Fiimae-cisi! Fainnai it PAGE TWELVE V Irregularity Holds Market Rails, Specialties Go to New Highs NEW YORK, July 24-(if) While , rails and specialties con tinued to climb to new highs for the past 3 to 6 years in Satur day's session, the stock market generally failed to shake off ir- regularity which prevailed throughout the week.. The rail section 'got a brisk start on ' the " upswing Wednesday and maintained a full head of steam during the remainder of the week. -Net income figures and forecasts of big post-war traffic helped the transportation section. Utility pre ferreds reflected rising earnings for the power and light compa nies as well as break-up plans under the holding company law expected to favor shareholders. The Associated Press 60-stock average was unchanged today at 52.8 and on the J week showed a net loss of J2 of a point. The short session, though, witnessed a run up of 2 of a point in the 15-rail - composite to 27.4, highest mark since October 6, 1937. Transfers totaled 387,060 shares compared with 397,040 a week ago. Selling Hits Grain Pits Wheat Unchanged At Session End j CHICAGO, July' 24-P)-Pros-pects that a new price control drive may be undertaken by the administration brought selling in to grain pits Saturday and prices trended lower, although extreme losses were recovered before the clos. Trading was on thi usual small Saturday scale. i At the close 1 wheat was un changed to lower, September $1.45-,.. V i : : J Hedging pressure appeared in ' wheat and while it was not heavy . it was sufficient to depress prices in the absence of any large buy ing orders. :J The department of agriculture 'reported that stocks of old wheat in interior mills, elevators and warehouses, together with stocks held on farms, on July 1 totaled; 1 292,480,000 bushels. This was only . slightly under the previous July 1 high of 306,066,000 bushels a year ago- . j -: , i Crossword Puzzle ' r r wc r r 7 r r F" 11.1.II SO "T" ST" 52- 53 " " H 1 Wr 1 - - HORIZONTAL ; , 1. Wander 4. Assist : v'': ;, 9. In wht ItMlian city is t famous lniiig tower?. 1 12. Regret . 'i 13. Nostril ; ' " :' : I 1. Again I 15. Moored i 17. Male name ' J i 18. Endured . . vi 19. Glossy fabrics 1 21. What English town is acted for its woolen manufacture? 24-Transgress 25. Split pulse 27. Toper : ;-- J i vf. . f ?X 28. Eight quarts (pi) . 31. Herring-sauce 33. Decay 35. Uproar ,t - : ! 36. What manufacturing city ties in central Georgia? ; ; S3. Wrong: prefix 40. Body of water ? If 'hat government electrica- - foa project is situated in i, : Southern waller (abbr.)? i 42, Italian vioUn-Tnaker j 44. What manufacturing city in r. ' If. Franco was'the scene oi repeated battles in World . War I? 47. Tooth - r - .- ' tX Entrance; ' - - : CI. Dolphin . . - v ; Zi. Female relative - ... ZS, T7kat sslt inland sea hes in the USSR? C 3. Cravat . - . . ' ) CT. Disorder - .' Domesticated ' ..rovine ruminant - 2-Ajes ' '; 2. Dwarf , . " Z. r.s-etranee'- .r; .:u-. 2 pc:cs 'j;A"-: f- - ' C,C::r:t ' r - ' i "Strictly Private", 1 CANT F16GER CUT THESE KaHSHERS-UKE KXl NSWNCE TOO Oie OF TrBvV TOlD A W HE. VWS VWTtMS FOR IMF62ATWE.EtfT rr AFTER. 