PAG- 3 - ; t arid JpiOoved -"62 KesuK'sr! ! n Thm CniGO:! STATE2MAIL Sclem Oregon, Tuesday Horning. June 3, IS 13 a L Livestock and Poultry , ATTENTION MI WlU rtmovt dead St worthlm stock ' In a moment's notice! SALEM I"ER , TILIZEB St BY PRODUCTS Ph. 6000 Collect. to other Phone. TWO MONTHS OLD Guernsey and -Jersey calf, heavy milk; strain. Ph. .WlU. - SIX 4-MONTH old New Zealand white doe rabbits, $2 ea. Also few" Ted : pullets $1.79 ea. Mulvrtuil. rt. 8. box 140. Phone 22528. IDR SALE A rood team ol black reldings. 14-lnch sulky plow. W. T. t Watson, rt. L Turner. Near Marion. "TOR SAJU& Newnajnpshtre pullets, ready to lay. Ph Leo Hatchery Help Wanted " WANTED '. Boysenberry pickers St bop pickers; 43 acres of berries. Early 8r late hops. ' Good camping f acilities; cabins, stove, wood St lights turn. Register immed iately Berries will start soon. Located 11 ml N. Salem in Mission Bottom. Ph. 2-234J, . Salem. r . write rred Vle&ka. Gervais. Or. DOZER OPERATOR for land clear ing. A. W. Crocker. Rt. 8. Box S8. EXPERIENCED JANITOR, draft ex etnpt. for light inside -steady work half day Apply Hotel Salem. CHERRY PICKERS. Paying 3c lb. 203 Saiero Hhv Ave. - CHERRS PICKERS. Al Townsend. Mission Bottom. , BERRY PICKERS, July 1. Blackcaps, young 8z - boysen. Ph. 22901.. Cherry pickers Ph. 2604 after p.m. ' MAN or boy to work outside- or woman or girl to do housework and take tare of children. Pp. 3131fli IF YOU are employed in an activity 1 covered by an employment stabiliza tion - plan do not apply unless , you have a certificate of availability. WANTED EXPERIENCED TRUCK i MECHANIC, S P. M. TO 11 P. M. TOP ' PAY. ' ADDRESS..' BOX 2270. PORT LAND, OREGON. - .4 'Auctions "AUCTION sale :;: Every Wednesday in N. Salem. S good milk cows, 4 springer heifers, 5 brood sows. SO head of feeder and weaner pigs, these arc good ones, chickens. rabbits, furniture, tools. 1 good mower. 1 car. good rubber. Bring what you Stave to sen. , A. J. BAKER,; Salem. Auctioneer Help Wanted CHERRY PICKERS. Excellent pick ing. Park Ave. Boa; 05. , Close in on corner Dua service. - ,.: " CHERRY PICKERSTred J. Brown ing. Liberty Rd. Take Salem Heights ..Knu. Phone 2-Z239. CHERRY, PICKERS. Phone Z-2076L " CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Lambert 'orchards Truck leaves each morning tn -front or post office or may be taken along state street. CHERRY PICKERS. 4c. No transpor tatlon or ladder setters furnished. Good work must be done. No children. Er nest Anderson. Orchard Heights road. Box 3Ss. pnone W3i. . Help Wanted Stale Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will not beeonsidered for employment by em ployers., advertising la Um section. "AUTO MECHANIC Top wages. Your own. boss. Sua Edgewater street. YOUNG MAN Interested in future St willing to learn good ' business. Steady employment for right man if satis. Good salary to start. Must be draft free, pref. family man. If inter ested writ Statesman. Box 2650. gtv Ing full particulars about" former po sitions at type of week now doing. Give : references. -v. . t WANTED SHOE Exper- lenced. Sell high grade Price Shoe Co.. Salem. The MEN WANTED foe Hopyerd work Ph 7950 Help WantedFemale SALESLADY for drees shop. Must bo fairly experienced - in coats and suits: Good salary to- rtcht artv. Field's Dress Shop. 43 State St., Salem VACANCY soon t The- Spa for fountain girl Apply stow. Good wages. WOMAN who drives car. -as house keeper and companion. July St Aug., for elderly widow sn-anoo. coast Mm Light wki $40 mo. 2088 S. High.- Ph. Tio. ' - ' EXPERIENCED credit girL Typing and filing, but no shorthand' neces sary. Apply at or. semiers. ivt't w. Corn s, or Pb, sail. - WOMAN or girl to stay nrte with f yr. old child, No work. Ph. S023 after P.M. or inq. 123 N. Liberty, before - GIRL or wonrw With torn kn owl- ease OX DOBUR)WI( M WWB mwir- tngs. Good pay. interesting work and opporxuiuiy n :ewn. . . . .wu pn. yea WAITRESS Waated.Tbe J- TURKEY -PICKERS wanted. North west Poultry St Dairy. : . , Situations Wanted - WILL CARE 'for babies or small childrea la my home. 1960 . Mission. For Sale Miscellaneous FLOOR ' Fluorescent kitchen ; unite. No priorities req. Yeater Appliance 1 Co., 25S N." Uberty. y USED DRESSING table. $10.00. . - ' . