o y-J iC-gnpnrai ; . . . i -,.. . rv . . i J J " Y-.1 ! - I " FAU 1UV& r 1 : I : ' - - " ; : more than ?3,t Market Ends ffigliMonth Stock Prices at Best Average : Since 1939 Autumn Record NEW YORK, June stock S market - Wednesday closed the month on a confident note .'with prices at the best average levels; since the autumn of 1939. ' The; list swung into a broad ad vance in the final hour for gen eral gains ranging from fractions ' to around 2 points. " ' Showing "consistent climbing power, the air transport shares, utilities, merchandising stocks, chemicals and a wide list, of spec ialties' had an especially good day. The Associated Press Y60-stock composite rose J of point to 52.2, duplicating foe peak estab lished early jin June, which was - high since November 6, 1939. The utility ! average ; recorded its best figure since early 1941. - Dealings amounted to 942,410 shares, compared with' 807,560 ' Tuesday. j Rail loans were selectively bought in the bond market Chi cago wheat closed l' 59 " 2 cents a bushel higher and rye advanced 2 to 2 to. 18-year highs.' Hogs were about steady. 1 Improved in the curb were Aluminum of America,- Electric ' Bond & Share, International Petroleum and-Niagara Hudson Power. Brazilian Traction J :and Aluminu m, Ltd.,- were lower. Transactions were 251,755 shares gainst 253,490 the day. before. Spring Lettuce Deal Heavy ; At Malheur The Malheur county -spring let tuce deal, now nearly closed, will . see in the neighborhood of 273 carloads of lettuce shipped to east ern markets, according to the state department of agriculture's coop erative shipping point inspection . and certification service, j This is a tremendous volume i from ; this area and more than three "atid one-half times the pre vious maximum spring deal. '. ' : Prices have been exceptionally good, with; the result that the suc ' : .cess of the spring deal is expected to stimulate the planting of fall lettuce in. that area. - - New Envoy ') y 4 - , i. Kay Atherton( above), former US . minister to Denmark, new act- ' lug chief of the division ef Euro pean affairs in the state depart ment, has been nominated by President Roosevelt as minister , to Canada. - Associated Press . Telemat. ARE USED IN AXLES OF ARMY TRUCKS TANKS " ... . 1 1 1 1 1 fcJ JL WSU.ET, JACKET,! N f PANTS, GLOVER "Strictly Private'? pi UDS ACE. CAT GlSyS 6ET A0N& SWQ1 WH QQl IF TBEy , AlITLiWS OUTVt fEAMJCR. NSPNCE THE VSP TO US- R&.ANOX AM snacnv A . SOFT CWTKeU Quotations at Portland ; Produce . ' ; PORTLAND. Ore,-June 30 (APV AA grade prints. 4S4c cartons, 47ftc: A ' trade prints, 4c. cartons, 47e; B srade prints, Mc lb cartons. 46e lb. i - - - ' Butte rfat Timt quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland. 52-52 ',ie lb.; premium qusl iy, ! maximum of J5 of 1 per cent acidity. S3-S3ic lb.; valley route and country prints. 2c less than first, or 50-30 ic; second quality at Portland 2c under first or S0-S0c lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets. 29c lb.; loaf, 30c I lb.; triplets to wholesalers, S7c lb.; Iloaf. 27ie FOB.1 s- - - v iggm Price to retailers, in eases: A gTaOe large. 