1U4T t SAW HIM IN A TRUCK-- Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- July 24 (AP) Butter AA grade prints c; cartons 47ic: i A grade prints 46'c: cartons 47c lb : B grade prints esc; canons 46e lb Butterfat First quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland 62-52'ic lb.; premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of I per cent acidity, 53-53 ic lb.; valley route and country points 2c less than first or SO-M1 tc: second Quality at Portland 2c under lint or 0O-Wc la. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Orecon triolets ZVC ID.: km 30c lb:, triplets to wholesalers 37c lb loaf 37aC FOB. Exes Prices to retailers In cases A grade large 4B',c: a meoium ': A smau dozen. Efgs Nominal price to producers A large 45c; B large t-ijc; a dium 41e. " . Live noultrv Buying prices: No. grade Leghorn broilers up to 2V lbs. 30c; colored fryers under 2',4 to 4 lbs. 29c: colored roasters over 4 lbs. 29c: Leghorn hens under 2,i lbs. 2iKge, over 3',i lbs. 25c; colored hens 4 to lbs. 2Sfcc: over 5 lbs. zsi.c: oia roosters 21ic lb.; sUgs 21 lie lb. Dressed turkeys Selling TPrices Country - dress breeder hens 30-32c lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; bve price to producers z id. Onions Green. 50c dox. bunches Texas yellow 2.75: California 2.75; Walla Walla 2.40 per 50-lb. bag. Potatoes New Yakima Gems No. 3.50: local 2.75 cental. Country meats Rollback price to . 7-2Z T. Spreads for drying 8. More sticky t. Impregnability 10. Observed 11. Beards .t :' 18. Garden tool ' 20. Viper 22. June-bug 23. Minute orifice 25. Restrain i 26. Wing 29. HawaUan tree 30 Pig-pen . 32. Thickets i : 34 Male nickname 37. Female nickname 38. Specimen 43. Likewise 44. The title of s well-known novel by George Eliot is:. ' " Sedem? 45. Pout (Fr.) 46. Quarrel - 49. Japan is fighting for the ; control of what great 1 continent? 40. Smoke ; 52. Money of account . i I 53. What is another name for the constellation Aries ? t Answer to yesterday's puzzle. CfAj Arertr tl-M f selsUess 33 asiaates. clAjKt IPIRlEllSlllNlc; I-4kIX AN DlR 1Tr " SfElTAt A VlfRiS CM O SlT" M A N El Wl rl, -ONES1 dig AlRi r?rqc L AD dgWoT tAiTT figmo ejtffs :J5 JTNftE 1. iiWeiAms' sot Th By Quinn Hall XT, fi.AXUCr ; SQM&UHXUS )K) ENGLAMD A L0RR.Stt CTWS VSZ COULDEMT A BErN Portland retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 20c: vealers. AA 22 lie; A 2lic- b i',ic; C I7ic; i 15,ic lb.: canner-cutter cows 14Vc lb bulls, carver-cutters 144c: lamb, AA 26c: A 24',ic. B 22fec: C 204c: ewes. FS 13Vic; medium 12c; R 104c; beef. AA 21c; A 30',4c; B 184c: beef, AA Wool Government ' control. Cascara . bark Dry - 20c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops -- Nominal. Seed stock 1942 crop 1.40 lb.; seedless 1.50-1.60 lb.: con tract seedless 70c; seed 65c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No S or better. $33; No. X Mon tana timothy, 33: No. 1 grass nay, S32: oat-vetch. S2S-30 ton valley points timothy (valley). 