The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    .9 V.-W.4 wiitlta'MUl . W. .- ... ....... , J
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T.Iay Xenew licenses License
renewals may be granted cosmetic
therapy schools even though they
are to close for the ensuing year
. because cf war conditions, Attor
ney General I. II. Van Winkle
ruled' here Wednesday. He alsa
held that electrolo gists, who use
electricity to remove , superfluous
hair, are prohibited from remov
ing warts, moles and other blenv
' Tuesday znoximum tempera
ture SS, minimum 58. Wednes
day river .7 feet. Weather data
restricted by army request.
Cherries Stolen While orchard
ists of the area- called, for more
pickers to save the current cherry
crop, three trees owned by. Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Ulmer, 2360 North Fifth
street, were stripped of their fruit
"7J rv by -volunteers" while the. Ulmers
The opinicwPreo.uested:by the lJ
proximately (11 was all removed
from the premises by. the time the
owners had returned, - Anthony
Kreppela, Mrs.' , turner's father,
said when he reported the theft
Lu't florist. Ph. 592. 1275 N. Ub-
Walter H. Zosel now in new loca
tion. 311 N. High St, formerly
Day It Co. location Official tire
inspection station
Keith Nash's band, Fri., armory.
Williams Breaks nipWhen Dr.
' L. J. Williams, chiropodist fell
off an - outside stairway at 144
' North Front street approximately
12 feet to' the cement walk belong
early .Wednesday ; morning, ; city
first aid men were called. Beliey
J Keith Nash's band, Fri, armory.
It costs no more to use the best!
Re-roof now with' Pabco roofing.
No Sown payment 12 . months to
Phone 9221; R. L. FJfstrom
Youth Returns Stanley Matte-
son, 13, reportea Monday as mis-1
sing from his home, has 'returned,!
in that one hip was fractured, j city police were informed Tuesday.
V Zt f Dance at armory Saturday nighf
being taken to his office in the - Bond; Sale Backed Gov. Earl
First National y bank . building, snell Wednesday called on all Ore-
Shortly before noon he did goT to gon citizens to join with the re-
a hospital, where it was said his tail merchants of the state in a
hip was fractured. I drive to sell t a l war stamp to
every person as a . part ox v me
You can still buy a Johns-Man- "help JJoomue co again ,cam-
ville roof,: nothing down, 12 mo. paign. ine program piaces ,we-
to Dav. Mathis Brosi 164 S. Com!. gons quoia . ai.i,io,yuu.
For home loans see Salem . Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty. :
See . us about bur new burglary
and theft policy. Covers inside and
' outside premises including bicycle.
Scellars & Foley.
Open-Air Carnival. Fun for evey
body. Afternoons & Eves: Marion
Square. ?
Mrs. Elsie nendrlckson Farr (secend frem right).' acanltted at Jersey
City, NJ, of a charge of murder In the shooting of Patrolman Airrea
1 . Lnndrren. misunderstood the annoaneement ' of , the . "not V guilty
: verdict and sobbed wDdly. Patrolman Xundfreni was shot to death
la the vestibule of her apartment Mrs. Farr testified that she and
Lundgren bad gone there from a: party' with friends. -Other; persons
In uus picture are not laemuiea Asseciatea jti-ch iwcoum
'- Van ' Winkle Rules Funds ; re
ceived by the state agricultural de-
join, wAVEs-Mi - Marjorie jnQX Says He V,Iutted" Elk Hills Deal
irgsvik, for six months employed I WM T , . . . . . . i : - . r
Bergs vik,
in the state budget
here. Wednesday received her oath
as a WAVE." She will report - for
training ' at Hluhters' college, : NY,
partment in " Connection 1 with ad- j soon as her final papers arrive;
ministration of the milk 1 control
law, should be credited to the milk
control account Attorney : General
IT H. -Van Winkle ruled Wednes
day. The opinion was asked by
E. KfPeterson," state agricultural
director who, under a 1943 legis
lative enactment administers ' the
milk -control act '"-.wC -;" - ?-
Salem's largest wallpaper stock
and style guides. FJfstrom's, 373
Chemeketa. .
Dance at armory Saturday night
. Auto Stamps Sold Long lines
of customers formed in front of
the auto tax stamp window Wed-?
nesday as the July 1 deadline
neared. To handle" the 4000 who
had put off purchasing the stamp
until the last minute, an additional
postal salesman was put, on, ac
cording to P os t m a s t e r Henry
Crawford. The stamps.are still on
sale, but starting toaayr un-
-lawful for motorists to drive their SCfllUCH
auramooues unless uie new iuuqp
has been applied.
