Their Golden Wedding Day . . . : Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Lee, who have been residents cf Salem for fifty years, are celebrating their golden wedding .day on Tuesday. July 13, at their home at 1515 State street They are inviting their friends, through the press, to attend . the reception, hours for which have been set at 3 to 6 In the afternoon and 8 to 10 in the evening. ,' - The daughters-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd Lee and Mrs, Paul Lee, "Will greet guests at the door during the afternoon Jiours. Mrs. George Mclntyre and Mrs." Lawrence Edwards will introduce ' to the line.' In the receiving line with the host and hostess will be Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A.Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee, : Miss Helen Atwoodcf Gig Harbor, Washington, sister of Mrs. Lee, and Mrs. George Mclntyre of Klamath Falls, her niece. Mingling with the guest3 and assisting about me rooms will be Mrs. Mable Lockwood, Mrs. Ada Skiff, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Schulze. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Baker, Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Blatchford. Mrs. O. W. Emmons and Mrs. Carrie Beechler. Inviting guests," to the dining room will be Mrs. . H. A. Smart, Mrs. J. H. Standley and Mrs. Bess Stevenson.' Pouring and cutting the ices will be Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Minnie Humphrey. Mrs. Addie Curtis, Mrs. C. F. Breit haupt Mrs. H. TL Vandevort, Mrs. Cora Holman, Mrs. Amie -Mills, MrsF. C, DeLong and Mrs. Cora Smith. , ; " Serving in the dining room during the afternoon will be. - Mrs. James M. Taylor, Mrs'. Virgil Hume, Mrs. A. J. Grose. Mrs. Preston Doughton, Mrs. Paul Acton, Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Mrs. F. W. Taylor, Mrs. M. E. Palleske, Mjs. Kenneth McLeod. Mrs. Vern D. Bain, Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, and Mrs. Daryl Jones. ' " ; Mrs. N. S. Savage, Mrs. R. L. Farmer . and Mrs. O. W I Jewett will be In charge of the guest book on the, porch. . i... Serving at the punch bowl will .be Miss Helen" Atwood, - Miss Mildred Simons, Miss Maud Simmons, Marian Mclntyre, ' Claralyn and John Lee. - , .., Jr -V . , A short program will be given each hour by Miss Ruth Bedford, Mrs. Mary Addie Curtis, Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Mrs. Lawrence Edwards, Miss Edith McF airham, Marian Mclntyre. and Claralyn Lee. An original, poem written for the occasion will be read. , The serving table will be centered with a crystal bowl of ; yellow and white flowers. Hanked by matcking candles in - suver cunaeiaoras. oasjceis oi aexpnuuume,.camauons, snap dragons and greenery will be used in the reception rooms. -; ; In the evening, Mrl and Mrs. Lee's daughters-in-law will greet guests at" the door, with Miss -Beryl Holt introducing to " the line. , ' ! ' ' " Mingling with the guests will be Dr. and Mrs. J. C Har-" rlson, Df. and Mrs. M. C. Findley, Mri and Mrs. Frank Bennett, Mr. arid Mrs. Oren Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards. Inviting guests to the dining room will be Mrs. W. E. Kirk and Miss Olive .M, DahL - f - i Pouring and cutting the ices will be Mrs. John Herrick, Mrs. Edna Waterman. Mrs. Walter Winslow, Mrs. Theodore lUakko, Mrs. Silas Fairham and Mrs. T. S. Roberts. n - Serving in me dining room will be Mrs, Wade Ellis, Mrs. E. T. Hartwell, Mrs.r, Waldo Marsters', Mrs. Harold McMillan.. Mrs. L. V. Shaffer. Mrs. Emmett Welling, Mrs. J. Ed Savage, Mrs., Donald Brazie. Mrs. George Lewis Mrs. Roy Lockenour, "Mrs.' Earl "Soling arid Mrs., Waldo Zeller.- ,:' -A? t In charge" of the guest b6ok'inhe evening will be Mrs. Wesley -Wireand Mrs.'Mervin GilsOT.