TOO o .7, if hi a men an The O-G0-I STATESMAN. c!ara. Oregon. Tuesday Morcin?, Jusus 2, 1C 13 PAGE TEN Fan Rye Futures " Hit Record New 15-Year ; Peaks Established, as Optimism Mounts 1 CHICAGO, June 28.-iP)-New 15 year peaks were established by rye futures Monday on gains of about 2 cents in a market which reflected a growing conviction among traders that the country's livestock population this year is going to consume enormous qual ities of feed grains. -1 Oats were strong with rye, al though: gains were confined to fractions, and wheat rallied in the closing minutes to finish with slight advances after having sold under the preceding icssion's close most of the day. Hedging appeared in the wheat pit and traders were wary of following the recent upturn. ,'"- At the close wheat was unchan ged to higher,. July $1.44 1.45; oats were - up, July 68--69, and rye waj ahead 1-1-, July $1.00. .- ... Commission houses and local traders were both in on the buy ing side of rye. Although supplies of the grain are heavy, the de partment of agriculture estimates feeding requirements during the present "crop year at 55,000,000 bushels, which is considerably in excess of the latest government production " forecast of 31,000,000 bushels. '- Emphasizing the unprecedent ed demand lor grain for feeding was an announcement by the war foods administration that the 50, 000,000 bushels of wheat' which the Commodity Credit corpora tion was authorized to " sell - for feed on June 16 was practically gone on June 24. Originally it was expected this wheat would last until the end of June. '- 'Cash corn trade was" practically at a standstill. " . r" Pea Growers Urged to Get Combine Parts As most of - the new crop of dry edible peas in western Ore gon is Jikely to be harvested with small five or six-foot 1 combines, growers-will; save a lot of time and trouble by getting in ad . vance ; all the parts needed i: to adapt these, for pea harvesting, says Robert E. Rieder, county agricultural agent. ; Many of these combines require special pulleys or sprockets to rer duce cylinder speed to the requir ed 400 to 450 revolutions per minute while keeping the remain der of the machine operating at the normal speed for other types of threshing. Cylinder speeds higher than those mentioned will cause serious losses by cracking peas. . Combines equipped with rub bar or angle bar cylinders need - no other adjustment except . to give maximum clearance, accord ing to experience of growers in Washington and Idaho visited by extension specialists from Oregon. With those having cylinder and concave teeth, however, all the concave teeth except about half in one row are removed. Peas thresh easily, hence the fewer the teeth the less cracking occurs.' Small combines do not need the special floating cutter bars such as are favored on the large com bines, although special pea reels are desirable as are lifter guards such as are used on hairy vetch and similar, crops, says Rieder. ' If many green weeds are in the peas at harvest time, it may be necessary to mow and swath the peas before threshing, in L which case a revolving pickup is satis factory to get the peas from the windrow.? . .l.W;';- : --. .. " ; -'-'l Pickers above straw racks need to be shielded to change them to beaters to prevent tangling, while augurs that crack too many peas1 Kentucky's Senatorial Grandpa T7S hens tor AlLm EarLlcy (D-Hy) he&ma ptaudj at his crand divshUr, Dorothy Anne, whom he Is seetaf for the first time en a visit la rUn3o!;h field. Tex where t!s son, XIaJ. D. IL Carkley. V.e baby's father, Is statianc J aj post operations effker Associated Press TelemaL "Strictly Private?' CXTA& ANOM:- m& CXKT SEDM)l if- RE 0R HEPE.. WTHE. AKWV STILL DIGS IKStCAD OF A pnCHTCCK t KEEP RMWHS A SHCNELL Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Ju 28. (AP) AA grade print, 4ic, cartons. 