Wo 71 L' Www ' Wv WW m-' w S d w w WW WW 1 1 1 ny judzcii E.injcri. PIIILAE Jnly 19 (J1) The major leagues wiU set ep their all-star sconery at Eiibo park Tuesday night for baseball's ' 11th annual dream game and although the war has removed some or the brightest stars from, the backdrop. It scarcely has dimmed the glamor ef the game. A capacity crowd of 33,088 Is exreci-ilscs lis -;ciit!a la. Its flrri :rr::-,.;,, i h TIILi del;L!3 fl ilrri towL-g st tliLt. -J ths rei-hot TL!Zy fans rr.;y ts treatrJ ta another first the first victory for ths Rational - league wi:a; the American -league has been the home tease . - ' : Having thrown off the- ycks of the American league In the lastworli series,' the senisr eir- cr!t csir cr;eaxa ts have the. best chance. ef success la the all-star affair since' the. team piloted ty E;:i llcXechnle snaihered ths American league 4 to 8 st EL Louis la 1949. Joe ircCarthy, ' bossing the; American - league representa tives araia, Hiely will choose Epergeon . f Z$u3.n . Chandler , to lead eff the clicking. Cot T the Yankees, who : this year have only five men la the game, may have en!y ene ether starter Joe ' Gordan. r::i riztej tit the Ysnhees also is, the 1 "ileal catcher, but . he has teen lai-reJ for more than a month and may not be avsnahla. -:r With righthanders Ukely to start en ' the mound for both cl-hs, the linecps for this year's game prehatly will be: ' NATIONAL LEAGUE- Dahlgrea, Ph!Ues, lb: Herman,' ' Xsirsrs,-Ih; liirlza, C-rJ. f ; Cack, C'-hs, th; JZzlIzS, CztZ.i, f; Galan, Dsixtfs, cf; Clt, Cl aris, cf; 17. Cc;er, Car J j, c; IL Coc-er, CsxCx p. bert. Athletics, lh; Gordon, Yankees, Zb; Lterhc-s, Erowr.V; ss; Kfltaer, Sh; fleLL Tilers, cf; Cse, Cenalcrs, of: Eeaih,.IaiIaE3,' cf; Elchey, Yankees, or Early, Senators, c, Chancer, Yankees,, p. Defeats -!ci!&r Byl25Yar?s".- in 1 " ' " 1 1 ' ' I- iM.il i i . j, A- : ID, V. 1' , jUnV JDu.Q' Ip l!.::,;A v Injljllnl Speaking of athletic families, how about. the Timber Wolves of ramD Adairf We'd say they were definitely not behind the door when the sports, heroes began getting themselves goDDiea up py the various military units. mmm ' . K V 1 T mere a ox course tA. uoo uui ty, TW athletic office who did some mighty efficient ' hooping ference southern, division, Sgt. "Long John' Widf, former all American hoopster at Kansas under Phog Allen and now bus-, iness j manager .. of the timber Wolf ball club, Sgt. "Slats" Obitzi seven years Bucknell U swimming "-. coach ' - and . once a professional basketballer him self, and the personnel of both the TW basketball and baseball teams, to, mention a few the high-scoring Herb Brown of U of Indiana whom none of the quints hereabouts could keep from hitting the hemp regularly last winter, Jack Knott and- Beau Bell, the renowned major iiinim on the hall dub. Gus Gregory and Dean rye, tne Keen keystone combination and Paul tfio f1t.fnntM3 outfield oair. Another of the Wolf pack is CpL sistant to the assistant in Duffq's athletic office. vAnd, like most or nis sidekicks, versatile to sal the least High school football, basketball, Ahall and half-milin at Allentown. Pa, then basketball, football. low-hurdling and haif-miling at Muhlenberg college, also in Allentown. following and still before army life with the Timber Wolves, Kennedy coached amateur baseball, basketball, football, Softball and track teams in estern city leagues and worked summers at resorts as water instruc tor and rhvical education teacher. pet in both band and an orchestra, for four years and then cooked up his own swing band. ---T'T ; i.rM - ' i ' Torpedoes Not Alone 'on FT Boats Then just to make certain he didn't miss mock, Kennedy of ficiated basketball, football, baseball and swimming. . " At present the corporal is at home a long-awaited one it was, too. Mrs. with