PAG 2 TWO Tt CZZCCII CTATZZ: Csl.rx, Creu Ccdrj lienor. I-T 1- GOP Leaders Plan Meeting B (Continued from Paga 1) B nority floor leader; and Senators Vandenberg, Michigan; Austin, Vermont; Tail, Ohio, and Hawkes, New Jersey. ' House members Include Martin ef - Massachusetts, minority lead er; Andresen, Minnesota; Carter, California; Dirksen. Illinois; Hal leck, Indiana; Hope, Kansas; Mrs. Rogers, Massachusetts; Woodruff, Michigan; Miller, Missouri; Reed, New York; Mrs. Bolton, Ohio, and Recce, Tennessee. Former v Senator Townsend of Delaware and Rep. Ditter of Penn sylvania, chairmen respectively of -the senate and, house campaign committees, are members, as well as these members of the national committee: Clarence 1 Budington Kelland, Arizona; Henry Leonard,! Colorado; Mrs. Bertha Bauer, Illi nois; Mrs. Dudley C Hay, Mich igan: Dan Whetstone, Montana, and H. Alexander Smith, New Jersey. JSI" ?! t f VJ""r"l . - Yank Troops on Rendovalsle A!il2S ClcIClr,a Lnsl of Sicily : 'Defense Snots Y7 7 f f'- . ;5, D (Continued from Page 1) D 84 tanks, of which 14 were 63-ton Mark VI Tigers. This was a con servative count. c 0NthoII0:iE7R0;i! Who regrets: That she wrote of i Mr. 'and Mrs. Morton Dimond ! stein's year-old progeny as a son. It's a girl! : 'V"! That she confused the beautiful i Scandinavian names, of a pair of 7ar 'Orplinn " Mrs. Kate S. Booth, 110! Chera- eketa street, Ealem, has "adopted" a 12-year-cli British, boy In Eag- land through the "foster parents' v-i uTte-. m,. Plan for war children," it was an- . . .. .- v mm . . Repercussion of the lightning Jorie Bergsvik to the wrong one. "r1 ?B seizure came from all over Italy and . the Balkans. Madrid dispatches said Italians demonstrated in - the streets of Rome, Venice," Milan, Turin, Flor- She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leif Bergsvik and she leaves this weekend for Hunter college and basic training for the WAVES. Her father is district Blue, executive chairman for the "plan," from her American head quarters fa New York City. Mrs. Booth's foster son has living mctaer. a trained nurse ".r Reds Tighten Pincers Trap "C (Continued from Page 1) C Russian forces again were attack ing, the Germans. 4n . the north western Caucasus. ' After standing firm against Ger man attacks In the Belgorod area, the Russians resumed their of fensive and captured - a number ef populated places, killing, about 1000 Germans, the communique said. ance and Trieste, shouting "peace." Idanager for the Portland Gas & I now "ering from nervous and Coke company, her - mother, ex- the Balkans was rumbling with rv,n iwii. wits bombing ef the area In which the was the scene of large-scale civil- speaking of parents and chfl- 7 ' ianevacuatlon movement dren: ' Prize ' question ' asked of Both children ere In the "col- , The ba We for Sicily appeared Marion county - egenV Secretary onies- maintained under the fos- to be falling rapidly into the same Loi, Scheldegger (Mrs. Fred O.) ter Parents' plan by contributions f", t"1 ,or Tunisia believes came in recently. County Sulr monthly support money in its closing tages. Agent W. G. NIbler was pretty from persons interested in their exv?? weU tied up in conference wh welfare. .. iZS lZ S!L me Mce-lookin: rural dweller A description of the lad she has facilities gave to the allies a dom- .M v?. , , . "aArTr h.. : rM "What was your question? Per- Booth, teEin her that he Is falr haps I could help yott," suggested haired and blue-eyed, rather small Mrs. Scheldegger. i ; - ' . tor his years and slight in stature. Shey won't tell me whether "orl a active and alert chDd, willing not she sent : the client in to mating port on the Tyrrhenian sea approach to 'Rome, and re ports at allied headquarters 'Fri day night indicated that all allied armies were converging swiftly toward ' the one remaining ,ciiv, TwrViv battle line In normeasteri Sicily. IKlSS: LenlsjOepke) BBchalter (eenter), farmer