47,,e; A grade prints, 'iC, cartons, ie; B grade prints. 46c lb cartons, 4e lb. t ' ' ,--; - .- ---S - Butter la t First quality, maximum of .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland, 52-52',c lb.; premium qual iy, maximum of --35 of 1 per cent acidity. 53-S3c lb.; valley route and country prints, 2c less than first, or so-MKkc; second . quality at oruana 2c under' first or 50-50VaC lb.- - ' - : Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets, 29c lb.; loaf, 30c lb.; triplets to wholesalers, 27c lb.; loaf. 27'c FOB. . . - ' -. ,.' Eggs Prices to retailers, in cases: A grade large. 43c; A medium, 3834c; A small, 35 c dozen. . ; ; ir .- Eggs Nominal prices to producer: A large. 40c; B large, 37',aC; A medium, 36c; B large, 37 Vic. : : ' live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, up to 2 '.4 lbs., 30c; f colored fryers, under 2' to 4 lbs., 29c; colored roasters, over 4 lbs 29c; i Leghorn hens, under 2'i lbs 25',c: over 3i lbs 2S,ac; colored hens, 4 to 5 lbs.. 25'ic: over- S lbs., 25' ic; old roosters,' 21',c lb.; stags, 21(Xc lb. Dressed turkeys S e 1 1 1 h g prices: country dressed breeder . hens. 30-32c lb. . , , -:-v; Rabbits Government ' ceiling: aver age country killed to retailers, 44c lb.; live price to producers. 24c lb. 'Onions Green, 55 -60c doz. bunches; Texas yellow, 2.75: California, 2.75. Potatoes--New California white. No. 1. 3.W. , Potatoes, old table stock cash and carry price: No. 2. 1.35-10 90-lb. bag; local No. 1. 3.50 cental. - Hay Wholesale prices nominal: al falfa No. 2 or better. S34; No. 1 Mon tana timothy, $33; No. 4 grass hay, 832; oat-vetch. 825-30 ton, valley points; timothy (valley). 825 ton; clover, S25 30 ton.- . , : . ' Country meat Rollback price to re tailers: country killed hogs, best butch ers, t 120-140 lbs 20e; vealers, AA, 22Vc; A, 21ic; B. 194c; C. 17c; D, 15'ic lb.; canner-cutter cows, 14Vc lb.; bulls, carver cutters. 144c; lambs. AA. 26c; A. 24ac; B. 22aC; C. 204c; ewes. Fs. 134ci medium. 12c; R, 10c; beef. AA, 21c; A, 20c; B, 18c; C. 16c lb. s Wool Government controL Cascara bark Dry. 20c lb. Mohair 1942 12-month, 45c lb. Hops Nominal. Seed stock, 1942 crop. 1.40 lb.-, seedless. 1.50-1.60 ' lb.; contract seedless. 70c; seed. 65c lb. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore June 28. (AP) Wheat: futures unquoted. . f Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 44.00. Barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 41JM. Io. t flax 3.03. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 1J3; soft white excluding Rex 1.37',,; white club lJ7i; western red 1J78. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.S3; 10 per cent 1J4; 11 per cent 1J6; 12 per cent 1.38. . - Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.39; 11 per cent 1.41; 12 per cent 1.43. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 39; barley 5; flour 8; corn 3; oats 3; mill feed 8. can be fixed by riveting a strip of felt along the outer edge. More detailed suggestions on dry pea harvesting are contained in a free circular now available at the county agent's office. Regardless of how good a har vesting job is done some peas will shatter and be lost on the ground. Hogs turned into the field after harvest .will pick up these and make good use of them. B By Quinn Hall sl W MORSES TD C IN ftf HANDS. ' : Portland East Side Market i PORTLAND, June 28. (AP) Prices quoted on the east side fanners mar ket today: - .Asparagus Canby- loose No. 1. 8430 pyramid; bunches, 84.75 pyramid. ,.- Cabbag Local pointed, $1.25 pony crate. -r- " ' - Beans Green 18-20c lb yellow, 18c lb horse, $1.50 lug. . Cauliflower (broccoli)-No. 1. $2.50 2.75; ordinary $25; No. 2. $1.75 crate. ; Cherries Bings. 16-18c; - Royal Ann, 12c; pie," 10c lb -Root vegetables Turnips, $1-15: beets, 60-70C- dozen "bunches; carrots, 45-SOc dozen bunches. -Gooseberries Regular. 17c lb. ''Green s Swiss chard. 75c dozen bunches; watercress. $1 dozen bunches; mustard, 75c dozen bunches. ' ': Lettuce Local 3a. $1.75-2 crate; .leaf stock.v60c dozen bunches. Peas Local. 8-10e lb. ' Radishes No. 1 , spring red. ' 55-65c dozen bunches. Rhubarb Field. $1.40-1.50 box. Onions Green, 50-65C doz. bunches. Raspberries $3-3.25 12-box crate. - Strawberries Oregon Marshall. $2.75-330 crate: Red Hearts ( ) crate. Potatoes New locals, 3',i-4c lb. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. June 23 (AP) (USDA) Cattle: - Salable 1000. total 1200; calves salable and total 200; mar ket active, mostly steady to strong; fed steers and best cows 25 higher; bulls 25 "below las week's market; vealers strong; - good-choice - fed steers ' 15.25 1635. one load 1182 lb. 16.50; grass fat steers 14.00 down; - common down to 11.00; good fed heifers 15.00; common medium grass heifers 10.00-120; can ner and cutter cows 6.00-735; grass fat beef cows 10.00-1130; good fed cows 12.00; medium-good bulls mostly 11.00 12.50: cows - down to 0.00; good-choice vealers 14.00-15.00. - ; - 5 ' 3,. . ; Ho: Salable 2700. total 3000; market active, 25 higher than Friday or steady with last Monday; good-choice 180-230 lb. 1435 to mostly H30; 250-300 lb. 13.50-75; light lights 13.50-75; good sows. 1135-75;. choice light feeder pigs 1730. ' Sheep: Salable 1600, total .2500; mar ket active; spring lambs strong; good choice 1330-14.00; odd head to 14.25; common-medium g r a d e 1 10.00-12.00; feeders mostly 10.50; medium-good shorn old - crop 1030-11.25: . common down to 8. 00: good ewes 5. 00-75; com mon down to 2.00. Market , The prices below supplied by a to cal grocer are Indicative of, the daily market pt ices paid to growers by Sa ten buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: r:? Lettuce, doz. , Cauliflower, crate .75 3.75 90 300 3.50 Corn, ooz. ears Avocados, crate ' Crook neck squash, crate Italian squash. 30 Cucumbers, doi. Asparagus.' 30 lbs. Calif rhubarb, box Red cabbage, lb. Broccoli, case Green onions, dos, bun. Turnips doz bun Mustard greens, dos. tun. Calif cabbage, lb , , Swiss cbard. halt doz. bunches Hot house tomatoes. Strawberries. 1 doz. boxes, pts. 2.00 Endive, dos bun. . 130 Artichokes . doz. ' J5 Brussel sprouts. - , , J7 Radishes, dos " so Cantaloupe, crate . 