an SVpound future general on able to attend the actual presentation until last week.' . .. ' r . Letter, from Ensign "lows' Joe, Murray, the former Bearcat rone TT bostinr. looking as If It gave at least one censor and his scissors' a nightmare, tells between missing lines that Joe has already been" to sea and not for merely pleasure cruising. Murray hit port long enough to give Art Balrd. seeend-sseker for the 'Cats this spring, reasons why Midshipman ' Art should transfer ever to the PTs. Another of Murray's cronies is lamette law student who is now in the amphibian command. "Before we left on our cruise the recreational committee gave ms four phonographs, 599 very good records, checkers, ping-pong sets, . 499 good books, some softball and a boxing bag," says Joe. "Now sll we have to do Is fWa time f use em." - - Turner Coaxed to Fight 'CAoud. 1 , -. ' Could be build-up propaganda and way, Matchmaker Jack Abrahams . sugnt me nrst proiessionai Doxing Hector , the pup grew up and died, ' Turner at first didn't want any part of Injun Pat Black Cloud, the gent he waltzes the main event; with Thursday. Seems mat Turner . remembers how , well liked he isnt in the village and figured that If . he were to get his can knocked .very first time he came, back to town. . - Bat Abrahams says he eonrlneed Mr. Big Bond that inasmuch as " the future of the pre punching parties in our village depended en ; tirely en jost how much and what kind of action the boys gave off ' with en the first card, he'd best start right eff against Black Cloud and forget all about his personal feelings. Apparently a cenvm . clog gent, Abrahams got Turner's' signature on the dotted line - without further ado. I Black Cloud has a pretty fair recent. record at that.- He's decisioned Billy McGee of San Francisco, well-known in Portland, two out of three times and finished in a dead heat with him the other. He fol : lowed up by kayoeing Jimmy Collins,' another popular Portlander, in ; four rounds. A wiry-built lefthander from Fort Yates, North Dakota, Abrahams says Black Cloud is a "race horse", type of battler, with ; plenty of potent left hand. -' Here's hoping Abrahams knows what he's talking about and that ' Black Cloud is all ho claims bo ts..HeH have to bo against Turner. Viks Will Have Football .Those who saw Salem high's Viking footballers get kicked around 10 straight times last fall while failing to win a game but still predicted that Coach Tommy Drynan's green peas would have better days come next season, may see a replica of again come f alL -f -:; - : " ; - - ' - - - - l . s YeaH recall that almost all the Vik plgsklnners of .'42 had left at least another season of eligibility. Bat new It develops that a ' r fistful are eligible for another klad of competition, too the war. ; In fact Drynan's two first-string ends, Jim Weaget and Ed Bran-: die. both with eligibility left, arc already In the navy learning the .'difference between port and starboard. ;:fy. ivrii . What's more, Drynan's entire backheld may be any place but in alem when September rolls around. Bob. Warren. Owen Garland . add John Wehrli, who with Bruce Hamilton formed, the SHS rendi tion of the "Four Hoesemen," are -all 1-A--not students necessarily. but draft classified out aenniteiy. fied, he's still hampered by the bad last fall and re-injured this spring, - football from row 1. seat 2 this season. , ' ? All of which adds up to a fine could use a few wins. . , r - , ' . One thing for sure Athletie Boss Gurnoo Fleslaer says therell ; bo no "Salem nigh Drops Football", headline coming, from the Tik TUla. "Sure we're going to have football." says be. "And weH ' ', win seme games, too I hope. JPzn tttonT" a i - - , . On the Salem Golfers , , 4 Eight, matches In the second round of the annual Salem Golf