44V,c; A mediunv c: A smaU. 36c dozen. - Ecss Nominal prices to producers: A large 41c; B large, 38 ',4c; A medium. 37c; B large. SS'ic live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, up to 2 '4 lbs., bOc; colored fryers, under- 2 U to 4 lbs.. 29c; colored roasters, over . 4 lbs, 29e; Leghorn hens, under 2,s lbs, 25Vc: over 3',k lbs, 25'ic; colored hens. 4 to S lbs.. ,25'4c; over S lbs.. 25 lie; old ! roosters. 2114c lb.: stags. 21,4c lb. - Dressed - turkeys S e 1 1 i n g prices: country dressed breeder hens. 30-32c lb. - - : Babbits Government celling: aver age country killed to retailers, 44c lb.; live price to producers, 24c lb. Onions Green. 5S-60c doz. bunches: Texas yellow. $2.75; California. S2.79; Walia WaUa. S2J0 per 60-lb. bag. Potatoes New California white. No. I, SJ90." -- .. ,' PoUtoes, old table stock- cash and carry price: No. 2. 1.35-1.50 M-lb. bag; local No 1. 3M cental. Hay Wholesale prices nominal; al falfa No. 2 or better. S34; No. 1 Mon tana - timothy. S33; No. 1 grass hay. $32; oat-vetch, $25-30 ton. valley points; timothy (valley), $25 ton; clover, $25 30 ten. ' Country meats Rollback price to re tailers: country killed hogs, best butch ers. 120-140 lbs.. 20c; . vealers. AA. 22Vc: A, 2i,ic; B. I8,4e; C I7'c: D. 15ic lb.; canner -cutter cows. 14Vc lb.; bulls, carver cutters, 144c; lambs, AA. 2er A; 24tte: B. 22'Ic; C, 204c; ewes. Fs. 13'c: medium. 12c; R, 10c; beef. AA. 21,c; A. 20c: B, lc; C. 16ie lbw Wool Government control, v Cascara bark Dry. 20c lb. Mohair 1042 12-month. 45c lb. Hops Nominal. Seed stock. 1M2 crop, 1.40 lb.; seedless. 1JO-1.60 lb.; contract seedless. 70c; seed. 65c lb. , 1 ' Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, June 30. AP) Wheat: No futures. Cash grain -.Oats. No. 2-3S lb. white 45.00. Barley No. 2-43 lb. BW 41.23. NO. J flax 3 03 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1J3 soft white, excluding Rex 1.38; white club 1J8: western red 1-38. - Hard red - winter:- Ordinary IJ34: 10 per cent 1.35; 11 per cent 1J7; 12 per cent 1.38. , . Hard. white Bart: 10 per cent 1.40; II oer cent 1.42: 12 per cent 1.44. Today's car receipts: Wheat 57; bar ley 1; flour 1; corn 3; oats 2; millfeed 2. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore, June 30. (API- East Side market prices today: ' Asparagus Canby loose No. 1. $4- TO COMPLETELY OUTFIT A $0LDIEJ REQUIRES- tO TIMEi A MUCH WOOL A A CIVILIAN i . yi i.V i 1 I By Quihn Hall i AS. A STOST ftUAH 7-l( Portland 4 50 pyramid; bunches S4.3S-4 M pyra mid. , - r Cabbage Round type. $3 crate; local pointed, $1.25 pony crate.. , Beans Green ISc lb.; yellow, 16c Q4 horse, $1 'lug4 - Cauliflower (broccoli) No. 1, S2J0 2.7S: ordinary $39: No. S. $1.78 crate. Cherries Bings, 13-14c; . Royal Anne, 10c lb. I pie, 10c lb. .Root vegetables Turnips, $l.l-li5; beets, 60-70c dozen bunches; carrots, 45-S0c doz. bunches. -. K Gooseberries -Regular. 17e lb. Greens Swiss chard, 75c doz. bunch es; watercress. $1 doz. bunches; mus tard. 75c dox. bunches. r Lettuce Local 3s. $1.25-2 crate; leaf stock, 60c doz. bunches. Peas Local. T-Oc lb. Radishes No. 1 spring red. S5-S5C doe. bunches. ' - ; Rhubarb Field. $1.40-1.50 box. Onions Green, 50-60c doz. bunches. Raspberries $2 50-3; blackcaps. $2 J0 3 crate. -; i " . , : - Strawberries Oregon' Marshalls. $25-35 crate; Red Hearts, $2 50 crate. Potatoes New locals., 3 -4c lb. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. June 30. CAP) USDA) Cattle salable and total 100. calves 25; market very active: canner cutter cows 90-73 higher, instances 1.00 above week ago; other classes up less; no fed steers offered; few common medium grass steers 11.00-140; few feeders 12.00-13.00; - cutter-common heifers S.00-12.00; canner-cutter cows 6.73-S.00; fat dairy type cows 8 00; grass fat beef cows 10.00-11.00; odd head 11.50-12.00; medium-good . bulls 10.50 12.75; good-choice vealers 14.00-13.00; odd head 15.50; common down, to 9.25. Hogs: Salable 500. total 625; market active, steady;, good-choice 180-230 lbs. 14.00; mostly 14.25: few head 14.35; one select lot 14.50 243-300 lbs. 13.25-75; light-lighU 13.00-50; good sows 11.50; odd head 11.75; choice light feederpigs, quotable 17.00. - . t-.- -fi Sheep: Salable and total 300: market about steady; good-choice spring lambs 13.50. - mostly 13.75: common grades salable around : 10.50; common shorn old crop lambs 1.50-10.00; good ewes 5.00-25. ! i i Registration High PORTLAND, June S0-VRe- gistration for the state system j of higher education's summer school here reached 733 Tuesday an in crease of more than 200 over last ' year. it : -.:' i ' -v i -::. .: Salem Market ' The prices beiow supplied by a k eal grocer are indieaUve of the daily markei pi tees paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not . guaranteed n. Trie SfatMrnan1 - - Lettuce, dox. Cauhf lower, crate Corn, dox. . ears . Avocados, crate Crook neck squash, crate Italian squash. 30 lbs. Cucumbers, dox. Asparagus. 30 lbs. Calif,' rhubarb, box Red cabbage., lb. Broccoli, case Green onions, dos. bun. Turnips dos bun Mustard greens, dos. Hun. Calif cabbage, lb Swiss chard, ball doz. bunches 30 Hot house tomatoes, lb. 32 Strawberries. 1 doz. boxes, pts. 3.00 Endive, dux bun. 30 Artichokes dos.' - - 33 Brussel sprouts. Ib. .17 Radishes, doz bun. - .CO Cantaloupe. 1 crate , , S 00 Carrot, dos On. " . n Spinach, crate . .. . , 130 Curly sale., crate 1 00 Ceiery. dos bun. 103 Parsnips, ib. , - 09 Onions , , ' - 187 Watercress, dos. bunches 130 Watermelons. . pound ' M Green wax beans. 30 Green beans, lb. , ; . 33 Plums, lb. , ,"- , , ' ' Nectarines, lb. . . - 30 GRAIN. HAV AND B,BDS (Beytog Prices) -, oats. Ni. 4 33.00 33 00 28 00 28 00 Peed ' barley, ton Clover bay. ton , Oats and vetch bay ,. ,, Wheat u- 130 BUTTESt. IGOS AND POULTRY AMiesen's Bnylag Price .: Subiect to change without notice. I BVTTERPAT Premium 1 34 NO 1 33 No 3 ---, 30 BUTTER PRINTS A . : . .48i' .45 i . 47 B Quarters , EGGS Extra large, white and brown 3? ; ateoium , je Standards z PuUeta "; - ' Try ase of Chinese eeeseeies. Asnaatng SUCCESS fee years In CHINA. Ne matter wtth what aiUnent von are ArrUCT EO disorders, slnnsius. heart, hug. - Hver. kidneys, . stemaea. fas. eensupauen. . aiccrs. . dia- etls, fever. . skin, feists plaint . Chinese llerb Co. Office , Honrs - Only Tnes, and : Cat. . . 9 I a. as. to p. m. and ann. . aae wn. la. am. to 10-30 p 1 : ; ' ' ' .78 ; ; 3.73 30 . 