The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    r a" we '
Loz2Z Tois ih Fire
.-.mi ;
Neei 3 Dcnors While news
papers this "we e k carried the
atory oi the San Francisco boy
who was stabbed by the Japanese
11 times, and -was "given up for
dead until he received blood
plasma, the American Red Cross
issued an appeal for more donors.
The boy was civen IS pints of
blood so the Salem chapter of
the Red Cross has asked for 63
donors to sign- up before Tues
day, to fill Marion county's share
of keeping plasma on hand ' for
another such emergency. Red
Cross workers will make appoint
ments for those who wish, to con
tribute their blood Tuesday if
they are telephoned, 9277, either
today or Monday. Donors. do not
have to have their blood typed,
they emphasized. ,
You - can still buy a ' Johns-Man-yDle
.Roof, nothing dowiv 12 mo.
to pay. Ma this Bros,' 164 S. ComL
Completing Oiling Marlon
county's summer road-oiling pro-
Aoa aso. uivi w i
pretentious as mat ox ivz, is oue
to ; close sometime next week
after the crew has returned from
Aumsville to the ' Salem area to
complete tog-ends of jobs here,
County 'Engineer N. C. Hubbs
, said Friday. Twenty-one cars of
oil, some of them small, have
been obtained, with only one
minor delay, this summer for
4ka vsan r rfflmtv . thOTOUeh-
. Uib . fr v j - w
fares. Last summer only five or
Ik cars . were : used and those
were available only at intervals.
Dance at armory Friday and Sat
urday iiia&ts. Air-conditioned.
., Hearing Cttine The hear
ing before State Engineer Charles
E. Stricklin, involving the ques
tion whether the act of one man's
livestock drinking from a spring
on another's property constitutes
'appropriation," was continued
Friday pending receipt of ; addi
tional data bearing on the dispute.
Yale Farr and E. D. Cochran,
Marion county farmers, are the
parties. Stricklin, who said this
was the first case of the kind re
ferred to his office, indicated the
hearing would not be concluded
before September.
For Sale Alexander Smith - Ax
minster brdlm. 9x12 rug with pad.
$20. 120 Lansing Ave. ph. 21286.
First meeting of the year for the
Salem United War Chest cam
paign executive " committee was
held Friday noon at the Marion
hoteL Those attending included
Loyal Warner, ; chairman;: Lowell
Kern and J. X Card, associated
chairmen; C A. jKells, secretary;
peorge Alexander, L-M...Iougn-
4totAi CHaggW?M.Haniatcm,
Charles jKuggins, Car h- Hogg,
Gardner Knapp, Lloyd V Miller,
DOrathea teusloff T. A Windl
shar, T. M. Hicks and H. L. Bra
den. The campaign will be held
in October. : -;i"-r
Dance at armory Friday and Sat
urday nights. Air-conditioned.
dething Barns Clothing and
bedding found burning in, a closet
at the McGrahaxn residence, corn-1
er of Norway and Commercial
streets, was tossed ' out of the
, house and a check for possible
other fire on the premises made
by city firemen called out Fri
day noon. Seven children were
at home when the smoke was
discovered, they said; both par
ents were reported to be working.
t jars. Aaeiaiae nose opwb es uic
residence, 1625 Center street, J uly
22. Mother of Mrs. Mildred Wyn
koop and John W. Spong of Sa
lem and Mrs. Grace Dalton of Dal
las, and sister of Robert Crangle
. of Salem. Services will be held
Saturday, July 24, at 10 a. m,
from the W. T. Rigdon chapel. Con
cluding services at City View cem
etery. Rev, W. Irvin Williams will
; Bessie A. Parmenter, late resi
dent of 112 SE 74th avenue, Port
land, at a Portland hospital July
22, At the age of 73. Survived by
one son, Ray E. Parmenter of
Portland;, one sister, Mrs. 4 Aline
Jenkins of Carlisle, Pa. Services
will be held Saturday, July 24, at
2 JO , pan. In . the Walker-Howell
chapel, with Rev. W. Irvin Wil
liams officiating. Concluding ser
vices in City View cemetery. ,.
" At the - residence, 1939 North
Church street, July 23, Nellie M.
Beatty,age 70 years.-Mother of
Mrs. M. T. Madsen and Mrs. R.
W. Bentley, sr, both of Salem,
and Dr. J. O. Beatty of Portland;
sister; of James Smith of Grants
Pass,"' Mrs. Anna Richardson and
Mrs. Claude Voliman, both of Sa
cramento, Mrs. Luly Kasdorf of
Grants Pass and Mrs. Cleo Kim
ball of San Francisco; also four
grandchildren. Funeral : services
will be held Tuesday, July 27, at
10 a jil, in the chapel of the W.
