. Louis 000 000 102S 1 Washington 03 100 00 4 7 1 Galehouse, Hollhigsworth and . Hayes; llaefner and GlulianL - Slivirisld Joins Redsldn Eleven SAN DIEGO, Calif, Aug. 2.r(4a) Steve Slivinski, former University of Washingtoh tackle, ' joined the camp of the Washington Redskins Monday to complete the squad for start of the 1943 pro football sea son. 1 - ' 1 - 'C 1 The;arrival of" Slivinski still lefM Andy Farkas, one time Detroit university star, outside the fold, but Farkas is a holdout and prob ably will not perform this year. Kir Hear of Casualties On Transport BIcCawley : WASHINGTON,. Aug. l.-WT Nexf.of - kin of all-, casualties aboard " the ; transport ; McCawley have .been notified, the navy re ported here.' The McCawley twas attacked and disabled by' Japanese-' dive 'bombers recently while larsdlr.j troops on Rendova Island. r- ' c "v. . v-'e ft tacked .J tjJc by a f in Tonight G for a badly battered EslIJsg ' .Jackson..-:. "What's more, rm going to beat him with his own; stuff," - promises Tough Tonyj "Tea think he's rourh ' and tough wait and see the guy he's In there with Tuesday night. And he's got every bit of It coming ' "to 'him,-1 too,"'.;. !':'..;' Two top-flight prelims will precede tho brawl which prom-. lses to be the hottest session this ' season. Popular. Tex Cager takes on Frenchy LaSelle In the Fines 'Cool' Off . Cards-Dodgers ' Kovj Cooper, Owen, Webber Subjected .' To Levies After Sunday Feudin' ST. LOUIS, August 2-(P-The' Brooklyn Dodgers and the St. j Louis Cardinals aren't ready to kiss and make up after their lat- 1 est brawl but Monday's open date and fines levied by. President Focd Frick of the national league seemingly have served to cool Solves Claim Diamond Title Wallop Warriors 10-6 " To Finish Season OLYMPIA,' Wash, Aug. 2-iJP)- Camp Adair s Timber j, vWolves sought new worlds to f conquer Monday after claiming the mili tary baseball championship of the Pacific northwest ' by virtue of defeating the Fort Lewis War riors, 10-6, here Sunday, but if any more conquering is to be done the Wolves will have to wait un til next season. The third and de ciding game with - the Warriors closed the season for the Wolves. '. Jack Knott, former Philadel phia Athletic, pitched nine hit ball for the winners, while new : comer Eddie Erautt, fresh from ; . the Hollywood Stars of the Pa : cific Coast league, assumed the : less. Erautt was pounded hard In the fifth and seventh frames ; - while Knott had only one bad ;. Inning, the first In which the -t Warriors counted ; three times.-" . The "two clubs tiad broken even" in two previous games in - Oregon. so Sunday's tilt was billed for the northwest championship. ; '. Wolves .1 100 140 101-11 14 4 Warriors. : 301 000 200- C i f 3 - i Knott and - Sine; E r a a t r , - Brown (t) and Knbicek. Dodgers Plan School Here P In September i The Brooklyn Dodgers, car- 1 rently suffering National league humiliation and In the midst of a major ; shakeup by ' General Manager ' Branch Rickey , and Manager : Ltppy Leo . Dureeher. . will open a four-day baseball school In- Geo. E.. Waters park next month It was learned from Mrs. Waters last week. ; " j Arrangements have already been made for. the . September , i ll -12 -13 - 14 talent - seeking camp; through Mrs.- Waters by ( Dodger Scout . Tom Downey. '. There will be from four to six ! Dodger coaches on hand to sort ; - out any and all youngsters who care to try out during the pe- j rlod. ;-n.': ' 'i F The school Is one of many ' planned recently by Rickey In his country-wide s e a r c h for youthful Ulent. Rickey Is re putedly the . founder of chain system baseball. : OSC Erases Montana Foe CORVALLIS, Ore- Aug. 2.-(P) Oregon State V college Monday struck the University of Montana from its fall football schedule. Athletic Director Percy Locey de claring that Montana "might not be able to field a team because of a 'student shortage. , , .;. I Locey said the Spokane air serv ice command team would replace Montana on the schedule. The game opens the season here Octo ber 9. - : " " ' !'