The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    LZc sfng Op ana
TZoodburn Residents
Hay Buy Pastries
- Eut Not Bread .
' "VTOODBURN Woodbum again
has a bakery. Saturday morning
August Moeding was at' his new
making and dispensing ; his pas
tries, pies, cakes and rolls; He
will not : resume bread making
until help and quality ' materials
are more easily available. :
. The ' newly renovated shop has
been-, opened in the building Mr.
Moeding purchased from William
Broyles. The brick Dutch oven of
the bakery he operated for nine
years in Woodburn has been re
placed by a modern electric ovesu
New lighting and equipment has
been installed also. ;
Woodburn had been without a
place of business on Front street
resident , baker- since early April
; when Moeding closed his shop for
a rest . and reorientation of - his
business. v
-. WOODBURN Ivan Parker
formerly of Woodburn, ; has been
elected to the supervision of ; the
high school at Heppner, Oregon.
Last year he taught at Imbler,
".Ore- having charge of English
classes and the school library.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker and their
small daughter, Mary Martha, are
visiting in Woodburn now at the
home of Mrs. Parker's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills.
Perry Clan
Has Reunion
STAYTON The descendants of
George and Araminta Perry met
on July 4 for their fifth reunion
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Perry in Scio. Officers elected In-
. elude Mrs. Addie Thibodo, presi
dent; Frank Perry,-vice president;
Louise Gassner of Stay ton, secret
Three direct descendants were
present: Mrs. Mary DeVaney, Mrs.
- Addie Tniboao ana ran .ferry,
STAYTON Approximately 75
people -gathered vat' the Stay ton
park: Sunday, for a.Townsend pic
nic .dinner tod program."' 77;
On . the ; program was current
events of the Townsends by W. J.
Wright, group singing, and talks
by. Ed Bell. .O. O. Eppely, local
club , president, and ; Rev. , W. J.
Hamilton of .Shedd, ": formerly ; of
-Stay ton. . r - . .
Population' -Exceeds
At Silvertoii
. SELVEBTON A - daughter
born to , Mrs. Martin Westen
dorf of Mount Angel '. July 8,
brought the baby population at
the Silverton hospital op to an
all time high.
... With the equipment number
ing only ten little beds, two
emergency baskets were pre
pared and brought Into use as
well as two empty packing ear
tons converted ; Into beds and
..pressed Into service for a day
or ? two. With no room in the
nursery, the four extra beds had
to be placed in one of the sur
gical rooms.
Jefferson Women
Donate Blood
JEFFERSON Jefferson worn
en who donated blood for the
" .American Red, Cross in Salem last
'wek Wfr Mm TVanlr Martin
-Miss Margaret Hamill. Mrs. Har-
. Id Knight, Mrs. William Walls,
. Miss Marjorie Fontaine and Mrs.
. G J. Thurston. Each was; given
. a certificate and donor pin. r-: r
. Mrs, L. L. - Tannehill of Val-
A - A e . mi M.
seix reiurnea nonw iner i iwo
weeks , visit at the home of her
' parents," Mr. and Mrs. . Charles
' Hart Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey
and daughters, Diane and Laraine
of: Sherwood, are .visiting at the
r Hart home. Mrs. B a i 1 e y , is . a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hart
. Sturtevant Rite
' Held atXebanon
LEBANON Sally Elizabeth
. Sturtevant was born in Missouri
. 75 years ago . and died at the
Lebanon-hosoital: Jul v 3 after a
long period of failing .health.-She
; was buried in the. Masonic ceme
. tery, after services . in the Lowe
" mortuary .Tuesday, "July 5. - ;
. Her survivors are her widower,
' E. B. Sturtevant of Lebanon, and
' one son, Ross Catron of Athena.
; Another son, Leo Sturtevant, .died
" in France in 1918. -
Valley Births
. JEFFERSON -- Mr. and Mrs.
jciaussie Ammon are the. parents
of a IV pound son, born Wednes-
'. day, July 7, at the Armfield home
in Albany." This is their first child,
end ; he has " been' named Dennis
Eugene. Mrs. Ammon was Shelia
Roland before - her marriage, a
'. twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Roland.
