Mighty- Wlb irla way j - Top . Money j Winner, aft? iMKAVDlnlTO . Oddity : The state wrestling commission requires of th itents of grunt and groan that they wear two pairs of tights while going at it in the ring. Reason? The playful pachyderms might grab in the wrong placerip--and Mrs. O'Flannigan in the front row might faint dead away. The rei-; eree is supposed to be wearing tights under his uniform also, and for the same reason Speaking of wrestling, Walter ."Sneezie" Achieu, very popu lar grappler around here in days gone by will referee .tonight's Battle Royal event, at the ar mory .-. Recently Babe Ruth stated that the major leagues would ? be fortunate to finish this season let alone plan j on one in 1944 since all clubs were losing money' and attendance was as deflated as a, Confed erate sawbuck. Sunday the big top boys played beforie the- fol lowing: National at Chicago- SL Louis 39,000; at Cincinnati- LUKE CROSS WHITK Pittsburgh 12,115; at New York-Boston 15,375; at Philadelphia Brooklyn 30,000. American At Boston-New York 32,252; at Cleveland-Chicago 16,000; at Washington-Philadelphia 25,000; at St. Louis-Detroit 7,463. Grand total 1177,105. And at exceedingly better than a buck a throw, it looks like the Bambino was just a little short of things to talk about he should have stuck to the weather. Friend Adams Has a Reed Friend ' Friend Eddie Adams has no one but Mrs. Gee. E. Waters to thank new that chameleon-like Judge W. G. Bramham has re instated him to baseball's good graces with the Beavers." Eddie, you'll recall. Jumped the Senators club In mid-term last summer -and in so doing left the already' staggering home town heroes In ' a fearful spot. Had the management of the Solons-not been con siderably and rightfully lred over Adams unorthodox departure . he wouldn't have been placed on the Ineligible list. " When Adams signed with Portland last month we warned from our wee corner here that baseball justice was not being done and let it go at that The wheels of Bramham's office finally bumped onto the snag it just took a matter of a few weeks for the National associa tion czar to discover the misdoing and: Eddie was properly put in his place. , : . . . . , ; j - - . .- But Mrs. Waters, having a much bigger heart than most people rive her credit for having, and knowing that Adams rightfully belonged on the S-ball scroll, nevertheless sent her forgiveness ; for Adams to Bramham and he In turn wiped Eddie's nose clean again. Had she felt of a mind to, and she certainly had reason to feel that way, Eddie could have been left high and dry and outV. of baseball 'till hades freezes over. In dickering fof Mrs. Ws okeh. Boss Bill Klepper of the Beavers admitted that he didn't know whether it was all worth while or not. Seems Adams has threatened to jump the Beaver dub once or twice for monetary reasons already this season r Won't Be the Same Without Luke ' Warden George Alexander has. already sent out the Invites for the annual Fourth of July frolics involving his 2605 State street flock they'll hold their annual track meet and boxing card as usual. Won't be quite the same this time, though, since Big Luke, Cross white has left for. greener pastures. Big Luke, winner of more OSP awards than perhaps any other aspirant In the history of the Institution with bis pole vaulting, high Jumping, sprinting, pie -eating, sack-racing, baseball throwing, greased-pig catching and all other such endeavors, will be close by, however. Crosswhlte's com ing to town to show the folks who've always wondered how good he'd be with a capable ball club behind him just how good that is now that he has same. Hell serve for the Byerly's Sport Goods nine against the Camp Adair Seagulls In Geo. E. Waters park as part of