Wedding o Take Place In. Texas . An August wedding Is being planned by Miss Margaret Sieg rnund, attractive daughter of Mr. nf Mrs.' C. E. Siegmund. The bride-elect is leaving Salem on- Thursday for . Corpus Christ, ' Texas, where she will be mar ried to Mr. Arnold R. Hardman, ioon after his graduation in the naval air corps this month. The young couple's engagement was ' announced last year before their graduation from Willamette uni- : versity t "s - Miss Siegrryind will be accom- -- panied to Texas by Mrs, Harry Parker (Betty .Lou Hansell) and the latter will join her husband In San. Antonio, ..Texas, where they win : reside. , !- - The bride-to-be is a graduate of Salem schools and Willamette : university. She is a member of Beta Chi sorority and was ac tive in music ; circles on tlje campus and a member of the a ." cappella choir. For the past year she has been on the Oregon state " library staff. Mr. Hardman is the son of Mrs. Ethel R. Hardman of Olym pla. Wash, and Dr. H. S. Hard- man of Denver.- He attended schools in Olympia and is a. . Willamette university graduate." . He was popular , in music and -dramatics and a member of Theta Alpha Phi, national dra matics fraternity, and Sigma Tau, social fraternity. He win be commissioned an ensign in the , naval air corps at Corpus Chris -tl, where he has taren his basic training. Anne Dunafon Is Married Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dun afon are announcing the marriage ' of their daughter, Miss Anne Eldora Dunafon, to Mr. Joseph Patrick on Saturday, July i 31 at 10 o'clock at Vancouver, Wash ... ington, - Mrs. Thomas Miller, aunt of the bride, was the honor attend ant. The bridal couple was "hon ored with a dinner at the home of her parents. The bride attended ' schools in Denver, Colorado, and will make -her; home in Salem with her; parents and grandmother, Mrs. Faye Smith, while her husband is " stationed at Camp Adair. Mr. Patrick's home is in Chicago. Student Recital Tonight John Wallace Graham will pre sent his violin -and guitar stu dents in a recital Tuesday, Au-I gusi 3, at the First Evangelical - church at 8 o'clock. The pro gram will include both solo and ' ensemble numbers. Jermond , Larrikin will play Acalay's "Violin Concerto in A Minor. Other violin soloists will be ? Donald Eastridge : playing -Csaridas"; Donald S h a y d u playing "Fifth Aire Varie"; Bar bara ? Riess and Donna Loppe. Among 'the ensemble numbers will be such well known num bers as "Volga Boatmen', . "Mer ry - Widow Waltz," "Aloha" and "Home on the Range. A group of Mr. Graham's Albany students will assist in the program. : , Miss Helen Sharp ef Gaston, bride-elect of Mr. Ralph Yocom, Is the house guest . this week of her fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom. Today's Menu The dessert will be the fea tured dish for dinner today. . Grapefruit salad Beets and greens -. k 'Macaroni loaf ; . Apple crisp pudding APPLE CRISP PUDDING ' cup shortening . ii cup sugar 2 eggs . teaspoon nutmeg 1V4 cups toasted bread cubes 2 cups wheat flakes . ( 4 cups diced green apples cup honey u j ik teaspoon vanilla -, J Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; add eggs and beat well. Add nutmeg and flavoring. Stir in bread cubes and wheat '.- flakes. :'.CL;v;i;.;u -f- ' Put fruit in greased baking pan; drizzle honey over it- Cov er with cereal mixture. Bake hi moderate oven (375 degrees); 35 49 minutes or until apples ' are done. Serve warm - with thin cream. Yield: -s servings OOxS-lnch baking pan). HATICIT CAICIDAn . roo Canned Goods Slue stamps . H, 9 and Q valid until August T. - Meat, cbeesav caaaee fisb and ad fble late Red starapa P. Q, B. and T valid through July tl. Sugar Coupon Mo. IS expire August IS. good far; pounds. No IS and IS valid tar pounds eaa canning augar Apply ta ration board for additional ration If needed. . - Cotfee No 22 la book 1 good far 2 pound through August 1L . . . SHOES Stamp No. IS. book - en. vaEa through October SI. Book A coupons No. f food tor four gallons eacn. usable now. rcrxon. Period 8 coupons expire Septaa berO. . .., . V 1 CLUB -CALENDAR - TUESDAY . " , North Salem WCTU with Mrs. 1 W. J. Bates. 