3 o ( PAGZ CH Thm OrjZGO:! CTATITMAII. Cdeta. Orocoa, Ccturdar Uoztlz, July 10. 1C.3 t rr - n Rails Spark Stock Recovery . AP Average .Up .2 At 52.5, New High Since7l939 , , NEW YORK, July MRails ' led the stock market on another selective recovery- Jaunt :. Friday and assorted" favorites : rose frac tions to a point or more to best . levels for from 1 to more than 3 years. li' -j W'i-i-'U The Associated Press 60-rtock v. average was up ,t of a point at , a peak since November 4, 1938. The 15-rail composite :ad- I anced .4 to 28.4 but still was J& . under its 1943 top established last ; V May. The , day was relatively -, broad, 903 individual issues being traded. : Of these, 433 were -, up, 235 down and 235 unchanged. , . Transfer of 1,053,300 shares compared with 960,160 Thursday, Merchandizing stocks pushed up on reports of sustained heavy re tail sales throughout the country, Oils were given a play in reflec L tion of hopes for a boost in crude rates. .. In the "newhigh" category were Santa Fe, . Texas & Pacific Railway, Yellow Truck, -Mara-caibo Oil, Sinclair Oil, Stokely Bros., Paramount Pictures and preferreds of Standard Gas and Allegheny Corp. Pepsi-Cola turn ed upward in futher response to the outlook for larger sugar supplies. - Losers included Chrysler, Gen J eral Motors, American Telephone, Anaconda, Eastman Kodak, J. I. Case, United Aircraft and Sperry. Swegle, Continue : In Profession SWEGLE . There are three teachers in this district who are v staying in their own profession and two are going to summer ; school. Mrs. Emma Gene Miller ' finished her school year at Ham .-- mono, came home to visit her mother, Mrs. Elvina Hoffman, for . : four days and started a new year's V work at the federal city of Van--; port She will be teaching through i the summer months. Miss Alma ' Stauf f er a teacher of West Salem, has gone to Wheatland college at : Wheatland, ul for the summer " term, and ' Miss Jeanne Dubuir, 1 Swegle intermediate grades 7 teacher, to school at Los Angeles. Might as Well Give Up, Fanner UMONVALE - A patriotic Id hen bent on doing her part for the war effort just could'nt be Stopped, Fred Lamer dis covered this week. The old bid- -y stole her nest and hatched Jl chicks In Lanner's barn. '- Action Photo Shoves Circus Daredevils in Flight , . ' " - - - 1 ' . v -zrr- .t ,- ' " - J ' ' ' n . - ' - . : ; 1 , . I - ' ' j""" - ' ' , A . kW'" I' Mir Wlrtin 1lrtlftfcllf,Mlirtya The Sensational Flying Valentino w iwo-noar, action-packed program of Kossdl Bros. cireos. On the split .of 1 second, the j camera, in the photo above, has stopped in mid-air the spectac ular passing leap of the Flying valentines, featured aerialists with Russell Bros. great 3-ring circus, to Toe seen in Salem two days twice daily starting Monday, July iz. The man swinging head down ward on the trapeze at the left Is known as the catcher. 'He has released the lady leaper below, who is returning through space to uie trapeze on the opposite awe. i zne .other feminine - leaner is chown about to make contact with Try ase t Cblsese resseeies. Aasaxlag SUCCESS . . tor see years tst CHINA. Ne saatxer wttk what ailaeat yea are AJTUCT EU disorders, staasltis. heart, rang. Uver. Udaeys, stems c a. gas, eeasupauea, aieet-t, , -dia- betis. fever, skin, female piajals CIizrKo Cbzn Chinese LTerb Co. Office Hears f Oaly Tees. and Sat, Sen., and Wed. a. m. t 1139 m. mf 112 n. Comt Cl. Ciien. Cre. , seat n V 'Strictly Private9 (t )y f v v : x V-WVi DAQ MOM.: to I GUESS AS8E RDWS N 3EEP HELPS keep &-cwsy euvs hw asim6 the OU tWSJHE IKK OF SPURS I4TWS WR AST CETCUGN ON THE OfPCE CHARTUUJS Mdor, sou IN .. rVS.MC3MCR van ; fST CM TVt CESfcS? Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- July -(AP)- tuiuu. tons. 47 'ic: A crade prints. 4i: car- tons. 47c: B Krade prints 46c: cartons. c JO. Butterf at First quality, maximum of 3 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland. 52-zkc lb.; premium quai - ity, maximum of 35 of 1 pec cent acid- ity. 53-53'ic lb.: valley route and coun- try prints, 2c less than first or SO-aO'.Wc: second quality at Portland 2c under first or 50-SO.c : i , Cheese SeUina price to Portland re- tellers: Oregon triplets 28c lb.; loaf. 30e lb., triolets to wholesalers. 27e lb.: Kal, 7ic roe. Eggs Prices to retailers, in A grade large 454c; A medium 41 ?4c; A small T-ic aozen. Ems Nominal prices to producers: A large 42c; B large 3ic; A medium sue; u large au'.jc Live poultry Buying prices r No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to S lbs Jc; cojorea zryers. under 2', to 4 lts 29c; colored roasters, over 4 lbs.. 29c; Leghorn hens under 2'i lbs- 25' ,c: over 3s lbs 253c; colored hens, 4 to ids.. z'ic: over s los.. U'c: old roosters. 21ac lb.: stags. 21 lie lb. uressea turkeys Selling prices Country dressed breeder hens, 30-32c Rabbits Government ceiling: Aver age country killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers. 24c lb. unions Cireen. ss-soc doz. bunches: Texas yellow 2.75; California 2.75; Wiiu waua z.4Q per 90-ib. bag. potatoes Old table stock, cash and carry price: No. 2. 1-35-1.50 50-lb. bag; local no. i, 3. mi cental, i Potatoes New Yakima white No. 1 Z.40; local 2.75 centaL Country meats Rollback price to re- toilers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs.. 20c: vealers. AA. 22 lie; A. 21 ic; B M3c; C 17ic; D 15'ic lb; canner-cutter cows 14 lie lb.; ouiis. carver cutters, I4ic; lambs. aa. zee; a Z4iic: B 22lic: C 20ic ewes, Ts. 13ic; medium 12c; R. 10'ic: oi. aa, Z1T4C: A. Juic; a isc. wool Government control, Cascara bark Dry. 20c lb. ; Hops Nominal. Seed stock. 1942 crop 31.40 lb.; seedless f 1.50-1.60 lb.; contract seeaiess vuc; seed 65c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal r Al falfa No. 2 or better. S34; No. 1 Mon tana umotny. S33; no. 1 grass hay. S32; oat-vetch. S25-30 on, valley points: toothy (valley,. $23 ton; clover S2S-30 providing m thrilling moment la i the 'catcher.' Upon reaching the catcners ouutretcned arms she wiu reverse and return to the other 1 trapeze swinrina back to the lofty pedestal from whence the The thirilling routine of the ing vaienunos includes tne ez- tremely difficult two-and-one-half somersault and is concluded either I ; w, v ? 7 KVUTta aD0Ve M icnpera re sorneumesi KllJfU j V IJ iiv - . 'Xrl 7 r aa even more difficult feat in whlrh nn. ir.- . plete somersault J:. while passing the other. i I Flyin return acts are one tvue of circus performance m which I Americans ; definitely excel, i and this is one of the world famous troupes emanating from Bloom- ingtorv lilJ where :."IWn".i LV. U- wT fught in the local YMCA." The; Flying Valentino. .r.Nn!nLt 7 J.'