m m j' -"i r- -- --- t M 4 j c ' (l ) V' I " ' - n ( i : . h r See y n- !' a-eVavawe- ! ljViwm. L a a t, i u k-- j t- 4kwF WmmW4 fci4fciM-44 WWwe. itaJj A-A A "-hum v i . ! V :; " a. .a -a I U - w 4 we? w n Classified Ads Cell 9101 Three Insertions per Un 25c Six tsstrtions per Hnot - 40c On month per line,, 81.23. Mlnlrr.ua chars 23c; t tt min imum S5cj 6 U. min. 45c Mo rerunda,- " - ' . 'Cor? fee this page accepted un til Si the tvtnui bclort pubuea boo . for dasstfiranoa Copy re ceived after thi time be run under Ux beading "To l-at to The Statesman unmcs no Baaa eUl responsibility; for error which reprint tbat pirt tn nrtt. ment la whica tho typograpbieml otistak occurs. - . Tb SWm tenr tttm rt(M ma uomi in dTttrtt mnu pub- 'Uahed la tta cohimw and la cmw rher thl wpw M At bm wm to reject ecstioMbt advMttsinc It lurtber imwtm tn rlbt to pUc U advruato adr tb proper dasstAeathm. - ; "- - A "BUaa" Ad- ad contalatat a Stataamaa bwtwnihirte aa ad dreaa lot to protcctkm ( tha -advertiaer and nuat taoretoro ba answered by letter. Tha Stama ta not at Ubarty to- dinilga tafoc matloa aa to tho identity of aa Livestock and Poultry ATTnmoNin Will remov dad at wortbleaa stock li. . mraMof a makkcai SALEM VT.R- TILIZEa a BY-PRODUCTS. Ph.. 8000 I - -"T-'- : . I ' ravms AND PULLETS. 2311 Center I vtreet. Phono WU ' " - ' mMmmtmm rm'mw" I err A-unKrm M Mr Zealand I . t.it. nbbita. ts an. Also few red i tmilleta 11.7i ea. MulvihUl. it. 8. box I :40. Phone 22528. ' rriR RALE A flood team , of black I lreiaUUI. ' XWKn fww. " . Watson. xt. l. Turner. -Near" Marion. rOR SALE Newnampabtre ' puUeta, I ready to .lay." Phfxxa. i-eo Maawrj rllelp T7anted NOTICE TO Wtflac. orchard picker-. , 'Cherry ' Julv L W..1 v&.r - - v.Umk Motor c:o. I asm i y v9 mfm - - i - . . ... at art TAUIWIT. I '. ttorntr Liberty : rzzz tzia week. Brunk's Corner orchard. - BLACKCAP ': PICKERS. - Sc lb. W1H fbe at employmeat offjee 8 JO ea. morn fng to take you out. Commence July 2. week picking Phone 22768, C C. VRuasell. route 2. box, 208. -, - j X . WANTED Loganberry pickers. June :t8. H. Toelle. Uming avenue. WANTED Cherry picker, including 'Sunday. C. X. Andreaen. rt. 7. dox aa. U mile -east Hayeavilia -achooL 1,1 . wantto-ud blackcaa nickers. Sc lb. IS acres. Very good. Start June 30. 1 mi. I KW Chemawa. murnammer ac apmeo. ; WILL GIVE 4 R. A. cherries. Close ' In. Ph. 931s. 1 to t ajn. and S to 7 p.m. WANTED . Boysenberry pickers & bop pickers: 82 acrea of berries. Early & late hops. Good camping facilities; cabins, stove, ' wood & lights furn. Register immed iately. Berries will start soon. Located 11 mi N. aiem in suasion boiuhd Fred Ph. 2-234L' Salem, or write CHERRY PICKERS. Excellent pick- tec. Park Ave, Box 85. Close in on 4 Comer bus "service. t.iHLPRTlk;,l2Bm" skis, raeat CHERRY PICKERS. Phone 2-2078. CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Lambert I orchards Truck leaves each morning in front of post office or may be taken along State street. Help WanteoV Male Workers now employed in war pro- tfucttoa should not apply and win not ' 41 a"! . aautlikamaaait SW AffM fwwuaxuv.m ii nn,ini? ployers advertising in this section. AUTO MECHANIC Top wages. Your rm boas. 808 Edgewater street. WANTED SHOE salesman. Exper ienced. Sell high grade shoes. The Prtco Shoe Co.. Salem. -- - --JJ'J- MEN WANTED for Hopyard work ph 7958 -, '. -j,:- :'-' Help Wanted Female SALES GIRL with aotne bookkeeping obm! ' tvDinc experience. Good i salary. -yorraai Silverl inent - position. J3.' r. uoooncn ertown stores. 