The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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    Th CtTGOri CTATCMAII Ccleri -Craca. Sunday I-Joeing. Just 7, i: 13
T doM oU tl y
Single T
Berlin Too
Hot for Erau
Joe Croebbels
Ration Ban
On June 30
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Effective midnight June 30, old
style single T mileage transport
rations . become invalid . and - ser
vice stations cannot accept them
for gasoline purchases, the. dis
trict OPA announced today. The
new type, TT-1 and TT-2, third
auarter transDort rations for hold
ers : of. certificates of war neces
sity are now being mailed by lo
cal rationing boards, it was ex
plained, if the holder had prev
iously presented dim ceruncate to
the local board. - I
Certificate holders Vho do not
receive their third quarter, trans
port rations by , June 28 : should
take their certificates of war nec
essity to their ration boards.
All persons having Id - type
single T transport rations should
surrender such ration books to
their local board not later than
July 5, the OPA explained.
New Plant Approved ;
The Hudson-Duncan company
of Forest Grove received war
production board approval ; for
construction of a TJlant for can
ning prunes and processing nuts.
Negro Stars Score New Hit
In Ehihores "Cabin in &ky
r.rret cnrreni pjc -W.'nJZ" VTv.l Mdl. BraekM. -Hap-
-and Joe Sawyer.. ? .i.v ' : i - " " - - : - - K. ' :
Jf u
. . - .. n Jm ii.. ni cnitk Knmsld Calnaii) eives to bis
b adapted from Junes HUtoa'i best-seluag novel, which starts today at toe capttoi meage.
Capitol's f Random Harvest"
Stars Greer Garsoh, Colman
"Random Harvest," adaptation of James Hilton new novel,
brings to the -screen an engrossing itory of- a strange cae of
ja wiuh motivates a haunting romance. Team-
tag Ronald Colman and Greer Garson. in her first picture since
Mrs. Minivwr," which starts to- j ; . T
convincing force, and Miss Garson
is charming and wears some beau
tiful gowns. Each makes the most
of a difficult role. Mervyn Le-
Roy directed with deft skilL Clev
er principals include - Susan Pe
ters, Phillip Dorn, Reginald Owen
and Una O'Connor.
. NEW YORK, June 25-ff)-The
wife of Nazi Propaganda Miruster
Paul Joseph Goebbels is living
"abroad", with her children and
has ; decided to delay her return
to Berlin because of the danger
of air raids, -the- Moscow radio
declared Saturday.
; The broadcast -was recorded
here by the United States foreign
broadcast intelligence service.
- Frau Goebbels, the Moscow
broadcast said,-quoting "authen
tic sources' in Brn, plans to spend
the summer and - possibly the
winter as well' in Spain, where
Goebbels was said to have pur
chased a castle near . Seville.
Flier Is Injured
Capt. Francis Smith of Baker,
air corps navigator recently
awarded the distinguished flying
cross, was reported injured In
action in North Africa.
Carry-Over Is High ,
; Chairman J. H. Luihn of the
state welfare commission said
more than $500,000 would be car
ried over to the next biennium.
Stars. of stage and screen com
bine talents to provide a musical
fantasy of unusual brilliance in
"Cabin In the Sky," now play
Ing at the Elslnore theatre.
Based on the New York stage
hit of the same name. "Cabin in
the Sky" deals with the struggles
of Petunia, played by, Ethel Wa
ters,' aided by, the forces of good.
to save the soul of ner.; well-
meaning but , weak-willed hus
band, little Joe. portrayed by
Eddie (Rochester) ! Anderson. The
forces of evil, reprsented by Lu
cifer, ir- Rex Ingram, plot tne
downfall of Little Joe in an air-
conditioned room in Hades. They
enlist the aid of temptress Lena
Home, sensational young singing
star. But Petunia fights fire with
fire and with the forces of good
on her side rescues Little Joe
from the clutches of evil tempta
tion. :3c :: zfHr: ';,
Singing the ballads . "Happiness
t Just a Thins Called Joew and
"Cabin to the Sky"- as only she
cftrt jdntf them. Ethel Waters also
makes the song, "Taking a Chance
on Love," something to: long re
member. Lena Home will thrill
you. when you i hear , her -King
'Honey In the Honeycomb, Ko-
chester and Miss; Home do a
comic du e t , "Consequences."
Other musical highlights are pro
vided by Duke Ellington and his
popular band and the famous Hall
Johnson choir.
Also in the east are Louis Arm
strong of the celebrated trumpet
and the dance team of "Buck and
Bubbles." Kenneth Spencer gives
a ' fine characterization as the
"General" of the Lord. -
"Ifs a Great life" completes
the double bill at tha Esinore,
starring the Bumstead family.
Penny Singleton, Arthur
and Hugh Herbert
day at the Capitol theatre.
Following the Hilton; novel
closely In its I details, it is told on
the screen as a "straight line"
story, while to the book it was
told in "flashbacks."
