The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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Tie CZZZCU CTATZZ21A2I, Zdtzx. Oregon, Tuixiay Memlag. June IS, 1Z11
Home, Scene
Of Double
Wedding ,
A double wedding was held
Saturday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Eston Williamson
when Miss Ana- H.. Weber,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cle
xnent Weber of Portland, be
came the bride of Mr. Harry
Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
' Long of Huron, .SD, and Miss '
Violet C. Woods, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Woods of Helena,
Montana, became the bride of
Mr. James Rowland, Jr., son of
: Mr. and Mrs. James Rowland,
sr. Rev. H. C Stover officiated.
- The rooms were decorated with
rosebuds and pink and white
snapdragons. The ceremony was '.
by candlelight. . 1
Miss Luanna. Williamson and'
Mrs. Bernard Gilbert lighted the
tapers. Miss Gladys Edgar
played the wedding marches. .
The brides were given in mar-'
riage by Mr. James F. Rowland,
sr. They wore identical dresses
of white tulle, fashioned with
sweetheart necklines, puffed
sleeves and full skirts. They car
- ried white prayer books and had
corsages of gardenias and rose
buds. They wore ornaments of
velvet and tulle in their hair. "
Mrs. Eston Williamson was ma
tron of honor. She wore a rose
: gown and had a corsage of gar
denias and rosebuds.
Mr. Eston Williamson was best
Miss Weber's mother wore a
beige suit and had a corsage of
rosebuds - and carnations. Mr.
Rowland's mother wore a wine
gown and had a corsage of rose
buds and sweetpeas.
On Sunday, afternoon a recep
tion was held at the Williamson
home for out of town guests. Mrs.
Bernard Gilbert served. Miss
Tjanna Williamson and Mrs.
Trudy Rowland poured.
Mrs. Long graduated from a
Seattle academy and attended
college there also. Mr. Long at--tended
schools in Huron. He was
raised. by Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Davis. Mrs. Rowland graduated
from Helena,; Montana, high
school. Mr. Rowland graduated
from Salem high school. Both
Mr. Long and Mr. Rowland are
in the merchant marine and have
been stationed at Dutch Harbor,
m w
Vows Said
In Church
In the First Christian church
Monday, night at 7 JO p. Miss
Emmamay 'Atkins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Atkins, be
came the bride of Mr. OrviUe
E. Welsh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Orda C. Welsh. Rev. Dudley
Strain officiated. j.
The church was- decorated in
pink rosebuds, white peonies and
iris. Edna Rose Nelson and Col
leen Cross lighted the tapers.
Preceding the ceremony Mr.
John Schmidt sand "Still as the
Night" and "Because." Mrs.
Schmidt accompanied him and
played the wedding marches.
The bride, given, in marriage
1 by her father, wore a white sat
in gown with a shirred yoke of
czuxion, cnitlon sleeves .and I
short train. Her net fingertip
veil was held with a tiara of
. seed pearls. She carried a bou
quet of pink roses and white
Miss Bertha Welsh, the bride
groom's sister, maid of honor,
wore a gown of aqua chiffon
with a long bodice, . full skirt.
ana sweetheart neckline. Her
bouquet was of Talisman roses.
Miss Ethel Lawless and Miss
Beverly Epley, bridesmaids, wore
identical dresses of Dink and lav
ender dotted swiss. They carried
wane peonies. i
Mr. Frank Purcell was best
. man. Mr. Chris Christy served
as usner. i
-The bride's mother worn a na.
vy blue dress and a corsage of
, gardenias. The bridegroom's mo
ther wore a pink and white dress
with a corsage of gardenia.
Following the wedding, a re
ception was held at the church.
For her wedding, trip Mrs.
Welsh will wear an aqua suit
with toast accessories. Her cor
sage is of gardenias. The couple
will leave Wednesday for
- Carson, Colorado, where r Pfc.