.T A" 1r among itiany new aerialT croba- tic and equaibristic features that unf old in the Russell Bros. event. ful prosram along with a varied r-lbo' Uinldiig-lot.of array of trained animal acts. I naony this siimmer, pickicg the Two ptsrformances will be riven daily starting at 2 and 8 pan. Free exhibitions on the midway will et under way at 12:30 and 60 pxi- with doors to the menaserie I and t; i show cpening t 1 and 7. By Quinn Hall C-1--VS 4 iVAK ' n-to Portland Portland Grain portlakd: rv Jul m wnfii: no ruxures. Cash Brain: Oats No. 2-31 lb whit 4.oo. Barley . No. 2-45 lb. bw 41 M. Mo. l flax 3.03. Casta wheat (bid): Soft white 1 .33; I soft white excluding Rex 137'.: white I 1 ciud 137',.: western red 137,. I Hard red winter: Ordinary 133; ' 10 I per cent 1.34; 11 per cent 138; 12 I per cent 138. I Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.41; 111 per cent 1.42; 12 per cent 1.43. : Today s ear receipts: Wheat 31. bar- I nour a, oats 2. bay 5, millfeed 1 uaxscea i. : East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore,' July 9 (AP) I I East Side market prices today iijui www no, i, fjo pyra mid; bunches 4.00-5.00 pyramid. Cabbage .Round type 2.75-3.00 1 crate; local pointed 1.00 pony crate. . Beans Green 12-13c lb.; yellow 12 13c lb.: horse 90c lu. Boysenberries No. 1. 1.65-2.75 crate. I wauiiziower (broccoli) No. I, 30; ordinary 25; No. X. I.M crate. - v,nerries Bings, Lamberts I3-15c; I Royal Anne 12c lb.; pie lOc b, Boot vegetables TuniH 1 1B.1 ss-. own svc aozen ounenes; carrots 40 aoe -aozen bunches. ' - - ? Gooseberries Regular 17e lb. Greens Swiss chard lie Hnn ouncnes; watercress 11 doz. bunches; mustard 75c doz. bunches Lettuce Local 1 .00-1.50 crate; leaf ioci ow aozen Duncnes. loganberries No. 1. 2.00 crate. Peas Local S-8c lb. Spinach Local 1.40-1 30 orange box. jvauisnes no. " i spring, red 50c I dozen bunches. Rhubarb Field 1 40-1 SO twtv Onions Green 40-50c doz. bunch KasDberries 2 SO-a on- hiirkran. .w-j crate. Strawberries Orev on Marsh alia 9 u .ws crate; Red Hearts 230 crate. Younsberries Local J OO-S 35 m Potatoes New local 1 .00 lnr 1 11- I . - orange DOZ. . -.. .,- :. . .j. Portland Livestock r PORTLAND. Ore . Jnlv ivsuAi-winw Kaianie so. total isa- wito' uT miuiwn b leers unsoia: (ooohaiM grain fed steers 15 J5-1C73; i grass bmu 10.uu-1s.uu; canner and cutter cows 6.00-7 50; fat dairy type fowV to 00. grass fat beef cows 1030-1130: voune cows tn linn- uium-cooo ouiis salable 11.00-12.75' good-choice vealers 14 aa.sa j Hogs: Salable -60. total 350; market JSi"5r y May: good-choice 190 230 lb. 1430, one choice lot 194 lb. " 245-255 lb. 13.75-14.00; good sows 11.75: choice lieht fii.. ..( hi. n - H""-- I Sheeo: Salable Sl tun. i . - - " w, wxavt 5W medium-good spring; lambs ii wa-cnoice grades salable i'5-50: common fniba mntaM. to 10.00; medium yearlings 10.50: com-1 iiwu'iiicuiuni ) ewea i um na- food ewes s nn-nn - . i Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press' I STOCK AVERAGES - - - - - jiiiw m 30 1 Rails UUI 26.4 36.0 28.0 36.0 2.l " 35.4 253 34.7 16.0 233 263 36.0 1SJ 274 0 rriday ..-73.S Stks 523 previous day ; 73 4 Week ago W7 Month ago 723 Year aeo M 9 1943 high ?7 1943 kw.u aoj 523 523 513 , 373 S23 41.7 . New 1943 high. BOND AVERAGES 20 io . ta Bails Indus, uul rgn Friday Week avco . Tt a ; inn a Z. . Month ago .763 1053 103.7 603 Yew ag "V trr i.4 95.7 493 r I!i . ?. J043 . . ' erww in .,,i.,yiJ 3IU HUB HI m 11CIG Y MOUCO Fly-jLlUD JiOtC Hi, Ho, Mice! - WelL another Saturrlav !