The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1943, Page 16, Image 16

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    ?w CrZiCri CTATZ::L-J:, Ccdsa. Creca, Cusay I'crxii 1:3 7. i::3
Svorn In
Pictur Draws Wallace Criticism - (Lumber Price
Silverton Considers
Applications of
Teachers ' "
iii.VJRTON W, R, Tomlson
Las been elected chairman of the
Cilverton school board for the
coming year. A. B. Anderson, re
cently elected superintendent, has
oeen sworn in as clerk.
Several vacancies still exist in
the local faculty but a number
of applications have been re
ceived and are being .considered.
Some of these may be acted upon
at the July meeting of the board.
Some discussion of moving the
'district office from the Eugene
- Field building to the high school,
- 'was held at the board meeting
this week, but no decision has
been reached. .
- has been elected new member of
the Brush Creek school board to
. succeed D. F. Hilman, whose term
- expired. Mrs. J. : C. Larson was
reelected clerk and her daughter,
Mrs. Viola - Nybakken,- has - been
- Jiired as teacher for the coming
MEHAMA The annual school
r meeting Monday night resulted in
the reelection of Mrs. ft C Mc
"Carley as clerk and of McCarley
as director, to fill the place va
cated by James Blum. The other
two directors are A. W. Landers
and IravKirsch. '
annual , .school meeting- Elton
Watts was elected as school direc
tor to succeed Henry, Werner, who
declined . reelection. School clerk
D. A. Steffen was reelected.. The
ether directors are A. L." Cowden
' fend W. A. Roth. 4 : :
" MEHAMA Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Branch have purchased the-
; Carter property which adjoins
their own. The Branches intend
to- move into their new home and
rent the old one. - S '
Ralph Downer has purchased a
farm near Mill City and expects
to' move there with his family
soon. --- -,. ' . ".
Mrs. A, E. Gower sold their 87
cre farm to M. O. Kephart of
Aumsville. Kephart, who recently
old his farm at Aumsville, will
take possession - in December.
Gower has not yet made any def
inite plans for the future. : i
' ... ' r -4
Donnelly In
' EL;A. Donnelly, formerly super
intendent of The Statesman's ty
pographical department, now
newspaper publisher and justice
of the peace at Oswego, gets into
the news frequently.
. ...On Friday be was in a barber
rshep-getting haircut, when his
! automobile which he had parked
almost in front" of the shop, ac
cording to his report to the Clack
amas county sheriff, was stolen.
The car was found soon afterward
only a few blocks away.
Deputy Sheriff Shobe in report-
ihg-the recovery-observed that
..... "because of the girth "of Justice
Donnelly, the frame of his car had
. probably been sprun. makirur the
- car go sidewise and causing - the
thieves to become too dizzy to
. nve it far."
s 7
Rule Lifted
Buyers of premium priced west
ern pine lumber who were here
tofore required to certify that they
would absorb the increased mill
price, today were relieved of that
obligation by the office of price
Prior to today's action, a 13.00
I "premium" over ... the regulation
ceiling ; prices .was provided for
producers in five western states,
to apply', on twelve specified
! grades and sizes of western pine
' lumber which by order of the war
production s board ' were to be
channeled, almost .exclusively to
government agencies, contractors
and sub-contractors and ' manu
facturers of western wooden agri
cultural containers. . Purchasers
not within the -classes named un
der this prior provision were per
mitted - to buy- such grades- and
sizes .under special , WPB release,
and at the "premium" price, pro
vided they certified : that the in
creased price would be absorbed
by them and not passed -along. '
. Recently WPB has released in-
creasing quantities of this lumber
to non-government buyers. Pro
duction is at, a .level to . permit
such releases, which are sa idhy
L WPB to be necessary to maintain
the wartime f civilian economy.
