Tl3 CTZZCll CTATECMA2T. Czlzzu Orca. Cuadoy I Icr:-. J7 12, PAGE FOURTEEN Stoclm Retain Week's Gains Market Emerges on Solid Ground After ;.- Successful Session NEW YORK, July 17 -ff)-The ' stock market Saturday emerged v from a generally successful week ' on solid ground despite further . .. profit-taking on the recent rise to best ' average levels in nearly ... four years. - ' Throughout the six-session -' Stretch the main buying taspira , . tion stemmed from the exception ally cheering war news. The pres sure of ' idle investment funds continued to offset such liquida- J-'tion as appeared. : H - The Associated Press 60-stock average was up ' .1 of a point at S3 today, and on the week showed a net advance of J5. Wednesday 'it hit a new peak since October 27, 193 , at 53.3. Dealings were r slack during the brief proceedings and transfers of 397,040 shares i were the fourth smallest of the i year to date. They compared with 1487,170 last Saturday. 1 McDonald j Buys i SUNNYSIDE J. ; H. McDonald j and his niece. Miss Katie Turner, i who have been I operating the Sunny side grocery j store for j six ; years, nave i-Jien over me revu- , a , . Ai i ' ter grocery store i In Salem and '! have moved the stock from the : Sunnyside store, ; : Mrs. S. C. Rock of Lincoln, Nebr is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs." Roy Hagedorn. She is a sister of Mrs. Hagedorn. Mrs. Rock is also visiting her mother, Mrs. Sally Jones of Rosedale. - E. V. Larson sprained his back Wednesday while picking cherries : lor Norman Alexander ana is un : able to help finish the harvest. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Aftsoclated Press July 17 STOCK AVERAGES IS 19 SO Rails Util Stks 20.9 36.8 53.0 SS.S . 36.7 53.9 55.4 3.l 53.5 14 S 34.0 50.5 15.5 - 23.6 36 S 27J 36.8 53.3 lSJ 37J 41.7 ...... Indus Saturday - 74 0 Previous day 73 ! Week ,ago ; 73.S Month ago T1J Year ago 53.9 1943 hifh 74.6" 1943 low 60.1 BOND AVERAGES 30 10 10 10 Rail Indus Uul Fok Saturday Previous day Week ago : , Month ago Year ago . '1943 "high 78.3 105.0 I05.I 01.7 7SJ .78.0 .614 .78.9 .04.0 105.5 105.4 106J 103.4 105.7 103.8 105.1 1044 104.2 95J 105.1 98.0 61.7 61.3 89.8 A9JS 61J 83 41943 low -New 1943 high. Crossword Puzzle 'A 131 id 5 10 8 21 27 24T 30 31 35 3 39 AS 4B 48 SO S4 'f HORIZONTAL j 1-Obtained " . welrht measure " 4T, Wbo is High Commissioner cl Miltt? . 12. Wins; : 13. Wander 7 14. Oil: comb, form . 15. A body bone 26,Wbo was deputy commander ' Allied Forces daring the ' Tunisian campaign? 1SV Stock exchange CO. Wrath 51. Cut off short 52. Frightenins; i . 66. Feminine name . ;i29.Portico ' -' - - CL. Checks . " . : .Complete & 34. Frosts " . 56. Garments i 28. Hopelessness , 40. Tops htimminr bird 41.ApUtude '42. Scythe handle" ' ' ' '45.1molord ,49.'Bombyci) moths T CO. Chair kt . - vi. weary K 12. Possess .c son crinx '4;I7Jlnf German river Bows 735 miles to the North St? w 5. Born XHTICAI, . 1. Clothe ". . . - . Medley . 4 3. Totals - ' 4. Cnatcher . . a a. - -. i I o. Actors pars C Valuta tion 7. Central Americans .