2611 Maple avenue, v - Pro America, with Mr. Winl- " fred Petty John. 143 North 14th Btreet. no-host supper. Missouri -.dub auxiliary, no- ; host luncheon with Mrs. Tom -Mix. 1960 Norta Church street. American War Mothers, with -Mrs. Mathilda Madon. 633 Hickory street. 120 lunch. WEDNESDAY Woman's auxiliary and SL' Paul's Guild of St. Paul's Epis copal church, no-host luncheon, parish hall. 1 p.m. . , WSCS ot LeaHe Methodist church, church parlors, S pjru Leslie- Methodist all 'church picnic. 348 East Meyers street. ' : pjn. ' , Ladies circle; Knight Memorial church, picnic luncheon, garden of B P. Taylor home. 2096 State -street. 12 JO pjn. . i Lt. Gibson Weds In Texas . . Of interest to his many Salem friends is the marriage of Lieu tenant t. Victory Emery Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Gibson "of Salem, and Miss Jean Hartman Goodrich, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. LeRoy R. Goodrich of Oakland, California, on June 25 at r the First : Presyterian church in Coleman, Texas. Rev. John J. Mueller performed the ceremony. ' i The bride was given in mar riage by her father and her wed ding gown was . of white lace and u silk net fashioned with basque ' bodice, full skirt and long sleeves. She wore an ar rangement of white flowers in her hair and carried a colonial bouquet of all white flowers. - Mrs. Goodrich was her daugh ter's only attendant and she wore a blue sheer print gown and matching accessories. Her cor sage was of white iris. . Mr. and Mrs. Gibson went south for their son's wedding and Mr. : Gibson stood with his son as j best man. -Aviation Cadets Charles A. Gibson and.S. Smith Marks were ushers. ; Mrs. Gibson attended her son's wedding . in a royal " blue : and white silk -print frock withtblue s accessories and her flowers were white - iris and pink carnations. A small reception was held in the church parlors after the cerjemony. - LL and Mrs. Gibson are residing in Sherman, Texas, where he is receiving his basic flight training in the army air 'corps. - ;"-..: Mrs.. Gibson attended Mills college and graduated from Ore gon State college. She is a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Theta, Mor tar Board and Phi Beta Kappa, r LL Gibson is a graduate of Salem schools and Oregon State college. His fraternity is Beta Theta PL Mrs. McNary Is Honor Guest Mrs. Charles I McNary, wife of Oregon's. senior senator, was the honor guest at a large garden tea on Saturday afternoon .in Portland when Mrs. George T. Gerlinger: entertained at her home in The Highlands. Mrs. McNary with Senator McNary and daughter, Charlotte, recently returned from Washington, DC, and are spending the summer months at their country, home, TTir Cone. - ; . Receiving, with Mrs. Gerling er and Mrs. McNary during the afternoon were Mrs. Earl SneU, Mrs. Norman Murray Smith, Mrs. Ralph Cake, Mrs. John Y. Richardson, Mrs. Harris Ells worth of Roseburg, Mrs. Pat Al len of Los Angeles, Mrs. James Mott, .Mrs. Homer Angell and Mrs. Carolyn Benson Unander of Vancouver. ys:-"-- V- --r' . ' Mrs. Charles A. . Sprague and Mrs. John H. Lauterman of Sa lem were among those presiding at the tea tables. Among others from Salem who attended the tea were Mrs. Wdard : Marshall, Mrs. I George Rodgers, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. -George Rossman, Mrs. Gordon ! McCoy - and her mother,' Mrs, G. Ryan of Louisiana. , Mr. and Mrs, David Wright have had as their house guests - for several days, their daughter, ' Mrs. James Pierson, and chil dren, Penny and Stephen,- of, Portland. .On Sunday they were" Joined by Mr. Pierson and Mr. Wright's sister, Mrs. P. G. Tick ers, of Woodburn. j CAinrci calk IDAS ; : , TTJSinAT, Aarost f '' SUvertoa group. VTEDKCSDAT. AVOVSV ! Junior Guild. Episcojwl church. IirCTtSDAT, ACGrST I Hollywood Ltons aux&lary. ' ; PRTOAT, ATJGTJST -!'