198 S. ComX P. 9158. RESTAURANT COOK, Light work, good hours .and Sunday off. Ph. 0972. YOUNG LADY to work in Jewelry store. Permanent position. Must be I rpist Top salary. Kef. required. Write box 3833. Statesman. . VACANCY , soon at '1110 Spa for -fountain girl Apply now. Good wages, - WAITRESS -Wanted. The Spa. TURKEY ,- PICKERS wanted. North west Poultry at Dairy. Situations Wanted WOMAN WANTS job staying with Children. Regular!,, entire night, or I Lht woTK. none mib. MAN TEACHER desires permanent two Don In established buatness. box t4. statesman. .-V;v-r j ; : ' For Sale M iscellaneon t , STRAWBERRIES. I0c lb. You pick thorn. 1 mi. from Middle Grove school ta SuyertoB road. Phone zzaiM.; .SMALL SIZE cook. stove-and t coils. 174 J Leo street. . r-'y-;- ' SEPARATOR. Viking WTO table mod al, good as new. Phono noisy . . BABY BUGGY.- good condition. 778 - North iu. saiem. ure. ' . WHEEL CHAIR. .312: model 91 Ma-1 festic radio. Phono 3044 - between 8 aand 1 p. m. . . - 'tWesterrf AdverUsJjiT . Represent tlret ' jr-- t Georre D Close. I no. an rrancuwo Los ., Angeles Seattle Eastern- Ad vertlsira f s-. Representatives ,'. Ward-Griffith Company. Ino. Chicago, New York. Detroit. W .- . Boston. Atlanta Cnfrred at the Poetofftce -at Salem Ve?ow as Second Class Uattrr Pub hed eoertr mornfna excrn Moxdcv , (tinees office - SIS Somtle Commsr- ZUZZCTJilon RATT3 ?I1 JJubseTiTSt'oi Rates tn Advawei ""iljiju Oregon: Dsl? and Sunday, t cental 4 Mos li W. I rear. tS.t sew here 60 cent o-r mo or ST 50 1 . . -r 1 vt t? advance rut copy 9 een's i C. y Carrier. IS cents a mo n 1.x. .it r It airimco ta-tlartoa..aoii 1 Honey to Lcsa PRIVATE MONEY. : - AUTO -AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS RJU4ANC to ta- duce parments. - Money tor Daw or used cars. No deUy or red tape. You will retain posewtoa of the vehicle. I to IS MONTHS TO PAY. ROY HI SBBIONS 138 Souta CommarcUI Street Phono ties Lie.. No. U-132 PERSONAL LOANS CS to t300 I No long rtfamarole. Oiliaidars not ln Tolred. $10.03. per mo. repays $100 in 12 months, special servico lor employed I women. Coma in or pnone. Personal Finance Cq. Rm. 125 New Bllgh BM.. Sit State St. (Onoosita. County Court House) " N. Anderson. Mgr. Lie. 112X M-1SS : Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB IXOOR GUARDIAN BUTLDINQ , UCENSI H. H IN . For Sale -Miscellaneous XTTCHXN TABLX and 4 chairs; roU ton- desk; swivel . chair; barn . tools. Phone 22939. ' " -5 ; PLUORXSCTNT KTTCHKN units.- No I priorities raautred. Yeator AppUanc i Co, 5S N. uioerty - ROYAL ANNE, cherries, 5c lb you pick. 1980 N. Liberty. . - TWIN BUGGY, good cood. Ph. 7830. TRAILER HOUSE, equipped. $229. ISM North CotmnerciaL , CROP OP. Royal Anne cherries.: about ton.! Se lb. Salem-Dallas highway. Hi (miles least of RlctareaU. Turn at Pto- near Cemetery, 4ow CHERRY CROP In orchard. 2lic lb and will furnish equipment. S mi. west on Dallas highway. Rt. box w, - l TRAILER HOUSE, rabbits, some Uli mrwmm, . . " - - BUILT WELL davenport. 