The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    r f PAGsroua
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"No Favor Sway Us; No Fear Shall Awe
'Frca First Statesman, Uarcb 23, 1231
CHARLES A. SPHAGUE, Editor and Publisher - -
. , . - - .;,-. - - . ' - ; ;
:-;r: -, ,' Member of The- Associated Press'
.LTh Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all
news dispatches credited to ft or not otherwise credited In this newspaper.
Sicily invaded I
- , . - . tally ill has occurred In the past quarter-cen-
' - tury; and we can be sure that our government
The invasion of Sicily: is. a prelude to the in- - will provide the best of care and treatment for
vasion of the continent; and j the subsequent - the victims of "war madness,"
act of this great drama may not I be long. de, r -j . W .
layecL From Sicily to the mainland of Italy Delazon Smith . I 7' f "
la hut a two-mile . lump. 11 we uiuss hj
VAmm the island undoubtedly they will hop
across the; strait of Messina to reduce already.
tottering Italy. ' A 7- 1
But other thrusts may be m early anticipation
elsewhere in the Balkans, in southern France, .
where th6 Germans seem to be assembling for
ces, in Norway perhaps in western Europe
itself. For one things we have heard nothing of
Montgomery since the early battles in Tunisia,
save" for his message of congratulation to; his
troops. He may be' commanding another adven
ture? say invasion from .the middle East. It
would be quite logical for the allies to strike
hard and in as many places as possible without
to much dispersion of force. All we can-do is
to await developments. - - j
If- Sicilv crumbles in short order Italy may
throw in the towel without waiting for allied
- The use of names' of Oregon pioneers on new
Liberty .ships! should give ,the present -genera'
tion of prcgonians a .short course in Oregon his
tory. Someone recently confessed his ignorance
of the' men whose names appear on the frieze
in the legislative chambers of the state capi
toL Yet those inames were carefully chosen and
deserve a place on such a roster. One name, little
known now, but well known in the days of Ore
gon's beginnings, is that of Delazon Smith, giv
en recently to a ship launched at Oregon Ship
building yards. - -
1 Smith, a native of New York, came to Oregon
from Iowa in 18521 He was both a lawyer and a '
newspaper : man ,and lost no time in becoming
active in Oregon affairs. He founded the Albany
Democrat, which survives as the Democrat Her
ald, in 1833, waa a member of the territorial
, landings. Hitler wfll hardly waste much of his j legislature of 1854-6, of the constitutional con- -strength
in defense of Italy whose usefulness - vention in 1857. He, with Gen.-Joe Lane, was ' ,
as an ally has passed with the loss of the Med- . elected to the US senate but the delays in con- "
KtRBiuiuu action on vrregon siaienooa sept nim
waiting so he did not take office until Feb. '
Herranean,'-;'..:"::..-:' ,:;Hr v '-.
All indications are that the , attack has been
carefully planned, is "mounted in full strength
and has been preceded by crippling bombard
ment. So lire can -have little doubt as to the re-
suit, hopeful as we are for an early decision that
our forces may. press on for the final grapple
with' the1 "beast' of Berlin." f ,pL-t4'
History Is Long
i .
14, 1859, serving untfl March 4th of thei same
year, when his term expired, j-. h::, H ff:: ; t
.- Meantime politics in Oregon waa in ferment
The old Salem Clique headed by A. Bush, Ben
Harding, and Lafayette Grover was breaking
with the Joe Lane faction. Oregon democracy, '
longldominant, was splitting between the Doug-.
las democrats arid the Breckenridge-Lane" Dro-
slavery democrats. Smith was lined up with his
colleague, Joe Lane, and when his term expired
Chayter SI ContliineJ .
' : There were scowls and mut
tering ; from the other handlers.
Paul expanded. lie, too, be -an
to claim his heritage. He threw
back to the handler behind him,.
"She's got to be up at the front
where she belongs or there's no
show.1 i Ila spoke as if Howdy
were the veteran -of a hundred
shows, and not a tyro In the
arena. : - - -' ;-- .. ', ;
In his excitement; Paul fum
bled her lead, and it UVL from
his ' hand. Rowdy's head swept
to an are, as she caught It in
mid-air. This was the game Ann
had taught her on those early
morning 1 walks. If the. lead
touched the ground you lost, and
had to do It all over again. Paul
had frowned at the performance;
he didn't approve of show dogs
being taught tricks.
