CvFi-Mffl-imcSffll: o r i "5 LU k I - 1 . .r- , - Thai OX-TGO.I STATESMAN. ' Ccdam. - Oregon. Thursday Morning. July PAGE EIGHT - r " 'Peace Nerves' Attack Market Stocks Lose Ground For Third Day in Row V Despite Good Returns , NEW YORK, : July 28-C)-The stock, market suffered another at- ' tack of "peace nerves" Wednes day, losing ground for the third .1 successive session, but ending on a note of irregular recovery. L The Associated Press average of 60 stocks showed a closing de line of .3 of a point at 50.2. The industrial component was down .7 while the rail index was up J. Drop in the major average brought the overall loss since Monday to 2.6 points, about the widest 3-day reaction since- the market started on the uptrain in . April of last year. Transactions of 1,847,990 shares were the largest since May 10 and compared with yesterday's 1,786,- ..390.: - ' ' - Wall street continued to have conflicting ideas on the impli- ' cations of the chage of govern- - tnent in Italy and this confusion was heightened by today's reports ; of serious disorders in Milan. .'.-' Earnings statements of several ; big corporations, covering .the ' June quarter and the half year, seem to have little effect on-7 the . related stocks although ; the fig ures were favorable. Some brokers thought the mar-'- ket might have received , more . effective support except for the unwillingness of certain prospec . tive buyers to act before Presi dent Roosevelt's radio talk to the nation Wednesday night. Mexican at Adair GRAND ISLAND One Mexi- can laborer in this district has told residents that his son is in the US army and is stationed at Camp Adair. The laborer learn ed English from his wife in Mexico, Grand Island folk learn ed. : - Friday's Radio Programs KSLM FRIDAY UN Kc. 7:00 Cherry City News. 1:05 Rise "n" Shine. . 7:30 News. 8:00 Cherry City News. 8:05 Program Parade. A. 8:10 Rhythm Five., , 8:30 Tango Time. 0 Pastor's Call. JS Uncle Sam. 9:30 Popular Music. 10 0 Cherry City News. 10-05 Song and A Dance. 10:30 Music., 11 M Cherry City News. 11 :05 Sentimental Songs. 11:15 Maxine Buren. V 11:30 Hits of Yesteryear. 12:00 Organalities. j KALE MBS FRIOAT 1338 Kc. 8:45 Uncle Sara 7. -00 News.' 7:15 Texas Rangers'. 7 -JO Memory Timekeeper. 8. -00 Shady Valley Folks. : 820 News. .1- t- 8:45 What's New. j , V 90 Boa ke Carter, f . . 9:15 Woman's Side of the New. 9 :30-Let's Learn to Dance. t 9:45 Edgewater Arsenal Band. . 10 AO News. 10:15 Curtain Calls. 10:30 This and That, 11:00 Buyer's Parade. 11:15 Bill Hay Reads the Bible. 11 JO Concert Gems. 11:45 Rose Room. , 120 Music - KEX BN FRIDAY 1198 Kc. ' 80 We're Up Too. . 8:15 National Farm and Home. 8 :45 Western Agriculture. ' 7:00 Smiun' Ed McConnelL ' 7 M Home Demonstration Agent. , ' 7:15 Music of Vienna. 720 News ; 80 Breakfast Club. 00 My True Story. : 920 Break-fart at Sardl's : 10 0 Baukhage- Talking ; 10-15 The Gospel Singer. . 10 iO Andy and Virginia 10:45 The Baby Institute. " 114)0 Woman's World. ' , 11:15 The Mystery Chef. - r 1120 ladies Be Seated. 5 U) I .-00 Songs. 9IOIN CBS FRIDAY 88 Kc. i 8 -UO North west Farm Reporter. 8:15 Bieakiat BulleUn. . 820 Texas Rangers. .. . 8:45 Ko.n Klock. 