The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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The OSTGOII STATESMAN. Caleia. Orecjoxu Thursday Kerning. July 23. IS 43
Miss Aylett -
Marries m.
Mr. Pfau
' , The wedding of Miss Eva Mae'
Aylett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marshall D. Aylett now of Van
couver, Washington and Mr. Da
vid Pfau, son of Mrrand Mrsl.
Anton Pfau, was solemnized at
; the First Church of the Nazarene'
ri Saturday night. Dr. W Wea
- ver Hess officiated. ' '-, - 1
'.J The bride was given in marri
. age by br father. She wore a
white dress ' of satin, made with a
court train and a .fingertip length,
Veil. The sweetheart neck was
trimmed with small pearls and
, the-tiara was of seed pearls. The
bride carried a shower bouquet
ef white gladioluses and bouvar
dia. .
- She was attended by her sis
ter. Miss Bernice Aylett as maid
of honor who was wearing a yel
low net frock and carrying yel
low glads and roses. The brides
maids, Miss Mary Helen Schroe
der and Miss Esther Aylett wore
dresses made identically but one
was of blue'and one of pink taf
feta. They carried matching bou
quets. All three attendants wore
matching flowers in their hair.
-Mr. " Orval Brown, of Brooks
was best man and. ushers were
; Mr. Joseph Pfau and Mr. Ray
Doran. . . - .. . : '.. ...
f - - The Misses :Ruby and .Pearl
-Friesen .'lighted the: tapers and
. - little Ruth Aylett, the bride's sis-
ter was flower girl. 'Jimmy New-
: berry was ring bearer. . j! ;
'- - Mrs. Eldon Newberry i played
- the wedding music on the piano.
The Misses Geraldine and Donna
Jean Schaefer sang "Ah Sweet
jMystersof life and ul Love You
T - Truly," before the ceremony and
. Mr." Willard Friesen sang "Living
'-. for Jesus", during the rites. -s
The bride's toother was attired
" in a floor length gray, dress and
"wore a corsage of red roses and
"gardenias, while the groom's mo
ther wore a dusty rose dress and
1 : a corsage of gardenias and pink
' roses. 1 .... .
; - The reception, was held at the'
'Woman'j clubhouse following
the ceremony. Mrs. Weaver Hess
was in charge. Mrs. Arlene Pfau
washr charge of the guest book-
and Mrs. Charles Edwards cut
the bride's cake. Miss Mildred
Doran was in charge of the punch
bowl and Miss LaDosca Linnell
pased the dream cakes.
Serving were Miss Ann Eliz
abeth Schroeder, Miss Blanche
Davis, Miss Helen Doris Friesen,
Miss Opal Friesen, Miss Alvira
- Satter, Miss Wanda Lunnell and
Miss Ida Mae .Ellis.
During the reception, Willard
' Friesen, Helen Doris Friesen and
Ava Mae Pfau sang and Mrs.
Newberry played..
For going away the bride wore
a black heavy crepe print suit
with accessories of black and
white. Her corsage was of white
gladioluses and gardenias.
, Mr. Pfau is a graduate of Ger-
. vais schools and is now a second
class petty officer in the naval
aviation corps. They went to
Oakland, California, to live.1
BPW. Picnic-
Millards Are
Hosts :
'. Mr. "and Mrs. E. ; B. ' Millard
were hosts ; on Friday night "to
members of 'the Yomarco class
of the First Methodist church at
Pettyjohn hpme;on 'North- 14th f group. This is always held in the
street DrovMnl a rioliirfetful . - . . . .
i 7.- --- r "- r, : iwimani garaen ana is one oi ue
.ng.for the July r picnic of jtoe'X hiehllehta of the class vear--
oicxu ousnesi ana -troiessionai
Jlanbcrt ef the quartermas
ters corps at. the Salem air base!
will be hosts at a dance tonlrht
-, at toe USO. An orchestra from
the Vancouver barracks will
play- - for !i. dancing. - Members of
the -USO will be guests, ; -
The lawn of the Winifred
.Credit Women.
At Meeting.. '.
; Womenj club TuesdayjiJght: A ,-
snort, ousin ess meeting was held -
Some ' 60 . persons ' were ' seated
at long taties 'on the lawn.. The '
tables were centered with boii-i
quets of ; salplglossek ; . Dr and
Mrs. C E. Bates were In charged
of the dinner.
