- Tho OniGOI! STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Momla?, August 3. IS 43 PAGE TEN Stocks Swing Downward ' Steepest Fall Since . : April, 1942, Called I Corrective i Reaction aj dcaRSasxu o. j xiaoa NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-WVTh stock market today continued its adjustment to Wall street's peace psychology with another broad drop in prices. . ;. r - . - . . . . ; joroKers reierreu u uic unuuc as an extension of the corrective reaction of - last week, i winch marked the steepest fall in quota- tions since the market started up ward in April of 1942. Volume totaled 1,345,210 shares ' compared with 1,224,770 Friday. A small carryover of selling put leaders down fractions to around -a point at the opening, ' but as offerings decreased a little better . "luvin r aDDeared .: and . the list around midsession showed many moaest net sains. The late retreat was speeded by sharp breaks in such stocks as American Telephone, which sold off more than 4 points, Santa Fe, ' Westinghouse, DuPont , . Wool worth, Standard Oil (NJ), and Pepsi Cola, down 2 to 3 points. It took comparatively little sell : lng to effect these wide declines, lack of supporting bids being the principal factor. Moreover, mar . ket analysts pointed out that most .of these heavy losers - had suf ! fered less than other leaders in .the recent slump. . The Associated Press 60-stock composite at the close was down .7 of a point at 48.5. Over the six preceding trading sessions the de cline amounted to 3.6 points. On July 14 the 60-stock average stood at 53.3, highest since October 27, 1939. Portlander, Brother Are Sunday Visitors At Wright Home I UNIONVALE Mrs. Rex Bauer of Portland and her brother, Jean Kerr, of McMinnville, were. Sun day dinner guests of their uncle and aunt, . Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Wright, here. Jean has taken his examination for the United States armed service and expects to be called in September after having been deferred for several months r wrirV In loptnn. " Mrs. Roy Wright, accompanied by Miss Wanda Gorman of Salem, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mi V. Wright and Mrs. Allen May, parents and sister of; her husband who is in overseas serv ice. T : Berry Picking Ends At Kron Acreage ; Earnings Are High GRAND ISLAND Berry pick ing started about three weeks ago 4 Vi A V .mlr Vmn a)M9ffA ' fin4 k w a twin Ull -, . v i closed the season Friday. There were 15 of the pickers on hand to win the honor of doing the final picking. ; r i Four cents a pound was paid by Mr. ron and the pickers report good wages were earned as the jirines were well loaded. Because of war ' rationing on many foods, the usual picnic was declared out for the duration. Stocks and Bonds Complied by Th Associated Pr August 2 . ! ... STOCK AVERAGES 30 Indus Monday . 1 IS IS ea Rails Util Stks 23.6 34.0 48.5 Previous day 69 8 24.2 26.1 26.1 16.7 27.4 1SJ 34.7 49.1 36.3 S1.S 33.6 52.3 23.5 36.6 36.S 53.3 27.1 41.7 Week ago ..72.3 .73.6 -53.0 Month ago Year ago. . 1943 high . 143 low -74 -60.2 BOND AVERAGES 10 1 Indus UUI " 10 rofn 01S 61 J 62.7 61.7 49 Jt 62.7 S3S ttaiis Monday , ... w 7 Previous day, .76. Week ago 77.T Month ago . 77.5 105.5 104.8 105.4 1053 105.6 103.5 105.7 103.8 104 S 105.2 104.6 96.1 105.2 98.0 Year ago . 