- Rowdy was doing it all by
herself at this moment She even
added the extra fillip of throw-
lng fhe lead in the air with the
manner of an ! , accomplished
French chef tossing a salad. Paul
reached for it but that too, was
part of the game. J came in
which the mouth was quicker
-7 rrcres
. 1 - ,
' vEut the for-t to
that this was a c.:l.
and .the-? rst fc'rcJ to V. : pur-.
; pie were wua to avcij tha r-.arch
, of klnzs. The fcandlsra LehLid.
were thrown out cf their gait
they bunched up hi to
break strlia; and Li etlc -'Jr.
to control their char-es . with
; their leashes they merely ad Jed
to the confusion.
Doctor Eirria tried to trinj
order by l? Ir.j ths tf-.-l for the
gait la th bis breeds the gait
is a revealing test cf the lndivid
uaL He or she must be articulat
ed for fast flowing covers j cf
the terrain, the movement must
be ; efortless, graceful from ev
ery angle, a melody unbroken
like a Viennese waltz.
Rowdy stepped forward. End
less miles of early morning
workouts, with Ann Jcg-trotting
at her side, had put not only
polish but speed upon that gait.
Paul made one last futile ges
ture to grab the lead, lest she
begin to pace, or even take it
Into her head to 'bound out Into'
the circle of spectators to find
Ann nut . nnn juitn-.j I. '
her feet hardly touched the
Our. 'Sunday Punch
The Native Sicilian, if his memory ran back
to the beginnings of habitation on the island, in March the special session of May 16th follow- "
would experience littte surprise as heJooks up ing wouldn't reelect him. In fact it was so badly
to see British . and American and" Canadian,
troops landing on the shores of his island. For
he could remember when" the cruising Phoeni
cians, many centuries before the birth of Christ
founded settlements on the west coast one of
which is the modern Palermo; and he could re
call the establishment of Greek colonies in the
eighth, century, BC, of which Syracuse was
chief . He coiild remember when the Carthagin- :
iansf controlled the sea and established their
colonies on the island; and how it became a R67 i
man province during the second Pumc war
spm inat no one was elected and the Oregon
' seat was vacant for a time. Smith died in 1880.
Three children of Smith are still livingVannie
Smith, Albany, one-time sheriff of Linn coun
ty, Delazon Smith, real estate man of Portland,
and Mrs. Thomas, formerly of Jefferson, now
of Albany. 1 ' .. .
1 This crack-up of Oregon democracy was not
healed. Grover, of the Salem clique, first con
gressman, was defeated by Lansing Stout in the
state democratic convention, which widened the :
breach between the Bush and Lane factions.
(214-212 BC). the one in which the great math- , Grover was a protege of Bush's and sercxl
ematician and Physicist Archimedes, was killed ? editor orf the Statesman on occasion when Bush
when an ignorant soldier interrupted him in was absent' And the republican party was on.
his study.' i the rise, led by the Portland Oregonian. Logan,
This, native of long memory could recall the . the republican candidate gave Stout a close call
glory ftheRoman empire, the visit of St Paul .. in the general election.
to-Syracuse on his way to Borne (Acts 28:12).
, He might reinber how fierce were those Vandals
5 who overran the island in the fifth century, .
' AJD and how the Saracens sacked it in the -ninth
century, and then of the swings in politi
cal fortunes as crusaders and rival princes
came and went until after its own brief up
swing of fortune under the "Two Sicilies' 4he
When the legislature met on Smt in' iRun
it.waa composed of 24 Douglas democrats, 16
Breckenridge-Lane democrats and ten repub
licans. To prevent action 'six of the Lane fac
tion hid-out for about two weeks, but were per
suaded to return. ? Finally Jthe Douglas demo
crats and republicans made a fusion,' electing
James W. Nesmith, a democrat of the Bush fae-
island became a minor part of the modern Italy, tion, and Edward B. Baker, friend of Lincoln,
xne conquerors 01 inis lsiana in me cross
roads of the Middle Sea, they come, and they
1 go! But the waters of the sea' and ' the" skies
above stay blue, the sirocco wind still blows
across the narrow waters from the Sahara, the
olives and grapes ripen in their season. British
and American and Canadian, trey too will pass,
like . the Greeks, the Saracens, like Archimedes
and St Paul. But Sicily will 'remain, with an
other layer added to its already, long history.
S:0& Lanfwortti roursome. :
SM Music. - .
SM-J4ws la Bzid.