925 too; clover $25-30 Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore- July 24 (API- Wheat: No futures quoted, f Cash (rain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 47.50. Barn ley no. 2-45 lb. 1 bw 42.00. Corn unquoted. No. 1 flax 2.94 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.36 soft white excluding Rex 1.39; white club 1J9: western red 1.39. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1J5; 10 per cent 136; 11 per cent 1.37; 12 per cent 1.38. i Hard white Bart: 10 per! cent 1.44; 11 per cent 1.45: 12 per cent 1.47. Today's car receipts: Wheat 31, bar ley 9. Hour 6, corn 1, hay 2. mill- feed 3. flaxseed 1. 1 . i East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore.. July 24 (API- East Side Market prices today: Apricots The Dalles, 15s. 2.00-2.25 aDDle box 4.00-455. ; Asparagus Nominal no. 1, s.oo pyr amid. Cabbage Round type-13-1.90 crate; local pomted la crate. Beans Green 7-lOc lb.: yellow 10c id.; crregon uiani u-ioc id.- K-nrucxy Wonders 12-13C lb.; horse 73c lug. Cauliflower (broccoli) No. 1. 2.09; ordinary 250: No. 2. 1.00-1.50 crate. Cherries Bmss. i Lamberts 14-16c; Black Republicans 12c lb.; Royal Anne 10-Uc; pie 10-12C lb. ( Corn The Dalles 9O-70C doz. Root vegetables Turnips I 1.10-1.25 beets 40-50c doz. bunches; carrots 40 50c dozen bunches. l Lettuce Local 1.00-153 ; crate: leaf stock 60c dozen bunches. i Loganberries No. 1, 2.00 crate. Peas Local 9-10c lb. Spinach Local 1.65 orange box. Radishes No. 1 spring, red 75-SOe oozen buncnes. . t i Rhubarb Field 155-1 JO box. Onions Green 40c dozen bunches. Raspberries 3.00-2 JO crate. Strawberries Oregon Marshalls 2.90- 1 2 s crate: Red Hearts 3.00 crate. Potatoes New local 1JM ; lug. 1.73- 2.00 orange -box. - - ; Portland Livestock i PORTLAND. Ore.. -July 24 ( API usdai cattle: salable 10. total SO: calves, salable 10. total 35; market nominal, late demand 'united and clos ing market 25-50 below week ago. some bulls and stocker steers unsold; week's cop zea steers i.oo, early top grassers 14.00; grass heifers 12.50 down: cmnner ana cutter cows salable 8.73-7 JO; good to choice vealers 14.60-50. . - . Hogs: SaUbkt 100. total 200: . market 15 lower: good to choice 185-225 lbs. mostly 1 50; 245-270 lbs. 13.30-14.00; light lights 13.50; good sows J 055-75; feeder pigs fully 50 lower tn a clean up trade at 13.00 down. - i Sheep: Salable 25. total 300; market nominally steady at Thursday's late SO cent decline; good to choice spring iambs -ealat4cl2.50-73; common spring ers quotable down to 9.00; feeder pigs cngiDie j ju.ov ana above; good ewes .WW. r,;, . . -, i- '' . - Fitzgerald Better . AMITYHomer I. Fitzcerald. local painter and paper harurer. has been ill at his home in the southeast part of town for the last week. He Is reported as being much better. ; HOW JO READ and understand the STOCK MAS-. KET QUOTATIONS Column in your daily newspaper. - How to trade without margin. FREE Booklet. . j specialist tor over Two Decades. PAUL KAYE sf last 42nd St. . New Terk, N.T. CEuJIHIinS . CnEilEI' AND . IIIGHEST CASH PRICES Fairgrounds Ed. at Hood Phone S7S3 HI OXLEGOXl STATESMAN. Calam. Salem Market Quotations . The prices bUw supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to grtowers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed Dr Tin statesman: Canning apricots, crate Lettuce, do. , XJS . .75 . - . ,r JO . 