- . t.Lcst cnes (eonoq., C. Ancient ' "Striclly Private'' AKji ioc cmsush) vo ry s ' li EHOA THEY THE TIME Cf? A OXPIA TUUSS A WTDSS? SQWE. TTeA L TOED TO SRRT IT IN THE. U.S.ARMySAfiGU SrS & CAST SEflMD FS5S, SET HE YjasaJTUteTrWTAS A KID lEaa TIE THINS Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore July 17 CAP) Butter AA grade prints 4c; cartons 47 'Vc: A grade prints 40Ue: cartons 47c; B grade prinU 40c; carbons 44e lb. : - . - - ' -- Butterfat First quality, maximum 6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Portland. 52-52,ic lb.; premium qual ity, maximum i of 35 of 1 per cent acidity. 53-53'ie lb.: valley route and country points 2c less than first or 50-50'ic: second Quality at Portland 2c under first or 50-50'ic lb. Cheese Sellinr price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb loaf 30e lb.; triplets to wholesalers Z7C lb. loaf 27c. rOB. Eggs Prices to retailers in eases A grade large 47'4c; A medium 43,ic A small 3",c.aozen. Eggs Nominal ' prices to produc ers: A large 44c, B large 41',fcc; A me dium 40c: B larce 4i'ic. Live poultry i Buying prices: wo, grade Leghorn abroilers.. up .to tVt lbs. 30c: colored jryers under 2',i' to lbs. Z9c: . colored roasters . over lbs. 29c: Leghorn fiens under 2'i lbs. 25Vac; over 3',i lbs. 25",ic; colored hens to s lbs. 25,'c: over s lbs. Z5',ic old roosters 21.c lb.; stags 214c lb. Dressed turkeys selling prices country dressed breeder hens 30-32c lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.: bve price to producers 24c lb. nay wnoiesaie prices nominal Alfalfa No. 2 or better 34iW; No. Montana timothy 33X0; No. 1 grass hay 3Z.00: oat-vetch so.oo-so.oo ton, valley points: timothy .(valley) 25.00 ton; clover 25.00-30.00 ton. - Onions Green. 85-60C. dos bunches Texas yeUow 2.73: California 2.75: waiu walla Z.40 per oo-ib. bag. potatoes New Yauma white no. 1. 2.40: local 2.75 cental. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 20c; vealers, AA 8 'A 4 17 'A 13 24. 19 31 33 2 37 HO 42 -43 h44 'A At si 55 -i- "-,;"; . i ;-; 10. Female ruff lLCraggy hiU ' 17.MacawV - ::.':' . 1 ' xa. Pilfer .,;;; :. viv-': 22. More cunning 23. Repetition , . ; 24. Not any J l 25. Mining tools 26. Among; . -j 27. What cape is on the S. E. J coast ol Newfoundland? 28. Render buoyant 32. One without a seat : 1 JS.What ancient town was noted t l tor its strict regime of . i health? 37. Grape !:: -. A 39. Land-measure , 42. Balkan native - ' 4 J. What American invented ' the sewing-machine? 44. Serf 45. S-shaped worm . 46. New: comb, form 47. Small child 48. Sesame .- Answer to yesterday's puzzle, 7-1 S Aferaco Uaso of oelaUea: 24 smlastes. Cist by Kias Features Sradteato, Inc. 777 7Za 122 MiKV T U gL7TC !E SITES z urn jji t Vi 'i uEK T LRtTf T IJL.Lm n 3HTTI0 u3i 4lC5, J. 4;Ct5j ifRHtli iflMP By Quinn Hall rUU U.S.ACJWY ecu Portland 22ic: A." 21 lie: B. 19'ic: C. 17ic: D. 15,ie lb.; canner-cutter cows 14',ic lb.; bulls carver-cutters 1434c; lambs. AA. 20c; a. 24ic; B. 22c; C. 204c; ewes, rs 13'ic; medium 12c; R. 104c; beel. AA 214c; A. 30c; B. lBe.. Wool Government control. ' Cascara bark Dry 20c lb. : Mohair 1942 -12-month. 