r : - - i , . i.. i end Wetter tlzo' raro'.i t!. ; t :re3 c'.: :r t'.jrea i . 1 L- r-ff --- i f - -r- - " -. i wiit t mK j. w . . , Tiner end "Ilar.j Ycur Trc, : Ca a r-Ir.bow. rnterUIrir.2 li-UIihti la';..: seueaces cf tr.s fin ere prcr: ed by. th Vrr-bor.ij. The 11:1 wood Blondes sad ths eclctrz Ztsy Brothers. United We Ciaad,? ' the . st ory behind", the war, completes th3 double to.".- Tax-Cut Announced POUTLAI.T), July 10-C.-TLa fa a damp cellar of a farmhouse the Norwegian underground meet to thwart the nasi overlords la War i xter Bros. "Edge of Darkness. Karen Stensgard, Ana Sheridan, has just brought fn a wonnded com j rade, while the village doctor, her father, played by Walter lias ton. protests at her exposing herself to such danrer. Gunnar Brogge, played by Errol Flynn, leader of the underground, lores Karen bat J believes that women have their part la the fight against Bast tyranny. Under the personal rnperri ' sioa of Jack It. Warner, executive director for. Warner Bros "Edge of Darkness' fells a vivid story of the fight against Norway's "guests." Completing the doable bill now at the Capitol theatre Is - "United We Stand. official films of the United Nations as well as pictures captured from the ' These two exceptional pictures are now playing at the CapltoL r IVitUam Tracy and Jean Porter in a tender moment from United Artists' new production, Abont Facer The second feature stars Bobert Taylor and Brian Donlery la "8taad By f or Action, the ' " first real epic of our navy in battle! This double bill Is shewing today at the Hollywood theatre. 4 MXX-:- 3. "It Alan' nay. starring Bud Abbott (ft)' and In Costello, has Grace - McDonald and Lelghton Noble (14 ta roatantlo roles. Co-featured ' with this- slde-apmting comedy Is "Prelude to War," the real story behind this -war. These two features are now betas; shewn on too screes -at the Ehdaere theatre.. ' E&geof Darkness Thrilling StoryofN "Edge of Darkness,". the Warner Bros, film based on William . Voods-iMpulair novel of the same name is the new screen offering : - now playing at the Capitol theatre. . Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan head one of the most dis- ' ; twguished casts ever.: assembled , ln one motion picture; Featured : " In the anpperting cast are Nancy Coleman, - talented young player - who peif mined so notably; in Kings Row,":The Gay Sisters 1 and others; .Walter Huston, whose performance as Jerry. Cohen In "Yankee -Doodle Dandy wd long : . be remembered; Judith Anderson - and Ruth Gordon, both prominent playerse" stage end screen. Z OtheF important names in the ; 7 film include John- Beal, Charles 3 : - Dingle; Mortis Carnovsky, Roman Bonne And Helmut Darftine, who r ; icored ia "Mrs. Miniver" and L"Cablanea.- - -; Brought to life tm the screen ' is thirtory of a Norwegian fish ? lng village, its simple, peace-lov- ing people, and of the brutal nazl boot that ' stamps out freedom v Today Monday - Tuesday ,! Confinuous Today 1 to II T tou i i: .. y I is wherever it goes. Underground Functions i Despite, acts of brutality upon the villagers, -the tniderground system functions perfectly.. News 'travels-fast; plans are made; AMERICA'S FAVORITE BIG SHOW 2 Gala Monday Days Jury " - EVERYTIIING NEW BUT THE NAim -. nundreds Of Brand New Features' And Innovations . . Circzs jGrczss LcsIis ScL::! - TWICt 9. mm m OOOftS OKM AfTCRMOON AMD MfCHT OCRSOaMAHCCS IU''rttOf .." SXACTtV THS SAMS M EVEST PSTAIL mm 'I li li Q OMM JVl GLTGAT&3- MUG I 11 1 1 111 in 1 1 - 1 1 1 in rim 1 AT JO.; VJ I L D A M .InnAonniri j a ux;::d u 1.1.1 ft tiZZm 34w