3.00 j - im : ss sa i ' 1 as 4.75 I .-, -: , , 139 " 11; v S.00 .- 00;; .,, , uo - 30: r 37fc Heavy Buying SO MKT Heavy Buying Takes'Grains -. ' No Hlore Sub-Parity ; i Sales for Alcohol- . Causes 'Pit Ruu ; " ' -'- - -- - - - CHICAGO, June 30.-(rV An nouncement that the ' Commodity Credit-corporation would have no more wheat 'for sale at Jess than parity for ultimate conversion into industrial alcohol brought heavy buying Into the grain . piU Wed nesday. The - CCCs authority to make such sales ended today and no extention of the program was expected! - - The market drew additional support from overnight, agreement by senate and house conferees .to prohibit further subsidies to hold down prices without .prior consent by congress, reports of a pick-up in flour - business and. increased demand from commercial - Inter ests in the wheat pit . " ' . Wheat closed 1-Hhlgher, July $1.4-14; September $1.-4e-; oats were up July 9; and rye: was ahead 2-2, July. $1J)1,. ; "i Sales of wheat by the CCC for Conversion- into- industrial alcohol have run about 12,000,000 bushels each month, recently. ; - Traders in-the. ry pit felt the CCCs action - would result ' in an expanded demand for that grain. andi rye paced the upturn. - ' i Activity in : the flour market was. stepped - up, - trade -' advices said, although the family trade continues - to remain out of the market There was no change in ; the corn situation. Supplies requisi tioned.from elevators are not ex pected to, last long and govern ment action to get grain off farms is being awaited. - Brown to Circulate T Liquor, Sale , Measure , PORTLAND, June' 30-67V-Mel P. Brown of Common Sense, Inc said Monday he would start cir culating petitions about October 1 for . a November -vote to repeal the : Knox j Oregon liquor control law! and to permit - the open sale of liquor by the bottle and glass. A similar proposal of Brown's was defeated in the 1940 elee tion. " i " ..Compiled by The Associated Press ' s . June 30 STOCK ATEKAGE8 30 ! - u Indus Wednesday 73.S Previous day 73 1 Week ago ,; .... .. 70 .9 : Month ago ... , , 73.3 -Yeari ago. ', 51.3 143 high 73.6 1S43 tow : .SOJ IS IS 00 Rails Util Stks 29.9 35.4 52 JS 23.8 39 J . 913 24.7 , 33.S SO 28J 34.0 92.0 15.0 223 393 26.9 39.4 52 2 133 27.1 4L7 New 1943 highs. BOND AVEBAGES 20 10 10 10 ! Rails Indus UUI Fogn Wednesday ,., 77.1 105.3 104.9 013 Previous day -77.0 - J05.5 1043 13 Wk o 78.0 1093 104.0 59.0 Month ago- ...,, 773 109.0 1033 593 Year ago .603 1033 95 3 483 1943 high 78.1 1093 :1043 013 1943 low ..043 1033 90.0 333 New 1943 high Quotations Cracks " " " " POULTRY Colored frys up to 2',i Colored frys over SU lbs. 39 33 31 coMrea nens White Leehorn.frvs White Leghorn bens 30 marten creamery's Betnt Prices. I Subject te change without neticel EGGS - ....... Large A ; L - - 37 Medium A 39 POULTRY All hens ' All springs -, Roosters or stags 3S, 39 30 Above prices for prune stock, under grades according to value. LIVKSTOt'R - - -s Buying prices for No 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported Shorn lambs 330 Spring lambs 12.00 to 1230 twes ; s.09 to 5.00 Hogs, top, 100-223 - lbs. 14.00 Sows 1030 to 1130 Top L i 190 lbs. 14 90 00 10.00 12 00 1030 21 Dairy type cows Beef type cows Bulls - -" 930 to 9.00 to 950 te Heifers Dressed veal LnJ DUD G CD Protect KMININI CHARM Follow the example of thousands of istidious .women. Use CERTANE for Tmr daily hygienic ritual. Cleansing . . . Jeodorizinr. .. delightfully fragrant... 