New York City nckel ' . eseerted fatto the eeort ef appeals bniMlag at Albany. NT. ' w-wiiis- ea zer a isss seerder Associated Telemat. ; " AxiS'tefatanf now was com pressed in the northeastern tip, in and conscientious and v amenable one of I w aiicipiiae. He does better than average in his school work, Is I brinsisg bp sapplies frem transports fUl a muddy road on Kendova 1 WI " iare5 10411 UJI Island la the central7 Selomons the day after Americas troops in vaded the island, Jane J, in the drive en the Jap air basee New Georgia island, JIN phete. J . The question: "Where and howfod o fames and sports and his Cockroaches , - . .i i - : Give 'Bronx? Call for Help Heard From Willamette Fliers Bomb Ship With Gas, Fire With Guns , LOS ANGELES, July 23-4P) Resourceful American Lockheed lightning pilots, lacking i bombs, nevertheless destroyed a Japanese frei crritfrr turn . nt iYt fHat-a va. Calls for help in a boy's voice vealed Fridayj by drenching the ind a cap floatmg;on. the river vtv, dv- th ,!cr,w . believed seen and heard by a iin and then lnitin Htii watchman at the . old Sand ic hn and hitt. r m t Vravex company plant at the loot flame-spitting .nose: guns. ox Hood street nearly ' Friday night The story was told by Maj. John .were still unexplained early this W. Mitchell. End. Miss- and CabL morning, although police, first aid Thomas G. Lanphier. jr. born in squadron and rivermen rushed tot Panama, CZ. Both are home from ithe site and checked the river the south Pacific for a tour of and its banks. training bases to give student ri The watchman, calling in the lots the latest tips on fighting lotilication, explained that he Japs. Jcould be positive about neither jthe calU. nor the : cap,: but that be believed them worth investi gating. Salem and West Salem po lice and Salencfirst. aid men to gether with men in boats operat ing from Walter Haln's, Salem The P-38 fliers found the Nip ponese rreignter lying under camouflage net, Capt Lanphier said. "We raked the decks with runs but nothing much happened," he recalled. "So we dive-bombed the which lasted from- 6:30 for more than an hour. No clothing, boat or Indication of a fall from the West Salem bank of the river from which the eounds came were found, nor could - river patrols . discover floating cap or hat Local Youth Reports on Almost' Fight Boat shop conducted the search 1 letting go our auxiliary line all over her. : Then we made another nais and let loose with incendiary bul lets. The gas caught fire and the last we saw of the shin it burning: from stem to stern. xw r-w etoup um tank a Japanese destroyer, without re course to bombs, related the two xners, each 27 years old.' Police Hunt Beating Ones : xDlanation as tn fwtw mnA au nas not been peaceful on the where E. W. Hotrm. i . rf ma home front for Salem's "Wolves.1" Norm 12th atrert. in, Salpli Kenny, 420 South 20th Friday afternoon is sought bySa atreet, member of the city's larg- J less city police.- An officer who si orgamzauon of motor boys, found Homes wandering in the fold city police early Friday as he 300 block of Ferrr street shnrtlv . T A a ... - . . I . - . - .rau aow an aiiegea member of before 4 p.m. face bruised and ma illegal Salem high school fra-1 bleeding, was told by the tenuty and an unnamed soldier j that; he had been set upon and bad attempted to start a fight with beaten with bras knucki t ium and three fellow WOHFs. :i I Salem beer tavern. Later Homes Lawrence Osborne and a soldier. I denied this. Salem first mlA Kenny said, met him. and three of I who drrwrf - hl wnunH nM k -bia friends as they left a night was suffering also from alicht restaurant, forced their way into J concussion. He later appeared at bis cat and threatened him. Ken- Salem General hospital , end said jnya face was scratched. Police I police and first aiders bad sent advised him he could swear out I him. Sutures were made, wounds warrant.