-In? charge. of. the punch bowl will be Mrs. W. L, Robins, Mrs. Earl McLaughlin, Miss Lena Cherrington. Miss Phebe McAams, Miss Ruth McAdams .and Miss Janice Judson. . - ;t , The program for the evening will include numbers by Prof. T. S. Roberts, , Mrs. Theodore UllakkOi Mrs. Mervin Gilson, Miss Eleanor Siewert and Mrs. Joe Brazie. . :. WOMEN'S .. Clubs Music EC ON " ' ' " " ' in, -m- Ml ilimwini WIWH...U! imimliu ,. mm. mm ' " -.( ,. ,''"'- t. X ' : : " J . - i id ' . sv .. . . .:",:-.... .V ::..:.::.::........;..: . f ' . .- -r : . -: ' : '' 1 1 : ? V 1. t . . t ! 5 , $ - -vt . .'-!:..:.-.'''::: :;'.: - y -. ": . ' " ' v i i , - ,i, " t r r. ' ' . . : t - ' i .-y. j. c 3. , " I ' . i; . ...x,..L . ".. - ... . : - ' - t ; ; t:::-'-,- vr'-' . ,f ; 'U-h-':---'f n-: ; ;.;,::",. i.-;: A recent bride is Mrs. Arthur Bliven, the former ' Katherine Gerig, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. 'Nick Gerig, who Was married at a ceremony in' the - -Bellevue Baptist church' at. Memphis, Term., in June. The groom a technician in the naval air corps, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bliven. , They will ; live In Memphis as long as Mr. Bliven. is stationed there (Kennell-Eilis photo). , - : ,u , k A R. and Mrs. Vemon E.- Hasness, married at Knight Memorial church on Tuesday night . The bride is the former Nadine Myrle Lewis, dough- .. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Lewis, and Pvt. Hasness is : tlie ' son of Mrs. Katherine Hasness of Lewistown, Ohio, They were married by .Rev; H C. Stover. They, will live in Salem while Pvt Hasness' is stationed ot the fairgrounds. (Jesten-Miller photo), ' - -4 - 1 Silver Anniversary '.i i- . Au Revoir to "Mrs. : Jenks Mrs. W. J.: Minkiewitz and Mrs.! J. M. Devers were host ; esses on; Thursday afternoon at a party given in honor of Mrs.. Walter . T. Jenks who wjlt leave soon to make her Home i j t-t i v : t ,r tt il. " r"- New Haven, Connecticut whose husband is professor of surg ery at Yale university. The party was held at the' Minkiewitz home on Richmond street, . i - The hostesses used garden, flowers to decorate the table, when thd 1 o'clock luncheon was served. 4 .Invited were members of the Theater Arts Drama group, ef which Mrs. Jenks has been . a member for the past ten years. Those making up the group are Miss Alice Crary Brawn, Mrs., Else Ebsen, Mrs; F.-A. Elliott, Mrs. Blanche Jones, Mrsy Melvin- Geist. . Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs." K Ivan Lovell," Mrs! Egbert Oliver. Mrs. T S Roberts, : Mrs.; Y.'M. Sackett," Mrs. fW. J." Minkiewitz, Mrs. Devefs and Mrs." Jenks. ..... ' Mrs. R. C. Stuller,, the former Edith Mae Jenks of McMinn ville, was a special guest ProL and Mrs. Stuller'are here for me summer-while -Prof.' Stuller takes work at Willamette university," ";;-, I : 'i j " V. I" During . the afternoon. Mrs. -Melvin Geist : reviewed, the book "Past "Imperfect" by-'llka ; Chase. ! 1 ' .V : 1' Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Wednesday at the country cabin of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Siewert with a group of friends. Supper was eaten out under the trees and the evening spent" around the fireplace. ; Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Siewert Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. " L M Doughton,1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudkins and Prof, and Mrs. Roberts. 