49c lb. Hops Nominal, seed stock. 1942 crop 1.40 lb.; seedless lb.; contract seeoiess 70c: seed eso lb. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, July 17 AF) Wheat: mo sutures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 49.23. Barley No. 2-45 lb. bw 42.75. Corn unquoted. No. 1 flax 3.03. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1J54 soft white excluding Bex Ul'i; white ciub western red 13a. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1J4',4: 10 per cent l J5; 11 per cent 1 J; u per cent iJSt. Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.43; n per cent i.m; . la per cent 1.45. Today's car receipts: Wheat 05. bar ley 11. flour 4, corn ; 1. oats 2. hay 2, muueed 8. East Side Market - PORTLAND. Ore.. July IT (AP) im mo MtrKei prices today: Apricots The Dalles ISs. IAS: an. pie box 3.50 ; - ' .i ' ... Aspaxaaua Nominal, loos No. 1. a.uu pyramid; nuncnes ia-ijo dosen Cabbage - Round two 1 .50-1.75 crate; local pointed 1.25 crate. - - Beans Green 10-12c lb.; yellow 11 12c Ib Oregon Giant 15c lb.; horse 75C-1.00 lus ' v - . Boysenberries No. 1. 2.1 5-2 J5 crate. Cauliflower (broccoli) No. 1. 2.65: ordinary 2 JO; No. 2, 1JW-1 JO crate. - Cherries Bines. Lamberts 14-10e: Royal Anne 10-12c lb.; pie 10c lb. torn int. uaiies 79-aoc dozen. - ' Root vesetables Turnns 1.10-1 23: beets 35-40e doz. bunches: carrots 35- toc cox. bunches. Greens Swiss chard TSe dozen bunches; watercress 1.00 doz. bunches; mustard 75c dos. bunches. - Lettuce Local 1.00-1J50 crate: leaf stock 00c dos. bunches. Loganberries No, 1. 2.00 crate. Peas Local 8-9c lb.: . Road's Cnd 10c lb. ... Spinach Local ' 1U-1M - aran box. - , . - .... Radishes No. 1 SDrina-. ttd SO-OOe doz. bunches. i. ... .v' Rhubarb Field 1.25-1J0 box. Onions Green 40c dos. bunches. RaSDberrieS 2.0O-2.25- hlackcana 2.00-2.25 crate. ' H . ; , :- Strawberries Orecon Ifanhalla 2.00. 3.50 crate: Red Hearts 2.00 crate. Youncberries Local 2.25-2.40 crate. Potatoes New local 1JOO lu. 1.7i- 25 orange box. . ! . ,.:..;ij-'j Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore . JuJv 17 (APV- IUSDA) Cattle: ror week. saUble 2290; calves 310; market 25-50 lower and very ; slow: bulls off more late; vealers steady; good to choice fed steers 15.00-18.25; grassers 144m down to 10.50; good to choice fed heifers .w-30; crasser 13.00 down to 9.50: eanner and cutter cows s on-aoa- t dairy type to 9.00; grass fat beef cows 10.00-115; medium to good bulls early 11.00-12.75. late 12.00 down: good to choice vealers 14.00-50. early top Hogs: Tor week salable 4770? ulht icceipis largest since November. 1940: market 35 to 50 lower, heavies off most. SOWS 50 to 1-00 lower. IcMtm steady; good to choice 185-230 lbs. late .uu-., carry top i.50; heavier and ugnter weignts 13 JO downward to 12.73 and under; late sales sows 10.25 li-uo. eariy to 11 JO; good to . choice leeaer pigs 19.00-17.Z3. i Sheeo: For week ukU stm- l ame receipts largest sine last Sep tember: spring lambs 25 to 50 lower; older classes steady; good to choice DRESSED : Veal and IlogsSUanfod! 