62.1 1943 high 1943 low .78.7 .641 .on and Lucille Ball seem S3 layers It's a C'Ttrtnt story I; J rrrj V,s A J-a-j,- comiar FrUay to the Elslnore theatre. IT.i Li tla Zzliy tizHe cf the rktnre every thin r tarns cut r';:.., trih tzr.z-'.j c a Tommy Dorsey's music, grand daneint i - 1 tcr-18 svi tll i:.:;L:3 ty the principals. . "Strictly Private" t l stop to- J "'syA&J&i 4 1 1 K IAlDDJWG SOWS SFeClAL TRAWlKiG tOR, IV COWVJS FURLOUGH -Oi WCW HOJJ SCX I USED TD 6ET ttJKEM WW SMOKED OG IM HDii...Btfr m gehtms ojsi- rr. mom. c ? Salem Market The prices below supplied by a lo cal rrocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman; - Lettuce, doz. Cauliflower, crata , Corn, dox, ears Avocados, crate Crook neck aqua h. craUt Italian squash, 30 tba. . .73 . S.75 SO 3 . s.oo : . 3 .50 S4.SO " . i.i5 ; . 6.00 : .70 ' SO Cucumbers, dox. BroccoU. case Green onions, dot. bun. Turnips, dox. bun. , cam cabbage. u. Swiss chard, bait dox.' bunches -80 Hot house tomatoes, lb. Ja Endive, dox. bun. 1 M Artichokes dox Radishes, dox. bun. , SO Cantaloupe, crate 7 JO Carrots, dox. bun. , .60 Spinach, crate .. 10 curiy sale, crata i w Celery, dox. bun. 1.65 Parsnips. u , J Savoy cabbage. Ib. New rutabagas, lb. , , j07 1 SO Si, . 7-8c 3 SO Watercress, dox. - bunches WatermeloiM, pound Green wax beans, lb. Plums. Ib . Nectarines.1 Ib. Raspberries, crate ' 2.25 California tomatoes, lb. .. 16-17c BUTTEK, EGGS AND POUL.TKY Anresea's Bsytng Price iSut'ect to change without nouce.l BUTTEEFAT Premium JM No. 1 S No. S , , S Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Aug. S AP) Butter AA grade prints 46c; cartons 47 ic; A grade prints 4e lie cartons ?c; G grade Drints 46c. cartons 46c lb. Butterfat First quality, maximum of .6 of 1 pet cent acidity, , delivered at I Portland 52-52'ic lb.; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53 i,c lb.; valley route and country points zc Jess tnan nrst or 50-50'ac; second quality at Port land 2c under first or 50-50',c Ib. Cheese SeUing price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb.; loaf 30c lb.; triplets to wholesalers avc lb4 loaf ZT.iC FOB. - Eggs Prices to retailers, in cases A grade large SQVac; A medium 46ac; A small 42',ic dez. - Eggs Nominal price to producers: A large 47c; B large. 44c; A medium 43c .doz. Live poultry buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to 2V lbs. 20c; , colored fryers under 2V to 4 lbs. 29c; colored roasters over 4 lbs. 29c: Leghorn hens under ZV lbs. 25'c; over 31, lbs. 25,3e; colored hens 4 to 5 lbs. 25 ",c; over 5 lbs. 25 'ac; old roosters 2lrc; stags 21VsC Ib. . Dressed 'turkeys Selling prices Country dressed brooder hens 30-32c Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed, to retailers 44c lb.; live price to producers 24c Ib. Onions Green 50c dox. bunches: walla walla 50 per SO-lb. bag. Potatoes New Yakima Gems No, 1, 3 50; local 2.73 cental. Country meats -- Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed bogs, best butchers, 120-140 lbs. 19c; vealers. AA 22',c; A 21'ac; B 194c; O 174c: culls laiac; canner-cutter cows U'tC lb.; bulls canner-cutters 14ic; lambs. AA 26c; A 24 'ic; B 22',ic: C 20Vc; ewes. FS 13 'ic; medium 12c; R lOic; beef. AA 21c; A 204e; B lSe; C 16c. wool Government control. Cascara bark, dry 20c lb. Mohair 1942, 12-month 45c lb.' Hops Nominal: Seed stock 1942 xroo 1.40 lb.: seedless 10-1.80 lb.: contract seedless 70c: seed 65c