1.00 , 3.50 . us . 0.00 . .70 , 30 Cauliflower, crate Corn. do, ears Avocados, crate Crook neck squash, crate,. Italian squash, SO lbs. Cucumbers, doz. . ' , ,. , . BroccoU, case ;,,'iV .V, , '". Green onions, dox. bun. Turnips, dox. bun.7 Calif cabbage, lb. Swiss chard, hall dox. bunches Hot house tomatoes, lb. 0 JS2 Strawberries. 1 dox. boxes, pts. -.00 -Endive, dox bun. . X39 Artichokes dox Si Brusset sprouts. IV J7 Radishes, dox bun. an Cantaloupe, crate ; 7.00 Carrou. dox " .7e Spinach, crate 1-50 Curly kale, crate 1 " Celery, dox. bun. . l.SS Parsnips, id - J Savoy cabbage. lh JOB New rutabagas. lb. .07 Watercress, dox. tiunches r 1.30 Watermelons, pound - M Green wax beans, lb. JO Green beans, lb. 3X Plums, lb. 3X Nectarines, lb. .20 Raspberries, crate - 3.ZS . Blackcaps, crate 1.7S Onions, lb. jOS GRAIN, HAT AND SEED? f Baying Prices) ' j Oats. No 1 ..38.00 to 40.00 Feed barley, ton 38.00 to 40.00 Wheat 1.00 BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY Aadresea's Baying Price (Subject to change without notice. I BUTVCSUTAT , Premium ' : ' ' " ' JtA No- 1 : A3 No 2 M Extra large, white and brown-. .37 BUTTER PRINTS . . .vi -45U B Quarters EGGS Extra large .. Medium Standards Pullets Cracks j47 .42 3 56 56 POULTRY - Colored frys up to IV Ibs Colored frys over 2, lbs. . 50 59 Colored hens 53 White Leghorn frvs 51 White Leeborn hens 50 Marion Creamery's Bayfaae Prices) (Subject to change without notice):' EGGS Large A -. M Medium A , 58 POULTRY ' AH hens - J5., All springs Roosters or stags 59 50 Above prices for prime stock, under grades according to value. LIVESTOCK Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported. Shorn Iambs ..6.00 to 9.00 Spring Umbs . 12.00 Ewes 3.00 to 5.00 Hogs. top. 160-225 lbs. 13.75 Sows 1 10.00 to 11.00 Top Veal. 150 iw . . 13.00 Dairy type cows 6.00 to 1.50 Beef type cows 9.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 12.00 Bulls Heifers 9 JO to 19 50 ", ... 51 Dressed veal Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated ' Press July 24 STOCK AVERAGES s 30 13 13 60 1 IndnsRatls Util Stks Saturday Previous day -73 J 27.4 36.7 S2.S 73.4 275 36.7 525 weeK ago Month ago Year ago 1943 high 2S.9 36.8 53.0 25.7 34.7 51.7 165 , , 23.4 3S.7 27.4 36.8 535 185 27.1 41.7 1943 low BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fnen Saturday 78.7 1055 105.1 62.4 Previous day 67.7 103.6 105.1 625 105.6 105.1 61.7 Week ago 78.3 Month ago 76.8 Year ago 61.5 1055 104.2 61.5 103.4 95.8 49.1 1943 high 78.7 1943 low 64.6 105.7 105.1 62.4 103.8 "98 0 535 "New 1943 high. Blood Donors Needed SILVERTON Dr. P. A. Loar. in charge of the local arrange ments for the Red Cross blood donors mobile unit, reports that registration may be made at any time now at his office. A total of 140 people are : needed - and the mobile will be here August 5. DRESSED Veal and nogsUanlod! . Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittaace ' Ship to - . Fred Ilycr ; . Ileal Divisicn . 