Colman plays a wealthy Eng
lishman -who loses all memory of
hjs past during the first World
war. He Is . sent , to an asylum,
from which he escapes to be be
friended by an actress (Miss Gar
son), who Inspires him to begin
life anew. He develops talent as
a writer. He and his benefactress
fall in love,-are married and have
a child." Then an accident jolts
bis memory-back to his past,-but
leaves a blank of bis life from
the war on. He goes home, takes
possession- of his- bustoeses and
becomes a' powerful Industrialist.
The wife locates him, but know
ing he has no memory of her,
takes a position as his secretary,
maintaining alienee as-v regards
their marriage. How she succeeds
In winning back his memory and
his love provides a haunting and
appealing climax.
Colman plays his role w 1 1 h
trs nAT rc?
i -
taw '
Second Aetton-racked Kltl
zzeet .
ED:ry Cz::n
WITTlsm Carrasi
Margaret Lindsay
That treat dowa funster Babe' Araott attempting to teach -Titanla," the largest performing elephant,
a trombone solo, one of the many features that win appear when Arthur Bros, three-ring circus ar
rives to Salem em. Monday, Jane Z2, for a two-day exhfbitton on the Leslie school circus rrounds.
Among the many star acta presented Include a herd of performing elephants festering "Titxnla,
"Dachess." "Empress" and Sahara,' tha one and only Andy Caltoe, the giant gorilla with the human
nn. fp, ner WalTa flrhtinr African- lions, Constea tine's military ponies. Grey's liberty,
horses, Elnoro Velarde, the qaeen of the flying trapeae, the Great Maaiari, king of the slack wire, the
Olvera troope of aertalists, Delt and Jee Ryan's troupe of trained dogs, elephants, lions, leopards, earn
' els, bears, dors, monkeys, acrobats, aerialfats. Jog tiers and a treape of the funniest clowns on earth.
Two performances will be given daUy. one at two la the aOernoon and the ether at eight to the eye-
- ning. Doors to the big show wOl be open one hoar earlier to allow inspection or tho menagerie which
Id free to all circus patrons. Billed ae "fee biggest show on earth for the. price." Popnlar prices will
prevail within the reach of eld and yonng. t-'.---- - m " - , ' ,
Lake Road Opened
The state highway department
announced the. opening of .the
Diamond Lake road through- .to
The. Dalles-California highway
and predicted the highway , to
Crater Lake, now closed beyond
the Diamond Lake junction.
would be open by July 4. ; , ,
. , . . m- - wHtv th asako vn iho all-star cast to M-Q-BTa
rTOuUACni ctcri tn mu uv Bvaf 1 1 . :
Cabin to the Skr." now slaying at the Bslnora theatre. In addition there are several musical nam-
i il hi m Ut Mnde.T itt 4m i mr nlw tkn are sac entertainers as
wr.- -.,. t km Ina-ram. Loais Armstrong, Kenneth Spencer, "Dako"
1.1. Back and Babbles. Moke and roke. aid many ethers. Completing the doable
bCl Is "H a Great Life," starring renay Singleton, Arthnr Lake, and Hagh Herbert. v
- M
1000 1 Jew Vondcrsl r
. Jf,
"The Show You've Waited Foj'
STAI1TS T0i:Dim0v7
Daya C2I7 , . Q
113.. 23.- Tecs.. 2D
P. IL Twice Daily . 8 P. BL
Lcrlio Zztzzl
Circus Grounds
1 g"-
I2;!Jy 3 Cbj
- Trained
Wild Animal
' " - ' v5 " -
: I 1 Tht L&rstst Beast That Wallca . v7
; : : tht Esrth : I f
V , V nxhUng Lions - Clowns Performinr Seal , ' r . V 1
; : - Trained Horses - Andy Callae .; ... :L ' ; j l ,
; TTlrewaaers. AerlalU r J
T p. Cres. Hillary KepLaats tj j
X-. " And a East Hare 5 '
s.-'. reatared Clres -jf -
0 : ' Acts '
The musical comedy sensa
tion is on the screen at last!
Entertainment galore! Gor
geous girls! Songs! It's tef-
rifle! i ' ? i
St 1 .XI
fk .riiMn
jgj Ifcrtn
4 n,ns aanii am Win' t
1 rjAlil" nfMM ..!.
mr.rr-i.MKnri AND REEL.'
Today-Monday-Tuesday 1
The love drama that Is
thrilling tha heart of v
America! Unforgettable -r :
... soul-stirring . . . is
this story of a girl who k
fought love, lost it and
found It again . . and a:c
shell-shocked hero who
drifted Into a romantic ."
adventure of infinito
beauty and tenderness! , .
i flAtWEST '
-eossah iranxQ t.
. azq ma
The past-masters of the
mouth orsan 'ihow how It Is
done. Known throughout the
country for their wizardry'
on the harmonica, XIr, tline-
vitch and his Tasc&ls" play '
some of the selections f;r;
wLIch ti.;y are fcraci
-;:da: navy, koait