The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Councils Oliay
Gty Budgets -:.
Scio Allows Contract
Bills; Stayton
- Plans Festival
. SCIO Council of the city of
Ccio allowed contract bill total
big $182.64, and other bills aggre
gating $413.12 at the regular Jul j
meting. The latter group includ
ed labor and materials for renova
tion of the ity JauV payment for
cement drainage tile to be used
n Main street, and 24 tons of
premix paving material for patch
ing streets. :
Council and budget committee
approved the 1933 fiscal budget of
$1404. Eight hundred dollars is
listed for payment of principal and
interest of bonded . indebtedness,
$420 for street lighting and $239 as
. general fund expense. Estimated
fines and licenses total$55.
Retail and package beer licenses
were granted to-. - Mr. and Mrs.
Carl W. Caswell for Max's lunch, ;
STAYTOJ .The city council
at its monthly meeting Tuesday
adopted the budget for the town of
Stayton as published. .
. . Permission was granted Elmer
Fhilippi, stock buyer, to erect
scale and receiving pen upon lots
south of the Gardner ditch facing
Permission was also granted the
. ggntig" bean festival' to close Ida
street from the Richfield station
eastward during the festival, July
27-31. x
Scio Black
Yield Is Light
r SCIO Black raspberry picking
is in progress -in the Scio 'area,
.with good yields reported. Pickers
are receiving four cents per
. pound. Strawberry harvest is vir-
tualy ; complete, with local ryld
being light because of unfavorable
weathes, r-
Hay is being cut -and stored in
barns in the Scio locality. Heavy
yield is reported in most sections.
Shearing of i breeding - i stock
sheep stiU is incomplete in the
Scio vicinity, the clip extending
' beyond the usual dates because of
intermittent rains. ' Shearing of
market lambs is expected to be-
gin within a few weeks.
Swegle Women !
End Vacation
At Taft Beach
SWEGLE Miss Bethine Bulla
- ana Miss Alice . Blanchard re
turned home Tuesday night from
a holiday vacation spent at Taft
' beach.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs." Joseph 'Brennan over the
weekend were Mrs. Brennan's
- father, J. H. Dibb, from Portland,
- her brother, Frank H. Dibb of
Pacific Beach, Wash., and
nephew,. David J. Case of Port
land. He is spending the week in
the Brennan home.
Visiting at the home of Mr, and
and Mrs. Charles Norton' this
week are Mrs. Flora Purcell and
Mrs. Nellie Berry and son, Bobby,
from Los Angeles.- They plan a
two weeks visit in and near
Salem. -
Church Services j iril Salem
Church -and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swift, pastor. Communion,
1:30 a-m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
North Winter and Jefferson streets,
6 Raynor Smith, pastor. Sundajf school
9A5 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Personal Priorities."
Intermediate fellowship 9 ; o'clock
Youth fellowship. 7 o'clock.
Bishland avenue and Church street,
Herman H. Macy. - pastor. - Sunday
school 10 ajn. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. Ev
f eninc service S o'clock. Prayer meeting
Thursday at S o'clock.
Stat and Church streets, J. C. Har
rison, pastor. .Sunday school S:45 ajn.
Morning service 10:55 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Face the East." Evening serv
ice 7:43 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Liv
ing Upstairs." Youth fellowship p.m.
The youth of Jason Lee and West Sa
lem churches as guests. .- t -
Uth and Breyman streets.. Rev. T.
W. Henderson. ThB. pastor. Sunday
school S:4S a.m. Morning service at 11
" -o'clock. Evening service 7 :4S o'clock.
40 p.m street meeting. Commercial
and Court streets. - $0 pjn young
people's service. Tuesday, 7:43 pjn.
anspiraUonal service. - Thursday, 19
pjn young people's service.,
Marion and Cottage, streets. David
Nielsen, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m.
Morning service 1 o'clock. - Sermon
subject. "The Word of God. S p.m..
young people will meet at the church.