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 17S North Liberty? .. Phono 4615 STEP-LADDER, Simmons bed. day bed. fruit jars, etc. Phono 0247. , NEW 9x12 rug cushions.' $8.95. -, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. v. XTS North Liberty Pfaow-461 ROYAL "ANNE cherries, c lb, yo pick, 1980 N. Uberty. ': TWIN BUGGY. good-Cond. Ph, 7830. ADVERTISINO Western, Advertising , Representatives . George D Close. Ine. San Francisco . Los Angelee Seattle Eastern Ad vertlslng : - 1 . RepresentaUvej r Ward-GrtfflUi, Comoav ' In. - Chicago. New- York, Detroit. i ; v :.r. . Boston. AUaata .v Entered at i Profflf t Orefon a Second CUM Hotter: Pub Vshett every mot-n"7 ereept Monday butintt office. 21i Scnutx Commer cial Street. r - CUTZCIUITION RATE3 T'tl S'jbscrlpt'n Rsti li Advaiv-es :,.. nn Oregon: iUai'y anJ burtcav. f" . ) cents; Wo. tiW; I year. M , sew here 60 cents per m or J20 i r 1 vr In advance Pet etor cents "f C.; Carrifr. 1i cent monut. " -i a fer ii : vines ta trarton anj Bloney to Loan PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS ' CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars.' No delay or red tap. You wul retain poeeesion of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY. ROY H. SIMMONS .- 130 South Commercial Street Phone 8188 Lie. No. M-152 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M ISO MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgagee, loans, city or farm properties: loans made as. small as $300 See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort- LEO N. CrTTT.m. INC. 344 SUto St. 7 Phone 0261 For Sale Miscellaneous " ABOUT; 3 TON Royal Anne cherry crop, ready about July S. Mrs. Hattie J. Black. 3,a mi. NW Independence. Phone 30F2L : TRAILER HOUSE, equipped. $223. 1595 North Commercial. - CROP OF Royal Anne cherries, about 4 ton. 3c lb. Salem-Dallas highway. Its miles east of RickreaU. Turn at Pio neer cemetery. Vv'w NEW MAPLE bunk beds. $29.73. GXVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North . Liberty Phone 4415 TRICYCLE. $10; 30-gaL hot water tank with fittings. $10. 890 Cascade Dr. CHERRY CROP in orchard. 2 tic lb. and will furnish equipment, 3 mi. west on Dallas highway. Rt, 4. box 469. - I TRAILER HOUSE, rabbits, some to litter soon. Rt. 7. box 441. BUILT WELL davenport. 1310 Mis sion street.'-.'. NEW SEAL Y tuftlees mattress. $420. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ' 273 North Liberty ; Phone 4815 GODD UNIVERSAL- wood! range, coiled,XrJ-.J- NEW 1 Beautiful full sized bed sheets. Never been out of box. Ph. 5832 SEE the Coolerator demonstrated at WOOD Range with coils. Day bed. 4 Roll-a-way. bed. 437 S. Liberty. EXHAUST & ventilating fans, ideal for homo air conditioner. No priori ties req. -while they last. Yeater Ap pliance Co- 25 N. Uberty. FOR SALE: Royal Anne cherries, 4c lb. U pick H. Hetiw Rt. 2. Box 394. I UN FIN. DROP-LEAP tables. $7 JO. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Libert Phone 4615 PURE SILK. S pr. of Sen tone shade of at ' chiffon hose. .Never been out of package. Ph. 5832. FOR SALE: 90 N. Hamp. pullets 3 mo. Call June 303309 Center. BIBDSEVE . . MAPLE - . dresser with high-grade mirror, $23. Ph. 4422. CASH REGISTER:.: Registers up to sso. bhi . uonu. . i NEW COOLERATOR ice refrigera tors. 172.75. . - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty , . . Phone 4615 PEAS for canning. Will hav every day : starting June 24. . V ml. N. of Hopmere Store James Buckout. - Rt. 1. Brooks Ore. . : ATMORAYS for sal or rent. H. C Pugh. P. O. Box 463. Ph." 2-2458. WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washers. Ed Ellis. Nelson Bros. Furni ture. 315 N. Uberty. POULTRY fertilizer for Victory Gardens- 90 per sack. Bring sacks Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. NEW MAPLE child's bed. $14 95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 North Liberty Phon 4615 SXE HOGO BROS, -280 Stat St fa liberal trade In oa raw old furniture Fuller Brushes. 