T. Rigdon company, with conclud
ing services at Belle Passi cemetery,-
Woodburn, ...y
Sylvia Sheldon Leonard of Sa
lem, mother of Mrs. Frances J.
Kern; Mrs. .J. E. Buckley and
James F. Leonard, all of Port
land. Also survived by four grand
children. Funeral services will be
held Saturday at 11 ajn, at Fin
ley's Rose chapel, ST7 Ilont-ora-ery
at 4th street Portland, rriendi
invited. Commitment at 1IL Cl
vary cemetery. . 1
, Thursday maximum tempera
tare tJ, minimum i'Z'i, FrlJay
river -2 feet. Weather data re
stricted by army request. - v . r
Eilverton IXeuse Sold -Sale of
the last county-owned residence in
Silverton Is ; in process. County
Land Agent IL William Thielsen
said Friday. Lots 24 and 25 and
part of lot 27 in block 7. Am'
addition to that city, are to be sold
to Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Lough for
S00. Only one other countv-own
ed residence is for sale, according
to TMelsen, and that is at Detroit
All others are held under- old age
pension agreements . , .
It costs no more to use the'best!
Re-roof now with Pabco roofing.
No down payment, 12 months Ao
pay, Phone 9221: R. L. Elfstrom
Co, . 375 ChemekeU St
rare Impreyed Walter Page,
Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
R. Page of Salem, is reported im
proving at Coffey Memorial hos
pital, where he was taken late last
week with meningitis. Brother of
Judge E. M. Page, Leo G. Page
and Lyle J. Page of Salem, he was
in industrial accident commission
offices here before going to Port
land to take a position with a hos
pital association.
For home loans see Salem Fed'
eraL 130 South Lihrtv. ':-
1 Held in Bike Theft Charged
with having stolen a bicycle be
longing to a Salem nurse. Martin
Kropp was returned to Salem on
Friday from Dallas by Sheriff A.
C Burk. Kropp said he borrowed
the bicycle, understanding through
a tbuxl party that he had author
ity so to do : and that, unable to
return it, he had stored it in a
basement here before-returning to
his work in a Polk county mm.
I Four Industrial Deaths There
were four fatalities due to indus
trial accidents in Oregon during
the week ended July 22, the state
industrial accident commission n
ported Friday. The victims were
David S. Bergner, Medford, farm
worker; ; Henry C. Bohn, Bridge,
bucker; i Ernest i Horn, Portland,
carpenter, and Helen RusselL
Portland, shipbuilder. There were
1,446 industrial accidents report'
ed during the week.
Dance at Wheatland every Sat
nite. Rowland's Band invites you.
Must Swear Positively Gener
al agents and attorneys-in-fact of
foreign corporations ' must file a
positive oath, In connection with
payments of gasoline taxes to the
state, and cannot use the appen
dage "to the best of my knowledge
and belief," Attorney General I.
H. Van Winkle ruled Friday. The
opinion - was requested by Secre
tary of State Robert S. FarreH, Jr.
Get the right legal car insurance.
Abrams & Ellis. Masonic Bldg.
i - ,
Funny Stories Today Stories
of a humorous nature for which
there are no age limitations are
to be told at today's 10 ajn. story
hour at the Salem public library,
Miss , Elizabeth : Gardiner, chil
dren's librarian, has announced.
One of the Paul Bunyan tales,
Peterkin's 'Elizabeth Eliza's Pi
ano" and Three Innkeepers or
the King's Legs" are the stories
i To Meet Taesday Townsend
club three will meet Tuesday at
8 pjn. at 17th and Court streets.
Pin Up Gal
UsSywood starlet, Jean Hayes,
p&ses for ler rheta alter beiag
xtlil "Our Ra Up CM- by
service men la a. nearby army
ai (irntiisrs
At Client 0 32 ;
Loyalty to their pioneer ances
tors J was demonstrated by mem
bers, of the Reason B. Hall clan
when they : gathered, , in spite of
difficulties, recently at Champoeg
park for, the annual reunion.
Reason B. Hall was - an 1 1845
pioneer who took up a' donation
land ' claim at: the. site of Buena
Vista, in Polk county, and found
ed that community which was for
many years an important .shipping
Officers of -the clan'include the
president,: E. M. Croisan of Sa
lem,- a grandson of - Reason ' B. !
HaS; vice-president" Ethel Sldn
nee of Independence; secretary,
Gladys Perkins of Zigzag.