lb. Hay Wholesale Drices nominal Alfalfa No. S or better 33.00: No. 1 Montana timothy 33.00: No. 1 grass bay 32.00; oat-vetch 25.00-30.00 - ton. valley points; timothy (valley) 29.00 ton; ciover Z3.w-30.oo ton. t ret alone swell as friends, not tn M-G-Ms technicolor mnslca. By Quinn Hall Qll op4aaat u cuclamc 6-q I Quotations Extra large, whit and brown St BUTTEK PRINTS ' . A ------ .461 " .45 . Quarters T a- EGGS Extra large Medium : Standards Pullets .45 .41 .41 : J7 SO sa Si SI SO Cracks POULTKT -. - Colored fry up to 2,' lbs Colored frys over 2, lbs. . Colored bens Whit Leghorn frys Whit Lexborn hen aarton creamery's Baytag rnees (Subject to chang without notice) EGGS Large A ; , : .45 Medium A - .41 POULTRY i-i AU bens , MxA AH springs - so Roosters or stags , ' SO ' Above prices for prima stock, under grades according to value. LIVESTOCK Buylng prices for No. 1 stock, based on conoiuons ana sales reporteo. Shorn lambs , , . ,. . . , . . 6.00 to t.00 Spring lambs , , , . , .' 12J0 Ewes - : i .:. - 3.00 to 5.00 Hogs. top. 160-225 lbs. 13.75 Sows . , . 10.00 to 11 DO Top veal. 150 lb 13.00 Dairy type cows " ,M to 7 JO Beef typ cows 9.00 to 10.00 Bulls - " ' 9.00 to 12 00 Heifers Dreaaed veal 0JO to 40JO SI Portland Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Aug. 3 (AP) wneat: jno futures quoted. Cash grain: OaU No. 3-38 Tb. white 47 9; barley No. 2-43 lb. BW 42.25; corn unquoted; No. I flax 2.95. Cash wheat (bid) 8 Soft whit 1.38: soft wji it excluding Rex 1.42; white ciun. i.4; western reo 1.4Z. . : - Hard red winter: " Ordinary ISO; 10 per cent ISS; 11 per cent 1J7; 12 per cent ijs. , . ' . Hard whit Bart: 10 per cent 1.45; 11 per cent 1.46: 12 per cent 1.48, Today's car receipts: Wheat 37, bar ley 44, nour 7, oats 3. miiueed 3. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore- Aug. 2 (AP) -asi sioc warmers market quotations toaay: ; - .. , , -- Apricots The Dalles. 15s, 2.00-2.10; appie dox a.uu. -i . j Cabbage Round typ 1.50 crate; lo cal pointed 1-3 crate. Beans Green . 5-6c lb.; yellow 6-7c lb.: Oregon Giant 5-7c lb.; Kentucky Wonder 7 -8c lb.; horse 65c tug. ' Boysenberries No. I, L95-2.00 crate. Cauliflower broccoli) No. 1, 2.75; orauiary - a.w; ro. X, l. i .- CherriM Rinn. lmlurii iai7 n . Black Republicans 10c lb.; pt 12-12 xc. Corn Northwest 40-50e doxen. Root vegetables Turnips 1.10-125; beets 40-Wc dozen bunches; carrots -ouc oozen ounches. Lettuce No. 1. liO-1.75 crate. Loganberries No. 1, 2.00 crate. Peas Local 2.50-2.75 box; coast 2-25-2.50 box. -. .' -. . . , - , ... Peppers No. 1, 1.75 box. - Sninach -Loral 1 7S-1 on r- K ' Radishes No. 1, spring, red 80-90c oozen Duncnes. t Rhubarb Field 125 box. " Onions Green 40e dozen bunches. " Raspberries 2.00 crate. Strawberries Oregon Marsh alls 2 JO 3.00 crate; Red Hearts 3.00 crate. . Youna berries Loral 1 an.9 nn - PoU toes New local 1.00 " hif ; ISO- orange ; dox. ..,.. Portland Livestock E0,RTLAN1' Ore, Aug. 2 (AP) (USDAl CatUe: Salable and total 2500: calv ulahu - vn. . .vu - w, market rather alow, geners - 25 in m am RA 1... - 1 . . . v iutr, vuus ana veaiers Steadv: , few .