club handicap tournament were- played " yesterday, five la the . championship flight and " three ' in the once - defeated first flight .Pat Petrel," Deb SeJerstrom, COATS and ' CLACKS S2 U -: r ... r ' . CFL. CLE YE KENNEDY Armstrong and Gene, Connor, ! Cleve Kennedy, assistant to the as He tapered off by tooting a trum actually taught trumpet lessons in Pennsylvania on furlough, and Kennedy presented Mr. Kennedy June 19, but Mr. Kennedy wasn't Jack McCullough, one-time Wil then again it could be fact. Any who brings to town Thursday cam me vuiage nas naa since says Leo "The Same Old lion off he didn't want it to happen the Team at Least the gruesome happenings all over - And although Hamilton isn t classi knee he got in the -Eugene fame so quite probably. wM see all his howdy - do, and right when the Viks ititeiriica f?s Don Hendrie, , Jack Nash O. E. McCrary continued unde feated toward the crown aires- , dy knocked off Walt Cllae, Jr.'s noggin : by ; advancing through second' round firing nnscathed yesterday. Petrol handed J. W. MeCalllsterhls first setback, 8 SBd - L and Sederstrom posted a' 3 and 2 wis ever John, Em- lea. "Dangerous Don" Hendrie silvered along by ckeing out a 1 up win , over John . HeltxeL Nash tripped Dave Eyre by the ear; count and He C r a rV'. ; dawned B. Thompson 4 and 3. ... Harvey Wahlgren, r the city cpen champ led yesterday's play In the once-beaten first flight with a 1 up win over Leo Estey. Carl Armpriest eliminated Har ry Gustation from further play willi atlse 1 up win on the. J.;;!i tela an J Ted Chariiers Official Record Lowered 3 Seconds LOS ANGELES, July 10.-VPh G under Haegg, the tireless Swed ish - fireman, established : a new American record for the two-mile run today at 8 minutes, S3 J sec onds, and also lowered the time for the official world record of 8:58 Set by Miklos Szabo. of Hun. gary, in Budapest in 1937. " ( f The long. striding naeggs time was about six seconds ' slower than his ' own unofficial time of 8:47.8, which he made In his native lanjd last year. Gil Doods, stocky and bespec tacled Boston divinity student who furnished the main competi tion for the 24-year-old Swede, led for the first three laps, - but Haegg caught him at the wire line starting the fourth " lap and fin ished 125 yards in front. He looked back several times to see Just how Dodds was far ing and waved his ana at the 7.598 cheering him as he came breezing down the stretch, C The American record of 8:38.8 for the two mils was set by Don Lash, of the University of Indiana at Princeton, NJ, In 1838. I - Another American record fell by the wayside today as Cliff Bourland. University of Sonth- ' Calif ornla, track captain. ran the 509-yard dash in S8L1 seconds, beating the former time of M. W. Sheppard. set back fas . 1918 at Celtie Park. NT, at S7.8 seconds. Commission Closes Big Game Area PORTLAND, July 10 -(jp-The state game commission, complying with an army request, closed Sat urday a huge section of Oregon's big-game hunting. lands for the duration ; of extensive military maneuvers in central Oregon. The maneuver area most of Deschutes and part of Crook, Klamath, Lake and Grant conn ties was closed to hunting, of-, f eetive Immediately, bat Ask ing will be permitted as usual. . The closure will affect deer and antelope 7 hunters principally as the area about one-sixth of the state's - hunting area I embraces some -of the choice deer and ante lope country. No elk tracts are in cluded in the closed area.; Maneuvers will ' be - started by the army and continue until well Into the winter, per haps longer.: nr.! The commission withheld action on a 3000-acre duck reserve near Cresswell ; after petitioners con tended that considerable pasture land would be -damaged and that the ducks would be a menace to crops. Ortiz, Robleto