Th OHEGOri STATECI1AII. Calem. Oregon. Sunday Mcmln?. Juaa 27. lSi3 Tested and improved ;fosf "MestdSs'-i I Bicig GMdsiiSsd degizsMg ? S. Livestock and Poultry I WORK HORSES SADDLK HORSES r Bar K Stock Ranch - Large assortment on hand, at an times at Tery attractive prices. CRED IT gives anyone. Discount for cash. Guaranteed- as represented. Free de ! livery, Harry Ktfehne. Carlton. Ore. Located s ml. West ot Newterg. -SECOND ANNUAL AUCTION SALE ' 70 head of Saddle Horses -and Draft Colts." All colors. Horses to suit any rider. 3S of them well broke young .saddle horses. Several very well bred saddle horses. Balance partly broke and unbroke. Sunday. June 27th, 1943. Sale commences at 12 o'clock. Noon, Sharp BAR K STOCK RANCH. Lo cated rm. W. of Newberg. Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Pro-. Owner, MILK GOAT. 4 qta. per day. J. O. Weldon. 965 Plymouth TJrive, Just off Cherry Ave. . L . 10 YR. OLD saddle mare, gentle, well broke for lady or children, Joe Burke. 270 Silverton Rd, V. ml. east of fairground. 1-153. ; Attention Fanners Save time and have your butchering done at N E. Edwards, most modern and sanitary custom killing plant In Tile building 1 olocks south of 25th Si Turner road. S blocks south of the ball park. Phone 399. ATTENTION til Will remove dead worthies stock In a moment's notice 1 SALEM FER TILIZER A .BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 6000 Collect. tNo other Phone.) SADDLE HORSE with or without saddle, gentle for children or women, also broke for cultivating. Also 1 milk cow for dairy or family. 2910 Cherry Ave. Ph. 6380. FOR SALE Newnampshire pullets, ready to lay Ph X28C1 Lee Hatchery- Help Wanted - ; " '-.. 4, ; "4 WANTED : ' Bovaenberrv Dickers It top pickers; 42 acres of berries. Early St late hops. Good camtinr faculties: cabins, stove. wood St lights turn. Register immed iately Berries will start aeon, iocaieo It ml. N. Salem in Mission Bottom. Ph. 2-2341. Salem, or write Fred Yieska. Gervais. Ore. , '- DOZER OPERATOR foe land clear ing. A.XW Crocker. BL 3. go 8a. , EXPERIENCED JANITOR, draft ex empt. for light inside eteady , work half days Apply uotei oaiera. CHERRY PICKERS. Paying 3c SOS Salem Hts. Ave. Ib. CHERRY PICKERS. Al Townsend. Mission .Bottom. BERRY PICKERS. July 1. Blackcaps, young 8c boysen. Ph. , Z2991. Cherry pickers ' Ph. 2604 after p.m. MAN or boy to work outside or woman or girl to do 'housework and take care of children. n zuh. CHERRY PICKERS wanted.' Thomas St Allison orchard. South Commercial, opposite Rose Lawn Funeral Home. CHERRY PICKING -starts at Fred - Kirkwood orchard Friday, 23. Can use more pickers. Ph 5547. IF YOU are employed la an activity covered by an employment stabilize tion plan, do . not apply unless you r nave a certnieate or a vaiiaoimy . - - -WANTED EXPERIENCED TRUCK MECHANIC. 3 P. M. TO 11 P. M. TOP '. PAY ADDRESS. BOX 2270, PORT LAND, OREGON. Help Wanted-r'-Blale - Workers now employed te war pro duction should not apply and will not beconsidered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section MEM WANTED who wish to work in a new Plywood plant near Salem machine feeders, machine off -bear ers, also set-up man St foreman. Men who have cars that could carry 4 or 5 men besides themselves will .be given - first - consideration. Wages are - 84c to $1 JO per nr. 48 fir. wk. with some extra overtime each week. Time and a half all over 40 hours. Come to room 107 Argo Hotel, 343 Chemeketa St.- Salem between II it 2:30 P.M. Sat June 26, or between 11 A. & 4 PJK. Sat. June 27, for personal interview. 'Men now em ployed, in essential - war work need lint nnt - - -- - PAPER HANGER to wall paper 3 rooms. Phone W73. , YOUNG 4Vf AN. interested; in future 8c -willing to - learn good business. Steady employment for right man if satis. Good salary to start. Must be draft free. pref. family man. If inter ested write. Statesman. Box 2650. giv ing full' particulars about former po sitions St type -of . work now doing Give references. - ' -. WANTED SHOE salesman. Exper ienced. Sell high grade shoes. . The Price Shoe Co., Salem. . ; MEN WANTED for Hopyard work Ph 7956 r1: ' Llelp 7antetl Female ' SALESLADY for ; dress ' shop. -Must -be fairly - experienced in , coats " and suits. Good .-salary to- - right .-party. " Field's Dress Shop, 426 State. St.. Salem VACANCY : . soon at The Spa for fountain girl "Apply now. Good wages-. WOMAN who drives car. as house- keeper and companion. July & Aug., , ror elderly wtoow in -moo. coast nome. t -.Light wk.-40 mo. ?X S. High. Ph. EXPERIENCED credit girl. Typing and filing, but no shorthand neces ; ; saryv Apply it Dr. Semler's, lHMs n. tom i. or rn. ui. :i WOMAN or giri to atay nites with yr. old child. No work. Pit. 9023 after S P.M. or inq. 1829 U. Liberty before GIRL or womn with some knowl edge of bookkeeping to work morn ings. Good pay, interesting work and opportunity to - iearn. zj s. tonu. Ph.. 3169. - y . WAITRESS Wanted. ; The Spa. ; TURKEY PICKERS . wanted. North west Poultry Si Dairy. Situations Wanted - WILL CASE for babies or small Children- In my home. 1M0 Mission. 