The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 25, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    JTLe OrJXSOIT STATESMAN. Cdea. Orecjen. Sunday Herein-. July S3. 1C13
Crash Dive! As the Imperiled submarine plummets to the bottom
or the tea, the crew hangs on la silence, hoping snd pray in for
the best. This Is one of the tense scenes from the thrilling new
technicolor adventure ' film. "Crash. Dive, which stars Tyrone
Power and is now playing at the Elsinore theatre. The first war
time film of Uncle Sam's battling submariners, it has been hailed
as the top action picture of the year. fThe Harrigan KM," starring
Frank Craven and William Gargan completes the double bin.
TyPoiver Scores a New Hit
In Stirring CrashDive9
You'll find thrills above, below! and across' the Atlantic in
Crash Dive," the thrilling' new technicolor hit which is now
showing at the Elsinore theatre. !
' Out of a sea aflame with danger and thrills,! this film bursts
forth, hailed as the great action
picture of the year and the war!
Starring Tyrone Power, this is
the first picture of Uncle Sam's
fighting submarines, and their
story is one of intense action all
the way.
Recent Hollywood productions
have paid well-earned tribute to
other branches of our armed
forces. The army air force, : the
marines and the . navy itself have
been eulogized in films but now
Crash Dive" singles out for de
serving glory that inconspicuous
and heroic group of men who man
Uncle Sam's 'pig boats."
A we-Inspiring
From the time the picture opens
with Its awe-inspiring panorama
of the turbulent, sub-infested At
lantic in all the magnificence of
technicolor,': right down to the
last tender romantic scene " be
tween Tyrone Power and Anne
Baxter, the film is a series, of un
interrupted thrills, touching ro
mance, dramatic suspense all
photographed in the best colored
photography yet.
, Navy Lieutenant Tyrone Power
is assigned to duty aboard a sub
marine at New London, Conn.
Dana Andrews plays the part of
Power's senior officer, a young
man who has raised himself up
from the ranks. Pretty Anne Bax
ter, who will be remembered for
her outstanding performance : in
"The Pied Piper," carries the ten
der romantic theme of the pic
ture in which artful direction has
In no way been allowed to inter
fere with the speed and thrills of
the film's rapid action.
Spectacular Climax j
' 'The story itself tells of the
many and varied duties of the
submarine division. Each a little
more dangerous than the other
and requiring the nerveless, iron
constitutions of the men who man
Uncle Sam's mammoth steel
' fishes. . ? j -
The spectacular climax of the
picture takes place when mem
bers of the crew under Power's
command stage a commando-like
raid on a secret enemy refueling
base. They destroy the base, mak
ing good their escape in a dam
aged sub. through flaming oil cov
ered waters far and away the
most spectacular scene filmed
this or any' other year.
"The ' Harrigan Kid" starring
Frank Craven and William Gar-
gan completes the double bill.
OMAHA-()-Being a boy's best
friend cost his mother in police
court. ,
The son was given a continu
ance on charges of intoxication.
": But the mother was fined $5
and costs for contempt of court
for interceding too persistently in
Ms behalf.
:?3-cat "Scat" Davis tiavrs a list "cprio for Ann Corio, "Sarong
Girl cpetlzg at t.a Cri:.l titatra taday stars Ann Corto and
Jchr-.y "Scat BaTls arJ Lis Jan-txsl. The twin-hit on the UJ
i C"JersIeeve's Ead Day," featuring Harold Peary and the fun
i.!;:t fiy of rail. These two tits flay the Grand today throaxh
- f V-
Tree Crash
Kills Man
TOLEDO, July 24-(-A tree,
uprooted by a log being pulled in
for loading at a lumber camp near
Siletz, killed Jerome Welch, 52,
Friday night. Survivors include
his wife and two young daughters
at Siletz and four grown children.
Elks Welcome
Loner gan Back
PORTLAND, July 24-()-Hun-dreds
of Portland Elks welcomed
Frank J. Lonergan Saturday on his
return from the lodge's national
convention at, Boston where he
was elected grand exalted ruler.
Inland Swim, Dive
Titles Scheduled
SPOKANE, July 24-()- Plans
for the annual Inland Empire AAU
swimming and diving champion
ships to be held here August 19
and 20 are going ahead, Betty
Owen, manager of Comstock tank
where the events will be held,
said Saturday. !