- loada frl but held ihnv n- f .i-t steers 14J0; load grass fat steers 14.00; " srers moexiy ilw-iz5.com-5"" grades down to 9.50. cutters down tO 8.00: RIM Hifra IOIM.lt ... . fat beef cows mostly 10.25-li.od: can- -r uu tuiier cows a.ati-i.uo; medium good bulls 10.00-12.00; good-choic vealers 14.00-50. few 15.00. . - , ket M abovt hut week s hicH v time; .wu-awict Ao) s lO. miCK-ilS '-: 14.75- - v i aw HIVSUJ r. 1I,UU1 men ma w a . . : T . ww 13.5O-14.0O: good sows 1& 50-11.23; good choice feeder pigs 14.00-16.00. . sneep: salable 2000. total 3000; mar- ket Kt&1v itK i-.. .w. i ii. -- . . ww, good-choic trucked In spring lambs on lomA 11 ns- local feeders .00-10X4; -eastern .Oregon to 1030; Commoik-mHfttm vm.Iihm - aa a ah. . . .H .VV-AW.W, good-choic ewes .00-6J. common - Try as f Cfitaes remedies. Amaxlag ; SUCCESS ft 5006 years la CHINA. N attr with what ailment y ar AFFLICT Et disorder. sinusitis, heart, Inag. - liver. kidneys, stomach, gas, . rensUpattoa. , aleers. U keUa, fever, skin, female oa- Chiaesa Herb Co. .Offlc ; Honrs Only Tnea. and ; Sat 9 a. ml l a - . Saa. aai Wed. V a. at. to l:3t p. mf 122 N. Coral. Ct Ki!ira. dr $ t a. - aa -J Grains Folloiv Stock Decline Rye Drop Spreads 1 To Other Grains, -Cancelling Cains By WILUAJVI FERRIS CHICAGO. ; Aug. 2-(i)SellIng prompted by weakness in securi ties and -start of the all-out push in Sicily unsettled grains '. toward the close today after the market had exhibited a firm undertone In early dealings. Activity was light, with many traders preferring the sidelines until more, definite news is available regarding Italy. " . Liquidation started Initially in the rye pit, where orders to sell came from ' houses with eastern connections at about - the same time the stock market be can mov ing lower. The easiness in the rye pit soon spread to wheat and oats," cancelling earlier gains in the latter grain. ... At the close wheat 'was - lower, September $1.43-. Oats were lower; September 69, and rye was down ! September $1.00-. j r" Wheat v had exhibited s ome strength early; on trade reports that the Commodity Credit cor poration had purchased 1,350,000 bushels of the grain at Omaha and Minneapolis late last week. With the CCC talcing wheat out' of orx?n markets at loan - levels, traders pointed out that the suddIt avail able to 'millers and distillers was consequently reduced. : "Another favorable factor, trad ers said, was an announcement by tne OPA of an advance- in the ceiling-for oilseed cake and meal This, they asserted, should resul in an Lactase in the already strong demand for grain as a feed. The Winnipeg market was closed be cause of a holiday. Wednesday's Radio Programs KSLM WEDNESDAY -1390 1:00 News. - ' ' ,'T Ris V Shto -f30 News r 7:45 Morning Moods. : ' . 8:00 -Cherry City News. 6:10 Music. 90 Tango Tim. , ! S)0 Pastor's Call - -9 JO Popular Musi i 10.-00 News. . - - - - 10:05 A Song and a Dane 10:30 Music. 110 News., . lt15 Music. 11:20 Hits of Yesteryear. .... U :lOrganall ties u KALE MBS WEDNESDAY 1136 K. 6:45 TJncle Sam. 70 News. 7:15 Texas Rangers. . ; 7 JO Memory Timekeeper :t.-O0 Shady Valley Folks. S 30 News 8:45 What's New t0 Boake Carter :15 The Woman's Sid of th News -30 Music. 9:45 Marketing. 10 .DO News 10:15 Gardner's rrlend. 1030 This and That 11. -00 Buyer's Parade. 11:15 Bill Hay Reads th Bibl 1130 Concert Gem 11:45 Rose Room. - , 13 :00 Concert. KEX BN WEDNESDAY 1196 Kc S-00 We're Up Too. 6:15 National Farm and Bom 6:45 Western Agriculture 7.-O0 Smilin Ed McConnell 75 Horn Demonstration Agent 7:15 Music of Vienna.; 730 News 80 Breakfast Club t 90 My True Story. -930 Breakfast at Sard! 10.