1 ccmi V I ' ADvTamSINQ . r Western- Advetisinj , ' ) . , -'. Represeotatlires . ; , v ." George- D Close.' Ineu ' Saa Francisco Loa, Angeiee Seattle Eastertr-.Adyertlsinf ij. '--'- Represenlatives Ward-GrtfflU Qimoonr. Ind. Chicago. - New UorHJitrolt,; . .. . .... Bostony' Atlanta . . -h;'-v Entered mt Ike- Poitoftic eg Satrm Oregon es Second Clou Hatter . Pub lished every mom'y except Monday. - Bttstness oAice, US -SotUA- Commtr Cal etreet. - t -z ,,,, . CUCSCXUPTIUN RATES ia 5'ibscrlption Eitet li Advance: tVicajn Oregon: Da and Sunday. : 7 f cents: taos tMirw. I year, I'm. ' 1 ewhere 0 eeols tl SJ 4 .r I vmr In advance. "Per toBf cen's f c.ty Csrrir.-7i cems a mon..x I Money to Loan I PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS . CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments . Money tor new or usea cars, no - aeiay or mi iap. i m will retain posesiion of the vehicle. " 1 tO 1 UUNIHS TO FAI. . ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 916S : . . - . Lie No. M-132 I Auto Loans . Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UCKMSg N. at : A C 1 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300 See us about refinan cing your present contract or mors-a-age-. LEO W. CHTT.nV INC. 344 State St Phone 2 For Sale Miscellaneous, FLOOR Fluorescent kitchen units. No priorities red- Yeater Appliance Co, 253 N. Liberty. y . ELECTRIC HOT WATER " TANK. 950 Belmont St. V-- . . . :"!: 1 PERFECT blue white diamond. Cost flOO. Sell for $90. Inq. Box 2649, Statesman. - ' NEW Beautiful full sized bed sheets. Never been out of box. Ph. 532 SEE the Coolerator demonstrated at Nelson Bros. Furniture. All metal shelves. Formerly $79.95. now $72.75. All eastern hardwood dinette seta $395 and up. - - J - NELSON BROS. FURNITURE 313 N. Liberty . t ' Salem . USED -washina machine. -See it make an offer. Daveno in good con dition. See them both at 1840 Grant St. Ph. 720$ -j L - ' . - ; - i A GOOD white enameled high oven gas range $29. 2030 Trade St. Ph. 2146a. WOOD Range with coils. Day bed. 4 RoU-a-way bed. 437 S. Liberty. EXHAUST St ventilating fans, ideal for home air conditioners. No priori ties req. while they last. Yeater Ap pliance Co, 255 N. Liberty. FOR SALE: Royal Anne cherries. 4c lb. U-pick H. Hetfa. Rt. 2. Box 304. MAN'S bicycle in good condition, $28. Ph. 7217. - PURE SILK, 5 pr. of Santone shade of S & 9', chiffon hose. Never been out of package. Ph. 832. -- CHERRIES, Royal Annes. 6c lb, you pick. 3360 Portland Rd. NEW HAMP. Red roosters 4 mom, old. Just ready to fry. 419 So. 19. CHERRY CROP, close in, cheap. 3 miles west on Dallas Hlway. Box 469. FOR SALE: 90 N. Hamp. pullets 3 mo. Call June 303309 Center. BIRDS EYE MAPLE ' dresser with high-grade mirror. $33. Ph. 4422. , CASH REGISTER: Registers up to $50. 891 N. ComL PEAS: for canning. Will have every day starting June . 24. V mi, N. of Hopmere Store ;: James Buckout. Rt. 1.' Brooks. . Ore.' ...1" - ATMORAYS for sale or rent. H. ,C. Pugh. P. O. Box -463. Ph. 2-245$. WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washers. Ed Ellis. Nelson Bros. Furni ture. 31 N. Liberty. .. , - f1 " POULTRY" fertiliser for Victory Gardens-' 30e per- sack. Bring sacks Ph. Z28CI. Lee's Hatchery. SEE ROGG BROS, 280 State St tot liberal trade tn on your old furniture Fuller Brushes. 1745 Grant Ph S391 Wanted Furniture - 'WOOD Ranges St. heaters: also dav enports chairs, aay mix, regard-, less of cond h. 5110, Woodry Auction Mkt, 10 N. Summer. CASH FOR used furniture 8k noose nold goods' R Forger ' Ph 7446 SET " YOUR : own price, then call GIniL- Wftodr. . the- - auctioneer, for I action In a virry Ph. 5110! - Miscellaneous Stove Repairing Wood randb at heaters, all makes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ph. 5110 or call . at - Woodry Auction Mkt, 1605 N. Summer.; , . t ' : ; Dental Plate ' Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOS1 .... i cas8 " -' Bring or Mail Your Plates tor ftepeli DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State ComL Ph 331 1 Wanted Miscellaneous RIDE to: S.. Dakota by July : L Statesman. Box 28S2. , . . WANT Eke H.W. heater. Ph. 7113. WANTED CAMERA . WILL - PAY : CASH " FOR SPEED GRAPHIC ' CAMERA. Ph. 310L Mr. WeUs,. at Statesman office, between 7 and 9 P-M. week days. WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION ' Under a new Government ruling we are now permitted to buy wool direct from growers- in any quantity, any distance from our aaUL Bring or ship your fleeces or lambs wool direct to us and receive, w uiua m ice - -; " . THOS KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. s f - t ; . SALEM. OREGON T?TTtTVrTT,TTOf i K J Jill." 11U aAs-j m nav vour Drice within re; Phone $110 St , be eonvinced Glenn Woodry.. the Auctioneer. ; GOOD COOK, educated, refined, will exchange services-and furnish car for share of Apt. or home - of woman alone. Best of references.. Box 2651, Oregon. Statesman. : - . ROOM, board; good care for limited . of iiUffrwn at Roads End Beach. Write Mrs. M. Conley. Weeoma. Ore, now for , reservations ior: wnuaw months. - - V---- PMX?V RAKE )s v ZZM. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALU WRITS or phone (91$t) to Salem's oldest,- largest home owned and home managed finance tnstitu tkxi. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made m strictest privacy. You will oe given every con sideration tn the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay in full any time te reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS ' No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. see t-'ir':, ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. ' . Lie, No. M-153. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Ue. No. S-1S$-I3i So. Cotumercial St. Phone $16$ First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location. LOANS on '- ' AUTOS up to $500 on FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK and - SIGNATURE up to $300 ' .Calkins Finance Co. 31$ (3rd Fl.J Ph. 444$ 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg Salem S-22S Lie. M-27$ $30 to $250 or More On Your Automobile Furniture or Salary Phone in your application to . 3191. Personal Finance Co. $12 State St ? N Anderson, Mgr. ---Phone 3191 Lie. 1-122. M-183 - -' - MONEY ,, -i . : ' ,. ,5 per cent Income on your Invest iaoem funds: . i4 We have a number of real estate mortgages . in - amounts from $500 - to sever aL. thousand dollars. ; - - ' Make your- surplus funds earn your INCOME TAXES. - ' ; ' : STATE FINANCE CO. ' (Lie. 216-222)- Guardian Bldg. Wanted-Miscellaneous USED FURNITURE " Pit !$ WANT TO Buy. Used cameras St lenees McEwaa Photo Shop 435 State For Rent Rooms 2 RM lights, water, also 1 rm .639 N. Lib. 1935 Center. For Rent Apartments 2 rra. apt 2160 N. 5th. Ph. 21966. : MOD. PULLMAN Apt Refrig, pri vate bath. 248 D St Ph. 9092. UNFURN pleasant front 4 rm, 1st fir. apt for 4 or 2 quiet dependable adults. Possibility of 2 other rms. soon. Rear cottage No 5. 1144 N. Cottage St 2 RM - APT. Maytag washer. 1620 Ferry St Ma this Apt FURNISHED APT, Ughts. fuel and water 1029 Saginaw St ; . For Rent- Houses $75 a year. 12 A. $ A. ready for cult, small orchard. On river At hwy. New 3 r. hse. Drill well. Write Route 3. Box 1441. Portland. UNFURNISHED 4 rm. hse. . Winona Court, includes garage, refrig. St stove. Inq: 7585.' 836. : . i For Rent FLOOR' SANDER for rent gomery Ward. ..; Mont- - TRUCKS for rent You drive Me dina & Loveil. phone 9600. U Wanted to Rent PERMANENTLY, S or 8 rm. hse: East Salem or within 3 ml. 4 Corners. No children PJy 8286. 6 to 8 P.M. S or 8 rm. partly furn. house by perm resident, to rent or lease. Will consider sub. or- W. Salem. Ph. 3695. FAMILY of Service Man overseas must have furnished house 2 bed R, by July 1st Permanent Ph. 2-1834. For Sale- Real Estate DANDY 2 bed room furnished home $2800. This i a nice place, corner lot has -new gas range, gas heater, nice rug. beds St- dresser, chairs, daveno, floor lamp, dining table 8c chairs, all for $2800.00. . 9 R. home 8c a separate 2-R. apart Good investment, good location, nice lot Only $2850.00$6a0 down, t Abo Acre, good 4-R. house St dinette.! uarage at smau Darn, uiiy water ac gas. Close in North. $3500.00. On bus line. A dandy place. See - JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR $07 Center r - Ph, 9442 FIVE! New $ rms. with unfinished upstairs, hdw. fls., furnace. New dis trict. These -can be sold for as low as $300.00 down,' balance on small monthly payments. All located in new district tn thes-aiortheast part of town. SEE RICH L. REDdANN 167 S. High S. - - - Phone 9203 After $ P.M. and on Sundays call 3535. Vt HOLLYWOOD HOME - $3750 t-room modern house in con venient neighborhood for : transportation-,- shopping, school and - .church. Fireplace, hdwd. floors, 2 bedrooms, garage. Apple, pear., plum, apricot and filbert trees.; Victory. g9j-da. See this home and buy it-. MORGALI BROKERAGE- CO. New Bligh Bldg. 518 State St - . -, Phones 5448436 ,.-. ... . . .. . - DUPLEX home at 444-448 Marion St Distant owner Priced for quick sale at $4750. Act now. Tomorrow may be too late. - W G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Ph. 472$ $6800.007 room house, basement furnace, garage. 2 lots. - $6825.005 .room modern home. Very attractive yard. 3 acres, house., garage St chicken hse. $1500.00 P. H. Bell, Realtor 312 Guardian Bldg. : Phone 8168 4 RM. HSE. Basement ' furnace, laundry rm. . St fruit rm. Bus stop at door; or will trade for larger hse. 1895 Berry St - , " Sec 'Rlondie' in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section Ifwf' : ) For Sale Real Estate HOME and Income and - close in. Large colonial type house of 11 rooms. Well arranged in apartments and sleep ing rooms, plenty plumbing, built -ina. large basement with laundry rooms. Gas furnace. 