Teams from each public pool in
the Inland Empire' will enter. Miss
Owen said. " ! "
Hospital attaches at Portland re
ported no ; change in the serious
condition of Ralph Dahren, 27-year-old
Milwaukie bakery, pro
prietor, who was shot in the back
during a tavern holdup here
Thursday nightl : , Pacific Unl
versity, Forest j Grove, announced
90 j enrollees for -the second se
mester of summer school. , , .
William Z. Foster, national com
munist party chairman, charged
at ? Portland that "The Wheelers
and Nyes and Tafts and Vander-
burgs, along with John L. Lewis
and Norman Thomas, want to pre
vent Roosevelt; from carrying out
ms unconditional surrender pro
gram . . I. 'ft-
J. 11. Washan, Portland, went
looking for his child's $15 pedal
car and found this note: "Took
old pedal car for scrap drive. Hope
you don't mind. A friend."
Around Oregon
j fiy The Associated Press .
Death Takes
7co dbura TJari
WOODBURN William .Wash
ington Hughes died at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Leonard Lar
son, July 23. .
Mr. Hughes had farmed In'the
Woodburn Union district since
1910, when he "moved here from
Minnesota.' J3orn in Washington
county, Missouri,' August 24,-1852,
he was a member of the Bethel
Presbyterian . church. "'
i Mr. -'. Hughes "was survived by
nine' children: four sons, Arthur
Bascom IL," William J and Ev
erett J, living in Woodburn. Ev
erett is now a captain stationed
at " Victorville J field, California.
Five surviving daughters Include
EfnV Sweany," , Mamie Seely, Ada
Seely, , and Gladys Larson," of
Woodburn,. and .Sadie Sybrant of
Rush City, Minnesota. '. 13 grand
children, and seven; great-grandchildren
also survive.
Services will be held Monday
at 10 a. m. in the Ringo Funeral
chapel, with Reverend George
Cromley officiating. Interment will
be in Belle Passi cemetery by the
side of his wife, Julia Frances
Hughes,' who died in 1927. ".:
McNary Says
PORTLAND, July 24-P)-Ore-gon
will be enriched by the peace
which will follow the iwar. if its
people : grasp the opportunities
that will present themselves, Sen.
Charles McNary said Saturday in
an interview.;; - f v t - : .';
The senator, a member of the
postwar economic and ; planning
committee, said highway develop
ment will be one of the most im
portant post-war projects. A bill
pending in congress carries an ap
propriation of $3,000,000,000 for
hgihway construction, he said.
Forest Fires
Are Quelled
BAKER, July 24-P)-Eight for
est fires started Friday night by
an electric storm in the Eagle dis
trict of Whitman national forest
were controlled Saturday.
Lightning ; burned out trans
formers and temporarily disrupt
ed , the Eastern Oregon Light and
Power company's service in this
Army Fighter
Forced Down
PORTLAND, July 24-fl- An
army fighter plane made a forced
landing in a field- .bordering the
highway near Aurora, late Friday,
the Portland air base reported to
day, but the pilot escaped injury.
The plane, which experienced mo
tor, trouble, sustained minor dam
age to landing gear.
t '
Take a dare, Astalre ... Rita Bayworth was never more klssable
than in Ton Were Never Lovelier. Fred Astalre and Rita Hay
worth dance their way through "You Were Never Lovelier" to the
rhythm music of Jerome Kerns. Burgess Merldeth and Claire Trevor
add thrills to the Liberty theatre program In "Street of Chance."
This oatstanding program plays the Liberty today through Wednes-
. day. t i . -?...,....!.; '.7
To Ti
Stops Police
A boy burglar held police at bay
Friday with : a stolen "gun a n d
emerged from his basement fort
ress only after they started firin
into a woodpile.
Officers said the youth. 13 years
old, gave his home . as Brisbane,
Calif, and admitting burglarizing
a loan shop here of a revolver.
shells, three rinss, a wrist watch
and a magnifying glass. He car
ried $160 but claimed to have
earned it In a San Francisco can
nery." Mrs. Fruit Dies -
In Lebanon Hospital . ,
LEBANON Mrs. Fruit, who
had been making her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Clare Over
ton, la- the Crush Creek neigh
borhood, died early Friday in the
Lebanon hospital. Announcement
of the funeral will be made by the
Howe Funeral home. , -
Methodist s
Names Leaders
PORTLAND, July. 24-(-The
Free Methodist church closed its
ynnal Oregon conference , here
Saturday with selection of Rev.D.
L. Fenwick, Portland,- as superin
tendent. - , f '"..