South Liberty and Cast Miller streets,
Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday
school 9.-4S ajii. Moraine service II
o'clock. Sermon subject, - "Fivefold
Peace Program." Rev. Arno Q. Weni
ger. guest speaker. Evening service 7 -JO
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Building the
' Church. Rev. Wuiicer. Tuesday, 9:30
" sjb. Loyalty class social at the
: ehureh and Home Builder's class pie
Me at Cartwriahfs farm. Thursday,
taO p.m., prayer service. Missionary
Harold Etter of Tat-Kem leper colony,
guest speaker. 9:48 pjn choir re
hearsal. . i;-v
Chemeketa and Winter streets, W.
Xrvln Williams, pastor. Sunday school
9:43 ajm. Morning service 10:53 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "The Way Out." Dr.
- J. Hudson Ballard, ruest speaker. Ev
ening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Worry and Its Cure." Dr. Bal
lard. 9:30 p.m Westminster youth fel
lowship. 930 p.m., Monday, Boy
Scouts, 9:20 pjn. Thursday, service.
Hazel and Academy streets, Warren
C. Jiale, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn.
Jtlorning service 11 o'clock. Younsj
reople s meeting at 730 pjn. Evenir ;
frvice 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting c
Vednesday at 9 pjn.
Ferry and 13th streets. Erie M
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school ;5
Midi- Wlllamme 6Ee Ya
Reports From
Attracts Lyons.
Vacationers ..
LYONS Mr, Marie Smith of
Alpena, SD, is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Huliman,
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of Nebras
ka are visitors at the home of Mr.
Vaughn's nephew and niece, Mr.
and Mrs.! Chet Grimes. -
Mr. and Mi s. Earl Allen spent
Sunday and Monday on the Metol-
ious river. Mr. Allen fished while
there. i t ' '
Holly Westenhouse of Albany
spent the weekend in Lyons visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman
and daughters, Janice, Janet and
Jeanette, spent Sunday and Mon
day at the Breitenbush hot springs.
They visited with Mrs. Huffman's
parents, ? Mr. and Mrs. George
Hubbard, who are employed there.
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Ram
bo and son Georgie, with the Lar
son family of Silverton, spent the
weekend at the Breitenbush hot
springs. Mrs. Larson is a sister of
Mr. Rambo.
Mrs. Kenneth Cogburn and Mrs.
Bernard Atchenson and daughter
of Lakeview, visited last week at
the home of Mrs. Cogburn's fath
er, Levfi Garrison, and ; MrsiAt
chenson'i mother, Mrs. Hazel Bass.
Mr. and Mrs. John Huber of El
Paso, Texas, visited last Thursday
and Friday at the home of his
nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Huber. . They also visited at
the home of Mrs. Stacey McCaU.
' Mrs. Brassfield of Portland is
spending some time at the home of
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs Merrill Brassfield. Mr.
Brassfield made a trip to Portland
last week and she returned home
with him.
Women Plan Sale
To Paint Church
LEBANON Plans arc vnder
way for the painting and redec
orating - el -: the Presbyterian
church. The women will conduct
a rummage sale In the I OOF
hall Saturday, July If, the re
ceipts to be used for the work
to be done an the church. The
committee in charge of the sale
Is: Mrs. E. H. Bohle, Mrs. Ralph
Reeves, Mrs. R. M. Harden, Mrs.
Peter Tweed, Mrs. Ross O'Brien
and Mrs. J. G. GilL
Rebekah. Officer
Visits Scio Lodge
SCIO Initiation rites were
exemplified by Leone Rebekah
ledge, IOOF, at Scio at a spe
cial ) meeting this week, when '
Mrs. Bertha McCoUnm of Pert
land, president of the Rebekah
Assembly of Oregon, made an
official visit. Refreshments fol
lowed the business meeting. .