't ' f Prof and Mrs. Roberts, the former Ethel Harding, then a school teacher, were married by Dr. R. N. Avison at the First Methodist church. : 1 Vows Read at Home ; At a ceremony; Thursday at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Miss Dorothy Johnson became the bride of Mr. Robert 'Gahlsdorf of the navy.' She is the daughter o( Mrs. Earl Rowland. The manage vows were exchanged before the fireplace which was banked with green, ferns and bouquets of white hydrangeas. - i - ' Miss Jewell Gueffroy played a medley of wedding selec ; tions, and the wedding marches. Rev. W. Irvin Williams of the First Presbyterian church read the service. . ; The bride was given in" marriage by her grandfather, Mr. ; C. A Johnson. She. wore a two-piece ensemble of navy blue and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Shirley Johnson, sister of I the bride, was the honor attendant' Mr. Lyle Johnson of the navy served as best man. . I At the reception which followed the ceremony, Mrs. H. A. Gueffroy presided at the punch bowl. Assisting with the serv ing were , Miss Phyllis Gueffroy, r Miss - Shirley Johnson and Mrs. Lenard Robertson. -, ', ' - - Friday morning "the "couple left for Normart, Oklahoma, where the groom is stationed. ? . : :,- .. i .,.r Mrs. Gahlsdorf is a. graduate of Salem high school and of the Oregon College of Education. Mr. Gahlsdorf was gradu ated from Salem high school and is now an instructor in avia tion maintenance for the United States navy. They'll Be Married Today ... At 4:30 thi3 afternoon at St Paul's Episcopal church, Ml: 3 Shirley Joyce .Cronemiller, daughter of 1-fr, and .Mrs. Lynn Foster Cronemiller, will become the bride of Corporal David -Gordon Winthrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vincent Davis, cf Maiden, MassachusetLs, at, a ceremony read by Rev. George Herbert Swift i .." 0, I ' , : t- ,. i . The bride will be given in marriage by her father. ; . Miss Emily Davis of Maiden, sister of the groom, will be - maid cf honor and bridesmaid will be Miss Betty May Vehrs of Grants Pass. . . ' - ' '? Mr. William" Moshier of Seattle will be . best man, and . ushers will bt-Lt Lynn F. Cronemiller, jr., of Yuma, Arizona, brother of the bride, Mr. Walter Cline, Mr. Dean Ellis and Mr. Ralph Nohlgren. ' , " I MrsI Thofnas J. Drynan will sing preceding the ceremony, and Mrs.f Kenneth Dal ton will play fter accompaniment and the wedding "marches on the organ. ; 1 Following the'eeremony a wedding supper will be served at the Marion hotel, and attended ; by the . wedding party, - relatives and a few intimate friends; .ji " 7 Planning to attend the wedding of their niece are Mrs. H. J, McPherson of Seattle," Mr. and Mrs. Noel H. Wynne and Miss Gladys Orford of Tacoma. - . ; . ' ' : i f Following ! the wedding rehearsal on Saturday night, a buffet supper was served at the Cronemiller home. A crystal bowl of garden flowers and tapers in crystal holders decorated the lace covered tabled ' ; Miss Cronemiller graduated iri home economics from Oregon State college and-was affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta.. She has been employed by KIRO and by the Seattle Times for the past two years. . ' " ! Mr. Davis, a graduate of University of Illinois at Urbana, and the CornisH-school in Seattle, has" been educational di- . rector on station KIRO and. is now stationed at Kessler. Field, Mississippi," as a dramatic writer for the radio division of the , public relations department there.' ' i , ' " . ,i ' Does a Mdn' lob. . . .' ! x ; By Marine Buren . ' . ' 1 If you don't intend to Join the WACs, you'd better not listen , to Lt Lilian Garrick Salem's army recruiting officer. She'll make you yearn to get into a uniform and take a man's place in non-combat duty. - Y - : p First thing Lt Garrick impresses on her .listeners is that the WACs are feminine, with no intention of looking or acting like men. They are taking the place of soldiers in 410 out of the 500 jobs assigned -to the army. Each classification is proficient in most ot these jobs than men. i ; "" She quickly spikes the rumor that women are put. through, 'strenuous drills and very hard Vork at the training centers. Drilling is taught because the army believes it is the best way to teach discipline, is an excellent farm of exercise,-and marching is the best way to get a large number of persons from one point to another, with a minimum of .confusion. And then too, Lt Garrick says, one of the greatest thrills in being in the service, comes on the parade ground, for on ,you de pends perfection of the drilL . ,.