444 8. W. Yamhill gt. r 8. B. (2nd 4k Fester Bird. Ilcle: We caa accept ealy animals killed In eempLUnee with O. P. A. regvlaUoita. u CI 2111 ffiris ericas - Paid!;- Highest Prices Paid for Pcdlry Cr Ddry Products Co. Ealem , . . rheae.7C37 .' 4 A - . 735 53.4 - 74.6 : - .:. 605 Ccilinj Oregon. Sunday Morning. July Tuesday's Radio K8I5I TTTESDAT 1399 Ke. . 7 0 News. . - f S Rise n" Shine. . 7a0 News. 7:45 Morning Moods. 80 Cherry City News. - 8:10 Music 8:30 Tango Time. 9-00 Pastor's Call. ' 9:15 Uncle Sam. 950 Farm Home Programs. ; 9 .-45 Musie 1040 News 10:05 A Song and A Dance. 1 110 Music. ' 11 -00 News. i 1130 Hits of .Yesteryear. 1 12 HO Organailties. KOIN CBS TUESDAY 79 Be. : 6 0 Northwest Farm Reporter. ' 6 J5 Breakfast Bulletin. 650 Texas Rangers. 6:45 KOIN Klock. 7:15 Wake Up News, ' 7 JO Dick Joy, News. 7 :45 Nelson Prtngle. News. 8 AO Consumer News. 8:15 Valiant Lady. 8:30 Stories America Loves. S:45 Aunt Jenny. - 9:00 Kate Smith Speaks. . 9:15 Big Sister. 950 Romance of Helen Trent. . 9:45 Our Gal Sunday. 10 AO Utm Can Be Beautiful. 10:13 Ma Perkins 1050 Vic and Sade. , - 10-45 The Goldbergs ' 11 .-00 Young Dr Malone. 1 1 :15 Joyce Jordan. 11 30 We Love and Learn. 11. -45 News. . L2U5 Bob Anderson. News. i : X . KEX BN TUESOAV 1196 Ke. -OU We're Dp Too. 6:15 Victory Gardens. 650 National Farm and Home. ' 8:45 Western Agriculture. : 7 AO Life and the Land. 7:15 Music oi Vienna. eoimnNn THE ' AHASASSAVOn PLANK 94, A6EARCHUSHT FROM AN A-TOMO0ILC OS22LES WIM-TH6 PLANE CRASHES rVTO THE OA KJLXJNS .' ITS OCOJBNNTC, BUT SCORCHY ANC7 M5 - ' rVSUNGSOS ARE" liNSSJRTXCC. KtWUl OF THE TURKISH MOST TOUCE -TAKES CHAC5E- "SCORCHY SMITH us. rELUGCNCE UTTLE AKinS ROOinSY, ftfW BCWC UP C3UT ' TUF- A41L ClOClf 1 OF THt -LOflE KAMGECS THEN YOU CAJ1 WPE tiis loi.'S iLri;ari '-nnnr7 rr jil j - BARNEY GOOGLE " ' ' ; . ' grTv,CKj"' ' rW.? 64sso. . 7 2e. -JkV DOSE ELEVKICS? CISt rvSvT xCla i " " A5BJT-v VWMV Si KEACTV PCX. THE t -jc 17 656 lw4 itvj place ) ) : iwonsr mouse ' L'sx& ' 1 I (DOfER 0 VI IVES, n"S TILL. HERE, IJ TTHe SAILOR AT LEFT! lAUQW D0KTT SPILL luaUVOU CAN HAVE IT ALL FOR3 -THAT'S BCO&H-HOUSE POPEVE, nL GET IT COT tT ILMTCH A AJKJT fcmXZl rr'C plUHAT I LOANED THE SAILOR. f HAS STILL GOT- W OPTHEStfE CPMETJ FOR Sn.SUiy VScv nrrr RP guTv QkE &ee tS i d t J CuaTveTj ,iPi Is M r "ro OP gold dustya just THH ' i THsPLOoaMOMy MONE5T;rEna-.?V twerp's W.tj3.runi hear tws routs 1 3s TOUR AAAKC-UP IS X3UPE SVVELL-MDU 1, MYtXIR CUCfANTU. CHASE lAUGUl THAT KID L- - APi PERFECT; ACT JUST LIKE A - V 1 V I fcrXNieA. AJsJO HER DOG CLECk-AW Qtfjyy' tiunk'vou ral RUNAVW it 7 n n-rT -rr - wave a uxzs.- j tuz kio is g 1 t . . !f THE kEAR OF'-v rO GET IN &AC 1 gsjasyijiagajjBgjj 25. 1313 Programs 750 News. - SAO Breakfast Club. ' 9 AO My True Story. : 9-50 Breaktast at Sardi'a. 1 10 AO Baukhage Talking. - 10:15 The Gospel - Singer. ,1050 Andy and Virginia.. 10:45 The Baby Institute. 11-00 Woman's World. . 11:15 The Mystery Chef. 1150 Ladies Be Seated. ! 12 AO Songs. KGW NBC TUESDAY- f 439 Ke. 4 AO Dawn PatroL 5:55 Labor News. 6 AO Every th mg Goes. 6 50 News , Parade. 