SKS-SpirituaJ Interlude. .-
Barp.VioUa Trie.
S dS Gospel. -'-v . . .
lS-World to Hertow.
Moonbcaia Trio.-
10:3 Hit Tnttcs of Tomorrow. :
' 11 American Lutberaa Church.
liXO SuMtt Trio. 7
13:15 War Commentary. r
12 JO Golden UelodT. v . ,
10 Younf People1 Churck. ,
130 Music. , -
SAO Isle of Paradise. - '
S:1S Vote of Restoration. ; .
S ao Vocal Vartetiea. ,
3.-00 KBS Sunday Srmpboar.
S 30 "Boya" Town,- :
40 Skipper Henderson .mad Crew.
4:15 Modern Melody Trio. -
JO Alex Klrllloff Russian Orch.
SAO Old Fashioned Revival Hour. '
AO Tonight's Headlines.
US Anita Boyer and Torn boy era.
30 Del Courtney Orchestra, -TAO
Bob Hamilton's Quintonea.
T30 Lanfworth Norelty and Saloa
.1. Group. - ,
SAO First Presbyterian " Church.
, MM Music. . .
: SAO News Summary. .- t
at OrsanallUea.
30 Back Home Hour.
10 AO News.
10as Dream Time.
a-si a - ants scndat ns k. v
"AO Wesley Hadlo Leagu.
, S 30 Central Church of Christ.
:45 Rev. V. W. McCain.
AO Detroit Bible Claam,
' 30 News. - ,
.-45 Music. "
It AO News.
! 5 Romance of the HI-Ways.
10 30 Pucker Up '
1045 News.
11 AO Pucrim Hour.
13 AO Concert.
13:15 Mews.
13 30 Music.
1 AO Lutheran Hour.
; 130 Younc People's Church.
SAO Temple Baptist Church. ..
S 30 Portland Bible nrrma.
SAO Murder Cllnie.
330 Upton Close.
345 Music
AO Dr. Johnson. ,
Next day's
1030 Orchestra.
11 AO Music '
1135 News.
MJdnisht to f a m, MmU and M
4 AO Dawn Patrol. " 7 ,
AO News. - V""r-
:15 Commands Mary.
30 Music :- . s -
T AO Bible " '
T 30 Words and Music. .
SAO The Church m Yew-Home,. ;
' S 30 News.
Srts The Dlnnlns Sisters.
9 AO Commen tator. . -- : - ,
as Music - ' ' :.
30 That They Might Live,
10 AO Rupert Hushes. : k ' ''.
10:15 JLbor for Victory. .
1030 We Believe. -
11 AO Chicaso Round Table. I
1130 John Charles Thomas, :
13 AO Washington Reports oav Ka-
' tioninc. "
11 asUpton Close, Commenoitor.
xmy Ha
wno nad come to Oregon earlier in 1860 to
stump the state for his friend. Line came hams
in disrepute because of rumors that he planned
a secession movement for a "Pacific Republic"
Grover later was twice elected governor; and
once United States senator. t - .
The full history of this period has never been 4"
written, especially that dealing with the breach sao Mediation Board.
between Bush i and Lane. Bush : long carried
Lane's nameas head of the ticket The Statesman
endorsed.' The late J udge Carey, author of the
best history of Oregon attributed the , break
to Lane's delay tin putting through the state
hood bill, but Bush himself had not been a lead
er in the statehood campaign. In fact in the mid
50's he was opposed to the move. It might have
come over? the slavery r Issue, but Bush ! was
strongly anti-abolitionist and ' anti-republican.
1330 The Armr
. . imUM OX thOrrros. ' 1 iv.,
15 News. ...
SAO Symphony Orchestra.
- SAO News Headllnea and HishEghw
S :1S Cathelie Hour. . . .
S45 Newsmakers.
AO Those We Lore ' v
, 430 Band WarosjL M l
8 AO Paul Whitman. . ' -'
, 530-One Man's Family. ' t
AO Manhattan Merry -Go-Round. '
30 American Album , Familiar
' Muata.
T AO Hour of Charm, -
t30 Walter Winched.
T:H Miisfp. '
SAO Farraiut Caninf. '
f 030 Stop and Go. ;
i, 10A0 News riasfaea.
10:15 We're In. ,
1030 Padfle 8 tory.
11 AO St. Francu Hotel Orchestra.
11:45 News t
Monday's Radio
S:45-Judy and Jasss. . : -.