1 Top Prices Paid! ' Prompt Remittance ; Ship to. i 4 l Frci Ilsycr llczl Dividcn i 444 8. W. TamhUl St. or , S. E. S2nd s Fester Blvd. IT,!, i We caa accept enly . -- animals killed la cempUanee. with O. P. A. regulations. ; , - ,: 1 DHS. CHAM . . . LAM Dr.I.T.LunJM J. Dr.G.ChaauN J CIUNrSi: Cerfcalts n 241 North Ierty : ; upsajrs Portland General Clectrlc cp. Otnce open Saturcy only !.f-m- J. Pm.; 8 to 7 cjjn Con wiiauon. Blood pressure sd urine au ere tree cz Ci.ars. .'raeuced A net 1J17. Tuccday'c Radio Programs tSLll TUESDAY 130 Ke. , TtfO News. ;T:05 Rise n' Shine, ; 70 News. . : T .45 Morning Moods.- ' BrOO-Cherry City News. . 8:10 Music. 830 Tango Time. 9-00 Pastor's Call., ... , ' 935 Uncle Sam. 90 Farm Homo Prorrama.. 9:45 Music 100 News. ' 10:05 A Sons and A Dance, 11 30 Music - 110 News. , ' 1130 Hits of Yesteryear. U 0 Org anail ties. KOIN CBS TUESDAY 079 Ke. 8 AO Northwest rami Reporter. 0:15 Breakfast Bulletin. ,, 6 AO Texas Rangers. 05 KOIN Klock. v ' 7:15 Wake Cp News. 730 Dick Joy. News. 7:45 Nelson Pringle, News. 80 Consumer News. 8:15 Valiant Lady. 8 30 Stories America Loves. 8.-45 Aunt Jenny. - 90 Kate Smith Speaks. 9:15 Big Sister. 930 Romance of Helen Trent 9 :45 Our Gal Sunday. 100 Life Can Be Beautiful. 10:15 Ma Perkins ' , 1030 Vie and Sade. 10-43 The Goldbergs. 11 0 Young Dr. M alone. . 11 :15 Joyce Jordan. 11 30 We Love and Iearn. 115 News. 12 AS Bob AAderson. News. KEXBN TUESDAY 11M Ke, - 8 0 We're ! Up Too. ; 8:15 Victory Gardens. . 80 National Farm and Borne 8 :45 Western Agriculture, ) T. -00 Life and the Land. ' I T:15 Music of Vienna. 0 ; T JO News. - 8.-00 Breakfast Club. i t.-oo My True Story. 7 : 9:30 Breakfast at Sardi's. " . 10- 00 Baukhage Talking. 10:15 The Gospel Singer. 1030 Andy and Virginia. 10:45 The Baby Institute. ' 11- 00 Woman's World. 11:15 The Mystery Chef. 11:30 Ladies Be Seated. 12 "00 Songs, KGWNBC TUESDAY 420 Ke. : 4:00 .Dawn Patrol. 8:55 Labor News. - i 8 :00 Everything Goes. . 8 JO News Parade. 7:10 Labor News. I- 7:15 News Headlines es HighlightA ; 7u mcws nraac ' 7:45 Sam Bayes - -; S.-OO Stars of Today. 8:15 James Abbe Covers the News. : 8-30 Rose : Room. ' : 85 David Harum. ' 80 Open Door. 8:15 Larry Smith. ' SJO Mirth -and Madness. . 10 0 Music , , 10:15 News. . . 10 JO Gallant Heart. 10:45 For You Today. 11:00 Light ot the World. 11:15 Lonely Women. 11 SJO The Guiding Light. 11 .-45 Hymns of All Churches. 12:00 Story of Mary Merlin. KALK MBS TCESDAY 1338 Ke. 85 Uncle Sam. 7)0 News 7 :15 Texas Rangers. ' v 7 JO Memory Timekeeper. : . . 80 Haven of Rest. ' 8-30 News. 8:45 Old Songs. . Boake Carter. . 8J5 Woman's Side of the News, . :30 US Waxine BanU ,. 10.-00 News , 1 10:15 Stars of Today. - 10 JO This and That. . 1140 Buyer's Parade. 11 US BUI Hay Reads the Bible, 11 so concert uei 12 .-00 Music KOAC TUESDAY 558 Kb 10 AO News. 10:15 The Homemakers Hour 11.