The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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See Day . Room
Trek to Camp , Adair;
Picnics Highlight
; Social Events"
afternoon, a large group from this
- community went to Camp Adair
to look over the day room which
it furnished. ; - - . "
Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe - Rentz, Gorald and
Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lovre,
Gary, Donna and Doris,. Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan Pearsall, Eva, Janet
. and Rot. Lawrence " Zinser, Mr.
and Mrs.- Clyde Leedy, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Aker, Mr.: and Mra,
Harvey Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben
Boehm, RoJean, Betty Lou, Mur
iel and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Burr, Juanita and Betty Jean Car
roll, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Ragland,
Donna Jefferson, ' Mr. and "Mrs.
T. J. Weinman, Miss Connie Wein
man, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Boehm,
Irene Bibby,1 Mr. and Mrs. 7 Art
Rasmussen Miss Arlene Rasmus
sen, Mrs." Hilda Hammel and sev
eral others. ; -v j-'vr' :
Visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Noble Ragland is Mr. Rag
land's mother, who is here from
. . Mr. anid Mrs. Don Matheney and
family are here from Portland for
several days to do some work on
their lot next to Arlo Pugh's.
Last Sunday a family picnic was
held in the grove on the W. R.
Daugherty place. Present were Mr.
smd , Mrs. Lloyd Dunsmoo r, and
Mr. and Mrs. Barton from Port
.'land. Miss Gwen Robbins ; from
Ogden, Wash, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Poole, Bob and Gloria Poole from
roruana, juts, wure jnuj&u t-j ,
from Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs.
"Lynn Rice and daughters from
Sweet Home,' Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Daugherty and son of Eugene,!
Mrs. Minnie Voegelein, Mr. Ike
Morris, Mrs. Alma Sutton, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Boies and Patsy Kay,
.and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Daugher
ty. The picnic was ' honoring Mr.
Barton, who left last Monday for
the naval training station at Far
ragut, Idaho.
. The Kan-Join Us picnic was
. postponed f ram Tuesday nntU
Tharsday of this week , because
It was felt that mare people
weald have more of their work
completed. It will be held at
; Silverton park and dinner will
- he served at 1 o'clock. . . " '.
Staffiie Loses
Home in Fire
TURNER John Staffne, who
lives east of the Tom Little farm,
lost his small home and its con
tents when fire broke out' Friday
afternoon. Origin of the blaze is
unknown. .
S. A. Riches made a recent sale
ef four Jersey cows for which he
-received $1000.
Howard Standley. of Arizona
.has visitedi bis mother, Mrs.
Standley, for the past two months
and has made several improve
ments to her home. He leaves
soon for his home, with his oldest
daughter accompanying him.
Improvements are being made
en the A. S. Funston property,
with the buildings being repaired
and a new chicken house con
structed. Mr. and f Mrs.' Henry
Benner are the "tenants. ' "i :,' " '
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marvel of
Salem, formerly of Turner, called
ea friends Sunday. .Mr. Marvel,
who has beeBr te-poor health, - Is
feeling much better. J
John Mickey, who is employed
in war work in California, with
his wife and two young. sono, are
visiting with bio parents Mr. .and
Mrs. L. E. Mickey " at Lincoln.
They also are calling on Turner
friends and looking after his farm
south of town. -
Breaks Leg Two Places
I SUNNYSIDE M el y i n Hage
dorn, son of Mr. and : Mrs. Roy
Hagedora of Sunnyside, had an
accident on his motorcycle : oh
Sunday afternoon. His leg is
broken in two places. - .
Knock Out Jap Planes Like Ducks
1 1
I;e fiacks a a rc5 Jap
Reports From
Blood Bank, Post-War Plans
Air Observation Service,
Talked by Mt. Angel Men
' " MT. ANGEL The hour luncheon meeting of the Business
Men's club at the Mt. Angel hotel Tuesday noon proved all too
short for three leading subjects brought up for discussion the
donation of blood here to the blod bank thU TOming Friday, a
Reunions Held
In Dallas
Rempels Meet After
- 3 Year Separation;
;' Picnic in Park
; DALLAS For the first time in
three years, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Rempel had the pleasure of hav
ing all their chidren present at
a family reunion held at the city
park Sunday. The afternoon was
spent visiting. Those attending
were B. M. Rempel from Bakers-
field, Calif, Mr. and Mrs. R. V.