1318 Mis- don street. WOOD Ranee with coils. Day Ato--way bed. 4TT S. Liberty. PEAS for canning. Win have every i'SLJVJU BuckoRt r"!L ' . " : . w 1 uMka - ATMORAYS- far aale - or - rent. H, C pgn. p. o. box . nv WRINGER ROLLS for all makes, of washers. d Ellis. Nelaon Bros, rurai- ture. 31 J N. Liberty. POULTRY fertilizer for Victory Gardenar 30c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22881. Lee's Hatcnery. ; SEE HOGG BROS, 288 State St tot libera trade ta oa your old furniture ruller Brushes. tT4S Grant. Ph. 8381 Wanted -Furnil ore ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Call between 7 and 1p.m. Phone 7837. WOOD Ranges Ar heaters; also dav enports at. chairs, any am'C regard less of eond h. 5110. Woodry Auction MkU 11808 N. Summer. -v- - CASH FOR used rarimure at Boost nold foods R Corfey Pta 7443- , SET . YOUR own price, then call Glenn i Woodry. the auctioneer, for KUDU IH U DUIT7.' MTIL- Ul.. Wanted IVliscellaneoat WANTED CAMERA WILL PAY CASH FOR: SPEED GRAPHIC CAMERA. Ph. 9101. Mr. TMimimm : Ct.tMm.il - offir. between , PM. week days. -CASH PAID for uptight, spinet or grand; pianos. Phone 5707. WOOL GROWERS ' ATTENTION Under a new Government ruling, we arc now permitted to buy wool direct 1 T . a. a I rrom i growers in any quanuty. any distance fravn our mill. Bring or ship your fleecea or lambe- wool direct to us and receive the highest market price. - : r THOS.KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. It-SALEM. OREGON jr FURNITURE - m pay your price within reaaoa. Phone 3119 aV be convinced. Glean Woodry, the Auctioneer. SMALL COOK stove. Phono 4283. USED FURNITURE Pb 9188 WANT TO ; Buy. Used cameras gt 1 lenses McBwao Photo Shop 435 State Miscellaneous ! I ' Stove Renairins Wood ranges at beaters. alT makes. Satisfaction guaranteed.- Pb. 8119 or j call at Woodry Auction Mkt. 1008 in. summer. Dental Plate Repair TWO.HOUR SERVICE VH MOST r S . - CASES Brine or Mail Your Plates tor flepato DR, HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolnb Bldg State ComT Pb 3311 STORAGE for cars Ic imch. Ph. 7818. For .Rent Rooms , ! 11 NICELY TURN, rnv Ph. 21728. S 1. PLEASsNT RM.Nie'dU"1pnT"8'l98r For Rent Apartments FURN. 4-RM. convenient and coi fortabte. adult. Inquire 1430 D street after, 9 p. m. j o- 5 S ROOMS, partly furnished, on bus lino. Phone 3-1349. 2 KM, tights, water, also I rnv 830 N. Lib. -: 1933 Center, ; MOD. -PULLMAN Apt. Refrig Prt vate bath. 248 a St. Pb. UNFUKN. pleasant 'front 4-rra, 1st fir. apt. for 1 or 2 quiet, dependable adults. S othnr rme, aeon. Apply rear cottage-No. a. 1144 . cottage St. ' apt, 812 mo. Garage. Ih.w. Pboae'SM sw. xsm jueo. tNOTV44SUK3'r llcHWOJMcSI 5 I 1 ;- I I 1 s' 2 II "1 1 f.IfS .-1 II mvoeclx , can r r-i I - " I iF.TiS.S 1 lXM(lAj7g HAVE i I : - frWnlSSTl .1 if . , -!in-i , i Y7 . ' -t esawasTsMawawawa t Htawaaww33a p TJamaiMi,Aiiis issaxajw'-"- tlC'H- " , ; H rrty ' ...j J Llcnsy to Lcm; QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phono 49188) to Salem's eldest. . tartest homo owned and home managed - finance latum tlon. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will oe given every con sideration - in the repaying, of your loan or granting of extension. 1 to MOtfTIiS TO REPAY You can pay in full any time to raduco the cost. - I ONLY BORROWER-SIGNS No endoraers. Loans made on furni ture or note. . ; . j 'j- j : , . : SEX ' . . !.. : ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. . UC No. M-1S2. t GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Ue. No. S-13S : 1 ? 134 So. Cotumereial St. y Phone tlSt First door - south of Ladd at Bush banki Convenient ground. Boor location. LOANS ' AUTOS ; up to 8300 nTRNTTURE. LIVESTOCK and r SIGNATURE up to 30t ; Calkins Finance Co. nt-fSrd Ft.) Ph. 4448 - 1st Natl. Bank Bldg 1 S-228 Lie M-278 MONEY.' t per cent Income on your Inveet- nwni funds: '' - ir-i- We have a number of real estate mortgages la amounts from : 8300 to aeveral- thousand ; dollara. - . - Mako your surplus .funds earn: your j STATE FINANCE CO.' 5 ' fUa. 218-222) s - Guardian Bldg. For Rent Houses FURIf. 