-00 Musie of the Masters. U 4)0 News. ; , 1 Benedictine Press Manager Returns MT. ANGEt- Rev. Francis Burger, general manager of " the Benedictine Press, returned, to ML Angel Friday after about two months in St Vincent's hospital, following a major operation. , Though still weak and unable to put in a full, day's work he was at his desk part of the time Friday. springers 13.00-25, early extreme top 12.75; common grades and feeders around 10.00; medium to good yearlings I0.oo-i2.oo: common down to s.oo: gooa ewes 5.00-50. choice to 8.00 early, com mon down to 2.0O. - A - ll IPoalfisy 01 M ffi3 - ....' Ceiling Pric OS Paid! Highest Prices Paid for Fresh Eggs r I7sriinc:i Pczliry d Dairy ' Products Co. Salem ... Phone 7857 mm ' it IMt i Gn2T - AND HIGHEST CASH ,.pnic3 a! S rrTr-!i Ki at Hac J Salem Marlio The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative ox tne a any market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The statesman: Canning apricots, crate Lettuce, doz. - 3.13 - J 1.71 . SO . 3 .00 . 3 JO 84 JO . LIS . 8 JO .70 . J90 Cauliflower, crate Cora, dos, ears - Avocados, crate Crook, peck squash, crate Italian squash. SO lbs. Cucumbers, doz. ., ,. V ., , ' , Broccoli, case , ' , ' Green onions, dos, bun. Turnips, dos. bun. Calif cabbage. " lb. Jtt Swiss chard, halt doz. bunches JO Hot house tomatoes, lb, js Strawberries, 1 dos. boxes, pts. 2.00 Endive. doa bun. , HO Artichokes doz. J5 BruBsel sprouts. Ib. " 47 Radishes, dos. -bun. .80 Cantaloupe. crate , 7 00 ' Carrou,. doz. bn. ' .70 Spinach, crate - . 1 JO Curly kale, craw 100 Celery.' dos. bun. ' 1.S5 ; Parsnipa, lb. ; Savoy cabbage. " " ' JOS New rutabagas, lb. J7 i watercress, dos. bunches , 1J0 ; Watermelons, pound - '- .00 i Green wsx beans, lb- -, H ureen Deans, lb. - JZ2 1 Plums, to. : Nectarines, tk U) 1 Rasp berries, crate- -. 2.25 i Blackcaps, crate ' 1.79 . Onions, lb. . JDS . GRAIN, HAT AND SEEDS (Baying races) Oats, No X Feed barley, ton Wheat ; -38.00 U 40.00 -38.00 to 40.00 1.00 v DAMS? PClSttOO V001-L X5r4 T?EAUXB KiOTHlMG TWrS EVER GOT IN MDUR. EVES i THIMBLE THEATRE r . rcnr , - it r nr t JC7S.7, - -CUI 1 1 aJ KE. VAjKKIM IM A swtLL UI Mirv-crriDrt ; m - L.' LITTLE ANNIE BOOHEY V&Z Mtm"U 1 aAar ii-si A -ff---2f m coming m roa a 1 Knoawmtzhavcan X 1 , ,1 mjxvCN.eaxiart . h.jur --" CJ I that the amcrjcajsi I TMCES OVER THg C f rAAAOg rT ' , JJM " scorchy sMrrn F- r;nJLz ,,- .m r , -.Jl 1 BARJUTf GOOGLE j , " I i w. 'ttzznzZi I l:pg!- ' f HtM?- TJi If I Xr SXlii hgjj SEg. J-K ,tlA.M f rOUAry? y fA UCOLC WHURS?V, FKAU f 1 v what v3bTTrrfT-r--sr -l ?s vXA r-f t dipf-ulta? x-fks nseMMMp-ls-i -TTT r EMI -- i u n r - -BHt-a-" a t n-'n ra Tar i ij euew nyvw 1 vbl raMT TTfVU THE fct CAtt&8' A ts: tlKX! LIFT TCVrt, I'M UT1- ,N, 60T th.: Lorn: rai:g r s r r rl . i (Ml j C! !!! l y LJ..-. VV . .mi, i .in -"i 1 . .. V. - Quo lationi BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Aadresen's Baying price (Subject to change without notice.) BUTTEKFAT . Premium No. 1 J4 J3 JO J7 NO. 3 Extra large, white and brown BUTTER PRINTS A i ' ' " " - -'" .0V4 ASH B Ouarters EGGS Extra large Medium . Standards Al , .41 J7 J7 JtS J9 J3 Jl .Pullets Cracks POULTRY Colored frys up to ty lbs. Colored frys over 3, lbs. , colored hens White Lee horn frys White Lecborn-hens JO Marioa Creamery's Baying Prices) (Subject to change without notice) EGGS. . . Large A - . .41 . Medium A j Xt POULTRY All hens All springs JS'.fc J9 JO Roosters or stags Above prices for prime stock, under grades according to value. LIVESTOCK 1 Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based en conditions and sales reported. Shorn lambs 8.00 to t.OO Spring lambs ; 12 JO Ewes . , 3.00 to 5 00 Hogs, top. 160-223 lbs. 13.73 Z sows . i 10.00 to 11 JO Top veal. 150 lbs. 13.00 Dairy type cows .,-,. , 8.00 to 7 JO Beef type cows Bulls 8.00 to -10.00 9.00 to 12.00 950 to 1QJ0 JO and Jl Heifers Dressed veal IPCPeyErrSREST- 0XMPV rSNTT, BUT rgrX)ES MATTER ILESS ASHORB Ehoksktt THESE I J tmmmmmmm i I BrVICV I sn 1 I GOTTA KURRy CLBCKANr FINISH THE TJISHES,50I KIN I 1LC, -T - 'y vi5n EsrrsyXM i KTjow-Y rty wocJYin if t. CAJT JS5T LOrtE CAPE2 THE f MAKE A MOVE A6AIM4T AME-). Wi LOOK WHAT WtVE, wivd y a frr rM - it rh : .- 7 GGNMA fl GIVE BUSY A SWELL r-TT DAY OLD AND STARTED -i . .-' jvTheat Stages iilinor Advanc Short -Coverinrr in Rye Pit, 7hich 1 Off 10 Cents J ClilCAGO, July 17-)-Wheat staged a minor advance in the usual, quiet Saturday trade, a let-up In hedging pressure from the southwest leaving the market iwith only moderate offerings. Traders showed little Inclination to bur, however, and the rrain drifted rather aimlessly most of the session. , - - 1 A-little short covering came In to rye, which was off as much as 10 cents from Its recent hi eh. and the grain rallied slightly. At the close wheat was un changed to Ya higher, July $1.44 September $1.44 oats were lower. 'July 70 Ya. and rye was unchanged to higher. July $1.07. .; Diminished hedging pressure apparently reflected the fact farmers in the southwest were less inclined to sell their new wheat as prices in many areas had slumped below the loan leveL More grain was going into the government loan and less into POPEVE HAS PLUMGED A R3R r610 JiJ" AT A SPINNlNQ GLQgE TO 5EE WHERE IM THE VA rriM'A OCEAKI. 5 M0K BET5y-I GOTTA ITS HJRCy An DCE55 UP FDR THE BJG ffcEADf; . TKrt WHOLE JAILS FULL OF TK M04T TAtlCECOU WUES Itl . TK CEGKXI THEY'RE CIAPY TO FXjHT FOR 1 ! I r " t T i Li lii mt mm -W 173 G. Ulrrljs r i I U5E9f hA I All 4 ? the open' market in that area, trade advices stated. - For IIcEItalizaticn ; Worry over money prolongs illness; halts recovery. Speed up your getting well by the security of a personal loan to pay your hospital bill. - I Toull be surprised at how easy it is to ret a loan . , . bow simple to repay It. ' I i 3 t ? -3 Co 212-222 Guard Un Cldg. . Corner Liberty State Telephone . 8168 lie. S2U T.I222 . , We are always In the market to bey for CASH Real ft. state Merteages and contracts. Mer chandise Diaceont Paper and Nates. iTHAr'S NOT AN OWDtWAKV LiiniJTi.r-J - J-tJ-i EVADOR HAS no i KfciUKTfajK5 ARE H0LLOU. 'YUU KNOUU, rVslU HMT --v-----------------L' -vCEAM, E3JT'THA'A OUST LIKE MAGC-0RA STCRY DOCK ONE MINUTE VOTCrTA C-SnCdTa- THEN PCE5T0.CHANG0.' WIPE A . . Vi-S vs they've eoriof v tkeyce r.rr.t3 1J OUT OF THIS LUXUtTr JAIL, TKcY'LL L ! ACCMTEP ai Musr2 CKACE THAT ARE WAmSI' F02 "EM JW LET TH L0KE KARCE.2 TSy 0ME i THi t ? 1 f j &HIII-J ! . J l- ,t K 1 -J,Q .