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon by ; Rev. Charles Weston, former
pastor in Salem. Sermon subject, "The
Tenderness of Christ." Rev. Raphael
Foffredo of San Francisco, guest vio
linist. No evening service. Camp meet
ing at Brooks. Wednesday, 7:49 pjn..
9th and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein
mum, pastor. Sunday school 940 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. - Sermon
subject,. "The Price of Redemption.'
evening service 730 o clock. . Sermon
subject, "The Seeking Saviour." Daily
vacation Bible school continues Mon
day through : Wednesday, 9 a Jn. to
11 -30. Closing program Wednesday at
North Cottage and D streets, J. T.
Olthoff.' DD. pastor. Sunday school
9:45. a jn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "Christ's Pattern for
His Church." Evening - service 7 30
o'clock. Rev. Walter Radko of North
Dakota . guest preacher. Service ,: Wed
nesday at 7:45 pjn. .
Marion and Liberty streets. Irvine A.
Fox. DD, pastor. Sunday school 9:49
s.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "What Is Christianity;
Evening service 730 clock. Sermon
subject. "Jonah Delivered From the
Whale's Belly.-' Young - people and
adult Bible study 930 pjiv. Prayer
meeting Wednesday. 7.30 pjn. ,
Hayesviiie - school, r Sunday school
S:4S a.m. Dewey Davis, SupC
Brush College school. Rev. Earl L.
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m.
Mars. Hue Ll, supt. Morning service
10:49 o'clock. Young people's meeting
East State and Xima streets. Sunday
school 9:43 a jn Leon Lambert. Sunt.
Evening service 7:49 o'clock. Rev, Earl
Baker, speaker. BYPU 1 p.m. Prsyer
meeting Thursday, im pjn.
Cottage and Shippina streets, HJ R.
ThornhiU. pastor. Sunday school -10
aon. Morning; service 11 o'clock. Even
ing service 7 30 o'clock. Bible classes
S:45 p.m.
LocaUon of meeting this Sunday.
wLiu , nan. commercial and Ferrr
streets.' Junior class 9 p.m. Preaching
9 pjn. Sermon subject. "What la the
via rasiuoned Religion?-, -LESLIE
South Commercial and Myers streets.
Joseph : Knotta, pastor.' Sunday school
t:45 a jn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "A Sacrificial Re
deemer." Youth groups at 7 pjn. Ev
ening service 9 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Wanted Laborers." Prayer
inveung j.nursuay at liHJ pjn. -AMERICAN
343 North Church street, M. A. Get-
rendaner, DD, pastor. Sundar . school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Ser
mon subject "If . We Believe." Com
munion at 9 pjn. Communion service
at 9 p.m. Sermon subject, "For the
ttrengtacning of Our Lives." -
The Statesman's
Scdem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. July 10. IS 13
Carpenter Sees 40 Years'
Cliges inR
Serving as Engineer
" ; By MRS. C, J ENSTAD -
. . - ; '.. i. : i -' J . j i : - . .- . -
-4 - DALLAS "I can't remember a similar incident in railroading,"
Harvey Carpenter, 66, veteran locomotive engineer on the South
ern Pacific's Oregonian, remarked upon' retiring June 30 coinci
den tally with Engineer Jesse L. Woodson of Eugene. - Woodson
brought the Oregonian into Eugene
to step off for the last time while
Carpenter stepped on and ran her
back to Portland before he,, too,
laid down his gloves to . retire to
his home at Dallas.
U Carpenter was born at Hamilton,
Nev., living there until he was 19
when ? he moved ; to California.
Friends of the family induced him
to go to Portland, which he did
in 1898. There he secured his first
job, that of .fireman on the South
ern Pacific working out of Port
land. He was transferred that win
ter to Dunsmuir, i Calif, on the
Ashland division; firing : between
the two points until he was pro
moted to engineer in 1903. For. the
last 40 years he has run the Ore
gonian out of Portland and made
his home, meanwhile, in Dallas.