Rempel , of Perrydale, ' Mr, and
Mrs..' Henry Toevs . and children
and' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rempel
and family, all of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. John Neufeld of - Rickreall
and Mr.' and Mrs. Le o n a r d
Schmidt of Amity. B. M. Rempel,
who is on his vacation from the
Bakersfield postoffice, will return
to his home Thursday.
The' Hilficker-Hiebenthal fam
ily reunion was held at the park
Sunday afternoon. The time, was
spent visitihg.' Those in attend
ance were Mrs. Kate Hilficker,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilficker and
children, Hollis Hilficker, Mrs.
Hans Hofstetter and Beverly, Mrs.
Conrad Eggler, Billy, Julius and
Darieae Hilficker, all of Salem,
Mr. andMrs. Norval Gleason and
children, Mr. ; and Mrs. Ivan Os-
terman ,: and children, Mr. t and
Mrs. August Hiebenthal, Mr. and
Mrs. G. J. Hiebenthal and Zora
Ann, Mr; and Mrs. Joe Hieben
thal and children, Mr. and Mrs:
Isaac 'JjycJc and vernon, Air. ana
Mrs. Ed'Schellenberg and chil
dren, t D. f Diehn and family and
G. V. Rempel and family, all of
Dallas, i; - ' ':
.Mrs. Mary Cornwell of Corval
lis is Visiting at, the home of Mrs.
K. C Wilson. Mrs. Cornweu is a
former resident of Dallas where
she did practical; nursing.
J Thirteen Boy Scouts under the
leadership of "Scoutmaster" Don
Lundberg left Sunday for a
week's outing 'at Camp Pioneer.
WALDO HILLS Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Williams have received word
of the birth of a ' granddaughter
at Bremerton July 11. The parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Alan Inglis.
LIBERTY A daughter weigh
ing nearly six pounds was born to
Pfc, Paul Free and Mrs. Free at
the Deaconess hospital oq July 20.
The baby has been named Paula
Diane, and, with" her mother, re
turned home to her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. f Ernest . Free; ... on
July 27. The baby's father same
home Monday, ; July 26, on a
week's leave from Tucson, Ariz. ,
" PIONXER Mr; and Mrs. Key
Kinion are- tbeparents of a son
born July- 24 at the Dallas hos
pital.: The t baby i weighed seven
pounds and has been named- Lar
ry Francis." .
. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
John Willhitc have received word
of C the birth ' .of : a grandson at
Anchorage,' Alaska, the middle t of
June.: The r parents are , Mr. 'and
Mrs. Milo Jachovich (Marie Will
hite). k , . , . . .
fighters and bombers en Esia air
Yalle Births :K
anne'iL'ice .
The Statesman's
Salem, Oregon. Thursday
J Mt. Angel post - war expansion
plan, and the aircraft w a r n I n g
service. ' t ;;.V." -
Sylvester SchmitV local ' chair
man of the blood donor service,
announced -that the blood truck
would be at St Mary's : s chool Fri
dayr July 20, at 9:30 a. m. and the
doctors and nurses would be ready
to take care of the volunteers who
have agreed to donate a pint of
blood ! for the " service. '7 The work
will continue . for four hours and
will be so arranged that each do
nor will be notified by telephone
when to come, thus avoiding a
waiting line and, at the same time,
taking only the minimum amount
of the donor's time. Mt Angel col
lege has offered to donate the use
of 20 cots for the service. The doc
tors expect to handle about 120
patients during .the four, hours.