DALLAS A son, Jock Carl, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Schier
man at the Dallas hospital Mon
day. He is their firlt child, r v
AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. lOein have announced the birth
cf a son, Larry,. at the Salem Gen
' s.. -1 I.cilil TuesJay.
Reporto From
House of Worship
GERVA1S Standing since 1887, the
been remodeled and repainted until In Its 60th year Its still good
for more service for Presbyterians who gather each week to wor
ship. Rev. James Aiken Smith is the present pastor. ; .
Church Marks
60th Year
J Presbyterians Scan
j Progress at Gervais
i Since Founding .
GERVAIS T he Presbyterian
church will enter its 60th year
this t week. On or near July IS,
1884, a group oj Christians met
here to organize the Presbyterian
missionary church. Services were
at first held in the Baptist church!
This building now has been torn
down and the Baptist congrega
tion, has gone to other churches.
W. S. Young was the first pas
tor. After a year with this church
he was -called to Los Angeles.
Jacob Vorhees was the first elder
and 'James Clark, the first treas
urer. Members of the, first choir
were Sadie Brown, Ida Graves,
Luke Smith and Dr. Cauthorn,
with Mrs. Cauthorn at the organ.'
A! Sunday school was organized
before the church. -
In May, 1891, the Ladies so
ciety, was organized w 1th ' six
members. Mrs. Clara Jones was
the first president and served in
that office for 40 years. At the
50th anniversary fx meeting the
name of the society was changed
to the Clara Jones Missionary so
ciety in her honor. Mrs. Ida Mina
kex followed Mrs. Jones as presi
dent and she was made president
emeritus. ' '.''
7j In 1887. under the pastorate
of - Rev. Engle, the present'
church building was erected. -The
Fidelis class of men and
women who have children of
school age, has taken a prominent
part in the work of ' the church
and with advice from older mem
bers undertook a few years ago.
the remodeling and improving of
the church building. Among the
first projects was the installation
of a furnace; next an addition
was built on the rear of the main
auditorium. During the past year
the entrance was changed from
the corner to the center front of
the building, thus enlarging the
seating capacity by about 50.
-7 The old belfry was torn down
and a new one built The interior
of - the auditorium : was redeco
rated,' the pews refinished, new
lighting fixtures installed 1 and
new draperies hung at the win
dows. -New concrete walks have
been laid leading from the side
walks to the main and side en
trances and to the manse. ' The
social room is-well furnished, and
has' kitchen and dining room with
tables and table service for 100,
which at times is hardly adequate
Almost ' all the work was vol
unteered by members; with -the
ladies taking a leading part in
planning" and : raising funds,' and
assisting (with the painting: The
work ; is now practically finished
Qiildren's Center to Open
20 at West
by . the Salem Council of Church
Women, 'a "friendship center' to
care for children whose parents
are employed in harvesting wiU
open July 20 "at Darley's Planta
tion ' here, committee members
have announced. "
H The center will be opes-week
; days from 1 sv aa. mntil 5 p. am.
Mrs." G.E.: Rose Is ln charge ;
' while Miss ' Leora Strong wiU
'direct Bible study. The : dally
schedule lnelades clean: ap, :
story homv handcraft," Tecrea- i
Hon, rest period, noon luncheon, ,
outdoor story hour and nature
study,' flag salute, and outdoor
play period. -- , - .
Hot lunches will be furnished
free ; to children at the center.
Those from three to ten years
whose parents are" employed in
bean picking will be eligible to
attend. - x ;':ri ' A L.
. The children also will be pro
vided free first aid whenever
needed, as well as magazines' and
games which are being, loaned by
residents of the community.