174$ Grant Ph. $391 Wanted Furniture ELECTRK: REFRIGERATOR. Call between 7 and p. m. Phone 7037. WOOD Ranges t heaters: also dav enports 4k chain, any amt, regard- leas of read h. olio. Woodry Auction Mitt, lsos it. a CASH TOR ward bnmm & hold ods ft Forger Ph 144$ SET YOUR ' own - price, then call Glenn Woodry. the : auctioneer, for action in a hurry . Pb. 8110. Miscellaneous Stove 'Repairing Wood ranges Ac heaters all makes. Satisfaction giisrawfod. Ph. 5110 or call at Woodry Auction Mkt. 1009 N. Summer. : r - " - -.- , Dental Plate : Repair V" TWO-HOUR SERVICE Of MOST ' ? ' CASES Bring or Mat! Your Plates tot. Repatt OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. SUto ComX Ph 3314 Wanted Kliseellaneous : RIDE to S. Dakota . by- July L Statesman, . Box 2852. , WANTED -r- CAMERA . . - i WILL PAY CASH FOR SPEED GRAPHIC CAMERA. Ph. 9101. Mr. Weiss, at - Statesman office, between 7 and Pit week dsn. (VW. RSOWERS ATTENTION mrm nnw nermitted to buv wool direct from grower in any quantity, any rit.tsnfa finm our milL Brine or ship your fleeces or lambs wool direct to us and receive u nignen marxer prie. - ' . - THUS KAI WiJLJLT MILii W. SALEM." OREGON FURNITURE ' m na rrirm within reason Phon Mil Ji be convinced. Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer. :( TD GtTT LARGER EVERY TsVGICUTTHlS GRASS I -v Crx 7 Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9168 to Salem's oldest, largest homo owned nH . KflmA mtAiMl flnsnee institv tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans maoe in imcwK privacy. You wUl o given every con sideration in th repaying of your loan or : granting of extensions. You can pay ta full any timo to reduc tne cost.. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS ' No ondorsers. Loans mad on furni ture or not. ; . SEE " ROY H. SIMMbNS. MGR. ; Lie. No. M-152. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ;. ' Ue. No. S-13S 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 016$ First door south of Ladd & Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location. LOANS - on : AUTOS up to $500 . .on . FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK and SIGNATURE up to $300 Calkins Finance Co.' 31$ (3rd F1.I ; Ph. -1st Nat 1. Bank Biag- saiem S-22S Lie M-27S $30 to $250 or More On Your Automobile ' ; " Furniture or Salary Phone In your application to 3191. Personal; Finance Co. 512 SUte St. N. Anderson. Mgr. ' Phone $191 Lie 1-122. M-165 MONEY ' ' $ per cent income on your invest ment funds: . - W hav a number of real estate mortgages in amounts . from $500 to several thousand dollars. Make your surplus funds earn, your INCOME TAXES. ' - STATE FINANCE CO. tLiC. 218-222) i -V.-.f Guardian Bldg. Wanted Miscellaneous ' ' ROOM' board, good ear for limited no. of children at Roads End Beach. Writ Mrs. M. Conley, Wecoma, Ore now for reservations for summer months. v " SMALL COOK stove. Phone 4283. WANTED 30 mm. kodak or Argus camera. PO box 263. Phone 9153. Salem. ' ADJUSTABLE WHEEL chair to rent Phon 22110. ; USED FURNITURE Ph IUI' j : WANT TO Buy, Used cameras & lenses McEwan Photo Shop . 433 SUte For Rent Apartments 2 RM lights, water. 1935 Center. also 1 rm 639 N. Lib. ; . gmu apt. 2160 it. 5tfa. Ptu MOD. PULLMAN Apt. Refrig., pri vate bath. 248 D St. Ph. 9092. ; FURNISHED APT.. lights, fuel and water 1029 Saginaw St. . . UNFURN. pleasant front 4-rm., 1st fir. apt. for 1 or 2 quiet, dependable adults. 