The :heeded number have been
signed up. ' - : , : '
Lee Withers, president of the
club advanced his plan for a bet
ter, Mt Angel plans to be worked
out now by committees and put
into effect after the war.; Princi
pal items included a cleanup,
painting and repairing of all build
ings, extension of sewage' and wa
ter mains, planting of shrubs and
trees ; trees meeting above streets
getting special emphasis and cli
maxing in a park and a swimming
pool, j Bigger and - better business
also was advocated, increased and
a greater variety of stocks and
lines . more doctors ; and dentists
and so on down the whole, line of
expansion. He was given a hand
by the club for his progressive
v Alex Scharbach, who has com
pleted his fourth instruction class
to ground aircraft observers gave
a fine talk on the work to be done,
its importance, and mutual bene
fit He skimmed over some of the
things learned in the recognition
school which he attended in Port
land and which consisted of ten
hour sessions each day for one
week. He told of the crying need
for a well -1 r a i n e d, intelligent
ground observers corps, illustrat
ing with examples.
He said a great deal of enthusi
asm had been shown in the classes
which were well attended in spite
of the heat The instruction class
es will be repeated in the fall. Mr.
Scharbach was introduced by Ed
B. Stolle, chief observer in Mt
Angel. : " s.V - .;v;4- '
G. D. Ebner reported that Otto
Oswald, who was seriously hurt
by; a falling light pole two weeks
ago, was brought home from the
Salem hospital but is still in casts
and will be pleased to receive the
visits of the , business - men. 1 Dr.
Schierbaum was likewise on the
sick list but was well enough again
to attend the club meeting. : '
Sgt Eugene Hoffer, son 'of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hoffer, was a special
guest at the luncheon. He is sta
tioned at San Francisco and spoke
briefly of his experience? there.
. Douglas Harris was appointed to
represent the ; Business . Men's club
at; a committee meeting to elect a
chairman to head "the United war
work drive next lalL S : 'i -
: E. B. Stolle and,G. , D. Ebner
were named ticket sellers for -the
next luncheon. 1 , ,
Several Post Bail
WEST SALEM Patricio Rit
chie, Toledo, was fined $5 " for
driving a car with defective muff
ler. Joseph Tucker, Camp Adair,
posted bail of S3, Emory r New
ton, Salem, $5; , and Jack Larson
$5 Dalphie R. Ramsdott was cited
to appear in police court All
were : charged with violation of
basic rule. - r ,.. :
oh A Pond
field are bombed by alllej bomb-
CT ;
Community CcrTczozidczita
Ilcmlng, July 20. It 13
Mrs. Myers j
Is Buried i
At Aumsville
AUMSVELLE MrsT Daisy Belle
Myers of Salem, who passed away
here Sunday morning at the home
of Mrs. . Luta Fuson, was born
here 63 years ago and 'spent her
early life in Aumsville. She was
raised on the place now operated
by the Killinger family. Later
with, her husband they owned the
home, in which Mrs. Martha War
ren lives. For a period of years
she ; was in : charge of the local
telephone exchange, - -:
She is survived by her widower,
Willard Myers-oi Salem; two
daughters, Mrs. Harriet Fuller of
Oakland, Calif., and Mrs, Thelma
Hermens '. of Stayton; - two - sons,
Walter ! Myers -of ; Portland and
Lloyd H. Myers of Salem; two sis
ters, Mrs. Rose Darby of Stay ton,
Mrs. Venita Drury of AmariUo,
Texas; ! five brothers, ; Lindsey,
John,; Chirles, Samuel , Eastbum,
Cottage Grove, Francis Eastburn
of Junction City. "."
Services were held ' Wednesday,
July 28, it :U0 pjn from
Clough-Barrick chapel in Salem
with Rev. Dudley Strain officiat
ing. Final services were at : the
Butler cemetery here.
pmlemen Tell of
Fern Poisoning in
Nearby Counties
A caution to cattle owners that
some cattle are experiencing: so
called ..fern poisoning, . which may
be confused with anthrax because
symptoms are similar, is given by
the state department of agricul
ture. Fern poisoning has been re
ported In recent weeks in Lane,
Linn, ' Benton, -. Clackamas and
some -parts of Multnomah coun
ties. A few cases involving horses
have been reported from Polk
county. . ; . . . .