---- i BIG SEI In Baseball " . Pr the Aiworlated Vrn Battlas (firrt three U each learae) purer a4 el m O AB St-H Pet. Musial. Crdln) S7 388 19 131 JW Appling. White Sox -S4 383 37 120 .331 Herman! Dodgers W 373 4T 113 .330 Wakefield. Tigers S3 399 84 128 .321 Curtwritfht- WhiteSox IT 154 43 11 -310 Vauhan. Dodger 67 333 10 123 .313 Hack. Cuba 36 83 114 .813 KorowBki. -CardinalsSS-324 47 101313 lean att t: . America Leatna National ' T.txfvt Ttten. .Yankees -71 Nicholson i Cubs It Johnson.- Yanks 44 Herman, Dw'zf 4 Stepher-". Brwns B9 EUiott, firates 64 Annxi Lar NaUeaal . Tar Keiier,' Yarkees-15 icho'-oo. Cuba if ..era . i j,- irts 14 rrr - 7 "V - 8:33 p. m. crener, an3 t.:j should be a rifht fast as J clean match. Then George ','arner, the gent who lost Us t'.Ia to Ross a month' s;o la Ecrene, does semi-wlndnp chores against drop-kicking Illlt CIson. All matches are slated for two-out-ef-three fsl!s with the championship scrap bound by a one-hour time limit. ' CKff Parker's will , sell ro served seat ducats an day to Jay. everyone s temper. - As far as Walker Cooper , of : the . Cardinals . was concerned. . the whole thing . was a closed Incident. And, as a matter of fact, he still was ready, to Join his chief antagonist,' Mickey Owen, In a possible barnstorm ing tour after the Season. - The two catchers had a friend ly chat about their plans before Sunday's doubleheader and six innings later Owen was climbing all over Cooper In the start of a fight that stirred a crowd of 29,- . 600, largest of the season In St. Louis. .' ' ' . ' The ' cause for anger on each side was, this: The Cardinals claimed Pitcher Les Webber had deliberately fired several dusters" at Stan Musi al. The Dodgers denied It. " - The : Dodgers claimed - that Cooper, the next batter, delib erately , stepped on First-Base- -man Angle Galan's foot after being retired on a grounder to Billy Herman. Tho Cardinals denied It." : . ' -Umpire in Chief Bill Klem, who was in the press box. at Sports man's park, sent an - immediate report to Frick and the result was a fine of $100 for Webber and $50 each for Cooper and Owen. 4 Tin : Just out there trying to ' win, Cooper said. "That's our " bread and butter. But I would . not deliberately spike anyone. . Owen's a good kid and all Is forgotten so far as Tm "con cerned, rm still planning to go barnstorming with bins after the season. If we can get Com missioner' Landis' permission.'' Mackmen Tap Chisox, 5-3 PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.--A two-run rally in the eighth in ning gave the Philadelphia Ath letics a 5 'to 3 victory over the Chicago White Sox here Monday night, j - VTally Moses, leading base stealer: in the American league, pilfered three . more sacks to raise his total to S3. Do had six thefts In the series. ' Roger Wolff was in rare form from" the Mackmen, fanning eight Sox batters while walking but one'w "V" Chicago :...30 00 9093 i t PhlladeL : r .llO S01 2 5 S 4 ' c Smith and Castlno; Wolff and 'Wagner. , j'"'.' ' ".'. Ty ack Traded By Athletics PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.-(P)- The Philadelphia Athletics Mon day traded Jim Ty ack, 31 -year-old outfielder, to the Toronto Ma ple Leafs for Jimmy Ripple, for mer Cincinnati star, also an out fielder. " - j. . ; Ripple, a . left handed batter, was one of the stars of the 1940 world series in 'which the Reds defeated the Detroit Tigers. Ho was sent to the minors the follow ing season. " - ! Payette Idaho Giamp - iXTfcLLU, Idaho, Aug. 2.-CT)-Payette won the Idaho Amer ican Legion junior baseball cham pionship. Sunday by sweeping a doubleheader with the Pocatello nine, 8 to 0 and 6 to;l. Payette will represent Idaho at the re gional tournament in Seattle. DIX3. - CHAN . . LA!1 Or.Y.TXamJuj). Dr.O.ChanJS J CUISZZZ UertzllAi J -241 KtHh UlzHj " , Upsara Portland C-erl Electric Co Oif1c op-rt S,tvray orOy 10 a m te 1 p m.; to 7 pi m c..r mltation. Blood prur "4 urine tesis are free ox t..r,t t racuceJ no ft