Those attending the reunion
included Kathleen ; Smith, Carol
Smith, Edna Smith; D. S. Riches,
Ruth S. Riches and Bernard
Riches of TurnerrH. L. Perkins
and Gladys Perkins of Zigzag; L.
L. Rounds of Clermont Iowa;
Mrs. R. L. Farmer and E. M. Croi
san of Salem; Claude Skinner and
Ethel r Skinner of ' Independence;
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Tyler of Van
couver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Smith ' of Portland; Mr.' and
Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo;-Anna Hoo
ver and Dora' Hall of Monmouth;
Mary v. Armstrong, Michael
Armstrong and Kathleen Arm
strong : of Oregon City; Maud
Rypczynskl of Gladstone. ,
pished - "Old fash
ioned" discipline was meted out
Friday to three Salem boys, ages
10, 11 and 12 years, when tb
oarents learned that they , had
been Involved in what city police
n!? a Izf S1 Ju"
enile Officer Frederick Beck re
ported, and that punishment was
laid on by the parents, them-
selves. The youngsters - readily
admitted, Beck said, that they had
walked Into the Salem Nut Grow-1
ers unlocked, building and taken
some tools. They had never be-
fore been involved i in any mis-1
chief coming to the attention of
officers. -
Escape a wo young
women escaped Friday afternoon ceding the review in which troops
at approximately 5 pjn. from the of the fl4th QM battalion parti
Fairview home here, state police dnated. two selected officers and
reported Friday night Most eas-1
uy Identified, they, belle ved.i be decorated with the good con
would be Grace DeCluff, 18, duct medal stepped forward. The
wnose nair was oescriDea as "yei-
low. and black. With her went
Helen Knight, 25.
Cooker Theft Reported Mrs.
T T rv J ' f nf ft a. . m
J7uua m.m- of each-In cotigratulaUon and In
meraal street, reported to city po- diyiduaUy expressed confidence
' m mcuaV: mo psl
Z. JTV Eram , cven-
. " : . " MWM
ner name, vaiue oi me xeiue was
placed at $3. li'lt : .
Brings Mother Here Mrs.
T1- vTv Z.
past week from Kansas City to
to the middle-western city by the
death of his father.
Lutz florist. Ph. 8592. 1278 N. Lib
Car Found The Viesko & Han-
naman coupe reported stolen
Thursday moraine from its nark-
ine nlace at the Hannaman home I
h e r e was recovered Thursday
night by city police, who said I
they found It In the woods near
South 14th and Howard streets,
the keys lying on the seat
Finishing Bridge Sardine creek
bridge on we nortn jsanuam is
to be completed some time next
weeK, i,ouniy jcauiuieer v.
Hubbs said Friday. Except for
brief periods, ' the span Is now
open to traffic. It was torn out in
last winter's high waters. ,
Wanted, elec. range. Ph. 5882.'
Invited to Conference Because
they have qualified for New York
Life Insurance company's $100.- endorsement of license number
09 ub- Ion;d Gilkey and Er- gtate of nitration on mlle
vin F. Smith, Salem, have been .nn(wn. MmAn, t,. ;trM
. .;" Tr"? "
ence August 3, 4, and a at the Em-1
press hotel, Victoria, BC, C-fficers
oi tne company nave announcea.
Dance at armory Friday and Sat
urday - nights. Air-conditioned.
TIIbmi aMHdn nMr
of scarlet fever, three of syphilis
from Marion county during the
-v tw it
. ,", I
Store Sold Mrs. Phillips M.
iTr v ' r ; 1 Kit CKuth rhiw.ii
... . ., t v Li w-. . " I
irt,r a t..
a certificate of retirement from
the assumed business name of the
"Kenilworth Grocery- In the Ma-
a ve - vmoj .wa a
arW. imnku KMn.r.(invl
Mrs. Carmen" Jennison, Richmond
first grade teacher, i U reported
t - v JTt- . - At -e .
a recent major operation. I
Doing Nicely Emu Selflert I
who underwent a minor ooeration
at the Salem .General . hospital l
Wednesday mormng. Is reported I
toh intn - 1
be doing. well. , . , 1
Extradition Authorized Gov.
Earl Snell Friday authorized the 1
extradition of Marvin Fisher, who I
is wanted in San Bernardino, I
CaliL, on a charge of passing a I
worthless check. He is under ar-1
IMtn- i
.. i
J Mrs. William Hardy left her three
at Portland to go to a store. When
I ao badly that they tiled. Mrs. Hardy, who was expoctiag her frth
r child, was near eonapse (above); when she learned of the tragedy.