Set for Qash SEATTLE. July lCKfl-Manuel Ortiz ( bantamweight champion of the world, and Joe Robleto of Los Angeles, who has already given the champion two : rough fights. finished training; Saturday 4 for their - championship - go here ' at the civic auditorium Monday eve ning, i ,-t 'i-tf- : The 15-round match for the 118- pound title. Which Ortiz holds with the blessing .of ' both the - national boxing nssoeiation and the ' New York commission, will t reintro duce the fight game in Seattle for the first time in more than a -year. Ashcom Accepts" 1 Ail-Star Invite PENDLETON. July 18.-6P- Dick Ashcom. three-letter Univer- l-sity of Oregon footballer, Satur- uy accepted an invitation to may with the - collegiate A 1 1 - St a r s against the Washington Redskins. professional team, . at Evanston, X1L, August 25. He Is in charge of the city Nstatorium here. '- Dallas, Valsetz ; Teams Vie Today , DALLAS The Dallas and Val sets Legion Junior baseball teams will play a game today at 230 p. m. on Mack field near Falls City, according to an announce ment made by Coach O. E. An derson of the Dallas team, Neil Richardson . is expected to ' pitch for Dallas. ' ' polished off III Hamaa S up. Only four more matches Is the second round remain to be played today. All four must be battled eff not later than to night according to &e tourna ment committee. Addiliorial Sports On Parrs 10 Learning l , L 'V, I is 1 V - (m Depleted above are parts of the i ... . , I. - . 4 tative D. C Westerhout (standing on diving board), coached mUUary representauves ounag sne pass week In Olinger playground swimming pooL Upper photo shows mnaled "fatteM" trousers and raft made up ef two Inflated barracks bags attached to a. stretcher. Four such barracks bags and a stretcher recently transported six men across Lake Washington h Seattle. The men were also taught imm tm tmfl&i th Km. nuUlen ud shirt isleevea in about one second. The course is being taught bv renreoentativoo of the Kod Cross to 80011017 uniU throughout the Adair Seagulls Play Nine Here i The Camp Adair Seagulls ball club, which played the Portland Coast Guard here last Sunday and was to have-played the Guardsmen a return game -today in Geo. E. Waters park until the CG'ers had to withdraw, yesterday challenged the Snellstrom Braves of the Cascade league, was accepted and will meet the Braves In the local ball yard this afternoon at 2:30 p. m. The local American Legion post will spon sor today's tussle as It did last Sunday's. - . , 1 The Braves, currently tied for, the top spot In the Cascade loop, ' are : managed ; by . Bill . Greene, ex-State leaguer with Eugene. Most of the players est the Snellstrbm nine are former Eugene high school and ; State league stars from that section of the state.- 23 'c -The Seagulls, who despite their defeat here ilast Sunday, have practically clinched ; the Timber Wolf inter-division championship at the post..; -;v Sldearmer Everett Ericsson, Seagulls see who had the Coast Guardsmen on his hh for six Innings last Sunday -before be ing , batted eat, will probably et Manager Xlg" Nyers start-; Inc. call today. Utah Golf ers SALT LAKE CTTYi July 1HJP) Three Utoh brothers -figured prominently Saturday In the. sec ond round of the Utah open gou tournament but it was Sid Her man of Walla Walla, WasIT, who still topped the field. Herman,; a former Salt Lake City - professional, dropped con siderably below his pace setting three-under-par 69 Friday- by carding a 74, but it was good enough to give him a running to tal of 143 for the 33 holes. Other ' scores mcmded:; Lloyd Mangru m,; Los Angeles, 143; George Von Elm, Los? Angeles, 150; Ellsworth Vines, Los Angeles, 151; R. W. Olsen, Sandpoint, Ida ho, 168. BIG SEI - . Ire Baseball By the Associated Pros Y Ktla fthrM k&Sm ta osek War) pi..m risk A AB