7:15 Wake Up News. 720 Dick Joy. News. 7:45 Nelson Prtngle. News - 80 Consumer News. 8:15 Valiant Lady. 820 Stories Ameitca Loves 8:43 Aunt Jenny. 90 Kate Smith Speaks. 9:15 Big Sister. . 920 Romance of Helen Trent 9:45 Our Gal Sunday. 100 Life Can Be Beautiful 10.15 Ma Perkins. 1020 Vic and Sade -10:45 The Goldbergs. 110 Young Dr Malonc 11:15 Joyce Jordan. lira Georre Erent faces his romantic rival. Brace Cabot, la a mo ment fall of forebodiixg earing- the exciting action vnreeled In Harry Eherman's "Silver Queen,' which Is sew playing at the Ca;UcI theatre throcrh Urlied Artists release, The companion fea ture slirs Ann Scthern ar3 Ilelvjn Docrlas ta "S Hearts for JoUa. "Strictly Private'' XCeavi' j "V 1 w--' -r- - .- -- . m m 1 a a a r had m a tnru. fesscml couvie-tton WH "EE Q3ES4 EN&AND WEJ4 HS& THE. Wwr VAS THE CMP TB&tyL&E. USES AS. GOOD BVSUSH AS : P Ki .AUts. euee - ' ' 1icClu6 Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND, Or.. July 2S (AP) Butter AA- grade prinU ,c. cartons 47ic; A trade prints 48y4c, cartons 47c; B grade prints 46c. cartons 4ic Butter First quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland 52-52'ic lb.: premium quality maximum of JS ol 1 per cent acidity 53-53 'Ac lb.: valley route and country 1 nninta 7r-' Ik than first or M-50'.c: second quality at Portland 2c under first or so-soic u. Cheeae Sellinsr nice to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb - loaf 30c lb.: triplets to wholesalers 27c lb.; loaf 27'ie FOB. Eggs Prices to retailers, in cases: A grade large. 49','c; A medium. 4S',c; A small. 41i dozen. Eggs Nominal price to producers r A large. 48c; B large, 43ic; A medium. 42c dozen. . Live poultry buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to 2 lbs. 30c; colored fryers under 2V to 4 lbs. 29c; colored roasters over 4 lbs. 29c; Leghorn hens under 2V lbs. 25sc; over 3'2 lbs. 25sc; colored hens 4 to 6 lbs. 25c; over 5 lbs. 25'sc; old roosters 25c: stags 21 c lb. Dressed turkeys Selling prices: Country dressed breeder hens 30-32c lb. .-Rabbits Government ceiling: Aver age country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live ; price to producers 24c lb. Onions Green '50c dozen bunches; Texas yellow 2.75; California 2.75; Walla Walla 2.S0 per SO-lb. bag. Potatoes New Yakima Gems No, 1 2.50; local 2.79 cental.'- Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers 120-140 lbs. 19c; vealers. AA 22ic; A 21 lie; B l',ic; C 17ic; cull 15,ic lb.; canner -cutter cows 14'c lb.; bulla, canner-cutters 14c: lambs. A A 26c; A 24Vic; B 22ac; C 20c; ewes. FS U'ic; medium 12c;: R 10c; beef. AA 21 c A 20ic; B 184c. ... y . Wool Government - control. Cascara bark Dry 20c lb. - Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops Nominal, seed stock. 1942 crop 1.40 lb.i, seedless 1 .50-1.00 lb contract seedless 70c; seed 65c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nomintl: Al falfa No. 2 or better 33.00; No. 1 Hon tana timothy 33.00: No. 1 grass hay 32.00: , oat-vetch 25.00-30.00 ton. valley points; timothy (valley) 25.00 ton clover 25.00-30.00 torn Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, July 28 (AP) no w neat sutures. : Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 4720. Barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 4225, No. 1 flax 239. . Cash what (bid): Soft white 128; 1120 We Love and Learn. 