4 garages on paved alley, large East front .ct 60x175 feet, nice yard, shrubs and flowers. Income over $100 per month and fine first floor apartment for owner. Price $8700. Part terms. See , LEO N. CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, at 344 State Street. Sa lam. Phone 9281 , ; FOR SALE by Owner: Modern three bed room home, fine district, fireplace', oil heat, double garage, fine lawn and shrubs, adjacent two schools. Tele phone 3816. " i :5" i. :- .. ;-,.;.'.' ; $25009 rma,. basement, large lot East State St. Terms. :....,..,-.-.-- $3250 4 rma. St attic, full basement St furnace. Large lot $500 dn. $35 per mo. Located at 2005 Nebraska. $42504 bdrms. U. rra, din. rra. kitchen. 100x137 ft lot Fruit St outs. Englewood diat. Terms. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol NEAR HI SCHOOL VniiD Mtnm hiHno laaaai - 1 1 i 1 m wa. .vi wvea - nmuivi vsvausg. for Elee. Range, basement sta. tubs. 2 oiks, to bus and business dist Dou ble garage. Corner lot Can be shown any time. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St Room . .. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of well built 6-room house with basement and furnace: extra large lot extending to paved alley; only four blocks East of State Office building. Real buy at $5000. Will show any time. See Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, 344 State Street Salem. Phone 928L ' 4 R. HOUSE with attached garage, on A. of land. 30 bearing . cherry trees. Pressure water. Oil floor fur nace. Hardwd. firs. $4000. down. H. P. Grant, Realtor OWNER says sell her partly fur nished . 4 bedroom : home priced at $4000.00 and worth the money. Some terms. ; . - - D. A. 1TSH 471 Court Ph. $524 " Ilk A New house completely fur nished $2850. , F. H. WEIR,. Realtor 485 Center St Ph. 9411 LOOK I LOOK! . "" A real buy in a 4-bedroom house, all nice large rooms, part basement Large lot and garage. If sold soon. $3750. with $1250 down, balance like rent - R OSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. UOls North Commercial St, . Salem. Oregon 2390 SIMPSON 6 rooms large lota. Accept down -payment, balance monthly. Phone 7929 or 9557. R. house north, very fine loc, cor ner lot hwd. floors, fireplace, nice kitchen, 2 large bed rooms, garage, walnuts, fruit 8c shrubbery. $3800. 8 R. house. L. D. K, two bed rooms, nice location 1 blk. from S. Com. St $2500 V down. . C J. JACKSON. 341 State St, Salem BARGAIN. FURNISHED HOME: S nice rooms, modern with base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage, fine location, only 13 blks. out. Possession soon Price $8500 cash. W. K. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Cards In this directory rma . on a monthly baa Is. only. Rale: $1.25 per Mat per month, . . , -;.'4,;W,..- Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherrf City Model Aircraft 21st St Market Auto Brakes Mike Paaek 275 South Commercial Auto and Truck Service IF YOUR .car or truck Is essential to the war effort we .nvite you to make use of oui service facilities. Our efficiently trained nd exper ienced mechanics combined with com plete shop equipment will help "Keep Your Car or Truck Rolling"., for the duration LODER BROS. 445 Center St. - Phone 6133 - Salem, Oregon s Batteries wTLLARD batteries. aD types R D Woodrow 394 Church. Phone 9600. f Bicycles BICYCLES ' New and reconditioned. Harry W Scott 147 S Um'cL P. 45;6 Chimney Sweep North Chimney Sweep Ph 4450 FlorisU Brelthaupfa 447 Court Pbooe $199 Funeral nirectors Terwilliger Funeral Borne. Ph. 892$ Gilts THE APRON Shop 871 It. Big,; ,:. . :'r Hosiery "- Real Silk v Hosiery MUls." Ph 6769 Mrs. K. Moseley. Gt Del, Salem Lawn Mower. Sharpening Machine ground $4$ S. Capitol St Mattressea CAPITOL BEDDING CO Pbonev4069 Painting & Paperhanging PAINTING Decorating. Ph. 7553 Experienced Seaaoaable. Ph. 4323 H 1 L ,1-J For Sale -Real Estate . ouT-OF-crrY owner -. . Must Sell ' "i Lovely Salem Home : Immediately Four blocks caaitol oldgs. In heart of choicest residential dist of fine home-owners, lovely 16 rm. hse. with glassed in sleep ' porch of two rms. One . bedroom dnstrs, spacious tight rma. with attr. mod. windows, panel led din. rm. with built in corner China cupboards, comfortable den with floor to ceiling bookshelves, large airy kit chen with full side windows, lots ot built-ins. double plumb, auto, hot water, auto, oil furnace, large under ground storage -tank. fulLbasem, mod ern wash facilities and man'a work shop, new roof and ' outside paint roomy garage with gasoline underground- tank and pump, beautifully landscaped large lot with choice flowers. . shrubs.- flowering trees, va riety of small fruits. Shown by appt Sun, Mon, Tues. and Weds. Priced for a quick sale at only $10,000. Phone 3023 r 9643. -- $4200 $300 down, 5-rm. strictly mod ern home. Base, furnace, hwd. floors, wired for range. , . Near Englewood schooL - ' C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 OWNER MOVING, Must seU quick 7-room modern . home. -Oak floors la living and dining rooms. Fireplace. Venetian Blinds. Lots of built-ins. Ga rage, paved street Price was - $5000. Will , accept reasonable offer. Terms. Call Mr. Voorheee with LEO N. CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, at 344 State Street Salem. Phone $261. , KM. HSE. Ac 3 rm. hse. on 1 lot gd. condition. $4250. ' 1343 So. Comt Ph. 3505. . , . $1700 $500 down. Close in. 3 BJt . $2000 $500 down. 3xBJt - North. $2100 $600 down. 5 rooms. Plast .