4-RM. house. Ph. t-itit. No children. .: - . - S-RM. HOUSE, oil heat, partly furn.. S43 mo. Inquire -after i 5 p. m. 87 Bieber street. ; 4-RM.. MOD. house. 1 acre. Call at tot Edgewater. West Salem. FOR RENT Partly furnished house. lnquirt 500 Guardian Bldg For! Rent - FLOOR - SANDER - for ' rent Mont gomery Ward-" 'S''-' - TRUCKS - for rent. Yon drive. Me- Cuna Loveu. pbona pew. Wanted ta Rent t OR 4-RM. house. Permanent, 1010 Howard street. . wanted UNFURN. 2 bedrm. house - -- - ta rent for duration. Reasonable rental. Guarantee A-l care of property. Refer ences If desiredJ Phone ws. wouia consider option to buy. v i " wanted SOON-2-rm.Kfurn. ; apt, sen lea man's family Phone 3421. - - - - - . RELIABLE PARTY wants 4 or S- room furnished, modern house: i per manent B. Swartzell, 689 N. Capitol Phone 5587. j t .. "For Sale Real EsUte SPECIAL : 4.bedroom nlastered house, all nice large rooms. Large lot and garage. Lo cated on bus line. A real buy for 83750. with 31250 cash, balance use rem. K OSTEIN A: ADOLfn. 1NU 110' N. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. a iwuw Ihm ttoufl. bo xS Lena- tng Ave; ixaoe tor cy noino ot ecu nutrient - Son cone to navr July , L Make offer.. ( ':;. IDEAL LOCATION Five-room residence, basement, fur-u-. lovelv vard. Near bus. Pries 84000. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Need- Mi . state sx. jKoom a. . TMMEDIATK POSSESSION ' 7-rm. bouse t blocks from Miller's store. Kwd. floors; nvtag nu fireplace, bath. 2 bedrma. downstairs.- toilet, lava tory. 2 bedrma.- upstairs, also enclosed sleeping porch, basement and furnace. Price 84900, Cash 91000. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 733 Court Street . Phone 3733 33500. DOUBLE corner lot. 5-roora bouae with -some furniture, basement, furnace and garage. 33000. 3-bedroom bouse and garage. .84350J-bedroom house, basement. sawdust burner and garage. - - P.' H. BELL, REALTOR j 313. Guardian Bldg. Phono 8188 - 1890 NO. 4th. IS bedrma. fireplace. Terms. Phone 7929 or 9557. I RM. KSE. 1 Basement. 1 furnace, laundry rm. at-fruit rm. Bus stop at door; or wffl trade for larger has. 18J0 Berry St -, V: i i e KM. HSE at 3 rm. hse. on 1' lot gd. condition. 34250. 1343 So. ComX Ph. 3505. ; - -. 1 . -4 i ' GOOD 3-BEDRM. home on No.' 17th St. 3 yrs. okL Hardwood floors, large llv. rnv din. rm. full bsmt, furn, fire place. 85500. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS at ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. Uari YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE RAVE LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS at ROBERTS. D4C. REALTORS ; PtM4100. z TMMED. POSS. Uke new, 3 yrs. old. 3 bedrma.. llv. rm. kit. with elect, hot water beater -.and nook, wired for range, all hwd floors, Venetian blinds, attached gar. with utility room. Nice lot, close to. $3500: terms arranged. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 153 South High St. -- Ph. 7480 fori Sale -Farms 40 A adjoining Turner. Ore on the west. Distant owner. 5-rm. house and barn. Cash prtce-83190. W. O. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial , ? Phono 4T23 Aerease ; A family fruit, good garden, ber ries and strawberries, good clover pas ture. Fair improvements. 