-. , . ; ? i redressed and ha u ritm!f Maharajah Loses Gas Ration Right Transfusions it for it.. AidFigii outside activities" in the colonies include gardening, care of poultry and small animals. Accompanying the description came a enapshot of a small boy. Mrs. Booth is awaiting a letter from Keith, telling of his school ing, his family and his experiences in the colonies. can we adopt a baby?"?! Bon where CoL Gen. Jurgen von Arnim's army met catastrophe In Tunisia. Defending Catania the south ern gateway to the escape port of Messina on this tip, the German Hermann Goering division fought nardTL. Montgomery's Eighth 1 1 M CWSHlSn S JLllC my veterans to a yard-by-yard . ; progress for eight days? S1 JuIy --W-A But the Canadians, on Mont- tnfraWood transfusion was ad- gomery's west wing, were report- ?llnIstered to John S. Me- flank, meeting fierce resistance Cleveland Plain Deal- I if VU ftr Frm flTI but drivine tha 15th fj-r, I er and m. leading American nuh-l v XlAXUCllJ. Usher, in an effort to prevent his ert Wifl PrdbeDeath Exp Opera Star Fires Bombast At 0PA .'Chaos' To the Bronx , ., . : NEW YORK; July 23-iT)-The BIDGEFIELD, Conn July 23 Bronx northernmost province of Vrr-uerauune arrar, who retir-l w ome wwn or ea from operatic triumphs 20 " JLou American cneer, is ex- years ago, Friday lifted her vof r I P"encing a nightly aerial InVa- In opposition to office of price 1 Ion by 0(14 PcIe of cock- admlnistratlon - "paragraph dicta-j5Pch ; j tors . and their bourbonesaue in-1 The critters are about two Inch- difference to the- attitude of the long, with fuzzy legs, and have, general public." . ; , Borough President James T.jLy The : former opera star, in a on ld, "too strong a facial re- long letter to Chester Bowles, semblance to Hirohito." v newly appointed general manager They frighten housewives, up- of the CPA; suggested a five t children, and saloonkeepers re- pomt program of clarification and port they have, a horrible effect expressed the hope that he would Ion the late bar trade. Eventually onnK-oraer out or cnaosr' ; , I tney solicited the help of the Rev. Bowles, head ' of .the ConnectI-1 J Pn Assmuth, professor of zo- ; HOLLYWOOD, July 23-) The office of price administration L'XZZ T burdrivS-S. lGerma U 1944, the gasoline ration of the mored dMri, t-fJrT Manarajah of Indore, who main- And the main Amri death from three bullet TOLEDO, Ore, July 23 l-OP) tains a residence here. ' despite the sweep of Its units over cted by a gunman who then Shcriff Geor8e Robinson said Fri- commissioner, government wit- pSL to ST SeJZ: As he satin his office Thursday laboratory expert to inves- wLhteitoJfW fi1110 m2v mSn "IISSS nesse, asserted he drove an auto- east of Enne wherVitulJSr McCarrens was shot -IBffi ?f death I-wrenc. S2Stt,?r.1.3:-. pain?. g mobile from hera to Lu Vmw diMrthiinwi ...t' rhnv no - DtIds. 42. Milwaukle. whos. hod w . ' ;: - " Pcunen. exciaimedT ; . Nev. In his application fori fC flank. , . , gary, who had -long been assocl- was recovered ' from the depot coupons, he Was Tlmited to Los ' : The capture of Palermo was the ated with foreign language news- louh ner Friday. Angeles city driving on official feat of an American division Paper enterprises here. - An autopsy failed' to establish business. Neither the Maharajah which exceeded the expectations Kobrak committed uIHrf im. definitely that " Drlna died . from nor his attorney appeared. ; , - r of the American commander, the mediately by firing a bullet into I drowning, Robinson said. . The maharajah left Reno. NevJPed specialist, LL OenT George his head. by automobile after his marriage 1 rauon 3r- "7 romping a dis-l there July 6 to Mrs. Euohemla Watts Crane, former wife of Frank Arthur Crane, an Ameri can aviation employe in i India. Earlier the same day he had' ob tained a divorce' from- bis xnaha ranl of five years, the former Marguerite; Lawler Branyen Fargo, ND. . tance of more than 60 miles in 58 hours from Enna in