$2200 cash. 1468 . N. Liberty. $2700 $500 down. S rm, plast home, basement, centrally . located. North. Wired for range. $2900 3 rooms, located 1184 Broad way. Close in. ' . r -C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 LIS! YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS St LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC REALTORS . PB. 410S. . . FOR SALE by Owner T rm. mod. home, full basement, laundry trays, elect water heater. furnace, iirepLt hrdwd. fL in liv. 8c din. rooms, large lot lots of - flowers, shrubbery and fruit large garden, near schools. On bus line. Ph. 7565. " - ' ONE OF THE BEST 4 B.R. homes in Salem, hv. 16x28. din. 14x16. all hwd. floors down, dou ble plumb, double gar, air cond, oil furnace, elect water heater, lot 65x165. weU landscaped. Price $8500. Good terms. - - C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 ATTRACTIVE HOME: $7500. Modern 7 r. home, 4 bed rooms, oil heat basement excellent location Fairmount Hill section. This home is in excellen condition and a very good value.- W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 $7000 cash. Buys this apartment house, nice liv. qts, all furniture (val ued at $17S0). $140 a mo. Income. C. H SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Directory Painting House Palntmg Satisfaction guar anteed. For estimate Ph., 8745. Paints and Lacquers Complete Hne NASON painU Liberal terms, a D - Woodrow. 394 N Church Printing rOR STATIONER?, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 " S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L Radio Sert ice PLERCE Radio Serv, $42 N. Coral. 7881 Sewing SEWING. 1499 State. Ph.1 5143. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned' Satisfaction guaranteed. Stat e-wide service Genet Fite. 642 Edgewater 8t West Salem Ph. 8745. Inspection - free ' Kenneth - Bamel 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 4450. Transfer U-DRIVE - TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn- 197 S, Liberty Ph. 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfet storage, burner oil. briquets trucks te Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif points Larmer Transfer Co Ph $lsi- : '- Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette tron t Steel; day shift Ph. 21310. Tiling TTLE bathrooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts ; Ph. 6472. Used Furniture USED Furn bought t sold. Ph, 5762 Vacuum Qeaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. AH makes. Vince's Electric. 157 S. Lib. Tei. , 6292. FREE inspection m your noroe. Au thorized Hoover service We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph- $149 Weaving DORA TITTLE. 186$ N. Fourth. P. 124$. Well Drilling C J. PUGH, 2123 Myrtle. Ph. 9336. a A West & Sons. Rt 8. B 443 3-2290 every Sunday. For Sale Real Estata HOMES FOR SALE: 83000. i r. home on eor. lot S. Sa lem, fruit tres. one block from bus. 9650 down. 830 ner mo. $4500. Modern 8 r. home with base ment furnace, fireplace, oak fir. in living r. two lota, on v Edgewater St Ail cash. - $2400. T r. home near Leslie Junior high on paved st, large lot, garage. ,a cash down. $2500. $ r. plastered borne" on S. 13th St. must be au cash. $3900. $ r. home wth basement" gas furnace. large grounds with shade trees, lots of shruoe and Sowers, gar den space.- This home is in perfect condition 81000 down. 833 Per mo. - $3000. Good $ r. home, plastered. basement furnace, garage, close in near State Office Bldg. $1150 down. baL $30 per mo. Present income $30 per mo. - -v $4500, Good modern r. home N. Salem, cor. lot double garage, m firs, fireplace, basement fjinnace. Kk cash wiU handle Lota of heuse tor the money. y $2100. 4 r. home. cor. lot with gar den space, paved at at -161$ Lee St All cash. ?.. $2900. Late built 4 r. home with two bed rooms, garage, at 1385 Jefferson St $1000 down. $5000. Good $ r. home with base ment close in on N. Winter St $1300 down, -$37 per mo. Renter must remain. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. W. H, GRABENHORST Jc CO. - - REALTORS."--. -- 134 &. Liberty St : Ph. 4131 - 65 A. 50 Cult BaL timber St pas ture. mt S.E. of W. Stayton. Irri gation rights. -Family orchard. Fruit Nuts. 1-5 R. house, 1-7 R. house. E. pump. 1 barns. 1 new, 19 stanchions. 500 hen poultry house 8k other farm bldgs. On RJt. i mi. to school. 13 A. t mi. N, of Salem bridge on Wallace Road. 4 room H. Elect Some fruit, 8c nuts. BaL cult 2 A. in fruit V mt W. of Kelxer school. 1$ R. house, hard wood F. E. pump. At a closing out price. One 8 R. house . near McKinley schooL A good buy at $2500.00. See L. L. Thornton co J. F. Ulrtch Co. 202 Pearce Bldg. SUPER FINE I One of the really fine large homes tn Salem. Modern St com plete to the last degree. You should see this. Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS 8t ROBERTS, PIC, REALTORS. - - "'' OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AFTERNOON-TWO TO FOUR - ' T room English type home,- fireplace, elee. hot water heater, full basement garage, large lot nice lawn and lots of shrubbery, also fine garden and some fruit trees. 10 Howard street near Leslie schooL $4,750 -with $2000 cash, bat $30.00 per month tncL int St taxes. - .. W. B SULLIVAN. Realtor Phone 8158 $5000 Good , $ rm nset on Court St Basement, furnace, fireplace. Ige. tot Lots of shrunbery ec trees. A GOOD VALUE. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR -72$ Court St - - Ph. 3723 - 3 bdrm. hse. near Leslie schL $4750. 3 bdrm. hse. on N. 14th. Good back yard. $4000. 3 bdrm. hse. with 2 apts. $3750. " 3 bdrm. hse, old but good. $2000. 2 bdrm. hse. Good for money. $2500. Imm. Posses. , - . -- F. H. Weir 465 Center : REALTOR Ph. 9411 BY OWNER: Modern 2- bed room house, hardwood floors, oil heat 1340 Grant St Ph. 720$. 8 R. bung. " North, bath. - elee, nice location, very good for $1800. Terms. 4 R. house- near Keizer. V acre, tec, small barn, garage, $1200 cash. C. J JACKSON, 341 State St, Salem 9 R. Wired for Rg. Elee. H. W. heat er. Close in. $3000 cash.- (Will carry good loan.) Large, latebuilt mod. 5 R. 8c nook (unfin. upstrs.) - $5950 $500 to $1000 Dn. (Immediate Possession.) Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. Liberty. Exchange Real . Estate ' OPPORTUNITY TRADE - Four room bungalow on nicely land scaped lot in South Salem. Living- rm, dining rm, bedrm, bath and kitchen. Wired for range. Utility rm, laundry trays, garage. Won't sell but will trade for small acreage. s MORGALI BROKERAGE CO. New Bligh Bldg 51$ State St . - ' - Phones $454 $436 - I WANT Eastern or Central Oregon stock ranch and will trade good down town corner with 7 apartments, good investment My health requires- higher altitude. Price '$800. See my- agent WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR ., 143 N. 14th. ' 6 A. Good lapd..wm trade for city residence. Also tl' A. will .trade for city property. For further details in quire Of . .;;v-.:,,:;.ft : F. H. WEIR, Realtor 465 Center Ph.' 9411 For Sale Farms - - FOR SALE 2',i acres located east of Salem, close in. 0 room house, modern plumbing, electric water - system, family fruit. Price $52501 cash, '12 acres located in southeast Salem. $ room plastered house, plumbing, city water,- garage, chicken house. A -good buy at $35008700 down, balance $30 per month. - . e - - 9 acres located close' in, $ " room house. 3 -acres. cherry orchard, family fruit. City water, well and electric pump. Outbuildings. Price $8000. 5 acres located south, close in. Mod ern 8 room home, outbuildings. , acre prunes, 1 acre cherry orchard. , -acre young berries, family fruit Will con sider, city home as part - payment Price $10,000. . . .- 10 acres located 4 miles south, some berries. This is a fine tract of land. Price $2100 $500 down, balance $2S per month. :. '..-' - - -. 10 acre' creek tract nearly all plow land, good location. Price $1650 cash. 20 acres : located on nuUn highway south. 16 acres prunes. - some - timber, fine building site. well. Price $2000. Sti acres located south near Liberty road. 8 room house. 1 acre berries, lights, barn, chickesnouse. Price $3150. 100 acres located ft miles from Sa lem. 8 room home, lights, old barn. 70 acres farm land, balance 'pasture and timber. - 2 acre young ; berries. : Price $8500. - - 320 acres located 10 miles from Sa lem. Good stock, wood and grain farm. A good buy at $10,000. 492 acre farm 9 miles south, good stock and timber ranch. Price $15,000. Ill acre farm located 8 miles from Salem. Old buildings, nearly all in crop. Possession Oct 1. Price $6500, 197 acre farm la Polk county. A good sheep ranch. 80 acres of good farming land. A buy at . $3000 cash, t miles from Salem. 86', acres located east of - Salem, good soil, close in, buildings. Posses sion Oct 1. Price $123 per acre. This place is worth the money. --- If you are looking for an acreage tract see W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO. "V - - r REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. 4131 A-VERY GOOD grain 8c stock farm about 16 mi. from Salem, consisting of 287 acres, 126 acres m cult, balance pasture St timber. All year creek through pasture. Fine spring 300 ft from hse. 6 rm, hse, large hip-roof barn and ample-other outbldgs. Priced for quick sale at only $7,000 on rea sonable terms. LIN DG REN St JOHNSON 173 S. High ' Ph.' 3630 110 A. stocked St equipped. 90 A. of oats 'St vetch, fine crop. $12,000. A good dairy Set-up of 262 A, $20,000. . -.Other good -farms. ' .-. F. D. T?cir - id Center . -IUEALT03 , Pit fl ' 17$ ACSTS. V Pa ACKE. 2 m. SJt Aumsviae. 13 In irain: god road wter. Claude Boone, . 