When he started, all . lecomo?
tives were equipped with weed
burners. Carpenter recalled. In
order" to get the wood Into the
coders, the fireman stood on.
a platform and threw wood span '
the tank of the engines This had j
to be done several time daring
the ran. All the engines had to
be heavily wooded Jast before;
reaching Cortland fas order to ;
keep ap enoach steam to reach
there and retain to the wood-
Locomotives on the -Dunsmuir
and Ashland division had been
converted to coal burners by, the
time Carpenter had been trans
ferred there, he related.' Later an
engineer named f Van Bolten was
given the authority to convert all
locomotives into oil burners. There
was a gradual improvement over
the years un litthe modern, loco
motive was perfected.. - -
All box ears were of wood
and -few had air brakes, Lm
eoln put : coupling being : ased.
The procedure. Carpenter ex
plained, was for the engineer
to signal the brakeman to begin '
winding vp the brakes with a
wooden handle; in order to stop
the engine.
Over the years, changes' were
made in the equipment which at
the time were not so noticeable
as now if a comparison is made.
Mr. Carpenter spent most of his
leisure time working for a humane
society, being an officer in the
state organization. He plans to
continue with this, now that he
has retired. , , .
M. L. Jennings, superintendent
of the Southern Pacific at Port
land, commended Carpenter in a
letter mailed at the . time of the
last run, stating, "I congratulate
you on the successful completion
of so notable career and extend to
you and yours' sincere and "best
wishes for many- more years of
good health and happiness, in
19th and Ferry streets, Howard C.
Stover, pastor.: Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service ; 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Living a Thousand Lives,"
South 12th and Leslie streets. L. L.
Freeman, minister. Sunday school 10
a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ev
ening service 9 JO o'clock. Preaching
1 M p-m. i .
17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly
man, pastor. Sunday school 9 :4S a.m.
Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Kept in His Name." Christian
Endeavor 7 pjn. : Evening service at 9
o'clock held ' in the garden of prayer.
Sermon subject." "God's Will ' and
Mine." Sunday school picnic Thursday.
July 15.. ;
Center and Hiah streets. " Dudlev
Strain, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m.
Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Junior
chureTt at 11 a.m. Sermon subject.
Our Future Is Now." Evening service
T.-49 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 9:49
p.m.. Sermon subject. "Handling Our
selves." Prayer meeting Thursday at
o pjn. - ., . - , . -.
Market and North Winter streets.
J. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
9:49 a jn. Morning service 11. o'clock.
Sermon subject. "The Climax of the
Patmoa Message." Young ' people's
meeting 9:49 p.m. Evening service IMS
o'clock. Prayer ; meeting Wednesday.
Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J.
Kenneth ' Wishart. pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. Morning service ' 11
o'clock. Rev. Marlin Olson, director ol
service men's center. Portland, will be
the guest speaker. Evening service
7 JO o'clock. Rev. Leo Thornton, Port
land, will be the guest speaker. Prayer
nour ?nursaay si a o ciock. , ,
15th and Mill streets, LoweTJ Gilifer.
pastor. Sunday ochool 10 a.m. Morning
service 11 Vcloclt. WYPS M p.m. Ev
ening service TSJO o'clock. Prayer
service Wednesday, 9 pjn.-. -.r-i
9CIENTI9T ( - ? " : ; X ':
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 ajn. Morning service It
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Sacrament."
Wednesday meeting at 9 pjn. includes
testimonies of healing. - Reading room
149 S. High street open daily except
Sunday, n ajn. to S p.m. Wednesday
to 1J30. Sunday and holidays' 1 .to
9 pjn. - , - i
TABERNACLE : --i. . . . - ,
1410 Madison street Ray Blixseth,
pastor. Suadsy school 19 a.m. Morning
service . 11 o'clock. Evening service 9
o'clock. Chart message. Young peo
ple's meeting Tuesday, 9 pjn. Prayer
meevmg inursaay a pjn.
313' W North Commercial street. Rev.