A0 Dr. KaU.
:15 News of the World. '
430 Dinninc Sisters. . . ,
SAO The Personality Hour.: '
AO Eyes Aloft. V .
' 30 Dr. L Q. ' - ,! . . ,. i
' 1 AO Contented Hour. H .
T 30 Information Please. ' 1 :
AO Fred Waxinc tn Pleasure Than. '
S as Commentator.
S30 Cavalcade of America. "
- AO The-Telephone Hour.
30 Hawthorne, House. 1
; 10A0 News Flashes.
. 10:15 Home Town News. ?
1035 Labor' News. r-r - '
.1030 Gardening for Food. ' - - ' f
10:45 Kaltenborn. . : : :
11 AO Uncle Sam. -" '. t'
r, 11:15 Hotel -BUtmore Orchestra. -
. 1130 War News Roundup. - .
. 13A0-3 aJMSwtag Shift. , - '
A :'" ".: K
- 10 AO News. -. . '
loas The Homemaker Hear. -;
11 Aft Music of the Masters. .
.- 13 AO News. -; ; .
13:15 Noon Farm Hour.
1 AO Recital. - -
. - las War Commentary.
'130 Music --i r "
SAO The Home Makers Half Hour:
S 30 Music .; .
S AO News. " - 4 f
.-. S as Romance.
t- 330 Concert Han.
i V 4 AO Monitor News
4:15 Walts .Time.
430 Stories for Boys and CJrhV'
SAS-On the Upbeat. ;
30 Vespers.
AO It's Oregon's War.
sas News. - -; I
- 0:30 Evening Farm How.
T30 4H Chih Program, . 's j
AO Music That Uvea. . '
SAO Music t- ' . . i
s as Excursions 1st ScA
S30 News.
. 5 Uncle Sam
air, and Rowdy was sidling co
cruetishly away. - i . v
.The crowd was laughing
again, this time hi real guffaws
of .merriment and Ann could
see an embarrassed flush work
,lng over Paul's face. It was no
time to . make an Issue, he was
deciding. Better let her have her
way. : ' -
"She must be an adorable
pef Brenda's clear voice rang
out--;-); f,.;;-".;';;;. k w "
From woman to j woman, "and
at a dog show, these rwere fight
ing words. ' The innuendo was
unmistakable. ; If I were to hit
her, Arm thought holding her-
It is a primeval instinct for
the pack to move together. In
an effort to keep up with her,
the dogs ' behind . began to run
and gallop, but Itowdy kept to"
getting, her back so precise and
unwavering that she could have
held a glass of water between
her shoulders without spilling a
single drop. :
Doctor Barrie squatted on his
heels in the middle of the ring,"
turning like one of the pictures
on the inside of a merrr-eo-
round, sighting her outstanding,
self ini a Jury of men would sat Perfect action.. lis rose at last.
; that X had acted without provo- lalting the dogs and wheeling
cation.'; 1 . .- 'kthem Into a line. :
fortunately. Rowdy distracted
the unworthy impulse. Now the
self-appointed leader of the
procession, she was choosing her
own, tempo, and showiLg them
all me niceties in walking that
Then began the final meticu
lous and exhausting examina
tion. Without saying a word, he
told each handler the fault of his
particular dog. His hand rested a
long moment on a brin die's back
Paul had taught her: the high ""o arched. He pressed twice
lining j or feet the delicate pois- on a dog's quarters not enough
ed placing of arched . paws to : trength. -.. He spaced the area
ground, the slow liquid motion, 'from the back of a skull to the
DreaJc over .the. eyes and match
ed the distance to 'the tip of the
nose not enough stop.
1 (To be continued)
War Madness , - ' '
, In the first world war they called it "shell
shock." It was shattered nerves, supposed to '
have been caused -by the errif ic concussion ' -of
exploding shells. But it was found that sol
diers were afflicted; similarly who .had never -
kn inesi tVi A fmni !iiu ant than !t raa j
,;k., " j.!. though he was a staunch unionist when the
w nwiij cu ui wui w. uu vi v . , . - r lai stars rxom ue
i-- :j j i t,.., t. t-i. recession issue arose. The falline-out mav hava ioao Thia is ofiieuL
iS wmmucu.i tuwu, oui uwi uiwry nai; . 4 - - , , , . 1030-The KiOooAuiii.
iii uue w personal email es, or rivalries OI am- 10:43 Farm and War FronU
onion. ii one naa access to personal correspond-
:45 Rocking Hone Rhythm.