-. and sweU show is fa .tore for Tou - ?Iit fitii-t , '... -i -- www uu .w M e-Ptr of the serial -G-Men v. ; th - L 7 Black Dragon," and a weU endin WM- Saturday we rtrt new serial Daredevils oi West" and it Is really rood. Th features are :Uitaanw star- Robert Taylor and "He's My Guy!! starring Joan Davis and they are! two swell ttimn xi. B:". T -TJ" 7 .77 -w" K 1 CV??Zt?l H0 nd we ,U lot of luck. ' for Uncle Sam. and to make their i money for the school year ahead. By the war. onlv rvm more weeks until srfuw! ar'!- i so get out and make your money' whUe yon can, and with your i Grains Record Strong tosses j - CHICAGO, July t-yPy-Renect-ing disappointment at the failure of 'anti-subsidy and corn ceiling revision , legislation to pass con gress, all grains recorded sub stantial losses. Friday. The market was weak throughout the session and final prices generally were at the day's lows. : Trading volume sank below yesterday, when total transactions were the largest for more than a year. ? At the, close . wheat was down 2-2, July $1.43, September $1.46 oats were off 1-1 and rye was 1H-3V4 lower. , ' ' Traders thought the Commodity' Credit corporation would soon re new its zeea .wneat sales pro gram,' now that the agency's life has been extended, and this would tion. - ' :' ''. fend to ease .the feed grain situa- Imminence of : "government crop report tended-to restrict transactions. - After the close the government estimated all wheat production as of June .1 at 790, 823,000 bushels compared with 730,524,000 bushels a month earlier. , . 1 An improved outlook had been generally expected. Monday's Radio Program. LS KSLM MONDAT 1390 Ke. - 700 New In Brief. 7i)S Rise n Shine. 730 News 7:45 Morning Moods. ' S -00 Freddy Nagel's Orchestra. 8 SO Freddy Nagel's Orchestra. S30 News Brevities. S 35 Tango Time. . S -00 Pastor's Call. S:15 Uncle Sam 8 JO Popular Music. 10:00 World tn Review. 10:35 Music. 11 0 Orchestra. 11 JO Hits of Yesteryear. 11:45 Neus 12 ao Organallties. KAUB MBS MONDAT 133 Ke. S 15 Uncle Sam. ; 7.00 News 7:15 Texas Rangers. - 730 Memory Timekeeper." 8.-00 Shady Valley Folks. : S 30 News. 8:45 What's New. 9-00 Boake Carter. : -; 9:15 Woman's Side Of the N 930 Band. ; 10 m News. : 10:15 Gardner's Friend. '1030 This and That. - 11 $Q Buyers Parade. 11:15 Bill Hay Reads the Bible. 1130 Concert Gems. 11:45 Rose Room. 12.O0 Concert. : KEXBN MONDAT 11M Sc. 0.-00 We're Up Too. S:15 National Fi.m and Home. -45 Western Agrjculture. 7.-00 Smilin' Ed McConnell. 7K15 Home Demonstration AgenC 17:15 Music of Vienna, -f 730 News S0 Breakfast Club. t:00 My True Story. t 5 . t-M Breakfast at Sardi'a. 10-00 Baukhage Ta.king.i 10:15 Gospel Singer. -1030 Andy and Virginia. 10:45 Baby InsUtute. i 11:00 Woman's World, t 11:15 Mystery Chef. 11-30 Ladies Be Seated. 11:45 Yout Hollywood News. 12 .-00 Songs by Morton Downey. hi:S-. I -- KOIN CBS MONDAY 970 Ke. :00 Northwest Farm Reporter. .15 Breakfast Bulletin, i S30 Texas Rangers. :45 KOIN Ktock. " ; 7:15 Wake Up News. , 730 Dick Joy, News. ? 7:45 Nelson Prirtgle. News. 8. -00 Consumer News. . 8:15 Valiant Lady. ..830 Stories America Loves. . 8:45 Aunt Jenny. 9. -00 Kate Smith . Speaks. 9:15 Big Sister. 