Members ' of the Salem Credit'
Women's Breakfast club; held
their regular meeting " Tuesday
morning at SchrieiderV,; coffee
shop J with Vice President Bessie
' Baby, day party at Dcaconesa
hospital. J :30 to 4 :30 p.m.
Sons of Union - Veterans ef th
Civil War auxiliary, special busi
ness meetfnc, YMCA 20 pjn. ?
What they can do ' ". ,
What they're doing about It
4 -
Miss Hughes
Bride of i
i Chemist
i Mr. and Mrs. Vard Hughes
are announcing the wedding of ,
their daughter, Miss Gertrude
r Sophia Hughes, and Mr. E. Ver
non Partlow of Shelton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Partlow of
Everett, Washington. :- y ;
r . The ' wedding was solemnized .
In Shelton on r Friday July . 16 ?
;by" Bev." Bovell'at ':1he. h'ome of ;
the bride's brother and 'siste)r-In-
law; Mr. and Mrs. Al b er t
Hughes. 7 '," . Vi
.' The bride Is axraduate'of Sa
lem high school. Willamette uni-
t versify .arid ; Deaconess i hospital
I school s of rhedical technology? f
l , Spokane. She is now; a technl-
l eian : In' the .laboratory of -the :
i : Shelton- General" hospital.- )
J ; Mr. Partlow is a graduate of
i i Everett schools -arid ' the -Univer- i
I aity J' of " Washington' .school of j
' - chemestry; - Hev is "now Jn : th.
; ; chemical . research -labtatory of ;
I iRayonler, Inc. ' .'o.-j , . .v?;r
r Mr. and Mrs. Partlow will live I
in. Shelton. '1 i ' i I
.with Miss Edna JJcElhaney, first
4 vice president, presiding in the '
i absence of the ; president, Miss' i
f .Dorothy Cornelius. A proposal (
:pres5ntedt0 1 club : through. . id Mm. lllillard were Mr: iid? Yo was a guest
letter irord the committee for 5 i, t jk.v W vi W f
medical aid for China, located 4 n n mnrtrm Sr?ai i r
;1 ciriato J tiiccT
Points Higlier
1 Frozen Fruits and -
! : yejjetable Values
: : Also Are Changed -
iWASinNGTON, JulyV23P)f
Point values' of , tomato .'juice and
many frozen fruits and vegetables i
will rise August L i . - . -
j The office of price administra
tion announced that August's blue
stamps will be good until Septem-
.niif!a Tvrt
POUTLAinj, July 23.(.1-Fed-eral
Judge Claude McColloch dls- -closed
Tuesday! that he is investi-
gatir-2 prices paid by the govern-:
ment for land acquired for Camp ;
Adair. . .. :.: "
I He refused Tuesday to approve,
a tZZOZ valuation fixed by federal .
appraisers on 163 acres known as .
the' Ilanish tract1 and satfl hm
would not do so until assured the -price
was right. .. " .
Testimony revealed the- present 1
'Thatcbat'-'tmi MrliTy??' T1?1.' ? 20? cyeriapping the September owner ; Ct ' the property, Robert.
at Victoria, BC, ; to send small
packages I of costume jewelry,
handkerchiefs, novelties and
souvenirs, tcf be sold by such
committee at a "hidden treasure
sale" for the 'purpose of raising
funds for medical supplies and
provisions for the relief of the
famine districts In China.
The h o s p i t ality committee, rp l.
with Mrs. Paul Heath as chair- I OlllCrnT
Dr. and Mrs. J. C Harrison and
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy.
Soldiers irT
m 1
.I j
man; had charge of the refresh
ments, and the program was
provided by the health and rec- .
reation committee, u n d e r the
. Joint .chairmanship of the Misses.
Ida Mae and Effie Smith;., K
Guests of the club were? Mrs.
Harry ;J Correll Mrs. Lester '
C." Davidson, Mrs. Ettiel 'Carter,
Miss Elizabeth . Gardner,; all of
Salem, and Mrs. Bernice Forbes
of Monmouth. , -;' A : i
Tonight ' at the Salem high
' school auditorium, a special art-
ist concert will be . given by
service men, with Josepehine i
Albert1 Spaulding as '' an addi-
Ttional -artist; lfVC'..f
) ;The . program ; is being , given
J under: the' direction of the Court ?