.." rirst Congregattonal ifhurclu SAT CRD AT, AUGUST t 1 to 4 Woman's Relief Corps. , 4 to T Free lance group- under di rection ot Mrs Vernon Perry. " 1 to ll-Buslness and; Professional Womea't, clui....., . i StfXItBT ffllWM House Guest Feted at ".V, Parties ..'-. . - . - ,' . r . - Miss Janice Nelson has had as her . house , guest for several , days her Kappa Kapap Gamma' "sorority sister. Miss Barbara Sue ' Hawkins of Eugene. " t - . . I Sunday night Miss Nelson was hostess for an informal-dessert, supper party at the home of her . parents, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Nel ' son, on West Lefelle street for the pleasure of Miss Hawkins. . i Guests were - Miss Hawkins, - Miss Marian McCormick, Miss Sybil Spears, Miss Florence and ' Miss Doris Duffy, Miss Helen ' Zielinski, Miss Edith Moxley, , Miss Roberta Jean Yocom, Miss Margaret, Bellinger, Miss Mary : Elizabeth Sisson and Miss Mary Jane Kestly. - . ; . i Miss Roberta Jean Yocom en- tertained with - a wiener roast and informal evening on Satur day at the North Summer street : home of her ; parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Ray Yocom,' in honor of Miss Hawkins. Guests were seated at a long table on the patio. 1 " ' . Honoring Miss Hawkins, were Miss Janice .Nelson, Miss -Mar- jorie Hill, Miss ; Helen ZielhW , ski, Miss Edith Moxley, Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, Miss , Mary Jane Kestly, Miss - Doris Duffy, Miss Anita Jarman.and Miss Yocom. ; : ', Church Meeting, . Picnic Slated ;. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Leslie Metho-' dist church will meet in the church parlors at 2 o'clock. Wednesday afternoon for a busi ness and program meeting. Mrs. Roy Genre will present the pro gram material on "The Volun teer j Woman and. Her Church." The playlet with the same topic, r will be given by a cast consist ing of Mesdames E. A, Rhoten, Mason Bishop, and C W. Stacey. Hostesses for the afternoon are Mesdames A. W. Metzger, Charles Vick, Guy Boyce and Tom Morris. i Members and friends of the Leslie Methodist church will en joy an all church pcinic at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday night on the lawn of the parsonale, 343 East Myers street. Following the sup per Mr. C. T. French, lay dele gate to the recent meeting of the Oregon Methodist conference, will bring a report of this ses sion. Mr. Melvin Gflson, choir director, will present : a special musical number. In case of in clement weather the supper will be held in the dining room of the church. Mrs. Mitchell Is Home l : : Mrs. Ralph Mitchell has re turned to Salem after a two months trip which took her to the middle west and home via the southern route. ? From Salem Mrs. Mitchell went to Seattle to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. '4 Frederick King Mitchell, and their new son, Christopher "King. She went east to Minneapolis, to visit 4 their old home and was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ma- ; ry Willson.,Mrs. Mitchell spent tax weeks at Fort SiH, Oklahoma, visiting her son, ptamfobi r. MitchelL: i r. t " In Omaha, Nebraska; Mrs, Mitchell visited her brother, Mri J D. P. King,: and enroute home : stopped In San Francisco ' with her other brother, Mr. ET Kim- ball King. " Recent reestg ef Mr. and Mrs. W-. it r - .... . . ZZLt22 bert, Jr.. .and children, Frank , and Nancjr Ann, of Portland. . Congressman -and Mrs. Homer : Angell and Mrs. Mabel Newcomb - of Portland were liere for the - weekend to celebrate, the Car- - penters 38th wedding anniver sary. H ",.Mi.j Roger Mr- Fataaaa and ; young son, Roger Ky Jr, have re turned tO Salem and are at ' ux nome oi ner parents, Rev, and Mrs. George H. Swift. Lieu tenant Putnam is now on active duty with, the army air. corps. Mrs. Putnam has been in Seattle for the past-month and prior to that resided in California. : Mrs. Harold Cuslck and her daughters, Kathie and