82300. F. H. Weir - 483 Center Realtor V ph?a - t A.' TRACT near Salant with build mgs. Cash price $2250. W G. KRUEGER. REALTOR ' 147 N. Commercial Phone 4738 See "Blondic in color,1 in new Statesman tsblbld comic section SUA- new house, completely- fur nished. S2o50. - F. H. Vcir 4SS Center. Realtor - Phone Mil H4 ACRES. aU in noUtees. t ml. south. Small year creek, good bldg. cite. Price 8425. - 2Vs acres. East extra weu locaiea on boa. good baUding sites, filberts, peaches, apples, only $1300.- - - 2 acres, well landscaped. 4 mi. NX. 8-rm. plastr homo, wired for .range, oil floor furnace, good bara and chick house, with water and elect. Price 85000 ,s cash. . t - v.!f,v--- . . i t acres north. Dandy soil, dandy lo cation. older type S-bedrm. house, barn. Quick sale S300O-S100O daw baL S. .' Vf - . f.y j 10 A all Royal Anne cherries. 4-8 yrs. eld. nice orchard, attractive bldg. Excellent view. Onlv S3150. C H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. Pb. 5833. Wanted Real Estate WILL PAY cash for modern 3-bed- room house. Phono-7929. 1 HAVE A NUMBER of lor Salem nronertv. A hating with on at thia time moans a ready sale. ,. H RICH L. REDAANN 187 Souta High Street - .- Phone 3203 Resort Iperty I FOR SALE Beach cottage, fireplace. ocean view. Box 188., Oceanlake. Ore. Owner. - . FbrSale Wood PLANER AND BOX WOOD.- Salem Box Co. Phone 9189. 18" MILLWOOD. 4 FT. SLAB. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. PH. 8883. - Wood Graaav ait N. tlst St Pb 3370 Ph. 8508 Wood Sawing Charles F. S 1311 M. Liberty Pb. 8833. - Lost and Found NEW, BR. billfold. Valuable papers and ration books. Finder may Keep mooev and return buuoid ana conioms to W. G. Hamrick, Hogg Bros, store. 380 State. . twr white. vuUM machine - on Valeetx hilt Badly neeoeo.-1-oerai re ward. E. D. Swift, western cogging uo, vaisexx. wregoa. LOST BLACK and tan Dachshund fiundav-n. m. Reward. Phono 2-1254. Brunks Corner. Leo A. Kilger. . j IDST RROWN and white collie pup. aear Highland schooL Phono 2iM. - LOST SAT. night.' small gold chain and heart shaped locket with air corps insignia, call tm. newaro. i RATION BOOK No. 2V Mrs. Gladys M. Wlnshtp, 1560 S. High street. Motorcycles i St-HARLEY DAVIDSON. t95 cash. See after 6 JO p. m. at 2031 Laurel. Cards ta this directory rma on a monthly b a I only. Kate: f LZJ ! per - 1 1 e per Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLTES.- Cherry City Model Aircraft, tlst At Market. Auto Brakes . Mike Paaek - 379 Sotrth Commercial Auto and Truck" Service IF YOUR car or truck Is essential to the war effort, we nvite yon to mako use of out service facilities. n .fttMitl. , trintl and enter- lenced mechanics combined with com plete shop equipment, will beip n.eep Your Car or Truck Rolling for the duration. LODER BROS. J U$ Center St Phone 0133 Salem. Oregon j Batteries WTLLARD batteries. aU types. R. D Woodrew . 394 - Church. Phono ; 0800. Bicyelea BICYCLES. New and reeoadltiooed. Harry W Scott ;47 S. iiom'cL P. 49.8 Chimney Sweep Nortlinssa Chtmney Sweep Ph 4430. Florists Brerthanpts 447 Court Phono 9198 Funeral Pi rectors Terwilllgar Funeral Home, PTs. Gifts THE APRON Shop 879 N. High. Hosiery K Real StDr Hosiery Ph. - 8789 " Mrs. BL Lawn Mower Sbarpening r Mactuae ground.. 848 S. Capitol St Mattresses CAPITOL StEDDINO CO Painting : 0 Paperhansins PAnrrmO at Decorating. Ph. 7552. Ma. Pb 4323 T Fcr w .1 w"U c il Csirj BANG-UP VALUES for' the 4th 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Low mlleaze. Excellent condition. 1349 PONTIAC 2-DOOB SEDAN Radio and1 heater. . . 