W M m m A . , A m mm mm
uvena, , uangmer, was ueaa wnen taxen I rem ine cweuuig.
I Oren, 17 months, lived aa hour
I hoar longer. The father works
Ptcm lwt.)
f' J Vrlnf
-j - - ' df
Medals Oiven
1 a. f A Vl
ril V4Callip -T-U.CJJL
I ? I . - .
I s CAMP ADAIR, Ore, July 23,
1843 Eight soldiers representing
1 almost every rank in the ' army
from private first class to second
lieutenant marched front and c en-
ter Thursday afternoon to be the
I first men to receive the erood con
duct medal at Camn Adair.
j VoOawiiie the retreat and nre-
six men from the ranks meant to
service ribbons were passed ' by
Major Jesse- Bell to Colonel Gor
don HV McCoy,. post commanding
officer who pinned them on the
mn anif efonrtlr In 4iim fik fianit
I "
in his deserving the reward.
Those soldiers awarded the good
I conduct medal for exemplary elfl
r!mr .nA f,MMif for- h
completion since Pearl Harbor of
one yea r of continuous ' active
federal military service were:
Second Lieutenants William H.
Tw m--,-,-.
Allen, CpL Charles Hoffman,
T5 Otto O. Burnett and Pfc
Adrian MOlsap
f The good conduct medal ii
established as a reward for those
enlisted men who have ' demon
strated faithful and efficient per-
rormance oz duty, capacity to pro-
luce aestred results and whose
behavior has been such as to de-
serve emulation.
OPA Sleuths
i XV7'11 ri -
r ly ill 1 jhfOtC
Gas Coupons
Beginning . today and continu
ing for several days OPA Inves
tigators will be making . spot
checks at -service stations in and
beyond Portland : metropolitan
area in a drive to secure proper
OPA announced today.
of -t-n end win f nie rfta-
tions to motorists who have not
endorsed : their gasoline coupons
requiring the motorist to appear
before bis local war price and
rationing .board on or before July
w snow cause wny e pwwv
hoIf Imposed," was
i twr j. - a ai v a mA.
Itice or other action is left to the
j: i! -.m 11 i.jttj...i I
: Clab to Meet Townsend club
No. 2 will meet at the Leslie
Methodist church Monday at ..8
ftu to which
onejs Invited, officers of the
Recovering -Mrs. Carmen Jen-
ni5on recoverinS satisfactorily
irD lor operauon penoxm
VallCy UlllirCllC3
ntoaros lutitexan'
Monitor. Sunday -i echool'll ajao-
mkwwonitc bbxthzem
- Elm street, West sim. A. A.
Laewen, pastor. Sunday school 8:43
Manxlnie acme lfls eclock. S
Ip - RM vlsltme convalescent, homes.
If :l J em. YPS. Evenln service 1:
1 b Jrt7:
ttp choir reheenel. rriiy. junior choir
chttkch or chzxst
city. w. s. Crockett, minister.
Konuof, seryic i o ewe, .tvwuna
asrvif M a c ace
young children in the family trailer
she retarned, aJI had been burned
er so, and William Joseph, 2H. an
in a nearby shipyard. (Associated
IPnnIbD2(i5: IRi(EiDn5,(fls
.Warren L. Callaway et al vs.
W. A. Cummings et al; motion
to amend complaint
Hazel Meyers vs. Robert Foin
dexter et al; plaintifTs reply de
nies most allegations of defend
ants and asks judgment as de
manded in complaint
Mildred Skewis vs. Robert
Skewis; divorce complaint alleges
cruel and inhuman treatment; an
swer waives immunity attended
on military , status of defendant
and denies most allegations of
plaintiff4:-i-;V .s. -
' Carmine Early vs. Marion coun
ty; verdict of jurors In circuit
court finds for the defendant by
direction of the court; judgment
for costs against plaintiff. .
Etta Gouge vs. Coolidge and
McClaine, a corporation; plain
tiff charges defendant "With negli
gence in allowing trap door to
wear smooth and cause ' accident
resulting! in broken wrist; plain
tiff asks $2500 damages. ,
Bruce Willis and Clara Willis
vs. J. R Polk; complaint' alleges
non-payment of promissory note
and asks judgment against de
fendant for certain sum.
State industrial accident ' com
mission vs. WRllam Pelkey et al;
satisfaction of judgment filed by
state industrial accident commis
sion. ' -i V. V'.:;v;-;
Ivor P. Morgan vs. Edward J.