Lumber channeled into these uses
will be available principally for
farmers, manufacturers of essen
tial millwork, and through retail '
yards to small domestic consum
era, ' ' ) l'l.-A :':yc "- 'i-'-; :-
40 Additional
Blood Donors
Still Needed
Forty additional volunteers for
blood donors service Tuesday in
Salem were still needed Saturday
night, . J. Scellars, Legion chair
man for the Red Cross blood bank
contributions .In - the capital ' city,
said. . ; f '
Approximately 130 pints of
blood were given last Tuesday by
Salem residents,!":; -
, Donor center is the First Metho
dist church; hours are from 10
ajn. to 1 pm and registrations
are taken by the Bed Cross ibver
its office telephone, 9277. ; : " :
Gives Up
CAMT ADAIR, Ore, Jane 21 ;
Elaser, the pedigreed army col
lie who went AWpL In the early :
hoars af dawn .- Tuesday, '. gave
himself up this moraine when ;
ha vol an tartly returned ta the :
confines af Camp Adair, '
; ,' The ; searchings of the dor's
trainer, a military police motor-
cycle patrolman, and the AI-!
bany. town : patrol were of na
avail after the guard at tha
canine detachment reported that
Blazer, fed up with the restric
tions af army life, shook free
his leash and took off.
. The prodigal pooch is now
T.lhs Davenport Marks '
Birthday Tlzirsday
- WEST SALXI-I Shirley T,aa
Davenport celebrated her 11th
birthday-with a party on Thurs--day.
afternoon. -- , ...
Guests were Delores Hathaway,
Bonnie Bell Hathaway, Betty Jo
Davenport, Beverly Abbott, Helen
McVey, . Ruth McVey Arlihe
Kuhn, Maxine'GIenora Lee and
Shirley Davenport. Games were
enjoyed. , .'. -
Afterward a lunch was served
with the tst)le centered with a
decorated birthday cake. - t
- confined In quarters and will be
' tried by court martial later. The
penalty has net been determine
but Blazer can rest assured that
tha charges will be AWOL-1
: not desertion. :
V rfBwf ewi
This picture of a seat-suit couple dancing, which won for Ollie At
kins, Washington Dally 'News former photographer now with the
Red Cross, the White House Photographers association grand prize,
drew, criticism from Vice President Henry A. Wallace, who pre
sented the awards. "I cannot aee haw the Judges could have picked
a soot-suit picture In times Uke these," Wallace said with a grin
as he handed Atkins the prise. Associated Press Telemat.
Naming of
Real Estate
Head Seen
? Following Gov. Earl Snell's re
turn to his , office here - Monday,
an " appointment to the office of
state real estate commissioner is
expected. . '
Claude H. Murphy who has held
that office since separation of the
real estate department from the
insurance department early in the
administration of Gov. Charles
ASpirague-, was reported to, have
submitted his resignation to Gov.
Snell some time ago with the re
quest that he be relieved of his
duties not later than July 1.' -. :
Names of several prominent real
Webb Razes Old .
Store, Aumsville
AUMSVILLE O n e a f t h e
eldest store buildings here is
being I rased by ;. Harry Webb,
who has purchased the Mortx
.place just south. at tha Wetzel
school. He will use the lumber
- ta build chicken houses on his
; farm. . "; . ;
' The building beiar razed Is
, more than 40 years aid and has
been settling and leaning the
last few years until it was con
; sidered unsafe ta leave stand
. ing.
estate brokers have been mention
ed in connection with the appoint
ment but. soma of them- have later
Indicated lack of interest in: tha
office. ? "
; 1m Chmrg Dr. Fnd PugeUr, Registmd Optometrist.
JuocUt Optometrist: Dr. Arthur W.Rukndorj, Dr. Umrry
Fredericks, Dr. M. J. Kelly, Dr. Robert Gilbert.
Dr. Melvin Williams, mm Dr. W. B. Tmck
W . t t X ..s.!. mm
Sawmill Starts;
Steincamp Fells
20,000 of Trees
GATES The i Eckleson-Shep-herd
sawmill at Gates began, op
erations Friday morning, t The
sawed lumber will be sold and
irucxed to the Gates Cochran
mui at Lyons.
GLASSES: Purchase them an our Liheso! Credit
Terms Without One Penny Additional Cost.
Pay later in small Weekly or Monthly amounts.
Take a lonj as Five, Ten, or Fifteen Months
iw pwy.
AUMSVILLE H e n r v RtoSnJ
camp is felling 20,000 feet of
urrs on me x-ee Sutton place.