1940 FORD "eot TUDOR ' Save -your r on this. 1341. FORD DeLUXE TUDOR 13.000 miles. Like new. : " - 1833 FORD PHAETON ' A snorty-lookin lob. 1S33 CHEVROLET TUDOR New paint, excellent tires. , 1833 FORD TUDOR , $19S - It- runs and besides has 3 nearly new tires. ' , - 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE, ft runs! 333 - Terms -Trades 333 S. Commercial Phono 3189 HERRALL-OWENS CO. . ' ' 1941 FORD 4-Door - Sedan bi exccnUonariy good condition. A tot of good miles at the right price. Trade accepted, also terms on balance. See today at LODER BROS. 445 Center SL v ! Salem. Oregon 42 HUDSON super S 4-dr. sedaa. Radio, heater. Only 8000 mt. 3230 than new. Phono 8ZW. Dallas. IBM PLYMOUTH. 8180. Call after 8 p. m. at Ohlson "s, Park lane, rt. T. About k .blk. east of US 99. Prt. party. 38 TERRAPLANE sedan, radio, heat er, good rubber, 8395.' 1188 N. 18th after 3 p. m. ; -i----,' TRUCK. "38 Chevj 1 ton. long wheel base, dual tires, fist bed and rack. 8350; terms Phono . 3310. : 1933 . PONTIAC ' sedan. Completely overhauled.-new paint, good tires. S29S. Phone 3-1947 ' Wanled Uted Can WelNeed Used Cars r HIGHEST CASH PRICK TOR LATE MODEL USED CARS. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. High , . PR. 443t: WE PA TOPS! Get ovary dime your ear ts worth. Cash on; the Barrel-Head ."C" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest ndependont NX. Corner Church at Cham. Ph. 7922 , . SELL YOUR CAB Herrall -Owens Used' Car Center. 238 So. Commercial - Lodges . SALEM 1 lf -meeting. SALEM LODGE Vtti 4. A. F. FrLi JuryfEi stated In p. m. Painting House Painting Satisfaction guar' anteed. For estimate Ph. 8745. Paints and Lacquers Complete til torma. R-D NASON palnta. Liberal , Woodrow. 394 N, Church Printing: FOR STATIONERY, cards. phlets. books or any of arint- call The SUteaman Printing De- Dartment Sit a CnmKUl T phone tlOL - - . -. Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serr, 943 N. ComX 7681 Sewing SEWING. 1499 State. Ph. 5148. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned Stasfactioa guaranteed. Stat e-wlde an nice. Gene rite, 843 Edgewawr au. West Salem, Ph. . 8743. .i s Inaoectioei - free. - Kenneth Hamei 1143 Eighth SL, West Salem. Ph. 4450. WE -CLEAN septic tanks and cesspools Inspection tree.-wf w. Turman, Transfer U-DRIVR ' TRUCKS 1 FOR RENT Blankets form 197 S Liberty. Pb- 9082 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranter storage, burner oil. briquets Trucka to Portland daily, .Agent Pierce. Auto rreignt including cui.. xnn Transfer Co Ph SUi. . , Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron A Stoat: day shift Ph. 31310. Tiling ( TILE bathrooms, drain boards, fire pUces and storefronts. Ph. 8472. Used Furniture 'USED Furn bought At -sold. Ph., S783 L Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR. ' serv. AO makes Vince'a Electric 157 Sw Lib, Tat .8393. FREE bwpecttoa to your borne. Au thorized Hoover eervKe. Wo aervice all makes , cleaners Hogg Brae. Pb, 9149 Wearing DOBUt, TITTLE, 1888 N. Fourth. P. 7243 WeU DriUic3 C J. PUGBV X123 Myrtle. Ph. 8334, a a ws Rt 8. A 449 every Sunday. I'rcrjrams (Continued from Page 4) -S:t5 Labor News. ' 8 s. Everything Goat 33 News. 8:45 Labor New. 79 News. 7:15 News. 730 David GUmore. 7 :4 J Sara Hayes. - 80 Star of Today. 8:15 James Abbe. N 830 Rose Room. - 8:45 David Ha rum. r ; -90 The Open Door. r . 9:15 Larry Smith, ' f 90 Music -' v - ie.-00-Musie. ' - . . 19:13 News. 190 Gallant Heart. - 1 19:45 Homckeeper8 Calendar. , li. -CO Light of the World. , lias Lonely Women. - - ' - 113)3 Guiding Light - - 11M5 Hymne of All Church ea. 120 Story of Mary Marunv 12:15 Ma Perkins. 