H Prt. Curtright, White Sox Sv 1S St t 439 Steohens. Browns 1 233 S3 77 Hack. Cubs 74 2 J 43 S3 Herman. Dodgers 79 T 1 -HI Wakefield. Tigers 71 301 39 100 J52 Khmk ktl4 In: Natioaa.1 Lease Asaerleao Lete Herman, Dodgrs 58 Etten, Yankees 83 IMtn rant,. ... K.L.Mn.l irum '" ameticaa Leacae Hannan Pacing Ott. GianU . U.StepheR. trow 11 What Water Safety LI Intensive 39-hour course In water safety In which Ked Cross Represen shirts. Lower! nhoto shows five men Today; ; 2:30 pi m. Timber Wolves Nip Warriors 3-2; 2nd Game Albany Today PORTIJNrT-(Special)--The took a firm hold on the northwest championship here Saturday with the Fort Lewis Warriors. The game series " at Albany - Sunday with s-2:30 p. m. game. -It waa Manaseri Jack ' Kaett who both pitched and hit his ewn 'win Satarday. With the score' tied at: t-t la the final end and third. Knett laid down a 4 perfect bant - te net only sqaeesc Virgil Ledbetter screes bat chalk p his -first base hit ef .the season as well. The Wolves scored twice in the eighth on singles by Bill Slpey the catcher. Dean rrye, 'Beau Betl and . Paul Armstrong, Bell and Armstrong driving; in the two, . .. . Kaett - gave - nine fairly tiered hits. Beallewed three in the Fert Lewis, sixth and they cast hiss a ran. Three mere - 'blews in the seventh breaght ta the ether Warrior tally.. Cart Handy . and neraaaa Beieh beth ' came thrensh with clatch drivea te acceont f or the rans. Bell and Sipe were the leading batters for the Wolves with a pair of hits apiece. A crowd of approximately five hnndred ssw the game. roar ucwis m as a h o a Lee. aa ; : : 1 -t- S-- 4 Pinterell. Ztt 4 Retch, lb - i - KubJcek. e ,. . .4 Amovtch. it , ,.,-4 Handy. 3b .S IS S I its SI IS e l as e ii a s t a e s 4 0 U 0 1 s s as n Mrowezjrnakl, rt Brieer, , cf - . Brown. 7 m a , , Totals 4 4 4 TIMBEB WOLVES J , Gregory. as-- -4 rrye, 3b : 4 BeU.- lb -n..- ,-,, S- ArmstroriS. et.. 4 Connor, it . a Rich, rt , , . -edbetter. 3b . ,,, 4 Sipe, c , m. 1 Knott, p Totals ,. , , ..... -33 8 27 19 . (One out when wlnnlns run scored.) , - fort LewU Hits ..ooo ooi ro a J19 013 2-0 8 Timber Wolves . K;.s - ooo ooa c-t 3 -X 114 C 2 B Iwii batted In. Ilany. I Armstrons. Knott; tw base a os ft a a eans as Taught by "4 the men keeping buoyant by using actually afloat on an imprevisea country. (St a teams u sports photos) J. Eugene Camp Adair Timber Wolves army camp's mythical baseball a ninth-inning 3-2 victory over two clubs will wind up their two- Handy, , Mrowsynskt. Lee; - hits by pltcner, eu ' oy urown, , nmaaj oj TMinH - Kail RIb mt tlrurk out by Knott S. Brown ; bases on balls ... iraoH Rmm r-id runs off Knott 2, Brown 3; stolen bases. BeU. Handy, Led better, utn en Dsiss. vmm a - TtrnKr Wnl.M f. UlK- Dire. Luxembera and Reseie. Time Clipper i Smith JIarine Captain SAN DIEGO. Califs July 10 CAVCoach . Uaurice J. "Clipper Smith has joined the marine corpsJ and is taking specialized training at Camp Ellldltwiur the rank of captain. The former Santa C3ara coach lias been' coaching at Vil- lanova. ' How They y sir AKJID oooo rniiT IJIACUC ' W I. Pet. W X. Pet Los Ang S3 23 .729 Holly wd 40 44 .43 San rran 49 33 JSS SeatUe 45 A& Portland 43 41 .512 Oakland 3 49 .421 San Dief 43 44 .4&8lSacramt 3S SS J33 i Saturday results: At Sacramento 4-4. Portland 8-1 U ! At San rranclaco L Hollywood 0. At Los Angeles 13. Oakland S. At San Diego 9. Seattle 3. VATtnvil. I.EAfiL'K w l Pet. . W L Pet. Ft. Louis, 44 34 .657 Philadel 34 40 .49 Brooklyn 44 33 d2 Boston .J3 38 .451 Pittsburg 37 34 J21 Chicago 33 43 .432 Clncinna , 3S 30 J14;New Vrk 39 43 2 Saturday result: -At Boston 0. St. Louis S. At Brooklyn 13. Pittsburgh S. i At New York 4-0, Chicago 10-3. v At Philadelphia 2, CincinnaU f. AMCXICAN LEAGUE . . - W L Pet. W L Pet. New Yrk 41 30 J77 Boston ..3S 3t .4 i Detroit J7 33 Clevelan 