-r But while blond Lt Garrick speaks enthusiastically about an interesting subject ifs the lieutenant herself-, thatjattracts her listeners. Both men and women agree she's a" good recom mendation for the WACs. , r Though she lists ' Hollywood as her home address, Lt Garrick has" lived" pretty much all over. the world.-With .the name of Garrick, and claiming David Garrick, greatest of Shakespeare actors as an ancestor, her faihily was naturally interested in the stage. She received part of her education in England, while her actor-parents were playing engagements on the London stage Until, she was 17 she played child parts on the Broadway stage Y i-"v' " ' ' ' i1 - - She was one of & group of young Americans to Volunteer to drive ambulances in China during the early days of the war and after serving , there, returned home . via Germany, France; and other European countries, "just to look, around." ! Entering with the first group of WAAC recruits, at Fori Groups Will Meet y. t, The President Returns ; . . Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead returned' this week from Boston and New York, after attending the General Federation of Wpmen's club's board of directors meeting representing the Oregon Federation, of 'which she is the president ' I The meeting was, policy forming, stated Mrs. Moorhead upon her return home, ; and many speakers of nation-wide importance were present to discuss plans for the future; Heads of the women's war services were speakers: Coli Oveta Culp Hobby of the WACs, Lt Com. Mildred McAfee of the WAVES Lt Com. Dorothy Stratton of the SPARS and Major Ruth Streeter of the marines gave talks, as did Mrs. Nancy Love, who heads the important women's air Jerry squadron,' Mrs. Emily Newell Blair of the war department public relations. Miss Nancy Baird director of nursing service for the Red Cross, and Miss Mar garet Hickey of the wot, manpower commission. ' ' v ; Speakers on peace and post war- planning -included Eli Culbertson, Senator .Joseph' H. Ball of Minnesota Hon. Paul ; Appleby,- undersecretary of agriculture, and others. ' ?" I It was interesting to note, said Mrs. Moorhead, that none of the speakers invited to the meetings sent a substitute. -V "v Marion' auxihary Veterans .of Foreign Wars,- will hold its monthly, meeting . on Monday, night ' at 8 o'clock at Veteran's hali. , Electiorr of delegates i td the national convention will be 1 held during the 'session- and reports "of the state convention .held recently in Portland rwill be made. . . 1 , ' - Deaconess w omen to pieet . Members of the" Salem Deaconess" Hospital auxiliary will roeet Mdnday at thehospitalffor the July session. The business I meeting -will begin at 1:30 p. m and will be opened with a I devotional, message' by Mrs; Irving Fox. Rev. and Mrs. Rudie ' Larson will be special guests .and Rev. Larson, newly ap ' pointed, fAaplcdn of the hospital, will be the speaker for the 'afternoon. - ' ' -" n - 1 .. ; Hostesses named are "Mrs. E D. BueH, chairman. Mrs. E. ;Krebs. Mrs. Monroe Cheek. and Mrs. A.' 9. Cpndit v , ' ' The .art and program committees of the Business and Professional Women's club held a Joint meeting Friday at the ! heme of MrsV Effie Arehart. SCO . Garnet street . The program for the coming year was discussed and plans made for the Issuance of the club's annual year bock, and roster of members. Chainnan'of the art committae i3 Mrs. Arehart" and Miss - '-ia 1 'cElhaney is chcirmcn cf the program committee... "AWeddincj Ceremony, . ;. .1 ; : The wedding of Miss Norma Hodge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." IV5 L. Hodge,; and Lt William. J. Grijalva, son of Mrs. : ' Amelia . Grijalva of San Francisco, , was solemnised in the Carrier , roorn of me" First MemcKdist'churcrj at 3 o'clock on i Saturday aftenTOonV by ;Dr.; J. C. .';Harris6nl-v ;v f f - ' The bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father, wore a street length ' dress ' of aqua crepe with white acces- ' soriesf The. dreswas rncd j1 pieces, with a peplum ; edged with ruching, "a ; high neck :and short sleeves. 