. weisn is stationed. Both attend
ed Salem high school.
Circle meetiags af the First
- Methodist church on Wednesdav
at 1:15 p. jn. are South, central,
witn jurs iiT. ; B. SWJ, .1660
JTir street, covered dish lunch
eon; west central, Mrs. Merlin
Estep, 850 E street, . dessert
luncheon; j East central,- .Mrs.
Herbert Rahe. 1028 North .Win.
ter, covered dish luncheon; Tew
J-arK, Mrs. Lenora Mickey, 837
South 12th street, covered dish
luncheon; Naomi, Mrs. Frank
James, 1510 Court street. de
sen luncheon; Lucy Ann Lee,
Mrs. Wayne Taylor,; 442 South
23rd street, covered dish lunch
eon. - ; -:7i
C"" f T Tt'" C
uO lorn o ranch duri j- montiiir
iut u to low cuooa troa mil f i,uLa
J'inkham'a tium-oo oC Xtt lxt aims
red blood t-t -mors arret?-:;! ta
such ca. c--t ttikUa'a'a Tassels tJ
RECENTLY MARRIED Mrs. Clifford Stewart, th
former Esther GunnesdahL daughter of Mr. O. Gunnesdahl
of Portland, married in Miami, Fla., June 6. Both she and
Mr. Stewart are former Willamette university students.
Flag Motif Used
For Party
June Marie Wiggins, daughter
, of Mr.iand Mrs. H. R. Wiggins,
" was honored' f on her seventh
birthday Sunday with a party
; at her; home. !
A birthday with flags marking
the birthday years centered the
serving table. A patriotic theme
was used in room decorations.
Present were Robin Roach,
Karon Roach, Geraldine Nibler,
Roger Nibler, Jerry Skills, Jimmy-Shaw,
Carol Wiggins, Mrs.
; Ray Roach, Mrs. Gerald Nibler,
: Mrs.; Max Skills, Mrs. Thad
Shaw, 'June Marie Wiggins and
What they can do
What they're doing about it
Florence Louise Ramage, 20,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
"Ramage, 11 0 Leslie street, a
member of the Women's Reserve
of the Marine corps, is learning
to become a storekeeper at the
US naval training school on the
campus of Indiana university,
Bloomington, Ind. She will at
tend classes there for IS weeks
and then be assigned to duty at
Etokta Woman's club with
Mrs. S. B. Gillette, 3403 Sooth'
Commercial street. Covered disq
Book-a-Month chib meets at 1
p. m. with Mra. Erie Butler of
Hulsey avenue tor a no boat
Central WCTU at haU at 1 p.
m. Mrs. Mecia Buck, speaker.
East Central circle of First
Methodist church meets at 1 p.
m. with Mrs. Herbert Babe. 102S
North Winter street, for covered
dish luncheon. Bring table serv
ice. Royal Neighbors sewing club
meets at Mrs. Faith Norris'
home. 44S North 24th street, for
an aU day meeting and no host
Fidelia class.
-church. 2 p. m.
first Baptist
..Fast Matrons of OES meets at
the Golden Pheasant at 30 p.m.
a shore station. One of a group of
358 members of the WAVES and
women's reserve of the Marines
who reported to the school May
30, she will receive instruction
in duties fulfilled by the supply
corps. Upon graduation she will
be eligible for promotion to a
petty officer rating. i
Additional Society
On Page 12
Two Marry
In Florida : :
Church -
Before an altar banked with
palms and pastel flowers ' and
. flanked by candelabras in 1 1m- ;
- xnanuel Lutheran church, in MI
Blue Key. He is now on active
: naval duty as a radioman third
, class. The couple reside at 437
Kortheast 30th street in Miami,
ami, ' Florida," on - June 9, Miss
Esther Norma Gunnesdal,
daughter of Mr. O. Gunnesdal of
Portland, became the bride of
Mr. Clifford Thomas Stewart.
son of Mr. and Mrs. C M. Stew
- art of Yakima, Washington. Rev.