As long as cattle have other
feed, they are not apt to eat fern
and so one of the best remedies
is to keep cattle moving about if
there is sufficient pasturage. Sup
plementary feeding : with other
bulky feed, such as clean hay, at
the time when pasture is short
also will reduce the chances for
this . trouble. r :: ,..;.. . ,
Symptoms of fern poisoning are
described as .foHows: sudden ill
ness, an extremely high tempera
ture, difficult . breathing, j saliva
tion, nasal bleeding;; hemorrhages
of various organs and- fever t rash
of the' visible mucosae. i
mm suprcde
1 100 Puro Pennsylvania
I leael fo U per Qeert Motor COtf , . . Do-
Wo DooMe DioHnod, Soocioltr F2Moro4J
J Tk oS aWlriMoofca wMMaWtoUv;
; yow ioof fwmtiwg ot loo okiacy. wUk WM
woor. Meso of mIkM crweos, moot UrmH 473 ol '
Mm rMRiy(voii! Grodo'Crwdo. AMOctetM, PENN
aurami rorit Nto fomorioo of
IMO lor Motor yroHdi . .
Super Pdvcr DATTEItY
Owkk ktarKoa
m nowlTl ff T s
ovonIsoV V 0
; wizaios
j -OxJ-VH.'
ho Poft Orfer4 Ctdat
" eMMMarOWloaW olMK'tt'VHaaTW
' m fest.eoe' ooo-p'toco Exckoaoe
BMMo OMO. , . t v . t
', 45. FlotM, No. 1 Com; 51 Plot No, 1C
. Cam., j fit most Chevrolet. Dodect, Fordt,
r'tymowtnB, ond oicviy otrMC con. "
201 ;N. Corxaercial Li
J -
Dallas Plans .
- - - v .
Youth Center
Recreation Sought
As Diversion
From Delinquency
DALLAS Representatives of
various ' organizations of Dallas
gathered at the chamber -of commerce-
Monday night to discuss the
ways and -means of providing
recreation for the - youth of the
Mrs. Ivan Warner presented the
subject, and called upon : those
present to give their views. Mrs.
Conrad Murry opened the discus
sion by stating that war might
be termed, delinquency among na
tions brought about by the fail
ure of those in power not making
provision for the comfort of the
people. And as a comparison but
on a smaller scale the delinquency
of youth of smaller - towns ,. is
brought about by the parents and
community at large not providing
wholesome recreation.
Vic Waters reviewed the skat
ing program carried on during the
school year and stated that plans
are being made to continue the
same when school opens. Reports
show that an average of 42 at
tended, that the case for the keep
ing of valuables was ready to be
placed at the park and that a care
taker had ' been secured for ' the
remainder of the season. ' : . K
Mrs. Warner told of - projects
that are being: inaugurated at
Oregon City and Independence for
the , entertainment ; of ; the youth.
When asked as to what kind of
recreation the young people would
prefer, Helen McFetredge, .Vivian
Richardson and Bob Dorenhecker,
representatives ; of student body,
agreed that some place where they
could drop . in and chat while
drinking a coke would be the most
satisfactory solution to the prob
lem. . . -
J. A. Inglis was appointed tem
porary chairman, and he, with the
three representatives of the stu
dent body, will visit Oregon City
and Independence within the next
threen weeks, when another meet
ing' will be called and an advisory
board formulated.
Mrs. Jones Visits -
: W ALDO HELLS Mrs. Bliss
Jones has been a guest : for sev
eral day s of. her sister. Miss Olive
Ottaway. Mrs. Jones, the. former
Miss Vera Ottaway, now lves at
Aberdeen, Washl -
Mo ard .
la your own
AVAiiAciE t:ov; TO
Uooar Wi.'rtel, y
nr 240 allot ear Mooth, yoo owy
onliMoo M Grooo 1 TirM . . . 04, tf yoo .
oro. TMl MOf for ymr noooy
- m Onmitnr 16 and 17-Inch Sizes -
e All Now Motoriols
,' Pro-Wor Stock
J v e Low, Money-Saving Prices
Stcwvtord First Lino Ouolity : .