" Fpecial Bibt features are be
- Inz planned also. Monday will
The Statecman'B
Cdecu Oregon. Sunday
Weathers Service
little old church at Gervais has
Dyer Child
Is Scalded'
In Accident
TURNER Glennice, two-year-
old daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Dyer, was burned severe
ly Wednesday a f i e r n o on and
rushed to the Salem General hos
pital. She was -playing on v the
floor when she backed into a tub
of hot water. Her face and 'half
of her body were badly scalded
but the child is being treated with
suplha Jelly and ; doctors ' believe
that her face will not be scarred.
O. A. i Warren was taken ill
quite suddenly -Thursday night
and rushed to the Deaconess hos
pital where he is reported to be
resting -easier. Mr. and Mrs. War
ren and daughter,', Hildur, had
moved this week from the resi
dence opposite the . Turner-,. Me
morial home - into the home of
Mrs. Anna Farris. Warren recent
ly had been hired janitor , of the
Turner schools 'replacing 'Bert
Peebles, now Janitor at t Canip
Adair. Prior to the janitor job.
Warren had been the farmer' and
gardener for' several years for the
Turner Memorial home property.'
Mrs. Richard Prior, who has
been in ill health for the past lew
months, entered the tuberculosis
hospital Friday for a year's treat
ment h-". ; i : t.;5
Gervais Bank
Reaches Half
Million Mark
V GERVAI 8 The quarterly
statement of the Gervais State
; bank, published last week,
; shows the total deposits j to be
; over a half million dollars. This
Is the first time in the history -of
the bank that deposits have
reached this total, states G. TV
Wadsworth, president of the
bank. . .
Reunion Cancelled ! :
DALLAS Due to gas rationing.
It has been decided not to hold
the annual reunion of former stu
dents and alumnae of Dallas .col
lege and LaCreole academy. In its
stead a picnic will be held: at the
city park Sunday, July 11. . '
except a floor covering which 'war
conditions have delayed. J 4 ;
All expenses were met as the
work progressed so the chareh
'Is practically .free from f debt :
. Kev. James -Aiken Smith, re
: tired, of Salem,' Is serving' as'
: sapply pastor, coming- here:
when Rev. John W. Hood re
signed three years ago to accept
a call to the eharch at Wald-
Sta vton
be designated "amateur night
with a program of music, stunts
. and readings pat on each Mon
day by camp talent. Thursday
will be church night with min
isters from several nearby de
nominations , leading : the serv-'
lees. :H.-W-f-irv-;:-:'I ',!::'
Bible school will be held each
Sunday morning and an outdoor
service for young people and
adults on Sunday nights, j
Part of the yearly work of the
center; is maintenance of a used
clothing department, the income
derived being used for support of
work at the center.
This year, the usual govern
ment assistance, which ..included
provision of excess commodities
plus two helpers for the staff, is
not . available. Since the local
group is caring for all provisions,
committee members have invited
anyone having .extra . vegetables;
either fresh or canned, fresh ' or
cannd fruit and clean used cloth
ing to contribute them. Anyone
wishing to make such : donations
is csked to contact Mrs. T. S.
Mackenzie; telephone Saleia 84S3,
Community Correapondenta
Morning. July 11.' 1S13
Dallas People
Take Vacations
' J.Iany Go to Coast;
. Some Visit
7ilh Relatives
DALLAS Dr. L D.' BarteU is
spending a few days at the coast
He was accompanied by bis son-
in-law and daughter, - Mr. and
Mrs. William Giesbrecht of .Port
landl . ' S"- x,i.:'.
Mrs. Mildred Snyder; and sons.
Dick and Billy, are. spending the
week in Portland visiting friends.
Mrs. William Hefner is spend
ing the week in Portland visiting
relatives and friends. '
Mrs. Herschel Boydston of the
Laird. V. Woods Insurance agency
and Miss Betty Boydston spent
the ; week vacationing . at Pacific
Mrs. V, Ray Boydston of Port
land is visiting at the home of
her; mother-in-law, Mrs.', James
Boydston. Mrs.: Boydston Is afor
mer resident of Dallas. - V; &i J
Mrs. A. L. Windover and son,
John, have returned . from Spo
kane, where they visited at the
home of - her I son-in-law and
daughter, Dr. and - Mrs.' Zophar
.Tharp.': . .. ,, , . .