another kind of annual celebration this one fostered by the local American Legion. ' . Just a thought, but what's happened to all that meowing we used to read about the Lucky ; Beavers being unlucky because they wede called lucky? Begins to look like the only gent who had the Beavers pegged from the very beginning Is 'Frisco Edwards. Remember how he warned us right after the first week of the season "Don't give up on Portland as there's a. good ball club, and it'll finish in the first division. V ; j - - " - - The Sports Front 15 Years Ago: June 29, 192S Jack Boss and his Buttera Special will be am I entry In the auto races during the American Legion celebration -at the fairgrounds on July 4. Gus Duray will drive the Special ' while Ross will act as one of the race officials . . . John Versteeg, husky tackle on the Willamette D football team for the last two years and viewed as an all-Northwestern conference team' can- ' didate next fall, will spend the remainder of the vacation period "training In the wheat fields of eastern Oregon. ? ' Water Pearl Wins Gallop NEW YORK. June 28WvFr-Wa ter Pearl, a gray gelding paying the sweet odds of. $78,70 for $2, won the Nepoerhan nurse. oDen- Ing feature of the empire city rac ing program which has been moved to Jamaica - on - the-railroad. --, .j ;;V;;- Water Pearl, owned by the Hudson valley farm, finished a half length in front of Mrs. Bar clay K. Douglas favored Chop Chop, which at one stage of the race had a lead of 10 lengths., , :' 4BaeeSaSBSaSnaaBSSSaSSaSSaSSBnSeei ' Waterman Inks Prelim Pair ? ! Jh Portland; ore June 2.-;p) Matchmaker Joe .Waterman-announced the signing Monday : of Joey Dolan, Portland f cather weight, and Al Cella, New York, for a six-round special bout on the Jimmy Garrison -Rodolfo Ramirez card here July 12. Borldey Already Meriting Bunt By nucn FULLERTON, jr. NEW,? YORK, June ttHJP The Doiarer fans won't get their first look', at the Bums' new shortstop untH Wednesday, but already the howls from the cen ter field bleachers have died down to a few hoarse whispers. For Brooklyn hasn't lost "a ball game since John Duncan Earkley, Jr 27-year-old native ' of CI.II .Tress, ,.Tex', took over the tiort-stoppiag Jab Cut Ar kie !.yaujhan,': - Alhie'.f, Glossop,'; Bahby Cra-an, Collegian Boyd Hartley and Elanager Leo Dure- . cher all tried nnsucccssfully to f"" f " r i -4 Butts to Help Coach Star 11 CHICAGO. June 28.-UPV-Wal- laee Butts, whose University of Georgia team defeated. UCLA In the Rose Bowl .last. New Year's day, Monday accepted an invita tion to represent the south on the coaching staff of the college All Stars who will play the Washing ton Redskins, champions' of the National Football league, Aug. 29 at Dyche stadium In Evasion. Albany Junior 9 Bops Dallas DALLAS Albany's powerful J unior Legion baseball nine made it two. In a row over Coach O E. Anderson's Dallas Juniors ' here Sunday by taking a 15rS victory on LaCreole field. The Dallas team was handicapped somewhat by the absence of Players Ray Osuna, Lou Digby and Bill Rich ardson. . , .'k Of course, that only means that the Dodgers " won ' three games from the Phillies ever - the weekend, but. Barkley man-7 aged . to put over the Idea he' ' will be the one to carry the load the rest cf the season.' There may be tome question whether '.he's a major .league shortstop, but he gave a very good imita- -Uon of a guy who felt right at home there. Barkley was picked up last week -from the sand lots of Kansas and tossed into the Dod gers lineup almost before he knew the name of that fellow Racing's K Pasture Romps ForLongfaa' From -Now On Failures in Recent " Races, Danger of V Injury Are Causes : ' . CHICAGO, June 2 S.