-00 Baukhag Talking. 10:15 The Gospel Singer. 10 30 Andy and Virginia. 10:45 Th Baby Institute. 110 Woman's World. lias Mystery Chef. 1130 Ladies Be Seated. 12:00 Songs KOIN CBS WEDNESDAY 970 Ke. wwo jvortnwest Farm Reporter 6:1 5 Breakfast Bulletin 6:20 Texas Rangers 6:45 KOIN Klock 7:15 New 80 Consumer News .-i I . 8:15 Valiant Lady 830 Stories America Loves S:45 Aunt Jenny . . . - i . . . 90 Kat Smith Speaks ' ' . 9:15 Big Sister :-r 1 30 Romance of Helen Trent 9:45 Our Gal Sunday 10.-00 Life Can Be Beautiful 10:15 Ma Perkins 1030 Vic and Sad 10:45 The Goldbergs - 1 110 Young Dr. Ma Ion 11:15 Joyce Jordan : J130 W Love and Learn -ll5 Newa - U:15 News. -. U-:: vr-v. ! V;i KGW NBC WEDNESDAY 629 K. 4 0 Dawn . Patrol 635 Labor News 60 Everything Coca. - r ' 630 News Parade. 6:55 Labor News 7:15 News 730 Reveille Roundup. -. 7:45 Sam Hayes - 80 Star of Today ! Jam- Abb Cover th News 830 Rose Room. ; 8:45 David Harum J 90 The Open Door. ! 9:15 Larry Smith. - . . 930 Mirtn and Madness. ' ! 100 Music. -10:15 Kneass With th News. 1030 Th Gallant Heart. 1 : 10:45 For You Today. . 110 Th Guiding Light. ' 11:15 Lonely Women v 1130 Light ot the World. 11 :4V Hymns of AS Churches ' 13 W Story of Mary MarUn , . - ' ' KOAC WEDNESDAY 556 K6. 10 00 News i ' .. 19.15 Th Ho emakers Hour. H oo Music of . th -Master-. 120 News Recta! Soronoss Cf Relief tlw Casy Vcy ' Sit In Comfort - ProUrmoa Keetal fa a otriek. 4w&M teU ner of itcainr. painful rectal aonat (ymptoma whivh. may aha eo paajr alias and fcrmoirhoida. Bring soothing sens of comfort cpoa eoatact, forai pro. toetins Sin over sor area, bclps destroy iafectioos rmi, aid Katare kcal ap raw. broke it . No oil ,o srtM to ataia . elotain. 8oM oa money bock ranfeo G Uua relief today ... as fo , HIED MEYER -Drug Section Small Groups Picnic Sunday, Silverton Park SrLVERTOrt A group of relatives met Sunday in the city park for a day's vacation with picnic dinner and supper served. Included were V. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Muck en and Shirley, Maxine and Bobby and Miss Lou.' Ann Scheacher, all of ML Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dozler and La Veta and Allen of Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manegre and Mary Lou of St Paul, and Miss Dor othy Ann Vogel of Nez Perce, Idaho. . SILVERTON A group of rel atives enjoying a picnic supper in the city park Sunday, were Mr. and . Mrs. Martin Holland, Mrs. M. Njust, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herigstad and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. v Gabriel Herigstad : and Floyd, Dorothy, Gladys and Mer lin, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Njust and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Max Holland and Gene and Patricia and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Holland and Edythe. . SILVERTON Among the smaller groups enjoying a dinner Tin: lc:: hai:gii 1 - . L-l - ' L,.W M . I WELL. BOV. T0MCRCWTrflS AHEAP ON THE NAKBAV 6TRETJ i rH0T8J WHATTD I TtU. ) TCAOROW I TRIP'S BEEN SO U I 1 I .y k I fOUl HESE W5 vsaru. v I rjix of action I A hw-V 1 1 so a5im ISTANBUL. 