J Street USQr: forathe purpose of
acquainting local 'audience with ;
talent -to-be I found at - nearby
. Announcement was" made 'of
the appointment of Miss Lena
Blum as war hostess in the Pa
cific Northwest C o u n c fl of
Breakfast clubs.
Special reports were given by
Mrs. Louise Jones of the needed
helpat the Bed Cross," for sew
ing and knitting, and Mrs. Na
dine Warner talked about the
ration board. Bonds and stamps
were sold for Doolittle's carrier
amounting to $2830. 5
. The lesson was conducted by
the chairman, Miss Lillian' Kay
ser, followed by a round table
discussion. The next . regular
meeting will be, August 3. ' .
Mrsr Smith on v:.
Way Soutli - -
stamps by . three weeks, and .listed
these changes in point values; .
; Frozen . fruits and berries In
creased from six to nine points per
pound (customary package is one
POUnd). . r. -
1 Frozen fruit juices reduced from
four to two points per pound.
- Frozen green and lima beans,
cut corn,, peas and spinach in
creased from four to six points per
pound (customary package is 12
ounces),' ; 1 r . ' ,: . . i : .t -
Canned tomato juice . increased
at the rate of one point per pound,
except smaller cans up to 14
ounces are unchanged.
Canned or bottled , beans modi
fied in various sizes ' with some
increases and some decreases, but
average unchanged. . - "7 '
Making the August stamps good
until September 20 will not affect
the quantity f of processed ' fruits
Wallace, a timber operator," pur-.
chased it" at county tx-sale for;
4841 about a year befc-e- the de
velopmenL , Fred Ilanish, former owner.
said that in 1831 he traded prop
erty valued at $C0C0 for the tract.
Don E. Meldrum, forest engineer
who fixed the value for the gov
ernment, testified that the policy
was to offer the fair market value
and disregard previous prices.
Flax Good,
Inspector Finds
Same Acreages; -Fowler-Field
Shirtwaist Frock
Miss Margaret Hall,- only ;
daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. J. J.
Hall, entrains Saturday, July 24,
for Fort Des Moines, where she i
will begin her service as a mem
ber of the , WAC, to which she i
- had -volunteered- while still in a
teaching position in the Los An-
geles school system. On -account
of the pressing need for instruc
tors, she was deferred until the
, end of the school year. She has
been at the home of her par
ents, resting and awaiting or
ders, for the past two weeks.
Miss Hall belongs to one of the
old pioneer - families of Wood
burn. She was educated in the
Woodburn public schools, re-v
ceived her bachelor of scienc
edegree at OSC, did post-graduate
work; at thai. University sot
Washington, Seattle,- and later
spent a year at Madison, where
she received her MS degree at
the University of Wisconsin.
She .began her teaching career
at Roseburg and has taught in
various schools in Washington,
Oregon and California, with no
table success - in the field of
5 home economics. Her specialty
is foods and nutrition. :
Raphaterians. j
fridat. jult m
US Army officers'
. 1 . to 4 'Rome economies group.' ' r
. 4to 7 Stat atrect.. Four Corners t
group. --..-.-ti -.-...-.-,,.- j
- 7 to 100 Hon Economics club o r
r: -
?- i
army,sfetions.iTbere; beno;K by the stamps, but' may
charge for either, civilians' . or. daughter Sidney. Ann lefMon- easier for housewives to s
servicemm. -v - !. . "1 j 1 . .--. .. . ... . . nn. n.vt.v.' k.-y i.
Mrs; Amedee Smith, Jthe. for-1 and vegetables that can be bought
make it
select the
'. fday from, Portland-to live sin looas lor which they wish to use
r-r' y-T!Glenwood Springs, Colorado. the stamps. Formerly; the overlap
barMoiM Ji '-.-.Mr.- Smith has - been : recentlv I of one month's stamDS 'In the next
Spring- .Sons Of -tbe; Robin-. Woman i nrnmAtM) In- rank ? of mmnral. I month was nnlv nnt W: VlPA
Brttfah oiiidrrn'm Pnw ' -,f arid is now stationed at .Camp I officials ; said ''this, "caused many
" Josepltma Albert" SnauMinr niHni . : r.i T3nn rl.4i -tik 4V. I ViniWAVn1rloM n mV' ,a v'-
service men.