J. C. and Daisy Wilson, castors. Sun-
i a pjn. Evening service 1:45 , o'clock.
Community Correspondents
Board Sets New
Library Hours
At Silverton
ththam, chairman of tiie Silver
ton library ; board, announced that
the new library schedule recently
recommended by the city council
will come Into effect next -week.
The board made a survey of the
town and decided that Wednesday
night would be the most feasible
as the additional night which the
library . wilL". be open.. Starting
next week the library hours will
be Mondays, 2 to 5;. Wednesdays,
2 to 5 and 7 to 9; Saturdays, 2 to
5 o'clock and ? until 0 o'clock. '
The board held its meeting
Thursday night at the city library
with the three-new I board mem
bers attending for- the first time.
These- are- Mrs.' Reber Allen; 11; L.
Starr and J." W. Jordan. Mrs. La
tham continues - as board chair
man. ' ! Tha board-' inspected the
library;-r?; '
A new feature recently- started
at th library is the collection of
information bulletins ' issued from
Norway, Denmark, Australia, and
Russia., These are kept on file at
the library and used in the read
ing room by anyone who cares to
see them. .- -
Observers '
Start Course
DAYTON Observation post
watchers of Dayton have started
the three nights a week schedule,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fri
days, for two hours each night un
der direction of - Mrs. Clete GelL
who recently completed one week
in an airplane observation train
ing course at Portland. Six nights
will constitute the course.
' Clete GelL local contractor, is in
charge of construction for the new
10 by 10 foot observation post lo
cated near the Dayton Union high
school building. It is 17 feet from
the ground to the floor. Hi W.
Budge, chief observer for Dayton,
Harry Sherman is mayor , of
Dayton, replacing Representative
Carl H. Francis, who left recently
for training with the marines at
Paris Island, SC. .
which to" enjoy the fruits of your
labors and a well-earned vaca
Special meetings every night conduct-
ea oy svinteuns un mm Josepnine
Biamamer ox lujrmona, wasn.
North 17th street and Nebraska av
enue. Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:49 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon by Rev.
George Chapman. Christian Endeavor
State and 19th streets, T. H. Theuer,
BO, pastor. Sunday-school 9:45 ajn.
Morning - service 11 o'clock. - District
President L. Ludwig. DD, will preach.
Dorcas society Wednesday, a pjn.
Capitol : and Marion streets. 7E. A.
Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday school ) 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "Holding Fast Our Pro
fession ! -! -.
Silverton Churchc
risk and Madison streets. O TLeonard
Jones, pastor. Sunday school :S ajxu
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "Christian Attitudes in War
Times." Evening service 9 o'clock bv
young adults on church lawn.
TRINITY --"'S:r',
Second and B streets. M. 3. K. Tuhr.
pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subiect. "Es
tablish Through the Word of j Our
Hands."- .
North Church street. S. L. ahnlle.
pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "A Picture of the Father's Love."
Evening service 9 o'clock. Young pec-
Mrs. Selman
Ends Trip
To 'California
ABIQUA - Mrs. Lee Selman
has returned from a business trip
to California,. She brought home
a load of furniture which has been
stored since the family moved to
Oregon nine years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartholomew
of Bend ' are now moving Into
their cabin purchased from Mrs.
Robert Down. Mrs. ; Down, who
with her late . husband, used to
spend the summer vacations here,
He wag In charge of history In one
of the Portland high schools. Mrs,
Down, who spent a few days with
friends here - this - week,- now - is
employed in the Portland library,
where she was working prior to
,her marriage, rrf ;:-J?st:
F. J. Vand de Weil has received
his medical ' discharge from the
navy and Is spending a few days
with his family here.- He was em
ployed in the shipyards in Port
land before he joined the s navy.
By profession he Is a carpenter.
Mrv and Mrs. Ernest Erickson
of Seattle sure spending a few days
this week sts guests of her mother,
Mrs. Haldor Holm. -
Boehms Hosts
To Friends
At Picnic .