MULTI-Cai Extra Quolity " f '
e-S!LINTCXl . . '
Quality Tiros ' ' . : . -'
' Askf-irCcr Low Trices t
Wo it eterf to lp you with trtar
tnotiorr t&roi' crtitcot .....
" i .hi ...i. rwnuww..niM'- mi rSfc M T-f T
C 1 ' 1
. . Then e 7177
1 Try'!
' 1
TO o , ... Trim
. niCIIREALLr-7-The Latin's
burned to the ground last week,
The Rickreall fire truck and many friends and neighbors succeed
ed in keeping the fire from spreading to nearby grain fields,
George VanSanten was home
Saturday and Sunday. He is work
ing in Portland. . U U
; The highway crew has installed
a tar pot on the state property
here. The crew is working on the
road between '. Rickreall and . Sa
lem. Several members of the crew
and their families are living in
trailer houses alone the creek
bank. , ,V-'Uv'--
Mrs. Mary- A dams; spent the
weekend at her home here. . She
spent Sunday and Monday at the
Harry Dempsey home. She return
ed to her work in Portland Mon
day night, r . - ; .
Mrs. W. C. Hill, Miss Caroline
Burch and Mrs. Mary Burch were
shoppers in Salem Tuesday.; ;
Grange met Friday night for the
last time.' this summer. The next
meeting will be October 8.
The Larkin family attended an
Odd Fellow's picnic at the Jim
Robbies' home in Independence
Sunday. The Larkin brothers have
started combining crops this week.
Mrs. George Van-Santen and Joy
were callers in Salem Tuesday."
The C A. Lowe family moved
Into a house' recently vacated by
the Millers. . -
- Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Adkinson vis
ited Mrs Belknap last Sunday.
Henry Skeels visited his son,
Dan,; and his parents,' Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Elliot, last Saturday' and
-C W. Wirfs has been receiving
care for a puncture caused by a
nail in his left hand. ; v
Miss Helen - Livingston ' was in
Rickreall visiting friends' this
Mrs. Victor Mason is recovering
from a severe case of poison oak.
T Mrs. Wilma Grolbert from Port
land .was aa visitor here Saturday.
Mrs. George Van Santen attend
ed Pomona grange at Fort,- Hill
Saturday. '
' Mr. and Mrs; W. C. Hill and Mr.
andT Mrs. J. O. . Price of Dallas
spent a weekend at Pacific CityT,
. Katherine Lowery has gone to
Portland to seek employment.
Fred Nelson and Harold Hen-1
mo :
0)f i) r
Early Cafifpmia design corrledot jb rW spruce wood and finished desert sand color. A nofoble
. - feature at this low- price is the six-drawf vanity with genuine pafe gloss mirror. The chest Is
. full sized-with four drawers. The bed, too,- fa foil oiaes Setter hurry lor yours enduring spruce
'Is liardto ffjet-hiwar tiate. G1178., '
20-Ft. Scl "fcr;!i:!i Rc:o" D;-n:rv;cro
ij - t. . . .
, - - -i ' "". v . - - 't. .' i V- x .
" J
tarn on the John Kcser place
Cause of the fire is unknown.
derson . visited Sunday with Mrs.
B. F. Lucas. -n
Elsie and Lilah Wirfs went to
Newport and Toledo to spend a
week with relatives there.
Mr. and . Mrs. Herman Amos at
tended the funeral of Mr.. Amos'
father in Portland last Saturday. '
Fred and Jack Dewey who have
been living in Portland working
in the shipyards this past year,
have moved ' back to Rickreall.