Kelly; motion of plaintiff for or
der of default against defendant
William A. Reimer i vs. G. A.
Reimer; application to place case
on trial docket
: Augusta. Hoefer estate; order
setting August 30 for hearing, on
final account of Bertha Duke, ad
ministrator. George Urban guardianship; or
der approving second annual ac
count of Margaret Bland, guar
dian.' t f .
:' Jean Marcelle Donaldson estate;
Fire Dangei
Closes Areas
Closure of a portion - of Linn
county to entry, except by per
mit is provided in a proclamation
issued, Friday by Gov. Earl Snell.
The territory Involved Is adjacent
to national forest land and was
closed , at the request of . State
Forester: Nels Rogers because of
current .fire hazards. C '-
A n u m b e r of proclamations
closing other sections of the state
were issued previously.
Rogers declared that while pre
sent fire hazards were serious
there have been only a few minor
timber losses. - v
risks and Main streets, O. Leonira
Janes, pastor. Sunday school ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. -Be Not Afraid." Evening
enrtee S o'clocte by young adult. ;
rrasT cktjkch or chbist "
Perk and rtrt streets. Musseii aar-
era. pastor. Sunday school M ajn.
Morning serviee 11 o'clock. Sermoa
subject, "What Is That In Thy Hand?"
Erenuig eerrice s o'ciock. sermon wuo-
ect. "Christianity - Xooks Ahead.'"
Christian EndeaTor meets at T o'clock.
All service Sunday wul be to tha
bsacmant as the churcb auditorium la
being redecorated. . . (
North Church street. S. L. Almue.
pastor. Sunday school IS am. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject.
Cues la of Jeaua." Even in service
tdt o'clock. Luther league. Sermon
subject. "Our Leaguers Away from
Borne.' - a
CALVA&T ' ' "
Jerser street. O. C Olson, nestor.
Sunday school IS OJn. ilorninf rrv
tee 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "V hat
Is Tour Testimony?" Afternoon erV"
ice 2:30 o'clock in NorwfiB. Luther
lea me Sundsr nigi-t at 7:29 o'clock
with topic, "Patrlousm." Xble study
Thursday at a pjn.
ratNTTT '
2nd end B streets. Tt 3. K. Tuhr.
pastor. Sunday school It ajn. Horn in
mem 11 o'clock Sermoa sui:ect.
'Who la Jesusf lveture servico TtlS
o'clock. Luther league in eiiarga. J4u
dred Thompson topic leader. -
Pledges QSW for Shangri-La
Inspired by. two visiting
23 members and guests attending the Friday meeting of the Sa
lem Retail Credit association
pledged bonds amounting to $103 for Chanxi La.
LL J. J. McIIamara, navy re
cruiting officer for the naval of
ficer procurement, told those pres
ent that "there's no need to turn
out Shangrl. La unless we have
men properly trained to command
those ships. We are all stockhold
ers- In the affair of our govern
ment," he continued. I
McNamara J revealed I mat all
types of naval personnel are need
ed, in enlisted brackets as well' as
officers. While the need Is great
nonetheless the reourements have
not been liberalized but are more
rigid now than they were 18
months .ago, he continued. Only
men properly trained and equip
ped are being sent out. "Do a little
bit more to . help us get the men
and women we so sorely need,"
fee appealed. ,
Yeoman Dorothy Duncan, Port
land recruiter 'for Waves who Is
spending this week on duty In
Salem, told a few inside details
about life in the women's branch
of the navy.
After four to six weeks, basic
training at Hunter college,'; NY,
WAVES are assigned to specialty
schools, she said. Her own train
ing center was Stillwater, Okla
where all WAVES were quartered
in a dormitory nicknamed the
US5 Willard, and everything was
run . like a ship stairs were lad
ders, floors were decks, the young
order allows guardian, Emily J.
Donaldson, to pay cost of $203
for shingling house of minor.
William Brown estate; order
approving final'account of Chand
ler P. Brown, executor. -
Lydia V. Lehman, estate; order
appointing Selma K. Lehman ad
ministratrix and Ed Rostein, Roy
Harland ' and Frank Derby ap
praisera.W. ,:".s'.-v '--'w:r..::j
John P. Murphy estate; order
allowing certain action of admin
istratrix. Charles Washington guardian
ship;.: order, discharging George
GutekunsV guardian.
rusncE court ? ":
' Edward Stiff, jr larceny of a
bicycle; given 24 hours to . enter
plea" and' committed to jail on
failure to post $500 baft .
- Paul William ' Billmire; trans
f er of license t plates; $10 and
costs plus two days in Jail, with
sentence suspended on payment
of fine and costs."v--'f z.