11. -45 News 12:15 Bob Anderson. News. KGW NBC FRIDAY 428 Kc 40 Dawn PatroL ' 85 Labor News. 8 0 Everything Goes. 8:30 News. 825 Labor News. 7 :15 News Headlines and Highlights i - Kevenie Kounaup. 7:45 Sam Hayss. 8.-00 Stars of Today. 8:15 James Abb Covers the News s 20 Rose Room. 8:45 David Harum 90 The. Open Door. 9:15 Larry Smith. 9-30 Mirth and Madness. 10:45 For You Today. 180 Benny Walkers Kitchen 18:15 News. 1020 Gallant Heart. 110 The Guiding Light. 11:15 Lonely Women 1120 Light of the World. 11:45 Betty Crocker. 120 S tot t ot Mary Marlin KOAC FRIDAY 458 K. 180 News.' 10:15 The Homemaker's Hour. 110 Music of the Masters 120 News By Quinn Hall Mas sew -.-.., 0 Portland soft whit excluding Rex 1.421,; white cluD western red 1.41. Hard red winter: Ordinary 128; 10 per cent 128; 11 per . cent ; 127; 12 per cent 128. - .- Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.44; 11 per cent 1.45; per cent 1.48. Today's car receipts: Wheat 25. bar- ley a. Hour 13, nay 4. miiixeed 4. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore.. July 28 (AP) Green bean growers. - shelling out . 2 cents a pound to pickers, are bogged down today with a market offering oniy oc lor xancy grace. - -Apricot demand is still strong, with ine . uaxies produce gome for 84 box. Lugs sold at S3. Portland : East Side prices were: Apricots The Dalles, 15s,- 225, . ap ple box 4.00. ; Asparagus Nominal No. 1 5.00 pyr- amta. - . . - - Cabbage Round type 120-1.80 crate: local pointea ijs crate. Beans Green 5-Sc lb.; yellow 8c lb.; Oregon Giant 8c lb.: Kentucky wonaer s cid.; none . bs-tsc tug. Boysenberrles No. 1, 1J5-2.00 crate Cauliflower (broccoli) No. 1, 2.75; ordinary 2.80: No. 2. 120.; Cherries -Bings. Lamberts 18c; Black Republicans 10c lb.: Royal Ann 10- isc id.; pi je-izc id. Corn The Dalles 50-80c dox. Root vegetables Turnips 1.10-125: beets 40-50c dox. bunches; carrots 40- 90c a ox. bunches. t - Lettuce Local 1.00-120 crat. Loganberries No. 1. 2.00 crate. Peas Local 2.50-2.75 box; Roads' End 2.75 box. , Peppers No. 1, 120 box. . Spinach Local 1A5-1.75 large box. Radishes No. 1 spring, red 70-80c doz. bunches. Rhubarb Field 125-120 box. Onions Green 40c doz. bunches. Raspberries 2.00-2.05 crate. Strawberries Oregon Marshalls 2.90- 323 crate: Red Hearts 3.00 crate. -Youngberries Local 1.90-2.00 crate. Potatoes New local 10 lug, 125- LSO orange box. - . . Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore , July 28 (AP) lusuAi uitue: saiaDie and total 100; calves . 35; market late Tuesday weak w as lower, toaay s- trade generally steadv. few srasa-fat mtt-m 12i.tan- two loads faifly good fed steers late Tuesday 1420 and 14.75; cutter to com mon steers 9.00-10.75; cutter to common heifers 7.00-1025; odd medium heifers 11.50; common to medium beef cows B.30-1U.Z3. oaa nead to 10.75; common to medium bulls 9.00-1020; good bulls to 11.00; good vealers 14.00, choice quoiaoie lo ijo. Hogs: SaUble 600, toUl 650; market generally 25 lower: good to choice 185 225 lbs. 1425 to mostly 1420; 235-280 ten.; llgni lights 1325-50; gooa sows steady at 10.25-11.00: choice ugni xeeaer pigs quotable to 1520. Sheep: Salable and total 400; no de pendable outlet for fat lambs, several lots cleaned up sharply lower, most sales sorted spring lambs 110; few r oi many iots neia above 120; common springers 7.00-10.00; good to choice eastern Oregon feeding lambs up to 1020; good ewes steady at 50-50. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated press ' July 28 -STOCK AVERAGES IS 15 Rails Util 25.4 352 25.1 352 28.6 : 38.7 252 35.4 16.1 - 232 Stks Wednesday Previous day 502 502 52.6 522 S82 weex : ago Month ago Year ago 1943 high 1943 low , 74.6 ; 27.4 36.8 53.3 41.7 ..602 162 -27.1 BOND AVERAGES 28 10 16 16 Rgtila tntnn ff4i SP. Wednesday 762 1052 1042 k 822 Previous day 76.8 ' 1052 105.0 622 Week- ago , 782 l los s : ins a mt Month ago .762 ; 105.4 I 1042 602 YV wag2 61 J 1 1031 52 49.6 h 7,-T ,os- 1 2 82 7 1943 low . 64.6 103.8 SS ft &a Labish People HI LABISH CENTER Mrs. -Nick Kurth was 111 for several davs this week and was confined to her home. Miss Grace Klampe has also ; been ill. Betty Jean Kurth. daughter of the Nathan Kurths, was quite m for several days last week ad was taken to a doctor on Sunday. 1 . DRESSED I Veal and Elcns Uanlsfl! 1 Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remlttanc . . Ship to " Frd IZsycr 444 S. TV. Tamhill St or 8, E. t2nd Foster Clvd. We can accept only - animate kiMed ta eomplianc , with o. r. a. regulaUonsw iFi ifctTa I Indus 70.1 70.8 73.4 73.6 52.7 Giant Vest Irrigation Plan Okehed WASHINGTON, July 28.-ff)- Approximately 360,000 acres " of land in 12 western states will re ceive irrigation : for war-needed crops such as dry beans, potatoes and alfalfa as a result of war pro duction : board approval Tuesday of 19 reclamation . projects. . Halted last year by - the WPB as not essential to the war effort, six of the projects were spon sored by the bureau of reclama tion, and will provide water lor more than 260,000" acres; the re maining 13, sponsored by the of fice of 'Indian affairs and com paratively much ; smaller, : win bring into production 50,000 acres next year and another 50,000 the following year. The location of the six reclama tion projects , and the amount of acreage they, will water follows: Cotordao Big Thompson 240, 000; Man cos, Colorado. 10,000; Klamath-Modoc, California ' and Oregon, 12,500; Newton, Utah, l, S80; Rapid VaUey, South Dakota, 12,000; and-Yakima-Roxa, Wash ington, 18,500. ' ' Hearings on two other projects, a 160-mile cahal south from FH ant dam, California, to provide 250,000 acres with supplemental water, and a half-completed dam and canal system at Mirage Flats, Nebraska, $12,000 acres), wul be held tomorrow (July 28) by the WPBJ-w;; f.rrjj ViK?.?;'--"! 1 Yet another project, the Ander son ranch dam, Idaho, Is waiting WPB action, hearings having been completed. WPB approval Tuesday of the six reclamation projects will per mit critical materials to be used in the construction work which in cludes completion of dams, exten sion of irrigation canals and sim liar work.