2 other rms. soon. Apply rear cottage No. 8. 1144 N. Cottage St. 1 3-RM. APT $25. Phone 5222. ; I-BH. FURN. apt., $12 m. Garage, h.w. Phon 3946. 2590 Lee. For Rent ; - FLOOR SANDER for rent -Montgomery Ward : .- : ' - TRUCKS for rent. You drive Me Cune V LovelL phon 9600. y- . Wanted to Rent RELIABLE PARTY wants 4 or $ room furnishod. modern bouse: per manent. B. Swartxell. 889- N. CapitoL Phon 554VL ' . J. . PERMANENTLY. 9 or $ "rm. r hs. East Salem or within 3 mi. 4 Corners. No children Ph. 82S6, 8 to 8 PJ. or S rm. portly . turn, house by perm, resident, to rent or lease.' Will consider sub.- or W. Salem. Ph. 3696. For Sale Real Estate DUPLEX horn at 444-448 Marion St. Distant owner. Priced for quick sale at $4750. Act now. Tomorrow may be too let. - W. d. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial v . Ph. 4728 . 4 RM. BSE. Basement, furnace, laundry rm. St fruit rm. Bus stop at door; ,. or will trad for larger hs. 1880 Berry St. : ' $3500. S-RM. partly furnished JMse, basement, furnace and garage. Double lot. - 1 . '; $4509. 3-bodroom home, basement, sawdust burner and garage. jf $3000. 3-bedroora house, P. H BELL, REALTOR- r 212 Guardian Bldg. . - Phon 8188 HOME and Income , and close In. Large colonial type nous of 11 rooms. Well arranged in apartments and sleep ing rooms, plenty plumbing, built-ins. large basement with laundry - room. Gas furnace. 4 garage on paved alley, large East front lot 80x175 feet, nase yard, shrubs and flowers. Income over $100 per month and fine -first floor apartment for owner. Price. $8700. Part terms. See LEO N. CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, at 344 State Street. Sa lam. Phon 926I."' i FOR SALE by Owner: Modern thro bed room home, fine district, fireplace, oil boat, double garage, fin lawn and shrubs, adjacent . two schools. Tele phone 3816.. $2500--$ rms, ' basement, large lot. East State SL. Terms. - $32504 rms. 8c attic, full basement At furnace. Large lot. $500 dn. $35 per mo. Located at 2005 Nebraska. . $42504 bdrms. Li v. rm..din. rm. kitchen: '100x137 ft. lot. Fruit V nuts. Englewood dist. Terms. - R. A. FORKNER 1853 K. -Capjtol - tuumi a re nnccRCinM n wn. built 8-room house with basement and furnace : exira large jo, exvenams w paved alley: only four blocks East of C.. WAm kiilMin, R-.l fauv at $5000. WUl show any time. See Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS, 344 State Street. Salem. Phon 826L Sec "Blondie" in color in new Statesinaxi tabloid comic section iC3M.BO)S- MAKE SOU C AM I T SLEEP GOOC?J 1? CZ - M 11 For Sale Real Estate 2590 SIMPSON rooms 2 large lots. Accept down payment, balance monthly. Phon 7929 or 9557. f , ouT-or-cmr owneb " Must Sell , . . Lovely Salem Home Immediately Four blocks capital bldgs. In heart of choicest residential dist. of fin home-owners, lovely 10 rm. Use. with elaaaed in aleeD oorch of - two rms. One bedroom dnstrs, spacious light rms. with attr. mod. windows, panel led din. rm. with built In corner China cupboards,- comfortable den with floor to ceiling bookshelves, large airy kit chen with full sid windows, lots of built-ins. double plumb, auto, hot water, auto, oil furnace, large under ground storage tank, full basenw mod' em wash facilities and man's work shop, new - roof and outside - paint, roomy garage with gasoline tinder ground tank and pump, beautifully landscaped . large lot with - choice flowers, shrubs, flowering trees. va riety of small fruits. Shown by appt. Sun, Mon, Tues. and Weds. Priced for a quick sale at only $10,000. Phon 3023 or 9043. ... OWNER MOVING. Must sell quick 7 -room modern come, oax floors in living and dining rooms. Fireplace. Venetian Blinds. Lots of buut-ins. ca rage, paved street. Price was $5000. Will accept reasonable offer. Terms. Call Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. - REALTORS, at 344 State Street. Salem. Phon 9261. 