8.00 Carrou. doz on. , .70 Spinach, crate 1.50 Curly kale, crate 1 00 Celery, doz. bun, ' 1 65 Parsnips, lb OS Onions 157 Watercress, doz. bunches . ,. , . , 130 Watermelons, pound , .06 Green wax beans, lb. , ,, , 20 , Green beans, lb. . n Plums, lb. ... , n Nectarines, lb . , GKA1N. MAtt AND VS.EDS (Baying Prices) ; Oats, No. 1 - 0 38.00 35 00 28 00 28 00 Feed barley, ton Clover hay. ton uats and vetch hay wneat 1.00 BUTTER. CGOS AND POULTRY aiesen s uaytag price I Subject to change without notice ) BUTTERFAT . Premium 84 No 1-,, . 33 Ne 2 ... m BUTTER r BUNTS . As - . 46'.4 .454 , 37 Quarters KUtiS - . Extra large, white and brown Medium 37 34 34 Standards -Pullets . . Cracks - ; 32 32 30 39 35 POULTRY Colored frya un to 2. Rs Colored frys over 2t lbs. . Colored hens , lbs. , 84.50 L.,1.94 4.73 165 : Jl 6.00 . 90 I JO 30 . or 30 !b. 32 UviM 0233o! Royal Annes, Bings, and Lamberts Czrli Price:! nclloy- l?i-rrz-:z: Go. - Frcnt r.i Kcrrray Sis. Wednesday Radio Program KSLM WEDNEIOAJ 139 1: 0 News in Brief 7 :05 Risa V. Shin ' f0 New 7:45 Morning Moods. S. -00 Stan Kenton's Orchestra 8.30 News Brevities 8:35 Tango Time 9 :00 Pastor's Call :1S Uncle Sam S :30 Popular Mutle - 10:00 World In Review 10.-05 A Song and a Dance 10 JO Music. 10 JO Musical College.. 11 JO Hits of Yesteryear. 13.-00 Organalities KALE MBS WEONESDAT13M K. 6:45 Unci Sam, 70 News. ' 7:15 Texas Rangers. 7:30 Memory Timekeeper ' 8.-00 Shady Valley Folks. 8 JO News : 8.-45 What's New 0 Boake Carter B:15 "Wie Woman's Side of the News . JO Coast Guard Band. 10.-00 News v ( 10:15 Gardner's friend, 10 JO This and That 11:00 Buyer's Parade. 11:15 Bill Hay Reads the Bible T 11 JO Concert Gems 11;45 Rose Room. . 120 Concert KFX BN WEDNESDAY I1H KC 6-00 We're Up Too. , 6:15 National Farm and Horn 6:45 Western Agriculture 7:00 Smilin Ed M'-Connell 75 Home Demonstration Agent 7:15 Music of Vienna. . . 7 JO News 7:45 Gene and Glenn. 8.-00 Breakfast Club . 9:00 My True Story. 9-30 Breakfast at Sardi'8 . 10 AO Baukhage Talking 10:15 The Gospel Singer. ' 10 JO Andy and Virginia. 10:45 The Baby Institute. 114)0 Woman's World. 11:15 Mystery Chef. 11 JO Lawson-t Knights. 11:45 Your Bollywood News. 12:00 Songs. , KOtN CBS WEDNESDAY ' 6 0 Northwest Farm Reporter 6:15 Breakfast Bulletin 8-30 Texas Rangers- .,; r . : 6:45 KOIN KJock 7:15 News - s - . 8 K0 Consumer News' v 8:15 Valiant Lady - - ' 830 Stories America Loves 8:45 Aunt Jenny - - 90 Kate Smith Speaks 9:15 Big Sister ' - 9 JO Roma nc of Helen Trent 3:45 Our Gal Sunday - .1000 Life Can Be Beautiful .10:15 Ma Perkins - - - - 1030 Vic and Sade 10:45 The Goldbergs -, . ll-OO Young Dr.. Makme " -: .11.-15 Joyce 'Jordan , . ll-O We Love and Learn ; 11 MS News - 13 JS News , ' . KGW NBC WEDNESDAY 626 Ke. 40 Dawn Patrol 5:53 Labor News 6.-00 Everything Goes. , 6:30 News Parade. 6:55 Labor News 7:15 Nws - 7 :30 Reveille Roundup 7:45 Sam .Hayes 8:00 Stars of Today - 8:15 James Abbe Covers the News ' 8:30 Rose Room. 8:45 David Harum 9.-00 The Open Door. 9:15 Larry Smith. . 9:30 Mirth and Madness. , 100 Music. 10:15 Kneass With the News. -1030 The Gallant Heart. 10 :45 Homekeeper's Calendar, , 11.-00 Light of the World . - 11:15 Lonely Women -1130 The Guiding Ught ' ' 11:45 Hymns f All Churches 120 Story of Mary Marlin KOAC WEDNESDAY 556 10 00 News 10:15 The Homemakers Hour. 110 Music of the Masters. 12 o News - - - f 12:15 Noon Farm Hour - KC. Have Pneumonia LAB1SH CENTER Patsy Kay Boies, small daughter of the Ed Boies, was taken to the hospital late Thursday night with pneu monia. Bill Lensch also has pneu monia and is in the hospital. Quotations White Leahorn frvs 21 White Leghorn- hens 30 Marten Creamery's Bnitna Prleaa. (Subject to change without notice) - ECGS Large A ' 37 Medium A . 