12 JO -Pepper Young's Family. - 12 MS Right to HaohMBs. . 1:00 Backstage W lie, - - ' i ins Stella Dallas. ...: 1 30 Lorenzo Jonea. . 15 Young Widder Brown. . 3.-00 When A Girl Scarries. ; '. ' 3 J 5 Portia ' Faces Life. 2-JO-Just Plata B11L U V !1 SMS-Front Page FarreO. 3 M Road Of Life. 3-45 Vie and Sade, . 3:30 Snow ViUaf. 35 Judy andTJane. 40 Dr. Kate. 4:15 Newt of the World. -: '1 430 Music ! ,'. -.d: V-.f S AO Personality Hour. -: ',,,' :' t 330 Commentator, i . 3:45 Louis P. Lochner. ' i- 80 Music Halt ' JO Bob Burns. ' 7 AO Durante Moon Cugat. 730 March of Time. i 80 Fred Waring la Pleasure TUno 8:15 Night Editor. . 4 330 Inter American. 99 Aldrich Family. 9:30 Ellery Queen. 190 News Flashes. - 10:15 Your Home Town New. -10:23 Labor New. 1030 Music. . ' 1933 News.' :i 1130 Uncle Sam. - 11:15 Hotel BUtmore Orchestra. 1130 War New Roundup. 1330 3 a. v Swing Shift, v KAf W MBS TRTmSOAT 1X39 Kc 8.-43 Uncle Sam. '" f ' i b. - 7:15 Texas Rangers, i 730 Memory Timekeeper. , , 830-Havea of Rest 830 News. 8:45 Old Songs 90 Boako Carter. - y " 9:15 Woman's Side of the New. 0 30 US Navy Band. I 1030 News -J- ' r 'w i"1 - 10:13 Stars of Today. i ' 1830 This and Tbat 1130 Buyer's Parade. . ' IMS Bill Hay Reada the Bible. 1130 Concert Gems. -,-- . 115 Rose Room. 1230 Concert : 1230 News i . 12:45 On the Farm Front, '-: 10 News, j 1:15 Music! . 20 Sheela Carter. - S:1S Texas Rangers. , ! -230 All Star Dance Parade. ' 2:45 Wartime-Women. 330 News'. 330 Philip Kerne-Gordon, 3:15 Johnson Fsmily. ! . 330 Overseas Report, 3:45 Jerry Sears. 40 Fulton Lewis. Legal Notice, ' NOTICE OF FINAL . SETTXEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN: That the undersigned have filed in the Circuit Court of . the $tate of , Oreeon for Jyfarion County, Probate rDepartment, . their duly verified final account aa executors of the estate! of Bruce ! A. Jones, deceased, arid that said Court has fixed Monday, the 12th day of July, 1943, at the hour of -10 o'clock A. M. of said, day as; the time, and the Circuit Court room in the county court house at Sa lem, in said county and state,, aa the place, for hearing said final account, and ! all objectlona there to. ., : Dated this , 10th day: of June, 194S. - 1 - rVA B. JONES, ' BURKE A. JONES.' Executors of the Estate of Bruce A. Jones, DeceesedV Ronald C Glover, Attorney for , Executors. r Salem, Oresjon. 1-S. J-10-17-14Jly- NOTICK TO Caa3lTORS . Notice is hereby aiven that the undeniiied : "has been duly ap pointed adinlnistratrix or tne es tate of An tone Tubs, deceased, and any and all persons having: claims againat the said estate are hereby required to present said claims. dulY verified as by law required. at the office of the county clerk of Marion County, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. ! V Dated May 25, 1843. ' i I Data of . first publication . June 24,1 1943.' ' ? f ' i . Date of last publication July; 22, W43. I , MARY TUSS 1 Administratrix of the estate of Antone Tusa Deceeaed. BUTLER & JACK ; . I . Attorneys for Administra trix. 200 Butler Bid, Ore- gonv City, Oregon. J-24-Jly- l-a-15-22. NOTICE OF CEASING ON FINAL ACCOUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the final account of HELEN PEARCE and DOROTHY PEARCE, as execu trices of the es tate of MARY E. PEARCi; de ceased, has been filed in Circuit Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that that 30th day