930 Romance of Helen Trent 9.-45 Our Gal Sunday. 10.-00 Life Can Be Beautiful , 10:15 Ma Perkins. 1030 Vic and Sade. 10:45 The Goldbergs. 110 Young Dr Malone. 11:15 Joyce Jordan. 1130 We Love and Learn. 11:45 News. - 12:15 News. Bob Anderson. - SGW NBC MONDAY 2S Ke. 4-00 Dawn Patrol. ; ( 8:55 lehor News. 8 AO Everything Goes. ;30 News. , 85 Labor Mews. 1X News. 7:15 News Headlines. 730 Reveille. - 1 45 Sam Hayes, u f " 80 Stars of Today. 8:15 News- 8 J30 Rose Room. , ; V 8:45 David Ha rum. . -SAO Open Door. 8:15 Commentator. i 8 JO Mirth and Madness. L 10 AO Music .... 10:15 News. ; 10 JO Gallant Heart. 10:45 For You Today. ' 11 AO Light ot the World. 11:15 Lonely Wnwn. 11 JO The Guiding Light. 1145 Hymns of All Churches. 11 AO Story of Mary Marlia. KOAC MONDAY 558 Ke. ' 10 AO News. 10:15 The Homems leer'sHour. 11 AO Music of the Masters. U AO News extra change buy war stamps youll do your country a lot of good and yourself also. Your Mickey Mouse Chief, . RONNIE SPENCE. r Top Prices Paid! -Prompt Remittance Cl9 r CrLog Tear Crs to - FZID EIIiYID" EGG BITOT t 131 a C. AUcr a rartlaai, Cre. Salem BZcirliet Quotations ' The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative ox me oaiiy market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers - but - are not guaranteed by xne statesman: - ; Lettuce. "';' ' Cauliflower, crate Com. dot. ears - m -.30" 3.00 . 330 $430 1.1 i 6.00 i70 . 30 Avocados, crate Crook neck squash, crate Itaiian squash. . M lbs., Cucumbers, doz. Broccoli.' ease Green onions, dox. bun. Turnips, doz. bun. , , caiix cabbage.' lb mm Swiss chard, halt doz. bunches 30 Hot bouse tomatoes, lb.- 33 Strawberries, 1 doz. boxes, pts. 2.00 Endive, doa bus . 130 Artichokes doz - 33 Brussei sprouts, lb. , J7 Radishes, doz bun. .60 Cantaloupe, crate ", T.09 Carrots, doz- - " .70 Spuvsch. crate 130 Curly kaie. jnrmtm 1 00 Celery, doc bun --' 1.65 Parsnips., lb - as Watercress, dos. bunches 130 Watermelons, pound " 36 Green wax beans, lb. 30 Green beans, lb. Plums. " 31 Mrtarir-i, Ifa 1 Raspberries, crate - 235 Blackcaps, crate 1.75 Onoins. lb. - - " 36 GRAIN, BAT AND SEEDS Byiag Prices) :( Oats. No. i Feed barley, ton .. Clover hay. ton Oats and. vetch bay -Wheat . ; 38.00 .35 00 28 00 28 00 1.00 BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY , Aadresea's Baying Price ISubiect to change without notice.) WELL. CUR PASS-?S SAP NOW TO SEE WHETHER WE CAN Dk3 UP HELP FOR THE OTHERS AND ANOTHER PILOT FOR. HIM 6JVE ME THAT RUSSIAN -V4RASE-BO0K... r "V MI SCORCHT . SMITH 5&R -X. QRWJ TO SEE tvCTAO rtV VNS TO rSXRftV.N hs BARNEY GOOGLE MICKEY MOUSE THLMSLE THEATRE K ZEQ0.l DCkTT MEVi LALlCA " ... - - , KNOW WE WERETFW 1 KACA SlEEPlNi WHtS Mrs ' GET US TO 0 V- 0. SHOCE...OH? 1 UJa tjm . . v i nn.iF rr ovAll aejoltt hooj ME, ro TUJrSK QO XX) WEWnW4-- HER SCF2AlDKrV XXnjHAT T T NECK AW PUWCH J : r- . SAGE F0RVCXR Dsri tuocv 3: IJTTtE AimiZ ROOIIEY WEU WVE to rtro a camp farther FROM TOWn, WEBIFE AND THEN PIT S- U-l- L t --. L-i r ii fc . ! A L. i 7 -1 7 U . ,- V-i. v BUTTE TAT Premium No. 1 . : . J4 13 Ho - 2 Extra large, -fhite. and brow. 37 BUTTER PRINTS A t B w45i Quarters A7 EGG Extra large 3 36 36 34 34 Medium Standards Pullets Cracks POULTRY ' ' " ?n1npff ra tin ta 30 3 35 31 30 uiiorea rrys over 2', uw. colored nens White ' tMhanl rvs White Leghorn bens Marten Creamery's l Baying Prices) (Subject to change without notice) EGGS v Large A -,' ; . ' ' I ' 37 : Large A , i 39 Medium A ., , , 37 POULTRY ' All hens ' 331 .... 