35 POULTRY All hens -. 35 '.i All springs , 39 30 Roosters or stags Above prices for prime stock, under grades according to value. LIVESTOCK : - Buying prices for No 1 stock, based on comtiuons and sales reported Shorn lambs , ' - , - 830 Spring lambs ;-12.00 to 12.50 Ewes 330 to 8.00 Hogs, top. 160-225 lbs. 14.00 Sows , 1030 to 11.00 Top veal. 150 lbs. 14.50 Dairy type cows , s.OO Beef type cows 9.00 to 10 00 9 00 to 12.00 9 SO to 1030 . 31 BU11S Heifers Dressed veal Dow Visits LABISH CENTER Visiting Mrs. Pete Russ on Thursday was Mr. and Mrs. Dow from Portland. Mrs.' Russ is recovering;, from ; a major operation which she under went last week. . DRS. CHAN ... LAM Dr.T T.-aaaJM p. Or.G.ChaawNJD CHINESE ilerbalists 241 North Uberty Uostalrs Portland Gfwrl snartrie Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a m to 1 p tn.; to 1 pjm Con fuitatxxi Blood pressuro and urin tests aro frM of durn Er-iMl tince WIT. ; er - r Stocljs Added To Recovery Late Profit Taking .'; Stems Advance of Earlier Trade . NEW YORK, June 28.-ff)-Stocks generally added to last week's recovery in Monday's mar ket although late profit taking stemmed the advance, which, dur ing the forenoon, had put many rails. Industrials and utilities up fractions to more than a point at 3-year peaks. . ., ; Dealings, relatively active at the start dwindled as offerings become a bit more insistent after mid-day. While top marks were reduced, and minus signs well distributed at the close, gainers were well in the majority. The " more hopeful , aspects of congressional developments, from the standpoint of Wall street, helped the utilities to come to the fore. Steels about held their own, although giving up" most of their early advantage based on the Z KNCWMXL. yJE TCVI") WIFE SCORCHY SMITH : X GOT US ft OtTTE TO GO TOOTSk BARNEY GOOGLE USOKKV ABOUT THE BOUGH ArfT MICKEY MOUSE MEM gtaOOGUT NE ME32E, Ty-tv3at MOCEV. UT NO ONE MUST ))rittTT -r7 KNOW SB 7vJ3v-if,UT -ANHRlrtAFROMTHrS MlMUTEON, IDS 1 I (DELL, eVTS eT ) THIMBLE 7 ap - " -V je-ss-aeB-as--aaSBsBe-si -Sssa-ss---a-----ea- ni GEE . THS IS A SWELL -0B -,YESTT2LVC THE NCE MAN WHO CMH5 THE 5AID IF WE WORkXDTOO FAST HCD LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY iiiTO- mi . . - - ' a i t - If ItHK JAIL K FULL CF k311K? Y I I POiAt T11AT UOfmr K Tun irMi I lt t. V . P Tl 9 Inn wo icty tok carow iixiix cmi f t&f of TSiV ) h?'it51 I - hrram u D!5-vri -Hi 1 Li r I ri irri n r ,1 TILS :LOi-5 IlAl.G-U - lX, ..... j ( J y3 I nn? ' nnp LARGE GIANT SIZE IN THREE COLONS iT . j. , r p r. , . il ' " ' y3 JJ ''!- f'-t. r.v. , I 1 -IBS-Sit . -n -ihTMMW 1 1. .1 --TTn.-wr, ...nm . . . - ' " " i back-to-work move in the coal fields; Rails were supported as another batch--of cheering earnings reports for. five months came to . hand. Alrcrafts, long dormant enjoyed a revival apparently in reflection of the growing European - air offen sive and cheerful post war pros pects. The Associated Press 60-stock average was up J of a point at 52 where It was only J under its best level since No. 6, 1939, estab lished early in the current month. It' was -the sixth' consecutive up turn for this .barometer. Trans fers totaled 1,029,060 shares com pared with 1,146,660 in the pre ceding full session. Bonds were . selectively higher.7 At Chicago wheat was unchanged to up V x a cent a bushel. Rye jumped VJL io 1. Hogs fell 15 to 25 cents. Cotton was up 10 to 35 cents a bale. " Among forward tilters In the curb were Electric Bond & Share, SSf .Ibond avekaces Glen Alden Coal find : American Gas. Niagara Hudson Power was heavily traded for a decline of V In the wake of reorganization pro gram details. Turnover here was 281,605 shares versus 233,560 last Friday. , , - ViT 'A est - STttVS HEY, MISS HERCULES. HOLD r.