central Sicily. . The Italians were so surprised that , they had no time to carry out elaborate preparations to blow up docks and other military in-! Lstallatlons '. and these fell inlox al- Cooties Plan Picnic Here The sheriff said he was holding Walter Weaver, Portland, as a material witness. Weaver accom I penled Drips to a houseboat party on the slough last night, and told 'Boy! thyr jwwIP v - ' - - . . The professor said r they were cockroaches of the species Blatta which would eat anything, but especially thrilled over -a nice meal of paper. He said they flew Lewis Agrees To Appear WLB WASHINGTON. July 23 (ffV- Ending, at least temporarily, a long end bitter feud. John L. Lewis formally recognized the --. War La bor board Friday and agreed to the water about 930 pjxu Robin- There will be Mg sports and 1 aon said, adding, that Weaver did refreshments .at the Cooties' an. I not, report the incident until 12 of Ued hands without claniage jor tnat-done by their own-bombs. I wmp on me norm i nnn imp ana . weaver : nad This can be quickly repaired. It I tw oannam, Sunday, July been working on a construction war said, and the allies will then I accormng , to tne card an- gang near here. have a most advantageous sorlnir-1 nouncement sent out to the mem- board for naval and air action b Hungry Nit (adjutant) f IJ : pi;;! over Sardinia and Italy anrf ih-i Dave Furlough, end. notwith. AMlUUr XTUllUCUl sea approaches.": ;. :-,-v tanding the rationing restriction, AilJl-wL TT The city's population. of more auger and coffee will be free. """"Ce UrgeCt than 300,000 makes it the largest Members snd-meCittiettesare Ti a in Sicily. urged to bring their lunches. Fur- DJ iyroUD Italian: defenders eomnlalned lough, Arwm Strayer and Frank ' that they, had. been given no a Mfllett, ; the committee on ar- CHICAGO, July 23-(ffVMId-sistance by their navy except tor I rangementv announce all in read-1 western - CIO representatives Fri- Her five suggestions follow: 1 Could we reduce the bulk of printed matter? "2. Could we re-phrase the bulletin phraseology and diminish the verbiage to the point of clari ty in English. language? : "3. Ctouldr we consider the only at night, and probably had merchant' as an honest individual I been marshalling their forces In wno needs, to make a fair profit I th boo mil. h,t him he heard-Drips splash Into SZZJZZ i VTI xar?m beneath Bronx streets. j . wuuuiuui usus piy mto nls affairs by personal coo.- tact? ' "t--Cbuld we ease "the" "mind of the consumer in fewer exhor tations in the dubious struggle to make- points and prices marry? "5-And last but not least could you oust the paragraph dictators Lyons and Borough Chemist Walter G. Doherty spent the rest of the afternoon In reconnaissance atjvarious sewer openings. ence to the attitude of the general public , who now are beginning to murmur more than loudly in their and their bourbonesque mdiffer- resentment and suspicion?" the sending-of a fast speedboat I Iness and a big attendance is pre-1 day adopted a resolution propos- JPWfM assemble at Uarting. with the new CIO polit- m mwi.1 - " At " i .i 1 . . r inn rial I - ., tir nln- i.k .....t.,.,.. ...... : 7 jhu 01 uuiti m o uuc ounaay morn- ure mine labor controversy. Admiral Friato Leonarril. f-r--! w V--n written offer tot come I commandant of Anm. 1 1 i. . t '' - I. : " '' WVIHU,IMW WiUWUk lul Air-Conditioned Cool Continuous Daily pmr7 Lewis' before the board, which the ores-1 base. went or the United Mine Workers previously nad scorned, apparent-1 ffc 1 71T 1 ly removed one of the major ob- JT OOl lVllSnaTI -wu tuwuu Rtunaoii oz me mine dispute by getting both sides in the controversy to. sit down with WTR -nri HfvfM th- ...