AO Old Fasbtoned ReTlral Hour.
7 AO John B Hushes. -
7 as Musle of the Masters.
S.-45 Frank Singlser
SAO Hinson Memorial Church,
AO News. - - - .. , .
:15 Voice of Prophecy.
5 Sunday Serenade.' 1
"5 Old Fashioned Reylval Hour.
11 AO Answering You.
1130 Stars and Stripes In Britain
SAO Soldiers of Production.
S30 Ralph Walker.
SrtS African Trek.
AO The Ouiet Hour
30 Stars from the Blue. . 1 '
been dismissed, and "separation anxiety? or
homesickness'; is. given, as a cause for the
nerve condition, according to a writer in the
. British Medical Journal. - ;
' This war is showing many cases of mental
. derangement other than "shell shock." It ap
peared in the fighting in Ihe Solomons,! under
the terrible conditions of country and.' climate'
: nd of the type-of warfare' engaged: in. The
constant noise of battle wai' unsettling. These
psycopathic cases had to be taken out for treat
ment. Many recovered and seem to be all right;
but others still are undergoing treatment v'
; In North Africa doctors find men suffer from
battle dreams," in which the men relive, night
ence of the period, the letters of Bush and Lane
and Grover, it might be possible to trace the
breach back to its original crevice; but so far
as we know very few letters of these principals
. Delazon Smith . was an important figure in
'the Oregon of the-'SO's. Though Oregon was his -.
h.oraevf or only eight years he must have contrib
uted much in that brief period, as newspaper
founder, legislator, member of the constitu :
tional convention, US senator and active politician.
11 AO Coast to Coaut am at Rim
11 H5 Speaking of Glamour.
13 AO The Three Romeoa.
Uas Wake Up.- America.
1 AO National Vespers. .
130 Serenade
1:45 News.
SAO Remember. ; .... y
330 Sneak Preview. '
SAO News. ..
.3 AS Here's to: Romance.
S 30 The Green Hornet, "i
4 AO Chaplain Jim. USA. , " -
mav- oer
SAO Christian SeiaMa Pmummi
5:15 Neighbors, -.v
.f "romllnson. Cotnmentator
5:45 Drew Pearson. -,
30-mmenUtor. 4 ? ' 4
O Music.
1 AO Good WiD Hour. ?
AO Northwest Farm Repartee. -
as Breakfast Bulletin.
S 30 Texas Rangers. -
:45 KOIN Klock. 1
' T :15 Wake Up News.
T 30 Dick Joy. News.
7:45 Nelson Prlnglc News. ' -: v
SAO Consumer News.
S:15 Valiant Lady.
. 830 Stories America Lores. - ' i
- 8:45 Aunt Jenny. 1 I
AO Kate Smith gpeaka. 1:
:1S Big Sister.
30 Romance of Helen- Trent " '
. :4 Our Gal Sunday. -
10 AO Life Can Be BeaauhiL'
10:15 Ma Perkins.
1030 Vie and Sadc - '., , .
10:45 The Goldbergs.
11 AO Young Dr. Melon. "
11:15 Joyce Jordan. t
1130 We Love , and Lean.
11:45 News.
13:15 News Bob Anderson. - r- ,
1330 William Winter, News.
11 :4i Bachelor's Children.
1 AO Home Front Reporter. '
. 130 Uncle Sam. .
1 5 Mountain Music '
8 AO Newspaper nf the Air. .
330 This Life Is Mine.
3 :45 Keep the Home Fires Burnlna
; S AO News. - s , j v
3as Today at The Duncans. ; '
f somrs,. (
3 .-45 The World today!
4 AO Raffles.
4:15 Sam Hayes.
AO News In Brief. -
AO Rise V Shine.
T30 News. -
T 5 Morning Moods. -8
AO Freddy Nagel's Orchestra.
8 AS Freddy Nagel's. Orchestra,
r 830 News Brevities.
S 35 Tango Time. ' ,
AO Pastor's CalL - . -
:15 Uncle Sam. - "
30 Popular Music '
10 AO World m Reriew. ' w 1 1
1035 Music - - - "
11 AO Orchestra.
1130 Hits of Yesteryear.
11:45 News.
11 AO-Organallues. '
12:15 News. , .
13 30 Hillbilly Serenade.