' The conference also combined
the Portland and Salem-Rogue
River a u p r 1 n t e n dencies and
awarded the position to Rev. E. F.
Aiken. "".'. --.
; Church assignments ' include: '
. Rev. W. H. McCormick, former
ly, of Klamath FaUs, .to the Port
land First Free Methodist church
E."5 H. Lon& Newberg; W e s 1 e y
Graves, Willamina;; J.; R. Stewart,
Salem; ZT. N. Abbott, Woodburn;
John R. Poet, Falls City; Leon
Belles, .Springfield;, Cottage
Grove-Drain, I C. Gould.
Alfred : Harold, Cottage Grove,
was transferred to study at Seattle-Pacific
Woman Sues
Brady Again
PORTLAND, July. 24-)-Mar-ion
- Whitmer, recently awarded
$9000 in a breach of promise suit
against Phil Brady, state legisla
tor and Portland central labor
council president, now asks $35,000
additional damages. ,
Brady's ex-housekeeper, in a
damage action filed in circuit
court Friday, asked $23,000 for
the alleged loss of her good name,
character and health,- and $10,000
for alleged slanderous remarks
made by Brady during the' breach
of promise trial.
2 More Ships
PORTLAND, July lfy-Two
more! ships were launched here
The Willis C Hawley, named
for the late Oregon congressman
and ex-president of Willamette
university, was the 223d Liberty
sent down the waks at Oregon
Shipbuilding corporation. '
Commercial Iron Works launch
ed its 25th subchaser, the PC-795.
Barnett Descendants
Gather for Reunion
At Chapman Home
TURNER Fifty-six descend
ants of John and Tempa Barnett
gathered Sunday, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chapman for
the annual reunion. - -
A basket dinner was served at
noon, and the day was spent in
Visiting. Surviving children in at
tendance were Mrs. Guy Chap
man,' Mrs. Alice Wipper, Henry
and Harry Barnett of Turner and
Mrs.lL L. Robertson of Milwau
kie. One son, Putnam Barnett,
was unable to be present.
The flag was displayed all day
in honor of several members of
the Barnett families serving in
the armed forces. -
Moose Name
New President
EUGENE, July 24-)-Oregon
state Moose Saturday elected Ray
Van Meter, Malin, president.
Delegates to the ' 12th annual
conference named G E. Mont
gomery, ITfflshoro, first vice presi
dent; Lloyd necathorn, Eugene,
second vice president; IL E. Hed
ine,; Salem, third vice president;
W. W. Bristow, Eugene, prelate,
and Tobe Watldns, Corvallis, secretary-treasurer.
Bladine Wins
ASTORIA, July 24-)-Promo-tlon
of Ensign Philip Bladine, for
merly of the McMinnvCle Tele
phone - Register, t o lieutenant,
junior grade, was announced by
the navy air base Saturday. Elad
ine is assistant transportation of
ficer. He formerly was navy pub
lic relations officer at Portland.
i SAN DIEGO, CaliL, July 24-(
Elghten navy men received medals
and commendations for ; heroism
in aerial and sea warfare in the
Pacific . battle zones from Rear
Adm. C. A- Pownall commander
ef fleet aircraft, west coast, ,
ceremonies today at the naval air
station' here.
Sven received commendations
for distinguished service, They In
cluded: - :. . ' ' ,
Chief Yeoman Floyd IL, Bennett,
of 212 North Ninth street, Cottage
Grove, Ong''ZjiJ3--.
yelye M
J PORTLAND,' July JiHrrTraf
fic Patrolman Ferril D." Blum dis
covered a burning flat early Sat
urday, turned hv a fire alarm,
went inside," roused 12 sleepers
and led them to safety through
smoke. ... . .
The fire caused $2500 damage
to three buildings, Fire Investi
gator Hugo A. Heise said. He
blamed it on ashes placed in an
Inflammable container on a porch.
Mary McLeod and John Archer In a thrilling scene from their latest
picture, The Purple V," the story of an American flyer forced
down In Germany. Pins second feature; "Hit Parade of 1943," star
ring John Carrou, Susan Haywavd with Eve. Arden and Walter
CaUett. '
GUINEA - (P) - (Delayed) - Sec
ond most popular reading matter
(mail from home still comes first
with the men In an American air
force bombardment group on the
north side of New Guinea : is the
only 'group newspapers on this
island. Third' Strike:
One of its recent issues carried
this quip:
A squadron observer was called
in by his commanding officer aft
er an air raid -and . asked ; if - he
had been nervous during the attack.'--
. - -
"No, sir," the observer, replied.