-T Whir laway. will race no more. . " .. . The long-tailed bay who won $561,161.50 in four years of bril liant racing was retired Monday and will spend the rest of bis days in Kentucky's green 'pastures. ,. -Warren Wright of the Calumet stable, owner of the great thor oughbred, said the decision to re tire Whirlaway came after his disappointing show in the ; Equi poise mile Saturday at Washing ton Park, where he finished fifth. "He p u lied op noticeably sore," Trainer Ben Jones added. ment I call Mr. Wright . this morning and after a conference he agreed with me that the only logical course was retirement. "After all, it would be little short of Inhumane to continue training such a great horse and run the chance of permanently maiming him. "We plan to ship him to Cal umet farm within the next few days, and there hell 'enter into the well-earned life of Riley.' Next spring hell Join his illus trious, daddy, Blenheim H, in stud-' : ; W h i r 1 a w a y, "affectionately known as "Whirly" j and "Mr. LongtaH" .to thousands of . turf fans who bet their shirts on him and won, apparently never re covered from an injury to his left foreleg last Februaryt when he was awaiting the running of the $25,000 New Orleans handicap. "' Twice within : five days at the current Arlinrton-Washini-ton park meeting the five-year Id came oat of the barrier with tan flying. Last Tuesday ho fin ished third, In the middle ef the track, in the allowance mile. Then in the Equipoise mile ho failed 'even , to show. 3 1 Whirlaway raced to the all time money mark in "the $50,000 added Massachusetts handicap at Suffolk Downs July 15, 1942, win ning that day by two and a half lengths over Rounders. His share of the purse was $43,850, bring ing his total winnings at that time to $454,336, just $16,606 more than Seabiscuit earned in six years of racing. "" - ,t In 1941 Whirlaway galloped to victory in the Kentucky der by, the Freakness and the Bel mont stakes. The next year Al sab defeated him in a photo fin ish in a match race at Narra gansett park Rhode Island, but Whirly came back to beat Al sab twice in bigger fields. No horse ever ran the Kentucky derby faster than Whirlaway 2:01 2-5 in 1941. 1 And no horse ever ran the last quarter faster than his 4 flat or ate up an eighth better than his 11 seconds when he streamed around the last curve at Churchill Downs. , "It's just , like losing my best friend, said Jones. How They , COAST LEAGCX W L Pet. WLPci Los Ang.' S3 IS .7'0klnd 33 3S .463 San Fran. 40 SO .571 HoUyw'd S3 40 .444 Portland S4 S3 J071SatU 30 40 .429 San Diego 39 37 AS6 Sacram'to 23 44 JH3 (No games asonaay travelling). Sunday results: At Portland 3-0. San Diego 3-0. (first game 13 Innings, second game tie) At Seattle 0-3. Sacramento 1-3. At Oakland 12-3. HoUrwood 3-S. At Los Angeles S-3. San Irancisco 1-9. NATIONAL LKAGUK ' W L Pet. W L Pet. St. Louis 37 S3 2TIFhnadel'a 30 31 .492 Brooklyn 40 24 .S06 Borton 28 30 .483 Pittsb'gh 33 28 J3Cnicaso -23 3S .377 Cincinnati 30 39 J08.N. York 33 39 331 Monday result: - . At Pittsburgh T. CincSnnatt 1. (Night game). i (Only game scheduled), Sunday results: - At Philadelphia 4-9. Brooklyn S-. At Cincinnati S-S. Pittsburgh 3-L At Chicago 3-3. St. Louis 3-4. At New York 1-6. Boston 1S-0. AMEKICAN LEAGCC W L Pet. W L Pet- New York 33 34 J79'Chic0 JX7 30 474 wasn gton 94 j ts uetroit n so at Boston . 33 31 JOB Philadel's 30 34 .469 Cleveland 30 31 .492 ,St. Louis 26 31 34 (No games scheduled Jaonday). 