CwC;as!i A. feddZil If ftiSS T3i f!CV ,i;sf twjAwUcro. - urn mm mnu : t. I 4S3r.Sai Voslag lis CrM . JSjmTt f,-""""l f Cm VTirj Catt Crtvs XuiiO. . -o, ji. an.w tmmw l t I IOK( AM AMIMAlSlf ft j t OTOHf OP iaOKMIM (LirMAMTS . .'T tCOItl OP MA9NIMCINT HOIIIt 3-L...3 VSZlTf CLOWNS OALOSI ACKIS OS TINTS ... r 1 1 t IT L.J meetings are held under the very noses of the watchful nari.v When the villagers are secretly armed by the British, they wait in readi ness for the time to strike - The nazis give them their opportunity in the particularly brutal assault on the aged village schoolmaster, followed by an order for 'a mass execution of the ring-leaders in the "underground movement. The rebellion is touched off and ' the village rises en masse against its oppressors. The ensuing battle re sults In v complete V destruction of the little town.-Not a nazl is left alive, and I the few remaining na tives escape to the hills to join in the guerrilla warfare against the invaders. "United We Stand" completes ' the double bill - at the CapitoL - s - Peach Crop Yield? Drop Is Expected WASHTNTON, July NHflVA 1943. peach yield 35 per cent be low last iyear's production , was fdreeMt; Friday.?-.-.' v ' The agriculture department said production Is expected to : total 43,042,000 bushels this year. -., In the 10 early southern states the crop is estimated at only 9,581, 000 bushels against 1991,000 bushels produced .In. 1942. , Today-Monday-Tuesday A thrilling team for a Tery; thrilling picture! mm OIUdLUUluOl) WAUffl HUSTON-KANGT sjonsoousosRwcnioos. i..,uaussBrasf Co-Feature fdlms - - - : ' from secret archives! . FILMS - -'- V- . f - captured from the enemy! Greater Than Any Drama Erer Filmed I "UNITED WE STAND 212 as 1 45) Tuesday iLdm Jv3j 1 f .1 A L t:;s n is x.:23 rzn turn Slicker, the movie seal, shown ,. Jquesuixn sea uons, zeaturea Slicker of Film Of Circus Sea Lion Performing on the back of can tering p o n 1 e s what ordinary trained seals are content to achieve on solid - ground, i Win ston's equestrian sea lions lay un disputed claim to that frequently overworked term, "world's only." ' This unique trained animal ex hibition holds center-ring billing with Russell Bros. Great S-Ring circus which is to appear at Sa lem two days, twice daily starting tomorrow, July 12. : " v ' Slicker,! the ringmaster of the troupe, is termed by his trainer, H. W, Winston, as the smartest seal ever to gulp a fish. In fact, he's so smart Winston cannot un derstand how. he ever got tangled up in a fish net off the coast of Monterey a 'little .more than four years ago. Winston bought him from the fisherman - who. hauled him out-of the ocean with a catch of halibut And it wasn't long be fore he stood out in the Winston herd like a wart on a debutante's nose. t-X:"-r'-ri- Slicker" is rated as a topflight actor by Henry Hathaway, 'the film director.1 Slicker has played in a number of pictures, Spawn of the North and - fisherman's Wharf among! themV Hathaway calls him tOne Shot? Slicker be cause he never muffs a part and the camera only" has to' roU once for a perfect performance ' Winston has 'toured the -world with his sea lions. The act Is con DIG TRIPLE . . w - j . r-. . ...... Tmb KEXIST sal 1 tra'T-'" ' 1 " ; C02XPANION?FATUIlE - IT WILL STAGGER THE mAGniATTOri r : f -SPECIAL ACADEMY AWARD ViTIIXnt j Amazins' Inside Story of .IntercfiUonal'Gzf-terat ; - THE U. S. GOVERNiGn FSSdSITS' LIEUTENANT COLOIfEL , , e - EXTKA " ADDED - ATTRACTION Over 75 tcCIttett-iatra Jdxa, Ecav Ta Ecririy C LiTtrcstca, Ecr-ca IlcCr thy, Eenchlry, Joa C -Erowri, Lculj-Arra-gtrcn & Ecch ester, te etc! In a riot cf cpc-ilascca fca as they Xhtir port la . czteca rzi frcnl-I-zj c-lrcct ta tec? err. . boys', -Iril3 -I-h. , j , , . , serving as ringmaster for Winston's wua susseu Eros Circus. Fame Star sidered tops' by discriminating circus-goers, and so are many of the other 1943 : f eahires of the Russell Circus Jorgen M. Chris-. tiansen, with his Argentine Criol lo horses: the Flying Valentinos in breath-taking exploits on the flying trapeze; Buddy, (the cele brated 'talking sea lion which shares honors with the Winston seals; Miss - Aerialetta and Hiss Esterita, America's foremost lady gymnasts; and the Button, Floyd, Acevedo, Excello, Otaris,, Lind, Bassett and Bailey, and Freehand troupes of riders, wirewalkers, acrobats, and jugglers, to mention only a iw-Sk-iM ' Performances are given ""twice dally kt 2 and 8 pjn. Doors to the menagerie and big top 'open one hour earner. " - f ' It i Better Late T Than Never! ! : . . -:: - U PORTLAND. July ' II , -(flV t Stove. Meek tamed up Saturday to claim a watch ho lost 15 years FeUeo recovered bis watch: at -a pawn shop the r other day, them dlseovered .they, couldn't , locate Steve. ' ' Steve checked la after read ing the story In SALEM'S fJTA&NO 1 :00 P. - M. Com Early IHT rSE0T7!! : j ... rRSin Jsv-Cisf WW. X J v U Ml a a ! 1 roup ) Cold that objective at all costs . . . the thrilling story of the boys at Eataaa moves to the State theatre today to continue a glorious first run. SItaan, starring Cobert Taylor, Thomas MltchelL Lloyd . . Nolan, plays five more exciting days at the State. The second fea ture Is -He's My Guy" starring Dick Feran. Irene Ilerevy, Joan Davis and Fussy Knight with the S3s Brothers doing added specialties. Abbott, Costello Gag Fest Comes to Elsinore Screen ' The nation No. 1 box-office champions, Abbott and Costello, start today on the screen at the Elsinore theatre in Damon Sun yon'a It Ain't Hay, The Universal picture heralded as the most comical in which the two comedians have starred, has Grace Mc Donald, Cecil Kellaway, Eugene Pallette, Patsy. O'Connor and Ri chard Lane in its cast. Extraordin ary added feature Is the appear ance of Leighton Noble and his orchestra. -'i .ii:: ' Some of Runyoris : most color ful Broadway characters are por trayed in the hilarious story in which Bud Abbott and Lou be come embroiled in a strange case of mistaken identity. Two horses, however, are the principals in the error, one a nag and the other a handicap favorite. When the com ..a - -N - T- T?T-f : r"'"!lllMli"l,TTrrTXH f i ' t 1 "'i-nrnn sz l CONTINUED FIKST KUNIi i I EIsTcd Tcday VZ " F.ig, To the State for . y--Ov ! la ta Merry r MORE A Ta 4 MUicl T rv V0. DAYS (J ) tl , GET . XT I I Today ThrougJi f jf t(S L-?j&V - - i. - rir f 3TK-; '-J LTlTlr;-;.:- 1 ! ! M ! i : I i i i i i L S i ; v lij; :0'. y;" . ! TODAY j -- -. .i j , . , f I r-" TT ... I X . . . - ' v. f . ' r . ' ics are suspected' of substituting one steed : for the other, the ac tion of the film is said to excite more laughter man any . corres ponding situation in their previous hits. ! ' i'- Blend Music, Romance . Romance and musie are includ in the speedy plot and are contri buted by Miss McDonald and No ble. The talented pair sing "Glory Be, composed by Harry ; Revel and Paul Francis Webster. Revel Kultnomah county tax supcrvLs ing and conservation commission announced Saturday; a five-mill tax reduction on Portland prop erty for the fiscal year ending June 23, 1344. - i v n f . iiCLQy Thrn V.Cli. EI FIVE DAYS . ., f ZnO Bl( Bit Grace IXacDonald li ' rWA r-rri c f T? rrc-"-n t