- No. Grousing! Scales Are OK i Pickers of berries, beans and fruits may sometimes wonder what's holding up the scales" when the weigher hands over fhm ticket for their labors.' That's one of the "grouses' that workers toss off more or less from habit and maybe just by way of passing the time of day. Hop yard weigh- men wm near it next. But, by and large, e small scales over which my a man, woman's and 7 child's wages are poured in harvest season, are giv ing accurate weight This is the word of the weights and measures officials of the state department of agriculture, which is official tester and inspector of all kinds of scales used in Oregon, i That doesn't mean some incor rect - weight scales haven't been found, but they are few and far between and, fortunately, in the few; serious , instances found to date the scales have been checked before the picking season started Faulty scaler are, of course, con demned until ; satisfactorily re paired. The harvest helper who finds the state scale seal a round aluminum tag attached to the scale may be assured that there is honest return for the day's labors. Crop owners want it that way, too. Picnic Compliments Visiting Sailors SUNNYSIDE There was a pic nic at Hazel Green park Monday for Kenneth s Sherwood, Bud Hagedorn, Alvin Billings and Bill Cogswell, all home on leave from the r navy. I Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Billings and family of Xaberty, Mr. and Mrs. Cogswell and family of Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Laf e Sherwood and family of Sunnyside and Mrs. Roy Hagedorn r of - Sunnyside. f , Try an ff Chines reaaies. Aaaaxtag acCCESS fr , SOM years In CHINA. N Matter with what allsteat voa are AFTLICT EU disorders, slnusiUs. 4 heart. Iaa. Uver.: kldaeys. stomach, gas. eesUpattoaw ieers. U- aeus, - rever. - itm, ' teamal piajnis Ctzrlie Chzn Chines Derb Ca. Ofrie Hears ' Oaly Tves. and - Sat. 9 a. as. to 8 p. as. and San. and Wed. 9 aj as. to- I9t8 p. 122 N. Coral. SL. Salem, Ore. CniE3- AND IIIGIIEST CASH PXUCES FalrgTonnds Jtd. at Coed rheia 87X3 coas- jit Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by lo cal grocei are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are cot guaranteed by The Statesman: Canning apricots, crat 2.15 .15 2.79 20 2.00 320 Lettuce, a os. Cauliflower, 'crat Cora, cms. ears , Avocados, crat Crook neck squash, crat Italian squash. 30 lbs. Cucumbers, dox. , , , S420 . 1.13 620, , .70 j87 Broccoli, case Green onions, dox , bun. Turnips, dox. bun. ... cam caooag. 10. Swiss chard, bait dox bunches so Hot house tomatoes, lb. 22 Strawberries. 1 doz. boxes, put 1.00 Endive, dos bun. - 120 Artichokes dos , 25 Brussel sprouts. " n Radishes, dos, bun. 20 Cantaloupe, crat 7.00 Carrots, dos an. ---' .70 Spinach, - t sn Curly kale, crat - - 1 00 Celery, dos bun. ' 125 Parsnips, i n. . jfts Savoy eablage. lb. 28 New rutabagas, lb. , , . jn -, 120 . JOS '20 22 M 20 225 1.75 28 Watercress, ,doz. bunches Watermelons, pound - Green wax beana, 0. Green beans, lb. Plums, Pa.'" i " " i i"i ' ,. I,, Nectarines. Ib. ' " ' ," Raspberries, crat , - ' Blackcaps, crat Onions, Ib. ; ' ,-, GBAtN, HAT AND SEEDS (Baying Prices) Oats. No 1 JS.OO to 40.00 Feed barley, ton .28.00 to 40X0 120 ; - Wheat THIMSLE THEATRE LITTLE ANNIE BOOIT WMTf HOLD Y2 FISE i'U .'VMS 1 TIULOIS HANGni nrny s , . ) lJ . malt stop j r wKAT.THf in ; t i . " I iv-rA ' I SCOBOIT -j'- j . BARNEY GOOGLE ' ' ' :. .;.' rxco