. First Aid Given S. W. McFee,
445 Ford street stricken suddenly
ill as he worked at the Kay Wool-
'., en mill Wednesday morning, was
- taken to a physician's office' for
- care by the city first aid car. Don
Knight 16, of 494 Mill street who
turned his ankle during the noon
hour Wednesday, was given first
aid. : " - '
Keith Nash's band, FrL, armory,
. Allstate Auto Insurance. All
Coverages ai, Sears Roebuck Co.
Get the right legal car Insurance.
Abrams & Ellis, Masonic Eldg.-
She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Bergs vik of Salem, v .
READERS !: - -
For expert rear washing, steam
cleaning, lubrication,- polishing,
fast service, call Bird or Zyssctt,
Salem Auto Laundry. Phone 6666.
496 S. Winter. :
Meyers to! Speak Members of
the Salem lions club will hear an
address of Milton Meyers, member
of the executive committee of the
Red Cross md ; chairman ' of the
Blood Donor service, at; their
Thursday luncheon meeting in the
Marion hoteL Meyers will outline
the process of taking blood from
the donors and its uses on the bat
tle field. New officers for the
club's coming year will be in
stalled at the same meeting.
Dance at armory Saturday night
rf C
To Report
At Waiamctte
i !
GnLDililG iicG
Alberta Joyce . Chambers vs.
Harold F. , Chambers; divorce
complaint alleges desertion. 1
Eva L Reed vs. Xlobih Reed;
order that garnishee recover costs
and disbursements from .plaintiff.
Hazel Belle . Lucas vs. Roydon
Smith ' Lucas; divorce complaint
alleges cruelty and asks temporary
alimony. . . .','.'; - .
: Walter G. Spriggs vs. Edna lone
Spriggs; , order declaring defends
ant. In default v
Louisa M.: Phillips vs. Allan Q.
Phillips; . order .? allowing tempo
rary custody . of two ; children to
plaintiff, and, allowing Jier to re
turn home for personal . effects.
' Charlie A. , Burton; vs. -' Wilma
Marie Burton; . divorce 'complaint
alleges 4 cruelty and asks custody
ox two cnuaren. . .. .
Florence LV Carter vs. W. D.
Carter;; divorce complaint alleges
desertion. '."wC-.
EUen . J. Chamberlin estate;
Lester,. Barr, Arthur W. Smither
and . Leo Page appraise estate at
Delbert Alan Warren guardian
ship; order approving first report
of Helen May , Warren, ' guardian.
showing disbursements of
$1060.60 and, $939.40 cash on hand.
Anna ' Bostrack 'guardianship;
ordet' authorizing guardian to de
liver certain mortgage. -::':-V-:jl
Mary . Frank estate: order
approving: iinai account ox Mrace
Fa wk Lardon, administratrix.
Joseph :. F4 .. Lamb estate; order
confirming sale ;' of f certain : prop-.
erty.'.:. .
Louis R.' Knapp estate; -order
approving final account of Clair
M." Inman, administrator.
Susie .Ransom estate; Patrick
Lyons, John Jungwirth and S. W,
Bassett ' appraise estate at
15130.00: order accepting resigna
tion of executor; order Approving
executor's - report; ' order appoint
ing ?WaynefRanic,-adin
tor; order setting July 31 for hear
ing on final 'account'
f Mildred 'Lbgiie -estate;' order
authorizing Charles Heinz, admin
istrator, to seiir certain real prop
erty.- - - 1 v
Walter H. Zosel and W. C. Ford
file J certificatel' stating they are
m ir 9 Al. -j-. l i.wj
aoina ousmess unaer we wumea
business name of Walter H. Zosel
- Mary- E. Pearce estate; 'order
setting hearing on final account
for July 30. s. '
v Conrad Falk estate; order au
thorizing 'payment ct - $1500 to
Nellie , Falk for her . support for
. . ,. . , i : ! ... . .!.'- .... .i ,, v . -
one- year. ; .
- Pauline B. Kehrberger : estate
order setting July 31 for bearing
on final account '
; Robert Montgomery, 21, U3 ar
my. Camp Adair, and . LUiian
Harned, 21, laundry employe,' 02
North Whiter street Salem.
Lester E. . Rice, 27, plumber,
route one, Silverton, and vera
Metty, 25, Silverton. -
Ray 1L . Rogers, 31, US army.
Camp Adair, and Betty Bishop,
Kingwood street, West
19, 150
Salem. fJi::A i ' ti ;
James . Knight; defective ' muf
fler; $1 and costs. .., , ; y:
thy E. ; Lewis; r failure . to
top;$l and costs. -
lLkej M Van Lydegraf; failure
tostop; $1' and costs: fine sus-
ded and , costs : paid; . improper
registration: - $5 and costsr , fine
suspended and costs paid.