7:10 Labor News. 7:15 News Headnnes St Highlights. 750 News Parade. 7:45 Sam Hayes 8 AO Stars of Today. S:13 James Abbe Covers the News. 850 Rose Room. -8:43 David Harura. 9 AO Open Door. 9:15 Larry Smith. 950 Mirth and Madness. 10:00 Music. 10:16 News. 1050-GaUant Heart. 19:45 For You Today. f 11. AO The Guiding Light. 11:15 Lonely Women 1150 Light of the World. 11 :45 Hymns of All Churches 12. -00 Story of Mary Marlin. ; KAXJC MBS TUESDAY 1339 Ke. 6:43 Uncle. Sam. T AO News ' - ". '! ;- : 7:15 Texas Bangers. ; 750 Memory Timekeeper. : 8 AO Haven of Rest. 8 30 News. t .v .: . 8:45 Old Songs. 9 AO Boake Carter. t:13 Woman's Side of the News. 95 US Marine Band. 10.-00 Ne we f ? PfGUr VCUll COME WITH U4 LACEY AMD YOU TOO BLACK. WtJ WtfT AIM. TW Be POUBLC-CROSStO.i 7 .... WE'LL 6Q AT THE RATE OF XXjnriKC. i ni wvl viii. j "lunnE. ji ikii m . 1 1 . t E1PPLEP Ml nO Tlnti 7 - 5 , TSXE THE BODIES TO THE NACO. MAY HAVE HAO V i IT HAS F SEARCH EVERYONE HERS POUCX NCOIUM THIS ONE uL-w-, CONFEDERATES HERE TO I BCSM CONE, ANY rSfl0RT IRgtSULARlTIES I IS CWNTTEty OTTO NASEL, T SET THE AMERICAN I COLONEL TO BE REPORTED TO ME ACT - J THE OTHER. VCIL IDENTIFY" AMBASSADOR IFHg K r ' r ' LATER Tc-i rz FAILED THROiV A CORDON FiP V - ' ' V .... h,mmj wmf i nnv r i -'.I r vk. u.i w ijfvy. n I- r"'"7i i"0rc. OK I. - .1 IS .LTHAT 1- DAY OLD-AND STARTED Pf ' " - ' I I - 1 Silverton PTA r Seeko Produce .: . ... - - ." .: SILVERTON The Parent Teacher association Is still ask ing for ' donations of any surplus garden produce, either vegetable er fruit, which may be preserved for the school lunch room next winter. There will be women to prepare the food and the ' local community cannery will process It. Those who have such food are being asked to call -Mrs. W. H. Woodard. . ' : Bakers Sell Property ! : AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker have sold their Tronertv at urieaweu stauon west of . Amity to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rob bins of that community. Their arm Lester Bobbins, will move : from tne liattie Withee place to the Charles Robbing farm and Russell 10:15 Stars of Today. 1050 Thia and That 11 AO Buyer's Parade. 1 11:15 Bill Hay Reads the Ei 1150 Concert Gems; - 12 AO Music KOAC TUESDAY 548 Ke. 10. AO News. 10:15 The Homemakers Hour. 11 AO Music of the Masters. 12 AO News WE CAN 60 ACCXTO TKAT VV AM GET BACK OF THE UOttE CAMBERS ARMY ce . v - V."-" . S - "' I qU Ml ' I t 1 H f 1 "I vr- T Ik L fci55 If .- ' ' 173 C. Lilcrly. Withee cf ArrJty will move to his mothers farm this fall. lom: : For Hospitalization Worry over money prolongs illness: halts recovery. Sneri up your getting well by the security of a personal loan to pay ,youT hospital bill. You'll be surprised at how easy It is to get a loan . . . how simple to repay It, Slab Ffczncs Co. 212-222 Guardian CIdg. j Corner Liberty & State Telephone ' ties ; LIcV S216 M222 " t as---t- " .always in the market to key fer CASH Steal Estate Mortgages and contracts. Mer chandise' Oisceant Paper and Notes. CSxi . J I i i euruy e ' -v r;!:-, C.-?. i DIst by King Features Syndicate, Xae. - i