2ERTANE medicated douche powder s powerfiil, yet ever, so gentle end sooth ng to delicate tissues. Inexpensive, tost ?or the utmost in intimate cleanliness. Ask rour druggist tor DRESSED!-:8: 4 ; ; Vcnl cmi; l!w y a " Lii w tale I ' "' ; Top Prices Paid! I i Prompt! Eemlttaaeo) ' ! f - EJ tm - . . , , iFrcJIIsycr IIccJ Eivi-Sca 444 S. IT. Tambm SL er 8, E. R2nd & Foster Clvd. r..v r.'o caa accept only ... a.:!s killed ia con:; ".Lance wii O. P. ,A. rezxlatlona. Stocks and Bonds Friday's Radio Programs KSLM FRIDAY 1J90 Re. TOO News in Brief. , .: TS Rite n fchine. T News. ' 7:49 Morning Moods. - , t .-OS Rhythm rive. . S 30 News Brevities. - 8:35 Tango Time. - 9 0 Paatur's CalL - . ' 9:19 Uncle Sam. V 30 Popular Music. ' 10 AO World b Review. 105 A Song and A Dane. 100 Langworth String Quartet, ' 110 Maxtne Buren. 11 -JO Hit of Yesteryear. . 13.-00 Organalities. RALBMBS rRrSAY 1330 KC. 0:45 Cnc4e oAnv fM News. T:19 Texas Rangers.. v- Y -30 Memory Timekeeper. '. , : 80 Shady Valley lolka. . 30 News. - " - -8:49 What's New. . z 9.-00 Boake Carter. " - 9:19 Woman's Side of the News.' - 9:30 Edffewater Arsenal Band, . 104)0 News. - . , . 10:15 Curtain Calls. 10 30 This and That ,11:00 Buyer's. Parade. 11:19 BiU Hay Reads the Bible. 1130 Convert Gems. . 11.-49 Rose Room. - . 4 . U. -00 Music , KIXBN FRIDAY 11M -0. O.OO We're Up Too.. - 0:19 National Farm ' and Home. ' - 0.-45 Western Agriculture. 7 .-00 Smllin' Ed McConnelL T. -03 Home Demons trati on Agent las Music of Vienna. 1 JO News 7 :49 Gene and Glenn. S0 Breakfast Club., 9.-00 My True Story, 030 Breakfast at Sardi'a. 10 AO Baukbage Talking. -10J9 The Gospel Singer, " lOftRLaVkSi UTTLE.SUJEE'PEtA, IV--TVaCTAvTPEAVAWOFVCUKl I 5VE OWTHEVIX AUL I I i-; . . rT ' H TOO f 21 tTAJLPrT 1 I , t caa&tMo&&6iNNm': iezsvo Ww vclU I ' - huthsm Y KEKJOMTr-nK.HZlXr' CAUTCSTt) J 1 TRJTHOOHCZ. 1 j i-rM-WAtas-OrusteSTvosvi V srw " ' i t - KT j :; scorct y1 : mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmm ' MwMaMw w w aa mm mihmbww ' MaawaHMJaMMaaBMHHNB mmm AMUL COS T- VCV) ft RDE I I OKM X0 GET Oti MlVTtt !ST 1 I .c- svueiESS i - HB0uT-XWrV6H0 C rX SUCrW rXAO- I "X SVQW'SC- -v - c,K0VCS S9SUtW.VE Ut-Tlfe I t." . - .,- - Ha alMa S nM mm mmmmm -mw aan w a hhJ ' lTjO.KKP J L?$ TlnA-SS9M WUtfUzpON.CeAB, WHEga doVJ Il -' J . 1 ' MICaCEY MOUSE h . COME TO lUEUDlWCi, I LUAKJT VOL! V nMnrt a e s n DUinJ3 1 -!J 1,,k.., rTTOOM0Ll AMD r( '"T THIMBLE THEATRE fTHS IS SAM SU0D-i ANME-AK i i -a -rH a !! e. 4"-f- t as mi ; 1 HI IM 1 Ml M mTL. ALUIH n afT 7 V: LITTLE ANinS ROOIEY OCrfT LET KIM GET wevc zV TI LO. ILfIi,. a . . r- rw L. J lm i I---' 1030 Andy and Virginia. 10:45 The Baby Institute. 11 AO Woman's World. . ; r 11:15 The Mystery Chef. 11 JO Law son's Knights. 11M3 Your HoUy wood News. J 13 AO Songs. : - ' ROD4 CBS FRIDAY 970 Re. 0 AO Northwest Farm Reporter. 