1335 Matinee.
1 AO Lum and Ahner.
130 Will Bradley's. .
130 Music -.
1:45 Spotlight on Rhythm. '
8A0 Isle of Paradise . i.r M-
, 3:15 BUI Roberts.
3 30 Langworth String Quartet.
3:45 Broadway Band -Wason.
SAO KSLM Concert Hour? - '
4 AO Guadalajara Trto. ,.J'2
4 JO Tea time .Tunes. i- ;t
SAO MUSIC -'.j'' r i-ri i
Sao Music -
AO Tonight's Headlines.
Safety -Vnlvb
Letters trors) SUtesman
Readers - . - v
. To the Editor: As a newcomer
; to the West and specifically to
i the beautiful city of Salem, I
have been reading the newspa
pers carefullyr in order to ludge
the thinking of the people who
live here. - ;
I have liked your editorials,
even when they have dealt ywith
sectional subjects of little inter
est to me yet. But when I read
your editorial of July 9 in which
you say: "Raps and murder are
not due to race or occupation,
but to moral lapse, a common ;
sin of all humanity,w I felt like
cheering. This letter is the cheer.
If all editors would stress the '
fact that actions, good or bad,
committed by individuals or
even groups of individuals, can
not be? laid at the doorstep of t
every person accidentally bear
ing the tag of . the group, we
would have far more unity with
in our great nation than we have '
now. ; . :
4 To
'ijili f it
take ; only the . two- vou
mention: the soldier and the ne
gro. If soldiers were ; not con
demned , because an - occasional
soldier misbehaves; on the; other
hand,, if soldiers did not con
demn every young man in ci
vilian clothes as a "slacker": wa them.
x z wouia: judge each man's patri- j
otic contribution T on :. ita own ;
merits. " '" , -A
If cultured, seU-resTMctinsr
-: ! (Continued from Page 1)
our own." We'd like to
County Judge Murphy, Mayor
ounwo president Carl Hogg
of the chamber of commerce and
others take the lead In appoint
teg a committee to outline over
all plana for public bodies and1
to encourage private undertak-
Ikigene has aiready voted spe
tax levies to bufld a new
high schooL In Syracuse. New
30r, lected a guinea pig
by Time-Llfe-rortune for civic
reconstruction, plans are being
Prepared for the modernization
of the city. Salem doesn't need
fj great . deal of radical change
but It could stand considerable
face-lifting, especially fa its
commercial buildings of the vin
tage of 1880's and earlier. Our
own Statesman building, erect-
ea in the late . J860 s Is one of.
' middle-class .negroes were pic-
s; urea j .in our magazines and
Sas-War-News Omunentary. our magazines and
30 Evcatac Serenade. . -;Jt 'iTii :- movie and the achievements of
after night, vivid or terrifying battle i erper- Prt-Timc P.IilitarT Serrice
ience. Soldiers in hospitals back from the front
; lines undergo dreams . in , which recent ezper
' iences are distorted. They may jump" out of bed
: and crawl under it, thinking they are under air
. attack and. should -seek a fox hole; A sodium
amytal treatment has been found helpful,! in
ducing a sort of hypnotism during, which-siig-.
gestion is used to bring his mind back into nor
mal channels of thinking. ' ;
Bad reports come out of Alaska of ' "Alaska
madness." The climate, the loneliness make life
; intolerable to many soldiers., They may crack
tinder the strain. Such, it is rumored, was what
happened to Kermit Roosevelt Men brought'
tack to this country for hospitalization, per
r haps for wounds or injuries, may rebel against
being sent back to Alaska, to the extent of pro
longing their illness. '-"-. ;x
. i ?The percentage of these mental cases is not
f nigh,-nor, is their occurrence surprising. Taking ;
tnen from placid, orderly, comfortable civilian
life in America, their mental conditioning for
physical hardships of strange climates and for
modern battle, is not an easy matter; the train
- ing cannot match the reality As a result men
ial breakdown occurs rand. must be, treated as
SAO Ford Procram.
' -S:1S Jimmie FitUer.
S30 Quia KidSL- :
- SAO Inner Sanctum Mysteries.
t30-News Headlines..
tS Tor All Humanity.
J69-Unirsity explorer. " ;
10:15 Organ Reveries. - !
1030 The Quiet Hour.
11 AO Melody.
1130 War News Houndun.
S .00 Concerts'
S:1S Mother and Dad,
vir-vxaurr . aiannery.