ZAssTcc 7-2 MICKEY MOUSE v; Y ' " ' " " ' . . - i ' - a -J ti . - IPOUR IN THE IDATErR, ROUrt4-MOU6: ILOOK Tn jlUHOARE VA, AM'J j V AM U.SCRAMPTOM : 1 f l 40 I -i- TUANKSv AUCE- IT LOOKST AWFUL PRETTy AN' tVS C5-!iI ; ITc-3 cn2 BUTTER. EGGS AND POVLTBT ' Andresen's Baying Price . (Subject to chang without' notlc. BTJTTESUFAT - v,- ;.' Premium ' " 24 No : 1 - - - 1 ' 22 N S -' Extra targe., whit and brown 27 BUTT EX PXINTS A " "; ' i. ee B Quarters EGGS Extra large Medium -Standard Pullets ' Cracks 27 44 AO -A9 27 . 26 POULTXT Colored trys up to V lbs. Colored (rys over 21, lbs. . 20 29 -, 25 21 ' 20 colored bens White Leehorn rrrs White Leghorn hens Marlon Creame m Bnhf . Pilnil (Subject to change without notice) ' EGGS . j , Large A. ' " ' .. Medium A i .40 . poiittir - - t - All hens ' All springs 29 Boosters or stags 20 Abov prices for prim stock, under grades according to value LIVESTOCK :y. -.:,- r ' V;,-; Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported. Shorn lambs 6.00 to 9.00 Spring i"" .10 Ewes j. 3M to 5.00 Hogs. top. 160-225 Pas. , 12.75 Sows . . . 1820 to 11.00 Top veal. ISO lbs. . 1220 Dairy type cows 620 to 720 : 920 to 10.08 9.00 to 12.00, : 920 to 1020 ; , 21 Beef typo cow Bulls "-- Heifers Dressed veal I GUESS I'M A TERFDOtJE DUMB UA cjU I vn WHAT'S IT rORfJ VJ OUMa OX -BUT rrACJCH-DA3 W TUTAF AJY 6UN Aft' CUFLtV W HEAR? ThY Ajrfrj MO OTt THERE f ALL DAY OLD AND i m. --- . . I Oats Advanc eatStrong - Flour Mill Expansion In Northwest Boosts Activity in Grains v CHICAGO, July 23 Oats advanced . more than a cent to feature trading in grains Wednes day, supported by a strong de mana in me casn marKet and a belief marketings will be small in comparison with the need for oats to help augment the poten tially 1 small feed grain supply. Wheat was steady and rye little changed at a session of erratic fluctuations. ; r , ' At the close oats were 1H-14 higher, September 69 V, wheat was up September $1.43, and rye was unchanged to Vt, higher. September $1.01 Wheat received support frotnaf trade advices that flour business was showing some expansion, par ticularly In the northwest, and a report the commodity credit corp oration was 'buying wheat In western Nebraska at prices higher than country-elevators were will ing to pay. Hedging pressure ap peared after gains of about VE5-WE CS2CU9 PEOPLE TRAVEL SO MUCH WE CANT BANK OUR MONEY, SO WE BUY MONEY ORDERS AND CARRY OUR SAkINGS 9 GR0UO4-BAfi3- IT V4A5 FIRE-CPACKEPil TRICKED W UAJ?P in STARTED HO sJ L.aafg i r i ' i (ywii..ii.i..Tirtii ii " c : .. 7 lr i -9 i a 4 41 .1 . aT-T 9 cent ; and the market turned slightly lower. , ; Nervous trading featured rye. LOflllS f:r G:!IIrj Did c! Qli D3T3 Stop fretting and fearing to ' face those you owe money! Clear yourself of debt the business-like way: with a personal loan, to be paid back in 12 months, in amounts geared to your earnings. - - For Money la a Harry See Sfc-Is Financs Co. . Z12-222 GnardUn Bldg. Corner Liberty St State Telephone S16S I Lie. S-2H M.222 W ai always In the sasrket to bay for CASH Steal Estat Mortgages and ceatrscts, Mer ehandls Discat Paper and recs. .MJU.GOT MGZZ THAN ELEVEN OOUARS-NOWI HAVE TO VJDRnV . BOUT LOW ALL MY t i i. V -a w I V WONT