'The bridal flowers were pink and white iweetpeas., pink rosebuds L and . bouvardia. Si ly!;"-'- - J i;-.y i-i?j,x-y The bride's steterl; wore a gown of. cinnamon crepe, with cinnamon accessories ' and her flowers were, sweet peas, in yellow and white. : . . The groom", 'was attended by "ttlaH..Pcerj.&' .medical - battalion Cam; AdairVT :.;" ; Preceding me ceremony,1 Josephine Bross'-McGee sang ; 1 :.;SduaberY3,"Ave; i -J-- .was lot, the 'pianb. w K: .r'yjrV t,WH:'vli .- . ...... ' : -; -;. . - - - - " .' " ' " : , ' JNars. fioage wore-a-. aress -oi DiacK-ana wmw pimwu Party, for a Visitor . 5 sheer with" a corsage of gardenias Mrs. Grijalva 'was to attena -me weaamg oi ner : son. -. -rr? .i::' ; , " i ' ! Thf rprpntiori wrrs held In the : Carrier room following the Mrs.' Harold Busick;was hostess on Thursday night to j ceremony - ThonjBrepfc .w?xi iBcmkejd wTfiFarfci andrVhite members of her evening . bridge club. A specicd ' guest, wca I r, g Mrs. Joseph Harvey; jr.. a former .member of the group, who .-v MrsJFernly iDruryi MlssThelma Itorlory ; MrsiH. - Qay is visiting her mother. Mrs. EUen' Fisher,: here. i - Tavlor 'and Miss,Ouve Cole'assisted at "meieception.;"Miss ! Qub members at the evening affair were! Mrs. Wheeler English. Mrs.:Wayne Page,, Mrs.; George Scales, Mrs. Kenneth Manning, Mrs. William 'Dashney,, Mrs. Edward Stadter, jrl, Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Busick, "1 A Dance for; Officers '....- A group of some. 30 girls were hostesses on Friday night at a dance.given fori the staff officers "of the '70th division in the Chamber of CornSierce roomsThis: is thg second of such invitational dances . given by the young; Salem women. 1 The Misses Finestme Frederi Wirtz., Nancy Stricklin ' and Helen Ostrin acted C3 hostess committee; and were assisted by Major John E. Devine. '.' "Colehere from'Cenne WmmgU : ;r;r When the bride ano! groom left -for "a trip' tothe '.Oregon beaches she was wearing ;a dress - of white Jersey." with - coin 'dots -of cinnamon color,, The dress is made with a dirndl skirt .and has aguilteoT jacket with three-quarter sleeves. Her ; corsage was of Talisman roses, r - V Following .their Honeymoon, Lt . and Mrs... Grijalva , will v .live in the Anjbcssador apaiLnents. : .".'.,. ; ; ;" Mrs. Grijalva, a graduate of Salem schools, has recently - been, employed in the public utilities department of the state.; "She was active in the Order cf Rainbow "for Girls,, serving as-. ' the worthy advisor. ' ; : " ' ,..;': V;; - " ;.Lt Grijalva aduated from San Francisco j schools and i " . prior to entering the amy was -employed by. an .exporting , .; firm there. He is' now in thi rr.cdlccl battalion' staticr.r d el' i -t -J.. .-4 1 - . LT. LILIAN GARRICK :- . ' ' Des Moines, she went in as an auxiliary, became a corporal and .then went to oiiicer candidate school," Coming cut with a second lieutenant's bars, the applied for, and got, a placa in tiie speaker's bureau. After spending four and ona-hall pon'.hs on EDeaking tours of the middle west Lt Garrick cr. '--3 fcr transfer to the northwest on recruiting service. -Follow eral months in Portland, she asked to be translcnc, , "because I like Salem," she adml'J. . . , l Now Lt Garrick is awaiting a call to oversea3 c she hopes eventually to become a correspondent f. r i She trunks -that with her experience cs cn au.-..-commirdrncd- cilice r and cn clccr, 'the -know3 frc-n il.3 cround up. end ccu!d .:I cbcut thtns. J I A kS. r'. a