They are commuting to work each
day. '
The L. C. Miller family has
moved into its new home this
week. "
Mill City Boys
Attend Camp
MILL CITY John Griffith and
Jimmy Cook are attending the
annual ' boy's camp at Turner
sponsored by the Ninety and Nine
men . of the Churches of Christ
of Oregon. ; Edward Rqmmey of
Gates is also attending as the
delegate of the Gates union Sun
day school.-: . 4' .-. ,:S..:
-Mrs. M. A. Runde and grand-
children are spending a two weeks
vacation at the home of Mr. Run
de. She Is taking care of her
grandchildren while the parents
work in Kaiser shipyard. Their
home is in Vancouver Wash.
' Mr. and Mrs. H.' G. Popkee of
Camas, Wash, are weekend visit
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Crockett,
. Mrs. Murray Con kiln and
daughters, Ardith and Lola, are
guests at. the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Arthur.
Miss Edith Van Ness is visiting
at ..the home of her brother, "Bob
Van' Nees. :-V"i::: .
Mrs. Ray Plymale and children,
Donnalee and. Benny, of Lebanon
and : Mrs: Evelyn Billings and
children, Donald and Darlene, of
Cloverdale . were -visitors at the
home - of- Fred . Carters : this last
weekend ;- : .
row (Kkkiog. OoroMo.
fcotol tyoo ACA Acting.
;. - ii
Easy Torms
Mwl ooMorot ootlgooi
r $195
Q9 efc oWHOi fcw JpTlCa)
evorogo kooiol . . Wild
' -
ewor oottom wHh 22K ooro
"goM'foothor o4gla' olo
12-ec Sorvleo
or Six
awW plato rfaM. Thb oo-,. "
OMofly cfcomlog Mt k mot. ; . SJjJ
olot of OM IngtUk OS
jissa -
.Vcstwood Supremo i ...
y4 y u UN Li
s'l 'm. irll ri-r.l.
Spray , orvto , or oo Mm
oow roNor. NU-TONI mm
wlrk Mhr. rU to 40 sUo
otol. covort prodkolty coy', I '
oarfoco locMiiig woHoooor
whit wt om coot. Eawbii
oil ooto aiolio a
Z al i s
9 I
231 I'Ccnrxereial CL
Lee T. Crowley , (above), former
alien property custodian and
chairmaa ef the Federal Deposit
corporation, takes op his duties
as director ef the new office of
'. vwuwmv w o- . oa w iiavauaiiav
ton. OEW takes ever programs
ef the beard of economic war
fare, abolished by President
.Roosevelt following controversy
between Vice President Wallace,
who headed It, and Jesse Jones,
RFC chief, ever strategic war
stock pIlesvAsseclated Press
' Telemai.
' ' t
Fox Valley 7omen,
Children Pick Beans
FOX VALLEY Many women
and children " from this vicinity
are picking beans in the West
Stayton area. Picking started
Wednesday. Trucks haul the
picjLcn irom xyons 10 ine yaros
and back daily. r
t j . . i , .
John Neal finished balinz hay
Tuesday at the Lawrence Pietrok
farm on " the Stay ton -Mehams
highway. - '' J"..y. .' :
Beanie Wooden was a Sund.iv
visitor at the H. M. - Johnston
home , The W. B. Wooden family
is moving from here soon for Cot
tage' Grove .. ..- , j' ' -
On Business Trip
has been jn Portland for several
days thio week- on business. : .
Off ST
M m .ilirliui coffM ,
Oitcolorotton ond dirt os
Kly o ducting. XI 776.
-7 if
Sorvtcoofelo wlgKt (not
too hoovyl cotton. Khoni,
wtwto, block. '
.ioA.u, , ... , -...Tr...
Rclica Ccvcr
i -i ; .-
; Hokh 4 rot ion t rtj orvj '
. , VXir ktorro twxi. n t-
t.t psx.t or f uf v. b 1 j 7
- 7177.
trr-A-it ,-si-a
, - -.--
, . ... .
i 1 u imMCiu.i.u in is ntw uauiea area ana Is ea tie Island i
ri:r lz:t t't tLa Vj cf EarxxIavHIe. UN rhoto.