6 RM. HSE. & 3 rm. hse. on 1 lot, gd. condition. $4250. 1343 So. Com'L Ph. 3903. LIST -YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WR HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH 410$. 65 A. 60 Cult Bal. timber 8c pas ture. 4 ml. S.E of W. Stayton. Irri gation rights. Family orchard. Fruit. Nuts. 1-5 R. house.: 1-7 R. house. E. pump. 2 barns. 1 new, 10 stanchions. 500 hen poultry house 8c other farm bldgs. On RJL t mi. to school. 13 A. li mi. N. of Salem bridge on Wallace. Road. 4 room H. Elect. Som fruit & nuts. BaL cult. 2 A. in fruit. V mi. W. of Kelzer school. M R.. bouse, . hard wood F. E. . pump.' At, a closing out price. One - 8 R. ' house, near McKinley school. A good buy at $2500.00. See L. L. Thornton co J. F. Ulrich Co. . . 202 Pearc Bldg. 'sy-. SUPER FINE! One of th really fine large homes in Salem. Modern 8c com plete to. th last degree. You should see this. Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. $5000 Good $ rm hse. on Court St. Basement, furnace, fireplace, lge. lot.. Lots of shrutbery 8c trees. A GOOD VALUE. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 7?. S . J Ph. 3723 BY, OWNER: Modern, X bed room bouse, hardwood floors, oil heat. 1840 Grant St. Ph. 7208. . . . ScEDLXTE"OSSKSKMrT-" $500 down. $40 per month will buy this 7-rm. plastered home with fur nace, fireplace, only 4 blocks out. Price $3750. SEE IT TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c ' CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Phone 4131 Business Cards la this directory run -b a nonthly basis only. Eate: IL25 per llae per naenth. --- j Airplane Models KITS and SUPPIJES. Cherry City Model Aircraft 21st St Market Auto Brakes Mike Panek 179 South Comroerclai Auto and Truck Service IF YOUR car or truck Is essential to the war effort, w nvite you to make use of our service faculties. Our efficiently trained and exper ienced mechanics combined with com- ?lete shop equipment, will help "Keep our Car or Truck Rolling" for the duration. -" .. '. . LODER BROS. 449 Center St. Phone $133 Salem. Oregon Batteries wTLLARD batteries, all Woodrow 894 Chupcb. types. R O Bicycles BICYCLES New and rwondttiond. Harry W Scott 147 8. item'ct P 48.6 Chimney Sweep Northneas Chimney Sweep Ph. 4450 norlsts--r Brelthaaprs 447 Court Pbn9195 . Funeral Pirectors TerwUBger Fuoeral ", Bom. Pb, Gifu THE APRON Shop 879 N. High. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery Mffis. Ph. Mrs. K, - Moseley. Gen. Del, Lawn Blower Sharpening atacbm ground. 640 S. Capitol St Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDINQ CO Phon. 4069 Painting f ft; Paperhanging PAINTTNG St Decorating. Ph. 7552. Experienced Reasooabia Ph. 4323 - IO For Sale Real Estate OWNER says sell her partly fur nished . 4 . bedroom horn priced at $4000.00 and worth the . money. Som terms. - D. A. FISH - 477 Court. Ph. 524 HOME BARGAIN " Good S-rm. horn with basement, fur nace, near state bldgs. Price $9000; $1200 down, bal. $30 per montn. W. H, GRABENHORST Ac CO. . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phon 4131 S R. buna. North, bath. elec.. nice location, very good for $1800. Terms. 4 R. house near Kelzer, x acre, elec small barn, garage. $1200 cash. - C J : JACKSON. 341 State St, Salem BARGAIN. FURNISHED HOME 8-rm. modern home with full cement basement,- furnace, fireplace, oak firs. garage, only 13 blocks out. IT'S A REAL BUY for $6500 cash. POSSES SION ABOUT JULY FIRST. W. H, GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St. ' Phone 4131 Acreage X A. SUUB URBAN HOME $4850. Rich, dark loam soil, fruit grapes, fine victory garden in. House, a rooms. elec , water system. - bath, wired for elec. range. Rabbit hutches, large poultry house. Shown by appoint ment see Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Need ham, 341 State, room 4, - . 160 A. 15 mi. from Salem on paved road. 1 rm. hse . 2 barns.- other bidgs. 