.'Sam Clancy, transient; drunken
ness and vagrancy; 30 days in
city jail, sentence suspended on
condition - defendant leave city
immediately. ' '
Floyd. Raymond Browning, Eu
gene; reckless driving; $13 line.
Annual Camp
Meeting Set
The ew"si camp meeting of
the Pilgrim Holiness church will
open Sunday with Rev. Roy E.
Morgan, evangelist Rev. G. Ang
lin and others speaking.
The camp will be held at Quin-
aby park eight miles north of Sa
lem. During the camp, there will
not be services In the Salem Pil
grim Holiness . chapel but . there
wul be transportation furnished
those who have no way to reach
the camp. - .
Anyone wishing transportation
may, obtain it by reporting at the
church, 975 Market street at 8:45
ajn. each Sunday and 7:30 pjn.
each nighty
Bonney in Jail
DALLAS Earl Bonney of West
Salem has ' been ; placed In the
county jail on the charge of motor
vehicle violation. The chief of po
lice of West Salem brought him
over.- 'i - . l --"r-- i
tost PBXSBTTaatiAif
Sunday school is ajn. Morning serv
ice It o'clock Christian Endeavor at 1
&jn. Union Berries a o'clock. Bev.
ewen Morgan - preaching. Prayer
service Thursday at a pjn. j '
Sunday school 10:S ajn, Mrs. B. H.
Hughev Supt. Morning service J.0
o'clock. - . - . -- :
arrrHonrsT " yt ' J' -J
D. Lester ndds. pastor. Sunday
school li ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. . Sermoa subject. "Whet God
Expects of His People.' 1 pjaw youth
fellowship. Union service a pjn, . et
Presbyterian church.
Sunday school 1ft ajn. Junior church
at 11 a m topic, "A Look to the Fu
ture." Morning " service 11 o'clock.
Young people's meeting S:30 pjn. Un
ion service at pan. at Presbyterian
ETMAJfinX LUTTnCK A? - . -v
Sunday school 10. -43 sj. Moraine
serviee o'clock. Luther league at
8 pjn.
Rev. V. M. Abbott, .pastor. Sunday
school "43 ajn. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Evening service S o'clock.
rnx Gosnx
Ilrst end Arthur streets. Sunday
school S:4S ajn. adorn in s'rvjee 11
A'rlaetc Children's church 7:1 pjn.
Evening service T.-45 o'clock, luesday
service 18:44 ajn. Wednesday prayer
service 7:1 pjn. rriday. young peo
ples service 7:4 pjn. '..,
Rev. V. L Iiofenbeier. pastor. Sun
6T masses at . SO and 109 pjn.
Week day masses et T9 pjn.
Second end Garfield streets. - Morn
ing service 11 o'clock.
members of .naval personnel, the
purchased war savings stamps and
women requested permission ' to
go ashore when they wished leave
or liberty, etc
A troical day In the life of a
WAVE starts at 8 am., according
to Yeoman Duncan, when she is
awakened; breakfast is a 8:23, fo!
lowed by cleaning up quarters;
two hours of drilling and classes;
luncheon lasts two hours with
WAVES spending part of the time
readic-, writing letters or mend
ing, and washing clothes; classes
take up again- in -the afternoon.
followed, by a free period, usually
devoted to sports; then comes din
ner and dancing; 7 to 9:30 pjn. is
devoted to study and lights go out
at 10 pjn. -
Christian Camp
Opens Sunday
TURNER The ninth annual
Christian camp for boys 9 to 12
years old, sponsored by the state
Ninety and Nine men's organiza
tion, will open Sunday, July 25,
at the Turner tabernacle grounds
and continue through August 1.
Evangelist W. W. White of Port
land will be camp director, and
deans will be Rev. EUery Parrlsh
and Vernon Kullowatz, both of
Multnomah. The Instructors in
clude John Stotsenburg and Dick
Humphreys of Eugene, Dallas Me
serve and Alger Fitch of Portland
and Lloyd Newton of Baker.
Christian training classes, rec
reational periods and night bon
fire services comprise the daily
schedule. Closing on August 1,
the older boys camp will convene
that day to continue through Aug
ust 8, The same camp personnel
will be in charge. ' i
Boys from 12 to 13 will be reg
istered at the latter camp. Lloyd
L. Arnett of Portland is commit
tee chairman of both camps. '
Church Services in Salem
16th and A streets. H. W. Gi
pastor. Morning service 10 o'clock.