1 TO DO ri LAY Kt J fr9ifP' '" V IS UK DOWN AND SLEEP J J jilK -S- KJ JV itt'tj2-- ' SCORCHY SMITH , Ml3 JFh - jTy. ti ; J ; BARNEY GOOGLE ---E ijS -S-- 3 - j - lLV J- - i J PC3P6V6 r)yf,i IVnil rAtj KILL JLJ I IfaOUGiH-rVDUSE? KlklM lOOkrT llvVrTP -T I no sell.. us rn o m r vzz. ieep -embusm -mxA muo tss - , i THE SEA A 1 Z K SfOU rVii- IPUTTHB SEADUST TIME li NX J I IUA4T); YL -He (DrSHES , PLACE rQ THAT (' . . A-iV Tt ; 1 THIMBLE THEATRE I ( t( , JrV ' T" L . HEV.ANN1E. WAKE UP!- I IwiLLfA LOOK AT THAT BRAVE If (COME ON, BOZO - SCRAM ! A i LttO YA "ltBODV XvJ YOU'RE FORGETTING ALL ROUSTABOUT SWEEPIN' BEFORE t SWEEP VOU. j h HEAR HIM ttireT -Sy--- ABOUT OUR GAME- OUT THE LION CAGE- V1 OUT WITH THE REST CAUKIM6 lsAMHO. : vIIL i w ; ain't he scared THE ftfll o- the rubbish -, "n8al, 2I: olo? i iifTSflP U0I,TMMH' PlfflLM , LITTLE AIIinE ROOIIET j v WMm fj'l--. . in the park Sunday were Mrs. Eva Zimmerman, Miss Lois Zimmer man, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Charles worth and Mrs. Helena Whitlock. ' Miss Clara Scott and her broth er, Alec Scott of Gates, visited Mrs. Zimmerman, Miss Zimmer man and. Mrs. WhiUock at their home Friday morning for break fast and a social hour. . ' Bradford Nearly Drowns Seining For Minnows ..WEST SALEM Twelve-year-old Wayne Bradford, son of Ilr. and, Mrs. Darrell Bradford of Second street, had a very close call Saturday Tie and bis grand rather, who lives next door, were seining for minnows- when Wayne stepped off the . gravel bar where they were seining Into deep water. Being weighted down with his clothes and heavy shoes, he was able to swim -ashore. ." . ;; '"--.." His grandfather was hampered ' With a pair of high lop rubber boots, which he had to remove before be could do anything to ward a rescue. He waa finally able to Jump in and rescue Wayne Just a moment before it was too late to reach him. rI ,vS, I v il- t 1 DAY OLD AND STARTED L. Gace TZorlis on Dude Ranch PEDEE Mild Gage has been doing some work with his cater pillar on the dude ranch for Gus Eurbank. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker moved a house from the Walker camp to the Dick Siddall farm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dow Simpson of The Dalles as visiting relatives at Kings Valley and Simpson's camp. Dow is on the police force at The Dalles and Is spending, his vaca tion at his former residence. . Mr. McCherry, the farmers' fire warden, has the water tanks de livered to the different farms ready for use If needed. , Mr. , Clark and family 1 picked boysenberries at the cantonment Sunday.. -' . ' Betty Burbcfik .spent her vaca tion" with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank. Miss Burbank is working in Salem. US Bombers Hit Jap Freighter at Hongkong j uiuiMurujMu, , a u g . z-ypy-Liberator and Mitchell bombers of the 14th TJS air force smashed wharves and shipping in Japanese-occupied Honekonff harbor Wednesday, and Thursday, nailing . 171 a large freighter with a direct hit, the headquarters of Lt Gen. Jo seph W. EtilweH announced. i-,i -- - M- kw' f I Lr-- '- Casli In A Hurry .' i With A Personal . . -;!'' ' Laa I.' When you need money quickly, come to us for a personal loan. W will , I be happy to extend a loan to you without de lay ... a loan you can .repay easily over a period of time. For Uoner tn a Barry See Elzla Fizzzz Co. .112-222 Gaardlaa EUig. Corner Liberty A gtsto i Telepboae ties . ' ; Lie, S-21- M-222 1 w"7 th market : t fcay for CASH Raal Ctate .. Martf(es aa4 ceataact. Mer- efcaaais Dlscanat rpt a4 Netcs. 1 1 i ; Swb' ita... . L-l e .f Lw