21 Si. Clay For Sale Farms GOOD RANCHES PRICED RIGHT 40 Acres, has fruit, 8c berries, some good pasture St timber, good spring: 6-R. house 8c' good lrg. barn. Garage, A mighty good place for the money, $3730,. with $1000 down. . ',i crop goes. 200 Acres. - Good 6-R. house. ' large barn. 7 stanchions. 3 horse stalls. Ga rage 8c 14 springs 8c electric light Fine stock ranch. 76 acres under plow, 15 miles out. good' road. Price only 890 Per acre. Has some implements Jc 70 head sheep. AU goes. A : snap for some farmer, see ,- JAS D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center -. Ph. 9442 40 A. 4 R. hse. Wired for Rr. Elee. water Sty, bam. ch. hse, hog hse. ml out $3200. $800 Dn. or $3000 cash. 98 A. Fine dark sou. Good bidga. Paved Hwy. near Salem. $10,000. Nice terms..- Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty 34U ACRES -borders on Lake Labish. S acres real beaver dam. 8 room strict ly modern home, hwd. floors up ec down. liv. room 16x24. dining 12x24. A real home 8c ' farm, income about $9000 yearly. Let us . show you this producer. Price C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 .... ..r . wv--j.. Q--"'-rYnjr'-nr' Do you want a bouse in North Salem? I room modern house, garage, on good lot to trade on farm up to 80 MORGALI BROKERAGE CO. New Bligh Bldg. $18 SUte St '..- jrnones aos" ssjs COUNTRY BARGAIN For $210017 acres. 8 rra. house, barn, garage. 1 new and 2 other chickenhouses. berries, fruit and tim ber. Aged owner must sell. - MORGALI BROKERAGE CO. New Bligh Bldg. ' 518 SUte St Phones $454 $436 Acreage ' 2ft ACRES with family orchard. Good 6-room modern house. Double garage. Price $3150.' u acres, aoout 4 tn. cultivation, balance good timber. Has a 2-room house. Spring water. Price $1500. 25 acres. . most all in cultivation. Some timber, fruit and berries. -4-rootn house, good barn, Elee water system. Price $3500. - - . 16V acres of good land au in crop except 1 acre in timber. New 4-coocn house, garage 30x30. Concrete . well house. Elee water aystetn, Ifs a. good buy for $3500. f - ; 10 acres most ail m crop. New 4-room house, double garage, barn. Elee water system. Small creeks Priced to seU for $2750. A coed a-room house witn a ion. A real buy for $2100. with $300 down, balance $30 per month, including in terest ' : i 8-room house with 3 nice lota. North Salem. Price $2000. A wonderful buy in a 4-bedroom house. Nice large rooms. Large lot with garage. It sold soon. $3750. with $1250 down, balance like rent 3 -room new nouse. oooa location on bus line. A good buy for $2500. - ROSTEIN 8t ADOLPH, INC. HO1, : North Commercial St ; Salem. Oregon . ' SPECIAL! 14,4 acres of fine land with 8'4 acres of full-bearing filberts and family or chard. Has been well cared for. Has a 5-room house, wood-shed and wash room. Good location. Paved highway. Priced to sell for $10,000. ROSTEIN c ADOLPH. INC. 110', North Commercial St, Salem, Oregon lib ACRES, all In potatoes. S ml. South. Small year creek, good bid. cite. Price $125. 2'k Acres, well landscaped. 4 mi. N.E. 6-rm. plast. home, wired for range, oil floor furnace, good barn & chick house, with water St elect Price $5000 ,i cash. 5 Acres - North. Dandy - sou. - dandy location, older type 3 B R. house: barn. Quick sale $3000 $1000 dn, bal. 3. 10 - A. AU Royal Anne cherries 45 years old. nice orchard, attractive bldgs. Excellent view. Only S3190. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5638 10 A. fine soil near highway north. 4 R. house, bath, some fruit 8c nuts. $3650. $1000 down. ' C. J. JACKSON. 341 SUte St, Salem. 160 A. 13 mi. from Salem on paved road. 7 rm. hse . 2 barns, other bldgs. so A. in cult. Some umber, several springs. $60 per A.-t " zzv A. rm. hse. in fair condition. good . barn. 7 A prunes, small all yr. stream, some timber. '$3500. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 $ A. good land with 5 rm. hse. chicken hse. garage and elee. water system. AU fenced with woven ' wire. On good road 3 ml. from ' city limits of Salem. Price $2500. $1000 dn. F. H. Weir 468 Center REALTOR ' Ph. 9411 73 A. 43 cult, -about - 500 cords of oak St fir, only $ mUes out. No bldgs. 4 springs, crop and all $4200. C. J. JACKSON. 341 SUte St, Salem LOOK." 8'i acre cherry orchard. modern house. A . real place. Only 2 miles - from Salem. - . . H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg, Ph. $002 180 'ACRES, $ small houses. 80 A. good timber. 3 mi. from school.' Elect Price $8000. Will take Salem property. R A. Forkner, Realtor 1853. N Capitol 76 ACRES MILES from Salem. 1 mile west ot Macleay, 43 acres in crop, balance pasture and woods, yesr round springs. See - owner. M.. F. Kephart, opp. store at aucteay. -- r SPECIAL! - 8 ' acres with a 4-room house and family orchard. Close in. A real good buy for $2250. -r KOSTKIN t ADOUtf. INC. 110ifc North. CommerciaLSt- ; Salem. Oregon fJ , 10 ACREsi bulldlnxsL Uiiiber. creek. 