Guest speaker, the Bev. B. Spannaus
of Seatue wasn. .
sir.HLAND mairns '
Church and Highland streets, Her
man H Macy, pastor. Sunday school
10 1 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Youth groups T pjn. Evening service
S o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday
8 pjn. :
Marlon and Cottage streets. David
Nielsen, pastor.- Sunday school f :48 ajn.
Mornine serviee 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "The Unique Bias of Jesus.'
rrasT baptist .
Marian and Liberty streets. Irving A.
Tax, SO. pastor. Sunday school
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "Christ s . intereessary
Prayer." Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Sermoa subject. "Daniel .Delivered
rrom tho Lion's Den." Young people
and adult Bible study S:30 pjn. Prayer
meeting Wednesday, 7.-30 pan.
HavesvUle school. Sunday school
t:49 aja. Dewey Devla. Supt.
Brush Collece school. Bev. Earl JU
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 93 a.m.
Mark Muett. supu. atorning service
10:43 o'clock.! Young people's meeting
2:30 pjn.
East State end same streets, sunoay
school 9:44 ajn. Leon Lambert. Supt.
Evening service 7:43 o'clock. Bev. Earl
L. Baker, sneaker, mru i pjn. rrayer
meeting Thursday. 7:43 pjn..
Chemekete and Winter streeu. W,
Irvin VUnams. paster. Sunday school
9:43 ajn. scorning service iu:sa
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Effective
Praver." Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Tho Enlarcement of
Life." Rev. James Aiken Smith. Mon
day. 7:30 pjn Boy Scouts. Thursday,
7:30 pjn, service. r ;
rrasr cheistian
High end Center streets. Dudley
Strain, pastor. Sundav school 9:40 -ajn.
Mornina service 10 SO o'clock. Sermoa
subject. "Prevention end Cure." Ev
ening service S o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Build for Tomorrow. Gene kod-
inson. pastor of tne Turner uiurcn oz
ennst. win , supply curing tne ao
senco of Mr. Strain.
Hazel and Academy streets. War
ren C. Bale, pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Young
people's meeting at 730 njn. Evening
service S o'clock. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday at S pjn. v
North Cottage and D streets. J. T.
OlthofZ. DO, pastor. Sunday school
9:41 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Seimun subject. "When Caar We Hear
the Voice of God 7? Evening service
7 Jo .o'clock, sermoa . subject, "Un
answered Prayer." Dr. J. Leypoldt'Ot
Portland preaches both the mornlnc
and the night services. BYPTJ at t:30
pjn. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
IMS pjn.- ' -. ; f. -. f - ;
17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly
man, pastor. Sunday school 9c4S ajn.
Morning sei vlee 10 AO o'clock. Sermon
subject. "If I Be Lifted Us-." Christian
Endeavor meetings 7 pjn. Evening
service S o'clock. Sermon subject, "Our
Spiritual Service."
Center and 13th streets. Bev. Weaver
W. Hess, pastor. SuaTday school B:43
ajn. Mornin gservice 11 o'clock. Ser
moa subject. "The Cleans! mr Blood."
1 pjn. young people's services. Even-;
tne service 0 o clock, sermon subject.
"The Triumph of Faith." Wednesday.
8 pJBL. prayer meeting. ,
ChemekeU and tibertv streets. Sun
day school 11 ajn. Horairf service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Truth." Ev
ening service emitted during July and
August. Wednesday testimony tneefen
st- S pjn.- Reading room J4S Souta
Kl?h street open daily except -Sunday
and holidays. II ajn. to 9 p.m. Wed
nesday to 7 3. Sunday 2 to pjn.
.443 Iom Church street. It. A. Cet-
tfdane, CD, pastor, a-unoay schoed
8 :i ajn. Jiornin sei vice 11 o'ciocic.
erroon su; : :ert. "foUowine tna Teach -
lafl of Jeiu." "
t.: iOa.;i3
Capitol and llaxlon streets.
E. A.
Rev. W. Irvin Williams will
speak on the topic "Effective
Prayer at the Sunday morcLrj
worship service of the First Pres
byterian church. Soloist is to bo
Miss Evelyn Gibson, who will
sing -The Lord Is My UtT by
At the night service, the XUv.