: iiL a,-a " . -
W-.a .VM WOTSS ntirsK
f erc .uian tnemseivcs and
rf ' ; sionee . oi rapists and murders i
- S .' i . ' 1
we can . stimulate nublf e
and private Interests to lay defi
nite plans for resuming progress
and expansion quickly when th
war ends we may avert serious
depression, bread-lines and
widespread disaffection. , ' '
I A tart might be made tomor
row when the final hearing on
the county budget is held. It's 1
too late this year to 'include any
thing1 for th nW. 'couTthouse:
.but the recwun'endation might
be adopted that the county
Butchers, - bakers and candle-stick - makers
eight hours a day, Coast Guardsmen in uniform '
twelver hours a week that will be the ached
. ule for- approximately 3009 men and 300 wo
meft Of the San Francisco area beginning 'about
September 1. Thev are hin o rrrXoA In nm
Voluntary Port Security Force regiments, and owth?Voct?
their service will free some 800 regular Coast , JioTghl", A1,
uuardsmen lor sea duty. Later, similar part- tao wuigs Orer Jordan.
time volunteer units will be organized in other
Pacific coast ports.' . " - . ::r;.tft ;-;
v Only in a technical sense is this a new de
parture;, it differs from civilian defense or state
gxiaird service only in that these Port Security
volunteers will ibe under command of regular 11 30-IwWid News Today.
Coast' Guard nfficore T.ilr. vnia.n A-.-. '. H 5 Mufict Show. ....
workers,' they will draw no pay. ' .
Apparently the Port Security force will be
recruited exclusively within the communitiea
'adjacent to the ports they are assigned to pro
tect. Heretofore the wish has been expressed,
particularly by young able-bodied farmers in
the Salem vicinity who feel that they are need
ed on the production front but would like to be
on some basis, that Coast Guard
SAO Warren Sweeney. N
iro-wnt Coast Church.
S 30 Invitation to Leau-nlna.
S AO-Salt Lake TabemacleT
-: 1 30 News. .
t:45 Musie 1 -' .
10A0 Church of the Air,
1030 Trans-Atlantic CaU.
11.110 opera.
an!lrtM..i. ; . . . ....
milrf-to thee :hlt by bHUel,.cr shea fr.2- ' dack JLnZi f.4- ,dur
x. - , . - .vum kv civilian sta-
rnents. Even prpaffr tn-v - ..-.ii
I . the-numbeToIme -; aortet
will draw curtains acrcrs the mini. creafmany ,scheme,7o con
crtunaidy great progress in czxq cf ths men- ' this war. ' r5 .la
Uo concert. . ' . ,-y'i?. .
130 The Pause that BeXreshes on
' the Air.
SAO The ramlly Hour.
1:45 Dear John ,. -:.:..Y
SAO Silver Theatre
- S30 rt Gene Autry. '
4 AO Coramandoe.
40 Question of the Week. "
SAO News. - - v , ; .v-
5:15 Son cs for Sunday.
530 William Winter. News,
9r5 Music. -
5 ;5 Ftk. Severeld.
S t-0 Radio Reodcrs Dig set. " ' t
S30 Summer Theatre -T.-C0
Take It or Leave It. i -
t :45 Concert. t
Sta Crime Doctor.
8 ? News. ... " '. i .' .
v-J Cai:.n(- Anerlca.
S Feuy Tai ' . .
13 ( . ' :r r. t: ..
1 ) 1 W .e 1. oiueru v ' -
ia.j A,r- to of Lie Air. -
-V T AO Screen Guild Playsrsi
. .. im 'Onmui
S AO I Love A Mntatrv
- S lS-JTames Hilton. .Author.
S 30 Gay Ninettes. ,
S.-55 News
AO I Was There.
f 1 30 Vox Pop. . 1
1SA0 Five Star rtnaL
- 10:15 Wartime Women.
1030 Alr-rio of the Air. i
1045 Music
11 AO Music v
-' 1135 News.
Midnight to aim. Musle and News. .
. 4 AO Dawn Patrol
- " 8:55 Ihor News. v
SAO Everything Coca. -,
S 30 News.
- S35 Labor News.
T AO News.
T:I5 News Headlines.
. 7 30 Reveille.
. T.-45 Sam Hayes.
SAO Stars of Today.
S:15 News ' - 'I -
S 30 Rose Room.
S:4S oavtd Harum..
AO Open Door.
:15 Commentator.
930 Mirth and Madness,
10 AO Music
10:15 News. , - ,
1030 Oallant Heart.
10:45 For You Todav.