-. . - o -.... j. r ' f'--"h '..:"-''(.. t
day a group of . friends enjoyed a
picnic on ; the Harry Boehm Jawn
celebrating f the Fourth. of July.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Boehm and Carol ef Salem, Hor
ace ; Bibby, Mr. and ; Mrs. , Harry
Lovre, Donna, Doris and Gary, Mr.
and Mrs.' Ruben Boehm, Betty
Lou, RoJean, Muriel and Beverly,
Mr, and Mrs. Knowles Tontz, Miss
Peggy Tontz and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Boehm. T '
Visiting rat the Harry Boehm
home for several days this week is
Mrs. Boehms' brother, Charles
Young of Sherwood, who has been
very ill for more than a month,
but now is' improving. r
Dinner guests at the Clyde Lee
dy home on Tuesday were Mrs.
W. J. Edwards of Hillsboro, Sgt.
Leland Edwards of bgden, Utah,
Miss Dorothea Smith of New berg,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Leedy, and Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Aker. Sgt. Ed
wards is home on a ten day fur
lough after which he ; will . enter
the . officers candidate school- at
Camp Lee, Va. f
Guests over the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Aker were Mr.i and Mrs : Jack
Oglesby and Patty of Springfield.
. Mrs. Ruby Reeves spent several
days last week at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Sid Baughman, at Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baughman vis
ited there on Sunday. ' '
pie's society on church lawn.,
Jersey street. O. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn in g service
11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Christ's
Attitude Toward Sinners." :-
Sunday school 19 ara. Junior church
U ajn., "Hang Out Your Light." Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject.
"Christ's Attitude on FTUttlens-'
Junior Christian ! Endeavor. 9 pjn.
Young people. (:30 pjn.tVnlon serv
ice at Methodist church.
Rev. V. M. Abbott, pastor. Sunday
school 949 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Evening service 9 o'clock.
H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school
10 ajn. Morning -service 11 -o'clock.
Crusaders 7 J5 pjn.-Wednesday service
149 pjn. -? ; ,
PULL G09PKL . ' '. . '
First - and Arthur streets. Sunday
school 9:49 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Children's church 7:15 p.m.
Evening service 7:45 o'clock.. Tuesday
service 10:45 a.m. Wednesday prayer
meeting 7: pjn. Friday, young peo
ple's meeting 149 pjn. -( t.
METHODI9T ?"" s-"i; ": -M"4 ''-'
D. Lester Fields, - pastor. Sunday
school . 10 - ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Our Personal
GospeL" Youth fellowship T pjn. Union
service o'clock. Rev. "Cromley speak
ing. ':J't(i
Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier. pastor. Sun
(ChentekeU and TVlater Streets) r -. .
' Invites You to Hear ,
. give his timely lecture 1 ,
Sunday Ever.inj
1 1 r":r
TT7T . .1
7cst "Salem Members
. lienor , Past Master
r At Farewell Event
WEST SALEM Members of
the West Salem grange and the
city officials with their families
and friends entertained with . a
party at- the city tall Wednesday
night Mr. and Mrs. PhU Hatha
way and family, who are leaving
soon to make their home at Don
ald, Oregon, where Mr, Hathaway
is employed. 3
: They have made their home In
West; Salem for a' number of
years, Mr. Hathaway having lived
here since a small boy and Mrs.
Hathaway since 1927. Both are
active In the grange, he serving
as 'master . and she ' for several
years, as lecturer. Hathaway re
signed a position on - the city
maintenance : staff ; to take ; his
present job., . .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhn were
members of - the arrangement
. A program under, the direction
of the grange lecturer, Mrs. Ed
England, consisted of community
singing, a piano : solo by Arlene
Kuhn, a reading by Mrs. Tl T
Crosier and a reading by Arthur
Brown, a grand march in which
all participated and a mock trial
with Mr. Hathaway being arrest
ed, tried, and convicted o fthe of
fense of leaving the city without
an : approving vote ' of the cili-f
sens. A gift was presented to the
honored guests by the grange and
the city officials, past master Ted
Burns, making the presentation.