$0(9?Y X XT OU,lEUTNANT VV IT FDe bpclfhputme y Ni-VK MEANT TTDTAfcEAS I PLANE WA A 5N3S-$EAr6! WELL, WEBff'S 7WE S ?V. ;. WE 'EE APTEI? ASUS&aOcSGMG) THAT WE KNOW IS OPEGACT1N& f an iu.esal 5Asoune r-r backet... we h Yeo rw aroepMAPON tmat J to se TMEV NEED A TOJCX-llSME CLOCK DCVEC THAT'S aajCKV. - t WWECE SOO(- TME " PLACE. j EVEWTH1N- OLR FICST -OB THIS M0RMING IS TO CLEAN A PLATE OF BACON iiin rc:e f L r . , 1- Wm (ffi J I -- T- I I III II IL I 1 I 1 1 1 - I I a..r t.i 1 i' 1 tin 11 1 v ; Kuhn to. Start Picking . Four Acres of Cherries WEST S ALE3I Don . Kuhn . will begin picking Royal Anne r cherries en his four acre orch ard at Grand Island junction In Yamhill county, Wednesday morning. Knhn's orchard con sists of cherries and pears. He reports that there will be abont , a seven or eight per cent loss In his Royal Anne cherries doe to excessive wet weather. Stocks and Bond Compiled by The Associated Pr - :: June 28 STOCK AVERAGES 30 Indus IS 19 i 60 Rails Uti! Stks 26.0 35 2 52.0 25.7 34.7 1 51.7 24.6 J3J i 50 1 263 14 6 ! 52 .0 13.1 22.9 ! 35.3 264 35 J 62.2 18J 37.1 41.7 Monday 73.3 Previous day 73 J Week ago 10M Month ago 73.1 Year ago 51.8 1943 high 733 1943 low 60J New 1943 high. 20 : 16 10 10 Ralls Indus Util Pogn -.76.9 105.6 104 J 61.6 Monday Previous day .76.8 1053 1043 i 613 Week ago Month ago Year ago , 1943 high 1943 low 76.0 1033 -78.1 105.0 .603 103.1 .78.1 ' 105.6 .643 103.8 104.1 , 60.0 103.4 ' 60.0 953 483 1043 : 61.6 98.0 833 New 190 highs. X ws T K I AW COH&DEKT, WHOA, LAO? M LHJTWlX3 PUQEAA.Wfi l?IVI?. NOT SHALL -7ESULT IN THE (V A HAMMVTl wmmr vbnm iwrv ir - ' 9 THIS IS HIS rVOOSETI I BUT H6 GOT-VAY rU1AWE XXI NO ...AW CHESTS POTC W1NC.0F rLANCU. f5ACK TDTMG W0VE.VE JUST ONE fVWZ TO r Hrn..M.... J -r TO"n. r- Aiskji hvent uono..w v t r PEEN E3sEMlE5, PUT STt WITH f r ix - ry 1 XIJW.M Lfi -nrA a r 1 ti. ii. 1-11 r ... I OrLL.. BUOUJ ME. CHE (DHJ, BE HEg-N fCOOJKJt (JUHATCHAv TXiM HERE M BSVI It Every Thursday Starting rfcm3ay::jy'J'y LI t r 1 1 f THAMK5, M1STEI? . VCXTRE THEM ITWUcVOirRE SOUtST DJSH j 1 I WLLL WN WE W 7HT5 DUMP A 1T FrfFTKtrrsTi ?arn W k- w Cash In A Harry . .' With A Personal , Loan -When you need money quickly, come to us for a personal loan. We will - be happy to extend a loan to you without de lay ... a loan you can repay easily over period of time. 1 For Bfeney la a Flurry See Stels Fbzzss Co. 112-222 Guardian Clog. . Corner Liberty State - Telephone . . 818$ '. Lie. S-2H M-222 ; We are always In the market t key fer CASH Steal Etate Mertfages aad eestfracu. Mer chandise Disceaat raper a4 Notes. TVW XS WVGWr TM MCR(AVtiTS TOOK GOT TM SCTCWRT VUEU- V V&ND OK.PU-,. ) .SSTTEgf gUPMEW 1 -(much MUCH DOMP CXS JOB fc iNTO(Lowcorr) vVto('lfi--' ( uxu- sou PUEAse STOP cDCAVlkV d VOLTCEA REGULAR LTTTLE LIFE- SAVER-. BUT "KXI MAKE ME. FEEL tKE A KIEL ON ONE OF SIMOM LEGREE'S Friday, Sainrday ; k y W : HEY FELLAS CONE Oil we vn-rTl! mc nunc katsjck HE in TKE KAiV.n hu WITH THSNG5 - it ML -rr BSE irx I I r m - m 1 '"