3 ,' - All springs Roosters or stags Above prices for' prune stock, undet grades according to valua - LIVESTOCK Buying prices-for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported. Shorn Iambs f ft to 9.00 Spring lambs ; , - - 12.00 - Ewes ..., ,,.,,,' ; . 3.00 to S.00 Hogs, top, 160-225 lbs. 13.75 Sows ' 1030 to 11.00 Top veal. 150 lbs. -, ,,, 13.00 Dairy type cows - .6.00 to . 730 Beef type cows 9.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 12 00 9 50 to 10.50 : 31 nuns Heifers . Dressed, veal AAAER8CANSIO PILOT ER. PKlWET WAf ta 1 mZo& BS OES . ViVM rE H0i 90 MUUOUSTO GOTO rW KGVROOS - U0 cowr V I UXXJLDM" LET ME U EtCT FRiEW STEALl rZiTT' ME Or4LM lKKiurne out aw 7 plav WEIL,00G AV CATS 1 MUST EE AGOW BUNDI THOUGHT ME5 - SOU WreESA-M TESIMS' MXW6STD? -HE UVE5 D0WM THE ROAD A PIECE-I WVE a -vv - FT DAY : OLD AND k, , f THE OTHK ii-tSS-6 - - w r a--. i a m -M 1 I IT CAMT tS POKE. U K.T TKSK2 LACCyr GOT MOTS AiEAff 1 THw TOwri ursiai H0ME5TJ pqci r -.-w. w t "x - a II. 1 X 1 x j . I I I I I i r ! it x 11 I I t M V III i i i 1.11 I I EcliL Lclmhoxr IX3AIJON Lucinda Cather Ine UcQueen, who was born near here in the Taliaian neighborhood in 1SC3, died in the same place July 3. She was buried In the GU liland cemetery, after services con ducted by Elder George Simons the Lowe chapel. . I , LLnC : McQueen, who was the daughter of William Clymer, had made heir home for the past sever al years with her son, O. W. Mc Queen, : and her daughter, - Miss Inez McQueen. Another son, Wil liam, died in 1933 and her; hus band, Alonzo McQueen . died 1822- She was member of the Baptist church. , Howard Rose Funeral . To Be in Illinois J LEBANON The body of How ard Rose, who died of a- cardiac attack in the Lebanon hospital on July 3, was shipped to his former home, "Avon, 111., - where : his only child,! Mrs. W. P. Mullins, lives. Mr. Rose's other survivors are his widow, : Mrs. Lena Rose .of Leba non, and r , brother, James Rose in San Diego, Calif.- Mr. Rose, who was 75 years of SCTM I PBUZH EANVTNE, rr" v NAM NU HM0 t I'r'v' tr W HE tS tAFFlKf MOdJ.I r-.VA TIME (UrT flM, AFTER THS LUtDDIM : j ?XTWPtSV S WIU NDU "STOP IJytS ' IMGOWa UTHWKS.CWLOK MGHT PRDT) OV NOJA'nSQE?N COULD I 4 USTOF THIMGS HP" if AW 1 1! roCm x 7ZZ.Vi ) ww ry v- rwow jcvm w iy VttO ror Mocsti wkcc TO THS HALF A t7 AK WE TR1AIKXE cans?. KATCH-k FOX A .cgumcjl CFAt9 STAHTED , , y-sct"; age, had conducted a store cn thj Santiam fcihwey. -, LiL'...-j rcr C-Ttt I :!ir.::. on in Never shift money from one classification of your bud jet to another! Voull never budget efficiently. Instead when you're short for Doe tor Bills', or Rent, or miscel laneous bills, get a personal loan from us, and be back In balance! Find eat about ear lnlflcd , credit terms ... For money la r hurry see ' irtyJ 4 IM,-rJ -IjJ-- 212-222 Guardian C!z. Corner Liberty A State Telephone S1SS Lie. 8-218 M-?22 We are always 1 the market te bay fer CASH Real Ectate Mortcages a ad eentracts. Mer chandise Disceaat Paper and Notes. in U WWU X GAT 1 WJE VRSPPX GR M CL-, usuaiiv r t I X, r I $ ! Hi , ( "' - TQMQgRoujTrSySy avrc. TS ! W----,. ' vmS v rvrenL v,r- m m'tt tk on ,c:a fcc n na ccrgEgtc;'r I r VWlTTii -'ry I . - - - 1 V I