Refreshments "were served by
the hostess ' committee consisting
of Francis Burns, earl Kuhn;
Mrs. Robert" Pattisoiv Mrs. Ed
England, Vivian Tupper and Mary
Kuhn. . . .
Dickman Heads
STAYTON Election of 1943-44
officers of Stayton post 58 of the
American Legion with the results
as follows: ' Fred Dickman, com
mander; John Christensen," first
vice commander; I Oscar, Hagen,
second vice commander; Charles
Johnson,, adjutant; Harry RisheL
chaplain; Virgil TueL finance of
ficer; Anton , Swoboda, sergeant
at arms; Dave John, historian. . ;
Executive committee, E. A. Dit
ter, Sublimity; Robert Sphoon,
Aumsville; J. C. KimmeL Mill
Qty; George Huffman, Lyons; Ju
lina DeJardin, Stayton. , : ,
Delegates to the state conven
tion were named as Ernie Miller,
Harry. Humphreys, Charles John
son; with John Christensen, Joe
Pieser and George Duncan, alter
nates. ""; . ; : : j
Bible School
AttraTcts 20
vacation Bible school, which be
gan Tuesday under the direction
of Rev. Peter Becker, had an at
tendance of 20 the first day. This
is considered a good attendance
as the ; sessions are being held
nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. Those
assisting . Rev. - Becker are . Mrs.
Minnie Goode, Mrs, Gladys Cage,
and Mrs. Vera Bassett. The school
will continue into next week.
day masses at 9, 90 and 10 M ajn.
Weekday masses at 1J0 ajn. -.-,.!
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 1
pjn. Evening service 9 o'clock. Prayer
service Thursday 9 pjn.
-" Sunday school 1045 a.m. Mrs. B. H.
Hughes, s Supt. .- Morning service 10
o'clock. i l
' ' - ..fvi-..- -
Sunday school 10:45 a.m." Morning
service 9:30 o'clock. Lutheran Bible
camp service at Colton at 11 ajn 5
and 9 pjn.
Second and Garfield streets. Morning
service 11 o'clock.
Monitor. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Rev. Alvln Rogen speaking.
Presbyterian""" '
. Gervais. James Aiken Smith, pas
tor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"Observing the Sacrament, Proclaiming
the Lord's Death." -. ; - - T J
MU1 City. W. 8. Crockett, pastor.
Sunday school 10 ajn. Glen Shelton.
Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ev
ening service S o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Building in the Child Life."-
Experienced Saleslady ;
fat ready to - wear and dry
goods. Mast have good experi
ence. others need net - apply
Write Statesman, Box No. 10.
7:0 o'Goelc
sr o
To Preoby tcriano
Tvico on Snntlay
Dr. J. Hudson EsII-rd, profes
sor of Christian education at San
Francisco - Theological seminary
will speak at. morning and night
services of the First Presbyterian
church Sunday. Dr. Ballard, for
merly pastor of the First Presby
terian church of Portland, is a
member of the Presbyterian coun
cil of general assembly,. , 1
Sermon subject in the morning
will be "The Way Out" and for the
night service at 7:30 o'clock, "Wor
ry and its Cure." Choir numbers
in the morning will be "Thine Is
the Kingdom by Gaul and "Fear
Not, O ! Israel," by Spicker. At
night the choir win-, sing, I
Walked I Today Where i Jesus
Walked," by OUara.
-The Westminster youth fellow
ship feature moving pictures of
the 1942 Silver Creek sumrner con
ference.' Rev. Irvin !W. Williams,
pastor 'of the Salem church, will
speak. -a
St.-Paul's Plans t
Plaque Installation7
Members of St. Paul's Episcopal
church will install a plaque list
ing all members in the armed for
ces, - they . have announced. Date
of dedication is undecided. Over
100 names will be listed according
to committee members Mrs. Rug-sell-
Catlin, C. H. McCullough,
Lynn F, Cronemiller, R. R. Board
man and George H. Otten. A ser
vice flag will be pbtalned by the
church also. i
Stover to Preach
Last Sermon Here
Closing .his ministry at the
Knight Memorial Congregational
church : Sunday morning. Rev.