3 Sunday results: l - At St. Louis 6-5. Detroit 3-9. At Boston 3-4. New Work 3-S. At Washington 9-4. Philadelphia 0-5. At cieveiana z-e. Chicago 1-3. Fans Believers at first who was en the receiv ing end of his trolly-wire toss es. He was pressed Into service Saturday because Glosstop had twisted at knee. In three games, John Dunean, Jr, handled 15 fielding chan ces with only one error, showed ' a strong' throwing arm and a lot of speed In getting the ball away and to everybody's sur prisehe did some hitting. In fact, he connected safely fcur times In 11 attempts and dis played considerable ' adeptness at laying down bunts for Dure eher's pet squeeze plays. stared Battle "Royal for '"War - The Battle CoyaL wrestling's Ne. 1 erowd-pleaser, is all set for Matchmaker Don Owen's second effort at reviving the sport In Salem, .and will b tussled off for $209 in. war bonds tonight in the armory arena.1 Owen Sunday signed ex Coast' TJghtheavy TlUeholder MH( ; Olson, . recently returned from Calif or nla,and Ivan Jones,' also a recent arrival lav the wrestling family" from New York, to fill out his six-man essairy, and In more ways than NOMORE GALLOPS Whirlaway. thoroughbred rscinr's Ko. 1 isney winner, will enter the winner's circle no snore. Keeent poor showings and the fear of undeserved injuries has prompted his owner. Warren Wright,' to re tire "Mr. LonlUU." : - In Battle Royal at miiiiim n S., -iiiniif.mil i nun i Milt Olson, the "Bounding Swede," Is one of the sbr grapplers who'll tussle for . the, $20 in war bonds on Matchmaker Don Owen's second wrestling card of the season in the armory tonight. Olson, "cleanle," Is shown wearing the raclfie coast llghtheavy -title belt he lost not long ago to George Wagner. Wagner is also on tonight's card along with Bulldog Jackson,' Tony Rosa, Jack Kiser and new comer Ivan Jones. ,- In Women's Western Open Nervous Pattjr Down to Cop Medalist Honors By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN r CHICAGO, June 28-ff-It took Patty Berg three attempts to tee up her ball on the first hole Monday she was just that shaky- but her following drive screamed 220 yards down the fairway. .--: j "--:.- Vi-'-.,,z The Minneapolis redhead who had to lean to walk again, let alone play golf, dropped a 15 foot putt for a birdie on that first hole and confidently con tinued from there to post an even par 71 and win medalist honors of the women's west ern open. Back in 1941, she captured med al honors and went on to win the open championship. That Decem ber her knee was Injured in an auto accident. After 18 months she has come back, and her return represents one of sport's greatest uphill struggles against a handi cap. , -1 definitely did not expect to qualify," said the modest 25-year-old Fatty. "1 waa plenty rattled on the first tee, but that birdie really cooled me off. This . Glen Oak course with its gentle slopes Is made for me. When I have to pivot on sharp down hill or uphill lies,; that's when my knee pains." Patty was hitting her shots per fectly. Her long drives caught the rough only twice and she found only one trap. Her card showed a 37-39, even par, fashioned on one birdie and one bogey on each nine and the rest in seraight regu lation figures. She one putted two card. The other four of course being Bulldog 'Beat Em TJP ' Jackson, "Terrible Tony" Boss,' George "Crybaby" Wagner, 'present coast' titleholder and Jack Kiser, the adonis from St. Johns.. All six will take off at once starting at U(, and after the slam sessloners have eliminated themselves down to one special match and a "main event, the two left to grapple in the latter' will vie for -the $289 t In war bonds. The bonds will form an' Armory -Tonight ; X , - t t i . Berg Settles greens and three-putted another, rimming the cup seven times while going for birdies. r: " Only two other lassies In the qualifying field of 111 bettered 1921 year old Ann Casey of Mason Clty.owa, with a pair of 19a, and IS year old Cath erine l Fox of Glen Ridge, NJ, with M-49. , -. mini Start Practice . CHAMPAIGN, EL, June 2.