James Aiken Smith, visiting pas
tor, wIH discuss "The Enlarge
ment of Life." Garland He" o well
Is to be soloist
Delegates leaving Sunday for
the Presbyterian : Silver Crek
conference are: Phyllis Wilson,
Otis 7i2son, Keith Nash, Patricia
Wolcott Dorothy , Boucher, Ray
mond Boucher, Jean Smith, Mary
Lou Payne, Barbara Williams,
Marilyn Archibald, Gertrude
Meier, Gene Horn, Patsy. Pearson,
Janet Miller, Ruby Kearns, Frank
McGee, Elsie Johns and Barbara
The Rev. W. Irvin Williams is
dean of the conference for the
coming week and Gertrude
Hynes, director of religious educa
tion, will be one of the conference
Echo Meeting
s Scheduled
An "Echo Meeting" will be con
ducted by the young people of the
Calvary Baptist churdi Sunday at
the night service at 7:30 o'clock.
Taking part will be those who at
tended the. recent Baptist youth
camp at Arrah Wanna near Lit
Hood, at which Mrs. Edward I.
Allen was dean of girls.
On the program will be musical
selections and chorus singing by
the group with short reports of
classes, sports, and experiences at
Arrah Wanna.
Haywortli to Be
Guest Speaker
Guest speaker Sunday at the 11
ajn. service in the Wesleyan
Methodist church at AumsviUe
win be Charles Hayworth of Sa-
em. He wQl talk also at the Sun
day school hour, the subject to bo
"Temperance." ; ! , ,
Klelsmeier, pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Gordon
Girod. theological student at Western
Seminary ef the Reformed church li
America, will preach. . . :
19th and Breyman streets, Bev.T. W.
Henderson. ThB, pastor. Sunday school
9.-45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Evening service 7:43 o'clock. Sunday.
4:30 pjtu. street meetine. Court and
Commercial streets. 0:30 p.m.. young
people's service. Tuesday,. 7:4S p
inspirational service. Thursday, 7 :4S
pjn, young people's service.
Mariea and Summer streets, Bev. J.
Kenneth Wishart, pastor. Sunday
school 9:43 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Junior church at the same
hour. Sermoa subject, "Christian
Judging." Youth groups will meet at
0:30 ojbJ Evening service 7 JO o'clock.
Bible hour Thursday at 8 o'clock.
rrasT Methodist
State and Church streets. J. C. Har
rison, pastor. Sundsy school 9:43 s.m.
Morning service 10 3 o'clock.. Sermoa
subject, "When Men end Mountains
Meet. evening service 7:43 o cioce.
Institute lessons end inspiration by tho
youth of the church. Youth fellow
ship, 820 pjn. ,
Cottar and Snipping- streets. H. R,
ThornhiU. pastor. Sunday school 1
ajn. aforeing servtc 11 o ciock. niuim
study 8:43 pjn. Evening service 7 JO
o'clock. ' . -
8th and Gaines streets, C. H. Steln-
mann. pastor, aunaay scnooi s:na ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. ; Sermon
subject, "A Great Pastor's arnest
Plea." Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Sen non subject. "Tho Heart Throb ot
God." Wednesday at -J30 pjn prayer
rvANcrusnc tabernacle
Ferry end 13th streets. Erie If.
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school 0:4S
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon suDjecx. -Annoiniea wim me -
of Cladness. Evening service 7 :4
o'clock. 0:30 pjn young people's serv
ice. Wednesday, 7:43 pjn service,
North 17th street end Nebraska sv-
enue. Bev. Chester O. Goodman, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:43 sjn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject.
'Freedom Prom Want." Christian En
deavor T pjn. Evening service 8
o'clock. . -
19th end Ferry streets, guest speaker.
C. H. Qulcly. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. ' Sermoa
subject, "Practical ' Advices Growing
Out ef the Old Story of the Maat
Whose Religion. Was Stolen.
341 State street. Adj. end Mrs. E. T.
Hill. Sunday school . 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject.
"The Individual Prayer." Special young -people's
meeting at 8:39 pjn. Evening
serviee 7 -JO o'clock. Sermon by Pic
James McClelland.
South Liberty and i East Miner.
streets. Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sun
day school 9:43 ajn. Morning service
11 o'clock. Sermon subject, -fellowship
With Christ." Wednesday. 730 p.m..
victory circle prayer. 0:43 p.m., choir
rehearsal. Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Lcho meeting by young people r our.
church who attended the Arrsh W anna,
youth camp. Friday, July 50. Pioneer's
hob lantern hike.
Moose hall. L. L. Freeman, minister.
Sundsy school 10 ajn. Morning service.
11 o'clock Evening service ecio.
Preaching. 7J pjn. . .
Court and Cheroeketa streets, rtrr.
Georv '- H. Swift, rector, lioiy cor.
mumun tao am. Morning service at H.
i 3 -
; Economical -Conv: ' t
TlzztzT TtzlI C . .
Ellen, Crs.