- Hon. Betty Sellard, 14, resident of 23 The labor trW. m,,AA- Garden road, said to be an exsert change of mind about the board ! wuninr was. in saiem General y-hich he once chareed- m. I "0Ptal this morning, with injury comodation. Cooties will not ap pear-in uniform. The Feller camp Is situated one mile north, of the ! Elkhorn school. ' Injures Girl Eugene Firm Gete Contract and: em bracing AFX, Railroad Brother hood and other unions and con sumer, farmer and rogressive, groups throughout' the nation, The action was' taken at the second meeting called by the curs political action, committee. The resolution also was approved at the first, held In Philadelphia ittiy 10. samnar conferences , will I be held in Alabama for the south and California for the west! Si oris Tday el I P. IL Z EM T ca-fcj-i ratals! "Decked court" w. sustained in dual divlna' bid. spokesmen for the VUW said, by dent Friday night at OUnger pool, the fact that the board now is a . Mi Sellard, pupfl in a lit esav- statutory body, whereas in th I class, dived, and as she past K functioned under executive I m surxace was struck decree, ' . . YahJ&Bxi Rail Centers PORTLAND. Ore, July 23-4P) The Portland disttrict army en gineers Friday announced award of a contract to the XL C. Hall company, Eugene, for channel im provements to tiie Long Tom river. Lt. CoL Ralph A. Tudor, dis trict engineer, said the contract, 1trf.1 . V AAA 11. The removed her to Salem C r . . I ri-rl-L V-Tt ? ior 1 3 maes oX tlie channel as a flood - fr, "7 A-rays xaoed I control project. ' totodteany sua injury they He said another contract would were told, but physicians continu- be awarded later for further sec- ea to sxuay tne case and to have I tions.of "the? channel. pxcuirea lasren. - ' Around Oregon By tte Associated Prm i the neck by the impact of another ' Summer hotels will be cranted their meat quotas through an al ternate base period provided to suppliers and other sellers, the cjtJ district OP A announced at Port- oa . Word of the, appointment of Ray Grimshaw, Portland. tire dealer, as the 'Office of rubber director's state chairman,, was re ceived In Portland...-. Judge Fee Raps Youth PORTLAND. July 23-rA I America's freedom of speech re- ceived a stout defense Friday from I coerai. uage dames A. Tern as he i sentenced Howard IL Ann. la to four years Imprisonment for violating the selective service act. Agan read a statement ne asseriea that the courts are controued by Satan." - ' . v , The United States Is tht mt place in the world where one is allowed to say that the courts are controuea by Satan and h I I juc jes are wicked,- Fee comment ed. : I Arniistrong-Joyce Go At ft Tonight 1' IXOIXTWOOD, ' Joly Eneenraged by prospects ef a. rU that nxlxht ma te x;9.c:3 er more, . fctd-shonllered Hen ry Armstrong and llght-f eeted " WHIie Joyce eased thrvngh fl- . na light workouts Friday and pronounced' themselves ta top shape te have at each other for 19 rounds er fewer at Gilmere stadinm Saturday night. - , The bettors have ins tallcJ the., dusky Armstrong a 3 te 1 fa ; vorite ever the Csry, Ind ne- -gre, and seme ef the. gamblers -were willing to wager 1 te 1H that Joyce Is kneeled est. - ' ; Alr-Cond ittoTird Ceel - NOW PLAYING YOU'LL face death la a depth-bombed submarine! : ashore with s sLoot-'em-cp eeza mande crew! himt de secret Nazi weapca the mrs tery Q-boaU nrnc:j2 POVGQ j Oregon Rail line On en fid a. 7. - ry t .'irllclfllirt! T."vmb!f Jmly - WerU war H, by Amer- PORTLAND. July 23"-pu.t,- pokane Portland : and Seattle railroad reopened Its central Ore gon line Friday after clearing the wrecicage caused -by the derailing he v..'t Iast i '"-TimeSu J TcJ-y It mm if ?rci i.C.i,.JCQlO PLUS COMPANION FEATUHX? a w - i u mobim ci cars or a xreiriit tr n w.. :ni 'Ilss 'Comyar.laa- Feattae -MlUUGAirS KID with Cetby Ceadlck . rrank Craven .. . r Vi'IUlam Car ran ns EICr.TTT CASTOCN ' A V- tit -. - i h . I mn? iri Aim sin. SO( M. WUAJixt 1- U 'IV tr.t; Im,UUia, y"1! tt i1 targt..It Is the een- nesday 15 miles north of liau-in. r;.L:ii:rV - S"?'1: rcpe riz, 22I It EaiJ a broken rail was respSS .-. V - - . No one was injured. . ( "T - lt I n3 Lstect"7r:i;cTr3 trJ