of July, 1943, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. IL has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing, of ob jections to such final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested in said estate , may appear and file, ob Jectkms -thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated and first published July 1, 18. ... - f , '. HELEN PEARCE and DOR OTHY PEARCE, as such ex- "' ecutrices. - '. . s Date of first publication: July 1, 1843.. Date of last publication: July 23, 1343. JCTIN A. HELTZIX, " Attorney for Executrlccs c:cl Crer.3'. JTy-i-s-is-::-:: 4:1S Music 433 Serenade. . 4:45 New. t ' 330 Music ' S 3 Superman,' , -' S 39 Hi-way PstroL '. S:4S Nesbitt Conrmentary, 8.-00 Gabriel Heatter. 8:15 Music - 8:45 Homer Rodehoaver.i 70 Raymond Clapper. ' 7:15 Movie Parade. 730 Candlelight St Silver. 330 Music SH5 Music ' 0 .-00 News." ';' - 9:15 Music - 930 General Barrow. -9:43 Fulton Lewis, IS 30 Orchestra. - ; 19:15 Treasury Star Parade. 10:20 News.. . 18 ;45 Music -' 110 Cheer Up Gang. 11:45 Music' "-' 'LASTING AC I AUTIIOR-Re James W.FuI bright (D-Ark.). who wrote the -Laatln.: reaea" resolatlon. a SI word demand for aa internatkynsJ authority with power to main ' tata lasting peace, studies a book ea latcrnsUoaal relations. saaaawRagrveapM'nyoy f Vmmimm iJ.8SM USJIt.Oal 1,01 i iksJSIl .11 )U II . V 1 1 1 1 1 91 1 IgajiU . 1 1 latj.l.li MJI.I I W 81 I 'M--. "-v--- . - . -.- -.'.:- " '-( " - . ... ' y .- : . , . - ' ' . i - V , WELCOME 6 A C K TVlnt Commander W, J. Aliactoa ef aa KAF Moeqalte fighter plan naseota 7aaje and EagUsh base after s i"7PT I m I vsa1 i iv I r "t -11 11 I mr: 1 1 lil C0ZIZ0NTAL 60. monetary nnlt of Latvia, : Lahows. muef t9 - 7.eonstoRattoa 13. fleet of war vessels . lLartlaaa IS. palm Uly 11 part of. -fiowep- 18. dirninatlve ef HenrUtU , 19. frost '". 21. at no time 23. conxurn , . . 24. colors ' '' -- 23. threads la- - troduced . beneath ; tie ttzia : ,S.t::-ri-i , ZO. re-.lsssl : S3.rsxceU". ."; 3.e21a - f '- S3, barren ; 3. mended -" 42. parent ' -' 43. have effect 43. wither . 43. free 8L Arable latter 3. arrive U.compaas point Elbesnaer 63. anger X3. scratched eLdntnzards vsrncAL I. trenchant wit X. valued : -s Answer to -IE! M ii I Tl ii id 1: ilmiso Km at KOAC TIICSSDAY Sit Ks. : 190 News. 10-15 The Homemaer'a Hour. 11:00 44uate of too kiastcrs. ItX'O News. 12 :1V- arm Hour. - 10 Artists in RecIUl. 1:15 War Commentary. 130 Music. S 30 Homo Makers Half Hour. 2 JO Memory book of Music. . a rews. , 3:19 Voice of the Army. 3 e Concert Ha L 4. -CO Last Wo Sorest. it 4:15 Bonrs from tta KlHs. 4 i0 Stories for Bey and GlrU. S0 On the Upbeat 830 Fvening Veeper Senlco.1 94 "Ifa Oregon a Wax." , ' 8:15 New. 830 Farm Hor. 730 Timber Wolf Chow. J 30 MUSIC .-. : ; , . 8 JO Music v ' '., 930 News. - " ., t:4S Unci' Sam. ' " '- - 11 1 t ; , f eojaaaroa gets a warm wcwoaun. laaiiiio oa nia sar mum -mm ClrM ever enemy territory ,. 3. part tl U. related j . IT. avenues (attr.) ! ZD.ms.T'-trita ' ' cf aadtzt' T.zznt , r ' 2.tc"3W 1 ; ST.tasetZX ' ' ' teams r3.tLir? j ' JLx 52.sti!nr-7 . 8LdIc;arstJ S3.1eaed ; ST. maker cf - ' fsxir.er.tj .-S3. Great Ltlcs 4.3. tsplemrr. t , . for ' -. -;. cLUtera-Ur lt.frrvr-ts i t tZtl. .". ";r . . 4T.r r:;-r.; .. 43.rt.cte: " . , er"l - .. c:.t .-'- CLJ ? c l ce fee i i C7.eeri.-n - "to ta" ; d. atrlkai 5.paraUa CsatlsZcs Lpalriter'a ' too -v airtdl-n (si-rx) .aai-t (atir.) lO.quat lL lax-eJ ; prrptrty Caturday'j juri ililr TCI 1 . t h i L-3. it U