Vtaioo rugutiv
A German lieder
' IlKkn ' Swan
I i 0 f
I- 3r aj
- 14439 lv r . ! k
Aux. Madaline Oliver, once a
member of The. SUtesmari's
news staff, is "in the army now?
but also v back r in 'newspaper
work. . At Fort Devens, Mass,
she is attached to the public re
lations office and writes WAC
news for the post newspaper,
and WAC publicity for national
distribution. She is the former
Madaline Schmidt, a graduate
of Willamette, university. : Her
husband, Kenneth Oliver, is an
officer in the navy. ,
Eagles Meeii S: t
;A.t -Hall -ryl: t: f-7 t
Trie Fraternal Order of Eagles
auxiliary met Tuesday nieht at : '
the hall with Mrs. P. W. Cooper
presiding." '-j. r:J-'". i:
'Initiation was held for Mrs.
Lawrence Lester, Mrs. Mae Kir-r
by and Mrs. J. L. Malmin. Mrs.
Ted Woelk was elected trustee.
The committee to work in the
kitchen . Saturday night is Mrs.
Clyde Ogle and Mrs. George :
Lane. " i- -
After the meeting Mrs. Rays :
Moore and Mrs. Ted Woelk gave
skits. t ' - - ,
At a recent drill team meet-!
ing Mrs.: Mark Capps was elected
captain; Mrs. Jim Kasson, first
- lieutenant; Miss Opal Mise, sec-; -retary;
and Mrs. E. Gettman, '
custodian of uniforms.
i: i Mrs. ; Lacy A. Gilbert, whe "
;-waa 90 years old, on Sunday,:
celebrated her - birthday, with,
friends 'w at the - Otto i Beehtel,
home, 1815 North Fifth street -
Bluebirds and
- Roses .
r- L :-Mackey Swan, barUoha - -
' vf from iho faircnwrndsC who
: r has become an important
. ; part of . Salem's music
' ' life, is one of the six sold-
.-. iers who will appear: in
-' concert at the Salem high
school auditorium to- -night
CpL Swan will sing
two numbers on the pro-
- gram. - Otheri artists in- .
dude singers; violinist, a -
- 'cellist and a pianist Jo- J
sephine Albert Spaulding -
is the only artist other
than soldiers vwho .will
. appear.' " .
'DALLAS Members of the
Eola Woman's club and their
families held. their annual pic
nic at the park Sunday.. The af- .
ternoon . was spent visiting and
swimming. Those in attendance
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kort-:
emeyer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pugh,'
Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe and
children, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. '
Minnich, Mr. ; and , Mrs. J.' C.
Przybilla and son, Mr. and Jlrs.
E. L. Herrell, Mrs. Clara Gehrke,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. JIaddon, Mrs.
W. D. Magee, Mrs. J. H. Adams,
Mrs. B. Z. . Ferguson, .president
of the club, and Ralph Ferguson.
-Bernard JCovler, tenor -
cavatma ;" ' ' - -. c jutt
Romance,' xrom concerto In D into-' .'
i w-- - --- .-Wienlawiki.
t Kannettt Lang, violinist -
j Stouthearted Men. .' from tNtw - L
.?'" 1 i I BotnbergV
. Nicbaeo JYiml '
rordyco Waldo, basa baxlton - -?t
:t ueDestraum -, - - ' , Jjot
' "f Romance - ' .. Sibelitu :
f ' ' - Lawrenc Hahn. -pianist - -.
rAceompanista wUl b Qorothy Owen
Waggoner. ICarguerit Dalton. Ida
Rotno Rudver and Sgt. Howard
j ' Townaeod. - , . . u
j -Mr:.. Archie a Holt and Miss
i ' Patsy J. Holt . of Spokane ". were
guests f . Miss -Beryl Holt on
; Wednesday. Miss Patsy Holt will
be guest soloist with Chuck Cas- ,
. sellas band at Jantzen Beach
-on Friday night' The Holts for
merly lived in Salem. Mr. Holt
was manager of several theaters
r Puccini mountain ski troops.
Initiation tMSm
New Members"
I points before they expired without
being able to. . detennine fully
which foods they "would , need
most -f ,
Ladies of Patriarch's 'Militant
aa, z- stx u.n . tit. it rr I
JS INamed Vital
tain, Mrs. Myrtle Tyrell, two new
members, Mrs. Lora Groves and
Mrs. Goldia Kyle were initiated
into the auxiliary.