-(Jpy-One member of the 1942 squad and 23 boys 17 and 18 years old reported to Coach Ray Eliot Monday as the four-week summer football practice period began at the University of Illinois. ,. SPORT COATS - and SLACKS S & N , Clothiers 1(8 fftlM "! Bonds -Feature at Armory Tomg, additional prize to the regular stipend for the muscle mashers and will be presented the win ner of the finale - In the ' ring. Eight $19.75 bonds will be what the rasslers are after. - And since eight' unmatured war bonds aren't to be plucked off trees for nothing, the activ ity In the ' Ferry Street Square -Garden tonight should be live ly enough so that 'none of the customers will fall asleep. - -Gents like Jackson and Boss will provide all the punch nee- Buccos Bounce Bucky,7 tol ; Sewell Notches 10th : ; Victory of Campaign PITTSBURGH, June 28-fl) The Pittsburgh Pirates batted out a 7 to 1 victory Monday night over Cincinnati giving Rip Sewell his tenth victory of the season against two defeats and boosting then- hold on third place over the Reds to one and one half games. -, Bob Elliott sparked the Bue cancers' attack before 1279 fans, with a first Inning homo run with a mate on base. Bucky Walters had wild pitched one .. run home .Just before Elliott's smsih, after Jack Barrett sin gled and Pimmy. Russell dou bled.' . .. . , . . Sewell helped to win -his own game In the second frame when he tripled with two men on base, the blow sending Walters to the showers. , r . .' . The Reds , got . their marker . In the second. Eric Tipton singled, reached second as Elliott fumbled Miller's grounded, third on Eddie Miller's walk and counted on Walters long fly. It was the only major league game. Cincinnati. 919 .909 OGp-1 7 1 Pittsburgh 349 909 0-7 g 1 - Walters, Shoun and Mueller and lake men; Sewell and Lo Pex, - Idaho Group Joins Protest - BOISE, Idaho; June IZHJPt- The Idaho Wildlife Federation joined Monday with game offi cials in protesting terms of a pro posed . federal law which would give the national government con trol over' game on all federally owned' land. :' r-. r-.:' - : me c:r.ic:L"rr$ Master Bakers use only the rprf best r oi . ingredients... they know you would .want 1 only the best. " we A 91 II at youh Gr.ocnns one, and the other four will also be getting respective licks in for the additional prize. Just to make certain no one gets stam peded in the rush. Walter "Sneesy" Aehieu, quite capable In tights himself, will be on hand to referee the thing. , Wagner's title will not be at stake of course. With five men to pin fat - succession and . the possibility that all five might take it upon themselves to see , how far up in the balcony they could throw htm, Wagner fig ured he'd best just go after the y m w m M . f 32 GolferstQu For Handicap Meet Pairings Made for Opening Round : As Links Derby Set for Takeoff ; Thirty-two hopeful par-punishers turned in qualifying rounds for the annual Salem Golf club's annual handicap tournament through Sunday night and in doing so made ready the tourney takeoff for next Saturday.' Thirty-three actually qualified, but since 32 could be' paired and di vided into one flight whereas 33 could n't, Committeeman Ross dropped out. He was ruhnerup to Defending Champion, Walt Cline, Jr, last year. '. - . :U - -.'.-) Forty llnksmen In all signed for this semester's meet, but seven failed to qualify over Sat urday and Sunday. The seven were G. S. Hoffman, Al Gustaf son, Harold Hauk, Bunny Ma son," Earl Fayne, Russ ' Bone- ' Steele and Bob Burns, 'f- The tournament committee re-1 quests of all qualified participants that should they find it necessary to withdraw suddenly they will please ' notify the committee ' so that the flight can be filled in by those who signed up for the meet but failed to qualify. ; i Pairings for the first round, which should be completed not later than next Sunday, July 4, have also been made. A second flight will be made up by the defeated IS as toon as first round firing Is completed. The tournament will be played with a seven-eighths of differ ence in handicaps the committee announced. 