0 a. in -cuit. som umber, several springs, sou per A. 22', A. $ rm. hse. Is-fair condition. gooa barn. 7 A prunes, small all yr. stream, some timber. $3500. -MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 728 Court St. - : Phon 3723 76 'ACRESn'ttisrfromJSaim 1 mil west of Macleay. 45 acres in crop. balance pasture and woods, year round springs. See owner. M. F. Kephart opp. store at atacieay. . WALLACE ROAD. ACREAGE ' 28 acres of good soil all under culti vation, close in, no bldgs. Price $4250. An excellent value. - W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. - REALTORS ' 134 S. Uberty St. . - . Phone 4131 For Sale Farms FARM FOR SALE 100 acres,' 75 plow- land, baL pasture and timber. S-rm. bouse in need of re pair, large old barn, drilled well, elec tricity, fme location 8 miles out on good road.- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price S8500 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST Ax CO. ;'" REALTORS . ' 134 S. Liberty St Phon 4131 KKtT FORSALE $6t acres, best of soil. 4 miles east House, large barn. Price $125 per acre caan. W. H. GRABENHORST c CO. , - REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St Phone 4131 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. .Uberty Pb. 6683. ; Motorcycles 28 HARLEY DAVIDSON, $95 cash. See after 5:30 p. m. at 2631 Laurel. Directory Painting House Painting Satisfaction guar anteed. For estimate Ph. 8745. - Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints Liberal term, a D Woodrow. 394 N Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs - books or any kino of print ing., call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S. Commercial TJ phon 910L Radio Service PDXRCE Radio Serv, 943 n. ComX 7881 Sewing SEWING. 1499 State. Ph. $148. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned. Sattafacttoa guaranteed. Statcwid servio. Gen rite. 841 Edgewater St West Salem Ph. 8748. Inspection free Kenneth - Harriet 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 4450. Transfer O-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT BJaakets furmv 197 S Liberty. Ph 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer storag; burner oil. briquets truck to Portland daily. Agent Pier Auto Freight, including Calit points Larmor Transfer Co Ph $UL Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron St Stoat ay shift Ph. 21310. : Tiling - TILS bathrooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Pb. 8472. Used Furniture USED run. bought 8c sold. Pb. 8782 Vacuum Cleaner Service. CERTIFIED GUAR. .serv. AD makes. Vince'S Electric. 157 S..Ub. Tel. 6292. FREE Inspection tn your (ram - Au thorized Hoover service W service all make cleaners ,: Hogg Bros. Ph 8149 Weaving DORA TITTLE. 1668 N. Fourth, P. 7349. Well Drilling C J. PUGH,' 2123 Myrtle. Ph. R A West St Sons. Rt 8. B 445 8-2290 every Sunday. . Illiltl in - ' V 0 Wanted Real Estate HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers tor Salem property. A listing with us at this time means a ready sal. RICH L REIMANN 167 South High Street Pboo $203 iiusioess Opportunities r.(Yn Tnmme Hum. Anarta. buci aees : prop, some Exdu 1518 N. list For Sale Wood PLANER AND BOX WOOD. Salem Box Co. Phone 9189. 1 Slab wood. Immd. delivery. Ph. 68F22 CUT SA WPUST. Pit 8862. JWood Craen, 412 N. 21st St Ph $37$ Plywood cores ev ends. . Ph. $50$ Lost and Found ,LOST: About a mo. ago. small yel low mate cjocxer spaniel, nam asappy. Ph. 94. Reward. THE person Is known that took th Rollfast bicycle from Hunt Bros. Can nery Wed. nite and if it Is returned to the same place no questions will b asjceo. (E) LOST ENVELOPE containing 1 Southern Pacific rtain tickets, void af ter June 30. Phono 2-226L Reward. LOST BROWN and white collie pup. near Highland school. Phone 21656. ' LOST SAT. night small gold chain and heart shaped locket with air corps insignia. Call 7498. Reward.? - RATION BOOK No. 2. Mrs. Gladys M. winsbip. 