11 AO Light et the World.
11:15 Lonely Women.
1130 The Guiding Li-ht- .
11 :4 5 Hymns of Ail churches,
12AO Story et Mary alarlia.
11:15 Ma Perkins.
U":3- Pepoer Young's rsmlly.
li:4 Right to Hominess.
1 AO Backstasre Uue.
1:15 Stella Dallas. -
1 ) Lorenzo Jones.
1 5 Young Wtdder Brown.. .-
SAO When a Girl Marries.-
1 IS Porua races Ufa.
IS'Wwt PVMn EUL . "
S . f rot " 1 i'arreQ. r
. 3- ) r "j u? ....
S.j i us mni aui,
,SJ liaslc ... -v..:. :-, - r
7 AO News in BrkoV " " nuteu in me proiesstons
7 as Music - -, , . k -; and business world 11 wii
iotSBrl P f - entertainment;
. xMm&y Mustangs. ;x---- ;t ds, white, Americana would
r AoZNS2rinr SUr realiae that colored folk are not
:15 Neighborhood
- ens Scant Myrt
a.AA a-..
, v- JI1W1,., x - . - . r-' ? 1 . 1 i . . ."- ' " ' J
- -rr ' -iraii.! wn torn ouer iaM:t it nai. - uaiier ud eany
ataxa-aais-ONBAT-m'-ke ries : would - not hM .11 k-.-' ne year so the Ieeal rnnJr-"
woes against every -member of ,mnU Prop$riy fulfilled. '
theAwhite race, their rJip-on- ! r . - .
the-ehoulder attitude would dis- I Correction ; hlef of Police
appear and they would i find " IVank Minto phoned Testerdaw .
many good friends ready to. help . to say this column was in error
inem get me opportunities ' they
are denied solely on the basis
of high visibility" of skin.
It simply means the applica
tion of the Golden Rule. I con-
gratulate you for pointing it out
, . Very sincerely,
Z -f )t
45 Uncle
: "AO News - -..
' 7:15 Texas . Raneera
730 Memory -Timekeeper. ;tv ,
AO-Shady Vslley roshs. .
S 30 News. -: t ?.. ..
S. -45 What's New. ' -;- . ..
AO-Boake-Carter. ' -' ' T
Woman's Side of the tf ewS.
.30 Band. : -.'.--;,-
10 AO News. "
10.15 Gardner's rrteod. U-X- -'
1030 This and That.
11 AO Buyers Parade. . " ' '- ' '.
11:15 Bill Hay Reads the Bible.
11:30 Concert Gems. - '
11H5 Rose Room. .
IZAO concert. -
1X30 News. .
11:45 On the Farm front.
. 1 mo News. .
. 1:15 Music. . ,
1:15 Texas Rangers.
S 30 All Star Dance Parade.
s:45 wartime Wonica. J
SAO Phillip Keyne-Gordon.-
. s:i jonnaon. ramlly
3 30 Overseas Report.
s.-4 btars of Today,
4 AO Fulton Lewis.
. 4:15 lsl of Draama.
- J'tAD.I.kjw. -
4:4S News - -
. SAO Better Business Bureau -
A5 Concert. ... ,
S :1 5 Superman.
530 Black Hood.
5:45 Norman Nesbltt ,
AO Gabriel Keatter. ''"
S.15 Wa.U Time
7 AO Raymond Clapper '
7:15 Movie Parade i?"
730 Lone Ranger - ' '
AO Bulldof Drummond' A
S33 Double or Nothing
t AO News - 1 :
S:l 5 Salute to our Heroes
. S:3i3 General Barows
SS Pulton Lewis, jr. ' : ":'
lO.-oi) Wings Over the West Coast
19-.'-J News. . . ,-
1J: "- Let's Lesrn Dance "" -
(Cc-Uiucd ca 11) - -
yesteroay In reporting that
Frank Marshall had asked him
to have the Salvation Army va
cate State street last' Sunday,
which Marshall also confirmed.
.The chief takes the personal re
sponsibility for the "mistake" In
moving in on the Army.
kiL.awUiiU tJL
' - - -a. ma --. 1
7 . v" ' U
In l beautiful en
gagement ring the
.distinctive thing
the all important
thing, is the Dia
. mond. .
Be certain that the.
Diamond you place
upon the finser cf
your love is es per
fect as the thought
behind it
' A ' sawSsamamsaeaaBma