0:15 Breakfast Bulletin.. v - 030 Texas Rangers. 1 09 Kon KJock., 1:15 Wake Up News. T 30 Dick Joy, News. - 1 7:45 Nelson Prlngle. News. . - 8 AO Consumer News.. . ii -! 0:19 Valiant Lady. 830 Stories Amei tea LOfet. ; 8:49 Aunt Jenny. I r 9 AO Kate Smith Speaks. . U 9:15 Big Sister. 930 Romance of Helen Trent 9:45 Our Gal Sunday. 10 AO Life Can Be Beautiful -10:15 Ma Perkins. - 1030 Vie and Sade 1 , 10:45 The Goldbergs. j . 11 AO Young Dr Malone. - r i 11:19 Joyce Jordan. 1130 We Love and Learn. 11 M5 News - I 123 Bob 'Andersen. News. . - ROW NBC FRIDAY 420 ' Ke. 4 AO Dawn PatroL 833 Labor News. - 030 Everything Goes. !" 030 News. 035 Labor! News. - ' - 7:15 News ' Headlines and Highlights 730 Reveille, Roundup. " ' 7;45 Sam. Hayss. , . ' , SAO Stars of Today, j. 8:15 James Abbe Covers the News 830 Rose Room. , ! , . 8:49 David Harum. I ' AO The Open Door, v I . 9:19 Larry Smith. 1 9-30 Mirth and Madness. 10 AO Benny Walker's Kitchen. 10:13 News. i i OU MUST J I HCPENOU AKXO lOJlMPV WILL BE HAPFN i . r THANK! HOll, . Aunt jokes UA.Hft.HA -OU MEAM TnVCTtjTI r" -- a nPm 9 t A i nLi Mikru - - V .. ill UAIGHING AX"i- you big . jr, gottdh enrHiM M L . X LAI.Gn. GIANT SIZE IN ro:.:po::3 ui z , - .- ,.!.(- .... . -.;,. I , r-. , L Nureeiynien Give Vegfetable Bouquet To Stiste .Director i None may Recuse nurserrmen of Oregon of being out of stvwitn the times. -At a recent nng in Portland when Director E. I Pet erson of the state department of agriculture made his first official appearance before a nurserymen's group. Pres. J. E. French of the Oregon Association of Nurserymen presented the director with a cen terpiece made, not of flowers, but of fresh green vegetables. . yjh.it group has done a splendid job of conversion to a war time footing,' Director Peterson told the nurserymen. Oregon nursery men, have quadrupled their acre age of Vegetable crops since, 1941 and also have met the strong de mand for nursery stock." i From slightly ini excess of 4000 acres of nursery ! and vegetable crops in 1842 the Oregon nursery industry received an Income of ,10:30 Gallant Heart .! t 10:45 Homekeeper's Calendar. 11 AO Light of the World. 11:19 Lonely Women. 1130 The Guiding Light , r ii MS Betty Crocker. , 13 AO Story ot Mary Martin. . ROAC FRIDAY 050 Ke. ' 19 AO News. - ! . 19:19 The Homemakers Hour. t 11 AO Music of the; elasters. LKSSIMG U uau wa to the Yry jT0l SUJEHTOreJ ZjZZZZZX Ml ' . mm V. GH. EXCUSE AAE M ATF MTr OC V wui.uv.iuJLWl ILXK EG I 4 OAftWiELL THREE C0L0H3 coloh3 .'' " i ; " j REG. 23c r;ow - 1 C-'.- iom:z f:r C::::-: Stop fretting and tczrir.Z face those you owe mcneyl Clear yourself of debt the business-like way: with a rjrsonal loan, to be paid a c k in 12 months, in amounts geared to your earnings. ... For lieoey la a Carry Ceo 212-222 Gaardian CUr. Cwrner liberty A State Telephone 816S Lie. S-21S El-223 We aio always In the market te bey for CASH Real fcitate , Mortgages and contracts. Mer chandise Discern Paper and .T'PCA, TORTri LAST T..V3 QOQ ti Ren, tm. V LOCK A. 7 DOlClH T3 inm rY- -1 of which tci n: sales. mj a i -M :l:st-i3,f in U te .-. e i , 122 N. Coral. Et Salenw Ore.