34 37 A i Washingt 50 34 J20 St. Louis 33 37 .471 Chicago 33 34 XJ7, Philadel 33 43 XZi Saturday results: At Chicafo 1-3. Kew York S-S. - t r :tv j.'i o, , j'hir-ton 4. -4 t 1 t. lx 3, I.os.on At letr&.si 1, I'luladelpbia S. Red Cross Owen Cancels Grapple Card ' Matchmaker Don Owen an nounced Saturday that the pro posed weekly wrestling card at the ! armory ; Tuesday night has bees canceled. He did not wish to pat en a card here while the upcoming circus was playing to town. He added that an aU-ae-Uon card would . take place a week from Tuesday, July 29. . Lien Porisides 1-Hitl-OWin SAN FRANCISCO. July 10.-ff) -Al ; Lien, big southpaw of the San! Francisco Seals, came within one batter of pitching, a perfect game as he blanked the -Holly wood Stars L to 0 here Saturday afternoon. The only hit off Lien wss a sin gle by Butch Moran in the sixth. nellyweod . 000 eat tt 11 San Fran.TllM ! sleet and Brenael; Lien and o'prins.' Ci rirr' ( t SUV U.w'JU l...4Wv iwr sJ .1 , Ce sure 'your slcTef' iuxat too iocz- CuTTi thstt .X.fSxrn up yew shirt cxSara hefcsK a to the laundry, (Thia cuts down, abrasion on tha top eda of cedars, where they wear out first.) -3 Don't let lama xe the laundry.-put too much1 starch ha your ooSara,- 4 If you pertpire freely, have your shuts Uundered procnptly. And if you use a cteodVxrat; aZaw It to dry before you "put on your shirts; 5 VThen buyins a new shirt, be sure you ct a good one. . Vyrjotstc in today and ?,ee our pxxi-looldns new Arrow Chirts? They're Sanforised"-labeled (won't shrink even 15S). and made cf Cibrica pre ' tested tor Ions wear! - Of "Your Arrow I Zij I I 7ct I I " Ii rciZZf- I Pair, iirg0 . ; loivard Sscon 1 & SACRAMENTO. July 13 HfV 1 The Portland Beavers continue 1 their surge toward second place Im Vma TTaMiirTiM .wuMt ImAi. . y. ? - JU Mi A MMPV.MM.MS. M.w, MllJ (( i I r I r doublehesder with the Sacra mento Solons, 8 to 4, snd 11 to 4. . Although outhlt 15 to 12 in the first game, the Beavers were nev er in danger after the sixth in ning. ' ' - ' ' ' Fertland opened with two rans ta the first inning as Co- ' pert Thompson and Les Floyd siasted snd Johnny Gill rapped doable te left. The Solons took a short-lived lead with three runs in the fifth. Duobles by Ted Gullic, Larry Barton and Johnny 0NeIl and a single by "Wayne Osborne put the , Beavers out in front, S to S, in the sixin. oruana saaea tnree un needed runs In the ninth. The nlshtcep started eat as a pitehins dael between Syd Ce-, ' hen, Fertland lefthander, and ' . Clyde Fischer and Beb'Fitzke. 1 Fischer was sent from the ram ' after, pitching te enly two bat- '-' tera when he was struck en the ' eye by a ball thrown by Umpire 'Jack FewcIL . . - " . . x i- . Portland clinched thcTgame with " four runs in the fourth snd sis' more in the fifth, with Barton and'.. Rupert Thompson leading the hea-) . vy hitting. reruaaa sss ss. s is s Sacra 5 SOI 4 15 1 Osborne, Wilson () and Ad-n asms: Drestewerd. ruiett (6). McFaden (1), Ftntar () and ; Malona. Portland .8I 4ff 111 11 t Sacra. , ,HMH 14 II Cohen and Hoffman; Fischer, FItxke (1). Drelswerd (5). SSa lone (5) and Petersen. " To Be Strong A TT jitTTA" Jut W in-iOH-." The new took the wraos off its' 1943 football plans Saturdayand itll be top-drawer coaching and top- Jtl . ..n4AM. m board pre-night schools. Lieut. Rex Enright, who coached the University of South Carolina to gridiron eminence, was named head coach of the US 1 navy pre Gight school st Athens, Ga suc ceeding Uttle-known Lieut Wilbur C. Riley. And st Chapel Hill, NCj the navy pre-fllght school an nounced : appointment of Lieut. Ws,v.V! VtskswMafk , tt wi ssss . Vkikii Al gissiist, AtuiutyuivSi sv&uici vws A.faV-ft Tl m wrl At a tv i vtfewsri f-er Si at MsbttT' bd ' man. H - succeeds Lieut. Comdr, Jiinxnjr Crowley. -1 Shirt Store' Navy