Sarah, are vacationing this month at Oceanlake.. The OrXGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. August 3. Ceremony Read on . Sunday Exchanging their wedding vows at the First Congregational church Sunday afternoon were Miss Helen Boltjes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boltjes, and ' Mr. Thomas James Riches, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Riches. At 4 o'clock Rev. Glenn Olds read the service before a setting of white gladioluses, daisies and J white candles. " . ;'" . . Mrs.rJean Hobson' Rich was the organist and played the wed ding marches. David I Riches, brother of-the groom,, and Wil liam Heinlein lighted the candles on the altar. Mr. Boltjes gave his daughter In marriage and for her wedding 'she chose a white wool .two- piece ensemble with' brown ac- cessories and brown: off , the face hat. Her corsage was of white . orctlids encircled with brown maline rtif fling. - . Mrs.' Robert Root (Shirley Laws) of Portland was the bride's " honor attendant and wore a brown and white Jacket frock With polka dot, skirt and : brown and ' white ' accessories. Her corsage was of white flow- .- ers. Mr. Richard W. Achor of Ore gon City stood with Mr. Riches as best man and. ushers were , Mr. Robert Riches, -brother of the groom, Mr. Richard White- ley and Mr. Clyde Redcunger. Mrs, Boltjes wore a navy ble print afternoon dress for her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Riches wore a grey silk suit with white 'accessories and - both had corsages of gladioluses and pink bouvardia. Reception at Riches' Heme , The bridal couple received their guests at a reception at the Lloyd Riches home in King wood Drive. Mrs. Frank Mogan Arthur Hanson presided at the punch bowL Assisting " in ; the dining room were Mrs. Ralph . Campbell Mrs. Marjorie White ley, : Mrs. I M. Nickerson and Miss nene" Hanson. The table centerpiece was of all white flowers with white candles in crystal candelabra. Miss v Viola Sundland passed the guest book and Miss Gladys Hanson was in the sift room. When the couple left on their wedding trip the bride " wore a beige suit with brown accessor ies. Later in the week Mr. and :. Mrs. Riches will go on to Seattle and after August 15 the bride will return to Salem for several months before joining her hus- Cband. Mr. and Mrs. Riches attended Willamette university and he is a member of Alpha rpst Delta fraternity. Mr. Riches Is chief aviation specialist in the United States naval reserve and is junior airport manager of Pan American Airlines at Juneau, Alaska. Twilight Hour at YWCA Planned : . Believing that "all work and no play makes Jill a dull girL' the YWCA is sponsoring a ser- . ies of twilight activities for jun iorfand senior high school girls during the month of August, be ginning Wednesday night, Aug ust 4 at 7 o'clock. This first ! evening will be turned into "Putter Hour" on the lawn with the puttering taking the form of making belts nad bracelets from lustro-lace or carving on wood en shoes. Al junior and senior high girls are welcome. Mater ial and instruction will be avail able from 7 to 9 o'clock. - - MrSv Elaine Fisher, Girl Re serve leader of the YMCA staff, will be In charge ot the "Putter Hour.' Assisting her will be counselers from the Smith Creek camp staff; Misses Dottie Eley, Sally Ann Barr and Jean Bar- ham. Announcements c o n c e rning other twilight activities will be made at a later date. P ' rn 1 r 1 I TWbr ril'U1L OUPPI A f RotVq'q ' f Uf- A group of Miss Miriam Becke's friends gathered ' at the North Summer street home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl-Becke, Saturday night . for a no-host picnic supper in honor of a group of naval students attending Wil lamette university. The picnic supper was served 1 In the garden by the creek and the. evening was spent Inform- Making up the party were Miss Harriet Hawkins,., Miss . Sharen Burnett, Miss Anne Huston, Miss Doris Chapler, Miss Virginia Co vert,. Miss