Genevieve Mr Paulson, Brooks;
violation of Jbasic rule;' $5 fine
Alonza I Miller. 5000 Portland
road;, jaywalking; $1 . bail.
William E. Fowler,, I960 Mission
street; curfew violation; $5.baJL
Duston Paul Campbell, 630
North Commercial - street; viola
tion of basic rule and no operat
qrs license; $10 baiL . - ;
Max Williams; remodel dwell
ing, 1695 South Winter street
$165. ityfzs ri'T', U
Salem' Iron ' Works, repairs to
foundry," 1111, North1 Front street
$3ooo.. ; . . : . ; ;
William " D. . C r b g h a n; alter
dwellihg,l?13 Ferry street, $50.
. Otto Klett; alter store building,
i48 Chemeketa street-$200.
' Emil Yohner ; . erect Woodshed,
2419 State street $25. r v,
C W, Brock;;, alter dwelling, 691
Center street J $15. 1.'
L.. M. Fowler; erect garage, 2080
North, 18th seet, , $100. ym :. , ,
, Mary G. Rademacber; alter ga
rage, 1070 North. 13th street $18;
V Clayton: Jones; reroof , garage,
1145 South. Commercial street
$225. , "
' D. H..Mackline; erect fireplace,
925 Madison street, $20.!
" Carl Vogli repair dwelling, 1180
Hood street $45. ,'. 4
: ' . E. M. Broughton; reroof dwell
ing, 2140 University, $30.. . - I
' J., .H. I Colgan; reroof dwelling,
1349 Waller street $35. . :
" - E. R. Owens; . repair! . dwelling,
860 Hood street $100. -f
: Henry f. Winiecke; alter garage,
1640 Grant street $80. ' , . , .
Lincoln Olson; alter dwelling
8861 South ,12th street $30.
--for a successful
I J V-
- : ' . . ' IT
- Two 'hundred : fifty eight ap
prentice seamen will report 8 07
clock Thursday . morning : 'at ; the
Willamette; university naval train
ing station aind will register at
Testifying before the house pablle lands eommlttee -la WasUnaton.
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox! (rlc&t) says he -muffed- the
: Elk Hills oU lands contract now abrogated. In not having it sent to
the Justice department for. an opinion. Left to right are: Rep. J.
Hardla Peterson D-Fla), chairman; Rep. James W. Mott (R-Ore),
and Secretary Knoxv Associated Press Telemat
Four Es
Eaton haU to begto thehr sUidies YoUthS tiaUght
which will qualify them as. en- ; ; , O
- David H. Lindley, late resident
of 945 Saginaw street at a local
hospital Wednesday, June 30, at
the age of 55 years. Husband of
'Mrs. Jessie B. Lindley of Salem;
brother of Mrs. M. Mulkey of Sa
lem Mrs. Ralph George of 'Cro
ville, WasiC and Mrs. H. B. Yales
of Bellmgham, Wash Services will
be held Friday, July 2, at 10J0
a. m, from : the Clough-Barxick
chapel, withElev. Edward L. Allen
officiating. Concluding services
will be held in Walla Walla, Wash.,
Saturday afternoon, r
Cummlngs -
Bryan James, infant son of Mr,
and i Mrs.- George Cummings of
1155 North 13th street at a local
hospital Wednesday, June 30; Be
sides the parents, two sisters, Car
ol Lee and Donna Rae Cummings
survive. Announcement of services
will be made later by Walker
Howell funeral home. -
Moore - -'
: Baby Jerald O. Moore at a lo
cal hospital-June" 30, son" of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry W, Moore vt 765
Ferry " street Announcement . of
services 5 will be made later ' by
Clough-Barrick company ; "j z: :
signs .under the naval -V-12 pro
gram, Lt. Marsnai.weaaei, execu
tive officer aboard,: announced
Wednesday. ; i . r ;.v'- - ,:r:
More than one third of the navy
men- reporting1 to Willamette this
looming will be from' Willamette
university and the University : of
Oregon . and about" fifteen of the
seamen will be enlisted men. from
the fleet for the officers' training.