6 mi. from Salem. Inq. Rt 4. Box 7. Ph. 9453. ' Wanted Real Estate HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers toe Salem orooertv A listing with US at this time means a ready sale. RICH L REIMANN 167 South High Street r i Phone $203 Business Opportunities SMALL 'APARTMENT HOUSE: Good location near SUte Capitol Bldg, 8 rooms, with two apartmenU tin and one down, partly furnished. Price $5600 if sold rieht now. W. H. CBABENHOKSI cfe CU, REALTORS, ; 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 131 GOOD Income. Home. Aparts. buei- prop, some Each, ism M.. ztss. For Sale Wood. . Slab wood. Immd. delivery. PhJ 68F22 IS" MILLWOOD. 4 FT. SLAB. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. PH. $862. '- Wood Grs 41 N 21st St Ph $379 Plywood , cores Sx , ends Ph. 850$ Lost and Found LOST; About a two. ago-small yel low male Cocker Spaniel, name Skippy. Ph. 9694. Reward. -.' J'l'l . n ' LOST?, Parker fountain pen, Frl, nr. Fred .Meyer Grocr- P1W-6S94,- Reward. THE person is known that took the Rolliart bicycle from Hunt Bros. Can nery .Wed. nite. and .If it is returned to the same place no. questions will bo asked. E) . .'."- S-.l LOST: 4 ration books. Sunder name frn. F. Doak and 1 Marlland -J. Doak I q. 7.-3. "- . . . - BROWN Billfold, eowtt Mrs) eer tLcate. aoe..aos-FhawoaM,-.--v, CoTTCSldor, HctO Edwartl Stanley TValslegel. 28. one of the heroes of "Eighteen Men and a Boat," aerial story re cently appearing- tn a national . magazine, reeenUy wai honored la San Francisco for his part tn the thrullnjr exploits mt the of. - fleers and erew mt the US Mine " sweeper QvaJL The etfhteea men escaped front fallen jCot regtdor. fovght off Jap dire bombers, eat through, perilous minefields and fonrht their way te Atutralla, 2.100 mOes distant, withont navig-ation instruments. ''. Wolslegel was guest ef honor st . "Army Navy sad Marine Corps night,"' given by Stanford, Par tor, fi. 7$, Native Sons ef .the Golden West. The adventares ef the Quail heroes Is now in book form, "Sooth, From Corregidor.' by Lienteaant Commander Joha F. Morrill, with all 18 men part tlcipatlng la the profits of the book, (International). . ' ; Wood. Saw Lag Charles F. Simon. 1311 N Liberty. Ph. 6685 . , , ,...:,: I For Sale- Used Cars 192$ DODGE sUke body truck, sin. gle tires. Can be seen at Restaurant at - Marquam, ..- - 9 YD. Dump Bed. Brownie trans mission. Power take off for Chev.- 960 N.' Com. Ph. 3523. . , 4 , . ) FOR SALE: 1940 Lincoln Zepttyer. $800.. WU1 take cheap car or pick-up tn trade. Z493 ff. stn. 33 CHEV. standard coupe. Call af ter 6 P4, Ph. 3408. 1366 SUte. ; MODEL T Chassis. Good tires ec motor. Write P.O. Box 135, Salem. '38 3 -door Plymouth, heater, radio. good condition. 1295 State. - Wanted Used Cars We Need Used Cars HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS. STATE MOTORS, INC. ! 340 N. High , ' Ph: 443$ WE PAY TOPS;' Get every dime four emr Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK I SALEM'S oldest "ndependent used ear, v dealer. . NX Corner Church 8t Chera Ph. 7923 GOOD Used car, will . pay $300 to $400. L. R. Hagner. 1693 N. 4th St . WANTED: Goad used lifht model car. M. Van Buskirk. Rt 1. Mt AngeL SELL YOUR CAR ' HerraD-Owens Used Car Center. 235 So. Commercial Transportation Pmri2 nimmivrial Iran- . Workc grave yard shift Rt 2. Box 4Sew i i i Legal Notice TO HOLDERS OF SERIES A AND B BONDS OF THE SPAtXD ING PULP - St PAPER I CO, NErVBERG. OREGON Bj appropriate resolution xt the Board of Directors of the Spauld- Ing ' Pulp & Paper Coj ' the out standing Series A and B Bonds of said company have: been called for payment as of June 30, 1943. Accordingly, upon presentation of said bonds to the Pioneer .Trust Company, successors to Ladd . & Bush Trust Co., Salem, Oregon, on -and after June 30, 1943, full pay ment of the remaining unpaid principal of said bonds will be, made, together with accrued in terest thereon, up to and Includ ing the 30th day of. June,. 1943. . SPAULDING PULP & PA PER co. -.... t : By O, M. Allison. Secretary. J-27. . Lodges Pacific Lodge No. SO. AF sn AM. M. M. Degree. Wed4 June 30th. 1M VM, , , Classuled Adrerttstnf y f Statesman Classified ' Ads ; Call 9101 Three tnsertltmis ! per line J. tSc Six insert ions per tine ... 40c One month per line- $13 Minimum charge 25c; J U. mia tmum 3Sc; ti. mln..45. No reftenda, . . Copv foe this page accepted un til I M the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this tune wis be run under the heading Too Late to Classify.- - The Statesman assume oe Jftnaa eial responsioutty tor errors which reprint that part of an advertise ment in whicn the typographical mtMake occurs. w - The Statesman reserves the right may appear in adverusement pub lished tn its columns and In cases where this oaper, is at fault wul to reject quesuonabte advertising ft further reserves the right to place all !-alvertrt"j under -, the prower rlaatfieaUo.. . A "Bund"' Ad a ad containing a Statesman boa number -for an ad dressis for toe protecttoa of toe advertiser and must therefore be answered fey tetter. The Statesmen Is not at tberty to civile tnfor motion os to the 4- J of U advertiaer ustng a 'Luad ad.