Jean Newman, Miss Miriam Becke, Johr Cothoff, Da vid Demmiter, , Don Barnick, George Lund, Alan Lunt, perbert Schwartz and Ereen Murphy. : Wemaa's auxiliary and St. Palil'a fluild of Si. Xanle Fn ti MnsT rhuTrh will rnt tnr a. no. - host luncheon at the parish hall on Wedrsesday at 1 6 clock. Unitt ed . Thank Offering day will be' observed. - 1- ZZn. Clifford Drown enter tained with an informal gather ing j Sunday afternoon f at her home for- the pleasure of her son, Lieutenant (jg) Chandler Brown, United States navy re serve, who leaves today for W el lesley, Massachusetts. A group of intimate friends were bidden to call in, the late after noon. Mrs Brown and her three 4 children will remain in ' Salem at their Fairmount Hill home while Lt. Brown is in the east 1 -: m X 'f- i , ' f 4 & . . .. It ; y& mz , tKTtJ,,, r.. ... ..,..,.,.,, , , , Why Pay Moret Brighten Drab Floors With I . 92il2 VJAQDSIOU:.! QUGG , i Styles for every room! In newest patterns' and colors! Florals, leafs, -textures and tSeswJhetrj baked-ename! surface Is water-proof, stain proof and easy to keep dean! Don't miss-this ' exciting value at Floor-covering Headquarters! ,WardoIeum by the Yard, 6 e $ fl&& 1 tin r v. J Use Vi'iS X You'd expect to pay much, mora Li II i in ii. mi If 1213 , tlrs. Ervin ratter has returned ta Indianapolis, Indiana, after an extended visit with her parents, i': Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Minier. ' Sergeant Potter is stationed at Fort Benjamin Ilarrison at In dianapolis. Ensign and Mrs. Thomas TflU, :y jr,; (Ruth Anunsen) have left for . Minneapolis where ' Ensign; Hill ; will study, aeronautical iengi- t neering at . the University of Minnesota. - . '..!.., 488 9 ft.. . . . .39 9oli4A9 these deCcotety-grained de- . I. So dress up your i floors l NOW corae In and see our as- sortment of fresh new colors that -.. . H . .. Q 'jnj-"" h l ' Sett, tn8y fehed oea, V n fSJ21 reb4e we.ealne- tkkbsl j j 50-kW ',ws9M. fey 20 , t it I iruaY tiznzzzz coHsa ' 55 f ; rka to cevar. FUt er twai aka." " mm taf4a le aaatca..' ' i year credit te bay anythlag carried ZIrs. Hesseth Ilansoa ani her two month c! J son, Charks Kcn- neth, of Eusene are visiUcg at the home of her parents, tlx. and Mr. Roy II. Mills. Last week llr; Hanson joined his wife and they vacationed at the Mills summer home at Neskowin. Mrs. ' Hanson will return to-Eugene this week. ; ; ' . lit, and I.Irs. Blehsrd.L. ' Cooley are 'spending the week at Oceanlake. . v. (4 .-'A'AfU .. . i i .f-IU Beautiful modem designeffectively worked out in lustrous walnut veneers and gumwood. That's the most important fact behind this' attractive! bedroom suite value. , Check the quality details at Wards! Bed, A drawer chest and vanity. Come h to Wards to-, morrow for this big value! Vanity Bench......... .......4.70 I Only 1Xi Down! Monthly Payment Plan . ml It c. uvi::3 nccM cum . ; j " - Coolness and comfort ara In tha very design of this sofa and chair. Open arms make the' actual seating space wider by Inches! - Knuckle arms take mosf f the wear and soil giving you longer service from the rich tajiestry cover. Deeply button-tufted cushions! Only 20& Down! Monthly Payment Plan! i ' ".'!(-.'.-. f - ,1 ! v,jiMlJ dota - 6o 4Q; "Sp. j j J ' teatwnetftaeetlry aa.Oy 7 V. -t . !' ' JSeewelMa!Jy NrrJ r ... x la ear store stacks er plctared la iirs. j. a. r::::j ii exrrr'." -r tcr son and d'jc'..t:r-l I V. end I.Irs. Harry Q. d Lc i Anseles ta arrive In E-lem t,. first of next 'week for a short stay. - ' , - Enjayiig a vacation at -Neskowin are Mr. and Iirs. Vernon Perry and children, Diane and John, Mr. and Mrs. ..Clayton Foreman and daushter, Judiih, and Mrs. Loring Schmidt and I V' ! n I r I I I I? yd. Heavy nobby Textures! Eeauft , fully printed Cretonnes! Good ; variety of patterns end colors!. A3 43 Inches wide.! A fade-; r resisting! Cretonnes perfect fcfV 1 slipcovers, too! Buy now. Caveu JeckW Is eewed I 4 pair ! I mm w ear eatalara Oeeraf efje aaedJe ena,