War Material
ler, field flax inspector, isj about
half. done, with his work 'and re-;
ports . nearly the . same, acreage as .
raised, last year for the Dayton
Cooperative' Flax association. '
Approximately CO per . cent of
the crop will classify first grade
and . harvesting Is expected to be
in full swing this 'week.; However,
Arnold , Braat started with his
puller in. the . Newberg area the.
first of this week. ' , . ,
; Some growers will pull by hand
and if present weather conditions
continue the drying will take less
than one week before hauling will
start after the pulling.
. Because of wild oats and dog
fennel in a few fields, cutting and
threshing for seed instead of pull
ing was advised by Mr. Coomler.-
The 20-acre field at "Wheatland
WASHINGTON.- JuIt 28-Um- t rial v,tm
Refreshments and a social hour f-Pulp wood production 'Wednesday ed highest rating. 95 per cent first
followed the, ceremony. ' I became an integral part of the grade, " Mr. Coomler reports.
over-au war, production cam- Flax to classify as first grade
n- tai .;x must be 30 incn lengtn fiber and
TlCniC T'lanS Chairman Donald M. Nelson of free of (weeds, Mr. Coomler said.
rp - o i ' the war production board asked ' j. . : .
r Or OUnaay for fullest cooperationIn stimu- GRAND ISLAND - Stan-cross
Th. n.vnt, rtnfc.Jni SffiJfS? P0 early yellow sweet corn grown at
I ; mwm Wo,
- BETHANY CpL . Esther . De
Guire, from the WAC training
base at Des Moines, is a guest
of i her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kloster. CpL DeGuire was
the first woman recruit from the
Silverton community, signing up
at Astoria where she was then
employed. :
mnmnNmiHi ,mi,t.
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9 4
ararwwwwai out aa
. - - ww v w m a)a)a)eaia i m
. Smart, easy to launder - and
,- comfortable to wear is this busy
w v womariV frock,.. Anne Adams
: Pattern 4439. Classic, - no trou
ble to make. A simple, go-mar-,
keting. style , in crisp cotton or,,
t- - spun rayon but very -"after-
noony" in sheer fabric with con
, trast ) collarvand cuffst ; " -
Pattern 413? is javailable only
J . in women's sizes 34, C5,S3 ,40,
. 42,44 45; arid - 48. Size S3 re
quires 3,fr yards 35 ' inch fabric '
-Send SIXTliliN ClNTS'to coins tot '
this Anne Adms pattern. Writ ln
1 . jiVMi,. H. -1.-- :
' - TIN- CENTS more brings you our
- Summer Pattern' Book with Its -ay-'.
to-mak tyi for everyone. ' '
: J Send . your order to Tne Oregon
Statesman. Pattern , Department. Sa-
lem. Ore. llivery of patterns may
take longer than usual because of to "
l:cavy volume of cuiL
Wanless and James Ragland "ac- -companied
Miss Marjorie Wan
' less to, the train, in Portland on
Sunday evening when she left
.for New York after, joining the
WAVES. - .
- WEST SALEM The annual
picnic of the Laurel Social Hour
club- was held Tuesday night at -the
-home of Mrs. Glenn 'Adams
on the Glen Creek road. ;
, Dinner was served' at 6:30
o'clock to 18 members and -friends.
The entertainment con--
sisted . of r an impromptu --"prof -
' ararn,' Mrs. G.f E. Vosburg prel "".
senting a reading, Glenn Adams
a talk end j short humorous V
numbers by other members and
friends." - .-;'.- - - .t. .
SILVER TO N Mrs. Irwia
Smith, Mrs. Blanche Howell and
-' Mw-1 Dan Geiser were " Jointly
honored at a birthday party held
at the home of Mrs. Smith Mon- r
day, afternoon. The - affair ; was "I
.arranged as a surprise with each S
honor guest being led to believe Zl mater,
thatthe ,& V:J
, tne ; others. ' v ? ; : . ;.t"' -r
Attending. were" Mrs Smith,
Mrs.1 Howell, ;Mrs. Geiser,-Mrs.