1560 &. High street. For Sale Used Cars ; TRUCK. 35 Chev, Hi ton. long wheel base, dual tire, flat bed and rack. $350; terms Phone 3210. 1935 - PONTIAC sedan. Completely overhauled, new paint good tires. $295. pnone X-W47 29 MODEL A Ford. 36 Olds coupe. can corner Market ana Liberty be tween ana a. : 1929 DODGE stake body truck, sin gle Urea, Can- be seen at Restaurant at Marquam. $ YD. Dump Bed. Brownie trans mission,. Power take off for Chev. 960 N. Com. Ph. 3523. - FOR SALE: 1940 Lincoln Zephyer. sduo. wui take cheap ear or pick-up m Txaae. n n. stn. 33 CHEV. standard coup. Call af ter rjL pn. 940. 136 state. . Wanted Used Cars We Need Used Cars HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR . LATE MODEL USED CARS, STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. High "- Ph. 4438 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car to worth Cash on . the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEMS oldest ndependent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church & Chem. Ph. 7922 GOOD Used ear. will pay $300 to $400. L. R. Hagner. 1698 N. 4th St. ' SELL YOUR CAR HerraU-Owens Used Car Center. 235 So. Commercial Transportation TWO RIDERS to Oregon shipyards. Swing shift. Phone 21944. NOTICE OF FINAL, HEAJUNQ Notice is hercbj given that the undersigned Executor has filed his Final Account and Report in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, In Pro bate, and that Friday, the 23d day of July. 1943, at ten o'clock A. M, at the courtroom of said court in the courthouse in- Salem, Oregon, has been set ss the time and place for hearing objections to said Fi nal Account and final settlement ef estate.' . First publication, June 22d, 1942; last publication, July 20th. 1943. CHANDLER F, BROWN, Executor, Estate of William Brown, deceased. PAGE AND PAGE. ATTORNEYS 210 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. J 22-29-Jly 8 13 20 NOTICE OF FINAL, HEARING As executor ' of the estate of ERNEST W. WICKERT, deceased, the undersigned has filed in Cir cuit Court of Oregon for Marion County, in Probate, his final ac count in estate of said decedent, and August 2, . 1943, 10 o'clock a. m, and courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for hearing of objections to said account and settlement thereof. - ALBERT E. WICKERT, 1 Executor' Aforesaid. CARSON & CARSON Attorneys for Executor. J-29-Jly- S-13-20-27. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. AF St AM. M. M. Degree, Wed, June 30th. 7 JO P.M. Classified Advertising Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 Three lnserUtans per line, , , , 25c Six Insertions per Un 40c One month per tins . ...... 913 Minimum charge 23c; 3 U. min - (mum 35c; tL min. 45c No refunds. ' . . . " ' Copy tor this page accepted a til 8-S8 the evemng before public tioa for dasstficauoa Copy- r- -ceived after that Um will be run under th beading -Too Late to Classify. ' - - " '"' ' . The Statesman assumes a finan cial responsioiiity lor errors which 'reprint that part" of an advertts--ment ln which- the typographical mistake occur Th Statesman reserves the right , may appear In adverttsements pub , lished la its columns and la eases ' where this eooer Is at fault wUl' to reect questiowabl adverttsiag ' It further . reserves the right t place ail . advertising wader th proper classification. A "Blind Ad an ad containing , s Statesman bos; number for an i dresa is for th protection of ta advertiser and must therefor ' b answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at Lberty to divi'e Inter mauon as to tn Hent'ty of aa sdvert'-er using e r 't-nd"d,., .. mm m :r..mii$ rich in MlKERAL? CONTAINS ynAMlN-5 AS B IN POLANa ONLY BASlEy UN0ER eM0NTH( SET MUX. MILK WlU. pEKUDEO FOt THE CC'JEkU) PEOPLES WUtM THEY A3 11ZLVJZD SCRANTON, Pa-OPh- Attend ants rushed