Mrs. Jessie Heath and mother,
Mrs. J. S. Hunt, have rented the
Nola Coad : home and are mov
ing here from Redmond - where
she has been teaching. Mrs.. Heath
will teach in the ,-elementary
school ; the" coming year.
: Miss Cecelia Balcaen, RN, ma
tron of the Dallas hospital, Is
spending a : three weeks vacation
in Vancouver and Victoria, BC
Zuber Brothers9 Bid Selected
By Sahtidm Flax Growers; .
Plant toBeBuiltSevteihVerl
j: JEFFERSON At the meeting of the Santiam Flax. Growers
association,-the. contract for Jefferson's flax processing plant was'
let to Zuber Brothers Construction company of Portland, pow
bidder at $79,975. .
Second low bid was submitted
by i Concrete Construction com
pany of Portland. " Work on' the
construction of the plant will be
gin immediately, the . surveying
crew 'i expected to be on the
grounds Friday morning.
; The Jefferson plant will be
aa large as any plant in ; the
state and equipped with. : the
' latest; type; of machinery - for
greatest efficiency. The contract
calls for completion In from
109 ti 120 days, the first shed
- completed by August 1,
.and the four sheds by Septem
ber, 1... . ; .
The plant Is a war project,, fi
nanced by the Defense Plants cor
poration and by acreage payment
by, farmers. Flax from. 1149 acres
will be trucked to the plant from
farms in Marion,' Polk, Linn and
Benton counties. It will employ
15 people the year around, ; and
40 may be needed during the rush
season. . '-- 77'7V 7- 'V 7? ; 7 ' ""7: t "'"..
! Jefferson was chosen for the
Ing centrally located la the best
flax-growing district In the
United States.
At the Philadelphia , centennial
in ' 1876, flax grown ' in the Par
rish Gap district north of v town
won every ; prize J offered, com
peting . with flax, from every v flax
growing country in the world.
The plant will be built on the
old Satstney farm on the Talbot,
road, the buildings to be built'
la a semi -circle a r o n d the
house, on the farm. Alt other.
buUdlngs on the farm wiU be
torn down. A sample : of , the ,
water from the slough through
the farm has shown to be salt-'-able
for. retting. ' '
The plant will be a? complete
processing plant,': including 12
four sheds.' Bufldingsi
tanks an
will be ii if .wood with, concrete
floorsand composition corrugated
asphalt r of ing. "There , will 'also
be the" sc itching shed, deseeding
shed, warehouse and office, scales,
a shed to house a 300-horsepower
boiler and a fuel storage shed.
Water ' pi es . - for ' general - piping
and fire protection will " include
seven and a : half tons six-inch
pipe, two tons five-inch pipe, two
tons three-Inch pipe and three
tons two
and one-half-inch pipe.
Fcr Thil IIct7 Lan ; .
Wo offer yea:
services of oar onice.
We Issue your policy while you wait.
Nation-wide service. The insurance follows yon.
Losses adjusted and paid from our office. ,
Members of family covered. No extra cost. ;
No membership fees No assessments.
One annual premium, only. ; . ' "
Convenient credit terms, if desired, r
r i
M n'n i
Orezotii Largest Upstate Agency9
' -7 ? .
Cdcn end
111 11 Ccr-r:cIJ
Guests Arrive
In Turner
- TURNER Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap
Is visiting . her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Le roy
Downing (Fernel Gilstrap) in San
Francisco. Downing is in the na
val reserve, " . ,
Charlotte Parr of Eugene spent
three days here with "her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr. -
Donna ; Chastain ' of Salem' -has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Her
man Johnson, and. family here.
; Mrs. Pearl Witzel of Salem is
a guest in' Turner for 'a week at
the home of Mrs. Nellie . Gunning.