Carrie BJontegaardV Mrs. ' j
MoffeiViMrs. i MerlinT.Coijrad,
Mrs.; Minnie ; Preston, Mrs. Uda
Usher, Mrs. Ida VLindsay ; -"and
Mrs.-2Iary 'Andrews; -w-i-i h:
: GILAND.ISIJlNp Mrt arid
Mrs. Clarence Rockhill spent
their 35th wedding anniversary
quietly at their home Thursday,
July 22. - ' "
Let the bluebird, the symbol
of happiness, wing its way into'
your home in this filet crochet
Besides adding beauty to delight
you it will protect your chairs i
and that delights any housewife!
You can make it at little cost
Pattern .341 contains charts and
directions for making set, materf
tion of chair set.-
'L1- tt-CVTW'OENTS in coins (or
tnla pattern . to The. Oregon States,
wian. Needleeraft D-nU Salem. Ore
your NAMI and At)iUESS.-, :
FAIRVIEW Mrs. 'Amanda
Bantsari was 73 years old Mon
day. A dinner was served by. her,
daughter-in-law, " Mrs. v. Toivo
Bantsari, in her home. Attend"
ing. were, Mrs. John Putio, sr,
Mrs. George Kangas, Mrs. Kusti
Setala, Mrs. Snellman, Mrs.
Roseka, Mrs, . Oscar , Taskinen
. and Mrs. Bantsari and. the hos
tess. . ' :
H Mrs. Toivo Bantsari attended
a meeting of the Wonder club
,held Thursday . at . the home of
'her i parents, -Mr,i and . Mrs. L;
t E. McKinneyr The Hay was her
-non Richard's third birthday an
; njversary. " c-7 - - ,
. - i DALLAS Members of the
f Ellendale Woman's club and their
f families held theirannual picnic
at the city park . Sunday. The
li afternoon was spent visiting. At-;
tending were: Mr, and Mrs. A.
t McFetredge, Mr. and Mrs. Forest
I Martin and Kenneth, - Mr; ; and
' Mrs Jim Jackson and children
. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin
and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Hob-;
Json and CarV Mr. and Mrs
I Shattuck and John, . Mrs. Ida
?East,Mrs. Bertie Martin and Mr J
. and Mrs. Melvin Cutler and JackJ
FAIRVIEW l-Cemplimentuig
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rhoades, a
wedding shower will be held Fri
day; at the home of Mr. and
Mrs."- J. ; W. Versteeg.1 Mrs.
.Rhoades was Miss Dorothy Stout-
enburg before her marriage in
' June. i..:;.: :-
Pnsh ITave t p4
; Complete viJ
ypen xnurs. Eve.
: "by . Appointment
Phone ZZZi
383 First National Hank CUg.
Castle Pcrcu Wavers :
rs s
Follow the exampla of HoajsnJi of
ashdious. women." Use CTTVrANS for
oaug nygtenw; ntiial. Cleansn.
ieodorran? ; .-VdellghtfuF frasrant . r i
medicated daitcu www
4 powerful, yet ever sorjiaitle and sooth;
JX to delicate b'ssuesInespensive, tool
for the utmost in iatimatcleani;aest
Ask year ym
Maccabees - WUlasnette teat
hive Nd. will meet with Mrs.
Louis Kurth, route 3,' box 535,
this afternoon at 10 o'clock; for
a business meeting. All Macca
bees are invited. , z ...f.
UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd McCarroll of Salem were
weekend guests of the tatter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Coomler. Mrs. McCarroll has en
rolled and passed examinations
for joining the WACS and ex
pects to be .called for service
soon. She was honored with a
family dinner Sunday. Attend
ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Tony
scniecmer, and son Monte of Sa
lem Mr. and Mrs. Edward
- Coomler and son Michael of Oak
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. O. C Coom-
:ler and son Robert of . Portland.
UNIONVAUE j Six aaembers
attended the July monthly meet-
- ing of the- Unionvale Evangelical
Missionary society Friday night
at the. home of . Mr. and Mrs.
George WestfalL Mrs. Gerald K.
Jaffe Conducted the devotionals.
" Miss Bertha Magness was lesson
leader. The next meeting will
be held ' at the home of Miss
Magness.'' -I ' v
;u--:ii.-rt ' : c
Gavette was hostess at her home
Tuesday afternoon for members
of the local ? WSCS. It was a
special meeting. ; : j
hold a picnic on the E. T. Pres
cott lawn, . 1064 Oak street on
Sunday. A basket dinner will be
served at 1 o'clock. ' v ; :'? ; ; "
- Mr. Charles A, Sprague will be
the speaker, and Priscilla Meis
inger will furnish accordion mu
sic All former Dakotana are in
vited. . -.