for help after on ug ly-looking black bear "escaped from its cage at the city zoo to day but child spectators rushed for the bear. When keepers first saw the ani mal outside the cage, it wag in the midst of a cluster of children who were petting it and screaming Legal Notice NOTICE OF- HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS , HEREBY GIVEN. That the Final Account of Walter W. Wells and Perry A. Wells, as executors of the estate of C. P. Wells, deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, and that the 12th day of July, 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been ap pointed by such court for. .the hearing, of objections to such Final Account and. settlement of said estate, at which time any persons interested in such estate may ap pear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 8th . day of June, 1943. WALTER W. WELLS, PERRY A. WELLS, Executors of the estate. Otto K. Paulus, 410 1st Nat.. Bank Bldg, Salem, Oregon. Attorney for the estate. First Publication Jus 8, 1943. Last Publication July r 1943. i R ; j 8-15-22-29-Jly Crossword Puzzle Ji It Ij U u j u j I i" vm, " w' ' Mr-rT1 4 " T" iT" "T ZZZ IT" T" mmmT Wpy "7" m : P I SS 59 r w wr 1 1 1 HOSIZONTAL L sweet - substance., .swift. 11. measure of electrical currnt . 12. reviad . 14: thus 13. betrayal -iL ferrum . ' sym.) -IS.' drunkard .20. besides. -: 2L layer' .." ; . 23. man's mam -25. unit of work . 27. cooJin j , ' i-' device, i 1'. '2S-;itera ( 43. sua dlik"". -3LtantaJiun -i " (sym.) -.r 32. timmer.-'tr 34.ciean5irj- agent;- -23. continents (afcbr.) " 33. rnakei a tr.l3t3.k8 - r 49. prevaxicitcrj 43. bcal "r ' ' 43. place 43. ancient 47. city lati 49. chanted 51. compass point (abbr.) 52. iridium ... (sym.) 63. city tn ... :- . .a Michigan 5S. electrical . engineer ' (abbr.) ; ST. withdraw 59. believers in a :-, . personal god v Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 'Ifl : V ,f TT H :,4. . " ' L" . ' I. ! , f Averse tiai f solit'.'ja: 33 salaates. C'.rt. by "Cag Ttilznytjz:'-' lac TO IMPROVE THCa EVTTSIGHT, NIGWT FLYERS IMTUE ROYAL CAi"!ADtA!( AIRFOPXG EAT DIGGER. AKO,7,T$ y A SOLDIER GET5 A V&Atiy A CIVILIAN adoutIUQ 4 in delight . ; Attendants .' summoned police and the -animal was roped and re turned to its cage. - Tuesday's Radio Programs- ; (Continued from Page 4) 5:45 Norman Nesbitt $:1$ News. ' i SJO Movie Parade. J . . S:4S John Kerby. TOO John B. Hughe. T:1S Music. 7 JO Manpower limited. :1 7.-45-Music. i , 8:43 Siagm Sam. , t x S:00 News. ' N 8:1S Manhatters. 8:30 General . Barrows. . . 8:43 Fulton Lewis. - Jr. -10 -00 Orchestra 10:18 Treasury Star Parade. 10 -JO New. ...:..,.. 10:45 Music. - -. 11-00 Return of Nick Carter. 11-30 Music ' K OA C TUES DAT 858 KS. 10-00 News. - - , 10:13 The Homemakers Hour. 11-00 Musio of th Masters. : 12A0 News. , 12:18 Noon rarm Hour. 1:00 Artiste Recital. 1:13 War Coagnentery. . 1 tO Music. ' 2-00 HomsmaVsn Half Hour; 130 Memory Book of Musi. ' 3 00 News. 3:18 Adventure la Research. 3 JO The Concert Hall. 4 0 Neighborhood CalL 4:18 Echo of WBlkOtl. 430 Stories for Boys and Gtrla, $:00 On th Upbeat. 8:30 Vespers ., 8-48 Its Oregon's War. 6:18 News, r 8-JO evening rarm Hour. 740 Education for rreedom. 8.-00 Music. - i $.-00 Stop. Look, listen. 8 as Music. i .8-30 News. 8:49 Unci .... : fi-ZS . 8.UquI4- - I . measure .pronoun - ' 10. vanquish eLdiscrlmina- tion- . 62. serfs v - VEHTICAL 1. level ' 2. above 3. obtain " ' 4. classifiers . -.SsUgser , 6. spaa - T.stir 11. a resource 13. Libyan port. ICon the ocean 19. the one here 22. provide i. '.that- " ,24. poker stake 28. studies of the eart!i 33. spike' .. 33. slrusl8 35. Cushions, -TSS.Ste?'..; :-:37.bird'. ''i " 39. heavenly ' : ; body. . 4Lputs 11 4 42.dar' . J : 44.corr, -rstivs eni.r t . ,4. Lev :.;$ " 'C3. knot- r . consuttaS , C3. metal - n i uTl3- t ! j j t I 1 S3, fitter j C3.ccr-rar X, . .rc'tuttrl WIS