' Mix Olive Catterlin, of Salem
has been-1 staying' the past ' two
weeks . with Mrs. Ada , Mathlas,
who is not well.' ' - .
William "Beach and family of
Las Vegas, Ney , ha v evisited a
week at the cuon try home of his
brother 'and wife, Mr. and ' Mrs.
Ralph Beach. William Beach and
sons, Karl : and George, are em
ployed In war work at Tillamook.
Two daughters. Wills and ' Jua
nita, also accompanied their fa
ther here on the visit It had been
over 20 jeart since the two broth
ers were together.
Miss Stortz Returns
From Vacation Trip .
BRUSH CREEK' Miss . Lela
Stortz, daughter; of Mr! , and . Mrs.
Sam Stortz, has recently returned
from a vacation trip to minoIs,
-Indiana and Michigan where : she
visited friends and relatives. Miss.
Stortz is employed in Salem, but
with her sister, Miss Edna Stortz
pf Portland, was a recent visitor
at the home of their parents here.
.v... - . . : :
It will be necessary for the Moun
tain States ' Power company to
build a special line from Jeff erson
to the plant ' - - v ' -
; - The board of directors . has
chosen ' "Alfred;. E. Lentschner,
late of France, as plant . man
ager. Be operated bis own plant
there nine years In the district
then producing the world's ' fin
est linen. He fled France when
his plant was taken over by the
Germans on ; their Invasion ' of
that ; country. Lentschner has
been helping at the Irving plant
, near Eugene, and; with ; Mrs.
Lentschner will move to Jeffer
son by July 29 to make their
home here. -
The board of directors of . the
Santiam Flax Growers association
has worked for the past 18 months
on location and construction ; of
the plant here.' A. L. Page Is presi
dent; : Charles Hart, vice-presi
dent; E. B. Henningsen, secretary-
treasurer, and Albert Harnisch
of Albany, Harry Asbahr of Cor-
vallis, Douglas Bradley and Har
ley lLibby. , , , , :
r Zuber brothers, natives of , the
Sublimity-Aumsville district, r are
familiar with building flax plants.
having helped build the plants at
Molalla and St Paul. ;
Cleona Applegate
Sues for 12,000 :
Accident Damages
7 DALLAS An action ' has been
filed in--ircuIt eour 1 7whereinf
01eonrNadernun Applegate,'
ii.40, general ana ipecuic cam
ages from William Schellenberger.
for injuries alleged to' have been
sustained In - an -7 auto-pedestrian
accident August 22, 1942., I 7
lThe plaintiff alleges that! the
defendant's car7 was driven off
the pavement and ' struck ' her,
causing injuries which include
both legs broken, right wrist bro
ken, bruises and shock,' necessitat
ing heavy hospital and surgical
expense. -
wiu the rouowmg aavantages:
I" r-t mK L J
. Cilcra Eld till
"r m m aj
IJczvEIoins. : " '.
- SCIO Mr. and Mrs. Carl War
ren, have purchased the Adaline
Flanagan residence on East Water
street, consideration, reported at
$1875. The Charles Pennell fam
ily wiH occupy the place in the
near. future. ' - ;
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rlckard have
rented the other. Warren residence
adjoining the service .station In the
same block, and will occupy the
residence .early, In fi September,
when Mr. Rlckard will assume
duties as principal of Scio high
school. ;vi...v-, ;!" :'x- -
John Todd ot .Portland, - who
bought the Ed Sterner property
on Main street, it moving his fa
mily .to Aurora and will occupy
the. home ' Mr. Todd also pur
chased the feed business . and
warehouse formerly owned by the
Zeigler brothers.
Postmistress Colby. ,
Leaves on Vacation
GERVAIS Postmistress Mn.
Cecil G." Colby ' left by v train
Thursday morning for : Chicago
and .'Hart' Mich-' where she will
visit a sister and her, parents for
three weeks. Her. daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Seely, is assisting the clerk.
pearl Vogt, during her abesnce.
it mm
im Caorgo o .