TcxJay's Menu
the Ernest Doucrlas farm here was
"Since there Is an increasinrfv I trucked to the Portland market
critical shortage of pulpwood, the Monday by Adelbert Smith. This
vital raw material . for matin
smokeless powder, rayon for para
chutes, -sand a multitude of con
tainers for shlpplngTammunition,
food, blood- plasma and other sup
plies to our armed forces and al
ls the first sweet-corn reported
marketed this season.
is picking his-bush beans for the
second time this week with heln
lies as well as for print . DaDers I mftstlv from the US emnlovment
for newspaners. magazines, and I nftifm In fislem Titian) anil nfh..
Pork chops will take
sauce for today's dinner.
Jellied cucumber and
I tomato salad
. Pork chops, orange sauce
Boiled new potatoes
4 . . Buttered beets .
... Fresh raspberry sundae
. books, the campaign to increase
supplies of pulpwood is one of
primary, and immediate impor-
l tance," Nelson said.
growers of. pole beans will start
picking on Saturday or the first
of the week.
, S tablespoons sugar
, 3 tablespoons' flour
teaspoon salt :' -
" cup water - . . - ' V
! cup orange juice l
- y teaspoon grated orange.
' : rind ... . V, .'-;. ' i
cup raisins .
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice or ,
vinegar ' -' .
" Thoroughly blend sugar, flour
and salt. -Add water, Juice and
rind. Cook slowly, stirring con
stantly, until creamy. Add rest
of ingredients and simmer five,
minutes. - '
Contribute to Missions -
HOPEWELL About 40 attend-
I Ing Sunday school at the United
Brethren ehurch in Hopewell
Sunday contributed to si 'collec
tion for missions. , . - ' .
rooo 'i
Canned Goods Blue stamps N. P
-and -Q valid until August T.
Meat, cneese. canned flab end ed
lble fats Red stamps P. Q. H. S
'. and T valid through July 31. '
Sugar Coupon No. 13 expires
August IS. good far S pounds. Nos.
IS and It valid for S poonda each
canning sugar. Apply to ration board
- for additional ration If needed.
" Coffee Mo. 22 in book 1 good for
; 1 pound through August 11.
" -. : SHOES -; ; :v
' ' Stamp No. - IS. - book - one. valid
through October 31. - - - .
n Book A coupons No. T good for
four gallons each, usabM nown . .
. Period I coupons expire Scptem.
bcr 1. - - .
Algiers Asks
to Quit
LONDON, July 2&-(P)-A call to
the Italian people to act now to
end' their part in the war was is
sued Tuesday by the Algiers radio
broadcasting in Italian.
2t depends entirely on you to
e July 23 a great day in Ital
ian history," the broadcast, record
ed by the Associated Press, said.
The imposter whd ' delivered
Italy to the Germans is gone. It i
up to you to see that no new
Bonaparte ; arises to drag IUlr
through the horrors Apf war."
Teacher Visiu:
MT. : ANGEL Miss Fides Weip
has returned home from eastern
Oregon for short vacation.. She
has been- engaged to teach the
second and third grade in Con
don next fall. "
: a . .. ..
- - r
make these :
simple .tests;
,.6nd You'll Always Uo
-. - j - i..--. . ..
Let jour nose
' r -Jbe your guide .
as to whether :
' 'yoafjamsandl
, ' -jellies wilt le
. . hettmr when
jaade with At C P. ' PECTIN or
tzong-tmeUwg "old-fashioned" '
liquid pectins, J ; - -. ;
cot Oil
- "' ';
Tie "pro
n ounce) d'
brownish col
or of. old-;
timid pectins '
will startle you . when you
. compare them with the pare,
whiteness of M. CP. PECTIN.
'4iS(S ?ttIrT S. :
met seiis 9
It :- -
fltffn.;,., "vi uu:
. ; ' - - J . , - --. - I
u : r in tin
j- - l 'Sr . rfr Compare th9 :
I ' ' f ... t sfroa Si'- diM-
! ... J; 'L (W- c-7eeo;r,
V.- rorcf liquid
L - rorcf licuid
-1 1 , jjeciaa with
, . CVr - . " . ' F '
faLat lemon taste ct. 1LCP.
Think what this means fa pre
serving true fruit flavor.
wet- , lltes mm " '