In addition to the seamen who
will attend summer session classes
at the university, about 75 civil
ian students, 58 of them Willam
ette : students who: registered for
courses following their last regu
lar semester, will study at the uni
versity this -summer. - '
zSeamen - and civilian . students
will i attend ' an all student body
assembly in Waller hall Friday
night at 8 i o'clock and seamen,
not previously, enrolled in college,
will! report to Eaton hall for the
naval V-12 aptitude test Dean
Walter E. Erickson said.J -
Among courses offered for the
summer : term at the university
will be those in naval organization,
navigation and nautical astrono
my and American-Oriental rela
tions. ,
Four youthful escapees from
the Oregon state training school
for boys were back at ;the insti
tution in Woodburn on Wednes
day night r t "T 1
Thomas Holmes, 14, and
Charles' Capps, 15,! who. escaped
at 11 a. m. were, returned at 2
o'clock, state police said.- Jimmie
Greenslipp, 14, and James Velos
Copeland, 13, had a longer period
of freedom but - were -returned
within 36 hours of the . time they
f Joins Ration Staff
SILVERTON Miss Juanita
Moe has accepted a position with
the Silverton rationing office.: She
goes on as junior , clerk. Mrs. Ross
Winslow and Mrs. George Towe
will continue as junior clerks with
Walter Geren as chief clerk of the
board. ! ,,:t:-'-.v::-,-i: ;
had run away, officers declared.
Greenslipp and Copeland are
said to have stolen a car in Ore
gon City, which was damaged in
a collision on the Canby-Molalla
highway Tuesday night They
were -not apprehended until Wed
nesday. - .. " J ' ;"
Plan Visit :
To Cabiir
The Chemeketans are planning
to visit their cabin over the Fourth
of July weekend. Included In the
trip will .be a hike to the lookout
station on Triangulation peak un
der the guidance of Mr. E. Loners,
district ranger, for, the purpose of
instructing those who. have regis
tered for lookout work and emer
gency forest protection' work this
summer in the use of the fire find
er and other phases of the job.:
; Fishing, hiking, doing repair
work around the cabin, loafing and
long evenings of good fellowship
around . the fireplace are " also' in
cluded in the plans. ' .
Members and friends will leave
Salem Saturday afternoon and re
turn to 1 town Monday- evening.
Those wishing to go with the club
should sign the register at Ram
seyer's Garage f on North -High
street byf Friday." Margaret Peper
is in charge of arrangements. A
Wilson Has Influenza :
' WHEATLAND Eugene -Wilson
Is recovering: from a severe siege
of influenza, v . , --
Drager Child Suffers
Tricycle Accident
CLOVERDALE Little five-
year-old Margie Joe Drager suf
fered a painful accident Sunday
night when she fell while priding
her tricycle. - The handlebar hit
her ' in the mouth, tearing loose
two upper teeth which were later
removed by her dentist
vm$h m ' "r 1 l,'"v
. a j -
HI - -at h '--". "
'l?fln;aDi? ;.
Unless i Under ithis new la wV an accident may cost;
' you not only your right to drive bj tegister a car, but also the 'r.
car and everything else you possess unless you can prove -2
your fmanda! responsibility up tt $11,000. .
The simplest, safest and most effective way to dispel this
dreadful danger is to secure our low-cost Auto Liability Policy
at once! - ' - -., ,
. ' For eomplett tfonmst'fm, tU r urUt fm
r, : : 725 Ycon Building
Portland, Oregon ... .
"Telephone Atwater433 j "
For Svimming-Fpi: Sunning
For Pleasure on the
For, days In .. the surf
or the sun' Janfeen's
'TLeYr''Hboxex" shortsl
They're brief,; they're
' c 6 o 1. they're ' com-7
fortable. Ta il o r ed :
from 'a fine quali
of Sanforized :cotton
aabardlne with w
qitfck-dryina faiitted
supporier. . . - -
. , ... I
Cidier JANTZEXiTS o C!-.SO
The Iran's Shop
Knppcnbcinjsr DcbBy Ccai )
A arand, cjood loldng all purpojse jacket It Is all
v wool.9 full-lined I with 5 jrlch; layon 'i Sarsanette, flie
collar i is hand-stitched - most important ' Hobby
. Coats are hand-crafted by Kuppenheimer. -
AU Ucol Hcbby Ccal$19.50 to $2153
$8.5Q to $13.50
I Slacks 1
:The man's mop
' ' Mcaley'ond-Huntiiicjton j
, Store of Style, Quality. Value -'x
416 State St;; ." " Scdexn. Ore.
i -
J I y ' Fair
. ' t yT $1.25
i. ii nu w i j 1 1
i i a ii -w i
" mmm oee '.'. V
"Hi" 'i
InoiiiJhfor ' t.
rr . nrw-.1 . k
UUU11U1 1 . A ue , I -)M
Short Socks
more popu
than ever
lar :
The; Man's Shop
MoxXr cad Iluntlncton
413 C'.a Ct. Zclzu C:c.
e .
C73 'C;t2t!!3
- Phon 221
; 1