"I was-cool as a cucumber."
, Tm glad to hear that," . smiled
the CO. "I "i thought you ; might
have been a little rattled, when
you called in : that there were
27,000 bombers coming over at 18
feet". .
BILLINGS, MontHflWohn Kos,
48, watched the Yellowstone riv
er's' steady rise until, his house,
situated on an. island, was awash.
He climbed to the top of a wilfow
clump. His pet cat followed.. J, :
- For three days Kos shouted for
help. All he had to, eat wasstale
bread, oatmeal and raw bacon. -j
Then Earl Snook spotted him
stretched out arid ilh Undersheriff
Albert' Thomas and others rowed
to the island and lifted him and
the cat into their Tboat., By then
the water was -within six-inches
of his perchl
) OMAHA, Nebr.-(ff)-The night
desk sergeant at the Omaha po
lice : station Was a bit surprised
when, he took a long distance call
from Fremont,'- Nebr, 40 miles
from - here, and the " call said ,
"Make room for me, I'm coming
In Ion the bus from Fremont:
arid Pm really drunk.'
j Two hours; later , a man reeled
Into the station, identified him
iif m the Fremont caller and
was promptly jailed for drunken
ness. -"
. SEATTLEFVA trolley coach
hit an automobile here" Saturday,
rebounded against", a fire j alarm
Krt " nd thus "summoned i aid.
Three emglne companies and two
truck companies arrived, t junaer.
two battalion' chiefs shortly after.
; They found Mrs. Daniel Finlay
son, 52, who lives near. Snohor
mish, critically injured. She had
been riding in the' automobile ' Of
Donald MacKenzie, 69, also . of
Snohomish. MacKenzle and his
wife were cut and bruised. Five
bus passengers suffered shock.
John Cemy family Is giving the
axis both. barrelsMrs.. Cerny Is
parachute rigger at the Spokane
army air depot Her husband, a
lieutenant colonel, has Just thrown
a lot of the chutes at Mr. Musso
lini, loaded "with human dyna
mite in the person of paratroop
ers. -1- :r 'v-- '-- -------ri-
j TSe can take care of himself,"
said Mrs. Cemy when told ef news
reports that her husband had com
manded one troop carrier in the
aerial attack on Sicily.
; Bound for her swing-shift trick,
Mrs. Cemy added she was "wor
Picnics Set for
Park Today
t Silverton
, SILVERTON Among , the pic
nics scheduled for the city park
Sunday are . the annual ; Silverton
grange picnic and the Wallace clan
picnic . - , - '
The city hall employes enjoyed
a back yard picnic Friday .night
at the home of Mrs. M. J. Madsen.
The picnic honored Sgt. Edwin, K.
Burton, who is at home on a fur
lough from Fort Logan; CoL. In
the. group were City Manager and
Mrs. . E. K.S Burton7 Sgt Burton,
Water; Supt and , Mrs. T." Elust,
City Treasurer Aithea Meyer, and
Leanard Strpbel, Lucile Tschantz,
Dorothy Haugen, Harold . Larsen,
Colleen' Madsen of Hillsboro, Mrs.
M. J. Jadsen and Lillie Madsen.
Rose 1 W.iVolker of Scots Mills
has purchased the Charles N. Mc-
Carter place on Second and Jer
sey . streets: Mrs. Volker 1 recently
sold her Scotts Mills property.
, Mrs. Harold Irish fand small
daughter, Susan, of Centralia, are
guests, of Mrsl H. R. Irish and
Miss Jane Irish. , .,, - . '
ried, of course. But 111 back him
against Italian or German. He's
six feet one ; and weighs 200
pounds.: -Z-- .
' The colonel .was quoted in dis
patches as saying the pilots of the
para troop planes "showed remark
able courage in continuing to their
target and droping the entire bat
talion' In' one area.
The Cerny's own a ranch near
Harrison, Idaho, and still call that
home, Mrs. Cerny said, although
she' has taken a duration job on
the home front while - awaiting
the return of ' her pilot husband.
The ' colonel was a student at
Carnegie Institute ' of " Technology
and was graduated from Kelly
field. :
PULLMAN-;P)-Harnesing hor
ses, running a tractor and plow
ing may be chief r requirements
for most farm hands, but W. R.