01 Stacey; with a tlx handi cap, gets to take the first crack at Champion Cline. Stacey and Cline have " been paired ' for the first round. Cline has a handicap of two.. - ; The balance of the field Is as follows, with who plays who and respective handicaps listed: : Harvey Wahlgren (4) vs. Bud Waterman (S) ; Glen ' IVengren (S) vs. Fat Petrol (t); Leo Es tey (5) vs. Eugene Kltsmlllerr (S); Don Hendrie (t) vs. Harry: Gustafson ' (11) ; Bill Goodwin (7) vs. B. Thompson (C); O. E. McCrary (I) vs. Steve Kraus (13): Jack Nash (C) vs. Hi Ha man (II); Ted Chambers (9) vs. Dave Eyre (t); Jim Sheldon (S) vs. A. R. Hunter (19): Bud Thrush (9) vs. O. E. Thompson ; S) ; Lawrence Alley (9) vs. George Setdes (7): John Helt sel (19) vs. Carl Armpriest (12); Howard Emlen (11) vs. . SHERWIN - WILLIAMS Paint" Values! s-w shingle; stain, most . ' $1 J35 color -i. gaL S-W PORCH ' $1.30 i aui a qt. s-w interior gloss 79-1 ! FINISH ItoU pt. S-W LINOLEUM 6 1 i VARNISH . 1 qt. ; S-W FLOOR "' ENAMEL 1 qt. S-W VARNISH HI REMOVER ... llC qt.: 375 CIIEMEIIETA.- PHONE 9221 h !',.. I L. bonds and leave the title belt al home. . - Having Jackson and Wagner back in the same ring together again shouldn't slow things down, as both gave off with a slam-bang brawl In last week's main event : here, . and with tough Tony's right-crosses stir red In along with the fact that Wagner won his title from Ol son well It should be quite a session, v''i, . " -. 4 Tickets for the party are now on sale at Cliff Parker's sport ing goods shop. , Local Pools "Leslie .playground swimming pool did Its , biggest day's bus iness of the season Sunday some S74 by actual count taking, to Its cooling contents that daj. And despite the circus within a., stone's throw from the pool Monday, 598 paddlers, divers, waders and . sun-bathen indul ged. .. Noted : particularly . was the influx of older people, especial- Ir Sunday. . Generally mostly kids only populate the two most popular places In town these days. ';:;.; . ?' ' Even the ciresi elephants eame to the pool Monday not to swim, ef course, but to take on their day's supply of water at the boiler room. ,. - Figures were unavailable at the Olinger , pool, "but 'unoffi cially the northern twimmln hole did a land-office business both days also. BIGISDr In Baseball By the Associated Press y.tttf (Uir leasers la sack lears) PUyer aad Cleo O AB R M ret, Dahlgren, Phillies SO 223 22 7 J51 Hockett. Indians BS 222 S3 7S Mt Stephens. Browns .. 49 1S4 27 83 MX Stephens. Browns 49 184 27 S3 J4S McCornuck. Reds . 60 S3S SO SO .330 Frey. Reds S3 217 SS 73 .333 Wakefield, Tigers B7 244 29 77 JU KUNS BATTED IN Nattoaal Leasee Aateiieaa tare Herman. Dodg. 451 Stephana, Bras 43 DiMaggio. Pir. 42 1 Jekasea, Sea. 40 Elliott. Pirates 40 1 Slesert, Ata. e HOME RCNS Natteaal Leagae Aaierleaa leagae Ott. Giants . 81 Keller. Yankees 10 Ltwhiler. Cards 7 Stephens. Br'ns Nicholson, Cubs 7 York. - Tigers - 8 DiMaggio, Pirates 7 Cordon. Yankees 8 Rex Klmmell (11); G. W. Mc Callister. (9) vs. Don Young (11): Milalrd Fekar (8) vs. Bob Sederstrom (S). I Paint Preserves . . ,i . m- , Your Furniture . It's Fna lo Da 11 Yourself Save that furniture! ZtU look ' like new and 'last longer with a new paint Job! S-W MAR-NOT $1.58 VARNISH -r qt. S-W SPAR VARNISH $1.05 . A pt. Cl-TT CCLCH STYU CZZll ' .Tours, to borrow PRS2.I r7 See hundreds of homes, rooms all in beautiful. truo-to-Lfocolorl Cnznwik'VtiiJASss PAi:iT end CCLCn stylh cu:dz Per Gal. '., Flourishing