G. K. Andeen officiated at the
double ring ceremony.
The bride wore a gold wool
suit with brown and white ac
cessories for the afternoon cere
mony. She wore an orchid. Mrs.
Gilbert Swift was her attendant. .
Mr. Gilbert Swift was the
bridegroom's attendant.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart attend
ed Willamette university. Mrs.
Stewart was president of Delta
Fhl sorority and vice-president
, of Cap and Gown. Mr. Stewart
was president of Kappa Gamma
Rho fraternity and president of
Couple Weds on
June 5
On June 5, Miss Joyce Irene
George, daughter of Mr. J and
Mrs. Frank y. George, became
the bride of Mr. Morty Giesy,
son ox airs. Ethel Giesy of Port
land. Rev. Keelser, Methodist
pastor of West Salem, performed
the ceremony.
The bride wore a white two
piece suit , with white and 'navy
accessories. Her corsage was I
orchids. ? Mrs. - Marie Beal of I
Portland wm her matron of hon
or, y ' - ; '-.r----
. Mr. Beal of Portland was best
: man.
Following tha ceremony; a
dinner was held at a Salem
taurant The table was centered
with a wedding cake.
After a short trip, i Mr. and
oars. iiesy wul be at home at
Z307 Northwest Hoyt in Port-!
land. The couple graduated from I
Amity high school.
Party Honors
Mr. and Mrs. Merle - Travis
Were Honored at their home on
Saturday night with a surprise
party on the occasion of their
zotn wedding anniversary which
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
M. Y. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs I
Leon Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
iara tucneu, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gahlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. James
a. parson and James, r Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mr. and
Mrs. Ix Dewey Howell, Mr. and
Mrs. v William C. Lawrence of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
jliow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wed
dle, Mrs. Rose Clodf elter.
Court Whist was in nlav dur
ing the evening, and a gift was
presented to the-honor guests.
tSDSIJS GSOTE--r.Irs. Mia-.
nle jGoode, Mrs. I Mary Uerndon ;
and Mrs. Lydia Scharf were hos
tesses at the Scharf home Tues
day night for members of the
Amitie Woman's ' club who . bad
been - asked to wear their wed
ding or favorite party dresses.
Mrs. Mildred Satter and Mrs.
Evelyn- Reed directed entertain
ment .which : consisted of telling
' about the : occasion on which .
each individual dress was worn
and performing an accompany,
; ing stunt. In the business ses .
' sion, July 18 was chosen, as the -date
for the annual family pic
nic, which wul be held in the '
garden of the Paul Bassetthome.
Volunteers for donors to the
blood plasma bank were solicit
ed and Minnie Goode was ap
pointed to make arrangements .
for appointments. Gladys Cage,
reported on magazine subscrip '
tions for Camp Adair. Mrs. Julia
Turner ; was a guest and 20 club
members were , present.
: Lawrence Hammer, who ter
minated 23 years of service with
the Valley i Motor company on
June 1st, was given a supper
and presented with a gift by the
company staff. Mr. Hammer wul
now; devote his time to farming.
Salem Girl- ;
Marries in
Mrs. Lola N. McFarlane Is an
nouncing , the marriage of . her
daughter. Miss Ruth B. McFar
lane, to Corporal Lloyd L. Ed
wards. The wedding took place
at the James' Burnett home in
Pendleton on May 22. The bride's
brother, Mr. Clare W. McFar
lane, and her mother attended
the wedding. " -
Mrs. Edwards is a graduate of
Salem high school and of Oregon
College of Education of Mon
mouth, and has just completed
a term of teaching in the Pendle
ton schools. Corp.- Edwards is
the son of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Ed
wards of Dawson, Nebr, and is
now stationed at Pendleton Field
in the division of finance.