Hatch got his job because he could
speak Spanish. ; - v -
Hatch who, as Dr. W. R. Hatch
is head of . the . Washington State
college bota ny , department) is
spending; the summer as transla
tor at the farm of Osborne Swales,
who . couldn't cope with the lan
guage of his hired 'hands from
Mexico. ' '
ST. LOUlS-vP)- Lady Wimy,
who solved the mice problem and
thereby calmed feminine workers
at St.7 Louis ordnance plane by
giving birth to four, kittens, has
received an award for meritorious
contribution to the war production
' The award, with a seal attacuw.
for each kitten, was sent by Ralph
Bellamy of the, WPB in Washing
ton. 'An. accompanying letter
viewed; the feline contribution as
"symbolic of war production on
the home front surpassing set quo
tas with regularity."
Startinx Today
Continuous Today P.M.I
torn 1
etjj f
Selected Shorts
Jill II- ..HJ
S" 't lciU3
Ready for "Keveille -With Beverly." Ann Miller, lovely dancing star,
. IS seen above with William Wright and Dick Purcell as they appear
in Columbia's tune-filled new musical, "Reveille With Beverly,"
at 'the Capitol theatre. The picture also features some of radio's
' most famous swing stars. The companion feature stars Phillip Dora
'as General Niharlovitch In Tho Chetnlcks." k
Reveille Has
Jive Stars,
Music, Mirth
With one of the biggest radio
personality parades - in recent
hist or y ; Columbia's '"Reveille
With Beverly" is now playing at
the Capitol theatre. ' Ann Miller,
that scintillating " dancing star,
heads the featured cast of the new
film, said to be one of the raciest
radio romances ever caught ' on
celluloid. --'
Others In the cast. In addition
to William Wright, Dick Purcell,
Adele Mara arid Barbara Brown,
Bob Crosby and his orchestra,
the "Dixieland" band of the air
waves; Freddie Slack and his or
chestra ; with vocalist EUa Mae
Morse, America's favorites of the
"champagne hour;" Duke Elling
ton and . his orchestra, voted
"swing band of . the year;" Count
Basie and - his orchestra, undis
puted kings of jive; Frank Sin
atra, radio's r' exciting . romantic
vocalist; the Mills Brothers, hot
test, of harmony teams, and the
Radio Rogues, merriest of all
mimics. : "r
Reveille With B overly V Is
based upon the popular early
morning radio "jam session? of
the same name, tracing its origin
and its i eager army camp audi
ences. Miss Miller appears as a
tap-dancing swing-lover who per
sistently tries to ."sell" a radio
station on such a program, ; only
to obtain her chance by accident
Musical numbers in the film in
clude "One O'clock Jump," as
Air-CondiUoned Cool
ir-i i ; i . i .rs
4- i .11
YOU'LL face death In a
depth-bombed submarine!
YOU'LL steal, ashore
with a. shoot-'em-np com
mando 'crew!
YOU'LL hunt the secret
Nasi weapon . . the mys
tery Q-boat!
in Stirring TECHNICOLOR i
Plus Companion Feature
with Bobby Readick :
Frank Craven
William Garcan
with ;,Vv.:':;-
Airn IKHer - Bob Crccby
aud His Band - FreiJie
Z'tk and Ills Easd vith
E2a Uze licit - Vzt
CUInstoa and nis Band -Count
Basie and Ki3
Band - - Frank Eisatra
Mill3 Brothers - r The
Badio Bogizes
" Drama of a People"
Who Cefased to Dl!
nnur dohm
i i
presented by Basie and his boys;
"Big Noise from Winnetka" and
"South Rampart Street Parade,"
Bob ' Crosby specialties; Duke
Ellington's ?Take the A Train,"
and Freddie Slack's presentation
of "Cow-cow-boogie."; The . Mills
Brothers' ; harmonize on , "Cielito
Undo," arid Sinatra sings "Night
and Day,", one of the year's best
selling recordings. . - j
"The Chetniks," starring Phillip
Dom,' completes the double bill.'
Radio's Funny Family
viuucrsiccvc a
Maw t
- -
... t
' l !
' -1 -
Mat. 1:00 -
. t VI
TREV017! -
'"iff ii rf
. Now Showias
i Anna ll&j Yicr.z
aLady from I
Chcnskins '
; ratay I
" Kelly i
I Kerns I
"Ily 1
ran:-S I
E 1 V 1
.- 1 a I
- -X
T-C h jasssasMli
" i mm i r" - HT
d f I