Howard Stover will preach on
the theme, "Living . a Thousand
Lives."., ;
- He has accepted a call to the
Community Congregational church
at" Enterprise, .and' w ill leave
Tuesday: for his new field. '
Middle Grove Scene 1
Of Family Visita
of Redmond was a business visitor
In Salem July 2 and visited at
the, home of his father, John
Turnery in this community.-.. .:
-' Mrs. 'John Thomas, Salem; and
Mrs.' C M. Cummings," Turner,
visited the I r sister, Mrs. Julia
Turner over;the- -weekend.""
SS .Convention Set i
- MILL CITY The Santiam dis
trict Sunday school convention
will be held j in the Mill City
Church! of Christ on July 11. Rev.
WiUard i M. Aldrich, president of
the Multnomah school of the Bible,
being principal speaker. The con
vention starts at II a. m. with lat
er sessions at 1:30 p. m. and the
night service on the theme "Build
ing in the ChUd Life."
Soloist Slated
Guest soloist ' Sunday morning
at the First Methodist church will
be Josephine Albert Spaulding.
She will sing, "The Lord Is My
Light"! by Allitsen, and "Prayer"
by Guion. Dr, J. C. Harrison will
preach: the ' sermon, "Faca the
East" I iU X:,:L :i V : ! : V; ; fi
. "r v , i'-
: ; I - j-.. . -, .. J
J L .
;'..'!' " 7'.
(Cross between White Leu
horn and New Hampshire.)
Good layers heavy neat
producers. f -
: ''-cf:.v' ?1 ;i"'7'
Yf -t
Farsocs as excellent layers!
Test crowbs. ' '
113 Na Liberty Zt.
- ' -
..Rev. ri-A'rd . Allen, prstor cf
the Calve ry rrr--t church, c re
nounced the f., poL-trr.rr.t cf Rev.
C. Howard Cmith cf Cclllrsswood,
NJ, to succeed to' the. position cf
minister of music and Christian
education here. ; -
Rev. Sroith, . rjrsduats cf the
Eastern. Baptist Theopc-ical sem
inary in Philadelphia with a de
gree in Christian education and
sacred music, was formerly choir
and youth director cf the Grace
Baptist church at Westmount, NJ.
He served last as organist and
choir director at the Elockley
Baptist church In Philadelphia, f
Rev. Emith was selected by a
committee from Calvary Baptist ,
church, including B. R. Emerson,
chairman. Dr. Hugh Dowd, Thom
as Roen and Rev. Alien. The com
mittee has been locking for some
one to fill this position for over
a year, and considered Howard
after he was brought to their at
tention, by Ronald Adams, a stu
dent t Eastern now, members
revealed.-. ;! .... ,
West Salem Plans
Reconclitioning ;
School Building
WEST SALEM At a meeting
of the school board Tuesday night
general reconditioning of the
school buildings with the possibil
ity of reroofing was discussed. It
was decided to put the buildings
in. first class condition before tha
opening .date of school.
Most of tha elected teachers
have signed . their contracts and
returned them to the board.
.; rZ:r!
Rev. Arno Q.. Venler
C-T r
Liberty at E. Miller
. 1 .-"--: , -A
Friendly Chareh with a
Calvary Message f
- V - i: - ' - i
Rer. Wenlger, former pastor of
the Calvary church, will speak
at bath services.
11:00 A. M.
Five-fold Peace Program
I 2 7:30 P.M. .
j Building tha Church
'E. L., Allen Pastor
Pe? Hundred
Per lie-ire J
js ai
r:.c-s sisi
mm jy ss