On Saturday, June 5, at the
apartment rooms of the bride's
mother, --s a wedding reception
honored the newlyweds. Only
close friends and relatives were
present. Candles and a bouquet
of pink and white blooms dec
orated the lace-covered serving
table. Miss Vera Larson of New
berg served the cake, Mrs. J. V.
- Jones of Monmouth poured. Miss
Betty Mann of Portland and
Miss Roberta Johnson of BUls
. boro assisted in serving the
guests.-;';; v.---': r' :r''y
Other out-of-town guests were
Miss Ann Bovingdon of Port
land, Miss Ellen Lindquist of
Mflwaukie, Miss Doris Burnett
and Mr. Russell Graham of Pen
(HetorV and Iter, and Mrs. Val
entyne of Monmouth.' '
Mr.' and Mrs. Edwards are
.making their home at 311 NW
Fourth street, Pendleton.
Display Shows -V
. Garden club displays and in
dividual exhibits of flowers
were - unusually interesting at '
the show held on Saturday and
Sunday In the Valley Motor
. company display rooms.
The Little Garden club of Sa
lem Heights' exhibit attracted
many visitors; The display in
cluded white call a lilies and:
their leaves, as a background
against a large wall mirror, with'
low bowls of water lilies placed
in a V formation in front.
Salem Girl ; r ;
. ... -i .. . .
; Miss Marjorie L. Broer, daugh"
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broer,
, graduated from Wheaton col
; lege in Wheaton, Illinois Mon
day with a bachelor of arts de
gree. She was a music roajer. '
Miss Broer was a member of
the Women's Glee club and vice
' president during her senior year.
She belonged to the orchestra at
the college.'
Benefit Dance
At Eyerly's
The Flying E barn on the
Eyerly ranch will be the scene
of a dance on Saturday night
beginning at o'clock when
people of the Roberts communi
ty entertain for the benefit of
the Red Cross. The dance is in
vitational, with some 209 per
sons bidden to attend.
- Old fashioned clothes are to be
worn by guests at the affair.
Members of the Salem Posse
wfU be In charge.
For juniors, misses and wom
en who wear regular and ex
tra sizes! i Pretty-to-look at
fashions to keep you inexpen
sively cool and comfortable
this summer! . Spotlighting
especially the 2-piece suit
frocks; In i frilly or casual
styles. Cay prints, rayon Jer
seys and bemberg sheers ...
bright butcher-spun rayons
and combinations. Fine cot-
xons too in ine group.
Sizes 9 to 15, 12 to
. N 20. 38 to 44 and 46
i , to 52V
1 1
YOU can depend on Qorox ; . . it's ultraefined, free
from caustic, an exclusive patented qualiry-feature.
It is extrogent!e in bleciching . . . extraffident in
disinfecting. Clorox is concentrated... a little goes o
long way. For unsurpassed efficiency; for true econ
2 Oorox. There's only one Clorox, always ask
f?r bV Jam Simply follow directionson the bbeL
' it
Mi lit
Good news for slack-fans!
These crisply tailored rtyon
slacks come In a variety of
the most popular shades for
summer wear. They're fash
loned with a fine attention to
ail those little details that add
to their, slim fitting good
looks! And they're priced for
real savings on every pair! In
bright or dark shades . . . sizes
12 to 42,
't It 7 iV
Top your new skirts or slacks with clever new
blouse! These In rayon sheers . rayon crepes,
spuns and novelty cottons are a good buy at their
budget price! Gome frilly, seme tailored . . . in
pastels and whites! Cizts 34 to 43.
m r
US W ATTD (a ROBBi&ilDD .CO. '
Tirfect hcttl CccMi;KtsI-!.i
fcl:e nou;S fcr everytMng frct ccSsrj ii
, pf ti?y reyon. Zwczzn, kfa-ed; UlrS?
vkS confrestlea lieWs. vT
- r-. p .-.,.
iun.t3S r. n. titurr