Associmt Optometrists:
Sr. i
Dr. M. J. KcKy
' -
Sr.W.STKk ; : . '- " .-
S Mt l TkA
.1 1 - t . a, n I 1 1 . w
' o . w -.a' A vr ...
to Vtftc
'Id Zr
' mfT ' - i ; ;'-;i i- '
.About - .
. . i bringing you
cloorw vision in
t h a Intermedia
field,' end making
It unnocessonf. tor
you ' to squint " or
crane - your - neck
when viewing ob
x I e c t s of orm's
longth. Dr. Sem
tor's Liberal Credit
policy now brings
Tri-Focols within
- your means.
t3 AdwHCC
B I .
- m . i : . a ; a
DALLAS Miss Margie Mont
gemery of Falls City entered
the BarteU hospital for treatment
1L F. Janzen entered the BarteU
hospital Tuesday, for medical care.
F. A. Nairns of Falls City suffered
an attack of appendicitis and was
brought to the BarteU hospital
for- treatment Tuesday. . .
Raymond Anson of Valsetz un
derwent a minor, operation at the
Dallas hospital Tuesday. Alfred
Gutierrez of Valsetz . was Injured
in a logging accident Wednesday
and was brought to the Dallas
hospital for treatment i
Slandley Feted
On 85th Birthday
TURNER C. I Standley of
Turner was honored on his $5th
birthday July 4 with a family
reunion , at the home of his son
and: daughter-in-law, Mr. ''and
Mrs. George Standley, on Garden
road. '
Dinner guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Standley and daughter
Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. - Charlie
Standley, Harold and Dale, all of
IrTurner, Mrs. Glenn .Standley, Mrs.
John Brown,; Janice and Robert,
Mrs. .Marian Myron and son
George, aU of Lebanon, and the
honor, guest ?'.
v,.. '""1
llLHtU I I ( I II il l A- f I I S I f
- arav -w-
U.v a
7rt .'aisr- . ' e L
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I m mm lib pi voj a L eBBaBBHaBBBaaaoBaaaBBBBiam
V " 'i ' UrMe yeei ey we oo
V j eet fcerit e to Goo.
r" ' owtoo Soeiefoctioo, :
mm. mr
et th first tin of eyestrain headache, cr
nervousness come in end ovcil yourself cf cur
Free Opticcl . Excrnincticn. Fcsl cssurcd wo
will net - prescribe : Classes unlzzt chzsltsitly
necessary. No need for odrenco
Come in cny time et your convenience.
;-C i mm J IT. ..I. . i- .J O
(fraancless Cssses Cxccplei) YitU One Year,
' :-' 7" I....7 ; 74; "''!-' -j ..""' "'" i
ci n'n cr n i
t CL X --ii
rlcil-j Las started wiii'i'-t!?-
" ton crews for tie flrtt j!.' ' z
la local yars f l:;zzzzi". -s.
raspberries, joz zzl :nl;i t.: 1
Eoysenberries Ey llzuZu t ".1
crews will start n. one c t!,e
finest crcps of berries 1 -re fa
several years. I
BIsrion ForLa People
Take Short Trips
Mrs. Leland ' Prather were la
Buena Vista and Salem Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Push and
JoAnn spent the weekend of July
4 in Salem.
Mr. and. Mrs. Leland Prather
and Mr. and Mrs.' Dean Smith
spent Sunday at Ereltenbush bet
Mrs. : Scot Young was in Salem
Friday on business.
Billy Blank went to his home
in Salem Saturday after spend
ing the past three weeks with his
cousin, JoAnn Pugh. .
Two Nurses Hreil
DALLAS Miss I Urath Camp
bell and Miss Sylvia ayer, both
of Vancouver, BC, now are em
ployed at the DaUas hospital. Both
are; registered nurses.
- ani s.
G.. . m- ..A
. . .4
1 c
" 7" W T 7 Reeordlees of fcow