This will be..; made into - lumber
at the Walter Rak sawmill north
of Aumsville. Wet weather has
prevented hauling the logs out as
- Prcmiplicns
Are Oct Specially
For over 44 years we
have been - serving, the
people of Salect by fffl
inz ; their doctor's pre
scriptions accurately and
reliably. Bring your next
prescription to us. -
All Prescriptions Filled ,;
. Promptly
. See Tour Dactar First
mm ma&a
(oft a m&
.-You can arrange to pay as little as 50c a week
on the balance . . actually less tlian 10c e day! Mo '
interest or any extra charge. , ;
v. t . '.1
It costs nothing to find
out if you are in need, of
Glasses ... come in and
take advantage of ' our
Free Optical Examination.
Feel assured Glasses will
not be prescribed unless
absolutely necessary.
No Advmmce Appointment
'' Necessary '
Iefs Give .
, YANKS! .
. ' Bay Another
- War Bond
I ill?
You have important
war work to do this
Summer you must
dress for maximum effi
ciency. -
Try Penney'8 for all
your Summer, Apparel
needs you won't be
Two-Piece Drossos For A Busy Suznmorl
Smart two-piecers that can trot to market, to
-" the office or Jpdk ever so charming when you're
' 0? dining outl TaYorite polka dot prints, practical -.'
navy or summer pastels for that cool lookl .t j
- cngm trim. tizes iZ k ZU. -
. j II or I '-v iT
. in tar
A - if j
.. .
' SbVII Need Freah Corlona By The Score!
All the pretty prints any young miss could wish
for ... and all so charmingly trimmed! Youth- r
ful princess, basque waist or tailored styles. f ':
Delightful sheer cotton fabrics that will wear---and
wear and stand many trips to' the tub!
Sizes 3-6X and 7-14. ....
a . -
' .3
Cool For Summer Play!
cool, snEEn cottoiis
Such gay littlestyles "7" ? fT fl fQ
she'll need several mis . . jL iL w
summer! All the colors that little girls
like and all with pretty trim.
Smartly tailored;. . . trimly
fitted. Some with jacket type .
shirts, others -' with In-or-ouK
shirts. Crisp rayon gabar
dine or rayon faille. Sizes
12 to 20.
' Second Floor
J y
Fashions to Make Life Easy I
Hen's All tteol
100 all wool suits in. both single
and double brested models, smart
ly styled and tailored to perfec-
lusome stnpmgs ana
, solid tones woven
v. for . beauty and
staminal 1943
models, all per
fectly draped!
m. mw
Bays' Air-Frew iwuoa
Free-and-easy styles
In gay summer colors!
.Touch, cool fabrics!
ACTION la Style
; Cool,- smart, sevice
: able! Handsome brown
' and tans. AO amaz
' ingly "r lightweight of
; wool and rayon. Sizes
to IS. .
- lien's Tap Models! .
2.90 .
Rayon fibres. . meshes
and hopsackings in
wtilated models!
Para Worsted Knits!
Men! Smart on the .
bttch, wise in the
swim! With supports.
Also satin plaids f LSS
In' Summer Patterns
Absorbent cotton slack
Fabric shrinkage types in gay-stripes,
ill not exceed l. . and pastel shades.
Reg. U.S. Pat Off.
Glyl For t-S4-SnmnMr Vital.'
Big - brimmed"
styles in a
natural color
rough straw! -All
ribbon trimmed!
: Smart Rayon! Dainty Trbmlncs -
. Frothy and feminine! Of (J0
sheers, sheer rayon with CmmJ,
touches of dainty lace! White or
pastels. 32-40..
Ckry Colors! Smart Styles!
' " sunriEiL snniTs .
Tailored with ; c r 1 s p
pleat3 all the way -r
around! In. heavy rayon fabric!
Princes Lines! Flared Skirt!
A figiaremeuldrng awlmsuit of
rayon and cotton. Rick-rack
braid at the neckline and bright
) embroidery on the skirtl
Second Floor . '
1 J
si - y
Vis AL;v?
r:3 velty rIilI:D:IEzcC7s,
Fine whita cotton with woven imitation n rsk
Chinese filagreel Tailored fsr suit wear! " J, (ii
Daindy : EmLroidered llcmerchlfi's ii
Phone 5197 ar 7023
135 N. Commercial
"""esi rnnt liancJcerchielj .
J ! Floor.
I - :' ..:'.; Kii mY'TTT